Blockchain Survey | GIs, Environmental Sustainability |
July 16, 2020
WIPO Holds Second Session on IP and AI
WIPO held its Second Conversation on Intellectual Property (IP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a largely virtual session followed by more than 2,000 people from 130 countries, including representatives of member states, as well as academic, scientific and private organizations. More than 50 participants from a diverse range of organizations spoke during the meeting, underlining the timeliness and magnitude of the discussion on IP and AI.
DG Gurry Outlines Next Steps in AI, IP Process

In a short video, WIPO Director General Francis Gurry summarizes the outcomes of WIPO’s Second Conversation on IP and AI and outlines the next steps in a process designed to help clarify the most-pressing IP policy-related questions in the dynamic and fast-growing field of AI.
Treaty Action: Saint Lucia, Marrakesh

Saint Lucia has joined WIPO's Marrakesh Treaty, which eases the production and international transfer of specially adapted books for people with blindness or visual impairments. Saint Lucia is the 69th member of the Marrakesh Treaty, which covers 96 countries.
Take the Survey: Blockchain and IP

Please participate in a newly released survey and help the Organization collect information on blockchain and the IP ecosystem for an eventual white paper on the subject. Responses by July 31, please. All are welcome!
DG Gurry Joins IPA President Setzer for Online Conversation

Director General Gurry joins host Hugo Setzer, President of the International Publishers Association, for a video-conference conversation on a range of copyright-related and other issues. 
GIs and Supporting Environmental Sustainability in West Africa

The example of Madd de Casamance shows that when environmental sustainability is identified as a shared goal, the community organization required to secure geographical indication status can help respond to environmental challenges, the WIPO Magazine reports.
WIPO Nigeria Office

Learn about the WIPO Nigeria Office, which was established in Abuja in January 2020 to promote awareness raising, training and capacity building in the field of IP and across WIPO's global services in Nigeria.
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