Индекс заседания | WIPO/WEBINAR/WITT/2021/1 |
Дата и место проведения | 16 апреля 2021 г. Виртуально |
Время сессии | 13:00 - 14:30 Время: Женева |
Прошлые/будущие заседания | WIPO/WITT/GE/21 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/WITT/2021/1 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/WITT/2021/2 |
Тема (-ы) | Вебинары, Практикумы и семинары |
Following the publication of WIPO Technology Trends on Assistive Technology and based on its findings, the World Intellectual Property Organization is co-organizing with the Association for the advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE), with the support of the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations (GAATO) a series of online seminars on emerging assistive technologies in the field of communication (April 16), cognition (April 23) and self-care (April 30). Note: Live captioning will be offered |