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Распоряжение № 2000-573/PRES/PM/MAC/MCPEA/MJPDH, Буркина-Фасо

«Об установлении размеров выплат за передачу прав (роялти) на графические и трехмерные изображения»

Отмененный текст 
Подробности Подробности Год версии 2000 Даты Издано: 20 декабря 2000 г. Тип текста Имплементационные правила/положения Предмет Авторское право и смежные права Предмет (вторичный) Регулирующие органы в области ИС, Исполнение законов об ИС Примечания This Decree was issued pursuant to Articles 18 and 19 of Law No. 032-99/AN of December 22, 1999 on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property, and was repealed on September 16, 2020, by Decree No. 0763/PRES/PM/MCAT/MCIA/MJ on the Collection of the Resale Right on Graphic and Plastic Works of Art.

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Основной текст(-ы) Смежный текст(ы)
Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Французский Décret n° 2000-573/PRES/PM/MAC/MCPEA/MJPDH         Английский Decree No. 2000 573/PRES/PM/MAC/MCPEA/MJPDH        
 Decree No. 2000-573/PRES/PM/MAC/MCPEA/MJPDH on Fixing the Rate of the Droit de Suite (Resale Royalty) on Graphic and Three-dimensional Works. (English version)

BURKINA FASO Decree No. 2000-573/PRES/PM/MAC/MCPEA/ --------- MJPDH on Fixing the Rate of the Droit de Suite

(Resale Royalty) on Graphic and Three-dimensional Works. (English version)1

Unity – Progress – Justice



Having regard to the Constitution;

Having regard for Decree No. 2000-526/PRES of November 6, 2000, on the Appointment of the Prime Minister;

Having regard to Decree No. 2000-527/PRES/PM of November 12, 2000, on the Composition of the Government of Burkina Faso;

Having regard to Decree No. 97-468/PRES/PM of October 31, 1997, on the Responsibilities of Members of Government;

Having regard to Decree No. 99-444/PRES/PM/MCA of December 2, 1999, on the Organization of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts;

Having regard to Decree No. 2000-149/PRES/PM/MCA on the Establishment of the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso (BBDA);

Having regard to Law No. 032/99/AN of December 22, 1999, on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property;

On the report of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts;

The Council of Ministers heard at its session of November 29, 2000;


Article 1: Pursuant to Articles 18 and 19 of Law No. 032-99/AN of December 22, 1999 on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property, the rate of the Droit de Suite (Resale Royalty) introduced for the benefit of authors of graphic and three-dimensional works sold at public auction or by means of a trader, is fixed proportionally to the sale price of the work without basic deductions.

1 Courtesy translation provided by WIPO.

Article 2: The rate of levy shall be set at ten per cent (10%). Article 3: The trader who sells a graphic or three-dimensional work shall declare

such a sale to the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso within three days from the date of the sale.

Article 4: The public or ministerial officer or trader who sells a graphic or three- dimensional work shall levy from the sale price the sum corresponding to the droit de suite (resale royalty).

Article 5: Such a royalty shall be directly paid to the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso within eight (08) days from the date of the sale.

Article 6: The National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso may assist in the sale. It may carry out any necessary investigations to ensure that the declarations are in order.

Article 7: In case of failure to comply with the present instructions, all infringers shall be subject to the sanctions provided under Article 104(2) of Law No. 32/99/AN of December 22, 1999 on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property.

Article 8: This Decree shall repeal any previous contrary provisions. Article 9: The Minister of Culture and the Arts, the Minister of Justice and the

Promotion of Human Rights and the Minister of Trade, Enterprise Promotion and Handicrafts shall be responsible, each as far as it is concerned, for the implementation of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of Burkina Faso.

Ouagadougou, December 20, 2000.

The President of Burkina Faso Blaise COMPAORE (signed and stamped)

The Prime Minister Paramanga Ernest YONLI

(signed) The Minister of Culture and the Arts The Minister of Trade, Mahamoudou OUEDRAOGO Enterprise Promotion and

(signed) Handicrafts Bedouma Alain YODA (signed)

The Minister of Justice and the Promotion of Human Rights Boureima BADINI (signed)

 BF002: Droit d'auteur, Décret, 20/12/2000, n° 2000-573

lP/N/l/BFsicn Page 2


Unrte > Progres - Justice

Decret N°2000- .5:;:~ ./PRES/PM/rviAelMCP E.L~/ 1\lJPDH portant tarification du droit de suite sur Ies .oeuvres graphiques et plastiques.



VU la Constitution ;

VU' le decret 11 0 2000-526/PRE S du 06 novernbre 2000, portant nomination du Prernier Ministre ;

\7tJ le decret n02000-527/PRE.S/PM du 12 novembre 2000, portant composition du Gouvernernent du Burkina Faso ;

Vl.l le decret n097-468/PRES/PM du 31 octobre 1997, portant attributions des rnembres du Gouvemem.ent ;

VU le decret 11° 99-444/PRES/PM/MCA du 02 decembre 1999 portant organisation du Ministere de la Culture et des Arts ;

\TU le decret n02000-149IPRES/PM/MCA portant creation du Bureau Burkinabe du Droit d'Auteur (BBDA) ;

\IV la loi n0032/991AN du 22 decembre 1999, portant protection de la propriete litteraire et artistique ;

SUR rapport du Ministre des Arts et de la Culture;

Le C011sel1 des Ministres entendu en sa seance du 29 novcmbre 2000 :


J\..rticle 1: En application des articles 18 et ~ 9 de la lei N° 032-99/.,A.N du 22 decernbre 1999 portant protection de la propriete litteraire et artisiique, Ie tarif du droit de suite institue au profit des auteurs des reuvres graphiques et plastiques vendues aux encheres publiques ou par I'intermediaire d'un cornmercant, est determine proportionnellement au prix de vente de l' ceuvre sans aUCUl1e deduction ala base.

IP/N/l/BFA/e/2 Page 3

Article 2: Le taux de prelevernent de ce droit est fixe adix pour cent (10 rYo).

Article 3: Le cornmercant qui precede ala vente d'une oeuvre graphique ou plastique, est tenu de declarer ladite vente au Bureau Burkinabe du Droit d' Auteur dans les trois jours qui suivent la vente.

i~.rticle 4: L'officier public au rninisteriel au le commercant qui precede a13 ve11~e dune ceuvre graphique au plastique, est tenu de prelever sur Ie prix de vente 1a sornme correspondant au rnontant du droit de suite.

Article 5 : Ce droit est directernent verse au Bureau Burkinabe au Droit dAuteur dans les huit (08) jours qui suiveni la vente.

Artjcle 6: Le Bureau Burkinabe du Droit d'Auteur peut assisrer ala vente. IJ peut proceder a toutes les verifications necessaires pour s ' assurer de la rcgularite des declarations.

Article 7 : En cas d'inobservation des presentes prescriptions, tout contrevenant s' expose aux sanctions prevues a]' article 104 alinea 2 de la loi N° 32/99/AN du 22 decembre 1999 portant protection de 'la propriete litteraire et artistique.

Article 8 : Le present decret abroge toutes dispositions anterieures contraires.

IP/N/l/BFNe/2 Page 4

Articlg-.2: I..Je Ministre des Arts et de la Culture, Ie Ministre de la Justice et de la Promotion des Droits de I'Honl111e et le Ministre du Commerce, de la Promotion de lEntreprise et de 1;Artisanat sont charges, chaCU11 en ce qui le conceme, de 1~ execution du present dccret qui sera public au Journal Officiel du Faso.

Le Premier Ministre

Le Ministre des Arts et de la Culture

.\lal1anloudou 0 Lil~Dr(!\ aGO


Le Ministre du Commerce, de ]a Promotion de l'Entreprise et de I'Artisanat

I-"t:. 1\-1 j nistre de 1a Justice el de la Promotion des Droits de 1~HOJ11111e


Boureima BADINI

Законодательство Имплементирует (1 текст(ов)) Имплементирует (1 текст(ов)) Аннулировано следующим актом (1 текст(ов)) Аннулировано следующим актом (1 текст(ов)) Справочный индекс документа ВТО
Данные недоступны.

№ в WIPO Lex BF002