Technical Assistance Database: Search Results

Beneficiary country: Bolivia (Plurinational State of),

196 record(s) found.

Activity Date Venue Country Venue City Summary
01-Jan-2020 Afghanistan Kabul

Activity Title:    Ongoing communication with organizations for the blind in 45 developing and least developed countries, as well as countries in transition, to discuss their membership in the ABC Global Book Service. For those that recently joined the Service, ABC has been working to integrate their respective collections in the ABC catalogue.
Type:    remote assistance
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Management Division
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31-May-2021 Argentina Buenos Aires

Activity Title:    Fourth MIP & Innovation with San Andrés University and INPI
Type:    Residential & Virtual Classes
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Management, Strategic Planning and Coordination
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12-Oct-2011 Argentina Buenos Aires

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Seminar on the Implementation of the WIPO Development Agenda
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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09-Jun-2009 Argentina Buenos Aires

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM/EPO Project to Promote the Exchange of Patent Information and to Provide Latin American Industrial Property Offices with Electronic Publication Systems - LATIPAT Project
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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19-Feb-2024 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    DA Project on Collective Marks in Bolivia: Launch Event and Trainings
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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04-Nov-2023 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Monteagudo

Activity Title:    online Workshop on Collective Marks
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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04-Nov-2023 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Monteagudo

Activity Title:    Online Workshop on Collective Marks
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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25-Jan-2023 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Monteagudo

Activity Title:    Workshop on collective marks
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Collective Management
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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25-Jul-2022 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    Online Training on Collective Marks_SENAPI
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Collective Management
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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11-Jun-2021 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    PCT presentation in the High-Level International Forum organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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01-Jun-2017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    to provide a forum for sharing experiences in the use of the IP system to promote innovation and transfer of knowledge, and particularly to encourage and facilitate cooperation among different organizations and institutions
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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27-Mar-2017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    National Workshop on the Use of Collective Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin for Local Development, La Paz,
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Deputy Director General (RNDS)
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27-Mar-2017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    Bolivia. WIPO-Italy Trust Fund Cooperation: National Workshop on the Use of Collective Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin for Local Development, La Paz, March 27 to 29, 2017
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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27-Mar-2017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    Bolivia. WIPO-Italy Trust Fund Cooperation: National Workshop on the Use of Collective Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin for Local Development, La Paz, March 27 to 29, 2017
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Deputy Director General (RNDS)
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27-Mar-2017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    The workshop will also provide the opportunity to share experiences on the development and implementation of GI schemes in Bolivia
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Deputy Director General (RNDS)
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27-Mar-2017 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    National Workshop on the use of collective trademarks, geographical indications and appellations of origin for local development
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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16-Nov-2015 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Activity Title:    Train the Trainer Course for Ibero-American Countries on Plant Variety Protection Under the UPOV Convention and Complementary forms of Intellectual Property Protection
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    External Relations Division
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15-Oct-2012 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Santa Cruz

Activity Title:    Evaluation of efficiency in the Public Sector
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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09-Mar-2012 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    Participation of WIPO Speaker in the Festival
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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29-Oct-2011 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Santa Cruz

Activity Title:    a presentation on IP and Development in the Region, the Role of WIPO in Developing National IP Strategies
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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30-Aug-2010 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) La Paz

Activity Title:    Apoyar el Proceso de Formulacion y diseno de un Plan Integral para la Moedernization de la Infrastructura de Sistemas y Procedimientos de Gestion Administrativa del SENAPI
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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12-Jun-2023 Brazil Brasillia

Activity Title:    Back-to-back regional meetings for heads of Copyright Offices
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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29-Jun-2021 Brazil Sao Paulo

Activity Title:    WIPO GREEN and the Acceleration Project in Latin America. INPI / Euroclima+ Workshop: Green Patents: the role of the INPI in the promotion and commercialization of green technologies in Brazil and efforts in Latin America
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Climate Change and Food Security
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16-Mar-2021 Brazil Brasilia

Activity Title:    Diplomado de Arbitraje del Iteso: Módulo 14-A: Arbitraje de Propiedad Intelectual
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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29-Nov-2017 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    Assessment and Training of Officials at the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) of Brazil and participation in the XXXV Regional Workshop for Industrial Property Offices of Latin America
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Madrid Legal Division
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04-Jul-2016 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    XXXIV Regional Workshop for Industrial Property Offices of Latin America
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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23-May-2016 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    XV Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property for Judges and Prosecutors from Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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23-Nov-2015 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    Regional Intermediate Training Program on Patent Examination for Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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02-Sep-2015 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    Seminar with INPI Brazil and Brazilian Franchising Association on Franchising and Alternative Dispute Resolution,
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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31-Aug-2015 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    XXXIII Regional Workshop for IP Offices of Latin America
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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03-Nov-2014 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    XXXII Seminar for Officials of IP Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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15-Apr-2013 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    XXXI Seminar for Officials of IP Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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08-Aug-2012 Brazil Brasilia

Activity Title:    WIPO First Inter-Regional Meeting to Discuss IP Governance; GRTKF and Copyright and Related Rights
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Global Databases Division
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17-Oct-2011 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    VII WIPO/OEPM/EPO Meeting of Information Technology (IT) Speecialists and Management of Patent Information of Industrial Property Offices in Latin America
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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02-Mar-2009 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    Meeting of Heads of Industrial Property Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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01-Jun-2021 Chile Santiago

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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05-Mar-2021 Chile Santiago

Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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13-Dec-2017 Chile Santiago De Chile

Activity Title:    Regional Meeting on Challenges of Industrial Property Offices (IPOs) for the 21st Century: Policies, Management, Cooperation, Registration and Technology Transfer
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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06-Sep-2016 Chile Santiago

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on the STLT
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Policy and Legislative Advice Section
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04-Nov-2013 Chile Santiago

Activity Title:    IX Reunión Regional OMPI/OEPM/OEP de especialistas en tecnolgías de la información y la gestión de información de patentes, de oficinas de PI de América Latina, en el marco del Proyecto LATIPAT
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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20-Jun-2012 China Beijing

Activity Title:    Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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28-Jan-2021 Colombia Bogotá

Activity Title:    Seminario web OMPI-SIC sobre mediación para solución de controversias en propiedad industrial
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Internet Dispute Resolution Section
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18-Jun-2020 Colombia Bogota

Activity Title:    WIPO-DNDA: The Landscape of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Copyright Disputes
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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14-Nov-2017 Colombia Cartagena de Indias

Activity Title:    XVI WIPO/AECID/OEPM Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) for Judges and Prosecutors from Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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18-Sep-2017 Colombia Bogota

Activity Title:    Consultation Meetings with Government Authorities and Copyright Stakeholders et Regional Meeting for Heads/Directors of Copyright Offices in Latin America
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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14-Sep-2016 Colombia Santa Marta

Activity Title:    . WIPO Reg Meeting of Directors of Industrial Prop. Offices and Export Promotion Off of Latin American Countries; and II. WIPO Reg Meeting of Directors of IP Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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14-Sep-2016 Colombia Santa Marta

Activity Title:    I. WIPO Reg Meeting of Directors of Industrial Prop. Offices and Export Promotion Off of Latin American Countries; and II. WIPO Reg Meeting of Directors of IP Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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11-Apr-2016 Colombia Cartagena de Indias

Activity Title:    Regional Workshop for Training of Trainers on Industrial Property: Drafting of Patent Applications
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    PCT Operations Section 1
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11-Apr-2016 Colombia Cartagena De Indias

Activity Title:    Regional Workshop for Training of Trainers on Industrial Property: Drafting of Patent Applications
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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07-Mar-2016 Colombia Cartagena de Indias

Activity Title:    IV Regional Seminar on Trademarks and Industrial Designs as Innovation Factors and Enterprise Assets: Design as a strategic business tool and as a differentiating factor
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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26-Oct-2015 Colombia Cartagena De Indias

Activity Title:    III Regional Seminar on Trademarks and Industrial Designs as Innovation Factors and Enterprise Assets: Building a National Branding Strategy
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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26-Oct-2015 Colombia Cartagena de Indias

Activity Title:    III Regional Seminar on Trademarks and Industrial Designs as Innovation Factors and Enterprise Assets: Building a National Branding Strategy
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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27-Oct-2014 Colombia Cartagena de Indias

Activity Title:    II Regional Seminar on Trademarks and Industrial Design as innovation factor and enterprise asset: innovating through the handicrafts
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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24-Feb-2014 Colombia Cartagena de Indias

Activity Title:    V Regional Conference on Modernization of the Management of Industrial Property National Offices, Strategic Planning and Quality Management. Industrial Property and the Entrepreneurial Sector
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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24-Feb-2014 Colombia Cartagena De Indias

Activity Title:    V Regional Conference on Modernization of the Management of Industrial Property National Offices, Strategic Planning and Quality Management. Industrial Property and the Entrepreneurial Sector
Type:    Visit
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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04-Nov-2013 Colombia Cartagena De Indias

Activity Title:    XII Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) for Judges and Prosecutors from Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Patent and Technology Law Division
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07-Oct-2013 Colombia Cartagena De Indias

Activity Title:     IV Regional Conference on Strategic Planning and Awareness on Industrial Property
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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05-Nov-2012 Colombia Medellin

Activity Title:    Eighth Regional Meeting WIPO/OEPM/EPO of IT Specialists and Management of Patent Information of Industrial Property Offices in Latin America (LATIPAT Project)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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21-Nov-2011 Colombia Cartagena

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM II Regional Seminar on Strategic Planning and Management for Industrial Property (IP) Offices from Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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05-May-2021 Costa Rica San Jose

Activity Title:    Regional Dialogue on the IP Office of the Future
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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01-Apr-2013 Cuba La Havana

Activity Title:    WIPO/SGAE Training Course on Copyright and Related Rights for Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Jul-2019 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

Activity Title:    a) Regional Meeting for Heads/Directors of Copyright Offices in Latin America b) Regional Seminar for the Latin American and Caribbean Group on Libraries, Archives, Museums, Educ&Research Inst.
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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12-Jun-2012 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty for Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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29-May-2012 Dominican Republic Bayhibe & Santo Domingo

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Meeting of Heads of Industrial Property Offices of Latin America
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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01-Nov-2010 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM/EPO Project to Promote the Exchange of Patent Information and to Provide Latin American Industrial Property Offices with Electronic Publication Systems - LATIPAT Project
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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26-Feb-2024 Ecuador Quito

Activity Title:    XX Regional Seminar on IP for Judges of Latin America
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Assistant Director General (IES)
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14-Nov-2018 Ecuador Quito

Activity Title:    Subregional Seminar on the Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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28-Sep-2015 Ecuador Alfaro (Manta)

Activity Title:    Back-to-back National Workshops on the Regulatory Councils for the Management of Appellations of Origins
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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28-Jul-2014 Ecuador Salinas

Activity Title:    III Regional Meeting of Directors of IP Offices & Heads of Science and Technology Institutions of Latin American Countries; 2. Regional Meeting of Directors of IP Offices of Latin American Countries; & 3. IBEPI Inter-Governmental Committee
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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29-Nov-2016 El Salvador San Salvador

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Consultations on the TAG of Excellence Project in Latin America
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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16-Feb-2015 Guatemala La Antigua

Activity Title:    XIV WIPO/AECID/OEPM Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) for Judges and Prosecutors from Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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17-Mar-2014 Guatemala La Antigua

Activity Title:     WIPO/AECID/OEPM XIII Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) for Judges and Prosecutors from Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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17-Mar-2014 Guatemala La Antigua

Activity Title:    WIPO/AECID/OEPM XIII Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) for Judges and Prosecutors from Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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10-Dec-2012 Guatemala La Antigua

Activity Title:    WIPO/EPO/OEPM Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property for Judges
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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12-Nov-2012 Guatemala Antigua

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM III Regional Seminar on Strategic Planning and Management for Industrial Property (IP) Offices from Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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24-Sep-2012 Honduras Tegucigalpa

Activity Title:    WIPO-SGAE Regional Academic Course on Copyright and Related Rights and Collective Management for latin American Countries: practical and technical notions.
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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25-Jan-2021 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:    WIPO Virtual Launching Event: Project to update the Manual for the examination of patent applications in the industrial property offices of the countries of the Andean Community.
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patent and Technology Law Division
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28-May-2020 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:    Online Regional Dialogue with Heads of IP offices from Latin America on the Madrid system for the international registration of trademarks and the Hague system for the international registration of industrial designs
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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19-Oct-2016 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:    Mexico. Regional Seminar to raise industrial property awareness among SMEs: Forming prospective entrepreneurs; and Open Awareness Day with the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Mexico
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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30-May-2016 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:    WIPO-Mexico Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Residential & Virtual Classes
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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01-Jun-2015 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:    WIPO-Mexico Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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08-Sep-2014 Mexico Mexico

Activity Title:    WIPO/IMPI Training Course on Trademark Procedures for Latin American Countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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02-Jun-2014 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:     WIPO-Mexico Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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22-Oct-2012 Mexico Mexico City

Activity Title:    WIPO-IMPI Course on Patent Search and Examination Procedures for Latin American Countries
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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01-Sep-2020 Nigeria Abuja

Activity Title:    How to resolve entertainment disputes through WIPO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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29-Jul-2019 Panama Panama City

Activity Title:    Practical Workshop on Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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21-Jun-2016 Panama Panama City

Activity Title:    Regional Meeting for Latin America on the Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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21-Jun-2016 Panama Panama City

Activity Title:    Regional Meeting for Latin America on the Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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18-Nov-2015 Panama Panama

Activity Title:    Practical Workshop on IP and TK and TCEs for IPLCs from South and Central America
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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07-Nov-2011 Panama Panama City

Activity Title:    WIPO/SGAE Regional Academic Course on Copyright and Related Rights for Latin American Countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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06-Oct-2014 Paraguay Asunción

Activity Title:    WIPO/SGAE Training course on copyright and related rights for latin american countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Aug-2022 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    WIPO-SGCAN Launching Event: Updated Andean Manual for the Examination of Patents of the Andean Community
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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16-Mar-2021 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    Diplomado de Arbitraje del Iteso: Módulo 14-A: Arbitraje de Propiedad Intelectual
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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29-Oct-2019 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    WIPO's contribution to the Sub-Regional Workshop on Experiences and Options for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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24-Oct-2019 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Workshop on WIPO Administered Treaties on Trademarks and Geographical Indications
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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19-Jun-2019 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    IV Regional Forum to promote the Use of the International Intellectual Property Registry System among the Latin-American Private Sector
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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03-Sep-2018 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    a) Sub-regional Seminar on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Environment b) Sub-regional Workshop on Copyright and Related Rights for Decision Makers
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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30-Jul-2018 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Seminar on Cross-Border GRs and Associated TK
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

18-May-2015 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    WIPO/SGAE Training Course on Copyright and Related Rights for Latin American Countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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07-Apr-2014 Peru Lima

Activity Title:     WIPO Training Course on Patent Search and Examination for Latin American Countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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07-Apr-2014 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    WIPO Training Course on Patent Search and Examination for Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Professional Development Program
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17-Jul-2013 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    Regional Meeting of Directors of Industrial Property Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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11-Jul-2013 Peru Lima

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM Regional seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for Latin American- Meeting on quality certification & best practices; meeting of Directors of industrial property offices of Latin American countries.
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
View Activity Details

19-Oct-2009 Peru Veracruz

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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19-May-2016 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Inter-Governmental Meeting of the Iberoamerican Program on Industrial Property and Development Promotion (IBEPI)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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26-May-2021 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    Session 2 - Virtual & Hybrid Workshop on Copyright System in Support of Creative Start-up Companies: Practice and Experience of the Republic of Korea
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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18-Mar-2024 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    MADRID - Mentorship Program for Latin American Musicians and Professionals
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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08-Jun-2021 Spain Barcelona

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on cultural industries and Intellectual Property as a growth factor (Virtual)
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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24-Feb-2020 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    Sub-regional Study Visit to Copyright and Related Rights Organizations
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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20-Feb-2017 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    WIPO-OEPM Advanced Training Course on Trademark Procedures for Latin American Countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Jul-2016 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    WIPO-OEMP Advanced Training Course on Trademark Procedures for Latin American Countires
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Professional Development Program
View Activity Details

04-Jul-2016 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    WIPO-OEMP Advanced Training Course on Trademark Procedures for Latin American Countires
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

09-Nov-2015 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    WIPO/SGAE Training Course on Collective Management of Copyright
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Professional Development Program
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01-Oct-2015 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:    Iberoamerican Program on Industrial Property and Development Promotion- Meeting in Madrid, Spain.
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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07-Oct-2013 Spain Madrid

Activity Title:     Advanced Training Course on Trademark Examination for Latin American Countries
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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15-Jul-2024 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Breakfast meeting - LAC ASEAN side event
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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03-Jul-2024 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Briefing Session on Development Agenda Projects
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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15-Jun-2024 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online Course on Gender Perspectives in the Management and Functions of IP Offices in LA
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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19-Jun-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Meeting WIPO - Chambers of Commerce of LatAm countries
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Assistant Director General (IES)
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24-Apr-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) 30th Session
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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28-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications: Forty-Fifth Session (SCT/45)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
View Activity Details

28-Feb-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Intergovernmental Committee IGC 42
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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22-Feb-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Informal Information Session on the Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) 42
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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09-Dec-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    23rd Prime Regional Webinar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for Latin American countries
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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25-Oct-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    II W IPO/OEPM/AECID Regional Seminar on Collective Marks, Guaranteeor Certification Marks and Geographical Indications
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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19-Oct-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IV WIPO/OEPM/AECID Regional Workshop for Training of Trainers on Industrial Property: Drafting of Patent Applications in Latin American
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    IP for Business Division
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22-Sep-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual Regional Seminar on Copyright and Traditional Cultural Expressions
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Department for Traditional Knowledge and Global Challenges
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05-Aug-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online training course on gender perspectives in the management and functions of IP Offices in Latin America
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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28-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR/41)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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01-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Taller Virtual de Mediacion y Arbitraje OMPI
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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01-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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17-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    SCT/44 + related Information Meetings
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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28-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual Session 4 - Coaching Sessions on: Designing a Gender Equality Plan: Tools for Copyright Policy Makers of Latin America
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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28-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual Session 4 - Coaching Sessions on: Designing a Gender Equality Plan: Tools for Copyright Policy Makers of Latin America
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
View Activity Details

02-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation & Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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27-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual Project on IP capacity building for national SMES support institutions and relevant stakeholders of Latin America and the Caribbean countries – Phase 3 Online information session for SMEs
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

18-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Project on IP capacity building Objet: for national SMEs support institutions and relevant stakeholders of Latin America and Caribbean countries - Phase 2 Online Awareness Session
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

16-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation & Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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12-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    OEPM-WIPO: R&D model agreements and dispute resolution in the sector
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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11-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Virtual Project on IP Capacity Building for National SMEs Support Institutions and relevant Stakeholders of Latin America and Caribbean countries – Phase 2 Online Awareness Session
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

05-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Stocktaking Meeting with Heads of Copyright Offices of Latin American Countries
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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21-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Project on IP capacity building Objet: for national SMEs support institutions and relevant stakeholders of Latin America and Caribbean countries - Phase 1
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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05-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    High-level Webinar Series on the Hague Agreement for Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Hague Registry
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01-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Meeting to discuss the Membership of the ABC Global Book Service
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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09-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    How WIPO mediation and arbitration can help you to resolve your licensing disputes
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
View Activity Details

20-Aug-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual Workshop on Patents and Biotechnology
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

15-Aug-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Project on IP Capacity Building for National SMEs Support Institutions and Relevant Stakeholders (on-line)
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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10-Aug-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Virtual Workshop on Patents and Biotechnology, La Paz, Bolivia
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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06-Aug-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Training Course on the Strategic Use of Patent Information (on-line)
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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21-Jul-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Webinar IP Key América Latina - Seminario sobre Diseños Industriales
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Hague Registry
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08-Jul-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Overview of the WIPO Guide on Using Inventions in the Public Domain
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Technology and Innovation Support Division
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28-Jun-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Information Session to Promote WIPO LEX Judgements in the GRULAC Region
Type:    remote assistance
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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16-Jun-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Mediation under the WIPO Rules
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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09-Jun-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Fundamentals of Using Patent Databases
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Technology and Innovation Support Division
View Activity Details

02-Jun-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    New WIPO eTISC Platform
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Technology and Innovation Support Division
View Activity Details

28-May-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Regional meeting of Heads of IP Offices in the Madrid and the Hague Systems (on-line)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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26-May-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    National Information Workshop on the Lisbon System for IP Office Officials (on-line)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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21-May-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Have You Considered WIPO’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Services for Collective Management-Related Disputes?
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Collective Management
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
View Activity Details

07-May-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    How WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Can Help You Resolve Your Licensing Disputes
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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22-Apr-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Annual Coordination Meeting for LATIPAT Project
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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04-Mar-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL101S20S1] DL-101 Curso general de propiedad intelectual
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Mar-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Working Meetings for the Implementation of CDIP projects on Collective Trademarks (on-line)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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07-Feb-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201P20DEF] DL-201 Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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07-Jan-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201S20DEF] DL-201 Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

05-Jan-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL177S20S1] Guía electrónica sobre el uso de la información de patentes (DL-177)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Jan-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201OS20S1] DL-201 Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos (Abierto)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Jan-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Project for the Design and Evaluation and Monitoring System of Technical Assistance Activities (on-line)
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

01-Jan-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Project for the Design and Evaluation and Monitoring System of Technical Assistance Activities (on-line)
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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02-Sep-2019 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Fourteenth Session of the Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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01-Jul-2019 Switzerland Geneva, Salle A

Activity Title:    CWS/7 Meeting
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details

17-Jun-2019 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IGC 40
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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20-May-2019 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    CDIP: Twenty-third session
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Arab Countries
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27-Aug-2018 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    37th Session of the IGC (IGC 37)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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19-Mar-2018 Switzerland WIPO Headquarters, Geneva

Activity Title:    Thirty-Fifth Session of the IGC (IGC 35)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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08-Jun-2017 Switzerland WIPO Headquarters, Geneva

Activity Title:    1. LMC Roundtable 2. Seminar on IP and TCEs 3. 34th session of the Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRs, TK and Folklore (IGC)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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19-Sep-2016 Switzerland WIPO Headquarters, Geneva

Activity Title:    Thirty-First session of the Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRs, TK and Folklore (IGC)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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23-Jun-2015 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Seminar on IP and GRs, TK and TCEs: The Regional and International Dimensions
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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05-May-2014 Switzerland GENEVA

Activity Title:     Workshop on WIPO Copyright Connection
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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24-Mar-2014 Switzerland WIPO Headquarters, Geneva

Activity Title:    Twenty-seventh session of the Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRs, TK and Folklore (IGC)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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14-Feb-2012 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Twentieth session of the Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRs, TK and Folklore (IGC)
Type:    Committees
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Department for Traditional Knowledge and Global Challenges
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13-Oct-2011 Switzerland Geneva

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
View Activity Details

18-Jul-2011 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRs, TK and Folklore (IGC)
Type:    Committees
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Department for Traditional Knowledge and Global Challenges
View Activity Details

11-Jul-2011 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Conference on Innovation and Climate Change
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Global Databases Division
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25-Jan-2010 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)
Type:    Committees
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
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01-Jan-2009 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Acting as administering authority and assisting in the design of appropriate domain name dispute resolution policies in relation to registrations in the country code top level domain.
Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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21-Jan-2021 Trinidad and Tobago Port Of Spain

Activity Title:    TTIPO-WIPO Webinar: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Mobile Applications Disputes
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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28-Oct-2020 United States of America New York

Activity Title:    WIPO GREEN Acceleration Project in Latin America
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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06-Jun-2016 United States of America Washington D.C.

Activity Title:    The 2016 International Copyright Institute on Copyright in a Global Network: Emerging Issues in Copyright and Related Rights for Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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31-Oct-2022 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:    XIX WIPO/AECID/OEPM Regional Seminar on IP for Judges of Latin America, Montevideo, Uruguay
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector
View Activity Details

16-Sep-2019 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:    XVIII WIPO/AECID/OEPM Regional Seminar on IP for Judges and Prosecutors of Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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08-May-2017 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:    WIPO/OEPM/AECID. Regional Workshop for Training of Trainers on Industrial Property: Drafting of Patent Applications - face-to-face session, Montevideo, Uruguay, May 8 to 12 and follow-up session via e-mail communication, May 15 to July 14, 2017
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    PCT Operations Section 1
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12-Dec-2016 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:    Workshop on the benefits of the 1991 act of the UPOV Convention for policies related to agriculture and food security
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    External Relations Division
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15-Dec-2014 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:    Train the Trainer Course for Ibero-American Countries on Plant Variety Protectoin
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    External Relations Division
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25-Nov-2013 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on Trademarks and Industrial Design as innovation factor and enterprise asset
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
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02-Sep-2013 Uruguay Montevideo

Activity Title:     WIPO Trining Course on Patent Search and Examination Procedures for Latin American Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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28-May-2009 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Caracas

Activity Title:    WIPO/SELA Cooperation on Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions (Folklore) and Associated Genetic Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
View Activity Details