Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС

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Договаривающиеся стороны Парижская конвенция Стокгольмский акт (1967 г.) (Всего участников: 178)
участников подпись правовой акт действующий Ограничение детали
присоединение: 26 июня 1975 г.
присоединение: 10 мая 1972 г.
27 сентября 1975 г.
25 августа 1972 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 21, 1971. Pursuant to the said Article, the Commonwealth of Australia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 33)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 11 мая 1973 г.
18 августа 1973 г.
присоединение: 25 сентября 1995 г.
25 декабря 1995 г.
присоединение: 4 июля 1995 г.
4 октября 1995 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 16 января 1975 г.
20 апреля 1975 г.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by a declaration requesting that note be taken of "the reservation expressed by [the said] Government as regards the so-called colonial clause". (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 62)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 62)
присоединение: 27 сентября 2007 г.
27 декабря 2007 г.
присоединение: 2 марта 2004 г.
2 июня 2004 г.
Антигуа и Барбуда
присоединение: 17 декабря 1999 г.
17 марта 2000 г.
присоединение: 8 июля 1980 г.
8 октября 1980 г.
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Argentine Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on October 7, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Argentine Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
заявление о продолжении применения: 17 мая 1994 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 14 февраля 2017 г.
14 мая 2017 г.
Багамские Острова
присоединение: 7 декабря 1976 г.
10 марта 1977 г.
13 - 30
присоединение: 29 ноября 1990 г.
3 марта 1991 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 122)
присоединение: 12 декабря 1984 г.
12 марта 1985 г.
присоединение: 29 июля 1997 г.
29 октября 1997 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 14 апреля 1993 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 17 марта 2000 г.
17 июня 2000 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 31 октября 1974 г.
12 февраля 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on May 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Belgium, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 21)
присоединение: 9 декабря 1974 г.
12 марта 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Dahomey in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 25, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Dahomey, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Republic of Dahomey.
11 января 1968 г.
11 января 1968 г.
ратификация: 19 февраля 1970 г.
ратификация: 19 февраля 1970 г.
19 мая 1970 г.
27 мая 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "The People's Republic of Bulgaria considers that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, which grant to countries the right to extend the application of the Convention to territories for which they are responsible, are contrary to modern international law and to the Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the grant of independence to colonial countries and peoples." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 15)
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 27, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on May 3, 1994. (see Paris Notification No. 15 and No. 152)
Боливия (Многонациональное Государство)
присоединение: 4 августа 1993 г.
4 ноября 1993 г.
Босния и Герцеговина
заявление о продолжении применения: 2 июня 1993 г.
1 марта 1992 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 15 января 1998 г.
15 апреля 1998 г.
присоединение: 21 августа 1992 г.
присоединение: 20 декабря 1974 г.
24 ноября 1992 г.
24 марта 1975 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of Brazil in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 3, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, Brazil, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 27)
присоединение: 17 ноября 2011 г.
17 февраля 2012 г.
присоединение: 23 мая 1975 г.
2 сентября 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of the Upper Volta in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of the Upper Volta, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Republic of the Upper Volta.
присоединение: 31 мая 1977 г.
3 сентября 1977 г.
присоединение: 4 мая 2000 г.
4 августа 2000 г.
12 января 1968 г.
12 января 1968 г.
ратификация: 18 декабря 1969 г.
ратификация: 18 декабря 1969 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic draws attention to the fact that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention are contrary to Resolution No. 1514 (XV) on the independence of colonial countries and peoples, adopted on December 14, 1960, by the General Assembly of the United Nations." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 11)
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Hungarian People's Republic.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 11)
Венесуэла (Боливарианская Республика)
присоединение: 9 июня 1995 г.
12 сентября 1995 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 7 апреля 1981 г.
2 июля 1976 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice.
Stockholm Act (1967): Entry into force date given as date of unification of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and the Republic of South Viet-Nam to form the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Declaration of continued application: April 7, 1981.
Republic of Viet-Nam: Accession: January 30, 1975; Entry into force: April 30, 1975.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 6 марта 1975 г.
10 июня 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Gabonese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 24, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Gabonese Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 2 августа 1983 г.
3 ноября 1983 г.
присоединение: 25 июля 1994 г.
25 октября 1994 г.
присоединение: 21 октября 1991 г.
21 января 1992 г.
присоединение: 28 июня 1976 г.
28 сентября 1976 г.
присоединение: 18 мая 1998 г.
18 августа 1998 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 184)
присоединение: 30 октября 1981 г.
5 февраля 1982 г.
присоединение: 28 марта 1988 г.
28 июня 1988 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 19 июня 1970 г.
19 сентября 1970 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): Dates apply to the Federal Republic of Germany.
German Democratic Republic - Accession: June 20, 1968; Entry into force - Articles 1 to 12: April 26 or May 19, 1970; Articles 13 to 30: April 26, 1970 - the validity of this accession was contested by a certain number of Member States. Date of ceasing to be a party: October 3, 1990.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) also applied to Land Berlin with effect from the date on which it entered into force for the Federal Republic of Germany. (see Paris Notification No. 23)
присоединение: 3 ноября 1993 г.
4 февраля 1994 г.
присоединение: 22 июня 1998 г.
22 сентября 1998 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 12 апреля 1976 г.
15 июля 1976 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Greece in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 21, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Greece, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
заявление о продолжении применения: 18 января 1994 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 26 января 1970 г.
ратификация: 26 января 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Denmark extended the application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to the Faroe Islands with effect from August 6, 1971. (see Paris Notification No. 31)
Демократическая Республика Конго
присоединение: 28 октября 1974 г.
31 января 1975 г.
присоединение: 13 февраля 2002 г.
13 мая 2002 г.
присоединение: 7 мая 1999 г.
7 августа 1999 г.
присоединение: 3 декабря 1974 г.
6 марта 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 54)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the United Arab Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 28, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the United Arab Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 14 февраля 1977 г.
14 мая 1977 г.
13 - 30
присоединение: 29 сентября 1981 г.
30 декабря 1981 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 30 июля 1969 г.
ратификация: 30 июля 1969 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
присоединение: 7 сентября 1998 г.
7 декабря 1998 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 188)
12 января 1968 г.
12 января 1968 г.
ратификация: 5 июня 1997 г.
ратификация: 18 сентября 1979 г.
5 сентября 1997 г.
20 декабря 1979 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 95)
присоединение: 12 апреля 1972 г.
17 июля 1972 г.
присоединение: 21 октября 1975 г.
24 января 1976 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 77)
Иран (Исламская Республика)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 12 декабря 1998 г.
12 марта 1999 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 191)
12 января 1968 г.
12 января 1968 г.
ратификация: 27 марта 1968 г.
ратификация: 27 марта 1968 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 23 декабря 1994 г.
ратификация: 28 сентября 1984 г.
9 апреля 1995 г.
28 декабря 1984 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 10 января 1972 г.
14 апреля 1972 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Spanish State in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Spanish State, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 20 января 1977 г.
24 апреля 1977 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Italian Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on April 29, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Italian Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 21)
присоединение: 15 ноября 2006 г.
15 февраля 2007 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 214)
присоединение: 6 апреля 2022 г.
6 июля 2022 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 16 февраля 1993 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 22 июня 1998 г.
22 сентября 1998 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 17 января 1975 г.
20 апреля 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Federal Republic of Cameroon in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 22, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Federal Republic of Cameroon, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 23 февраля 1996 г.
присоединение: 26 марта 1970 г.
26 мая 1996 г.
7 июля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
присоединение: 5 апреля 2000 г.
5 июля 2000 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 5 июля 1971 г.
26 октября 1971 г.
присоединение: 21 декабря 1983 г.
3 апреля 1984 г.
присоединение: 5 ноября 2021 г.
5 февраля 2022 г.
присоединение: 19 декабря 1984 г.
19 марта 1985 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 114)
The Stockholm Act (1967) applies also to Hong Kong, China with effect from July 1, 1997, and to Macao, China with effect from December 20, 1999. (see Paris Notification No. 178 and No. 197)
присоединение: 3 июня 1996 г.
3 сентября 1996 г.
Коморские Острова
присоединение: 3 января 2005 г.
3 апреля 2005 г.
присоединение: 2 сентября 1975 г.
5 декабря 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the People's Republic of the Congo in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on January 23, 1973. Pursuant to the said Article, the People's Republic of the Congo, which is a member of the Paris Union, may, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 42)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the People's Republic of the Congo.
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика
присоединение: 7 марта 1980 г.
10 июня 1980 г.
присоединение: 28 июля 1995 г.
31 октября 1995 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 1 февраля 1974 г.
4 мая 1974 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of the Ivory Coast in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 21, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of the Ivory Coast, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
12 января 1968 г.
ратификация: 27 декабря 1974 г.
8 апреля 1975 г.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the Republic of Cuba considers that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention are contrary to the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1960), in which is stressed the need to bring an end rapidly and unconditionally to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 61)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 61)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Cuba in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on January 15, 1968. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Cuba, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 2)
присоединение: 2 сентября 2014 г.
2 декабря 2014 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 14 февраля 1994 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика
присоединение: 8 июля 1998 г.
8 октября 1998 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 187)
присоединение: 7 июня 1993 г.
7 сентября 1993 г.
присоединение: 27 июня 1989 г.
28 сентября 1989 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 121)
присоединение: 27 мая 1994 г.
27 августа 1994 г.
присоединение: 30 сентября 1986 г.
30 декабря 1986 г.
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 117)
присоединение: 28 июня 1976 г.
28 сентября 1976 г.
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the Libyan Arab Republic also considers it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Paris Convention, providing for the possibility of the application of the said Convention to colonies and dependent territories, are in contradiction with the Charter of the United Nations and Resolution 1514 (XV) of December 14, 1960, of the General Assembly of the United Nations." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 85)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Libyan Arab Republic.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 85)
присоединение: 21 февраля 1994 г.
22 мая 1994 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 21 февраля 1972 г.
25 мая 1972 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 10 декабря 1974 г.
24 марта 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on March 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 19)
присоединение: 21 июня 1976 г.
24 сентября 1976 г.
присоединение: 17 июня 1976 г.
21 сентября 1976 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on October 26, 1973. Pursuant to the said Article, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 47)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 3 января 1972 г.
10 апреля 1972 г.
присоединение: 11 марта 1970 г.
25 июня 1970 г.
присоединение: 23 июня 1988 г.
1 января 1989 г.
присоединение: 14 октября 1982 г.
1 марта 1983 г.
присоединение: 7 сентября 1977 г.
12 декабря 1977 г.
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 92)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of Malta in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 21, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, Malta, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 27 апреля 1971 г.
6 августа 1971 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 14, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Morocco, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 21 апреля 1976 г.
26 июля 1976 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the United Mexican States in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on June 13, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the United Mexican States, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 39)
присоединение: 9 апреля 1998 г.
9 июля 1998 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 27 июня 1975 г.
4 октября 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Principality of Monaco in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on December 14, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the Principality of Monaco, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 41)
присоединение: 16 января 1985 г.
21 апреля 1985 г.
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the Mongolian People's Republic considers that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention are contrary to the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (Resolution 1514/XV adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 115)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Mongolian People's Republic.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 115)
присоединение: 29 декабря 2003 г.
1 января 2004 г.
присоединение: 22 марта 2001 г.
22 июня 2001 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 6 декабря 1974 г.
6 марта 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of the Niger in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 24, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of the Niger, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Нидерланды (Королевство)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 9 октября 1974 г.
10 января 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 11, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Stockholm Act (1967): Ratification for the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The Netherlands Antilles ceased to exist on October 10, 2010. As from that date, the Stockholm Act continues to apply to Curaçao and Sint Maarten. The Stockholm Act also continues to apply to the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba which, with effect from October 10, 2010, have become part of the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Europe. (see Paris Notification No. 116)
присоединение: 3 апреля 1996 г.
3 июля 1996 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 171)
Новая Зеландия
присоединение: 14 марта 1984 г.
присоединение: 17 декабря 2018 г.
20 июня 1984 г.
17 марта 2019 г.
13 - 30
New Zealand deposited on December 17, 2018, a declaration extending the effects of its accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) to Articles 1 to 12 thereof, in respect only of the territory of New Zealand. (see Paris Notification No. 222)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 8 марта 1974 г.
13 июня 1974 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on July 22, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Norway, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 26)
Объединенная Республика Танзания
присоединение: 30 сентября 1983 г.
30 декабря 1983 г.
13 - 30
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
присоединение: 19 июня 1996 г.
19 сентября 1996 г.
присоединение: 14 апреля 1999 г.
14 июля 1999 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 192)
присоединение: 22 апреля 2004 г.
22 июля 2004 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice.
присоединение: 19 июля 1996 г.
19 октября 1996 г.
Папуа-Новая Гвинея
присоединение: 15 марта 1999 г.
15 июня 1999 г.
присоединение: 25 февраля 1994 г.
28 мая 1994 г.
присоединение: 11 января 1995 г.
11 апреля 1995 г.
10 января 1968 г.
ратификация: 23 декабря 1974 г.
24 марта 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): Ratification contained the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on July 21, 1994. (see Paris Notification No. 156)
Stockholm Act (1967): Signature and ratification by the Polish People's Republic.
Signature of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The provisions of Article 24 of the Paris Convention, giving member States the right to extend the effects of the said Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are out-of-date and contrary to Resolution No. 1514/XV passed by the General Assembly of the UN on December 14, 1960." (see Paris Notification No. 1)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Polish People's Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 15, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Polish People's Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 27 января 1975 г.
30 апреля 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Portuguese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 25, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Portuguese Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to Macau: May 12, 1999; Entry into force: August 12, 1999. Cessation of responsibility: December 20, 1999. (see Paris Notification No. 194 and No. 196)
Республика Корея
присоединение: 1 февраля 1980 г.
4 мая 1980 г.
Республика Молдова
заявление о продолжении применения: 3 июня 1993 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
Российская Федерация
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 4 декабря 1968 г.
ратификация: 4 декабря 1968 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Stockholm Act (1967): Adherence by the Soviet Union, continued by the Russian Federation as from December 25, 1991.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 3 ноября 1983 г.
1 марта 1984 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 28 февраля 1969 г.
ратификация: 28 февраля 1969 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Council of State of the Socialist Republic of Rumania considers that the maintenance of the state of dependence of certain territories to which reference is made in Article 24 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, is not in accordance with the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1960, by Resolution 1514 (XV), in which is stressed the need to bring an end rapidly and unconditionally to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 8)
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 8)
присоединение: 18 ноября 1993 г.
19 февраля 1994 г.
присоединение: 21 июня 2013 г.
21 сентября 2013 г.
присоединение: 26 марта 1991 г.
26 июня 1991 г.
Сан-Томе и Принсипи
присоединение: 12 февраля 1998 г.
12 мая 1998 г.
Саудовская Аравия
присоединение: 11 декабря 2003 г.
11 марта 2004 г.
присоединение: 12 февраля 1991 г.
12 мая 1991 г.
Святой Престол
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 20 января 1975 г.
24 апреля 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Holy See in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 16, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Holy See, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Северная Македония
Заявление / Уведомление о правопреемстве: 23 июля 1993 г.
8 сентября 1991 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Сейшельские Острова
присоединение: 7 августа 2002 г.
7 ноября 2002 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 19 сентября 1968 г.
ратификация: 19 сентября 1968 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
присоединение: 29 мая 1995 г.
29 августа 1995 г.
Сент-Китс и Невис
присоединение: 3 января 1995 г.
9 апреля 1995 г.
присоединение: 9 марта 1995 г.
9 июня 1995 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 164)
заявление о продолжении применения: 19 сентября 2006 г.
27 апреля 1992 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 23 ноября 1994 г.
23 февраля 1995 г.
Сирийская Арабская Республика
присоединение: 13 сентября 2002 г.
13 декабря 2002 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 207)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 15, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Syrian Arab Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
заявление о продолжении применения: 30 декабря 1992 г.
1 января 1993 г.
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "Contrary to the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples put down in the Charter of the United Nations and in the Declaration No. 1514/G.A. UNO, concerning the granting of independence to colonial countries, article 24 contains the so called colonial clause which is not in conformity with the main principles of international law." (see Paris Notification No. 28)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on June 11, 1991. (see Paris Notification No. 127)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 4, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 27)
заявление о продолжении применения: 12 июня 1992 г.
25 июня 1991 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Соединенное Королевство
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 26 февраля 1969 г.
ратификация: 26 февраля 1969 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
Extension of application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to the Isle of Man with effect from October 29, 1983. (see Paris Notification No. 104)
Application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to Hong Kong: August 9, 1977; Entry into force: November 16, 1977; Cessation of responsibility: July 1, 1997. (see Paris Notification No. 91 and No. 179)
Соединенные Штаты Америки
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 22 мая 1973 г.
ратификация: 25 мая 1970 г.
25 августа 1973 г.
5 сентября 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Extension of application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to all territories and possessions of the United States of America, including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as from August 25, 1973. (see Paris Notification No. 44)
присоединение: 16 января 1984 г.
16 апреля 1984 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 16 ноября 1976 г.
25 ноября 1975 г.
присоединение: 17 марта 1997 г.
17 июня 1997 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 14 февраля 1994 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 2 мая 2008 г.
2 августа 2008 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 217)
присоединение: 28 января 1975 г.
30 апреля 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Togolese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on December 5, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the Togolese Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 40)
присоединение: 14 марта 2001 г.
14 июня 2001 г.
Тринидад и Тобаго
присоединение: 16 мая 1988 г.
16 августа 1988 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 7 января 1976 г.
12 апреля 1976 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 78)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Tunisia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Tunisia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
заявление о продолжении применения: 1 марта 1995 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 28 октября 1994 г.
присоединение: 12 февраля 1976 г.
1 февраля 1995 г.
16 мая 1976 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Turkey in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Turkey, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 18 июля 1973 г.
20 октября 1973 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 18 августа 1993 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
заявление о продолжении применения: 21 сентября 1992 г.
25 декабря 1991 г.
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
присоединение: 20 сентября 1979 г.
28 декабря 1979 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on November 19, 1973. Pursuant to the said Article, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 48)
присоединение: 19 октября 2023 г.
19 января 2024 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 227)
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 14 апреля 1980 г.
16 июля 1980 г.
13 - 30
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 17 июля 1975 г.
ратификация: 8 июня 1970 г.
21 октября 1975 г.
15 сентября 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 2 мая 1975 г.
12 августа 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the French Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on May 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the French Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 21)
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the French Republic, referring to Article 24, paragraph (1), of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, declares that the said Convention shall be applicable to the territory of the French Republic in Europe, to the departments of Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion, and to the overseas territories of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna Islands and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 70)
Заявление / Уведомление о правопреемстве: 28 июля 1992 г.
8 октября 1991 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Центральноафриканская Республика
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 23 мая 1978 г.
5 сентября 1978 г.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Central African Empire.
присоединение: 26 июня 1970 г.
26 сентября 1970 г.
заявление о продолжении применения: 4 декабря 2006 г.
3 июня 2006 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Чешская Республика
заявление о продолжении применения: 18 декабря 1992 г.
1 января 1993 г.
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "Contrary to the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples put down in the Charter of the United Nations and in the Declaration No. 1514/G.A. UNO, concerning the granting of independence to colonial countries, article 24 contains the so called colonial clause which is not in conformity with the main principles of international law." (see Paris Notification No. 28)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on June 11, 1991. (see Paris Notification No. 127)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 4, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 27)
присоединение: 13 марта 1991 г.
14 июня 1991 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 26 января 1970 г.
ратификация: 26 января 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967) - Articles 1 to 12: Alternative entry into force date: May 19, 1970 - communicated to the States concerned by the Director General of WIPO. (see Paris Notification No. 16)
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 7 июля 1970 г.
ратификация: 12 августа 1969 г.
9 октября 1970 г.
26 апреля 1970 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Ratification of Articles 1 to 12 of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following statement: "As regards any country of the Union which is not party to the Stockholm Act, Sweden will apply the provisions of the most recent Act of the Paris Convention to which that country is a party." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 25)
присоединение: 20 июня 1978 г.
23 сентября 1978 г.
13 - 30
присоединение: 22 марта 1999 г.
22 июня 1999 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 190)
Экваториальная Гвинея
присоединение: 26 марта 1997 г.
26 июня 1997 г.
присоединение: 24 мая 1994 г.
24 августа 1994 г.
Южная Африка
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 23 декабря 1974 г.
24 марта 1975 г.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 60)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of South Africa in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of South Africa, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
присоединение: 24 сентября 1999 г.
24 декабря 1999 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
14 июля 1967 г.
ратификация: 20 июня 1975 г.
ратификация: 20 января 1975 г.
1 октября 1975 г.
24 апреля 1975 г.
1 - 12
13 - 30
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of Japan in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, Japan, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)