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Radio Frequency Devices or Equipments including the Radio Frequency Identification Devices (Exemption from Licensing Requirement) Rules, 2014, Индия

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Подробности Подробности Год версии 2014 Даты Издано: 11 февраля 2014 г. Тип текста Имплементационные правила/положения Предмет Авторское право и смежные права, Прочее

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Хинди रेडियो फ्रीक्वेंसी आइडेंटिफिकेशन डिवाइस, (आवश्यकता लाइसेंस से छूट) नियम, 2014 सहित रेडियो फ्रीक्वेंसी उपकरणों या उपकरणों      Английский Radio Frequency Devices or Equipments including the Radio Frequency Identification Devices (Exemption from Licensing Requirement) Rules, 2014        
Radio Frequency devices or equipments including the Radio Frequency Identification Devices, (Exemption from Licensing Requirement) Rules, 2014.


1. Short title and commencement

2. Application

3. Definitions

4. Use of very low power Radio Frequency devices


Application for equipment type approval



[PART II - SEC. 3 (i)]



(Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing)



New Delhi, the 11th February, 2014


G.S.R. 83 (E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 4 and 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885) and sections 4 and 10 of the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 (17 of 1933), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: -

1. Short title and commencement. -


(1) These rules may be called the use of very low power Radio Frequency devices or equipments including the Radio Frequency Identification Devices, (Exemption from Licensing Requirement) Rules, 2014.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.


2. Application. - These rules shall be applicable in the 09-50 KHz frequency band.


3. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -


(a) Authority means authority notified by the Central Government under sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885);

(b) words and expressions used in these rules and not defined, but defined in the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885); and the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 (17 of 1933) shall have the same meaning respectively assigned to them in those Acts.


4. Use of very low power Radio Frequency devices or equipments including the Radio Frequency Identification Devices, in the 09 to 50 KHz frequency band. - No license shall be required by any person to establish, maintain, work, possess or deal in any wireless equipment for the purpose of usage of very low power Radio Frequency devices, or equipments including the Radio Frequency Identification Devices, in the 09 to 50 KHz frequency band with Integral, Dedicated or External antenna (In case of external antenna, only loop coil antenna may be employed), on non-interference, non-protection and shared (non exclusive) basis, with the maximum Radiated power or Field Strength Limits as specified in the Table below, namely: -





Technical characteristics of inductive applications using the following frequency band





Maximum Radiated Power or Field Strength Limits

( 1 )

( 2 )

09 to 50 KHz

72dB - A/m or 123.5dB - V/m at 10 metres


Provided that wherever specific service licence is required from the Central Government, the provisions of this rule shall not apply.

Conditions. - The exemptions granted under this rule shall be subject to following conditions, namely:-

(1) The effect of unwanted energy due to one or a combination of emissions, radiations or induction upon reception in a radio communication system, manifested by any performance degradation, misinterpretation, or loss of information which could be extracted in the absence of such unwanted energy, where any person whom a license has been issued under the provisions of section 4 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885); and section 4 of the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 (17 of 1933) informs the authority that his licensed system is getting harmful interference from any other radio communication system exempted under these rules, then such authority shall call upon the user of such unlicensed wireless equipment to take necessary steps to avoid interference by relocating the equipment, reducing the power, using special type of antennae failing which such authorities shall recommend discontinuation of such wireless use:

Provided that, before such discontinuation, a reasonable opportunity to explain the circumstances shall be given to such unlicensed user of wireless equipment by such authority.

(2) Equipment. - These very low power Radio Frequency wireless devices or equipments or Radio Frequency Identification devices shall be of Equipment type approved and designed and constructed in such a manner so that the technical parameters shall conform to the limits specified in the Table referred to in rule 4:

Provided that the application for obtaining equipment type approval shall be made to the Central Government in the application format given in Annexure.



L.F.HUMNEY, Assistant Wireless Adviser






1. Name of manufacturing agency applying for equipment type approval - :

2. Postal address of manufacturing agency - :

3. Name of product and the product identification (model number etc.) - :


Section-B-Details of Transmitter

1. Frequency range - :

2. No. of preset switchable channels - :

3. No. of voice / Data/ TV Channels - :

(In case of multi - channel equipment)

4.Tx-Rx channel separation - :

(In case of Duplex/multi-channel equipment)

5. Adjacent channel separation - :

( In case of multi-channel equipment)

6. Frequency stability - :

7. Spurious / Harmonic radiations - :


i. Carrier suppression - :

( In case of carrier suppressed systems)

ii. Unwanted side band suppression - :

( In case of SSB systems)

iii. 2nd Harmonic radiations - :

iv. 3rd Harmonic radiations - :


8. Max. Frequency Deviation - :

9. Mode of Emission - :

10. Bandwidth of Emission - :

11. Test Tone Deviation - :

12. Base band frequency - :

( In case of multi channel equipment)

13. Type of modulation to be required - :

14. Pre-emphasis - :

15. Power out-put - :

( At the input of antenna)

16. Any other information - :


Section-C- Details of Receivers

1. Frequency range - :

2. Mode of reception - :

3. Spurious response of receiver - :

4. Sensitivity - :

5. Frequency stability - :

6. (a) Effective noise temperature - :

(b) Threshold input level - :

7. Intermediate frequency - :

8. De-emphasis - :

9. Selectivity - :

10. Any other particulars - :


Signature of applicant



(Note: Separate application should be submitted for each type of equipment)


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