Declarations made upon accession: 1. "Pursuant to Article 40 of the Convention, the Federative Republic of Brazil declares that no presentation of declaration was decided during the legislative process of approval." 2. "Pursuant to Article 35 to the Convention, the Federative Republic of Brazil declares that the function of point of contact for the 24/7 Network will be exercised by the Federal Police." 3. "Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7.a, and Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the Federative Republic of Brazil declares that the authority responsible for making requests for extradition and provisional arrest and for exercising the function of competent central authority is: Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Department of Asset Recovery and International Judicial Cooperation, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, Ed. Sede, Sala 414, Brasilia-DF 70064-900."