Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Закон «Об охране новых сортов растений» от 26.06.2003 г. (в редакции от 26.06.2017 г.), Польша

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Подробности Подробности Год версии 2017 Даты Изменено: 11 июля 2017 г. вступление в силу: 1 мая 2004 г. Принят: 26 июня 2003 г. Тип текста Основное законодательство по ИС Предмет Охрана сортов растений Предмет (вторичный) Исполнение законов об ИС, Регулирующие органы в области ИС Примечания This consolidated version of the Act on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties incorporates all the amendments up to the 'Act of June 8, 2017, on Amendments to the Act on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties', which entered into force on July 11, 2017. For the amendments introduced by the said Act of June 8, 2017, see the following provisions of the consolidated version: - Chapter 2, Articles 23, 23a, 23b, 23c and 25; - Chapter 3, Article 37a.

Имеющиеся тексты

Основной текст(-ы) Смежный текст(ы)
Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Английский Act of June 26, 2003, on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties (amended up to Act of June 8, 2017)        
 Act of June 26, 2003, on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties (consolidated version of June 26, 2017)

POLAND Act of 26 June 2003 on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties

(O. J. of 6 August 2003 No 137, item 300)

Consolidated text

as amended by:

1. Act of 9 June 2006 amending the Act on the legal protection of plant varieties and the

Seed Act

O.J. of 14 July 2006 No 126, item 877

2. Act of 9 May 2007 amending the Act on copyright and related rights and certain other acts

O.J of 5 June 2007 No 99, item 662

3. Act of 1 July 2011 amending the Act on the legal protection of plant varieties

O.J. of 6 September 2011 No 186, item 1099

4. Act of 9 October 2015 amending the Act on payment terms in commercial transactions, Act

– Civil Code and some other acts

O.J. of 9 November 2015, item 1830

5. Act of 8 June 2017 amending the Act on the legal protection of plant varieties

O.J. of 26 June 2017, item 1238



Article 1

The issues of the legal protection of plant varieties shall be regulated in this Act, and in


1) the mode and way of granting and cancellation of the right to legal protection of the

variety bred, or discovered and developed by the breeder, and also making commercial

use thereof;

2) scope of the protection of that right.

Article 2

1. For the purpose of this Act:

1) (1) variety – shall be taken to mean a grouping of plants within a single botanical taxon of

the lowest known rank, which, whether it fully complies or not with the conditions of

granting exclusive right;

a) is defined by the expression of the characteristics resulting from a given genotype or

combination of genotypes,

b) is distinguished from any other plant grouping by the expression of at least one of

those characteristics,

c) remains unchanged after propagation;

2) (2) hybrid variety – shall be taken to mean a variety produced each time by crossing of

specified plant groupings, in accordance with the method and sequence given by the

breeder of this variety;

3) hybrid variety component – shall be taken to mean a variety or a plant line used in the

process of production of a hybrid variety;

4) protected variety – shall be taken to mean a variety, the breeder has the right of legal

protection thereto and making commercial use thereof;

5) plant breeding – shall be taken to mean the activity aimed at developing and

maintenance of varieties;

6) variety maintenance– shall be taken to mean the activity aimed at production of

propagating material of this variety, which shall assure preservation of its characteristics,

uniformity and stability;

7) breeder – shall be taken to mean a person who:

a) bred, or discovered and developed a variety, or

b) (3) is or was employer of the person referred to in (a) or has concluded an agreement under which other party to the agreement has bred or discovered and developed a

variety, or

c) is successor in title of persons referred to in intends a and b;

8) propagating material – shall be taken to mean plants or their parts intended for sowing,

planting, grafting, budding or other method of propagation of plants, including the

application of biotechnology;

9) harvested material – shall be taken to mean the plants or their parts produced as a result

of the cultivation of a specified variety not intended to be used as propagating material;

10) (4) variety examination – shall be taken to mean the testing of distinctness, uniformity and

stability and assessment of a variety in order to grant its breeder the exclusive right to

this variety;

11) associated states – shall be taken to mean the states that are the members of the

International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV);

12) member states – shall be taken to mean the states being the members of the European


13) (5) (repealed);

14) (6) conditioning - shall mean cleaning, drying, calibrating, treatment or coating of

propagating material or harvested material;

15) (7) processor - shall mean an entrepreneur providing services in the field of conditioning of

propagating material or of harvested material to be used as propagating material;

16) (8) exclusive breeder's right - shall be taken to mean the right of the breeder to protect the

bred or discovered and developed variety as well as commercialization of such variety;

2. The provision of Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 7 intend ‘a’ shall not be applicable to the

persons who bred, or discovered and developed the variety on the basis of an employment

contract or other contract, unless otherwise provided for in that contract.

3. (9) Persons who have jointly bred or discovered and developed a variety as well as their

successors in title and successors in title of the person referred to in Paragraph 1 (7) (b)

shall jointly execute the rights of breeder.

Article 3

For the procedures in cases of the issues regulated by this Law, the provisions of the Code of

Administrative Procedure are applicable, unless otherwise provided for by this Law.



Article 4

1. (10) The breeder may apply for the grant of breeder's right to the variety, if the variety is

distinct, uniform, stable and new, and its denomination complies with the requirements

referred to in Article 9 Paragraph 1.

2. For the grant of the exclusive right may also apply a person who has acquired from the

breeder, on the basis of a written contract, the right to the variety bred or discovered and

developed by that breeder.

3. The exclusive right shall be granted by the director of the Research Centre for Cultivar


4. The exclusive right shall apply to the varieties of all plant genera and species.

5. The exclusive right shall be hereditary and may be sold or otherwise disposed of to others

by written contract.

6. (11) The exclusive right shall not be granted if the variety was applied for the protection or is

protected by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO).

Article 4a (12)

Person who has bred or discovered and developed a variety under the work contract or under

any another contract concluded with the breeder shall have the right to remuneration for any

commercialization of the variety, unless the contract concluded with the breeder provides


Article 5

1. A variety shall be deemed to be distinct if, at the date of an application for the grant of an

exclusive right, it is clearly distinguishable by at least one characteristic, from any other

variety whose existence is a matter of common knowledge.

2. The Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, hereinafter referred to as the “Centre”, shall make available to the breeder, upon his request, written information on the characteristics

of the variety, which shall be considered on the assessment of its distinctness.

3. A variety shall be deemed to be commonly known, if:

1) an application has been lodged for the grant of an exclusive right or for the entry into a

register of varieties in the Republic of Poland, in other member, associated or third state;

2) has been protected or entered into a register of varieties in the Republic of Poland, in

other member, associated or third state;

3) its propagating material or harvested material have been placed on the market;

4) its description has been published in a publication issued in a member, associated or third


5) its propagating material is available in commonly accessible variety collections.

Article 6

A variety shall be deemed to be uniform if, taking account of the method of the reproduction

specific for that variety, it is sufficiently uniform in its relevant characteristics which are taken

into account in the examination of distinctness, as well as any other characteristics used for

the variety description.

Article 7

A variety shall be deemed to be stable if its relevant characteristics which are taken into

account in the examination of distinctness, as well as any other characteristics used for the

variety description, remain unchanged after its propagation.

Article 8

1. A variety shall be deemed new if, at the date of application for the grant of an exclusive

right its breeder has not sold or otherwise disposed of to others, for commercial purposes,

of its propagating material or harvested material or has not given written consent to it:

1) within the territory of the Republic of Poland – earlier than one year before the

abovementioned date;

2) in other states:

a) earlier than six years – in the case of trees or of vines,

b) earlier than four years – in the case of other varieties

-before the date of application for the grant of an exclusive right.

2. A variety shall be also deemed to be new if the breeder at the date of application for the

grant of an exclusive right:

1) has sold or otherwise disposed of to others:

a) variety propagating material to official bodies subordinated to or supervised by the

minister competent for agriculture, which in the framework of their statutory activities,

perform the variety examinations, or

b) parts of plants produced as a result of breeding, propagation, or experimental work,

other than propagating material,

c) propagating material at an international exhibition organised in accordance with the

Convention on International Exhibitions of 22 November 1928 (Journal of Laws of

1961 No 14, item 76 and of 1968 No 42, item 293);

2) has disposed of the propagating material to entities for the continuation of breeding or for

performing examinations, or for experiments, provided that the propagating material

produced from them shall remain the property of this breeder.

3. The components of a hybrid variety shall be deemed to be new if, at the date of application

for the grant of an exclusive right, the hybrid propagating material produced thereof have

not been sold by the breeder or otherwise disposed of to others for commercial purposes:

1) within the territory of the Republic of Poland – earlier than one year;

2) in other states – earlier than four years

-before the date of application for the grant of an exclusive right.

Article 9

1. The variety denomination must not:

1) be identical as or similar to the denominations of the varieties in the member, associated

or third states, which are or were given to the varieties belonging to the same or another

species of this genus, as well as the names protected with an exclusive right or entered in

an appropriate variety registers, unless the variety is no longer protected or is not present on the market, and its denomination has not been commonly known;

2) evoke public objection;

3) mislead as to the identity of its breeder, its characteristics or the value for use;

4) be identical as or similar to other designations which are commonly used for the

marketing of goods;

5) violate the rights of third parties to trade-marks;

6) contain the words “variety “ or “hybrid variety”;

7) compose exclusively of digits nor start with a digit.

2. In cases where the denomination is inadequate, the Centre shall give the breeder a 14-day

period for the submission of a written proposal of another denomination.

3. (13) If the variety is protected by the breeder's right under the specific denomination in

another associated state, it shall be protected only under the same denomination in the

Republic of Poland.

4. The duty of using the variety denomination shall apply to any person who performs the

assessments, offers for sale, sales, disposes of to others, advertises or gives information

on its propagating material or harvested material.

5. The variety denomination shall be protected starting from the date of the grant of an

exclusive right, and in the case of removal of its entry in the register of protection of

exclusive right – so long as the propagating material remains on the market.

Article 10

1. An exclusive right shall be granted at a request of the breeder or its representative.

2. The breeder’s representative may be private or legal person, or an organisational unit

without legal personality that has its domicile or registered seat in the territory of the

Republic of Poland, other member, or associated states.

3. (14) If the breeder has its domicile or registered seat in a state not being the member state

or the associated state, the application for the grant of an exclusive right shall be filed by

his/her representative.

Article 11

1. The application for the grant of an exclusive right shall be lodged at the Centre.

2. The application for the grant of an exclusive right shall include:

1) the name, address and domicile of the breeder or the seat address;

2) Polish and Latin name of the plant genus or species;

3) designation of the variety on the stage of breeding;

4) the proposed denomination of the variety;

5) indication of the country of breeding, or the discovery and development of the variety;

6) declaration of the breeder that the variety is new in accordance with the requirements

referred to in Article 8;

7) declaration of the breeder that the variety has been or has not been genetically modified;

8) information on lodging an application for the protection of an exclusive right in other


3. The application referred to in Paragraph 2 shall be accompanied by:

1) in cases where the application is filed by the breeder’s representative, the authorisation

for the representation of the breeder in all issues relating to the grant of an exclusive


2) description of the variety or the hybrid variety components (technical questionnaire);

3) (15) (repealed);

4) copy of the receipt for payment of fees for submitting the application for the grant of an

exclusive right to the variety;

5) (16) declaration of the breeder whether he/she intends to exercise the right of priority

referred to in Article 12 (1) in the Republic of Poland.

4. The minister competent for agriculture shall lay down, by Regulation, a specimen

application form for the grant of an exclusive right, specimen technical questionnaire,

having regard to the unification of the proceedings related to the grant of an exclusive


5. (17) The data referred to in Paragraph 3 intends 2 and 3, must not be made available without

a written consent of the breeder.

6. Where the applications for the grant of an exclusive right for the same variety have the

same date of application, the priority has the application which was received by the Centre earlier, which is confirmed by the consecutive receipt number given to each of the


Article 12

1. A breeder who lodged an application for the grant of an exclusive right in an associated

state may apply, within twelve months of the date of that submission, for the grant in the

Republic of Poland of an exclusive right as well as for the admission of his right of priority

to the variety, hereinafter referred to as “the right of priority”.

2. A breeder who submitted in the Republic of Poland an application for the grant of an

exclusive right along with the right of priority shall deliver, without prejudice to Paragraph

4, within three months of the date of lodging that application, a copy of the application

lodged in the associated state along with the copy of the documents attached to that


3. In cases where a breeder has not delivered on time the copy of the application along with

the copy of the attached documents lodged in an associated state, the application referred

to in Paragraph 2 shall not be examined in the framework of the right of priority

4. In cases where an application for the grant of an exclusive right filed in an associated state

has been withdrawn by the breeder, or has not been positively considered by a competent

authority, the breeder shall be obliged to notify in writing of this fact to the Centre within

three months of the date of the withdrawal of the application or receipt of the decision on

the refusal of an exclusive right.

Article 13

1. (18) The Centre shall publish every two months in its publication, referred to later as the

“Polish Gazette”, information on the applications for the grant of an exclusive right and

meeting the requirements specified in Article 11, giving the following data:

1) the name, address and domicile of the breeder or the seat address;

2) Polish and Latin names of the plant genus or species;

3) the variety denomination as proposed in the application;

4) the date of submission of the application;

5) the consecutive number of the application;

6) data on:

a) applications for the grant of an exclusive right withdrawn,

b) decisions issued in the cases of:

- granting the exclusive right,

- refusal to grant the exclusive right,

- cancellation of the exclusive right,

- nullity of the exclusive right

c) changes of breeders and their representatives,

d) settlement of appeals against decisions of the Director of the Centre.

2. The Centre shall make available to breeders, with prejudice to Article 11 Paragraph 5, the

documents attached to the application for the grant of an exclusive right and the

documents relating to the examination for distinctness, uniformity and stability referred to

in Article 15 Paragraph 1.

Article 14

1. (19) A breeder who lodged an application for the grant of an exclusive right shall enjoy a

provisional exclusive right since the date of publication of information on that application in

the Polish Gazette.

2. The provisions relating to an exclusive right shall be applicable accordingly to the

provisional exclusive right.

3. The provisional exclusive right shall expire on the date of entry into force of the decision on

the grant or on the refusal of the grant of an exclusive right

Article 15

1. Before an exclusive right has been granted, the Centre shall perform the examinations for

distinctness, uniformity and stability, hereinafter referred to as the “DUS testing”, unless it

deems the results of the examinations carried out by the authority performing official

examinations in another associated state to be sufficient.

2. The DUS tests shall be carried out in accordance with the examination methodology

established for a given species for a period necessary for completing of testing of the variety distinctness, uniformity and stability.

3. Before the beginning of the DUS tests, the Centre shall inform in writing the breeder of the

date of starting and the expected time of completion of the examinations.

4. The breeder shall be obliged to deliver to the Centre, free of charge, variety propagating

material for the purpose of the DUS testing.

5. The minister competent for agriculture shall lay down in Regulation the quantity of the

variety propagating material necessary for carrying out of the DUS tests and the time

limits for the delivery of those propagating material to the Centre, taking into account the

biological characteristics of the plant species in question.

6. (20) (repealed).

Article 16

1. During the DUS testing, the breeder shall be obliged to:

1) make possible for the Centre to:

a) control the maintenance of the variety,

b) access to the documents relating to the variety maintenance;

2) provide, upon request of the Centre, written clarifications and information necessary for

the performance of the DUS tests.

2. The breeder shall be given the possibility to get acquainted with the course and the results

of the DUS tests for his variety, and, after the issue of the decision on the grant of an

exclusive right, the breeder shall receive a final report of the DUS tests.

Article 17

1. If the Centre does not perform the DUS tests in given species, it may:

1) commission to carry out such tests or their parts to another testing authority, or

2) accept the results of those tests carried out abroad

-at the breeder’s expense, provided that he gives the written consent.

2. The Centre, before commissioning the performance of the DUS tests or before the

acceptance of the DUS test results, shall forward to the breeder written information on

costs relating to those tests.

3. (21) (repealed).

Article 18

1. Any person may lodge with the director of the Centre a written objection to the grant of an

exclusive right, if he/she is in possession of documents or information confirming that:

1) the variety does not comply with the conditions referred to in Article 4 Paragraph 1, or

2) the breeder is not authorised for submitting an application for the grant of an exclusive


2. The Centre, within 14 days of the date of settlement of the objection to an exclusive right,

send written information to the objector on the admittance or the refusal of the objection.

3. Written information referred to in Paragraph 2 shall contain the justification indicating the

reasons for the admittance or the refusal of the objections to an exclusive right.

4. Notwithstanding the admittance of the objections for the reason referred to in Paragraph 1

intend 2, and filing an application for the grant of an exclusive right by an authorised

breeder, the results of the DUS tests concerning a given variety shall be acknowledged.

Article 19

1. The Centre shall charge fees for submission an application for the grant of the exclusive

right, for the DUS tests as well as for the grant and the maintenance of the exclusive right.

2. The fees for the DUS tests shall not be charged, if the breeder bore the costs referred to in

Article 17 Paragraph 1.

3. The minister competent for agriculture, in consultation with the minister competent for

public finance, shall lay down in a Regulation the rates of fees referred to in Paragraph 1,

the way and the time limits of payment thereof, taking into account the costs relating to

carrying out of the examinations and to the grant of an exclusive right.

Article 20

1. After completion of the DUS tests, the director of the Centre shall make a decision

concerning the grant of an exclusive right. 2. If two or more persons bred, or discovered and developed the variety jointly, the exclusive

right shall be granted jointly to them.

3. (22) The director of the Centre shall refuse, by way of a decision, to grant an exclusive right,


1) the variety fails to meet the conditions referred to in Article 4 (1), or

2) the breeder applying for the exclusive right:

a) has failed to submit propagating material to the Centre in order to carry out the

DUS tests within the period specified in the provisions issued pursuant to Article 15

(5) or

b) fails to pay the fees due for the DUS tests.

4. An appeal to the minister competent for agriculture shall lie from decisions relating the

grant of the exclusive right.

Article 21

The exclusive right shall include:

1) production or reproduction (multiplication);

2) conditioning for the purpose of propagation;

3) offering for sale;

4) selling or other marketing;

5) exporting;

6) importing;

7) stocking

- of the protected variety propagating material

Article 22

1. The exclusive right shall also cover:

1) (23) harvested material or products produced directly from that material, if the breeder had

no possibility of exercising of the exclusive right to the protected variety propagating


2) propagating material of ornamental and horticulture plants, if they are reused for

commercial purposes as:

a) reproduction material for the propagation of ornamental plants, or

b) cut flower, or

c) propagating material of trees, bushes and perennials;

3) varieties:

a) derived, discovered or produced from a protected initial variety which is not a derived


b) which are not clearly distinct from the protected variety,

c) in those cases where the production of propagating material requires repeated use of a

protected variety.

2. A variety shall be regarded as derived from the initial variety, if it is distinct from the initial

variety and if:

1) is predominantly derived from initial variety or other derived variety from the same initial

variety while retaining the essential characteristics resulting from the genotype or a

combination of genotypes of the initial variety;

2) its characteristics are consistent with essential characteristics of the initial variety

resulting from its genotype or a combination of genotypes, except for differences

resulting from the use of the following breeding techniques:

a) selection of natural or induced mutants,

b) selection of new forms from initial varieties,

c) using backcrossings,

d) genetic engineering.

3. The provisions of Paragraph 1 and Article 21 shall not apply to propagating material and

harvested material intended for:

1) private, non-commercial purposes;

2) experimental purposes;

3) breeding of new varieties, excluding the varieties referred to in Paragraph 1 intend 3, if

these varieties are to be used for commercial purposes.

Article 23 (24)

1. (25) A holder of agricultural land may, against remuneration for the breeder, use the

harvested material as propagating material of varieties protected by exclusive right,

provided that he obtains and uses the material on his farm.

2. The right to use the harvested material as material referred to in Paragraph 1:

1) shall apply to variety propagating material of the following plants:

a) field bean,

b) field pea,

c) barley,

d) maize,

e) linseed,

f) lucerne,

g) narrow leaved lupin,

h) yellow lupin,

i) oat,

j) durum wheat,

k) wheat,

l) triticale,

m)oilseed rape,

n) turnip rape,

o) common vetch,

p) rye,

q) potato,

r) (26) soya bean;

2) shall not apply to hybrid varieties and varieties bred from free crossing of specified lines

of allogamous species (synthetic varieties).

3. Without the necessity to make the remuneration to the breeder referred to in Paragraph 1,

the harvested material of varieties protected by exclusive right can be used as propagating

material by holders of agricultural land of:

1) up to 10 ha - in the case of variety protected by exclusive right, being the plant variety

referred to in Paragraph 2 Point 1q;

2) (27) up to 25 ha - in the case of variety protected by exclusive right, being the plant variety

referred to in Paragraph 2 Point 1 letters a-p and r.

3a. (28) The breeder who does not collect remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1, shall publish

on his website or on a website of the breeders’ organisation the information indicating:

1) variety protected by exclusive right, in relation to which he does not collect


2) period for which he does not collect this remuneration.

3b. (29) A holder of agricultural land may use the harvested material as propagating material of

variety protected by exclusive right without paying remuneration, referred to Paragraph 1,

to an extent indicated in the information referred to in Paragraph 3a.

4. The amount of remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1, method and date of payment shall

be decided in the agreement concluded between:

1) a breeder and a holder of agricultural land, or

2) a breeder and an organisation representing holders of agricultural land, or

3) an organisation of breeders and a holder of agricultural land, or

4) an organisation of breeders and an organisation representing holders of agricultural land

- and should be lower than the rate of royalty paid for a given category of certified

propagating material, set by the breeder of that variety.

4a.(30) The breeder who collects remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1, once when

purchasing of propagating material, shall publish the information in this regard on his

website or on a website of the breeders’ organisation.

5. If the agreement referred to in Paragraph 4, has not been reached, the remuneration for

the breeder:

1) amounts to 50% of the royalty for a given category of propagating material, set in a

given year by the breeder of the variety;

2) should be paid within 30 days from the day of use of the harvested material referred to in

Paragraph 2 (1) as propagating material of the variety protected by the exclusive right.

6. (31) If the holder of agricultural land fails to pay the remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1, the breeder may request payment of statutory interests for each day of the delay.

7. A breeders’ organisation may, after concluding an agreement with a breeder who is its

member, collect the remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1 for the breeder’s benefit.

8. The agreement referred to in Paragraph 7 shall contain, in particular:

1) information about the parties to the agreement;

2) duration of the agreement;

3) an authorisation to collect remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1 by the breeders’

organisation for the breeder’s benefit;

4) indication of the plant varieties protected by exclusive breeder’s right, for which the

remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1 is to be collected by the breeders’ organisation

for the breeder’s benefit;

5) the method and term of settlement of the remuneration referred to in Paragraph 1

collected by the breeders’ organisation for the breeder’s benefit

Article 23a (32)


Article 23b (33)

1. (34) The processor or processors’ organisation shall provide the breeder or breeders’

organisation, on their request, with written information about the service provided to the

holder of agricultural land, consisting in conditioning the harvested material referred to in

Article 23 Paragraph 2 Point 1 to be used as propagating material, within 30 days from the

date of receiving the request.

2. (35) The request referred to in Paragraph 1 shall contain at least:

1) name and surname and address of the breeder or name and address of the breeder’s or

breeders’ organisation’s registered office;

2) indication of:

a) variety or varieties for which the breeder or breeders’ organisation request to obtain

the information referred to in Paragraph 1,

b) amount of a licence fee for individual plant varieties referred to in letter a.”;

3. The method and scope of providing information referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be decided

in the agreement concluded by the processor or processors’ organisation and the breeder

or breeders’ organisation.

4. If the agreement specified in Paragraph 3 is not concluded, information referred to in

Paragraph 1 shall include:

1) name and address of domicile or the name and address of the seat of the processor;

2) declaration of a processor about performance of the service of conditioning the harvested

material referred to in Article 23 (2) (1) to be used as propagating material with respect

to the variety or varieties to which the breeder has the exclusive right, including the date

of service performance;

3) quantity of harvested material referred to in Article 23 (2) (1) with respect to which the

processor performed the service of conditioning the harvested material, as well as the

quantity of propagating material obtained;

4) name and address of domicile or name and address of the seat of the holder of

agricultural land, to whom the processor provided a service consisting in the conditioning

of harvested material referred to in Article 23 (2) (1) to be used as propagating material.

Article 23c (36)

1. (37)

Breeders or breeders’ organisation shall be entitled to check compliance of information

referred to in Article 23b (1) with the factual circumstances.

2. (38)

The method and scope of the check referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be laid down in the

agreement concluded between the breeder or breeders’ organisation and:

1) (repealed);

2) (repealed);

3) processor;

4) processors’ organisation.

3. If the agreement referred to in Paragraph 2 is not concluded, inspection shall be carried

out by the breeder or breeders’ organisation or the person authorised pursuant to the

breeder’s or breeders' organisation authorisation.

4. (39)

In order to carry out the check:

1) (repealed);

2) processor:

a) shall provide access, to the following documents on the request of the inspecting


- documents concerning services consisting in conditioning of harvested material

referred to in Article 23 (2) (1) to be used as propagating material,

- documents with information on the quantity of harvested material referred to in

Article 23 (2) (1) with respect to which the processor carried out conditioning of the

harvested material as well as on the quantity of propagating material obtained,

b) shall ensure access to the processing or storing facilities and devices for the inspecting

entity .

5. The inspecting entity shall draw up inspection report.

6. (40)

The report shall be signed by the inspecting entity and the processor.

7. (41)

Should the processor refuse or be unable to sign the report, it shall be signed by the

inspecting entity with a reference made in the report on refusal or the reasons preventing

from signing of the report.

Article 24

After the grant of the exclusive right the breeder shall be obliged to:

1) maintain the variety;

2) deliver to the Centre, free of charge, variety propagating material, as well as propagating

material of the components used for production of the hybrid variety, in quantities

essential for the performance of the DUS tests;

3) provide, upon request of the Centre, information and explanations concerning the


4) enable the Centre to access to the documents related to the variety.

Article 25(42)

1. Any person who makes use of the propagating material of the protected variety is obliged

to, upon request of the breeder holding the exclusive right to this variety, provide him with

written information concerning the quantity of propagating material of the protected

variety and make a payment for the breeder equivalent to the royalty for exploitation of

the exclusive right to this variety.

2. The holder of agricultural land and organisation representing holders of agricultural land

are exempt from an obligation to provide information, as referred to in Paragraph 1, on the

use of the harvested material referred to in Article 23(2)(1) as propagating material.

Article 26

1. If the breeder has been changed, the new breeder shall be obliged to notify of this fact in

writing to the Centre within 30 days of the date, on which this change has taken place.

2. The breeder referred to in Paragraph 1 shall attach a copy of the documents confirming his

right to the variety.

Article 27

1. The exclusive right shall be effective starting from the date of making a decision on grant

and shall last for:

1) 30 years – in the case of vine, trees and potato varieties;

2) 25 years – in the case of other varieties.

2. (43) In cases where a breeder of the variety protected by the exclusive right in the Republic

of Poland shall be granted the Community plant variety right, the exclusive right granted in

the Republic of Poland shall be suspended for the period, throughout which the breeder

shall enjoy the Community plant variety right.

Article 28

1. The exclusive right, without prejudice to Paragraph 2, shall expire if:

1) propagating material;

2) harvested material; 3) products produced directly from the harvested material;

4) varieties referred to in Article 22 Paragraph 1 intend 3

- shall be sold or otherwise disposed of to others by the breeder or with his written consent.

2. The exclusive right shall not expire if the purchaser of the variety propagating material:

1) shall use it for renewed propagation;

2) shall export it to a country, which do not provide any protection of the exclusive right to

the variety of the plant species in question, unless the harvested material shall be used

for consumption purposes in that country.

Article 29

1. The director of the Centre shall cancel, in an administrative decision, the exclusive right of

the breeder:

1) upon his own request;

2) if the variety does not comply with the conditions of uniformity or stability;

3) if the breeder:

a) does not maintain the variety,

b) is delayed over 6 months with the payment of fees referred to in Article 19 Paragraph


c) renders impossible carrying out of a control of the maintenance of the variety and

examination of the documents relating to the variety maintenance,

d) does not provide the information and explanations essential for carrying out of the

DUS tests,

e) has not delivered, free of charge, the variety propagating material in quantities

indispensable for carrying out of the DUS tests,

f) does not submit a new denomination to the variety in case where the denomination of

the variety entered into the register of granted titles of exclusive rights referred to in

Article 36 Paragraph 1, does not comply with the conditions listed in Article 9 Paragraph 1.

2. An appeal to the minister competent for agriculture shall lie from decision on the

cancellation of the exclusive right of the breeder.

Article 30

1. The breeder holding an exclusive right may, on the basis of an exploitation right

agreement, grant another person the authorisation licence for exploitation of the exclusive


2. The exploitation right agreement requires written form under clause of nullity.

3. Exploitation of the exclusive right may be restricted in the exploitation right agreement

(limited licence); if in the exploitation right contract the scope of using the exclusive right

has not been limited, the holder of an exploitation right has a right to exploit the exclusive

right in the same scope as the licensor (unlimited licence).

4. In cases where the exclusive exploitation of the exclusive right has not been reserved in

the exploitation right agreement, the grant of an exploitation right to one entity does not

preclude the possibility of granting the exploitation right to other entities, and also

simultaneous exploitation of the exclusive right by the breeder (non-exclusive licence).

5. The party enjoying the exploitation right may grant another exploitation right (sub-licence)

only with a written consent of the breeder; the grant of another one sub-licence shall be


Article 31

1. If the breeder holding the exclusive right to a given variety does not place its propagating

material or harvested material on the market, and this is demanded by important national

economy interest, the minister competent for agriculture may grant, in a decision, a

compulsory licence to another entity, unless the breeder has not placed the propagating

material or harvested material on the market due to force majeure.

2. The compulsory licence right may also be granted if the applicant demonstrates that:

1) he applied for the exploitation right from the breeder, who has not introduced the variety

propagating material on the market, or

2) the royalty demanded by the breeder is disproportional to the value of the propagating

material, or

3) the proposed by the breeder quantity of propagating material is insufficient for the

propagation of a given variety in order to place it on the market.

3. The compulsory licence shall be granted upon request of the interested party.

4. The compulsory licence shall be a non-exclusive one.

Article 32

1. Application for the grant of compulsory licence shall be filed to the minister competent for

agriculture via the director of the Centre.

2. The director of the Centre shall forward the application referred to in Paragraph 1 along

with an opinion on the necessity of placing on the market of a specified quantity of

propagating material or harvested material.

3. The application for the grant of compulsory licence shall include:

1) name, address and domicile of the applicant, or the site address;

2) name, address and domicile of the breeder referred to in Article 31 Paragraph 1, or the

site address;

3) specification of the species in the Polish language and in Latin and the denomination of

the variety, the applicant applies for;

4) specification of the proposed quantity of variety propagating material necessary for the


5) specification of the proposed duration of the compulsory licence;

6) specification of the proposed remuneration to the breeder;

7) indication of an important national economy interest.

4. The application for the grant of a compulsory licence shall be accompanied by the

declaration on fixed assets and equipment used for the propagation of the variety, along

with description thereof.

Article 33

A compulsory licence right shall include:

1) the name, address and domicile of a person who has been granted the compulsory licence

and his site address;

2) the name, address and domicile of the breeder or his site address;

3) specification of the species in Polish language and in Latin and the denomination of the


4) specification of the duration of an the licence;

5) specification of the amount of the remuneration to the breeder;

6) specification of the quantity of propagating material needed for the multiplication of the

variety in order to place it on the market.

Article 34

1. The minister competent for agriculture shall notify in writing to the director of the Centre

on issuing of the decision on the grant of a compulsory licence.

2. The Centre shall publish in its Gazette information on compulsory licences granted.

3. The breeder referred to in Article 31 Paragraph 1 shall be obliged, within 30 days of the

date of receipt of written information on issuing of the decision on the grant of a

compulsory licence, provide to the holder of a compulsory licence the variety propagating

material in quantities indispensable for the propagation of this variety in order to place it

on the market.

Article 35

1. The minister competent for agriculture:

1) shall cancel a compulsory licence if the holder of the compulsory licence has not placed

on the market the variety propagating material covered by the compulsory licence in the

nearest growing period following the grant of the compulsory licence;

2) may cancel the compulsory licence on the request of the breeder referred to in Article 31

Paragraph 1, if the breeder placed on the market variety propagating material or

harvested material of a variety covered by the granted compulsory licence.

2. The request referred to in Paragraph 1 intend 2 shall be accompanied by a copy of

documents evidencing that the breeder placed the propagating material on the market.

3. The minister competent for agriculture may cancel the compulsory licence in the case

referred to Paragraph 1 intend 2, if since the day of issuing of the decision, elapsed:

1) 2 years – in the case of annual varieties, or

2) 3 years – in the case of biennial varieties, or

3) 5 years – in the case of perennial varieties.

Article 36

1. The Centre shall keep a register of granted titles of exclusive rights, hereinafter referred to

as the “register”, and a list of varieties, for which applications for the grant of an exclusive

right have been filed, hereinafter referred to as the “list”.

2. The register shall contain specification of the protected varieties and their breeders as well

as the licensees, who were granted a compulsory licence.

3. The list is a specification of the varieties for which applications for the grant of the

exclusive right have been filed as well as the breeders who were granted the provisional

exclusive rights.

4. A variety entered into the list or the register shall receive a number, which consists of the

consecutive number taken from the list or from the register and a capital letter standing

for a given group of plants.

5. The variety number on the list shall be preceded additionally by capital letter T, which

means that the variety has been granted the provisional exclusive right.

6. The following letter designations shall be used for individual plant groups:

1) R – agricultural plants;

2) W – vegetables;

3) S – fruit plants;

4) L – forest plants;

5) O – ornamental plants;

6) P – other plants.

7. The register shall contain:

1) the name, address and domicile of the breeder, or the site address;

2) the species name in Polish and in Latin and the variety denomination;

3) the date of the grant and expiry of an exclusive right;

4) the designation of the breeder’s country;

5) information indicating whether or not the variety has been genetically modified.

8. The list shall contain:

1) the name and address and domicile of the breeder, or the site address;

2) the species name in Polish and in Latin and the variety denomination;

3) the date of the grant and expiry of a provisional exclusive right;

4) the designation of the breeder’s country;

5) information indicating whether or not the variety has been genetically modified.

CHAPTER 2a (44)


Article 36a

1. The breeder, whose exclusive right has been infringed, may demand from the person who

infringed such right:

1) to cease infringing the right;

2) to eliminate the results of the infringement;

3) to compensate for the damages:

a) in line with general principles, or

b) by paying a certain amount of money corresponding to the license fee that would be

due for granting the license by the breeder on the date of the claim; in the case of

culpable infringement the amount would be a multiple of the remuneration, yet not

higher than the multiple of three;

4) to return the benefits received.

2. Regardless of the claims referred to in Paragraph 1 the breeder may demand a one-time or

a repeated announcement in the press, suitable in its form and content, or making the

court ruling issued in this case publicly known in part or in full, in the manner and extent

established by the court.

3. On the request of infringer and with the consent of the breeder, the court may order the

infringer to pay an appropriate amount to the breeder, when the infringement was

accidental, if discontinuance of infringement or elimination of its effects would be

disproportionately severe for the infringer.

4. When ruling on the right infringement, upon the request of the breeder, the court may rule

on the illegally produced seed or the harvest material as well as means and materials used to produce them, in particular the court may rule to withdraw them from the market and

furnish the breeder on account of the due compensation, or to destroy them. While ruling,

the court shall take into account the gravity of the infringement and the interest of third


5. It is conjectured that the means and materials referred to in Paragraph 4 belong to the

person that infringed the exclusive right.

Article 36b

1. The court competent for cases of infringement of the exclusive right of the place where the

perpetrator is carrying his/her activities, or in which his/her property is located, shall also

try the request of the person having a legal interest in it within 3 days following submission

of the request to the court before the action is brought on:

1) for securing evidence and securing related claims;

2) for obliging the infringer to deliver information and documentation identified by the court

and significant for the claims, referred to in Article 36a (1);

3) for obliging a person other than the infringer to deliver information significant for the

claims, referred to in Article 36a (1) on the origin, distribution networks, quantities and

the price of goods or services infringing the exclusive right, if:

a) it has been found that the person is in hold of goods infringing the exclusive right, or

b) it has been found that the person uses the services infringing the exclusive right,


c) it has been found that the person provides services used in activities infringing

the exclusive right, or

d) such person has been pointed out by the person referred to under letters (a), (b) or

(c) as a person participating in production, manufacturing or distribution of goods or

providing services infringing the exclusive right,

and the above-mentioned activities are intended to obtain profit or other economic

benefit directly or indirectly, yet they do not include activities of consumers acting in

good faith.

2. While accepting evidence or trying the requests referred to in Paragraph 1, the court shall

ensure confidentiality of the entrepreneur and other statutory secrets.

3. The obligation referred to in Paragraph. 1 (1) and (2) may be evaded by anyone who has

the right to deny testimony or to refuse answering questions posed to him/her in line with

the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.

4. In justified cases the court decision to secure evidence referred to in Paragraph 1 (1) may

be conditional on payment of a bail.

5. Objections against the court rulings in the cases referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be

examined by the court within 7 days.

6. Article 733, Article 742 and Articles 744-746 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to

the evidence securing.



Article 37 (45)

1. Any person who:

1) violates a variety exclusive right;

2) designates propagating material or harvested material of other or unknown variety with

the denomination of a variety protected with the exclusive right

-shall be liable to a fine, detention order or deprivation of liberty up to one year.

Article 37a (46)


1) prevents the check of variety maintenance,

2) prevents access to documents concerning the variety maintenance,

3) fails to provide propagating material of the varieties to the Centre for DUS tests or to the

entity granted compulsory licence or provides it in an insufficient quantity or after the

deadline set.

4) (47) fails to provide, within the required period, on the request of the breeder whose variety

is protected by the exclusive right or the breeders’ organisation, with information referred to in Article 23b Paragraph 1 or provides false information,

5) prevents the check referred to in Article 23c (1), to carried out by the breeder or

breeders' organisation

-shall be punishable with fine.

Article 37b (48)

In the cases referred to in Article 37a judicial decisions shall be issued in accordance with the

provisions of the Petty Offences Proceedings Code.



Article 38

The compulsory licences issued on the basis of the provisions so far in force shall be valid

until the end of the period for which they were issued.

Article 39

The register and the list, kept on the basis of the provisions so far in force, with the day of

entry into force of this Law shall become accordingly the register and the list as understood in

this Law.

Article 40

This Law shall enter into force on the day, on which the Republic of Poland shall receive the

membership in the European Union.

Footnotes: (1) Article 2 (1) (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) first indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (2) Article 2 (1) (2) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) first indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (3) Article 2 (1) (7) b) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) second indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (4) Article 2 (1) (10) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) third indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (5) Article 2 (1) (13) as repealed by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) fourth indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (6) Article 2 (1) (14)

- as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) fifth indent of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006;

- as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 of the Act of 1 July 2011 (O.J.2011.186.1099) amending this Act on 21 September 2011.

(7) Article 2 (1) (15) - as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) fifth indent of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006 - as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 of the Act of 1 July 2011 (O.J.2011.186.1099) amending this Act on 21

September 2011. (8) Article 2 (1) (16) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (a) fifth indent of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877)

amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (9) Article 2 (3) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1 (b) of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (10) Article 4 (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 2 (a) of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (11) Article 4 (6) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 2 (b) of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (12) Article 4a as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 3 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on

13 September 2006 (13) Article 9 (3) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (14) Article 10 (3) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 5 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (15) Article 11 (3) (3) as repealed by Article 1 Subparagraph 6 (a) first indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (16) Article 11 (3) (5) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 6 (a) second indent of the Act of 9 June 2006

(O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006. (17) Article 11 (5) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 6 (b) of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending

this Act on 13 September 2006. (18) Article 13 (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 7 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (19) Article 14 (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 8 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006.

(20) Article 15 (6) as repealed by Article 1 Subparagraph 9 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006.

(21) Article 17 (3) as repealed by Article 1 Subparagraph 10 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006.

(22) Article 20 (3) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 11 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006.

(23) Article 22 (1) (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 12 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13 September 2006.

(24) Article 23 - as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 13 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on 13

September 2006 - as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 2 of the Act of 1 July 2011 (O.J.2011.186.1099) amending this Act on 21

September 2011. (25) Article 23 (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1a of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017. (26) Article 23 (2) (1) (r) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1b of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending

this Act on 22 June 2017. (27) Article 23 (3) (2) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 1c of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending

this Act on 22 June 2017. (28) Article 23 (3a) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1d of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this Act

on 22 June 2017. (29) Article 23 (3b) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1d of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this Act

on 22 June 2017. (30) Article 23 (4a) as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 1e of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this Act

on 22 June 2017. (31) Article 23 (6) as amended by Article 25 of the Act of 9 October 2015 amending the Act on payment terms in

commercial transactions, Act – Civil Code and some other acts (O.J.15.1830) amending this Act on 1 January 2016. (32) Article 23a as repealed by Article 1 Subparagraph 2 of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this Act on

22 June 2017. (33) Article 23b as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 14 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act

on 13 September 2006. (34) Article 23b (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4 of the Act of 1 July 2011 (O.J.2011.186.1099) amending

this Act on 21 September 2011. (35) Article 23b (2) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 3 of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017 (36) Article 23c as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 14 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act on

13 September 2006. (37) Article 23c (1) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4a of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017 (38) Article 23c (2) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4b of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017 (39) Article 23c (4) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4c of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017 (40) Article 23c (6) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4d of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017 (41) Article 23c (7) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 4d of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017 (42) Article 25 as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 5 of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this Act on

22 June 2017 (43) Article 27 (2) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 15 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this

Act on 13 September 2006. (44) Chapter 2a as added by Article 5 of the Act of 9 May 2007 amending the Act on copyrights and related rights and

certain other acts (O.J.07.99.662) on 20 June 2007. (45) Article 37 as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 16 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act

on 13 September 2006. (46) Article 37a as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 17 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act

on 13 September 2006. (47) Article 37a (4) as amended by Article 1 Subparagraph 6 of the Act of 26 June 2017 (O.J.17.1238) amending this

Act on 22 June 2017. (48) Article 37b as added by Article 1 Subparagraph 17 of the Act of 9 June 2006 (O.J.06.126.877) amending this Act

on 13 September 2006.

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