1 S 673/2016
First published in the Go ernment Gazette, Electronic Edition, on 23rd December 2016 at 5.00 pm.
No. S 673
RULES 2016
In exe cise of the powe s confe ed by section 115 of the Patents Act, the Ministe fo Law, afte consulting with the Intellectual P ope ty Offce of Singapo e, makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1. These Rules a e the Patents (Amendment) Rules 2016 and come into ope ation on 1 Janua y 2017.
Amendment of rule 116
2. Rule 116 of the Patents Rules (R 1) is amended by inse ting, immediately afte the wo d “English”, the wo ds “o Chinese”.
[G.N. Nos. S 501/2009; S 730/2010; S 586/2011; S 210/2013; S 81/2014; S 162/2014; S 739/2014]
Made on 22 Decembe 2016.
NG HOW YUE Pe manent Sec eta y,
Minist y of Law, Singapo e.
[LAW 18/001/001 Vol. 11; AG/LEGIS/SL/221/2015/1 Vol. 1]