Technical Assistance Database: Search Results

Venue/host country: Uganda,

81 record(s) found.

Activity Date Venue Country Venue City Summary
25-Jul-2024 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Support Innovation Village in Uganda to Provide IP Support to Businesses - Workshop on IP and Business Competitiveness, Using WIPO IP Diagnostics to Deliver IP Support to Business
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP for Business Division
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12-Mar-2024 Uganda Kasese

Activity Title:    “Workshop on Collective Management and Governance of Rwenzori Mountains of the Moon Coffee GI”
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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08-Feb-2024 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    UGANDA : Training on Collective Management Operations and Licensing Practices
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Management Division
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23-Nov-2023 Uganda Kasese

Activity Title:    Information Event for Rwenzori Mountains of the Moon Coffee Geographical Indication
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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23-Nov-2023 Uganda Kasese

Activity Title:    Information Event for Rwenzori Mountains of the Moon Coffee Geographical Indication
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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28-Oct-2023 Uganda Mbarara

Activity Title:    The 9th CAMTech Uganda MedTech Hack-a-thon “Leveraging Innovation to Achieve Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare”
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Assistant Director General (GCPS)
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28-Oct-2023 Uganda Mbarara

Activity Title:    The 9th CAMTech Uganda MedTech Hack-a-thon “Leveraging Innovation to Achieve Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare”
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Assistant Director General (GCPS)
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28-Oct-2023 Uganda Mbarara

Activity Title:    The 9th CAMTech Uganda MedTech Hack-a-thon “Leveraging Innovation to Achieve Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare”
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Assistant Director General (GCPS)
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02-Oct-2023 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Training on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the ePCT system
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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23-Mar-2023 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Workshop: End of the Pilot Project on the use of IP for Women Entrepreneurs in Uganda for Branding, Product Development and Commercialization
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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21-Feb-2023 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    IP Week 2023: The Republic of Uganda
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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09-Feb-2023 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National outreach workshop for the Project on Facilitating Transfer of Appropriate Technologies for Uganda, Kampala
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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29-Jun-2022 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs (Group V and VI): Intellectual Property for Branding, Product Development and Commercialization
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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22-Jun-2022 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO Webinar on IP Commercialization in Uganda
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector
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30-May-2022 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs (Group III and IV): Intellectual Property for Branding, Product Development and Commercialization
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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25-May-2022 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs (Group I and II): The Mentoring Stage for Commercialization
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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28-Apr-2021 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Virtual Workshop on the Use of Intellectual Property as Collateral for Credit for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to be held in Kampala, Uganda
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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26-Apr-2021 Uganda kampala

Activity Title:    National Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs: IP for Branding and Product Development
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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16-Oct-2020 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Capacity Building Meeting: Transfer of Appropriate Technology for Development in Uganda
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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31-Aug-2020 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Capacity Building Session on Gender Equality and IP targetting Women Entrepreneurs in Uganda
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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31-Jul-2020 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Intellectual Property and Gender Equality: Awareness Raising Seminar in Uganda
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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04-Jul-2020 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    GSWIM office launch and discussion on IP and gender
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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29-Oct-2019 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    PCT Seminar and Training – Kampala, Uganda –October 29 and 30, 2019
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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24-Jul-2019 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Multi-stakeholder Consultation Workshop on IP and TK and TCEs: Development of an Action Plan in Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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06-May-2019 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Follow-up Meeting of the Advanced Training Program on IP and GRs in September 2018
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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01-May-2019 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Bilateral Project on Appropriate Technology for Uganda – Technical Consultations by the International Expert
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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27-Feb-2019 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    1) WIPO-URSB National Workshop on Building Respect for Intellectual Property for Law Enforcement Officials 2) WIPO-URSB Sub-Regional Workshop on Building Respect for Intellectual Property for Members of the Judiciary
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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06-Sep-2018 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    High-level Stakeholder's consultative workshop on WIPO copyright treaties
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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15-Dec-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Second Workshop of the Study on Innovation in the Agro-Based Industry in Uganda: An Empirical Study of Agricultural Innovation in a Least Developed Country
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Economics and Statistics Division
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04-Jul-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge for Economic Development: Empowering Local Communities of Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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04-Jul-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge for Economic Development: Empowering Local Communities of Uganda
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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27-Apr-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Multi- Stakeholders Workshop for the Validation of the National IP Policy of the Republic of Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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27-Apr-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Multi- Stakeholders Workshop for the Validation of the National IP Policy of the Republic of Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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20-Apr-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Fact-finding Mission and National Symposium on IP Education and Use of the IP System by Universities and R&D Institutions
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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20-Apr-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Fact-finding Mission and National Symposium on IP Education and Use of the IP System by Universities and R&D Institutions
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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23-Jan-2017 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Workshop on Establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) in Ugandan Universities
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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11-Oct-2016 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Launch and Workshop of the Study on Innovation in the Agro-Based Industry in Uganda: An Empirical Study of Agricultural Innovation in a Least Developed Country
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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11-Oct-2016 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Launch and Workshop of the Study on Innovation in the Agro-Based Industry in Uganda: An Empirical Study of Agricultural Innovation in a Least Developed Country
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Economics and Statistics Division
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24-Aug-2016 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    ICS Contract for Ms. Rose Mboya
Type:    Studies
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    IP and Frontiers Technologies Division
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08-Dec-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Advanced Training of Trainers Program on Effective IP Asset Management by SMEs
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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25-Nov-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Third Workshop on the Effective Use of Technical and Scientific Information
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP and Frontiers Technologies Division
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13-Aug-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Multi-Stakeholders Meeting on the Finalization of National Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP) Policy and Strategy for Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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13-Aug-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Multi-Stakeholders Meeting on the Finalization of National Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP) Policy and Strategy for Uganda
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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11-Aug-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Meeting on the Implementation of the WIPO Development Agenda Project: Capacity-Building in the Use of Appropriate Technology-Specific Technical and Scientific Information as a Solution for Identified Development Challenges in Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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11-Aug-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    National Meeting on the Implementation of the WIPO Development Agenda Project: Capacity-Building in the Use of Appropriate Technology-Specific Technical and Scientific Information as a Solution for Identified Development Challenges in Uganda
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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27-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO/JPO Evaluation and Programming Meeting – FITJAPAN
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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27-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Creativity and Access to Knowledge: A Social and Economic Impetus for Africa
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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27-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO/JPO Evaluation and Programming Meeting – FITJAPAN
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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27-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Creativity and Access to Knowledge: A Social and Economic Impetus for Africa
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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25-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    High Level- Meeting for Members of Parliament for ARIPO Member States:
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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25-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    High Level- Meeting for Members of Parliament for ARIPO Member States:
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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24-Mar-2015 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Evaluation meeting FIT Japan/WIPO
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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05-Nov-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO Training of Trainers Program on Effective IP Asset Management by SMEs
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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06-Oct-2014 Uganda kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO TISC Workshop in Kampala, Uganda - October 6 to 10. 2014
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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29-May-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:     Field Visit Prof. Ogada - Preparation of National Innovation and IP Policy and Strategy for Uganda
Type:    Visit
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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29-May-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Field Visit Prof. Ogada - Preparation of National Innovation and IP Policy and Strategy for Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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25-May-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:     Follow-up Program to the Tenth Training and Advisory Program on Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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09-Apr-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO National Workshop on Building Respect for Intellectual Property (IP)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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09-Apr-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO National Workshop on Building Respect for Intellectual Property (IP)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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17-Mar-2014 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:     Technical training mission on IPAS Project
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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25-Nov-2013 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    37th Session of The Administrative Council and the 14th Session of the Council of Ministers of the ARIPO
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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19-Nov-2013 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Sub-regional Workshop and Training Course on IP Management and the Formulation and Implementation
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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22-Apr-2013 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Consultative Meeting and High-Level National IP Policy Meeting: the Role of Innovation and Creativity Policies and Strategies for Technological Capacity Building, Economic Growth and Development
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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01-Nov-2012 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Development Agenca Project DA_4_01: Mission to Kampala, Uganda
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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07-Aug-2012 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO Training Program for Technological Capacity Building and the Establishment of the Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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04-Jun-2012 Uganda Kampala & Accra

Activity Title:    IPAS follow up missions to the IP Offices of Uganda and Ghana
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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08-Dec-2011 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Multi-Stakeholders Workshop on the Use of Intellectual Property for Technological Capacity Building and the Establishment of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISC) in the Republic of Uganda
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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05-Dec-2011 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Development Agenda Project DA_4_10_01 on intellectual property (IP) and product branding for the business development of selected communities in Uganda, and in particular to the development of IP and branding strategies for cotton and vanilla.
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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12-Sep-2011 Uganda North Nile Arua District, Arua Municipality

Activity Title:    Development Agenda Project Da-4-10-01: IP & Product Branding for the business Development of Selected Communities in Uganda. Proposal for first capacity building Workshop on cotton
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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15-Jun-2011 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Development Agenda Project DA _4_10_01 /SSA National & International Consultants in Uganda
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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22-Mar-2011 Uganda North Nile Arua District, Mukono District

Activity Title:    IP and product branding for the business development of selected communities in Uganda
Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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22-Mar-2011 Uganda Kampala

Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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16-Aug-2010 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Fact Finding Mission to Enhance the Use of Innovative Technology, Branding, Collective Marks to boost Agricultural Productivity and Export Oriented Products in Uganda
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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01-Jun-2010 Uganda Embedde

Activity Title:    Presentation on the WIPO Development Agenda
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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08-Dec-2009 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Regional Forum on Intellectual Property for the English Speaking African Least Developed Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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09-Nov-2009 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Assistance in the Modernization of Business Processes of Intellectual Property Offices (IPOs) in the Region for Trademarks, Patents and industrial Designs
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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09-Nov-2009 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Technical Support Mission at Uganda Registration Services Bureau(URSB), Mr. SHONGE, ARIPO
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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29-Jun-2009 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    WIPO Mission, IP GOLD/Mapping and Collecting of IP Related Laws in Uganda
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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29-Apr-2009 Uganda Kampala

Activity Title:    Infrastructure Modernization - System Deployment for Trademarks
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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15-Nov-2008 Uganda Kampala

Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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11-Nov-2008 Uganda Kampala

Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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