Technical Assistance Database: Search Results

Venue/host country: Iran (Islamic Republic of),

71 record(s) found.

Activity Date Venue Country Venue City Summary
14-Oct-2023 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO - Iran Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Academic Institutions and Executive Program
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14-Oct-2023 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO - Iran Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Academic Institutions and Executive Program
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14-Oct-2023 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO - Iran Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Academic Institutions and Executive Program
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09-Sep-2023 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Seminars on Saffron and Pistachio branding projects and field visit and interview with producers, etc., and meetings with IPC high-ranking officials
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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30-Oct-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Mashhad

Activity Title:    Kick off mission to conduct face to face capacity-building activities, including mentoring to help develop brands and strengthen brand protection for entrepreneurs in the Saffron and Pistachio industry
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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26-Sep-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Follow-up cooperation with the Iranian NIPTC – Continuous Training of Trainers on Advanced Teaching Methodologies
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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03-Sep-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO - Iran Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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03-Sep-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO - Iran Summer School on Intellectual Property
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Academic Institutions and Executive Program
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09-May-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO-IRAN: Follow-up cooperation with the NIPTC of the Ministry of Justice of Iran
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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22-Feb-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Triangular South-South Cooperation Activity on Locarno Classification involving Iran, Malaysia and WIPO – Online training for IP Center of Iran by MyIPO
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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01-Feb-2022 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Webinar on using branding tools in digital marketing for Iran’s Pistachio stakeholders under the Enabling Innovation Environment (EIE) Project to Increase the Competitiveness of Business through Brands and Designs
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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24-Apr-2021 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Teharan

Activity Title:    Virtual National Patent Drafting Workshop,
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    IP for Business Division
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15-Mar-2021 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Virtual opening ceremony of the Madrid e-Filing service
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Madrid Information and Promotion Division
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03-Mar-2021 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Addition of Iran to the list of Madrid e-Filing users
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Madrid Information Systems Division
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06-Jul-2020 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Enabling Innovation Environment (EIE) Project Training for Branding Bureaus (Round 1)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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24-Aug-2019 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Conference, Training Workshop and Expert Mission for the Project on Enabling IP Environment to Strengthen the Business Competitiveness through Brands and Designs
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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22-Jun-2019 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Teheran

Activity Title:    Training of Trainers of the Iranian Intellectual Property (IP) Academy – Module 3: Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Industrial Designs, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Hague Registry
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01-Apr-2019 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Teheran

Activity Title:    Finalization of project for establishment of National IP Training Center in Iran
Type:    Project
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Jan-2019 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO National Patent Drafting Workshop, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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01-Dec-2018 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Missions to Iran and Bhutan with ICS for an International Expert for the Enabling IP Environment to Strengthen Business Competitiveness through Brands and Designs Projects
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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01-Dec-2018 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Training of Trainers of the Iranian Intellectual Property (IP) Academy – Module 2: Patents, Related-Public Policies and Technology Transfer
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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12-Nov-2018 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    TISC Training Workshop in Islamic Republic of Iran
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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25-Aug-2018 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Workshop towards Establishing an Enabling IP Environment (EIE) to Strengthen the Business Competitiveness through Brands and Designs, Tehran, August 27 to 29, 2018
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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25-Aug-2018 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Seminar on GIs and the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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24-Feb-2018 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National PCT Workshop and PCT Training for IP Office Staff for a Member State With Potential for Growth in PCT Filings, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, February 24 to 28, 2018
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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12-Dec-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Presentation of GII 2017
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Economics and Statistics Division
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11-Dec-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Presentation of GII 2017 in Iran
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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11-Dec-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Workshop on IP Licensing and Valuation for Universities and Research Instittutions
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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09-Dec-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Workshop on Technology Transfer Office and IP Management in the framework of the EIE Project (Organization Phase) + Visits to participating Universities and R&D Institutions (2) National Forum on the Global Innoation Index (GII)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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09-Dec-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Workshop on Technology Transfer Office and IP Management in the framework of the EIE Project (Organization Phase) + Visits to participating Universities and R&D Institutions (2) National Forum on the Global Innoation Index (GII)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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15-Jul-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Preparations for the establishment of an IP Training Center in Iran
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Jul-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Resource and Management Diagnostic Project of the National Intellectual Property (IP) Center
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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01-Jul-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Resource and Management Diagnostic Project of the National Intellectual Property (IP) Center
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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01-Jul-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Resource and Management Diagnostic Project of the National Intellectual Property (IP) Center
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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23-May-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Participation in the 7th National Seminar on Copyright and Related Rights: Protection of TCEs and IP
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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29-Apr-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Patent examiner training
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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29-Apr-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Expert Mission to Intellectual Property Center (IPC), Tehran, Iran and the Training Workshop for the Patent Examiners from April 29 to May 3, 2017
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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29-Apr-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Expert Mission to Intellectual Property Center (IPC), Tehran, Iran and the Training Workshop for the Patent Examiners from April 29 to May 3, 2017
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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29-Apr-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Expert Mission to Intellectual Property Center (IPC), Tehran, Iran and the Training Workshop for the Patent Examiners from April 29 to May 3, 2017
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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27-Apr-2017 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Patent examiner training
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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07-Nov-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Workshop on Access to Technology for Innovation and on Establishing a Technology and Innovation Support Center Network
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Innovation Economics Section
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07-Nov-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Workshop on Access to Technology for Innovation and on Establishing a Technology and Innovation Support Center Network
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP and Frontiers Technologies Division
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05-Nov-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Follow-up mission on the Project related to the Enabling IP Environment - Iran
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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05-Nov-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Follow-up mission on the Project related to the Enabling IP Environment - Iran
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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24-Oct-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Sub-regional Workshop on Effective Intellectual Property Asset Management by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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20-Sep-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Preparations for the establishment of an IP Training Center in Tehran, Iran, from September 20 to 22, 2016
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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28-May-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Assessment Mission for the Enabling IP Environment Project
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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28-May-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Assessment Mission for the Enabling IP Environment Project
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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02-May-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    6th National Seminar on Copyright and Related Rights:
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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02-May-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    6th National Seminar on Copyright and Related Rights:
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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26-Jan-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    PCT Workshop for a Recently Acceded Member State with PCT Filing Potential
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
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26-Jan-2016 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    PCT Workshop for a Recently Acceded Member State wit PCT Filing Potential
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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08-Jun-2015 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO National Workshop on IP Management in Business for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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04-May-2015 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Workshop on Copyright, the Berne Convention and the Marrakesh VIP Treaty
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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03-May-2015 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Meeting with the IPO officals and National Seminar on Copyright and related rights
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Collective Management
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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01-May-2015 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    to participate in the Meeting with the IPO office and participating in the National Seminar on Copyright and related rights
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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16-Jun-2014 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    PCT Training Activity following Accession of Iran to the PCT
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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26-Apr-2014 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Seminar on IPRs and its Role in Economic Development
Type:    Visit
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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26-Apr-2014 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    National Seminar on IPRs and its Role in Economic Development
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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26-Apr-2014 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Teheran

Activity Title:    National Conference on Copyright and Related Rights
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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21-Oct-2012 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO National Seminars on (i) IP Management and Commercialization of IP Assets; (ii) Valuation and Commercialization of Invention, Trademarks and Industrial Designs (followed by one-day discussions with government of Iran)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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29-Apr-2012 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    World Intellectual Property (IP) Day Seminar and the Seminar on the Review of the Patents, Industrial Designs and Trademarks Law, on April 29 and 30, 2012, Tehran
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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20-Feb-2012 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO National Seminar on Intellectual Property Strategies
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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10-Dec-2011 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Study Visit for five officials from Afghanistan to the Industrial Property Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Type:    Visit
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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19-Nov-2011 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Organization of Four Workshops back-to-back on Industrial Designs, Trademarks and Patent Classification
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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24-Apr-2011 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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03-Aug-2010 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    Case Studies on the Successful Commercialization of Intellectual Property by Universities and R&D Institutions in the Asia-Pacific Region
Type:    Studies
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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26-Apr-2010 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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15-Dec-2009 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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15-Dec-2009 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Activity Title:    WIPO National Workshop for Customs and Police Officials on the Enforcement of IP Rights
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector
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26-Apr-2009 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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