عن الملكية الفكرية التدريب في مجال الملكية الفكرية إذكاء الاحترام للملكية الفكرية التوعية بالملكية الفكرية الملكية الفكرية لفائدة… الملكية الفكرية و… الملكية الفكرية في… معلومات البراءات والتكنولوجيا معلومات العلامات التجارية معلومات التصاميم الصناعية معلومات المؤشرات الجغرافية معلومات الأصناف النباتية (الأوبوف) القوانين والمعاهدات والأحكام القضائية المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية مراجع الملكية الفكرية تقارير الملكية الفكرية حماية البراءات حماية العلامات التجارية حماية التصاميم الصناعية حماية المؤشرات الجغرافية حماية الأصناف النباتية (الأوبوف) تسوية المنازعات المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية حلول الأعمال التجارية لمكاتب الملكية الفكرية دفع ثمن خدمات الملكية الفكرية هيئات صنع القرار والتفاوض التعاون التنموي دعم الابتكار الشراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص أدوات وخدمات الذكاء الاصطناعي المنظمة العمل مع الويبو المساءلة البراءات العلامات التجارية التصاميم الصناعية المؤشرات الجغرافية حق المؤلف الأسرار التجارية أكاديمية الويبو الندوات وحلقات العمل إنفاذ الملكية الفكرية WIPO ALERT إذكاء الوعي اليوم العالمي للملكية الفكرية مجلة الويبو دراسات حالة وقصص ناجحة في مجال الملكية الفكرية أخبار الملكية الفكرية جوائز الويبو الأعمال الجامعات الشعوب الأصلية الأجهزة القضائية الموارد الوراثية والمعارف التقليدية وأشكال التعبير الثقافي التقليدي الاقتصاد المساواة بين الجنسين الصحة العالمية تغير المناخ سياسة المنافسة أهداف التنمية المستدامة التكنولوجيات الحدودية التطبيقات المحمولة الرياضة السياحة ركن البراءات تحليلات البراءات التصنيف الدولي للبراءات أَردي – البحث لأغراض الابتكار أَردي – البحث لأغراض الابتكار قاعدة البيانات العالمية للعلامات مرصد مدريد قاعدة بيانات المادة 6(ثالثاً) تصنيف نيس تصنيف فيينا قاعدة البيانات العالمية للتصاميم نشرة التصاميم الدولية قاعدة بيانات Hague Express تصنيف لوكارنو قاعدة بيانات Lisbon Express قاعدة البيانات العالمية للعلامات الخاصة بالمؤشرات الجغرافية قاعدة بيانات الأصناف النباتية (PLUTO) قاعدة بيانات الأجناس والأنواع (GENIE) المعاهدات التي تديرها الويبو ويبو لكس - القوانين والمعاهدات والأحكام القضائية المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية معايير الويبو إحصاءات الملكية الفكرية ويبو بورل (المصطلحات) منشورات الويبو البيانات القطرية الخاصة بالملكية الفكرية مركز الويبو للمعارف الاتجاهات التكنولوجية للويبو مؤشر الابتكار العالمي التقرير العالمي للملكية الفكرية معاهدة التعاون بشأن البراءات – نظام البراءات الدولي ePCT بودابست – نظام الإيداع الدولي للكائنات الدقيقة مدريد – النظام الدولي للعلامات التجارية eMadrid الحماية بموجب المادة 6(ثالثاً) (الشعارات الشرفية، الأعلام، شعارات الدول) لاهاي – النظام الدولي للتصاميم eHague لشبونة – النظام الدولي لتسميات المنشأ والمؤشرات الجغرافية eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange الوساطة التحكيم قرارات الخبراء المنازعات المتعلقة بأسماء الحقول نظام النفاذ المركزي إلى نتائج البحث والفحص (CASE) خدمة النفاذ الرقمي (DAS) WIPO Pay الحساب الجاري لدى الويبو جمعيات الويبو اللجان الدائمة الجدول الزمني للاجتماعات WIPO Webcast وثائق الويبو الرسمية أجندة التنمية المساعدة التقنية مؤسسات التدريب في مجال الملكية الفكرية الدعم المتعلق بكوفيد-19 الاستراتيجيات الوطنية للملكية الفكرية المساعدة في مجالي السياسة والتشريع محور التعاون مراكز دعم التكنولوجيا والابتكار نقل التكنولوجيا برنامج مساعدة المخترعين WIPO GREEN WIPO's PAT-INFORMED اتحاد الكتب الميسّرة اتحاد الويبو للمبدعين WIPO Translate أداة تحويل الكلام إلى نص مساعد التصنيف الدول الأعضاء المراقبون المدير العام الأنشطة بحسب كل وحدة المكاتب الخارجية المناصب الشاغرة المشتريات النتائج والميزانية التقارير المالية الرقابة
Arabic English Spanish French Russian Chinese
القوانين المعاهدات الأحكام التصفح بحسب كل ولاية قضائية




Law No. 12.663 of June 5, 2012 (General Law of the World Cup)

 Law 12.663 June5, 2012

Law 12.663, June 5th 2012

This Law establishes the norms which shall govern the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, the FIFA World Cup 2014 and the World Youth Journey 2013, to take place in Brazil; changes Law n. 6.815, August 19th 1980, and Law 10.671, May 15th 2003; and establishes prize and monthly stipends to players of the Champion teams of 1958, 1962 and 1970.

The President of the Republic: I hereby let all know that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law.

CHAPTER I Preliminary Provisions

Art. 1 - This Law establishes the norms governing the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, the FIFA World Cup 2014 and related events, which will take place in Brazil.

Art. 2 - For the purposes of this Law, the following definitions shall apply: I - Fédération Internationale de Football Association - FIFA - private association based

in Switzerland, the world entity which regulates the associated football, and their subsidiaries not registered in Brazil;

II - FIFA Subsidiary in Brazil - private entity, registered in Brazil, whose capital is wholly controlled by FIFA;

III - FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 - LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - LOC - private entity, recognized by FIFA, created under the Brazilian law with the purpose of promoting the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013, the FIFA World Cup 2014 and related events;

IV - Brazilian Confederation of Football - CBF - Brazilian private entity, the national football association of Brazil;

V - Competitions - the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 and the FIFA World Cup 2014; VI - Events - the competitions and the following activities related to the competitions,

officially organized, endorsed, sponsored or supported by FIFA, FIFA subsidiaries in Brazil, LOC or CBF;

a) the FIFA Congresses, the cerimonies of opening, closing, awarding and others, the preliminary draw, the final draw and any other draw, the presentation of the mascott and other activities of presentation;

b) meetings, conferences, workshops and press talks; c) cultural activities, concerts, exhbitions, presentations, shows or other cultural

expressions, as well as projects Football for Hope and similar charity projects; d) football matches and training sessions; and e) other activities deemed relevant for the realization, organization, preparation,

marketing, promotion or closing of Competitions; VII - FIFA Confederations - the following confederations: a) Asian Football Confederation - AFC; b) Confédération Africaine de Football - CAF; c) Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football -

CONCACAF; d) Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol - CONMEBOL; e) Oceania Football Confederation - OFC; and f) Union des Associations Européennes de Football - UEFA; VIII - Foreign Associations Members of FIFA - the national associations of football,

officially affiliated to FIFA, participants or not of the Competitions;

IX - FIFA Primary Broadcaster (Emissora Fonte da FIFA) - private entity, licensed or authorized, bound by contract, to produce the signal and audiovisual contents of the Events with the purpose of distribution in Brazil and abroad for the holders of midia rights;

X - Service Renderers of FIFA - private entities, licensed or authorized, bound by contract, to render services related to organization and productions of Events, such as:

a) FIFA coordinators in management of accommodations, transportation services, travel operators and ticket distributors;

b) FIFA providers of hospitality services and information technology solutions; and c) other service renderers licensed or authorized by FIFA for the rendering of services

or provisioning of goods. XI - FIFA Commercial Partners - private entities licensed or authorized bound by any

contractual relation, including the sub-contracted parties, to exercize activities related to the Events, excluding the entities aforementioned on items III, IV and VII to X;

XII - Broadcasters - private entities licensed or authorized bound by contractual relation, signed by FIFA or by a FIFA licensee, which acquire the rights to conduct broadcasting, by any means of communication, of the signal and the audiovisual contents of any Event, considered a Commercial Partner of FIFA;

XIII - Agency of Broadcasting Rights - privated entity licensed or authorized bound by contractual relation, signed by FIFA or by a FIFA licensee, to manage the representation of sales and nomination of Broadcasters, considered a Service Renderer of FIFA. XIV - Official Venues of Competition - venues officially related to the Competitions, such as stadiums, training centers, media centers, credential centers, parking areas, broadcasting areas, areas officially designated for leisure activities of fans, located or not on the cities which will host the Competitions, as well as any other premises with access restricted to holders of tickets or FIFA issued credentials;

XV - Match - football game disputed as part of the Competitions; XVI - Periods of Competition - period of time comprehended between the twentieth day

prior to the realization of the first Match and the fifth day after the realization of the last Match of each of the Competitions;

XVII - Press Representatives - individuals who come to be granted official press credentials related to the Events;

XVIII - Official Symbols - signals visibly distinctive, emblems, marks, logos, mascotts, anthems and any other symbol of FIFA proprietorship; and

XIX - Tickets - documents or products issued by FIFA which permit the access to an Event, including hospitality packages and similars. Sole Paragraph. The Primary Broadcaster, the Service Renderers and the Commercial Partners aforementioned on items IX, X and XI can be authorized or licensed directly by FIFA or by means of one of FIFA authorized or licensed parties.

CHAPTER II Protection and Use of Commercial Rights

SECTION I The Special Protection of the Industrial Proprietary Rights Related to the Events

Art. 3 - The Brazilian Institute of Industrial Propriety - INPI shall promote the anotation, on their records, of the high importance of trademarks related to the following Oficial Symbols of FIFA proprietorship, under the provisions and for the purposes of special protection established by art. 125 of Law 9.279, 14th May 1996:

I - FIFA emblem; II - emblems of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 and the FIFA World Cup 2014; III - official mascots of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 and the FIFA World Cup

2014; IV - other official symbols of FIFA proprietorship, as appointed by FIFA in list to be filed

by INPI, which can be updated at any time.

Sole paragraph. It shall not be applicable to the protection provided by this article the prohibition established by art. 124, item XIII, of Law 9.279.

Art. 4 - INPI shall provide the anotation, on their records, of trademarks notoriously recognized as of FIFA proprietorship, under the provisions and for the purposes of special protection established by art. 126 of Law 9.279, 14th May 1996, in accordance to list provided and updated at any time by FIFA.

Sole paragraph. It shall not be applicable to the protection provided by this article the prohibition established by art. 124, item XIII, of Law 9.279.

Art. 5 - The anotations of the high importance and of the notorious recognition of trademarks of FIFA proprietorship shall produce effects until December 31st 2014, without prejudice of anotations recorded before the publication of this Law.

§ 1 During the period mentioned in the caput, the provisions of articles 7 and 8 shall apply and, further:

I - INPI shall not require FIFA to proof the status either of high importance of their trademarks or of the recognized notoriety of their trademarks; and

II - the anotations of high importante and of recognized notoriety of trademarks of FIFA proprietorship shall be excluded from INPI Trademarks Systems only in case of the total resignation provided by art. 142 of Law 9.279.

§ 2 The granting of the special protections of trademarks of high importance and of notorious recognition shall observe the laws and by-laws applicables in Brazil after the period mentioned in the caput.

Art. 6 - INPI shall inform the list of trademarks of high importance and the trademarks of notorious recognition to the Nucleus of Information and Coordination of Dot BR - NIC.br, for the purpose of rejection, by duty, of register of domains which employ expressions or terms identical to trademarks of FIFA or similars.

Art. 7 - INPI shall adopt special regime for procedures related to requests of registration of trademarks by FIFA or related to FIFA until December 31st 2014.

§1 The publication of the requests of registration of trademarks by FIFA shall occur in no more than sixty days from the date of presentation of each request, except those requests whose publication deadline are suspended by force of the formal preliminary requirement established by arts. 156 and 157 of Law 9.279.

§2 During the period mentioned in caput, INPI shall, by duty or by request of FIFA, deny any request of registration of trademark presented by third parties which are obvious reprodution or replica, in whole or in part, of Official Symbols, or which may cause evident confusion or non authorized association with FIFA or with Official Symbols.

§3 The appeals against the requests of registration of trademarks mentioned in the caput shall be presented no later than sixty days from the publication.

§4 The requester shall be notified of the appeal and, wanting, shall present defense within thirty days.

§5 After the period of appeal or defense, INPI shall decide within thirty days, and the decision shall be made public within thirty days.

§6 During the process of decision, INPI can make, one time only, requirements to be responded within ten days, during which days the deadline for publication will be suspended.

Art. 8 - The denial of requests mentioned in art. 7 may be appealed before the President of INPI, within fifteen days from the date of publiction.

§1 Interested parties shall be notified to present their reasonings to the appeal within fifteen days.

§2 The President of INPI shall decide the appeal within twenty days from the end of deadline mention in §1.

§3 The provisions of §6 of art. 7 shall apply to the appeals subject of this article.

Art. 9 - The provisions of art. 7 and 8 shall apply also to the requests of registration of trademarks presented:

I - by FIFA, pending examination by INPI; and II - by third parties until December 31st 2014 which may cause confusion or non

authorized association with FIFA, with Official Symbols or with Events. Sole Paragraph. The provisions of this article shall not apply to third parties which are

anyhow related to the Events and which are not FIFA, Subsidiaries of FIFA in Brazil, LOC or CBF.

Art. 10 - FIFA shall be released of payment of any fees to INPI until December 31st 2014.

SECTION II The Areas of Commercial Restrictions and Ways of Access

Art. 11 - The Union shall collaborate with States, Federal District and Municipalities where Events will be hosted and with other competent authorities to secure to FIFA and to the persons appointed by FIFA the authorization to, with exclusivity, expose their trademarks, distribute, sell, give publicity or realize marketing of products and services, as well as any other promotional activities or of street commerce, in the Official Venues of Competition and respective vicinities and main ways of access.

§1. The boundaries of the areas of exclusivity related to the Official Venues of Competition shall be established by the competent authority, considered the requirements of FIFA or of third parties indicated by FIFA, respected the provisions of this Law and observed the perimeter maximum of 2 km (two kilometers) around the aforementioned Official Venues of Competition.

§2. The delimitation of areas of exclusivity related to the Official Venues of Competition shall not prejudice the activities of establishments in regular situation, provided that the activities are not in any form associated to the Events and observed the provisions of article 170 of the Federal Constitution.

SECTION III The Capture of Images and Sounds, Radiodifusion and Access to the Official Venues

of Competition

Art. 12 - FIFA is the exclusive holder of all rights related to images, sounds and other forms of expression of Events, including the rights to explore, negotiate, authorize and forbid transmissions and retransmissions.

Art. 13 - The credentials for access to Official Venues of Competition during the Periods of Competition or during the Events, including credentials for Press Representatives, shall be granted by FIFA in accordance to terms and conditions established by FIFA.

§1. Until 180 (one hundred and eighty) days before the start of Competitions, FIFA shall release a manual with the criteria for granting of credentials, respected the principles of publicity and impersonality.

§2. The credentials grant only access to the Official Venues of Competition, not implying any right to capture, by any means, images or sounds of Events.

Art. 14 - The authorization to capture images or sounds of any Event or Matches shall be granted exclusively by FIFA, including the authorization to Press Representations.

Art. 15 - The transmission, retransmission or exhibition, by any means of communication, of images or sounds of Events shall be made only under previous and express authorization by FIFA.

§1 Without prejudice of the exclusivity mentioned in art. 12, FIFA is obligated to make available images or films of Events to vehicles of communication interested in the retransmission, observed the following cumulative conditions:

I - the Event is either a Match, or a cerimony of Opening of Competitions, or a cerimony of Closing of Competitions, or a preliminary draw, or a final draw of each of the Competitions;

II - the retransmission is included in a News program, with informative purposes, being forbidden the association of images to any form of sponsorship, promotion, publicity of activity of marketing;

III - the duration of the exhibition of images or films shall observe the time limit of thirty seconds for any Event realized in public area and with access controlled by FIFA, with exception of Matches, for which thetime limit is three percent of the total lenght of Match;

IV - the vehicles of commnunication interested shall inform the intention to acess the contents of images and films of Events, in written, no later than seventy two hours before the Event, to FIFA or to a person appointed by FIFA; and

V - the retransmission must occur only in chanels distributed exclusively in national territory.

§2 For the purposes of §1, FIFA, or a person appointed by FIFA, shall prepare and make available to the interested vehicles of communication, at least, six minutes of the main moments of the Event, shortly after the edition of images and sounds and no later than two hours after the end of the Event, being up to the interested the selection of content within the limits established by this article.

§3 The content selected as per §2 shall be utilized only by the respective vehicle of communication and shall not be used outside the Brazilian territory.

§4 The content made available as per §2 can be distributed to other subsidiaries, which shall also be bound by the the limitations imposed by this article.

§5 The vehicles of communication shall not, at any moment: I - organize, endorse, realize or sponsor any kind of promotional or marketing activity

associated to images or sounds contained in the content made available as per §2; and II - explore commercially the content made available as per §2, including on

entertainment programs, documentaries, websites on the internet or any other form of distribution of content.

SECTION V The Civil Sanctions

Art. 16 - For the purposes of this Law, and observed the provisions of Law 10.406, January 10th 2002, the following conducts, among others, when practiced without authorization by FIFA or by person appointed by FIFA, shall be considered unlawful:

I - marketing activities, including tasting offers of food or beverage, distribution of pamphlets or other promotional material or similar activities in the Official Venues of Competitions, on their main ways of access, in the areas mentioned by Article 11 or in places which are clearly visible from those;

II - ostensive marketing in automotive vehicles, parked on or moving around the Official Venues of Competitions, on their main ways of access, in the areas mentioned by Article 11 or in places which are clearly visible from those;

III - aerial or nautical marketing, including the use of baloons, aircrafts or watercrafts, in the Official Venues of Competitions, on their main ways of access, in the areas mentioned by Article 11 or in places which are clearly visible from those;

IV - public exhibition of Matches, by any means of communication, in public space or in private space with public access, associated to the commercial promotion of product, brand or service or in space where an admittance fee is charged;

V - to sell, to offer, to transport, to hide, to expose for sale, to negotiate, to deviate or to transfer tickets, invites or any other kind of authorization or credential to the Events in an onerous way, with the intention of obtaining advantage for oneself or another person; and

VI - to use tickets, invites or any other kind of authorization or credential to the Events for purposes of marketing, sales or promotion, or as prize or benefit of contests or promotions, or as part of travel or hospitality package, or to make tickets available for such purposes.

§1 - The amount of the indemnification shall be calculated to as to cover any damages suffered by the prejudiced party, including loss of earnings and any advantage obtained by the comitter of infraction.

§2 - All those who realize, organize, authorize, approve or sponsor the public exhibition referred to in item IV shall respond for the indemnification of damages.

Art. 17 - In cases of impossibility to establish the amount of damages, loss of earnings or unlawfully obtained advantage, the indemnification of the unlawful acts established by article 23 shall correspond to the amount that the comitter of the infraction should have paid to the holder of the violated rights to have permission to explore it regularly, using as basis the contractual parameters customarily used by the holder of the violated rights.

Art. 18 - The products apprehended by violation of this Law, respected the due process of Law and after FIFA hearing, shall be destroyed or donated to orgnizations of social assistence, after the, when applicable, remotion of Official Symbols.

CHAPTER III The Visas and Work Permits

Art. 19 - Entry visas shall be granted, without any restriction to nationality, race or belief, with subsidiary application of the provisions of Law 6.815, August 19th 1980, to:

I - all members of FIFA Delegations, including: a) members of committees of FIFA; b) teams of FIFA or of the entities, registered or not in Brazil, of which FIFA owns at

least ninety nine percent of the voting shares; c) guests of FIFA; d) any other individual appointed by FIFA as member of a FIFA Delegation; II - groups of the FIFA Confederations; III - groups of the Foreign Associations Members of FIFA; IV - referees and other professionals appointed by FIFA to work in the Events; V - members of teams participating in any of the Competitions, including doctors and

other members of the Delegations; VI - groups of Commercial Partners of FIFA; VII - groups of the FIFA Primary Broadcaster, of the Broadcasters andof the Agency of

Broadcasting Rights; VIII - groups of the Service Renderers of FIFA; IX - clients of commercial hospitality services of FIFA; X - Press Representatives; and XI - spectators who hold tickets of confirmation of acquisition of tickets valid for any

Event and all individuals who show their official involvement with the Events, provided that evidence is shown in a reasonable way that the entrance to the country holds any relation with any activity related to the Events.

§1 - Visas granted in accordance to items I to XI shall be valid until December 31st 2014.

§2 - Holders of visas granted in accordance to items I to X may be authorized to stay, at discretion of the competent authority, until December 31st 2014.

§3 - Holders of visa granted in accordance to item XI will be authorized to stay for a period of up to 90 (ninety) days, non extendable.

§4 It shall be considered sufficient documentation to obtain the entry visa or to enter national territory the valid passport or equivalent travel document, along with any instrument showing the vinculation with the Events, as provided by this article.

§5 The provisions of this article shall not constitute impediment to the denegation of visas to individuals, under the hipotheses of art. 7 of Law 6.815, August 19th 1980.

§6 - The visas mentioned by this article and for the purposes of this law, when granted outside of Brazil, by the Diplomatic Missions, Consulates, Vice-Consulates, and when so authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, shall be issued in prioritary precedence.

§7 - Visas granted in accordance to item XI shall be issued by electronic means, in the manner prescribed by the Executive Power, if adequate technology is available at the time of issue.

Art. 20 - Until December 31st 2014, work permits shall be issued, when required, to the persons mentioned in items I to X of article 19, after comprobation, by document issued by FIFA or by third party appointed by FIFA, that the entry to the country is aimed to perform activities related to the Events.

§1 - The lenght of validity of the work visa shall not exceed the lenght of validity of the respective entry visa.

§2 - For purposes of this Law, specific procedures may be established for the granting of work permits.

Art. 21 - The visas and permits mentioned by arts. 19 and 20 shall be issued in prioritary precedence, without any cost, and the proceeds shall be concentrated in one only entity of the Public Federal Administration.

CHAPTER IV The Civil Liability (of Brazil)

SECTION I The Liability of the Union

Art. 22 - The Union shall respond by the damages caused, by action or omission, to FIFA, their legal representatives, employees or advisors, as provided by art. 37, §6º, of Constitution.

Art. 23 - The Union shall assume the effects of civil liability before FIFA, their legal representatives, employees or advisors for all and any damage resulting from or caused by any incident or accident of security related to the Event, except whether and in the measure that FIFA or the victim had concurred for the occurrence of the damage. Sole paragraph. The Union shall be subrogated the rights derived from payments made, against those who, by action or omission, had caused damages or had concurred for them, the beneficiary being obliged to provide the necessary means for the exercize of such rights.

Art. 24 - In addition to the provisions of Section I, the Union shall constitute guarantees or contract private insurance, national or international, in one or more policies, to cover the risks related to the Events, as established in Sections I and II of this Chapter.


Art. 25 - The prices of Tickets shall be fixed by FIFA.

Art. 26 - FIFA shall fix the prices of tickets for each match of the Competitions, observing the following:

I - tickets shall be personalized with the identification of the purchaser and classified in 4 (four) categories, numbered from 1 to 4;

II - tickets of 4 (four) categories shall be sold for all matches of the Competitions;

III - the prices shall be fixed for each category in decreasing order, the Category 1 being the highest priced.

§1 - Of the total of the tickets put on sale for the Matches: I - FIFA shall make available, for the Matches of the FIFA World Cup 2014, during all

the stages of sale, at least 300,000 (three hundred thousand) tickets of Category 4; III - FIFA shall make available, for the Matches of the Confederations Cup 2013, during

all the stages of sale, at least 50,000 (fifty thousand) ticktes of Category 4. §2 - The minimum amount of tickets of Category 4, subject of items I and II of §1 of this

article, shall be offered by FIFA, by means of one or more public draws, to individuals residing in Brazil, with priority for the persons listed by §5 of this article, such priority not being applicable to:

I - sale of tickets of Category 4 realized by any means other than draws; II - tickets of Category 4 put on sale by FIFA, after the minimum amount subject of item

I of §1 or this article is matched; §3 - (vetoed). §4 - The public draws subject of §2 shall be audited by competent federal body,

respected the principles of publicity and unpersonality. §5 - In all stages of sale, the tickets of Category 4 shall be sold with discount of 50%

(fifty per cent) to the following individuals, provided that residing in Brazil: I - students; II - people aged 60 years or above; and III - participants of federal program of income transfer. §6 - The procedures for the sale to any person, resident of Brazil, of tickets of Category

4 which are included in §5, withouth the mentioned discount, shall be responsibility of FIFA. §7 - The Federated entities (Union, States and municipalities) and FIFA may celebrate

agreements to promote reserve and sales of tickets in places of good visibility for people with disabilities and their companions, being assured, at least, 1% (one per cent) of the number of total tickets, excepted the companions, observed the availability of adequate and specific instalations in the Official Venues of Competition.

§8 - The provisions of §7 shall be effected after the establishment by the organizing entity of an specific period for the solicitation of purchase, including by electronic means.

§9 - (vetoed). §10 - The discounts established by Law 10.741, October 1st 2003 (Statute of the

Elderly), shall apply to the acquisiton of tickets of all categories, respected the provisions of §5 of this article.

§11 - For the purposes of item I of §5 of this article, it is mandatory the comprobation of the status of student, by presentation of the Student Identification Card, in model standardized by national students association, using Digital Certification, to be issued exclusively by the National Association of Post Graduated (ANPG), by the National Students Association (UNE), byt Central Directories of Students (DCEs) of superior learning institutions, by the Brazilian Association of Highschool Students (UBES) and by the State and municipal associations of highschool or University students.

§12 - Tickets for owners or holders of firearms who adhere to the campaign subject of item I of art. 29 and for Indians shall be subject of agreement between Public Power and FIFA.

Art. 27 - The criteria for cancelation, devolution and reimbursement of tickets, as well as alocation, realocation, reservation and cancelation of seats on the venues of Events shall be defined by FIFA, which will be entitled to dispose about the possibility:

I - to change dates, times and places of the Events, assured the right to reimbursement of the price of the Tickets or the right to attend the rescheduled Event;

II - to sell only the Tickets or Tickets bundled with travel or hospitality packages; III - the provision of penalties in case of desistance of Ticket acquisition after the

confirmation of Ticket purchase request or after payment of the Ticket price, regardless of the means or place of the request purchase or acquisition of Ticket.

CHAPTER VI Conditions to Enter and Stay in the Official Venues of Competition

Art. 28 - The following, among others, are conditions for access and permanence in the Official Venues of Competition:

I - to hold Ticket of credential document, issued by FIFA or by person appointed by FIFA;

II - not carry objects which possibilitate the practice of acts of violence; III - agree with personal search for prevention and security purposes; IV - not carry or show banners, flags, symbols or other signs with offensive messages,

of racist or xenophobic nature, or which stimulates any other form of discrimination; V - not sing discriminatory, racists or discriminatory chants; VI - not throw objects, of any kind, in the interior of sports precincts; VII - not carry or use fireworks or any other pyrotechnic artifacts or similars, excepted

the teams authorized by FIFA or person indicated by FIFA for artistic purposes; VIII - not incitate and not practice acts of violence, of any nature; and IX - not invade and not incitate the invasion, in any form, of the areas restricted to the

competitors, Press Representatives, authorities or technical staff. Sole paragraph. The failure to meet condition established by this article shall imply the

impossibility of access of the infractor to Official Venues of Competition or the immediate removal from the venue, without prejudice of other administrative, civil or penal sanctions.

CHAPTER VII The Social Campaigns during the Competitions.

Art. 29 - The Public Power shall take measures aiming at the celebration of agreements with FIFA, with the purposes of:

I - promotion, during the Events: a) of campaign with the social theme "For a World without guns, without drugs, without

violence and without racism"; b) of campaign for the decent work; and c) of the Brazilian tourist destinations; II - stimulate the voluntary application by FIFA of the Events revenues towards: a) construction of training centers of football athletes, as prescribed by letter d of item II

of §2 of art. 29 of Law 9.615, March 24th 1998; b) incentives to the sports practices by people with disabilities; and c) support to research of treatment of rare diseases; III - promotion of the importante of combat to racism in football and promotion of racial

equality in jobs created by the World Cup.

CHAPTER VIII Criminal Provisions

Unlawful utilization of Official Symbols

Art. 30 - To reproduce, to imitate or to forge without authorization any of the Official Symbols of FIFA proprietorship: Penalty - detention, from three months to one year, or fine.

Art. 31 - To import, to export, so sell, to offer, to distribute or to expose for sale, to hide or to keep in stock Official Symbols or products resulting of reproduction, forging or non authorized modification of Official Symbols, for commercial or marketing purposes, excepted the usage of such Symbols by FIFA or by person authorized by FIFA, or by the Press for purposes of illustration of journalistic articles about the Events:

Penalty - detention, from one to three months, or fine.

Ambush marketing by association

Art. 32 - To utilize trademarks, products or services, with the purpose of obtaining economic or marketing advantage, by means of direct or indirect association with Events or Official Symbols, without authorization by FIFA or by person appointed by FIFA, inducing third parties to believing that such trademarks, products or services are approved, authorized or endorsed by FIFA:

Penalty - detention, from three months to one year, or fine. Sole paragraph. Under the same penalty shall incur those who, without authorization

by FIFA or by person appointed by FIFA, binds the usage of tickets, invites or any other form of authorization to acess the Events to actions of marketing or commercial activities, with the intent of obtaining economic advantage.

Ambush marketing by intrusion

Art. 33 - To expose trademarks, businesses, establishments, products, services or to practice promotional activityn non authorized by FIFA or by person appointed by FIFA, attracting in any way the public attention in the the Official Venues of Events, with the purpose of obtaining marketing or economic advantage:

Penalty - detention, from three months to one year, and fine.

Art. 34 - For the crimes established by this Section, the Prosecution shall act only under Representation by FIFA.

Art. 35 - To determine the fines established by this Section and by articles 41-B to 41-G of Law 10.671, May 15th 2003, when the crimes are related to the Competitions, the limits referred to by §1 of article 49 of Decree-Law 2.848 December 7th 1940 may be increased or reduced up to ten times, in accordance with the financial conditions of the author of the crimes and with the amount of the advantage obtained.

Art. 36 - Crimes defined by this Law shall be enforced until December 31st 2014.

CHAPTER IX Permanent Provisions

Art. 37. All players of the Brazilian teams champions of the Men FIFA World Cups of the years 1958, 1962 and 1970 shall receive: I - prize in money; II - special monthly stipend for players without resources or with limited resources.

Art. 38. The prize in money shall be paid only once in the amount of R$ 100.000 (one hundred thousand reais) to the player.

Art. 39. If the player is deceased, the successors determined by civil law, nominated in judicial order issued by request of the interested, regardless of inventary, may be habilitated to receive the amounts proportional to the legal shares.br>

Art. 40. The Ministry of Sports shall conduct the payment of the prize.

Art. 41. The prize is not subject to income tax or social security tax.

Art. 42. The special monthly stipend shall be paid to complement the monthly income of the beneficiary up to the limit of the maximum salary paid by the General Social Security Regime.

Sole paragraph. For the purposes of the this article, it shall be considered monthly income the amount equal to 1/12 (one twelfth) of the total amount of taxable income, subject to exclusive of definitive taxation, non taxable or exempt informed in the respective Annual Declaration of Income Tax.

Art. 43. The special monthly stipend shall be paid also to the wife or spouse and to the sons under 21 (twenty-one) years or disabled of the deceased beneficiary, provided that the disability had dated back to the age of 21 years.

§1 - If there is more than one beneficiary, the maximum amount of the stipend per capita shall be the mentioned on art. 42 of this Law, divided by the number of beneficiaries, effective, or just potential, considering the income of the familiar nucleus for observance of the limit provided by mentioned article.

§2 - It shall not be reverted to the others the share of the beneficiary who loose entitlement.

Art. 44 - The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) shall receive the requirements and make the payments of the special monthly stipend. Sole paragraph. The Minister of Sports shall inform INSS the list of players subject of art. 37 of this Law.

Art. 45. The payment of the special monthly stipend shall retroact to the date when, observed the requisites, the requirement was presented to INSS.

Art. 46. - The special monthly stipend is subject to income tax, but is not subject to social security tax.

Art. 47 - The expenses derived from this Law shall be incurred by the National Treasury.

Sole paragrath. The funding of the benefits established by art. 37 of this Law and the respective expenses shall be part of the specific budgetary programation of the Ministery of Sports, with regards to the prize, and of the Ministry of Social Security, with regards to the special monthly stipend.

Art. 48 - (Vetoed).

Art. 49 - (Vetoed).

Art. 50 - The art. 13-A of Law 10.671, May 15th 2003, shall be enforced with the addition of the following item X:

"Art. 13-A. .................................................................. .............................................................................................

X - not to use banners, including those with bamboo rods or similars, for purposes other than festive and friedly manifestations. .................................................................................? (NR) "

CHAPTER X Final Provisions

Art. 51 - The Union shall be mandatorily intimated of the causes demanded against FIFA, FIFA Subsidiaries in Brazil, their legal representatives, employees or advisors, whose subjects are related to the hypotheses established in arts. 29 and 30, to inform whether there is interest to be party in the dispute.

Art. 52 - The controversies between the Union and FIFA, FIFA Subsidiaries in Brazil, their legal representatives, employees or advisors whose subject is related to the Events,

may be settled by the General-Attorney of the Union, in administrative seat, by conciliation, if convenient to the Union and to the other parties.

Sole paragraph. The validity of the Term of Settlements which involve payment of indemnifications is conditioned to:

I - the homologation of the General Attorney of the Union; and II - its publication, previously to homologation, in the Official Gazette, and its posting of

the integral text, by at least five working days, in the website of the General Attorney of the Union.

Art. 53 - FIFA, FIFA Subsidiaries in Brazil, their legal representatives, employees or advisors shall be exempted from payments of fees, emoluments, cautions and any other expenses due to the bodies of Federal Justice, Labor Justice, Military Justice, Elections Justice and Justice of Federal District, in any instace, and to the Superior Courts, and shall not be sentenced to pay judicial costs and expenses, except proven cases of bad faith litigation.

Art. 54 - The Union shall colaborate with the Federal District, the Stats and the municipalities which will host the Competitions, and with other competent authorities, so as to assure that, during the Periods of Competition, the Official Venues of Competition, in particular the stadiums, where Events are staged, be available for exclusive usage by FIFA.

Art. 55 - The Union, observed the Law 101, May 4th 2000, and the liabilities established by specific by-law, shall promote the availability for the realization of the Events, without any cost to the Organizing Committee, of services related, among others, to:

I - security; II - health and medical services; III - sanitary vigilance; IV - customs and immigration.

Art. 56 - The Union may declare as holidays the days of matches of the Brazilian National Team.

Sole paragraph. The States, the Federal District and the municipalities which will host the Events may declare as holidays or days of optional work the days of matches in their territories.

Art. 57. The voluntary services surrendered by individuals to colaborate with FIFA, FIFA Subsidiaries in Brazil or LOC in the organization and realization of the Events shall constitute unpaid activicty and shall observe the provisions of this article.

§1 - The voluntary service mentioned by the caput: I - shall not create employment relation, nor obligations of labour, social security of

similar natures to the provider of the voluntary service; II - shall be exercized by means of celebration of a Term of Agreement between the

entity and the volunteer, which describes the subject and the conditions of the voluntary work.

§2 - The provision of means for the execution of the voluntary service, such as transportation, meals and uniforms, does not change the gratuity of its exercize.

§3 - The voluntary worker may be reimbursed of expenses incurred while performing voluntary activities, provided that expressly authorized by the entity to which voluntary service is surrendered.

Art. 58 - The voluntary services surrendered by individuals to public entities of any nature or to non-profit private entities, for the purposes of this Law, shall observe the provisions of Law 9.608, February 18th 1998.

Art. 59 - (Vetoed).

Art. 60. (Vetoed).

Art. 61. During the realization of the Events, respected the peculiarities and restraints of military operations, it shall be authorized the use of Military Aerodromes for embarking and disembarking of passengers and baggages, transit and parking of civil aircrafts, after hearing the Ministry of Defense and other bodies of the Brazilian aerial sector, by means of Term of Cooperation, which shall descriminate the resources for the funding of the mentioned operations.

Art. 62 - The aeronautical authorities shall stimulate the utilization of airports in the cities bordering the municipalities which will host the Events. Sole paragraph. The entry of foreign citizens in national territory using Military Aerodromes is subject to art. 22, of Law 6.815, August 19th 1980.

Art. 63 - The procedures for the granting of entry visas established by this Law shall be adopted also for the organization of the Youth World Journey - 2013, as per norms to be enacted by the Executive Power. Sole paragraph. The provisions about voluntary work established by art. 57 shall also be adopted for the organization of the Youth World Journey - 2013.

Art. 64 - In 2014, the learning institutions shall adjust their calendars so that the break of the first semester of the year, in public and private schools, cover all period between the opening and the ending of the FIFA World Cup 2014.

Art. 65 - The Ministry of Environment shall award a Seal of Sustentability to corporations and entities supporting the Events which present program of sustentability with actions of economic, social and environmental nature, as per criteria estabished by the Ministry.

Art. 66 - The following shall be applied in conjunction with this Law: Law 9.609, February 19th 1998, Law 9.610, February 19th 1998, Law 9.279, 1996.

Art. 67 - The Competition shall observe, in what is applicable and exclusively to Brazilian individuals and corporations, excepted the FIFA subsidiaries in Brazil and the LOC, the provisions of Law 9.615, March 24th 1998.

Art. 68 - The Competitions shall observe, in what is applicable, the provisions of Law 10.671, May 15th 2003.

§1 - The following are excepted from the supplementary application set forth by the caput: arts. 13-A to 17, 19, 24, 31-A, 32, 37 and Chapters II, III, IX and X of Law 10.67q, May 15th 2003.

§2 - For the purposes of realization of Competitions, the application of arts. 2-A, 39-A and 39-B of Law 10.671, 2003, shall be restricted to private entities, regardless of formal registration, constituted or established in Brazil.

Art. 69 - The FIFA subsidiaries in Brazil and the LOC shall observe, in what is applicable, the provisions applicable to FIFA set forth by this Law.

Art. 70 - The services of private in the Events shall observe the applicable legislation and the orientation of Federal Police with regards to the authorization of operation of the contracted companies and to the capacitation of their professionals.

Art. 71 - This Law shall be enforced from the date of publication.

Brasília, 5 de junho de 2012; 191o da Independência e 124o da República.

Dilma Rousseff José Eduardo Cardozo Antonio de Aguiar Patriota Guido Mantega Carlos Daudt Brizola Fernando Damata Pimentel Miriam Belchior Paulo Bernardo Silva Aldo Rebelo Anna Maria Buarque de Hollanda Luis Inácio Lucena Adams