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Подзаконный акт №4 1994 года «О правовом депонировании», Иордания

Последняя редакция на WIPO Lex
Подробности Подробности Год версии 1994 Даты вступление в силу: 16 февраля 1994 г. Издано: 11 января 1994 г. Тип текста Имплементационные правила/положения Предмет Авторское право и смежные права Предмет (вторичный) Регулирующие органы в области ИС Примечания Подзаконный акт опубликован в официальном бюллетене за № 2951от 16.02.1994 г. на странице 297.
Принят в соответствии со статей 57 Закона № 22 1992 года «Об охране авторского права».

Имеющиеся тексты

Основной текст(-ы) Смежный текст(ы)
Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Арабский نظام ايداع المصنفات رقم 4 لسنة 1994      Английский By-Law No. 4 for the year 1994 on the Deposit of Compilations        

Page 2

Deposit of Compilations By-Law
at the National Library

By-Law No. (4), for the Year 1994

The By-Law has been published in the Official
Number 3951 issued dated 16/2/1994

Page 3

We, AI-Hassan Bin Talal, the Deputy of His Majesty the Greater King

Pursuant to Article -31-of the Constitution and by virtue of the decree of the Board of Ministers dated 111111994, we hereby order issuance of the following By-Law

By-Law No. -4-for the Year 1994
Compilations Depositing By-Law
Issued by virtue of Article No. 57 of the Author's Right
Protection Act
No. -22-for the Year 1992

Article 1-The current By-Law shall be cited (the Compilations Depositing By-Law for the Year 1994) to be effective as of the date on which it shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Article 2-The following terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them hereunder wherever they are mentioned herein unless otherwise indicated by the context:

The Minister : The Minister of Culture
The Department : The Department of the National Library
The Center : The Depositing Center at the Department, any
official Department or iVlission to be adopted
by the Minister.
The Act : The Author's Right Protection Act.
The Depositing : The delivery of the compilation to the center
pursuant to the Law and the current By-Law.

Article 3-The provisions of the current By-Law shall be applicable to any compilation that is subject to the depositing provisions stated in the Law.

Article 4A-Three copies of each compilation shall be deposited at the center, with the exception of those compilations stated hereunder of which one copy shall be deposited, provided that the copies deposited shall be consistent with the compilation in all aspects:

1-Two copies each of compilations that may be printed or published outside the Kingdom for a Jordanian author or publisher where the same shall be distributed inside the Kingdom.

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2-Copies of which assigned for publishing should not exceed 150 copies.

3-Two copies each of magazines, newspapers and bulletins.

4-Two copies each ofphotographs and labels.

5-One copy each of illustrative photos, maps, titles, designs, shaped works
related to geography and earth surface maps.

6-One copy each of musical compilations.

7 -One copy each of audio and video compilations.

8-One copy each of computer programs.

9-One copy, or a photo accompanied by a detailed description, of paintings,
photographs, engravings, carvings and architecture works as well as applied
and decorative arts.

10-One copy of each compilation banned from circulation. The entity
responsible for the ban shall be in charge of maintaining the copy.

B-The depositing shall effected at the center free of charge before offering
the compilation for sale or distribution in the Kingdom while the center
shall deliver the depositor a notice in writing to that effect. However, once
the compilation shall be reprinted, then it shall be subject to the provisions
of the depositing.

Article 5-The following articles shall be excluded from the provisions of

1-Commercial advertisements, price lists and annual reports.
2-Postal cards.
3-Invitations, visits and congratulations letters and the cards of the same.
4-Certificates and patents.
5-Elections papers.
6-Stocks and bonds.
7-Sale, purchase, lease and contracting forms and any similar contracts.

Article 6-vVithout prejudice to the provisions of the Law, any official
department or public institution shall stand liable for depositing each
compilation issued by it.

Page 5

Article 7-In case the author or publisher of any compilation shall fail to produce or publish such compilation before the end of the year on which he has been given the depositing number for the compilation, then he shall report the same to center to amend such number or any other data that shall be fixed on the compilation.

Article 8-The libraries of the official Jordanian universities that shall be adopted by the Minister shall act as the center for the university dissertations and graduation projects prepared at such universities provided that the Department shall be supplied with the bibliographic data necessary for such dissertations and projects at the end of each academic semester.

Article 9-The center shall maintain records related to the compilations deposited with it pursuant to the fonns and measures laid down by the Minister through instructions to be issued by him to that effect.

Article lOA-The competent official departments that are in charge of licensing the entities which print, publish, produce, sell or import compilations that are subject to the provisions of the Law and the current By-Law shall provide that Department with lists that shall include the names of such entities, their addresses in full and any amendment that may occur to the same.

B-The Department shall have the right of control and inspection of the entities meant by paragraph -A-of the current Article to assure their commitment to observe the provisions of the Law, the current By-Law and the instructions issued by virtue of the same.

Article 11-The Minister shall issue instructions necessary to carry out the provisions of the current By-Law.


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