Hague System Fee Calculator

Enter the details below to quickly estimate the application or renewal fees in Swiss francs (CHF)

Applicant's State of origin (Hague "1960" Act):
Applicant's Contracting Party (Geneva "1999" Act):
Add the number of industrial designs:
Add the number of reproduction(s) of the industrial design(s):
If using the paper application form, add the number of pages of reproductions: (free if you use the e-filing interface)
Add the number of words of description:
Locarno Classification (for KR designations only):
Economic Status (for US designations):

AL Albania

AM Armenia

AZ Azerbaijan

BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

BG Bulgaria

BW Botswana

CH Switzerland

DE Germany

DK Denmark

EE Estonia

EG Egypt

EM European Union

ES Spain

FI Finland

FR France

GE Georgia

GH Ghana

HR Croatia

HU Hungary

IS Iceland

KG Kyrgyzstan

LI Liechtenstein

LT Lithuania

LV Latvia

MC Monaco

MD Republic of Moldova

ME Montenegro

MK The Republic of North Macedonia

MN Mongolia

NA Namibia

NO Norway

OA African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI)

OM Oman

PL Poland

RO Romania

RS Serbia

RW Rwanda

SG Singapore

SI Slovenia

ST Sao Tome and Principe

SY Syrian Arab Republic

TJ Tajikistan

TN Tunisia

TR Türkiye

UA Ukraine

US United States of America

  • Benelux (BX) designation includes Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
  • European Union (EM) designation includes its 27 Member states
  • African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) designation includes its 17 Member states
International registration basic fee
European Union (EM)
Individual designation fee (1 x 67.00)
Additional fee where the description exceeds 100 words (per word exceeding 100 words) (50 x 2.00 (100 free))

SUB TOTAL: Swiss francs (CHF)
Publication of reproductions (6 x 17.00)

TOTAL: Swiss francs (CHF)