- Schedule: 7 FORMS
- Schedule: 8 (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- Schedule: 9 PENALTIES
- Schedule: 10 PUBLIC MARKETS
- Schedule: 12 STADIA
- Schedule: 13 CIVIC CENTRES
- Schedule: 15 (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Chapter: | 132 | PUBLIC HEALTH AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES ORDINANCE | Gazette Number | Version Date |
Long title | 30/06/1997 |
To make provision for public health and municipal services. | |
(Amended 10 of 1986 s. 2) | |
[11 November 1960] G.N.A. 132 of 1960 | |
(Originally 30 of 1960; 15 of 1935) |
Section: | 1 | Short title | 30/06/1997 |
PART I PRELIMINARY This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance.
(Amended 10 of 1986 s. 3)
Section: | 2 | Interpretation | L.N. 194 of 2003 | 01/01/2004 |
(1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires"advertisement" (宣傳、宣傳品) includes any structure or apparatus erected, used, or intended to be used, solely for the display of advertisements; "analysis" (分析) includes micro-biological assay but no other form of biological assay, and "analyse" (分析) shall
be construed accordingly;
"animal" (動物) includes reptiles, but does not include birds or fish;
"Authority" (主管當局) means the public officer designated to be the Authority by the provisions of section 3; (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
"bath" (浴、沐浴) includes shower bath and turkish bath;
"billiard establishment" (桌球場所) means any place opened, kept or used for the purpose of playing billiards, snooker, pool or similar games; (Added 53 of 1988 s. 3)
"book" (書籍 ) includes a document, periodical, magazine, newspaper, pamphlet, music-score, picture, print, engraving, etching, deed, photograph, map, chart, plan or manuscript, and any other article or thing of a like nature provided for the use of the public in any library; (Replaced 50 of 1979 s. 2)
"canopy" (簷篷) means any shade, shelter or other structure not carrying a floor load which-
(a) projects from a wall of a building and is cantilevered or supported by brackets, posts or other means; or
(b) is erected on any building or in or over any open space adjacent to or on a building and is supported by posts or other means; (Added 43 of 1972 s. 2) "cemetery" (墳場) means any place for the time being specified in the Fifth Schedule; "civic centre" (文娛中心) means any premises and the grounds appurtenant thereto set aside under section 105M as a civic centre; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"The Commonwealth War Graves Commission" (英聯邦國殤紀念墳場) means The Commonwealth War Graves Commission established by the charter dated 21 May 1917 (read and construed with the supplemental charter dated 8 June 1964) as amended from time to time; (Added 12 of 1994 s. 2)
"corporation" (法團) means any person or body of persons incorporated by virtue of any Ordinance of Hong Kong
and also means any company registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24) "court" (法庭) means a magistrate's court; "cream" (忌廉) means that part of milk rich in fat which has been separated by skimming or otherwise;
"crematorium" (火葬場) means any building or place designed or adapted for the purpose of burning human remains; (Added of 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"dancing establishment" (跳舞場所) means any public dance-hall or dancing school which is required to be licensed under the provisions of the Miscellaneous Licences Ordinance (Cap 114) or the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance (Cap 172);
"deposit" (棄置), in relation to litter or waste, includes to cast, throw, spray, sweep, place, drop, discharge, spill, dump, tip, scatter or blow such litter or waste; (Added 72 of 1981 s. 2)
"drain" (排水渠) means a drain used for the drainage of one building or any buildings or yards appurtenant to buildings within the same curtilage, and the expression "public drain" (公共排水渠) means a drain which is vested in and maintained by the Government and, for the purposes of this Ordinance, includes any part of a drain from the outlet of any disconnecting trap to its junction with a public drain or sewer, and the expression "private drain" (私家排水渠) means any drain other than a public drain;
"drink" (飲品) does not include water other than
- (a) aerated water;
- (b) distilled water;
- (c) water from natural springs, either in its natural state or with added mineral substances; and
(d) water placed in a sealed container for sale for human consumption; (Replaced 26 of 1986 s. 2) "drug" (藥物) includes any medicine, Chinese herbal medicine or proprietary Chinese medicine for internal or
external use by man; (Replaced 47 of 1999 s. 162)
"establishment" (場所) includes premises;
"excretal matter" (排泄物) means excretal matter of human beings;
"exhibit" (展品) means an article intended for display within a museum whether or not the article is displayed to the
public at any particular time; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2) "fire hazard" (火警危險) means(a)-(b) (Repealed 5 of 1985 s. 2)
- (c) any removal from any building of any fire service installation or equipment which was provided in such building in accordance with plans certified by the Director of Fire Services for the purposes of section 16 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123);
- (d) the presence in any building of any fire service installation or equipment which from lack of proper maintenance or for any other reason is not in efficient working order;
- (e) (Repealed 5 of 1985 s. 2)
- (f) any other matter or circumstance which materially increases the likelihood of fire or other calamity or the danger to life or property that would result from the outbreak of fire or the occurrence of any other calamity, or which would materially hamper the Fire Services Department in the discharge of its duties in the event of fire or other calamity; (Added 61 of 1974 s. 2)
"fire service installation or equipment" (消防裝設或設備) means any installation or equipment manufactured, used or designed to be used for the purposes of-
- (a) extinguishing, attacking, preventing or limiting a fire;
- (b) giving warning of a fire;
- (c) providing access to any premises for the purpose of extinguishing, attacking, preventing or limiting a fire; (Added 61 of 1974 s. 2)
- (d) facilitating the evacuation from any premises or place in case of fire; (Added 7 of 2003 s. 21)
- (e) providing a stand-by power supply to an installation or equipment the purposes of which are mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d) in the event of the loss of normal power supply; (Added 7 of 2003
s. 21) "fish" (魚) means all fish commonly used for human consumption and also means any other fish which is sold or
offered for sale for human consumption; "food" (食物) includes-
- (a) drink;
- (b) chewing gum and other products of a like nature and use;
- (c) smokeless tobacco products; and
(d) articles and substances used as ingredients in the preparation of food or drink or of such products, but does not include-
- (i) live animals, live birds or live fish (excluding shell fish);
- (ii) water, other than-
- (A) aerated water;
- (B) distilled water;
- (C) water from natural springs, either in its natural state or with added mineral substances; and
- (D) water placed in a sealed container for sale for human consumption; (Replaced 3 of 1987 s. 2)
(iii) fodder or feeding stuffs for animals, birds or fish; or
- (iv) articles or substances used only as drugs; (Replaced 62 of 1986 s. 2) "goods vehicle" (貨車) has the same meaning as it has in the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374); (Added 72 of 1981
- s. 2) "grave" (墳墓) means a burial place formed in the ground by excavation and without any internal walls of brickwork
or stonework or any other artificial lining; "hawker" (小販) means
- (a) any person who trades in any public place-
- (i) by selling or exposing for sale any goods, wares or merchandise; or
- (ii) by exposing samples or patterns of goods, wares or merchandise to be afterwards delivered; or
- (b) any person who itinerates for the purpose- (i) of selling or exposing for sale any goods, wares or merchandise; or
- (ii) of hiring or offering for hire his skill in handicraft or his personal services:
Provided that nothing in this definition shall be taken to include - (i) any person who sells to or seeks orders from any person who is a dealer in any such goods, wares or merchandise and who buys to sell again; or
- (ii) any person who on request visits in any place the person making such request for the purpose of selling or offering for sale or delivering to him or taking from him orders for any goods, wares or merchandise or of hiring to the person making such request his skill in handicraft or his personal services; or
(iii) any representative of the press or any photographer; "health inspector" (衞生督察) means any person appointed by the Chief Executive to be a health inspector and any
person for the time being performing the duties of a health inspector; (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3) "health officer" (衞生主任) means
- (a) the Director of Health, a Deputy Director of Health or an Assistant Director of Health; or
- (b) the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, a Deputy Director of Food and Environmental
Hygiene or an Assistant Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene,
and includes a person authorized by the Director of Health or the Director of Food and Environmental
Hygiene to perform the functions of a health officer; (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
"household waste" (住戶廢物) means waste produced by a household and of a kind ordinarily produced by a dwelling when occupied as such; (Replaced 8 of 1980 s. 37)
"latrine" (廁所) includes a water closet, urinal and dry latrine, and all other sanitary equipment or installations designed, intended or used for the reception of excretal matter;
"librarian" (圖書館長) means the Chief Librarian; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2. Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37)
"library" (圖書館) means any building, or part of a building, designated under section 105K as a library; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"library material" (圖書館藏件) means any book, film, gramophone record, tape, and any other thing on or in which
any information or image is written, recorded, stored or reproduced; (Added 50 of 1979 s. 2) "licensee" (持牌人) includes a delegate appointed pursuant to a requirement under the provisions of section 125(7); "litter" (扔棄物) includes-
- (a) any earth, dirt, soil, dust, ashes, paper or refuse;
- (b) any glass, china, earthenware or tin;
- (c) any mud, clay, brick, stone, plaster, sand, cement, concrete, mortar, wood, timber, sawdust, plastic, construction material or excavated material;
- (d) any rubble, rubbish or debris;
- (e) any filth, manure, dung, excretal matter and any other offensive, noxious or obnoxious matter or liquid; and
(f) any substance likely to constitute a nuisance; (Added 72 of 1981 s. 2) "market" (街市) means any market to which, by virtue of a declaration by the Authority under section 79(1), this Ordinance applies; (Amended 57 of 1978 s. 2) "milk" (奶類) means cows milk, buffaloes milk and goats milk, and includes cream and separated milk, but does not include dried milk, condensed milk or reconstituted milk; (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 2)
"mobile library" (流動圖書館) means any vehicle within the meaning of section 2 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) and any vessel maintained by the Authority and used for the conveyance of library material for the use of the public; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2. Amended 50 of 1979 s. 2)
"mortuary" (殮房) means any premises or place set apart or habitually used for the reception, storage or treatment of human remains;
"motor vehicle" (汽車) means any mechanically propelled vehicle; (Added 72 of 1981 s. 2)
"Municipal Services Appeals Board" (市政服務上訴委員會) means the Municipal Services Appeals Board
established under section 3 of the Municipal Services Appeals Board Ordinance (Cap 220); (Added 78 of 1999
s. 7) "museum" (博物館) means a building, or part of a building, or area designated under section 105G as a museum; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2) "offensive trade" (厭惡性行業) means any trade, business, process or manufacture declared under the provisions of section 48 to be an offensive trade;
"owner" (擁有人) includes a person holding premises direct from the Government whether under lease, licence or otherwise, a mortgagee in possession and a person receiving the rent of any premises, solely or with another, on his own behalf or that of any person, or who would receive the same if such premises were let to a tenant; (Added 48 of 1969 s. 2. Amended 29 of 1998 s. 105)
"package" or "packing" (包裝) includes every means by which goods for carriage, sale or deposit are cased, covered, enclosed, contained or wrapped;
"petroleum" (石油) means crude petroleum or any oil made from petroleum or from coal, shale, peat or other bituminous substances;
"poultry" (家禽) means any bird commonly used for human consumption and also any other bird which is sold or offered for sale for human consumption;
"premises" (處所) includes land, buildings, structures and basements and, in relation to any building, includes the curtilage thereof, and, in relation to the internal parts of a building, includes any bedspace, cubicle, room, floor, or portion of a floor, the subject of a separate letting; (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 2)
"prescribed fee" (訂明費用), in relation to any purpose in or under this Ordinance, means the fee prescribed for that purpose under section 124I, 124J or 124L as may be appropriate; (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
"private market" (私營街市) means any market other than a public market;
"public analyst" (政府分析員) means the Government Chemist, the Government Pathologist and any analyst appointed by the Chief Executive for the purposes of this Ordinance; (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
"public bowling-alley" (公眾保齡球場) means any place opened, kept or used for the purpose of playing the game of skittles to which the public are admitted with or without payment for admission; (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"public market" (公眾街市) means a market designated as a public market under section 79(3); (Amended 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"public pleasure ground" (公眾遊樂場地) means any place for the time being specified in the Fourth Schedule and delineated on any plan thereof which may, for the time being, have been deposited in accordance with the provisions of section 106(5), and, in the case of a beach, includes the sea and the sea-bed within the limits of the beach;
"public skating rink" (公眾溜冰場) means any place opened, kept or used for the purpose of skating to which the public are admitted with or without payment for admission unless such place is a place of public entertainment licensed as such under the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance (Cap 172); (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"public swimming pool" (公眾泳池) means a swimming pool designated as a public swimming pool under section 42A; (Amended 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category)" (註冊專門承建商(通風系統工程類別)) means a person whose name is for the time being on the sub-register for the ventilation works category in the register of specialist contractors maintained under section 8A of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123); (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
"reptiles" (爬蟲) means all reptiles commonly used for human consumption and any other reptiles sold or offered for sale for human consumption; (Added 9 of 1976 s. 2)
"sale" or "sell" (售、售賣、出售) includes disposal by barter or raffling;
"sanitary convenience" (衞生設施) includes latrine, sink, bath, washbasin, slop closet and any similar convenience;
"scheduled offence" (附表所列罪行) means an offence under any of the enactments specified in the First Schedule;
"scheduled premises" (附表所列處所) means any premises of any of the classes of premises specified in the first column of the Second Schedule;
"sealed" (加封) includes closed by means of a stopper or screw top; (Added 26 of 1986 s. 2)
"Secretary for Home Affairs" (民政事務局局長) includes the Director of Home Affairs and any district officer; (Replaced 10 of 1986 s. 4. Amended L.N. 262 of 1989; L.N. 621 of 1994; L.N. 362 of 1997)
"sewer" (下水道) does not include a drain as defined in this section but otherwise includes all sewers and drains used for the drainage of buildings and yards appurtenant to buildings, and the expression "public sewer" (公共下水道) means a sewer which is vested in and maintained by the Government and includes, for the purposes of this Ordinance, any part of a sewer from the outlet of any disconnecting trap to its junction with a public sewer or drain which part lies outside the lot boundary, and the expression "private sewer" (私家下水道) means any other sewer; (Amended 48 of 1969 s. 2)
"slaughterhouse" (屠房) and "abattoir" (屠場) mean any premises or place habitually used for the slaughter of animals for human consumption; and the expression "public slaughterhouse" (公營屠房 ) means a slaughterhouse designated as a public slaughterhouse under section 76A(1); and the expression private slaughterhouse" (私營屠房) means any other slaughterhouse; (Replaced 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"smokeless tobacco product" (無煙煙草產品) means any product which consists of tobacco, or primarily of tobacco, intended to be taken orally, and includes chewing tobacco (whether looseleaf, firm plug, moist plug, twist or roll chewing tobacco) and moist snuff, but does not include dry snuff taken by inhalation; (Added 62 of 1986 s. 2)
"stadium" (體育場) means any stadium for the time being specified in the Twelfth Schedule and delineated on any plan thereof deposited in accordance with section 105A(4); (Added 21 of 1973 s. 2)
"street waste" (街道廢物) means dust, dirt, rubbish, mud, road scrapings or filth, but does not include excretal matter; (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37)
"trade waste" (行業廢物) means waste from any trade, manufacture or business, or any waste building or civil engineering materials; (Replaced 8 of 1980 s. 37)
"vault" (墓穴) includes underground burial places of every description, except graves;
"ventilating system" (通風系統) means a system which is either mechanical or electrical, or both, for introducing or exhausting air, and also means an air-conditioning plant which contains a device for reducing or increasing the temperature of the air in any building, or any part thereof, below or above the temperature of the external air; (Replaced 61 of 1974 s. 2)
"vermin" (蟲鼠) includes rodents, and also includes cockroaches, mites, ticks, bugs, fleas, lice and itch mites, and the eggs, larvae, nymphs or pupae thereof;
"vessel" (船隻) means any ship, junk, sampan, boat or other description of craft within the waters of Hong Kong, but does not include registered ocean going ships nor any ships or vessels belonging to any government other than
the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24; 23 of 1998 s. 2)
"waste" (廢物) means any substance or article which is abandoned; (Added 8 of 1980 s. 37)
"workplace" (工場) means any premises, vessel or place in which articles are manufactured, altered, cleansed, repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale, broken up or demolished or in which materials are transformed (including shipbuilding), but does not include any notifiable workplace under section 9 of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap 59). (Amended 50 of 1985 s. 9; 10 of 1986 s. 4)
(2) For the purposes of this Ordinance any substance or article which is discarded or otherwise dealt with as waste shall be presumed to be waste until the contrary is proved. (Added 8 of 1980 s. 37)
(3) For the purposes of this Ordinance any substance or article which is discarded or otherwise dealt with as
litter shall be presumed to be litter until the contrary is proved. (Added 72 of 1981 s. 2) (Amended 53 of 1988 s. 3; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 3 | Designation of Authorities | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- Subject to subsection (2), the Authority for the purposes of each section of this Ordinance specified in the first column of the Third Schedule is the public officer specified opposite to it in the second column of that Schedule. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- The Chief Executive in Council may by order designate any public officer to be the Authority for the purposes of any of the sections of this Ordinance in substitution for the public officer specified in the Third Schedule as the Authority for the purposes of that section. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(3) The Chief Executive in Council may by order amend, add to or delete from the Third Schedule. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 4 | Construction and maintenance of public sewers and drains | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority shall be responsible for causing the construction, repair and maintenance of all public sewers, drains or drainage works, and may alter or disconnect the connection therewith of any private sewer, drain or drainage works.
Section: | 5 | Cleansing of public sewers | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority shall be responsible for the proper clearing, cleansing and emptying of public sewers, drains and drainage works, and for the abatement of nuisances arising in connection therewith.
Section: | 6 | Protection of public sewers and drains | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) Any person who-
- (a)
- places or throws any solid matter, mud or waste (except such as is contained in ordinary house sewage) in or into any public sewer or drain or any sewer, drain, inlet or other drainage work communicating with any public sewer or drain, or over any grate communicating with any public sewer and drain;
- (b)
- causes or knowingly permits any such matter, mud or waste to be placed or thrown, or to fall, or to be carried, in or into any public sewer or drain or over any such grate;
- (c)
- causes or knowingly permits any such matter, mud or waste to be placed in such a position as to be liable to fall or be carried as aforesaid;
- (d)
- discharges into any public sewer or drain or into any sewer or drain which, not being a public sewer or drain, communicates therewith, any chemicals, oils, petroleum or petroleum-spirit or any trade waste (not included as aforesaid) or any waste steam, or any heated liquid, which, either alone or in combination with other matter in any sewer or drain, causes or may cause nuisance or danger to persons entering or being in, or near to, any public sewer or drain or danger to any public sewer or drain itself; or
- (e)
- wilfully, except with the permission in writing of the Authority, or negligently damages, alters,
disconnects or otherwise interferes with any public sewer or drain or any connection therewith, shall be guilty of an offence. (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37)
- (2)
- The Authority may prosecute for an offence under the provisions of subsection (1), and shall not be obliged to prosecute if, in its opinion, the solid or other matter may be received into the public sewer or drain in question without risk of damage to structure or danger to the health of persons employed at or being near to such sewer or drain: (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7) Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to derogate from the powers of the Secretary for Justice in relation to the prosecution of criminal offences. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
- (1)
- The Authority may cause a notice to be served on the owner or occupier of land adjoining any street or place in which is situated a public sewer, drain or drainage works requiring him, within such time as may be specified in such notice, so to fence off, channel or embank the land as to prevent soil or waste being carried into such public sewer, drain or drainage works. (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37)
- (2)
- Any person who fails to comply with any of the requirements of a notice served under the provisions of subsection (1) within the time specified therein shall be guilty of an offence.
Section: | 7 | Prevention of obstruction of sewers and drains by soil or waste | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 8 | Saving in relation to certain Ordinances | 30/06/1997 |
Nothing in section 6 or 7 shall be taken or construed to the prejudice of any powers conferred by the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap 59) or the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123).
Section: | 9 | Punishment of persons interfering with public sewers or drains | 30/06/1997 |
Any person who, without the permission of the Authority
- (a)
- enters or attempts to enter any public sewer; or
- (b)
- raises or covers up any grating, trap or manhole cover, or otherwise interferes with any fitting connected with any public sewer or drain, or inserts any wire, net or other contrivance through any opening in any such grating, trap or manhole cover or through any other opening or vent in any public sewer or drain,
shall be guilty of an offence.
Section: | 10 | Notice of existence of disused drains | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- The owner or, in default of the owner, the occupier of any premises shall, forthwith after it comes to his knowledge that there is any disused sewer or drain in, under or upon the premises, give notice in writing of the existence of such disused sewer or drain to the Authority.
- (2)
- If the owner or occupier, as the case may be, of any premises intends to cease to use any sewer or drain in, under or upon such premises, he shall forthwith give notice in writing of such intention to the Authority.
- (3)
- Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that in any proceedings against the owner or occupier, as the case may be, in respect of a failure to comply with the provisions of subsection (1), it shall be a defence to prove that
- (a)
- in the case of proceedings against the owner, such owner had reasonable cause to believe that the occupier or a previous owner or occupier had given such notice; and
- (b)
- in the case of proceedings against the occupier, such occupier had reasonable cause to believe that the owner or a previous owner or occupier had given such notice.
Section: | 11 | Regulations for the protection of sewers and drains and prevention of nuisance therefrom | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
The Chief Executive in Council may make regulations prescribing or providing for- (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
- (a)
- the general or particular protection of public sewers, drains or drainage works; and
- (b)
- the prevention of nuisances arising from public or private sewers, drains or drainage works.
- (1)
- The following matters shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be nuisances which may be dealt with summarily under section 127
- (a)
- any premises (including any cemetery) or vessel in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious or dangerous to health;
- (b)
- any pool, well, ditch, gutter, watercourse, drain, sewer, water tank or container, cesspool, pond, pit, sanitary convenience, soil, waste or rainwater pipe, dust bin or refuse container or other like place or thing so foul, or in such a state, as to be a nuisance or injurious or dangerous to health;
- (c)
- any accumulation or deposit (including any dead body) which is a nuisance or injurious or dangerous to health;
- (d)
- any animal or bird kept in such a place, or in such a manner, as to be a nuisance or injurious or dangerous to health;
- (e)
- the emission of dust, fumes or effluvia from any premises in such a manner as to be a nuisance;
- (f)
- the emission of dust from any building under construction or demolition in such a manner as to be a nuisance;
- (g)
- the emission of air either above or below the temperature of the external air, or the discharge of water, whether waste or otherwise, from the ventilating system in any premises in such a manner as to be a nuisance. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 3.)
- (h)
- (Repealed 75 of 1988 s. 40)
- (2)
- Nothing in subsection (1)(c) shall render a person punishable in respect of any accumulation or deposit necessary for the effectual carrying on of a business or manufacture, if the court is satisfied that the accumulation or deposit has not been kept longer than is necessary for the purposes of the business or manufacture and that the best available means have been taken for preventing injury thereby to the public health.
- (3)
- Nothing in subsection (1) shall be taken or construed to the prejudice of the provisions of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap 59) or the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap 311). (Amended 17 of 1983
- s.
- 50) (1) The Authority
- (a)
- may cleanse, drain, enclose, cover or fill up, or cause to be cleansed, drained, enclosed or covered or filled up, any pond, pool, open ditch, drain, watercourse, cesspool, well, or place containing or used for the collection of any drainage, filth, water, matter or thing of an offensive nature or likely to be prejudicial to health; or
- (b)
- may cause notice to be served on the person causing, or likely to cause, any such nuisance or on the owner or occupier of any premises whereon any such nuisance exists requiring him, within the time specified in the notice, to drain, cleanse, enclose, cover or fill up the pond, pool, ditch, drain, watercourse, cesspool, well or place, as the case may be, or to construct a proper drain, ditch or other means for the discharge of such filth, water, matter or thing, or to execute such other work as the case may require.
- (2)
- If the person on whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof-
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, such work as may be necessary for the abatement of the nuisance, and may recover any expenses thereby incurred from the owner of the premises:
Provided that the Authority may, where it thinks it reasonable, defray all or any part of such expenses.
- (3)
- The owner or, in default of the owner, the occupier of any premises upon which there is any disused cesspool or well which has not been covered in a permanent manner or filled in shall, forthwith after the existence of such disused cesspool or well comes to his knowledge, give notice in writing thereof to the Authority.
- (4)
- If the owner or occupier, as the case may be, of any premises intends to cease to use any cesspool or well situated upon such premises, he shall forthwith give notice in writing of such intention to the Authority.
- (5)
- Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of subsection (3) or (4) shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that in any proceedings against the owner or occupier, as the case may be, in respect of a failure to comply with the provisions of subsection (3), it shall be a defence to prove that
- (a)
- in the case of proceedings against the owner, such owner had reasonable cause to believe that the occupier or a previous owner or occupier had given such notice; and
- (b)
- in the case of proceedings against the occupier, such occupier had reasonable cause to believe that the owner or a previous owner or occupier had given such notice.
- (6)
- Nothing in this section shall be taken or construed to the prejudice of the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123). (1) If the Authority is of the opinion that any premises or any part of any premises are in such a state as to be- (a) a nuisance; or
- (b)
- injurious or dangerous to health, or are in such a state as to affect injuriously or disfigure the amenities of any place or locality, the Authority may cause a notice to be served upon the owner or occupier of the premises requiring him to limewash, paint, cleanse, disinfect or disinfest such premises or any part thereof to the satisfaction of the Authority within such period as may be specified in the notice. (Replaced 58 of 1973 s. 2)
- (2)
- If the person on whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof-
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, such work as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of such notice, and may recover any expenses thereby incurred from such person:
Provided that the Authority may, where it thinks it reasonable, defray all or any part of such expenses.
(1) The Authority may make regulations prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the prevention of nuisance or danger to health or person arising from salt, effluvia, offal, fish, litter, waste or other matter or thing, including the liability of the owner or occupier of any premises, or the driver, registered owner or hirer of any motor vehicle, in relation to the prevention of such nuisance or danger; (Replaced 72 of 1981 s. 3)
- (b)
- the prevention, control and collection of litter or waste, including the liability of the owner or occupier of any premises, or the driver, registered owner or hirer of any motor vehicle, in relation to such prevention, control and collection; (Amended 72 of 1981 s. 3)
- (c)
- the cleansing of any premises or place by any person;
- (d)
- the prevention or restriction of scavenging and of picking over of waste;
- (e)
- the times during which any excretal matter or offensive or noxious thing may be removed or carried by road or water in or through any district or place, and the construction of vehicles, containers or vessels used for such purpose so as to prevent the escape of any such matter or thing and so as to prevent any nuisance arising therefrom;
- (f)
- the removal or disposal of street waste, household waste or excretal matter, and the duties of the owner or occupier of any premises in relation to household waste or excretal matter so as to prevent nuisances arising therefrom and to facilitate its removal or disposal by any lawful scavenging or conservancy service;
- (g)
- the provision, design and construction of containers for the collection and storage of household waste; (Replaced 8 of 1980 s. 37)
- (h)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 2)
- (i)
- the additional sum to be paid on the recovery under the provisions of section 22(3) of any article or thing seized under the provisions of subsection (2) of that section;
- (j)
- regulating or prohibiting the employment of children in the removal or disposal of waste. (Amended 46 of 1972 s. 2; 8 of 1980 s. 37)
(1A) Regulations made under this section may provide that, where an owner of premises cannot be found or ascertained or is absent from Hong Kong or under disability, the regulations shall apply to an agent of the owner. (Added 48 of 1969 s. 3. Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
(1B) Regulations made under this section may provide that the court by which a person is convicted of an offence consisting of a failure to comply with a notice given under the regulations may, in addition to imposing any other penalty, make an order for the payment by such person to the Authority of the whole or part of any expenses incurred by the Authority in carrying out any work necessary to satisfy the requirements of the notice. (Added 58 of 1973 s. 3)
(1C) (Repealed 37 of 1987 s. 2)
(2) (Repealed 8 of 1980 s. 37)
Section: | 15A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 16 | (Repealed 8 of 1980 s. 37) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 17 | (Repealed 8 of 1980 s. 37) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 18 | (Repealed 8 of 1980 s. 37) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 19 | (Repealed 8 of 1980 s. 37) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 20 | Removal of litter or waste and cleaning of area | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- If it appears to the Authority that any litter or waste ought to be removed from any place, the Authority may serve a notice in accordance with subsection (2) on the person who appears to him
- (a)
- to be the owner of the litter or waste;
- (b)
- to have deposited the litter or waste in that place; or
- (c)
- to be the occupier of the place where the litter or waste is found.
- (2)
- A notice under subsection (1) shall require the person on whom it is served to remove the litter or waste, and may require him also to clean to the satisfaction of the Authority the area in which the litter or waste is found, within such period, not being less than 24 hours after the service of the notice, as may be specified therein.
- (3)
- If a notice served in accordance with subsection (2) is not complied with within the period specified therein-
- (a)
- the litter or waste to which the notice refers shall become the property of the Government and may be removed and destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Authority which may clean the area in which it was found; and (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
- (b)
- the person on whom the notice was served shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction may, in addition to any other penalty imposed, be ordered by the court to pay the whole or part of the expenses incurred by the Authority in removing and destroying or disposing of the litter or waste and in cleaning the area in which it was found.
(Replaced 46 of 1972 s. 3. Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37; 72 of 1981 s. 4)
Section: | 21 | (Repealed 8 of 1980 s. 37) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 22 | Prevention of obstructions to scavenging or conservancy operations | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- If any person obstructs, or causes or permits any article or thing to be so placed as to obstruct or to be likely to obstruct, any scavenging or conservancy operation or any street sweeper acting in the performance of his duty
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the court may, in addition to any other penalty imposed, order the forfeiture of such article or thing.
- (2)
- Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1)(b), where any article or thing is so placed as, in the opinion of the Authority, to cause or to be likely to cause obstruction to any scavenging operation or to any street sweeper acting in the performance of his duty, the Authority may
- (a)
- cause to be served upon the owner of such article or thing, or, where the owner is absent from Hong Kong or cannot be found or ascertained by the Authority, cause to be attached to such article or thing, a notice requiring the owner or some person on his behalf-
- (i)
- to remove the same within a period of 4 hours after the notice is so served or attached; and (Replaced 34 of 1996 s. 2)
- (ii)
- to prevent the recurrence of such obstruction by the article or thing during such period, as may be specified in the notice; and (Replaced 46 of 1972 s. 4)
- (b)
- if such article or thing is not removed or is found causing obstruction within the period specified in the notice referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or (a)(ii), seize, carry away and detain such article or thing. (Replaced 46 of 1972 s. 4)
- (3)
- Where any article or thing is seized under the provisions of subsection (2)(b), the owner may, within 7 days after such seizure, recover the same upon payment to the Authority of the expenses (if any) incurred in the seizure, carrying away and detention thereof and of such additional sum as may be prescribed by regulations made under section 15:
Provided that -
- (a)
- where any article or thing seized under this section is required, or likely to be required, for production in evidence in any proceedings under this Ordinance, the Authority may, notwithstanding anything contained in this subsection, retain such article or thing until such proceedings are either abandoned or determined; and
- (b)
- where any such proceedings are not instituted within 14 days after such seizure, such proceedings shall be deemed, for the purposes of this subsection, to have been abandoned.
- (4)
- If, within 7 days after the seizure of any article or thing under the provisions of subsection (2)(b), the same has not been recovered in the manner provided by subsection (3), such article or thing shall become the property of the Government, free from all liens, claims or incumbrances whatsoever, and may be sold or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Authority may think fit. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
- (5)
- No action, liability, claim or demand whatsoever shall lie against the Authority or the Government, or against any person acting for or on behalf of the Authority or the Government, in respect of any loss or damage arising out of or by reason of the seizure, carrying away or detention of any article or thing, bona fide, under the provisions of this section.
Section: | 22A | Prevention of accumulation of litter or waste on canopies | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
(1) If litter or waste of any kind is found on or in any canopy
(a) the Authority may cause a notice to be served on the occupier of the premises or of that part of the premises for the benefit of which the canopy is erected, requiring the occupier to remove the litter or
waste within such time as may be specified in the notice; and
(b) the occupier shall be guilty of an offence if he fails to remove the litter or waste in accordance with the notice served on him under paragraph (a). (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37; 72 of 1981 s. 5)
- (2)
- If the Authority is of opinion that litter or waste which is found on or in a canopy- (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37; 72 of 1981 s. 5)
- (a)
- is or may be come injurious or dangerous to health;
- (b)
- is or may become a danger to any persons;
- (c)
- constitutes a nuisance; or
- (d)
- is unsightly, he may cause a notice to be served on the occupier of the premises or that part of the premises for the benefit of which the canopy is erected or, if the occupier cannot be found or there is no occupier, the owner of the premises, requiring him to remove the canopy within such time as may be specified in the notice.
- (3)
- If a notice served under subsection (2) is not complied with within the time specified in the notice, the Authority may remove the canopy and do whatever is necessary to effect such removal.
- (4)
- The Authority shall not remove a canopy under subsection (3) until 14 days from the date of service of the notice or, in the event of an appeal to the Chief Executive under subsection (7), the determination of such appeal. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3) (5) If a canopy is removed under subsection (3) the Authority may
- (a)
- recover any expenses incurred in the removal from the person on whom the removal notice was served; and
- (b)
- remove and detain the canopy until the expenses recoverable under paragraph (a) have been paid.
- (6)
- If a canopy is removed under subsection (3), no action, liability, claim or demand shall lie against the Authority or the Government or against any person acting for or on behalf of the Authority or the Government at the suit of any owner or occupier of the premises for the benefit of which the canopy so removed was erected, maintained or used, for any damage done to the canopy or the premises or for any damage or loss arising out of or by reason of the removal of the canopy.
- (7)
- Any person on whom a notice to remove a canopy is served under subsection (2) who considers himself aggrieved by the requirement of the notice, may within 14 days after the service thereof, appeal to the Chief Executive. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
(8) If an appeal is made under subsection (7), the Chief Executive may confirm, vary or cancel the notice and
the decision of the Chief Executive shall be final. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3) (Added 43 of 1972 s. 3)
(1) Any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority may
- (a)
- require any person whom he reasonably suspects of having contravened any regulation made under section 15, to give his correct name and address and produce evidence to that effect to the public officer;
- (b)
- arrest any person who, without reasonable excuse, refuses to comply with a requirement under paragraph (a); and
- (c)
- arrest in any public place any person who contravenes any of the provisions of section 4(2) or (3) of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228). (Replaced 46 of 1972 s. 5)
- (2)
- In the absence of a police officer, it shall be lawful for any watchman employed by the Government on any waste dump under the control of the Government to arrest any person whom he finds raking, picking over or grubbing in any waste deposited in or upon such dump or removing or scattering any portion of any such waste without, in any such case, lawful authority or excuse. (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37)
- (3)
- Any public officer or any watchman who arrests any person under the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) shall forthwith take him to the nearest police station or give him into the custody of a police officer, whereupon the provisions of section 52 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) or of sections 51 and 52 of that Ordinance, as the case may be, shall apply.
The Authority may cause to be published in any newspaper-
- (a)
- the name of any person convicted of an offence under this Part or under any regulation made under section 15;
- (b)
- the nature of the offence; and
- (c)
- the fine, forfeiture or other penalty imposed. (Added 46 of 1972 s. 6)
Section: | 24 | Power to close, etc. polluted wells, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
Wells and well water and waste water
(1) Where it appears to the Authority that the water in any spring, well, pool, pond, watercourse, swimming pool or other source-
- (a)
- is used, or is likely to be used, for human consumption or domestic purposes, or for manufacturing food or drink for human consumption; and
- (b)
- is so polluted, or is likely to be so polluted, as to be injurious or dangerous to health, or is otherwise
rendered unfit for human consumption or injurious or dangerous to health, the Authority may cause a notice to be served upon the owner of the premises upon which such spring, well, pool, pond, watercourse, swimming pool or other source exists or, where the owner is absent from Hong Kong or cannot be readily found or ascertained by the Authority or is under disability, upon the occupier thereof requiring him within such time as may be specified in such notice, to close, permanently or temporarily, such spring, well, pool, pond, watercourse, swimming pool or other source, or to take such other steps as may appear to the Authority to be necessary to prevent injury or danger to the health of persons drinking or using such water. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
(2) If any person on whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof -
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, such work as may be necessary for the purpose of preventing injury or danger to health, and may recover any expenses thereby incurred from the owner of such premises or, where the owner is absent from Hong Kong or cannot be readily found or ascertained by the Authority or is under disability, from the occupier thereof. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
Section: | 25 | Protection of fountains, wells and pumps | 30/06/1997 |
Any person who-
- (a)
- does any wilful act whereby any fountain, well or pump is damaged; or
- (b)
- by reason of any act or neglect, causes or permits the water of any fountain, well or pump which is used, or likely to be used, for human consumption or domestic purposes, or for manufacturing food or drink for human consumption, to become polluted or fouled,
shall be guilty of an offence.
Section: | 26 | Regulations relating to the use of water from springs, wells, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
(1) The Authority may make regulations prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the prohibition or control of the use of water from any spring, well, pool, pond, watercourse, swimming pool or other source, the use of which is likely to be injurious or dangerous to health;
- (b)
- the disinfecting or purifying and the maintenance in a wholesome condition, of water from any such spring, well, pool, pond, water course, swimming pool or other source.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) or in section 24 shall be taken to apply to any waterworks within the meaning of the Waterworks Ordinance (Cap 102), or taken or construed to the prejudice of the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123).
(1AA) For the purposes of this section-“the appointed contractor” (獲委任承建商), in relation to any site, means-
- (a) the person who is the registered contractor appointed in respect of the site in accordance with the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123); or
- (b) where the site is owned by the Government, the person who has been appointed the contractor in
respect of the site, if he has entered on the site at the relevant time; “mosquito-related health hazard” (蚊致健康危害) means any circumstances that-
(a) create favourable condition for the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases which constitute a danger to human health; or
- (b) are likely to create such a condition if immediate remedial action is not taken; “the person responsible for the premises” (有關處所的負責人), in relation to any premises, means
- (a) any one or more of the following persons-
- (i) the occupier of the premises;
- (ii) the owner of the premises;
- (b) where the premises consist of a building site, the appointed contractor of the site. (Added 9 of 2006 s. 2)
- (1) Where it appears to the Authority that there is, or is likely to be, upon any premises any accumulation of water, whether waste or otherwise, likely to contain larvae or pupae of mosquitoes, the Authority may, whether such accumulation of water is presently found to exist or not, by a notice served on the person responsible for the premises, require him, within such time as may be specified in the notice- (Amended 9 of 2006 s. 2)
- (a) to remove such accumulation of water, if existing; or
- (b) to take such other steps as may be specified in the notice to prevent any accumulation of water upon the premises; or
- (c) to take such other steps as may be specified in the notice to prevent the existence of larvae or pupae of mosquitoes upon the premises. (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 3; 9 of 1976 s. 3; 10 of 1986 s. 24; 9 of 2006
s. 2)
(1A) Where it appears to the Authority that there is upon any premises any article capable of causing accumulation of water which allows the breeding of mosquitoes, the Authority may, by a notice served on the person responsible for the premises, require him to take such steps within such time as may be specified in the notice to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes upon the premises. (Added 9 of 2006 s. 2)
(1B) If the Authority has reasonable cause to believe that upon any premises any accumulation of water or any article poses a mosquito-related health hazard, the Authority may
- (a) take such action as he considers necessary to-
- (i) remove such accumulation of water or the article; or
- (ii) prevent the breeding of mosquitoes upon the premises; and
- (b) where such hazard is attributable to any act, default or sufferance of any person, recover from the person any costs incurred by the Authority in the taking of such action. (Added 9 of 2006 s. 2)
(2) Any person who without reasonable excuse
(a) fails to comply with the requirements of a notice served on him under subsection (1); or
(b) fails to comply with the requirements of a notice served on him under subsection (1A), shall be guilty of an offence. (Replaced 9 of 2006 s. 2)
(2A) If a person is charged with an offence under subsection (2) for failure to comply with a notice served on him under subsection (1) in relation to a requirement referred to in subsection (1)(a), it shall be a defence for him to prove that he has taken all reasonable steps to comply with the requirement. (Added 9 of 2006 s. 2)
(2B) If, in relation to any premises-
- (a) any requirement of a notice served under subsection (1) on a person is not complied with, the Authority may
- (i) remove any accumulation of water upon the premises;
- (ii) take such other action as he considers necessary to prevent any accumulation of water upon the premises;
- (b)
- any requirement of a notice served under subsection (1A) on a person is not complied with, the Authority may
- (i)
- take such action as he considers necessary to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes upon the premises; and
- (ii)
- recover from the person any costs incurred by the Authority in the taking of the action under subparagraph (i). (Added 9 of 2006 s. 2)
(3) If any larvae or pupae of mosquitoes are found on any premises consisting of a building site of which there
is the appointed contractor, the appointed contractor of the site shall be guilty of an offence. (Replaced 9 of 2006 s. 2) (3A) If-
- (a)
- any larvae or pupae of mosquitoes are found on any premises other than those mentioned in subsection (3); and
- (b)
- the existence of such larvae or pupae on the premises is attributable to any act, default or sufferance of
any person, such person shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 9 of 2006 s. 2)
- (4)
- The Director of Health and any public officer, authorized by him in that behalf may, in addition to the Authority, exercise any of the powers vested in the Authority by the provisions of this section. (Amended L.N. 76 of 1989; 9 of 2006 s. 2)
- (5)
- (Repealed 9 of 2006 s. 2)
- (6)
- A document which purports-
- (a)
- to be signed by a person authorized by the Building Authority and to certify that a person specified therein was at a time specified therein the registered contractor appointed in respect of a building site specified therein in accordance with the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123); or
- (b)
- to be signed by a person authorized by the Director of Housing or the Director of Lands and to certify that at a time specified therein- (Amended L.N. 76 of 1982; L.N. 94 of 1986; L.N. 291 of 1993)
- (ii)
- a person specified therein was appointed the contractor in respect of that building site, shall be admitted in evidence in any proceedings for an offence under this section on its production before the court without further proof. (Added 9 of 1976 s. 3. Amended 9 of 2006 s. 2) (7) On the production of a document under subsection (6)-
- (a)
- the court before which the document is produced shall, until the contrary is proved, presume that-
- (i)
- the signature to the document is genuine;
- (ii)
- the person signing it was duly authorized to sign at the time he signed it; and
- (b)
- such document shall be prima facie evidence of the matters contained therein. (Added 9 of 1976 s. 3)
- (1)
- The Authority may make regulations to promote the destruction of mosquitoes or the prevention of the breeding thereof.
- (2)
- Any regulations made under subsection (1) may be of general application or limited to particular districts, areas, premises or types or classes of premises.
Sanitary conveniences
The Authority may make regulations prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the provision and maintenance of suitable and sufficient latrine accommodation in connection with any premises, whether the same were constructed before or after the commencement of this Ordinance;
- (b)
- the supply of water closets and urinals with sufficient water for their effective action;
- (c)
- the maintenance in proper working order, repair and cleanly condition of latrines, cesspools and septic tanks, and the provision of proper accessories therefor;
- (d)
- the hygienic construction of rooms or compartments in which latrines may be installed.
Section: | 30 | Obligation to provide latrines | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- Where it appears to the Authority that any premises, or any part of any premises, whether such premises were constructed before or after the commencement of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) or of this Ordinance, are without, or without sufficient, latrine accommodation or that the latrine accommodation provided therein is ineffective or of a type which is unsuitable having regard to the circumstances of the case, the Authority may cause a notice to be served upon the owner of such premises or, where the owner is absent from Hong Kong or cannot be readily found or ascertained by the Authority or is under disability, upon the occupier thereof, requiring him, within such time as shall be specified in the notice, to provide such number of latrines, or latrines of such type, or to do such other thing to provide effective and sufficient latrine accommodation, as may be specified in the notice: (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24) Provided that, where any such requirement involves the carrying out of building works within the meaning of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123), no such notice shall be issued except with the consent in writing of the Building Authority.
- (2)
- If the person upon whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, such work as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of such notice, and may recover any expenses thereby incurred from such person.
- (1)
- or by any act done by or on behalf of the Authority under this section, he may, within 30 days after the service of such notice or the doing of such act, as the case may be, appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board, and no offence shall be deemed to have been committed under subsection (2) until after such appeal be abandoned or dismissed. (Amended 58 of 1990 s. 22; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (4)
- The provisions of this section shall not apply to any school registered under the Education Ordinance (Cap 279), or to any notifiable workplace under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap 59). (Amended 50 of 1985 s. 9) Any person who causes, or suffers or permits any person to cause, any septic tank, cesspool, trap, siphon or any sanitary convenience to be a nuisance or injurious or dangerous to health by wilfully destroying or damaging, or by otherwise interfering with, or by improperly using, the same or any water supply, apparatus, pipe or work connected therewith, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- If any septic tank, cesspool, trap, siphon or any sanitary convenience is, or has been, so constructed, or is so situated, as to be, or to be likely to be, a nuisance or offensive to public decency, the Authority may, whether the same was constructed before or after the commencement of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123), or of this Ordinance, cause a notice to be served upon the owner of the premises in question, or where the owner is absent from Hong Kong or cannot be readily found or ascertained by the Authority or is under disability, upon the occupier of the premises in question, requiring him, within such time as may be specified in the notice, to remove, reconstruct, screen or otherwise alter such septic tank, cesspool, trap, siphon or sanitary convenience, as the case may be, in such manner as to abate the nuisance or to remove the offence against public decency or the likelihood thereof. (Amended 61 of 1974 s. 4; 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (2)
- If the person upon whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, such work as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of such notice, and may recover any expenses thereby incurred from such person.
- (1)
- or by any act done by or on behalf of the Authority under this section, he may, within 30 days after the service upon him of the notice or the doing of the act, as the case may be, appeal to the court, and the court may make such order as may appear to it to be just having regard to all the circumstances.
- (1)
- The Authority may examine any of the following works, that is to say, any septic tank, cesspool, trap, siphon or sanitary convenience, or any water supply, apparatus, pipe or work connected therewith, upon any premises, and for that purpose may cause the ground to be opened in any place which may appear to the Authority necessary, doing as little damage as may be.
- (2)
- If any work referred to in subsection (1) is found on examination to be in proper order, the Authority shall cause the work to be reinstated and made good as soon as may be and shall defray the expenses of the examination and the reinstating and making good of the work, but, if on examination any such work is found not to be in proper order, the Authority may
- (a)
- recover from the owner of the premises, or where the owner is absent from Hong Kong or cannot be readily found or ascertained by the Authority or is under disability from the occupier thereof, the expenses of such examination; and (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (b)
- cause a notice to be served upon the owner of such premises or, in the circumstances specified in paragraph (a), the occupier thereof requiring him to repair or otherwise put in good order such work or to comply, as nearly as may be, with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123), within such time as may be specified in the notice:
Section: | 31 | Prevention of nuisances from latrines and sanitary conveniences | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 32 | Removal or alteration of sanitary conveniences | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 33 | Examination of sanitary conveniences by Authority | 30/06/1997 |
Provided that no such notice shall be issued by the Authority requiring such owner or occupier to carry out any drainage work within the meaning of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123), except with the consent in writing of the Building Authority.
- (3)
- If the person upon whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (2)(b) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof -
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, any work necessary to satisfy the requirements of such notice, and may recover any expenses thereby incurred from such person.
- (4)
- If any person considers himself aggrieved by any notice served upon him under the provisions of subsection (2)(b) or by any act done by or on behalf of the Authority under the provisions of this section, he may, within 14 days after the service upon him of the notice or the doing of the act, as the case may be, appeal to the court, and the court may make such order as may appear to it to be just having regard to all the circumstances.
- (5)
- Notwithstanding any appeal under the provisions of subsection (4), the Authority may proceed with and carry out any work which, in the opinion of the Authority, ought to be carried out under this section, but, until such appeal is abandoned or determined, no sum of money in respect of any such work shall be recoverable from any person party to such appeal.
Section: | 34 | Sanitary conveniences used in common | 30/06/1997 |
The following provisions shall have effect in relation to any sanitary convenience used in common by the occupiers of 2 or more premises or by other persons-
- (a)
- any person who injures or improperly fouls any such sanitary convenience or anything used in connection therewith shall be guilty of an offence;
- (b)
- where any such sanitary convenience, or the approaches thereto, or the walls, floors, seats or fittings thereof, is or are, in the opinion of the Authority, in such a state as to be a nuisance for want of proper cleansing, such persons having the use of such sanitary convenience in common as may be in default, or, in the absence of proof satisfactory to the court as to which of such persons is in default, each of such persons, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (a)
- the maintenance, management and control (including prohibition) of latrines or bathhouses, used or intended for use by the public whether upon payment or otherwise;
Section: | 35 | Regulations as to public latrines and bathhouses | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Public latrines and bathhouses The Authority may make regulations prescribing or providing for- | (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7) |
- (b)
- registration or licensing of such latrines or bathhouses, and any such regulations may provide that they shall apply only in relation to such latrines or bathhouses as are specified from time to time by order published in the Gazette. (Amended 48 of 1969 s. 4; 49 of 1994 s. 4; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (1)
- The Authority, or any person duly authorized by licence of the Authority, may provide and maintain any latrine or bathhouse for the use of the public in any situation where the Authority shall consider such latrine or bathhouse to be required having regard to the general benefit of the public, and may equip any such latrine or bathhouse with all requisite furnishings, fittings and mechanical or other appliances for the use, convenience or assistance of persons resorting thereto:
Section: | 35A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 36 | Provision and maintenance of public latrines and bathhouses | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Provided that nothing in this section shall authorize the Authority, or any person acting under a licence issued by the Authority, to carry on the business of a launderer, dyer or dry cleaner in any such bathhouse, or to permit any person to use any such furnishings, fittings or mechanical or other appliances as aforesaid for the purpose of a laundry, dyeing or dry cleaning business.
(2) If any person other than the Authority opens or maintains any latrine or bathhouse for the use of the public
otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted under subsection (1), he shall be guilty of an offence. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 37 | Power to remove members of the public from public bathhouses | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Authority or any person licensed under section 36(1) or any person duly authorized by the Authority or by such person licensed as aforesaid may remove from any latrine or bathhouse maintained, respectively, by it or him for the use of the public any person contravening any regulation made under the provisions of section 35.
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 38 | Power to refuse admittance to certain members of the public to public bathhouses | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Authority or any person licensed under section 36(1) may refuse admittance to or remove from any latrine or bathhouse maintained, respectively, by it or him for the use of the public any person who has been convicted of-
- (a)
- an offence under any regulation made under the provisions of section 35 relating to latrines or bathhouses; or
- (b)
- an offence against public decency committed in any such latrine or bathhouse. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 39 | Appeals against action taken under section 37 or 38 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Any person who considers himself aggrieved by removal from, or refusal of admittance to, any latrine or bathhouse under section 37 or 38 may appeal to the court, and the court may make such direction regarding the use by the appellant of such latrine or bathhouse as may in the circumstances appear to it to be just.
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 40 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 40A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 41 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 42 | Regulations relating to swimming pools | 30/06/1997 |
Swimming pools
- (1)
- The Authority may make regulations in relation to swimming pools (including the precincts thereof) prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the purity of water contained in any swimming pool, and the adequacy and cleanliness of accommodation provided thereat;
- (b)
- the prevention of accidents;
- (c)
- the conduct and standards of decency of persons resorting to swimming pools, including the exclusion or removal therefrom of persons suffering from communicable diseases and, in the case of public swimming pools, of undesirable persons;
- (d)
- proper design and standard of finishing;
- (e)
- the proper management and control of swimming pools, including licensing or registration. (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 8)
- (f)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 8)
- (2)
- Regulations made under this section may be of general application or restricted to any particular swimming pool or to any class or type of swimming pool.
- (1)
- The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, designate any premises and the grounds appurtenant thereto as a public swimming pool.
- (2)
- The swimming pools specified in the Fourteenth Schedule shall be deemed to have been designated as public swimming pools.
Section: | 42AA | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 42A | Public swimming pools | 30/06/1997 |
(3) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, amend, add to or delete from the Fourteenth
Schedule. (Added 21 of 1973 s. 3. Amended 9 of 1976 s. 5)
Section: | 42B | Management of public swimming pools | 30/06/1997 |
The management and control of every public swimming pool shall be vested in the Authority.
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 3)
Section: | 43 | Rules relating to public swimming pools | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Authority may, in relation to any public swimming pool, make rules which are not inconsistent with regulations made under section 42 to provide for the better control of persons in connection with the use of the swimming pool and to provide information relating to the use of the swimming pool. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- Any person who fails to comply with any rule made under the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- The Authority may close temporarily to the public any public swimming pool, or any part of any public swimming pool, and may
- (a)
- grant, either gratuitously or for payment, the exclusive use thereof to schools or clubs, or to persons organizing swimming practices or contests, aquatic sports or similar entertainment; or
- (b)
- itself use it for such practices, contests, sports or entertainments.
- (2)
- The Authority may make, or authorize the making of, charges for admission to, or for the use of, any such swimming pool while it is closed to the public under the provisions of subsection (1).
Section: | 44 | Use of public swimming pools for swimming contests, etc., or by schools or clubs | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 45 | Public swimming pools to be public places for certain purposes | 30/06/1997 |
Any public swimming pool shall be deemed to be a public place for the purposes of any enactment relating to offences against decency.
Section: | 46 | Cleansing and destruction of filthy or verminous articles | L.N. 202 of 2008 | 14/07/2008 |
Verminous articles and premises
(1) Where it appears to the Authority that-
- (a)
- any article or thing is in such a filthy, dangerous or unwholesome condition that health is, or is likely to be, injuriously affected thereby; or
- (b)
- the cleansing, disinfecting or destruction of any such article or thing is necessary in order to prevent risk of injury to health; or
- (c)
- any such article or thing is infested with vermin or, by reason of having been used by any person
infested with vermin, is likely to be so infested, the Authority may cause the article to be cleansed, disinfected, disinfested or destroyed, as the case may be, and, if the Authority thinks fit, removed for that purpose.
- (2)
- For the purposes of this section, the wrapper or cover of any article or thing shall be deemed to form a part of such article or thing.
- (3)
- Nothing in this section shall be taken or construed to the prejudice of the provisions of the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap 599). (Amended 14 of 2008 s. 18)
- (1)
- Where it appears to the Authority that any premises or vessel, or any part of any premises or vessel, are or is infested with vermin, the Authority may cause a notice to be served upon the owner or occupier of such premises or vessel, or such part of any premises or vessel, requiring him, within such time as may be specified in the notice, to cleanse such premises or vessel, or such part of any premises or vessel as may be specified in such notice, and to take such other steps for the purpose of destroying and removing any vermin as the Authority may in such notice direct.
- (2)
- If the person on whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof-
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, such work as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of such notice, and, subject to the provisions of subsection (3), may recover any expenses thereby incurred from such person.
- (3)
- In any proceedings under the provisions of subsection (2), the court may inquire whether any requirement contained in any notice served, or any work done, by the Authority under the provisions of this section was reasonable and whether the expenses incurred by the Authority in doing that work, or any part thereof, ought to be borne wholly or in part by the person upon whom the notice was served, and may make such order concerning those expenses or their apportionment as appears to it to be just having regard to all the circumstances.
Section: | 47 | Cleansing of verminous premises | 30/06/1997 |
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, where it appears to the Authority that any premises or vessel, or any part of any premises or vessel, are or is infested with vermin, the Authority may, without serving a notice under the provisions of subsection (1), forthwith take such reasonable steps as may be required to destroy or remove therefrom any vermin:
Provided that, in carrying out any operation in pursuance of the provisions of this subsection, the Authority shall not make any structural alteration to such premises or vessel or such part of any premises or vessel, nor move any fixture or any fittings, furniture or equipment of a substantial nature, or otherwise cause any unreasonable inconvenience to the occupants of such premises or vessel or such part of any premises or vessel.
(5) Where, in pursuance of the provisions of subsection (4), the Authority has placed in any premises or vessel any trap or bait container or any bait or other substance, any person who, without lawful authority or excuse, knowingly removes or destroys such trap, bait container, bait or substance or otherwise interferes therewith, or knowingly causes, suffers or permits any other person or any domestic animal or bird to remove, destroy or interfere with such trap, bait container, bait or substance, shall be guilty of an offence.
Section: | 48 | Declaration of offensive trades | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may by notification in the Gazette declare to be an offensive trade any trade, business, process or manufacture which, in the opinion of the Authority, causes offensive or noxious effluvia or dust or is otherwise of an offensive or harmful nature or which involves the slaughtering of animals or birds.
Section: | 49 | Regulations relating to offensive trades | 30/06/1997 |
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap 59), the Authority may make regulations in relation to offensive trades prescribing or providing for
- (a)
- registration or licensing; (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 10)
- (b)
- the prevention of nuisances;
- (c)
- the restriction of the carrying on of offensive trades, or groups or classes of such trades, to certain areas or districts or otherwise than in certain areas or districts;
- (d)
- the construction, size, ventilation, drainage, cleansing, repair or maintenance of any building, yard, pen or other place in which any offensive trade is carried on;
- (e)
- in the case of any offensive trade involving the slaughtering of animals or birds-
- (i)
- the manner in which such slaughtering is to be performed and the control, including prohibition, of the use of any specified instruments or appliances; and
- (ii)
- the manner in which the carcass of any animal or bird may be transported or moved from one place to any other place in connection with such offensive trade.
Section: | 49A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 50 | Offences in connection with preparation and sale of adulterated food or drugs | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- No person shall add any substance to food, use any substance as an ingredient in the preparation of food, abstract any constituent from food, or subject food to any other process or treatment, so as (in any such case) to render the food injurious to health, with intent that the food shall be sold for human consumption in that state.
- (2)
- No person shall add any substance to, or abstract any constituent from, a drug so as to affect injuriously the quality, constitution or potency of the drug, with intent that the drug shall be sold in that state.
- (3)
- Subject to the provisions of this section, no person shall-
- (a)
- sell for human consumption, offer, expose or advertise for sale for human consumption, or have in his possession for the purpose of such sale, any food rendered injurious to health by any operation described in subsection (1); or
- (b)
- sell, offer, expose or advertise for sale, or have in his possession for the purpose of sale, any drug injuriously affected in its quality, constitution or potency by means of any operation described in subsection (2).
- (4)
- Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsection (1), (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (5)
- In determining for the purposes of this Part whether an article of food is injurious to health, regard shall be had not only to the probable effect of that article on the health of a person consuming it, but also to the probable cumulative effect of articles of substantially the same composition on the health of a person consuming such articles in ordinary quantities.
- (6)
- In any proceedings for an offence under the provisions of subsection (4) consisting of the advertisement for sale of any food or drug, it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that, being a person whose business it is to publish, or arrange for the publication of, advertisements, he received the advertisement for publication in the ordinary course of business.
- (1)
- No person shall add any water or colouring matter, or any dried or condensed milk or liquid reconstituted therefrom, to milk intended for sale for human consumption.
- (2)
- No person shall add any separated milk, or mixture of cream and separated milk, to unseparated milk intended for sale for human consumption.
- (3)
- No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale, or have in his possession for the purpose of sale, for human consumption any milk to which any addition has been made in contravention of the provisions of subsection (1) or (2).
- (4)
- No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or advertise, under the designation of milk any liquid in the making of which any separated milk, or any dried or condensed milk, has been used.
- (5)
- Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (6)
- For the purposes of subsection (3), a person shall be deemed to retain the possession of milk which is deposited in any place for collection until it is actually collected.
- (1)
- No person shall, by injection or any other means, introduce or cause the introduction of any water or other liquid into the tissues of the carcass, meat or offal of any animal, bird or reptile sold for human consumption or offered, exposed or intended for sale for human consumption.
- (2)
- No person shall sell for human consumption or offer or expose for sale or have in his possession for the purpose of sale for human consumption, any carcass, meat or offal of any animal, bird or reptile into the tissue of which there has been introduced by injection or any other means anything specified in subsection (1).
- (3)
- No person shall have in his possession whilst on, or bring onto or permit to be brought onto, any premises in which any carcass, meat or offal of any animal, bird or reptile intended for human consumption is kept or stored or is sold or is offered or exposed for sale, any instrument designed or adapted for the introduction into the tissues of the carcass, meat or offal of any animal, bird or reptile of anything specified in subsection (1).
- (4)
- Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsection (1), (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (5)
- Where
- (b)
- any instrument specified in subsection (3) is found, on any premises on which there is carried on any business in the course of which the carcass, meat or offal of any animal, bird or reptile intended for human consumption is kept or stored or is sold or is offered or exposed for sale, then, in addition to any other person who may be guilty of an offence under subsection (4), and whether or not any other person is convicted for such offence, the person who carries on such business and the manager of the business shall each be guilty of an offence whether or not the persons last mentioned were aware of the commission of an offence under subsection (4) or of the presence of any instrument specified in subsection (3) on those premises.
(6) Any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority may seize and remove any instrument specified in subsection (3) which is found on any premises specified in that subsection or in the possession of any person on the premises who is employed on the premises either by the owner of the premises or by the person carrying on the business on the premises of keeping, storing or selling or offering or exposing for sale the carcass, meat or offal of any animal, bird or reptile intended for human consumption.
- (7) Subject to subsection (8), any instrument seized under subsection (6) may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Authority thinks fit on the expiration of 7 days after the seizure.
- (8) If any person considers himself aggrieved by the seizure of any instrument under subsection (6) he may, within 3 days of the seizure, appeal to the court and on an appeal being so made the court may, after hearing the appellant and the Authority, order the instrument to be forfeited or otherwise dealt with as it thinks fit. (Added 61 of 1976 s. 3)
- (1) If any person sells to the prejudice of a purchaser any food or drug which is not of the nature, or not of the substance, or not of the quality, of the food or drug demanded by the purchaser, he shall, subject to the provisions of section 53, be guilty of an offence.
- (2) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1), any person who for the purpose of sale keeps in any container any liquid which is not of the nature, or not of the substance, or not of the quality, of the alcoholic liquor which, by reason of the labelling or other marking of such container, it appears to be, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (3) Where regulations made under section 55 contain provisions prescribing the composition of, or prohibiting or restricting the addition of any substance to, any food or drug, a purchaser of that food or drug shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed, for the purposes of subsection (1), to have demanded a food or drug complying with the provisions of such regulations.
- (4) In any proceedings for an offence under the provisions of subsection (1), it shall not be a defence to allege that the purchaser bought for analysis or examination and therefore was not prejudiced.
- (5) In this section, save in so far as it relates to drugs, any reference to sale shall be construed as a reference to sale for human consumption.
- (6) For the purposes of subsection (2), the expression "alcoholic liquor" (酒類) means spirits, liqueurs, wines and Chinese type liquor.
- (1) In any proceedings under section 52 for an offence consisting of the sale of food to which any substance has been added, or in the preparation of which any substance has been used as an ingredient, or from which any constituent has been abstracted, or which has been subjected to any other process or treatment, other than food thereby rendered injurious to health, it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that the operation in question was not carried out fraudulently, and that the article was sold having attached thereto a notice of adequate size, distinctly and legibly printed and conspicuously visible, stating explicitly the nature of the operation, or was sold in a wrapper or container displaying such a notice.
- (2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall apply in relation to an offence consisting of the sale of a drug to which any substance has been added, or from which any constituent has been abstracted, other than a drug thereby injuriously affected in its quality, constitution or potency, as they apply in relation to any such offence as is therein mentioned.
- (3) In proceedings under section 52 in respect of any food or drug containing some extraneous matter, it shall be a defence for the defendant to prove that the presence of that matter was an unavoidable consequence of the process of collection or preparation.
Section: | 52 | General protection for purchasers of food and drugs | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 53 | Defences available in proceedings under section 52 | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 54 | Offences in connection with the sale, etc. of unfit food or drugs | 30/06/1997 |
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, any person who
- (a) sells or offers or exposes for sale, or has in his possession for the purpose of sale or preparation for sale; or
- (b) deposits with, or consigns to, any person for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale,
any food intended for, but unfit for, human consumption, or any drug intended for use by man but unfit for that purpose, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (2)
- Subject as aforesaid, where any food or drug in respect of which an offence under subsection (1)(a) has been committed was sold to the offender by some other person, that person also shall be guilty of an offence.
- (3)
- Where a person is charged with an offence under subsection (1)(b), or under subsection (2), it shall be a defence for him to prove either-
- (a)
- that he gave notice to the person with whom he deposited, or to whom he consigned or sold, the food or drug in question that it was not intended for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be; or
- (b)
- that, at the time when he delivered or dispatched it to that person, either it was fit for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be, or he did not know, and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained, that it was not so fit.
Remarks: For the saving and transitional provisions relating to the amendments made by the Resolution of the Legislative Council (L.N. 130 of 2007), see paragraph (12) of that Resolution.
(1) The appropriate authority may, so far as appears to him to be necessary or expedient in the interests of the public health, or otherwise for the protection of the public, make regulations for any of the following purposes
- (a)
- for requiring, prohibiting or regulating the addition or extraction of any specified substance, or any substance of any specified class, to food intended for sale for human consumption or to any drug intended for sale for use by man or any class of such food or drug, or the use of any substance as an ingredient in the preparation or preservation of any such food or drug, and generally, for regulating or prescribing the composition of such food or drug or the bacteriological or chemical standard thereof;
- (b)
- (Repealed 80 of 1997 s. 2)
- (c)
- for prohibiting, restricting or regulating the importation or the use of any specified materials, or of materials of any specified class, in the manufacture of apparatus or utensils designed for use in the preparation or preservation of food for human consumption or drugs for use by man and the sale or importation for sale of apparatus or utensils designed for such use and containing any specified materials, or materials of any specified class;
- (d)
- for imposing requirements as to, and otherwise regulating, the labelling, marking or advertising of food intended for sale for human consumption or drugs intended for sale for use by man, and the descriptions which may be applied to such food or drugs;
- (e)
- for prescribing or providing for methods of analysis for the purpose of ascertaining the presence in, or absence from, any food or drug of any specified substance, or the quantity of any such substance which is present in any food or drug.
- (f)
- (Repealed 80 of 1997 s. 2)
(1A) The appropriate authority may, so far as appears to him to be necessary or expedient in the interests of public health, or otherwise for the protection of the public, make regulations for prohibiting, restricting or regulating the importation or manufacture, or the sale, possession for sale, offer or exposure for sale, or consignment or delivery of-
- (a)
- food or drugs or ingredients of food or drugs which do not comply with regulations made under subsection (1)(a), or in relation to which an offence under such regulations has been committed or would have been committed if any relevant act or omission had taken place in Hong Kong; or
- (b)
- any food or drugs (including food or drugs referred to in paragraph (a)) which, in his opinion, are or may be prejudicial to the public health. (Added 80 of 1997 s. 2)
(1B) The appropriate authority may make regulations for fees to be paid in respect of any analysis or bacteriological or other examination of food or drugs by a public analyst. (Added 80 of 1997 s. 2)
- (2)
- In the exercise of his functions under subsection (1) in relation to the composition of food, the appropriate authority shall have regard to the desirability of restricting, so far as practicable, the use of substances of no nutritional value as foods.
- (3)
- Regulations made under subsection (1A) or (1B) may provide in respect of any provision thereof that the appropriate authority may amend that provision by notice in the Gazette. (Added 70 of 1982 s. 2. Amended L.N. 67
of 1985; L.N. 85 of 1990)
(4) Regulations made under subsection (1A) may
- (a)
- empower a health officer to-
- (i)
- permit the importation subject to such conditions as he may specify of such food as may be prescribed;
- (ii)
- require any imported food as may be prescribed to be submitted or made available for inspection by a health inspector;
- (b)
- prohibit the contravention of or non-compliance with any condition, requirement or direction referred to in paragraph (a). (Added 7 of 1989 s. 2)
(5) In this section any reference to "appropriate authority" is to be construed according to subsection (6). (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(6) The appropriate authority for the purposes of
- (a)
- subsection (1), in relation to-
- (i)
- food, is the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; and
- (ii)
- drugs, is the Director of Health;
- (b)
- subsections (1A) and (1B), in relation to-
- (i)
- food, is the Secretary for Food and Health; and
- (ii)
- drugs, is the Secretary for Food and Health; (Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; L.N. 130 of 2007)
- (c)
- subsection (2), is the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; and
- (d)
- subsection (3), in relation to-
- (i)
- regulations made by the Secretary for Food and Health, is the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; and
- (ii)
- regulations made by the Secretary for Food and Health, is the Director of Health. (Added 78 of
1999 s. 7. Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; L.N. 130 of 2007) (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 2; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (1)
- Without prejudice to the provisions of section 55, the Authority may make regulations for securing the observance of sanitary and cleanly conditions and practices and wholesome methods in connection with
- (a)
- the sale of food for human consumption or drugs for use by man;
- (b)
- the manufacture, preparation, transport, storage, packaging; marking, exposure for sale, service or delivery of food intended for sale or sold for human consumption and drugs intended for sale or sold for use by man, and ice, or otherwise for the protection of the public health in connection with any such matters.
- (2)
- Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1), regulations made under this section may make provision
- (a)
- for prohibiting, restricting or regulating the sale, or storage, possession or exposure for sale, of any specified food or drug, either generally or in any specified district, area or place or by any specified person or class of persons;
- (b)
- for imposing requirements as to the construction, layout, drainage, equipment, maintenance, cleanliness, ventilation and extraction of fumes or heat, lighting, water-supply and use of premises in, at or from which food for human consumption or drugs for use by man are sold or offered, exposed, stored, prepared or manufactured for sale (including any parts of such premises in which apparatus and utensils are cleansed or in which waste is disposed of or stored); (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37) (ba) for imposing requirements as to the precautions to be taken against fire in any such premises; (Added 20 of 1982 s. 2)
- (c)
- for imposing requirements as to the provision, maintenance and cleanliness of sanitary and washing facilities in connection with such premises, the disposal of waste and the maintenance and cleanliness of apparatus, equipment, furnishings and utensils used in such premises, and in particular for imposing requirements that every sanitary convenience situated in such premises shall be supplied with water through a suitable flushing appliance; (Amended of 1980 s. 37)
- (d) for prohibiting or restricting spitting on premises where food for human consumption or drugs for use by man are sold, or offered, exposed, stored, prepared or manufactured for sale (including any parts of such premises in which apparatus and utensils are cleansed);
- (e) for imposing requirements as to the clothing to be worn by persons engaged to work in such premises;
- (f) for requiring the medical examination of persons engaged in any such premises or class of premises (including any parts of such premises in which apparatus and utensils are cleansed), the immunization of such persons against any specified diseases and the prohibition of the employment of any such person found to be suffering from any specified disease;
- (g) for requiring the marking, staining or treating of meat intended for human consumption;
- (h) for regulating generally the treatment and disposal of any food which is unfit for human consumption or any drug which is unfit for use by man or any food or drug which does not comply with any of the provisions of any regulation made under section 55 relating to the composition or standard of quality of food and drugs;
- (i) for prohibiting or regulating the sale for human consumption, or the possession, offer, exposure, distribution or collection for sale for human consumption, of shellfish.
- (3) Regulations made under this section may require or provide for the registration or licensing of premises, businesses or persons engaged in or connected with any of the matters specified in subsection (1)(a) or (b). (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 12)
(3A) Regulations made under this section containing provisions-
- (a) requiring the registration or licensing of premises, businesses or persons; or
- (b) restricting the sale, possession or use of specified foods,
may empower a specified public officer, by notice in the Gazette, to grant exemptions from such provisions or any of them. (Added 57 of 1978 s. 3. Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (4) Regulations made under this section may make different provisions in relation to different classes of business, and, without prejudice to any other provisions of this section, any such regulations imposing requirements in respect of premises may impose on the occupier of the premises to which such regulations apply responsibility for compliance with those regulations.
- (5) The Authority may from time to time take such steps as it may think fit for publishing codes of practice in connection with matters which may be made the subject of regulations under this section, for the purpose of giving advice and guidance to persons responsible for compliance with such regulations.
- (6) A failure on the part of any person to observe any provisions of a code published under subsection (5) shall not of itself render that person liable to criminal proceedings of any kind but any such failure may, in any proceedings whether civil or criminal and including proceedings for an offence under this Ordinance, be relied upon by any party to the proceedings as tending to establish or to negative any liability which is in question in those proceedings.
- (7) In this section and sections 56A and 56B, "premises" (處所) includes a stall or vessel and in relation to a vessel, "occupier" (佔用人) means the master. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 2. Amended 49 of 1994 s. 12)
Section: | 56A | Prescription of fees relating to drugs | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may, by regulation, prescribe the fees to be paid in respect of registration or licensing of premises, businesses or persons engaged in or connected with-
- (a) the sale of drugs for use by man;
- (b) the manufacture, preparation, transport, storage, packaging, marking, exposure for sale, service or delivery of drugs intended for sale or sold for use by man,
or in respect of any other matter for which the Authority may make regulations under section 56. (Added 49 of 1994 s. 13)
Section: | 56B | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 57 | Live poultry, live reptiles and live fish deemed food for purposes of regulations | 30/06/1997 |
Regulations made under section 55 or 56 may include provision for the prohibition, restriction or regulation of
the sale, or the possession, offer or exposure for sale or consignment or delivery for sale, of live poultry, live reptiles and live fish in the same manner as if such live poultry, live reptiles and live fish were food.
(Amended 9 of 1976 s. 6; 68 of 1985 s. 2)
- (1)
- The appropriate authority may, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred on that authority under sections 55 and 56, by order require any person who at the date of the order or at any subsequent time carries on a business which includes the production, importation, or use of substances of any class specified in the order to furnish to such public officer as shall be specified in the order, within such time as may be so specified, such particulars as may be so specified of the composition and use of any such substance sold in the course of that business for use in the preparation of food for sale for human consumption or drugs for sale for use by man or used for that purpose in the course of that business. (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 3; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1), an order made thereunder may require the following particulars to be furnished in respect of any substance, that is to say-
- (a)
- particulars of the composition and the chemical nature of the substance;
- (b)
- particulars of the manner in which the substance is used or proposed to be used in the preparation of food or drugs;
- (c)
- particulars of any investigations carried out by or to the knowledge of the person carrying on the business in question, for the purpose of determining whether and to what extent the substance, or any product formed when the substance is used as aforesaid, is injurious to, or in any way affects, health;
- (d)
- particulars of any investigations or inquiries carried out by or to the knowledge of the person carrying on the business in question for the purpose of determining the cumulative effect on the health of a person consuming or using the substance in ordinary quantities.
- (3)
- No particulars furnished in accordance with an order made under the provisions of subsection (1), and no information relating to any individual business obtained by means of such particulars, shall, without the previous consent in writing of the person carrying on the business in question, be disclosed except-
- (a)
- in accordance with the directions of the appropriate authority; and (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (b)
- for the purposes of any proceedings for an offence against the order, or any report of those proceedings.
- (3)
- shall be guilty of an offence.
- (5)
- Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of any order made under the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (6)
- In this section any reference to "appropriate authority" is to be construed according to subsection (7). (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (7)
- The appropriate authority
- (a)
- under subsection (1), for powers conferred by sections 55 and 56 in relation to
- (i)
- food, is the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; and
- (ii)
- drugs, is the Director of Health; and
- (b)
- under subsection (3), for particulars and information relating to
- (i)
- food, is the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; and
- (ii)
- drugs, is the Director of Health. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (1)
- Any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority may
- (a)
- examine any food which is, or which appears to him to be, intended for human consumption, or any drug which is, or which appears to him to be, intended for use by man; and
- (b)
- seize and remove such food or drug or any package in which the same was contained if it appears to him that such food or drug is unfit for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be, or that any of the provisions of any regulation made under section 55 or 56 have been contravened in respect thereof; and
- (c) where he is of the opinion that a special procedure is necessary for the examination of any such food which has been imported, or where at the request of the importer he has recourse to such special procedure, direct the importer or any other person in possession of the food to provide all such facilities as may be required for the examination of the food. (Replaced 29 of 1976 s. 3)
(1A) Any person who fails to provide facilities for the examination of imported food in accordance with subsection (1)(c), after having been duly directed to do so by a public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority, shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 29 of 1976 s. 3)
- (2) If it appears to any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority that any food or drug, whether seized under the provisions of subsection (1) or not, is unfit for human consumption or for use by man, respectively, or that any of the provisions of any regulations made under section 55 or 56 have been contravened in respect of any such food or drug, he may
- (a) affix to such food or drug a mark, seal or other designation; or
- (b) destroy or otherwise dispose of such food or drug or cause the same to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
- (3) If any person sells, offers or exposes for sale, or deposits or consigns to any person for the purpose of sale or preparation for sale, or otherwise uses, any food or drug contrary to the purport of any mark, seal or other designation affixed thereto under the provisions of subsection (2), or removes, alters or obliterates any such mark, seal or designation with intent to deceive any person, he shall be guilty of an offence.
- (4) Before any food or drug is destroyed or otherwise disposed of under the provisions of subsection (2), there shall be recorded a description and such other details as will suffice to identify such food or drug, and the Authority shall keep such record in its custody for a period of not less than 12 months.
- (5) If any person considers himself aggrieved by the seizure and removal, or by the marking, sealing or otherwise designating, or by the destruction or other disposal, of any food or drug under the provisions of subsection
- (1) or (2) he may, within 72 hours after the doing of such act, complain to the court and the court may confirm or disallow the act, either wholly or in part, and shall, in the case of any act disallowed, or disallowed in part, order the removal of such mark, seal or other designation or the restoration of the food or drug seized and removed, either as to the whole or as to such part in respect of which the act was disallowed, or, if the food or drug in question, or any part thereof, has been destroyed or otherwise disposed of, or is no longer fit for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be, or is depreciated in value at the time of making such order by reason of such act, order the Authority, to pay by way of compensation such sum of money, not exceeding the market value of such food or drug at the time of the doing of such act, as the court may, having regard to the circumstances of the case, consider just.
- (6) In the case of any conviction for an offence under section 54(1) or (2) or for an offence under any of the provisions of any regulation made under section 55, the court may order that any food or drug to which the conviction relates and any similar food or drug found on the defendant's premises or in his possession at the time of the commission of the offence or of the seizure of the food or drug in question, shall be forfeited, together with all packages containing the same.
- (7) Any food or drug, and any package containing the same, forfeited under the provisions of subsection (6) shall be disposed of in such manner as the Authority may direct. (1) Sections 54 and 59 shall apply in relation to
- (a) any food intended for human consumption, or any drug intended for use by man, which is offered as a prize or reward in connection with any entertainment to which the public are admitted, whether on payment of money or not as if such food or drug were, or had been exposed for sale by each person concerned in the organization of the entertainment;
- (b) any food intended for human consumption, or any drug intended for use by man, which is offered as a prize or reward or given away for the purpose of advertisement, or in furtherance of any trade or business, as if the food or drug were, or had been, exposed for sale by the person offering or giving it away;
- (c) any food intended for human consumption, or any drug intended for use by man, which is exposed or deposited in any premises for the purpose of being so offered or given away as aforesaid, as if the food or drug were, or had been, exposed for sale by the occupier of such premises.
- (2) In this section, the expression "entertainment" (娛樂節目) includes any social gathering, amusement, exhibition, performance, game, sport or trial of skill.
- (1)
- If any person gives with any food or drug sold by him, or displays with any food or drug exposed for sale by him, a label, whether or not the same is attached to or printed on the wrapper or container, which- (a) falsely describes the food or drug; or
- (b)
- is calculated to mislead as to its nature, substance or quality, he shall be guilty of an offence, unless he proves that he did not know, and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained, that the label was of such a character as aforesaid.
- (2)
- Subject to the provisions of subsection (3), if any person publishes, or is partly to the publication of, an advertisement, other than a label to which the provisions of subsection (1) apply which- (a) falsely describes any food or drug; or
- (b)
- is likely to mislead as to the nature, substance or quality of any food or drug, he shall be guilty of an offence, and, in any proceedings against the manufacturer, producer or importer of the food or drug, it shall rest on the defendant to prove that he did not publish, and was not a party to the publication of, the advertisement.
- (3)
- In any proceedings for an offence under subsection (2), it shall be a defence for the defendant to prove either-
- (a)
- that he did not know, and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained, that the advertisement was of such a character as is described in that subsection; or
- (b)
- that, being a person whose business it is to publish, or arrange for the publication of, advertisements, he received the advertisement in the ordinary course of business.
- (4)
- For the purposes of this section, a label or advertisement which is calculated to mislead as to the nutritional or dietary value of any food is calculated to mislead as to the quality of the food.
- (5)
- In any proceedings under this section, the fact that a label or advertisement in respect of which the offence is alleged to have been committed contained an accurate statement of the composition of the food or drug shall not preclude the court from finding that the offence was committed.
- (6)
- In this section, save in so far as it relates to drugs, references to sale shall be construed as references to sale for human consumption.
- (1)
- Any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority may take samples for analysis, or for bacteriological or other examination, of any food or drug, or of any substance capable of being used in the preparation of any food or drug, which appears to him to be intended for sale or to have been sold for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be, or which is found by him on or in any premises, stall, vehicle, vessel, aircraft or place which he is authorized to enter for the purposes of this Ordinance:
Section: | 61 | False labelling and advertisement of food or drugs | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 62 | Power to take samples | 30/06/1997 |
Provided that-
- (a)
- such officer shall pay or tender payment of the market price of any such samples, or, if the market price be unknown or not readily ascertainable, a reasonable price, to the person appearing to have the lawful custody of such food, drug or substance; and
- (b)
- where any such food, drug or substance is kept for retail sale in unopened packages, no such sample shall consist of less than the whole of the contents of any one such package.
- (2)
- When taking any sample under this section, such officer shall take such steps as may be necessary to satisfy himself that the sample taken is a fair sample of the bulk of the food, drug or other substance in question.
- (3)
- Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing any purchase or sale of drugs in contravention of the provisions of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134).
- (4)
- Any person who fails to comply with any demand or requisition made under the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- An officer who takes a sample under the provisions of section 62 of any food, drug or substance for the purpose of analysis shall forthwith divide such sample into 3 parts, each part to be marked and sealed or fastened up in such manner as its nature will permit, and shall-
Section: | 63 | Provisions as to the taking of samples for analysis | 30/06/1997 |
- (a)
- with respect to one part of the sample comply with the provisions of subsection (2); and
- (b)
- with respect to the remaining parts of the sample comply with the provisions of subsection (3):
Provided that this subsection shall not apply to any sample taken for bacteriological examination. (Amended 59 of 1970 s. 3)
(2) (a) If the sample was obtained by purchase from a dealer in the food, drug or substance in question the officer shall give the one part to the vendor, such vendor being permitted to select such part from the 3 parts.
- (b)
- If the sample was obtained by purchase from an automatic machine-
- (i)
- if the name and address (being an address in Hong Kong) of a person stated to be the proprietor of the machine appears on the machine, the officer shall give the one part of the sample to that person;
- (ii)
- in any other case, the officer shall give the one part to the occupier of the premises on which the machine stands or to which it is affixed.
- (c)
- If the sample is of any food, drug or substance consigned from outside Hong Kong and was taken by the officer before delivery to the consignee, the officer shall give the one part of the sample to the consignee.
- (d)
- If the sample is of any food, drug or substance in transit from a consignor within Hong Kong to a consignee (whether within or without Hong Kong), the officer shall give the one part of the sample to the consignor.
- (e)
- If none of the foregoing paragraphs of this subsection apply, the officer shall give the one part of the sample to the person appearing to him to be the owner of the food, drug or substance of which the sample was taken. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (3)
- Of the remaining 2 parts of the sample, the officer shall, unless he decides not to have an analysis made, personally submit one to the public analyst, and retain the other for future comparison.
- (4)
- In every case to which the provisions of subsection (2) apply, the officer shall inform the person to whom the part of the sample is given that the sample was taken for the purpose of analysis by the public analyst.
- (5)
- When any sample which has been taken for analysis consists of the contents of an unopened package, the officer shall retain the packing material and, if he decides to have an analysis made, deliver such sample, together with such packing material and any label which may have been attached thereto at the time when the sample was taken, to the public analyst with the part of the sample submitted in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3).
- (6)
- Any part of a sample which under the provisions of this section is to be given to any person may be given either by delivering it to him or to his agent, or by sending it to him by post in a registered packet: Provided that where, after reasonable inquiry, the officer is unable to find the person to whom the part of the sample is to be given or to ascertain his name and address, he may, in lieu of giving the part to that person, retain it.
- (7)
- If it appears to the officer that any food, drug or substance of which he has taken a sample for the purpose of analysis was manufactured or put into its wrapper or container by a person (not being a person to whom one part of the sample is required to be given by virtue of the provisions of subsection (2)) having his name, and an address in Hong Kong, displayed on the wrapper or container, the officer shall, unless he decides not to have an analysis made, within 3 days after taking such sample, send to that person a notice informing him that the sample has been taken by him and where the sample was taken or, as the case may be, from whom it was purchased. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (8)
- Where a sample taken under the provisions of section 62 has been analysed by a public analyst, any person to whom a part of the sample was given in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) shall be entitled, on payment of a fee of $1, to be supplied with a copy of the certificate given by such public analyst under section 64.
- (9)
- Any person who, for the purpose of advertisement, uses any certificate of analysis obtained under the provisions of subsection (8) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- In every case in which a sample for analysis is delivered to the public analyst under the provisions of section 63, the analyst shall cause it to be analysed as soon as practicable and shall give to the officer requesting the analysis a certificate specifying the result of the analysis in the form of Form A prescribed in the Seventh Schedule.
- (2)
- A certificate of the results of an analysis given by a public analyst in pursuance of the provisions of subsection (1) shall be signed by him, but the analysis may be made by any person acting under his directions.
- (1) In any proceedings under this Part, the production by one of the parties of a document purporting to be a certificate of the public analyst in the form of Form A prescribed in the Seventh Schedule, or of a document supplied to him by the other party as being a copy of such a certificate, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein, unless, in the first mentioned case, the other party requires that the public analyst shall be called as a witness.
- (2) In any such proceedings, if a defendant intends to produce a certificate of the public analyst, or, under the provisions of subsection (1), to require that the public analyst shall be called as a witness, notice of his intention, together, in the first mentioned case, with a copy of the certificate, shall be given to the other party not less than 3 clear days before the day on which the summons is returnable, and, if this requirement is not complied with, the court may adjourn the hearing on such terms as it thinks proper.
- (3) Where any relevant method of analysis has been prescribed by regulations made under section 55(1)(e), evidence of an analysis carried out by the prescribed method shall be preferred to evidence of any other analysis or test.
- (1) In any proceedings under this Part in respect of an article or substance sampled, the summons shall not be made returnable less than 14 days from the day on which it is served, and a copy of any certificate of analysis obtained on behalf of the prosecutor shall be served with the summons.
- (2) In any proceedings under this Part, where a sample has been procured in such circumstances that its division into parts is required by this Ordinance, the part of the sample retained by the person who took it shall be produced at the hearing. (1) For the purposes of this Part-
- (a) any article commonly used for human consumption, or any drug commonly used by man, shall, if sold or offered, exposed or kept for sale, be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to have been sold, or as the case may be, to have been or to be intended for sale for human consumption or for use by man;
- (b) any article commonly used for human consumption, or any drug commonly used by man, which is found on any premises or in any vessel, vehicle or aircraft used for the preparation, storage, transport or sale of that article or drug, and any article commonly used in the manufacture of products for human consumption or drugs for use by man which is found on any premises or in any vessel, vehicle or aircraft used for the preparation, storage, transport or sale of those products or drugs, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be intended for sale, or for manufacturing products for sale for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be;
- (c) any substance capable of being used in the composition or preparation of any article commonly used for human consumption or any drug commonly used by man which is found on any premises or in any vessel where that article or drug is prepared shall, until the contrary is proved, be presumed to be intended for such use.
- (2) Where any food for human consumption or any drug for use by man is sold, or deposited with or consigned to any person for the purpose of sale for human consumption or use by man, as the case may be, contained in an unopened package, any person who appears from any statement thereon or attached thereto to have imported, manufactured or prepared such food or drug or to have enclosed it in such package shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have so imported, manufactured, prepared or enclosed the same.
- (3) For the purposes of this Part, the expression "for use by man" (供人使用) means for human consumption or for external application to the human body.
- (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), any public officer authorized under the provisions of section 59(1), who has reason to suspect that any vehicle, vessel or container contains any food which is intended for human consumption or any drug which is intended for use by man or any food or drug which is in the course of delivery after
Section: | 65 | Evidence of analysis | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 66 | Proceedings in respect of articles or substances sampled | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 67 | Presumptions | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 68 | Power to examine food and drugs in course of transit, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
sale for human consumption or for use by man may examine the contents of such vehicle, vessel or container and may for that purpose, if necessary, detain the vehicle, vessel or container, and, in the case of a vehicle or vessel in motion, may call upon such vehicle or vessel to stop.
- (2)
- Nothing in this section shall authorize the detention of any vehicle, vessel or container used by a carrier of goods for the purposes of his trade as such a carrier.
- (3)
- Any person, being a person in charge of a vehicle or vessel which is called upon a stop under the provisions of subsection (1), who fails to stop when so called upon shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- Without prejudice to any power of examining food or drugs conferred by this Part, the Authority or any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority may give directions to the person in possession of any food or drug imported with a view to sale for human consumption or for use by man, as the case may be, prohibiting or restricting its removal or delivery- (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (a)
- during any period, not exceeding 6 days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays), which may be reasonably required for the examination of such food or drugs; and (Replaced 29 of 1976 s. 4)
- (b)
- if within that period the Authority or the officer so requires, until that person has notified the Authority or the officer of the name of the person to whom, and the address to or at which, he proposes to send or deliver such food or drug. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- A person who fails to comply with any direction given under the provisions of subsection (1), or who, in a notification thereunder, knowingly makes any false statement, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- A person against whom proceedings are brought under this Part shall, upon information duly laid by him and on giving to the prosecution not less than 3 clear days' notice of his intention, be entitled to have any person to whose act or default he alleges that the contravention of the provisions in question was due brought before the court in the proceedings, and, if, after the contravention has been proved, the original defendant proves that the contravention was due to the act or default of that other person, that other person may be convicted of the offence, and, if the original defendant further proves that he has used all due diligence to secure that the provisions in question were complied with, he shall be acquitted of the offence. (2) Where the defendant seeks to avail himself of the provisions of subsection (1)-
- (a)
- the prosecution, as well as the person whom the defendant charges with the offence, shall have the right to cross-examine him, if he gives evidence, and any witness called by him in support of his pleas, and to call rebutting evidence;
- (b)
- the court may make such order as it thinks fit for the payment of costs by any party to the proceedings to any other party thereto.
- (3)
- Where it appears to the Authority that an offence has been committed in respect of which proceedings might be taken under this Part against some person and the Authority is reasonably satisfied that the offence of which complaint is made was due to an act or default of some other person and that the first-mentioned person could establish a defence under subsection (1), the Authority may cause proceedings to be taken against that other person without first causing proceedings to be taken against the first-mentioned person, and, in any such proceedings, the defendant may be charged with, and, on proof that the contravention was due to his act or default, be convicted of, the offence with which the first-mentioned person might have been charged.
- (4)
- In proceedings instituted under the provisions of subsection (3), the information or complaint shall set out the facts and state that the Authority concerned is reasonably satisfied that the offence of which complaint is made was due to the act or default of the person against whom the proceedings are brought.
- (1)
- Subject to the provisions of this section, in any proceedings for an offence under this Part, being an offence consisting of selling, or offering, exposing or advertising for sale or having in possession for the purpose of sale, any article or substance, it shall be a defence for the defendant to prove-
Section: | 69 | Restriction on movement of imported food or drugs | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 70 | Contraventions due to some other person | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 71 | Conditions under which warranty may be pleaded as defence | 30/06/1997 |
(a) that he purchased it as being an article or substance which could lawfully be sold or otherwise dealt with as aforesaid, or, as the case may be, could lawfully be sold or dealt with under the name or
description or for the purpose under or for which he sold or dealt with it, and with a written warranty to that effect; and
- (b)
- that he had no reason to believe at the time of the commission of the alleged offence that it was otherwise; and
- (c)
- that it was then in the same state as when he purchased it.
(2) A warranty shall only be a defence in proceedings under this Part if-
- (a)
- the defendant-
- (i)
- has, not later than 3 clear days before the date of the hearing, sent to the prosecutor a copy of the warranty with a notice stating that he intends to rely on it and specifying the name and address of the person from whom he received it; and
- (ii)
- has also sent a like notice to that person; and
- (b)
- in the case of a warranty given by a person resident outside Hong Kong, the defendant proves that he had taken reasonable steps to ascertain, and did in fact believe in, the accuracy of the statement contained therein. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (3)
- Where the defendant is a servant or agent of the person who purchased the article or substance under a warranty, he shall be entitled to rely on the provisions of this section in the same way as his employer or principal would have been entitled to do if he had been the defendant.
- (4)
- The person by whom the warranty is alleged to have been given shall be entitled to appear at the hearing and to give evidence, and the court may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearing to enable him to do so.
- (5)
- For the purposes of this section and of section 72, a name or description entered in an invoice shall be deemed to be a written warranty that the article or substance to which the entry refers can be sold or otherwise dealt with under that name or description by any person without contravening any of the provisions of this Part.
- (1)
- A defendant who in any proceedings under this Part wilfully applies to any article or substance a warranty or certificate of analysis given in relation to any other article or substance shall be guilty of an offence.
- (2)
- A person who, in respect of any article or substance sold by him, being an article or substance in respect of which a warranty might be pleaded under section 71, gives to the purchaser a false warranty in writing shall be guilty of an offence, unless he proves that when he gave the warranty he had reason to believe that the statements or description contained therein were accurate. For the purpose of this Part, every person shall be deemed to sell, offer, expose or advertise for sale, or have in his possession for sale, any food for human consumption or drug for use by man, who sells, offers, exposes or advertises for sale, or has in his possession for sale, such food or drug either on his own account or as the servant or agent of some other person, and, where such person is the servant or agent of some other person, such other person shall, subject to the provisions of this Part, be under the same liability as if he had himself sold, exposed or advertised for sale, or had in his possession for sale, such food or drug.
- (1)
- Where a person is convicted of an offence under this Part, the court may order that all expenses incidental to the taking of any sample or the making of any analysis or bacteriological or other examination of any food or drug in respect of which the conviction is obtained shall be paid by the person convicted. (Amended 59 of 1970 s. 4)
Section: | 72 | Offences in relation to warranties or certificates of analysis | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 73 | Sale, etc. by servants or agents | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 74 | Recovery of expenses incidental to taking of samples | 30/06/1997 |
(2) All such expenses shall be recoverable in the same manner as a fine is recoverable.
Section: | 75 | Notification of convictions in newspapers | 30/06/1997 |
If any person is convicted of an offence under this Part relating to the sale or preparation for sale of any food for human consumption or drug for use by man, the Authority may cause to be published in any newspaper circulating in Hong Kong-(Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (a)
- the name of the offender;
- (b)
- the address (if any) of the place at which the offence was committed;
- (c)
- the nature of the offence; and
- (d)
- the fine, forfeiture or other penalty imposed.
Section: | 76 | Protection of informers | 30/06/1997 |
Save as otherwise provided in this section, no information laid in respect of any offence under this Part shall be admitted in evidence and no witness in any proceedings for an offence under this Part shall be obliged or permitted to disclose the name or address of any informer or state any matter which might lead to his discovery, and, if any books, documents or papers which are in evidence or liable to inspection in any such proceedings contain any entry in which any informer is named or described or which might lead to his discovery, the court shall cause all such passages to be concealed from view or to be obliterated so far as may be necessary to protect the informer from discovery, but no further:
Provided that, if the court after full inquiry into the case is satisfied that the informer wilfully made in his information a material statement which he knew or believed to be false, or did not believe to be true, or if it appears to the court that justice cannot otherwise fully be done, it shall be lawful for the court to require the production of the original information and permit inquiry and require full disclosure concerning the informer.
Section: | 76A | Public slaughterhouses | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, designate any premises as a public slaughterhouse. (Amended 9 of 1976 s. 7)
(2) The abattoirs specified in Schedule 1 to the Abattoirs Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg.) shall be deemed to
have been designated as public slaughterhouses. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7) (Added 21 of 1973 s. 4)
Section: | 76B | Management of public slaughterhouses | 30/06/1997 |
The management and control of every public slaughterhouse shall be vested in the Authority.
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 4)
Section: | 77 | Regulations as to slaughtering and slaughterhouses | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Authority may in relation to the slaughter of animals or birds for food for human consumption make regulations prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the regulation or control (including prohibition) of slaughtering in any place other than a slaughterhouse;
- (b)
- the maintenance and cleanliness of slaughterhouses;
- (c)
- the management and operation of slaughterhouses, including the exclusion or removal of persons therefrom;
- (d)
- the control of the admission of animals to slaughterhouses;
- (e)
- the control of animals in slaughterhouses;
- (f)
- the examination, inspection and marking of animals intended for slaughter;
- (g)
- the methods, instruments and appliances which may be used when slaughtering is carried out;
- (h)
- the inspection and marking as fit for human consumption of the carcasses and offals of animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses and restriction of the use of such marks;
- (i)
- the disposal, treatment, and processing of waste and by-products resulting from the slaughter of animals or birds in slaughterhouses; (Amended 8 of 1980 s. 37)
- (j)
- control of the transport of carcasses, parts of carcasses, and offals from any slaughterhouse to any other place;
- (k)
- the conferring of powers on public officers to detain animals and the carcasses and other parts of animals, to direct the slaughter of animals, and to dispose of animals and the carcasses and other parts of animals; (Added 16 of 1971 s. 2. Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (l)
- in the case of public slaughterhouses-
- (i) (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 14)
- (ii) the persons by whom all or any of the activities of any slaughterhouse may be carried on;
- (iv) the time within which animals shall be slaughtered;
- (v) the maintenance of good order in slaughterhouses; (Amended 16 of 1971 s. 2)
- (m) in the case of private slaughterhouses-
- (i) the registration, licensing or prohibition thereof; (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 14)
- (ii) requirements as to construction, lighting, ventilation and drainage, and as to the periodic painting or limewashing, of the premises or any parts thereof;
- (2) No regulation made under this section relating to any public slaughterhouse shall be so framed or construed as to deny to any religious community reasonable facilities for obtaining as food the flesh of animals or birds slaughtered by the method specially required by their religion.
- (1) The Authority may seize, and dispose of in such manner as it may think fit, the carcass, or any part of the carcass, of any animals received into a public slaughterhouse for the purpose of slaughter for food for human consumption which on examination is found to be diseased or unfit for human consumption, and no compensation shall be payable to the owner of such carcass or any such part of any such carcass.
- (2) Where, in pursuance of the provisions of subsection (1), any carcass or any part of any carcass is seized by the Authority, the Authority shall, before the same is disposed of, cause to be recorded-
- (a) such description or other particulars as will suffice to identify such carcass or such part of such carcass; and
- (b) the grounds upon which the seizure was effected.
- (3) If any person considers himself aggrieved by the seizure of any carcass or any part of any carcass under the provisions of subsection (1), he may, within 72 hours after such seizure was effected, complain to the court and the court may confirm or disallow the seizure, either wholly or in part, and shall, in the case of any seizure disallowed, or disallowed in part, order the Authority to restore the carcass, or part of the carcass, which has been seized, either as to the whole or as to such part in respect of which the seizure was disallowed, or, if the carcass or the part of the carcass in question has been disposed of or is no longer fit for human consumption, as the case may be, or is depreciated in value by reason of the seizure, order the Authority to pay by way of compensation such sum of money, not exceeding the market value of such carcass or such part of the carcass or the time of the seizure, as the court may, having regard to the circumstances, consider just.
Section: | 77A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 78 | Power to seize and dispose of unfit carcasses of slaughtered animals | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 78A | Interpretation of Part VA | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
In this Part— “food” (食物) has the meaning given to it by section 2(1) but includes live poultry, live reptiles and live fish; “hazard” (危害) means a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause
an adverse health effect; “section 78B order” (第78B條命令) means an order made under section 78B(1) and, as the context requires, includes such an order as varied from time to time under section 78B(5);
“supply” (供應), in relation to food, means—
- (a) to sell the food;
- (b) to offer, keep or exhibit the food for sale;
- (c) to exchange or dispose of the food for consideration;
- (d) to transmit, convey or deliver the food in pursuance of—
- (i) a sale; or
- (ii) an exchange or disposal for consideration; or
- (e) for commercial purposes, to give the food as a prize or to make a gift of the food. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
(1) The Authority may make an order to do any one or more of the following—
- (a) prohibit the import of any food for the period specified in the order;
- (b) prohibit the supply of any food for the period specified in the order;
- (c) direct that any food supplied be recalled and specify the manner in which, and the period within which, the recall is to be conducted;
- (d) direct that any food be impounded, isolated, destroyed or otherwise disposed of and specify the manner in which, and the period within which, the impounding, isolation, destruction or disposal is to be conducted;
- (e) prohibit the carrying on of an activity in relation to any food, or permit the carrying on of such activity in accordance with conditions specified in the order, for the period specified in the order.
- (2) The Authority may only make a section 78B order if the Authority has reasonable grounds at the time of making the order to believe that the making of the order is necessary to prevent or reduce a possibility of danger to public health or to mitigate any adverse consequence of a danger to public health.
- (3) In determining whether there are reasonable grounds under subsection (2), the Authority may, in so far as is practicable and reasonable, take into account all factors relevant to the circumstances of the case that the Authority considers appropriate, including but not limited to the following—
- (a) information obtained from any importer or supplier of the food;
- (b) information, reports or testing results obtained from a public analyst;
- (c) information (including reports, alerts, warnings and advisories) obtained from any international food or health authority or the food or health authority of any place;
- (d) the time required for obtaining reports or testing results from a public analyst;
- (e) characteristics of any hazard in the food, the level of the hazard in the food, consumption pattern of the food and the exposure of the general public and vulnerable groups to the food;
- (f) any statutory requirement relating to the food;
- (g) information on the source and extent of the hazard, in particular on whether the hazard exists throughout or in any part of the manufacture or supply chain or is limited to a particular batch of food.
- (a) the person, persons or class of persons intended to be bound by the order;
- (b) particulars of the food that is the subject of the order;
- (c) the reason for making the order and the principal factors that led to the making of the order;
- (d) the prohibition or action required, as the case may be, and conditions (if any) under the order;
- (e) the period referred to in subsection (1)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e), as the case may be; and
- (f) the provision under which the order is made and the consequences of a contravention of any term of the order.
- (5) The Authority may, in the same manner as a section 78B order was made, vary or revoke the order, and section 78C applies, with the necessary modifications, in relation to the variation or revocation of a section 78B order under this subsection as it applies in relation to a section 78B order.
- (6) A section 78B order is not subsidiary legislation. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
- (1)
- A section 78B order must be in writing and may be addressed to—
- (a)
- a particular person or particular persons;
- (b)
- a class of persons; or
- (c)
- all persons.
- (2)
- A section 78B order addressed as referred to in subsection (1)(a) must be served on the person, or each of the persons, to whom it is addressed.
- (3)
- A section 78B order addressed as referred to in subsection (1)(b) or (c) must be published in the Gazette.
- (4)
- A section 78B order, when it takes effect, is binding on the person or persons to whom it is addressed.
- (5)
- A section 78B order that is served on a person takes effect in relation to the person when it is served on the person.
Section: | 78C | Manner of making section 78B orders, service and publication | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
(6) A section 78B order addressed as referred to in subsection (1)(b) or (c) takes effect at the time specified in
it. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78D | Contravention of section 78B orders | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
(1) A person bound by a section 78B order who contravenes a term of the order commits an offence.
(2) It is not a defence for the person to show that the food concerned is the subject of a licence, permit or any other form of authorization issued or granted under this or any other Ordinance.
(3) It is a defence for an employee charged with an offence under subsection (1) to show that—
- (a)
- the act done or omission made by the employee in contravention of a term of a section 78B order was done or made in the course of the employee’s employment and under instructions given by the employer in the course of that employment; and
- (b)
- the employee was not, at the relevant time, in a position to make or influence a decision regarding that
act or omission. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78E | Actions taken in relation to section 78B orders and provision of samples | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- (1)
- The Authority may serve on a person bound by a section 78B order a notice requiring the person (at the time or times, or within the period, specified in the notice) to—
- (a)
- inform the Authority of the actions taken by the person in relation to the order; or
- (b)
- provide to the Authority samples of the food that is the subject of the order, in the quantity specified in the notice, for analysis, or for bacteriological or other examination.
- (2)
- If any sample of food is provided to the Authority in compliance with a notice under subsection (1)(b), the Authority must pay to the person appearing to have the lawful custody of the food the market price of the sample, or if the market price is unknown or not readily ascertainable, a reasonable price.
(3) A person who, having been served with a notice under subsection (1)—
- (a)
- fails to comply with the notice; or
- (b)
- in purported compliance with the notice—
- (i)
- provides information that the person knows is false in a material particular; or
- (ii)
- recklessly provides information that is false in a material particular,
commits an offence. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78F | Power to obtain information or copies of documents | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
(1) If the Authority has reasonable grounds to believe that a person possesses any information or document that may assist the Authority in deciding whether to make, vary or revoke a section 78B order, the Authority may serve on the person a notice requiring the person to—
- (a)
- provide the information specified in the notice within the period so specified; or
- (b)
- produce the document specified in the notice at the time and place so specified and permit a public officer, authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority, to take copies of the document at that time and place.
(2) A person who, having been served with a notice under subsection (1)—
- (a)
- fails to comply with the notice; or
- (b)
- in purported compliance with the notice—
- (i)
- provides information or produces any document that the person knows is false in a material particular; or
- (ii)
- recklessly provides information or produces any document that is false in a material particular,
commits an offence. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
- (1)
- A person bound by a section 78B order who is aggrieved by the order may, within 28 days from becoming bound by the order, appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board against the order as originally made.
- (2)
- A person bound by a section 78B order who is aggrieved by a variation of the order under section 78B(5) may, within 28 days from becoming bound by the variation, appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board against the order as so varied.
- (3)
- In the case of an appeal against a section 78B order addressed as referred to in section 78C(1)(b) or (c), if the Municipal Services Appeals Board Ordinance (Cap 220) authorizes or requires any document to be served or any notice to be given to the persons bound by the order, the document may be served or the notice may be given by—
- (a)
- publication in the Gazette; or
- (b)
- any other means specified by the Chairman of the Municipal Services Appeals Board by notice in writing signed by the Chairman.
- (1)
- A person bound by a section 78B order may apply for an amount of compensation, recoverable as a civil debt due from the Government, that is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case, for any loss of a kind set out in subsection (3). (2) The person is entitled to compensation only if the person proves that—
- (a)
- the Authority did not have reasonable grounds to make the order at the time of making the order or to vary the order at the time of a variation of the order; and
- (b)
- the person has suffered the relevant loss.
- (3)
- The losses referred to in subsection (1) are the following losses arising as a direct result of compliance with the section 78B order or as a direct result of the exercise of a power under section 78I(1) in relation to the section 78B order—
- (a)
- total or partial loss of the food that is the subject of the order and that—
- (i)
- has been destroyed or otherwise disposed of;
- (ii)
- is no longer fit for human consumption; or
- (b)
- costs or expenditure actually and directly incurred.
- (4)
- The amount of compensation recoverable—
- (a)
- in relation to a loss of a kind set out in subsection (3)(a), must not exceed the market value of the food immediately before the time of making the section 78B order or immediately before the time of the variation, as the case may be; and
- (b)
- in relation to a loss of a kind set out in subsection (3)(b), must not exceed the actual amount of the costs or expenditure incurred.
- (5)
- An application under subsection (1) may be made—
- (a)
- to the Small Claims Tribunal, for claims up to the maximum jurisdiction of the Tribunal; or
- (b)
- to the District Court, irrespective of the amount claimed.
(Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78I | Seizure, marking or destruction of food | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- (1)
- If it appears to a public officer, authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority, that a term of a section 78B order has been contravened by a person bound by the order in respect of any food, the public officer may—
- (a)
- seize and remove from the person any such food or any package in which it is contained;
- (b)
- affix to any such food that is in the person’s possession a mark, seal or other designation; or
- (c)
- destroy or otherwise dispose of any such food that is in the person’s possession or cause it to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of.
- (1)
- any reasonable costs incurred under subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) as if those costs were a debt due to the Authority from that person.
- (3)
- If a person removes, alters or obliterates any mark, seal or other designation affixed under subsection (1)(b), with intent to deceive any other person, the person commits an offence.
- (4)
- Before a public officer destroys or otherwise disposes of any food or causes any food to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of under subsection (1)(c), the public officer must record a description and other details that are sufficient to identify the food, and the Authority must keep the record in the Authority’s custody for a period of not less than 12 months.
- (5)
- In the case of any conviction for an offence under this Part, the court may order that any food to which the conviction relates, and any similar food found on the defendant’s premises or in the defendant’s possession at the time of the commission of the offence or of the seizure of the food in question, is to be forfeited, together with all packages in which the food is contained.
(6) Any food, and any package in which it is contained, forfeited under subsection (5) may be disposed of in
the manner specified by the Authority. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78J | Liability of employers and principals | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- (1)
- An act done or omission made by an employee in the course of the employee’s employment is treated for the purposes of this Part as done or made by the employer, as well as by the employee.
- (2)
- An act done or omission made by an agent of another person with the authority (whether express or implied and whether precedent or subsequent) of that other person is treated for the purposes of this Part as done or made by that other person, as well as by the agent.
- (3)
- In any proceedings for an offence under this Part brought against a person in respect of an act or omission alleged to have been done or made by an employee or agent of the person, the person is liable to be convicted of and be punished for that offence unless the person establishes the defence described in subsection (4).
- (4)
- If any proceedings are brought against a person by virtue of this section, it is a defence for the person to show that the person exercised all due diligence to prevent the employee or agent from—
- (a)
- doing the act or making the omission; or
- (b)
- doing an act or making an omission of that description in the course of the employee’s employment
or the agent’s authority. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78K | Codes of practice | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
(1) The Authority may issue any code of practice that in the Authority’s opinion is suitable for providing practical guidance in respect of this Part.
- (2)
- If a code of practice is issued under subsection (1), the Authority must, by notice published in the Gazette—
- (a)
- identify the code;
- (b)
- specify the date on which the code is to take effect; and
- (c)
- specify for which of the provisions of this Part the code is so issued.
- (3)
- The Authority may from time to time revise the whole or any part of a code of practice issued under
subsection (1).
(4) Subsection (2) applies, with the necessary modifications, in relation to any revision made under subsection
(3) as it applies in relation to the issue of a code of practice.
- (5) The Authority may at any time revoke a code of practice issued under subsection (1).
- (6) If a code of practice is revoked under subsection (5), the Authority must, by notice published in the Gazette
- (a) identify the code; and
- (b) specify the date on which the revocation is to take effect. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 78L | Use of codes of practice in legal proceedings | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- (1) A failure on the part of any person to observe any provision of a code of practice does not of itself render the person liable to any civil or criminal proceedings.
- (2) However, if in any legal proceedings the court is satisfied that a provision of a code of practice is relevant to determining a matter that is in issue in the proceedings—
- (a) the code of practice is admissible in evidence in the proceedings; and
- (b) proof that the person contravened, or did not contravene, the provision may be relied on by any party to the proceedings as tending to establish or negate that matter.
- (3) In any legal proceedings, a code of practice which appears to the court to be the subject of a notice under section 78K is taken to be the subject of that notice in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
- (4) In this section— “code of practice” (實務守則) means a code of practice issued under section 78K(1) as revised from time to time under section 78K(3); “court” (法院) has the meaning given to it by section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) and includes a magistrate and the Municipal Services Appeals Board; “legal proceedings” (法律程序) includes proceedings of the Municipal Services Appeals Board for an appeal
under section 78G. (Part VA added 3 of 2009 s. 2)
Section: | 79 | Markets to which Ordinance applies, etc. | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) This Ordinance shall apply to every market, being a market in which food is sold, which is declared by the Authority to be a market to which the Ordinance applies. (2) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (3) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, designate as a public market any market to which the Ordinance applies.
- (4) The markets specified in the Tenth Schedule shall be deemed to have been designated as public markets.
- (5) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, amend, add to, or delete from, the Tenth Schedule. (Amended 21 of 1973 s. 5; 9 of 1976 s. 8)
Section: | 79A | Management of public markets | 30/06/1997 |
The management and control of every public market shall be vested in the Authority.
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 6)
Section: | 80 | Regulations in relation to markets | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Authority may make regulations in relation to public markets and private markets prescribing or providing for
- (a)
- the grant by lease, licence or permit to any person, or any group or class of persons, of the right to possess or to use shops, stalls, sheds, pens or standings therein; (aa) an appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board against a decision to terminate a grant, lease, permit, or decision to adjust the rent of a shop, stall, shed, pen or standing referred to in paragraph (a); (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (b)
- the control (including prohibition) of the kinds or classes of commodities which may be sold, offered or exposed for sale, and of the kinds of business or occupation for gain which may be carried on, in any market;
- (c)
- the proper management and sanitary maintenance of markets, including the manner of sale, or exposure for sale in, or the transport in, to or from, any market of any kind of commodity;
- (d)
- the prohibition of persons convicted of such offences as may be specified in any such regulation from carrying on any business, or being employed in or taking part in any business, in any market;
- (e)
- such other matters as, in the opinion of the Authority, are necessary for the proper regulation and control of such markets in the public interest.
- (a)
- the licensing or registration of the operation of any such market; (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 16)
- (b)
- the management of any such market and the control and appropriation of the funds derived from or in connection with any such market;
- (c)
- the type and construction of any shop, stall, shed, pen or standing in any such market.
- (1)
- The Authority may, in relation to a market, make rules which are not inconsistent with regulations made under section 80 to provide for the better control of persons in connection with the use of the market and to provide information relating to the use of the market. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- Any person who fails to comply with any rule made under the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence. Remarks:
- (1)
- Without prejudice to the provisions of section 59, where in any market it appears to any police officer or to any public officer authorized in that behalf by the Authority that any of the provisions of any regulation made under section 80 have been contravened in respect of any article or thing sold in such market or any furniture or paraphernalia used in such market, such police officer or such public officer may seize, carry away and detain at the owner's risk such article or thing or such furniture or paraphernalia, whether or not the owner thereof is known or can be found: Provided that, in the case of any such article or thing which is perishable, the Commissioner of Police or the Authority, as the case may be, may cause the same to be sold or otherwise disposed of forthwith.
- (2)
- Where any article or thing or any furniture or paraphernalia is seized under the provisions of subsection (1), a notice, written in the Chinese language, declaring the seizure shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the market.
- (3)
- If, within 48 hours of the posting of such notice, the owner of such article, thing, furniture or paraphernalia makes a claim to the Authority for its return, the Authority shall, if it is satisfied that the claimant is the owner thereof and if the same is not detained or otherwise dealt with under the provisions of any other enactment or required as an exhibit in any proceedings, return such article, thing, furniture or paraphernalia to the claimant or, if it has been sold or otherwise disposed of under the provisions of the proviso to subsection (1), pay to the claimant such sum by way of compensation as it may consider just.
- (4) If no claim for the return of such article, thing, furniture or paraphernalia is made to the Authority within 48 hours of the posting of such notice, such article, thing, furniture or paraphernalia shall become the property of the Government and may be sold or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Commissioner of Police or the Authority, as the case may be, shall direct: (Amended 29 of 1998 s. 105)
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 29 of 1998 s. 105
Section: | 80A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 81 | Market rules | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 82 | Seizure and forfeiture of articles, etc. in markets | 29 of 1998 | 01/07/1997 |
Provided that-
- (a) nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the immediate disposal of perishables under the provisions of the proviso to subsection (1); and
- (b) any person who considers himself aggrieved by such seizure may, within 7 days thereafter, complain to the court, and the court shall, if satisfied-
- (i) as to the title of the complainant; and
- (ii) that no such contravention occurred in respect of the article, thing, furniture or paraphernalia in respect of which the complaint is made, direct either that the same be returned to the complainant or, if it has been sold or otherwise disposed of, that such sum by way of compensation be paid to the complainant as it may consider just.
Expanded Cross Reference:
83A, 83AA, 83B, 84, 85, 86, 86A, 86B, 86C, 86D
For the purposes of sections 83A to 86D- <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 83A, 83AA, 83B, 84, 85, 86, 86A,
86B, 86C, 86D *>
"commodity" (商品) means any goods, wares, or merchandise (including food and drink); and includes any sample of any such goods, wares, or merchandise;
"equipment" (設備) includes any stall, table, stool, chair, utensil, container, bin, or other furniture or paraphernalia used in connection with hawking; but does not include any commodity sold, or offered or exposed for sale, by a hawker;
"hawker offence" (小販罪行) means an offence against section 83B or against any regulations made under section 83A; "stall" (攤檔) includes any erection, structure, box, cart, barrow, trolley, bicycle, tricycle, van or other vehicle within the meaning of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374). (Amended 10 of 1995 s. 2) (Replaced 60 of 1972 s. 2)
- (1) The Authority may make regulations for all or any of the following purposes-
- (a) providing for the licensing of hawkers;
- (b) providing for the classification of hawkers;
- (c) restricting or prohibiting hawkers from carrying on business in any special place or area or otherwise than in any specified place or area;
- (d) regulating or prohibiting the hawking of any specified commodities or services;
- (e) prescribing conditions subject to which licensed hawkers may operate;
- (f) providing for the employment by licensed hawkers of deputies and assistants;
- (g) providing for the allocation of pitches to licensed hawkers, and for the erection by any such hawkers of stalls thereon, subject to such conditions as the Authority may specify (either generally or in any specific case);
- (h) providing for the removal of hawkers and their equipment and commodities;
- (i) providing for the court, on convicting a hawker of a hawker offence, to recommend to the Authority that the licence (if any) of the hawker be cancelled or suspended;
- (j) (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 18)
- (k) providing for such other matters as may be necessary for the proper regulation and control of hawkers.
- (2) Regulations made under subsection (1)(c) may
- (a) provide that the places or areas to which the restrictions or prohibitions apply may be specified by a specified public officer by order published in the Gazette; and
- (b) provide for other means (in addition to publication in the Gazette) for making those places or areas
known to the public. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7) (Added 60 of 1972 s. 2)
Section: | 83AA | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 83B | Commissioner for Transport may set aside streets for hawking purposes | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1) No person shall hawk in any street except in accordance with a licence issued under regulations made under section 83A. (Replaced 28 of 1973 s. 2)
- (2) (Repealed 28 of 1973 s. 2)
- (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence. (Amended 28 of 1973 s. 2)
- (4) The Commissioner for Transport may from time to time, after consultation with the Authority and the Commissioner of Police, declare in writing that the whole or any part of a street may be set aside to be used for hawking purposes, and shall give notice of any such declaration
- (a) by publishing it in one issue of the Gazette;
- (b) by publishing it in 3 consecutive issues of at least one English language newspaper and one Chinese language newspaper;
- (c) by causing copies of it to be exhibited in one or more conspicuous places in or in the immediate vicinity of the street.
- (a) the Authority may allocate pitches in the street to hawkers (other than itinerant hawkers) licensed under regulations made pursuant to section 83A, subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Authority;
- (b) the Commissioner for Transport may, if he thinks necessary, by further notice in the Gazette, order that-
- (i) the street be closed to vehicular traffic; or
- (ii) the street be closed to vehicular traffic travelling in such direction as he specifies in the notice, either at all times or at such times as he specifies in the notice.
- (6) On making an order under subsection (5)(b), the Commissioner for Transport shall cause to be erected pursuant to the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) at each entrance to the street appropriate signs indicating the closure in accordance with the order.
- (7) No action shall lie against the Government, the Commissioner for Transport, the Authority, or any public officer by reason only of the exercise of the powers conferred by this section. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
(8) Where under subsection (4) only part of a street is set aside, every reference in this section to the "street"
(街道) shall be construed as meaning the part of the street so set aside. (Added 60 of 1972 s. 3)
Section: | 84 | Power of authorized public officers to arrest in certain cases | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
(1) Any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority may arrest without warrant any person whom he may reasonably suspect of being guilty of any scheduled offence.
(2) If any person forcibly resists the endeavour of any such officer to arrest him or attempts to evade the arrest,
such officer may use all means necessary to effect the arrest.
(3) If any such officer who is in pursuit of any person to be arrested has reason to believe that such person has entered into or is in any place, the person residing in or in charge of such place shall on demand of such officer allow him free ingress thereto and afford reasonable facilities for search therein for such person.
(4) The Chief Executive in Council may by order amend, or add any enactment to or delete any enactment
from, the First Schedule. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3) (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 4)
Section: | 85 | Procedure for dealing with arrested person, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- Any person (hereinafter referred to as an arrested person) who is arrested under section 84(1) by a public officer shall forthwith be taken to the nearest police station or given into the custody of a police officer. (Amended 77 of 1979 s. 2)
- (2)
- Whenever an arrested person is brought to the police station the provisions of section 52 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) shall apply.
- (3)
- (Repealed 77 of 1979 s. 2)
- (4)
- Whenever an arrested person is given into the custody of a police officer, the provisions of sections 51 and
52 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) shall apply. (Replaced 32 of 1963 s. 5)
Section: | 86 | Seizure of hawker equipment and commodities from alleged offenders | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- A public officer authorized in writing by the Authority for the purposes of this section or a police officer may seize any equipment or commodity in respect of which he has reason to believe that a hawker offence has been committed, and may cause such equipment or commodity to be removed to and kept at the risk of its owner at a Government depot or police station, or any other place approved by the Authority, pending its disposal under this Part. (Amended 28 of 1973 s. 3)
- (2)
- Any commodity of a perishable nature seized under subsection (1) may immediately be disposed of by the Commissioner of Police or the Authority, as the case may be.
- (3)
- Where any equipment or commodity has been seized under subsection (1) and a claim is made in respect of the equipment or commodity within 48 hours after the date of the seizure, the Commissioner of Police or the Authority, as the case may be, unless an information is laid within 72 hours after the date of the seizure for a hawker offence in respect of the equipment or commodity, shall, if satisfied that the claimant was entitled to the possession of the equipment or commodity at the time of the seizure-
- (a)
- return the equipment or commodity to the claimant; or
- (b)
- in the case of a perishable commodity disposed of under subsection (2), assess its value and pay to him the amount of that value.
- (4)
- Where a claim under subsection (3) is refused, the claimant shall be informed of his rights under section 86C.
- (5)
- Where an information is laid within 72 hours after the date of seizure for an offence in respect of any equipment or commodity seized under subsection (1), the equipment or commodity, or, in the case of a perishable commodity that has been disposed of under subsection (2) by way of sale, the proceeds of sale, shall be retained pending disposal under section 86A. (Replaced 60 of 1972 s. 4)
- (1)
- Where any person is convicted of a hawker offence in respect of any equipment or commodity seized under section 86(1), the informant shall inform the court of the seizure and thereupon the court shall, in addition to any other penalty
- (a)
- order the forfeiture of the equipment or commodity, or, in the case of a perishable commodity disposed of under section 86(2) by way of sale, the proceeds of sale, if the offence is one designated for the purposes of this subsection by regulations made under section 83A; or (Amended L.N. 244 of 1972)
- (b)
- unless it finds and specifies special reasons, which reasons shall be special to the facts of the case and
Section: | 86A | Forfeiture of hawker equipment and commodities by the court | 30/06/1997 |
not special to the offender as distinct from the offence, shall, in the case of any other hawker offence, make such an order.
(2) Where
- (a)
- a person is charged with a hawker offence in respect of any equipment or commodity seized under section 86(1) is acquitted; or
- (b)
- on the hearing of any such charge the court finds special reasons under subsection (1)(b) of this
section, the court shall, if it is satisfied that the person was lawfully entitled to possession of the equipment or commodity at the time of the seizure, order that it be returned to him or, in the case of a perishable commodity disposed of under section 86(2), assess the value of the commodity and order that the amount of that value be paid to him.
- (3)
- If the court is not so satisfied, it may, on the application of any other person claiming to be entitled to the equipment or commodity or of its own motion, make such other order as it thinks fit disposing of the equipment or commodity, or, in the case of a perishable commodity disposed of by way of sale, the proceeds of sale. (Added 60 of 1972 s. 4)
- (1)
- A public officer authorized in writing by the Authority for the purposes of this section or a police officer may seize any equipment or commodity found in a public place which he has reason to believe has been abandoned by a hawker in circumstances not appearing to him to involve the commission of a hawker offence, and may cause such equipment or commodity to be removed to and kept at the risk of its owner at a Government depot or police station, or any other place approved by the Authority, pending its disposal under this Part. (Amended 28 of 1973 s. 4)
- (2)
- Any commodity of a perishable nature seized under subsection (1) may immediately be disposed of by the Commissioner of Police or the Authority, as the case may be.
- (3)
- Where any equipment or commodity has been seized under subsection (1) and a claim is made in respect of the equipment or commodity within 48 hours after the date of the seizure, the Commissioner of Police or the Authority, as the case may be, shall, if satisfied that the claimant was entitled to the possession of the equipment or commodity at the time of the seizure and was not guilty of an offence in respect of it
- (a)
- return the equipment or commodity to the claimant; or
- (b)
- in the case of a perishable commodity disposed of under subsection (2), assess its value and pay to him the amount of that value.
(4) Where a claim under subsection (3) is refused, the claimant shall be informed of his rights under section
86C. (Added 60 of 1972 s. 4)
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- Where a claim in respect of any equipment or commodity is made under section 86 or 86B within the permitted time and- (a) the claim is refused; or
- (b)
- the claimant is dissatisfied with the amount of any payment made to him under either of those sections, an application may be made within 14 days of the refusal or payment to a court for an order for the return of the equipment or commodity or, in the case of a commodity disposed of under section 86(2) or 86B(2), for an assessment of the value of the commodity and for an order for the payment of the amount of that value or, as the case may be, the difference between the amount already paid and the amount of the value.
- (2)
- Where an application is made under subsection (1), the court may, after first having given the person refusing the claim under section 86 or 86B an opportunity of being heard, make the order sought if it is satisfied that the applicant at the time of the seizure
- (a)
- was entitled to possession of the equipment or commodity; and
- (b)
- intended using the equipment or commodity for a lawful purpose.
(3) If the court makes the order sought, it may award to the applicant such sum against the Government by way of costs as it thinks fair and reasonable. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
(4) If the court does not make the order sought, it may, of its own motion, make such other order as it thinks fit disposing of the equipment or commodity, or, in the case of a perishable commodity disposed of by way of sale, the proceeds of sale.
(Added 60 of 1972 s. 4)
Section: | 86D | Forfeiture by operation of law | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (a)
- no claim is made under section 86 or 86B in respect of any equipment or commodity seized under either of those sections within 48 hours after the date of the seizure; or
- (b)
- such a claim having been made and refused, no application is made under section 86C(1) in respect of
the equipment or commodity within 14 days after the date of refusal, the equipment or commodity, or, in the case of a perishable commodity that has been disposed of under section 86(2) or 86B(2) by way of sale, the proceeds of sale, shall, unless the equipment or commodity has previously been returned to the person lawfully entitled to possession thereof or retained for disposal by the court under section 86A, be deemed on the expiry of the period of 48 hours or 14 days, as the case may be, to be forfeited to the Government.
(Added 60 of 1972 s. 4. Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 87 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 88 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 89 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 90 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 90A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 91 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 92 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 92A | Prohibition of certain activities without licence | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) No person shall conduct or open or keep open any place for the purpose of any activity specified in the Eleventh Schedule except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Authority or a public officer authorized by the Authority for the purposes of this section. (Amended 53 of 1988 s. 4; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) "place" (地方), in relation to a billiard establishment, does not include premises used wholly for residential purposes and constituting a separate household unit to which only persons residing in the premises and their guests are admitted and where no fee is charged for the playing of billiards, snooker,
pool or similar games. (Added 53 of 1988 s. 4)
Section: | 92AA | Regulations providing for exemption from section 92A | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may by regulation exempt any class or description of billiard establishment from the operation of section 92A. (Added 53 of 1988 s. 5)
Section: | 92AB | Prohibition of any activity specified in Schedule 11A without licence | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
No person shall conduct, or open or keep open, any place for the purpose of any activity specified in Schedule 11A except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Authority. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 92B | Regulations relating to licensed activity | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Authority may make regulations for any of the following matters-
- (a) the regulation and control of any activity or place in which any such activity specified in the Eleventh Schedule or Schedule 11A may be conducted; (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (b) classifying for the purposes of paragraph (a) any place or activity for which a licence may be issued;
- (c) the particulars which an applicant for any licence granted under this Part shall furnish;
- (d) the form and conditions of any licence granted under this Part, the hours during which the activity licensed may be conducted and the period for which such licence shall be issued; (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 22)
- (e) the lighting to be used in any place licensed under this Part and the general specifications and requirements to be satisfied in respect of such lighting, or to empower any specified officer to determine, at the time of the issue or renewal of any licence, the particular specifications and requirements to be satisfied in respect or such lighting in the place to which the licence relates;
- (f) precautions to be taken against fire in any place licensed under this Part;
- (g) maintenance of peace and good order in any place licensed under this Part;
- (h) means of securing hygienic conditions and requiring the maintenance of such conditions in any place licensed under this Part;
- (i) entry and inspection of any place licensed under this Part by any officer authorized by the Authority in that behalf.
Section: | 92BA | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 92C | Offences | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) Any person who-
- (a) fails to comply with any condition in a licence; or
- (b) in an application for a licence, furnishes any information which he knows or has reason to believe to be false in any material particular or by reason of the omission of any material particular or furnishes any information without any belief in the truth or accuracy of the information supplied,
shall be guilty of an offence. (Amended 9 of 1976 s. 9)
(2) Any person who contravenes section 92A or 92AB shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 9 of 1976 s. 9.
Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 92D | Liability of agents and servants | 30/06/1997 |
Whenever any person to whom any licence or permit or authority has been issued or granted under this Part would be liable to any punishment, penalty or forfeiture for any act, omission, neglect or default, he shall be liable to the same punishment, penalty or forfeiture for every similar act, omission, neglect or default of any agent or servant employed by him in the course of his business, and every such agent or servant shall also be liable to every punishment, penalty or forfeiture prescribed for such acts, omissions, neglects or defaults as fully and effectually as if he had been the person to whom the licence or permit or authority had been issued or granted.
Section: | 92E | Saving | 30/06/1997 |
The provisions of this Part shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other enactment relating to or affecting any place, trade, business or occupation with respect to which this Part applies. (Part VIIA added 21 of 1973 s. 7)
Section: | 93 | Power of Authority to require provision of ventilating system in scheduled premises | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) Save as provided in subsection (2) and section 101, where, in the opinion of the Authority, any scheduled premises do not have adequate natural ventilation, the Authority may, by notice in writing served on the owner or on the licensee of the scheduled premises, require such premises to be provided with a ventilating system which will provide for each person who may be accommodated in such premises an amount of outside air not less than that specified in the second column of the Second Schedule in respect of the class of premises to which such premises belong. (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 7)
- (2) Where, in the opinion of the Authority, a ventilating system which will provide an amount of air less than that prescribed in subsection (1) will, in conjunction with such natural ventilation as is available in any scheduled premises, adequately ventilate such premises, the Authority may, by notice in writing served on the owner or on the licensee of the scheduled premises, require such premises to be provided with a ventilating system which will provide for each person who may be accommodated in such premises such amount of outside air as may be specified in such notice. (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 7)
- (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of any enactment under which such premises are licensed, the licensing authority may revoke the licence issued or granted by it in respect of any scheduled premises, either temporarily or permanently, in the following cases
- (a) in the event of any failure to comply with the requirements of a notice given in respect of such premises under the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) within 6 months from the date thereof or within such further period as the Authority may allow;
- (b) in the event of any failure to comply with any conditions imposed under the provisions of section 101. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 5)
- (4) Any licensee or owner of any scheduled premises who fails to comply with the requirements of a notice under subsection (1) or (2) within 6 months from the date thereof, or within such further period as the Authority may allow, shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 5)
- (5) For the purposes of this Part, the expression "licensing authority" (發牌當局) means the public officer by whom any scheduled premises are, for the time being, licensed under the provisions of any enactment. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 5. Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (1) Before any new ventilating system is installed in any scheduled premises, the licensee of the premises shall send to the Authority a certificate from the supplier of the ventilating system containing the following particulars in respect thereof-
- (a) the capacity of the fan in cubic metres per minute;
- (b) the outlet velocity of the fan in metres per minute;
- (c) the designed operating static pressure of the fan in pascals;
- (d) the speed of the fan pulley in revolutions per minute;
- (e) the net area of the air intake;
- (f) except where the premises are air-conditioned with positive pressure, the net area of exhaust in square metres; and (Added 48 of 1969 s. 6)
- (g) the type of refrigerant (if any) to be used. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 6) (Amended L.N. 89 of 1979)
- (2) Save with the permission in writing of the Authority, no alteration shall be made to any ventilating system in any scheduled premises.
- (3) Any supplier who furnishes to the licensee of any such premises, for the purposes of this section, a certificate which is false or misleading shall be guilty of an offence. (Replaced 32 of 1963 s. 8) (3A) Any licensee of any scheduled premises who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 6) (3B) Any licensee or owner of any scheduled premises who contravenes the provisions of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 61 of 1974 s.6) (3C) For the purposes of subsection (3B), "owner" (擁有人) includes any person in control of the scheduled premises whether as tenant thereof or under any licence from a tenant thereof; (Added 61 of 1974 s. 6)
- (4) In this section, "supplier" (供應商) means the importer or manufacturer of the ventilation system and his authorized agent. (Added 32 of 1963 s. 8) (1) The Authority may make regulations for all or any of the following matters-
- (a) the regulation and control of ventilating systems in scheduled premises;
- (b) imposing requirements as to the design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of ventilating systems provided in scheduled premises.
- (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of any enactment under which such premises are licensed, regulations made under this section may make provision for the revocation of any licence, issued or granted by a licensing authority in respect of scheduled premises, in the event of-
- (a) a contravention of any such regulation or of any condition imposed thereunder;
- (b) a failure to maintain any standard of safety or efficiency imposed or required thereunder. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 7)
Section: | 94 | Certificate to be delivered to Authority in respect of new ventilating systems, and prohibition of alteration of ventilating system without permission | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 94A | Regulations relating to ventilating systems in scheduled premises | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 95 | (Repealed 61 of 1974 s. 8) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 96 | (Repealed 61 of 1974 s. 8) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 97 | (Repealed 61 of 1974 s. 8) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 98 | (Repealed 61 of 1974 s. 8) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 99 | (Repealed 61 of 1974 s. 8) | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 100 | Power of authorized officers to carry out tests | 30/06/1997 |
For the purposes of the provisions of this Part, any public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by the Authority and any officer of the Fire Services Department authorized in writing by the Director of Fire Services may carry out such tests of the ventilating system in any scheduled premises as may be necessary to ascertain whether or not the same is in safe and efficient working order.
(Amended 42 of 1961 s. 2)
Section: | 101 | Application of Part VIII to premises provided with ventilating systems at commencement of Ordinance, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- Where, at the commencement of this Ordinance, any scheduled premises are provided with a ventilating system, the provisions of section 93 and any regulations made under section 94A shall not apply to such premises unless and until-
- (a)
- the number of persons who may be accommodated in such premises is increased;
- (b)
- the ventilating system is removed or is altered in any way; or
- (c)
- the Authority is of opinion that the ventilating system constitutes a danger to health or the Director of Fire Services considers it to be a fire hazard. (Amended 61 of 1974 s. 9)
- (2)
- Upon the application of section 93 and any regulations made under section 94A to any such premises, the Authority may, subject to such conditions as it may specify, grant such exemption from or such modifications of the provisions of this Part as it thinks fit. (Amended 61 of 1974 s. 9)
- (3)
- Any licensee or owner of any scheduled premises who fails to comply with any condition specified under subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 61 of 1974 s. 9)
Section: | 102 | Amendment of Second Schedule | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
The Chief Executive in Council may by order add any class of premises to, or delete any class of premises from, the Second Schedule, and may in like manner amend that Schedule. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 103 | Saving in relation to Buildings Ordinance | 30/06/1997 |
Nothing in this Part shall be taken or construed to the prejudice of the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123).
Section: | 104 | Regulations for control of advertisements | 30/06/1997 |
(1) Without prejudice to any other enactment relating to advertisements, decorations or signs, the Authority may make regulations restricting, regulating or prohibiting the exhibition of advertisements, decorations or signs of any kind whatsoever, and, in particular, may make regulations restricting, regulating or prohibiting the exhibition thereof in such places or in such manner or by such means as, in the opinion of the Authority, may affect injuriously or disfigure
- (a)
- the amenities of any place or locality;
- (b)
- the natural beauty of a landscape;
- (c)
- the view from any highway, railway, tramway, ferry or from any public place or water;
- (d)
- the amenities of any village; or
- (e)
- the amenities of any historic or public building or monument or of any place frequented by the public solely or chiefly on account of its beauty or historic interest.
- (2)
- Regulations made under this section may, in addition to any penalties prescribed, provide for the removal and disposal of any advertisement, decoration or sign exhibited in contravention of any regulation made under subsection (1) and for the recovery of any expenses incurred thereby.
- (3)
- Regulations made under this section may be of general Application or may be restricted to certain areas or to certain types or classes of advertisements, decorations or signs:
Provided that, where the application of any such regulation is restricted certain areas only, such areas shall be distinctly marked and shown on plan signed by or on behalf of the Authority and deposited in the offices of the Authority, and such plans shall at all reasonable times thereafter be open for inspection by the public without charge.
Section: | 104A | Prohibition on display of bills or posters without permission | 29 of 1998 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 29 of 1998 s. 105
- (1)
- No bill or poster shall be displayed or affixed-
- (a)
- on any private land, except with the written permission of the owner or occupier thereof;
- (b)
- on any Government land, except with the written permission of the Authority. (Amended 29 of 1998
- (2)
- A person displaying or affixing a bill or poster in contravention of subsection (1) commits an offence. (Replaced 7 of 1980 s. 2)
Section: | 104B | Duty to maintain bill or poster in clean and tidy condition | 29 of 1998 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 29 of 1998 s. 105
- (1)
- Where a bill or poster is displayed on any private land or on any Government land, the bill or poster shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Authority. (Amended 29 of 1998 s. 105) (2) A person displaying a bill or poster in contravention of subsection (1) commits an offence.
- (3)
- A person prosecuted for an offence under this section shall not be convicted of that offence unless prior to the commencement of the prosecution the Authority served on him a notice in writing informing him of the condition of the bill or poster and warning him that unless the bill or poster is removed within the period specified in the notice (being not less than 24 hours) he may be liable to be prosecuted.
(Added 7 of 1980 s. 3)
Section: | 104C | Power to remove bills and posters | 30/06/1997 |
(1) Where
(a) a bill or poster is displayed in contravention of section 104A(1); or
- (b)
- a bill or poster is not maintained in a clean and tidy condition as required under section 104B(1), the Authority may remove the bill or poster and may recover the cost of removal from the person displaying the bill or poster as a civil debt.
- (2)
- Where any person is convicted of an offence under section 104A(1) or 104B(1) the court by whom that person is convicted may order him to pay, in addition to or in lieu of any penalty for which he is liable for that offence, the cost or estimated cost of removing the bill or poster in respect of which the offence was committed.
- (3)
- Where a bill or poster to which subsection (1)(a) or (b) applies is displayed on private land, nothing in this section shall derogate from any cause of action or remedy which the owner or occupier of that land may be able to enforce against the person who displays the bill or poster. (Added 7 of 1980 s. 3)
- (1) Where a person commits an offence against section 104A(1) the following persons shall be guilty of that offence in the same manner and to the same extent as if they had personally committed it-
- (a) any other person who uses the first-mentioned person to display or affix the bill or poster; and
- (b) any person whose goods, trade, business or other concerns are given publicity by the bill or poster:
Provided that a person referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall not be guilty of an offence under section 104A(1) by reason only that he uses the person to display or affix the bill or poster or that his goods, trade, business or other concerns are given publicity by the bill or poster, if he proves that it was displayed or affixed without his knowledge or consent.
(2) For the purposes of sections 104B and 104C a person shall be deemed to display a bill or poster if-
- (a) the bill or poster is displayed on land of which he is the owner or occupier; or
- (b) the bill or poster gives publicity to his goods, trade, business or other concerns:
Provided that a person shall not be guilty of an offence under section 104B or be liable for the cost of removal under section 104C by reason only that the bill or poster is displayed on land of which he is the owner or occupier, or that his goods, trade, business or other concerns are given publicity by the bill or poster, if he proves that it was displayed without his knowledge or consent.
(Added 7 of 1980 s. 3)
- (1) In sections 104A, 104B and 104C "Authority" (主管當局) means
- (a) (Repealed 23 of 2002 s. 86)
- (b) during the Concession Period within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Mass Transit Railway Ordinance (Cap 556) and in respect of any land belonging to the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation which the MTR Corporation Limited has the right to have access to, use or possess during the Concession Period, the MTR Corporation Limited; (Replaced 11 of 2007 s. 36)
- (ba) at any time outside the Concession Period referred to in paragraph (b) and in respect of any land belonging to the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation; (Added 11 of 2007 s. 36)
- (c) in respect of any land managed or controlled by the Housing Authority established by the Housing Ordinance (Cap 283), the Housing Authority;
- (d) in respect of any land within a country park or special area as defined in the Country Parks Ordinance (Cap 208), the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation; (Amended L.N. 331 of 1999)
- (e) in respect of any public cargo working area as defined in the Port Control (Public Cargo Working Area) (Consolidation) Order (Cap 81 sub. leg. B) and in respect of any land within the boundaries of any ferry terminal declared under regulation 3 of the Shipping and Port Control (Ferry Terminals) Regulations (Cap 313 sub. leg. H), the Director of Marine; (Replaced 10 of 1986 s. 10. Amended 64 of 1999 s. 3)
- (f) in respect of any land, whether private land or Government land, not being land referred to in paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e), the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene. (Replaced 78 of 1999
- s. 7. Amended 23 of 2002 s. 86)
- (g) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2) In sections 104A, 104B, 104C, 104D and in this section, "land" (土地) includes
- (a) any building or other erection on land, whether a fixture or not;
- (b) any tree, rock or other natural part of land; and
- (c) land covered by water.
(3) In sections 104A, 104C and 104D "occupier" (佔用人) means any lessee, principal tenant or other person having direct control of the land.
(4) In this Part, "bill or poster" (招貼或海報) includes any word, letter, model, sign, placard, board, notice,
device or representation and also includes any advertisement painted on any wall, fence, railing, post, rock, road-cutting or tree but does not include any structure, apparatus or hoarding used for the display of a bill or poster.
(5) Nothing in this Part, or in any permission granted under section 104A, shall operate so as to affect any
obligation or liability imposed or incurred under any other enactment in relation to the display of any bill or poster. (Added 7 of 1980 s. 3)
Section: | 105 | Provisions as to dangerous advertisement hoardings | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- Where, in the opinion of the Authority, any hoarding, scaffolding or other structure erected solely for the purpose of exhibiting advertisements is dangerous, or is likely to become dangerous, by reason of its construction, wind, rain, dilapidation, its age or other cause, the Authority shall cause a notice to be served upon the owner of such hoarding, scaffolding or other structure, or upon his servant or agent, requiring him, within such reasonable period as shall be specified in the notice, to remove such hoarding, scaffolding or other structure or to do such work as may be specified in the notice to render the same safe. (Replaced 11 of 1989 s. 2)
- (2)
- If the person upon whom a notice is served under the provisions of subsection (1) fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof, within the time specified therein-
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the Authority may execute, or cause to be executed, any work necessary to satisfy the requirements of the notice, and dispose of any materials removed in executing any such work, and may recover any expenses incurred thereby from such person. (Amended 11 of 1989 s. 2)
(3) Where
- (a)
- the owner of any such hoarding, scaffolding or other structure, or his servant or agent is not known or cannot be readily found; or
- (b)
- such hoarding, scaffolding or other structure is, in the opinion of the Authority, in such a state that it
ought immediately to be removed or rendered safe, the Authority may forthwith, whether or not a notice has been served under subsection (1), remove it or render it safe. (Replaced 11 of 1989 s. 2)
- (4)
- Where any hoarding, scaffolding or structure is removed by the Authority under the provisions of subsection (3), the Authority may dispose of any materials so removed and may recover any expenses incurred in the removal of the hoarding, scaffolding or structure and in the disposal of the materials from the owner or such hoarding, scaffolding or structure or, where the owner thereof is unknown to, or cannot be readily found or ascertained by the Authority or is absent from Hong Kong, the Authority may sell the materials and, after deducting from the proceeds of such sale such expenses, shall pay the surplus, if any, into the Treasury. (Amended 71 of 1971 s. 3; 10 of 1986 s. 24; 11 of 1989 s. 2)
- (5)
- Any money paid into the Treasury in pursuance of subsection (4) which remains unclaimed for a period of 5 years shall be transferred to the general revenue of Hong Kong. (Added 71 of 1971 s. 3. Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
Section: | 105A | Provision for stadia | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
(1) The Authority may by order published in the Gazette set aside any premises for use as a stadium.
- (2)
- The premises specified in the Twelfth Schedule shall be deemed to have been set aside under subsection (1) for use as a stadium.
- (3)
- The Authority shall, as soon as practicable, arrange for the preparation by the Director of Buildings and Lands of a plan of every stadium. (Amended L.N. 76 of 1982; L.N. 94 of 1986)
- (4)
- Every plan prepared in accordance with subsection (3) shall be deposited in the Land Registry. (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2; 20 of 2002 s. 5) (5) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, amend, add to or delete from, the Twelfth Schedule. (Part IXA added 21 of 1973 s. 8. Amended 9 of 1976 s. 10)
- (1)
- Subject to section 105F, the management and control of any stadium and the right to provide therein facilities of any kind shall be vested in the Authority.
- (2)
- The Authority may enter into contracts for the purpose of the management of any stadium and the provision of facilities therein. (3) The Authority may specify the purposes for which any stadium, or any part thereof, may be used. (Part IXA added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
- (1)
- The Authority may grant to any person the exclusive use of any stadium or any part thereof for such purposes and at such times as the Authority may approve in each case.
- (2)
- The person to whom the exclusive use of any stadium has been granted under subsection (1) shall determine-
- (a)
- whether or not the public shall be admitted to the stadium during the period of such exclusive use; and
- (b)
- the fees, if any, to be paid by members of the public for admission during this period. (Part IXA added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
Section: | 105B | Management of stadia | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 105C | Allocation and granting of stadium or parts thereof | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 105D | Regulations relating to stadia | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may make regulations for any of the following matters-
- (a)
- the management and control, including the closing or partial closing, of any stadium;
- (b)
- the fixing of the times during which any stadium, or any part thereof, may be open to members of the public;
- (c)
- the preservation of good order and discipline and prevention of nuisance in any stadium;
- (d)
- the control (including prohibition) of trading, advertising or the erection of structures in any stadium; the removal, storage and sale of any trading, advertising or construction materials that are brought into or remain in a stadium in contravention of any regulations made under this section; the recovery of any costs incurred in respect of such removal, storage and sale; and the forfeiture of the proceeds of sale. (Replaced 45 of 1981 s. 2)
(Part IXA added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
Section: | 105E | Authority may specify conditions for the use of stadia, etc. | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Authority may specify the conditions to be observed in the use of-
- (a)
- a stadium;
- (b)
- a part of a stadium; or
- (c)
- any facilities provided in a stadium or part of a stadium. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 105F | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 105G | Provision for museums | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, designate any building, or part of a building, or area as a museum. (Part IXB added 21 of 1973 s. 8. Amended 9 of 1976 s. 10)
Section: | 105H | Management of museums | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- The management and control of every museum and the right to provide therein facilities of any kind shall be vested in the Authority.
- (2)
- The Authority may enter into contracts for the purpose of the management of any museum and the provision of facilities therein.
(3) The Authority may specify the purposes for which any museum, or any part thereof, may be used. (Replaced 66 of 1982 s. 2)
Section: | 105I | Regulations relating to museums | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Authority may make regulations for any of the following matters-
- (a)
- the fixing of days and hours during which the public may be admitted to a museum, or any part thereof;
- (b)
- the closing or partial closing of a museum;
- (c)
- the regulation of admission of any person, animal, bird, fish or thing to a museum, or any part thereof; (Amended 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (d)
- the regulation of the borrowing, copying, photographing or reproduction of exhibits; (Amended 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (e)
- the regulation of the use of any exhibit or facility in a museum;
- (f)
- the regulation of the conduct of persons and the prevention of nuisances in a museum; (Amended 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (g)
- the protection of a museum and the exhibits, fittings and furniture therein, and any other contents
thereof, from damage, destruction or loss;
(ga) the assessment and recovery of-
- (i)
- the amount to be paid by way of compensation for any damage or loss sustained by the Government by reason of the fact that any part of, or any fitting, furniture or other thing in, a museum, or any exhibit, has been damaged, destroyed or lost; and (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 12; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (ii)
- a surcharge not exceeding 20% of such amount; (Added 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (h)
- the circumstances in which a person may be refused the use of any facility in a museum; (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (i)
- the circumstances under which any person may be refused entry into a museum or directed to leave a museum, or any part thereof; (Amended 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (j)
- the terms and conditions under which any article may be brought into or used within a museum; (ja) the terms and conditions under which articles may be deposited in a museum for safe-keeping whilst any person is in the museum; (Added 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (k)
- the control of the movement and parking of vehicles within a museum; (ka) the control (including prohibition) of trading, advertising, the bringing of display material or the erection of structures in any museum; the removal, storage and sale of any trading, advertising, display or construction materials that are brought into or remain in a museum in contravention of any regulations made under this section; the recovery of any costs incurred in respect of such removal, storage and sale; and the forfeiture of the proceeds of sale; (Added 66 of 1982 s. 3)
- (l)
- the prevention of obstruction of the staff of a museum in the performance of their duties;
- (m)
- appeal against any decision, direction or requirement made or given by a public officer in accordance with regulations made under this section;
(n) the general regulation and management of a museum. (Part IXB added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
Section: | 105J | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 105K | Provision for and management of libraries | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, designate any building, or part of a building, as a library. (Amended 9 of 1976 s. 10)
- (2) The management and control of every library shall be vested in the Authority.
- (3) The Authority may establish and maintain mobile libraries for the use of the public.
- (4) The Authority may set aside and use any part of a library for the purposes of study or research, the holding of classes or exhibitions, the viewing or hearing of library material, or for other like purposes of an educational or cultural nature, and in connection therewith may provide the requisite equipment and facilities. (Added 50 of 1979 s. 3)
(Part IXB added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
Section: | 105L | Regulations relating to libraries | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) The Authority may make regulations for any of the following purposes
- (a) prescribing the powers, duties and functions of the librarian;
- (b) fixing the hours during which any library shall be open to the public;
- (c) regulating admission to any library or any part thereof or the use of any library or any part thereof or any of the equipment, facilities or library material provided in any library;
- (d) regulating the lending and borrowing of library material in any library;
- (e) requiring a guarantee or security to be given by any person borrowing library material from a library;
- (f) regulating the conduct of persons in any library;
- (g) protecting any library and the fittings, furniture, equipment and library material therein, and any other contents thereof, from damage;
- (h) providing for the assessment and recovery of-
- (i) the amount to be paid by way of compensation for the loss or damage sustained by the Government by reason of the fact that any fitting, furniture, equipment or library material has been lost, damaged or destroyed; and (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 13; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (ii) a surcharge not exceeding 20% of such amount;
- (i) enabling any person to be refused the use of any library or any of the equipment, facilities or library material in any library and the removal from a library of any person;
- (j) stipulating the terms on which articles may be deposited in a library for safe-keeping whilst any person is in the library;
- (k) providing for the penalties to be paid by any person in respect of the borrowing of library material from any library, the use or reservation of library material in any library, the deposit of articles in a library for safe-keeping and the use of rooms, equipment or facilities provided in any part of any library; (Amended 49 of 1994 s. 24)
- (l) providing for the general regulation and management of any library.
- (2) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (3) Nothing in this section shall be taken to authorize the infringement of copyright in any library material.
- (4) For the purposes of this section and any regulations made hereunder, unless the context otherwise requires,
the expression "library" (圖書館) includes a mobile library. (Replaced 50 of 1979 s. 4)
Section: | 105LA | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 105M | Provision for civic centres | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
Civic Centres
(1) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, set aside any premises and the grounds appurtenant
thereto for use as a civic centre.
(2) The premises specified in the Thirteenth Schedule shall be deemed to have been set aside under subsection
- (1)
- for use as a civic centre.
- (3)
- The Authority shall, as soon as practicable, arrange for the preparation by the Director of Buildings and Lands of a plan of every civic centre and the grounds appurtenant thereto. (Amended L.N. 76 of 1982; L.N. 94 of 1986)
- (4)
- Every plan prepared in accordance with subsection (3) shall be deposited in the Land Registry. (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2; 20 of 2002 s. 5)
(5) The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, amend, add to or delete from, the Thirteenth
Schedule. (Part IXB added 21 of 1973 s. 8. Amended 9 of 1976 s. 10)
Section: | 105N | Management of civic centres | 30/06/1997 |
- (1)
- The management and control of every civic centre and the right to provide therein facilities of any kind shall be vested in the Authority.
- (2)
- The Authority may enter into contracts for the purpose of the management of any civic centre and the provision of facilities therein.
(3) The Authority may specify the purposes for which any civic centre, or any part thereof, may be used. (Replaced 45 of 1981 s. 3)
Section: | 105O | Regulations relating to civic centres | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may make regulations for any of the following matters-
- (a)
- the fixing of the days of the week and the hours of the day during which any civic centre or any part thereof may be open to members of the public;
- (b)
- the regulation of the conduct of persons admitted to any civic centre or any part thereof and for the removal therefrom of any person who infringes any of the provisions of any regulation made pursuant to this section; (ba) the control (including prohibition) of trading, advertising or the erection of structures in any civic centre; the removal, storage and sale of any trading, advertising or construction materials that are brought into or remain in a civic centre in contravention of any regulations made under this section; the recovery of any costs incurred in respect of such removal, storage and sale; and the forfeiture of the proceeds of sale; (Added 45 of 1981 s. 4)
- (c)
- the general regulation and management of civic centres and any facilities provided therein. (Part IXB added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
Section: | 105P | Authority may specify conditions for the use of civic centres, etc. | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Authority may specify the conditions to be observed in the use of-
- (a)
- a civic centre;
- (b)
- a part of a civic centre; or
- (c)
- any facilities provided in a civic centre or part of a civic centre. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 105Q | Grant of use of civic centres | 30/06/1997 |
Notwithstanding any power to make regulations under section 105O or to specify conditions conferred by section 105P, the Authority may grant, either gratuitously or for payment, to any person the exclusive use of any part of a civic centre for such period or periods and for such purposes as the Authority may consider fit in each case; and admission by the public to any such part, the exclusive use of which has been so granted, shall be either with or without payment as may be directed either by the Authority or, with the consent of the Authority, by the person to whom the use thereof has been so granted.
(Part IXB added 21 of 1973 s. 8)
Section: | 105R | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 105S | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 105T | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 106 | Provision of public pleasure grounds | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
- (1)
- The Authority may, from time to time, by order set aside places for use as public pleasure grounds, and may by the same or any subsequent order specify the purpose for which such grounds or any part thereof shall be used.
- (2)
- The places specified in the Fourth Schedule shall be deemed to have been set aside under the provisions of subsection (1) for use as public pleasure grounds. (3) The Authority shall, as soon as practicable, prepare a plan of every public pleasure ground.
- (4)
- Where the boundaries of any public pleasure ground are so varied, or such pleasure ground is otherwise so changed, as to render any plan deposited in accordance with the provisions of subsection (5) no longer accurate, the Authority shall withdraw the plan so deposited and shall, as soon as practicable, prepare an amended plan or a new plan of such pleasure ground.
- (5)
- Every plan prepared in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) or (4) shall be deposited in the Land Registry. (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2; 20 of 2002 s. 5)
(6) The Authority may by order amend, or add to or delete from, the Fourth Schedule. (Amended 9 of 1976 s. 10)
Section: | 107 | Management and control of public pleasure grounds | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- The general management and control of public pleasure grounds, including the exclusive right to provide amenities of any kind, shall be vested in the Authority.
- (2)
- The Authority may provide and demarcate public pleasure grounds for the conduct of games, sports and leisure activities and make such provision for other facilities for physical and other recreation as it may consider fit. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (3)
- Subject to the provisions of section 106(1) and of subsection (4) the Authority may, from time to time, specify the purpose for which any public pleasure ground or any part of any such ground may be used, whether for the provision of facilities for physical or other recreation or otherwise.
- (4)
- The Chief Executive, where he considers it necessary or desirable, may require the Authority to refrain from using, or permitting the use of, any public pleasure grounds or any part of any public pleasure grounds for any purposes which may have been specified by it under the provisions of subsection (3). (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3) (Replaced 32 of 1963 s. 13)
- (1)
- The Authority may, from time to time and for any purpose, temporarily close to the public the whole or any part of any public pleasure ground.
Section: | 108 | Temporary closure of public pleasure grounds, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
(2) The Authority may, on the application of any school, club or association or of any individual person,
allocate to the same, either gratuitously or on payment of a fee and on such days or for such periods as may be specified, the exclusive use of-
- (a) any playing field or playing pitch demarcated under the provisions of section 107 for the conduct of organized games and sports;
- (b) any tennis court in any public pleasure ground, any facilities provided under the provisions of section 107 for physical or other recreation or any other part of any public pleasure ground, other than a playing field or playing pitch demarcated under the provisions of that section for the conduct of organized games and sports.
Section: | 109 | Regulations relating to public pleasure grounds | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may in relation to public pleasure grounds, make regulations prescribing or providing for
- (a) proper management and control, including closure or partial closure;
- (b) preservation of good order and prevention of abuses and nuisances;
- (c) the control (including prohibition) of building, trading or advertising;
- (d) the control (including prohibition) of fishing at any beach;
- (e) the control (including prohibition) of the use of vessels, boats or other means of water transport, including water-skis and models, at any beach;
- (f) (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 26)
- (g) the seizure and disposal of any vehicle, vessel, animal or other article or thing in respect of which any regulation made under this section is contravened.
Section: | 109A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 110 | Public pleasure ground rules | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) The Authority may, in relation to a public pleasure ground, make rules which are not inconsistent with regulations made under section 109 to provide for the better control of persons in connection with the use of the public pleasure ground and to provide information relating to the use of the public pleasure ground. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2) Any person who fails to comply with any rule made under the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence. (1) The Authority may appoint keepers for public pleasure grounds.
- (2) Where any person is found by a keeper of any public pleasure ground to be contravening the provisions of any regulation, rule or order relating to such public pleasure ground, such keeper may arrest such person and deliver him into the custody of a police officer or take him to the nearest police station, whereupon the provisions of sections 51 and 52 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) or of section 52 of that Ordinance, as the case may be, shall apply.
Section: | 111 | Appointment and powers of keepers | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 111A | Interpretation of this Part | 29 of 1998 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 29 of 1998 s. 105
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires-
"private street" (私家街道) means a street on land held under Government lease, licence or otherwise from the Government or on land over which the Government has granted or reserved a right of way; (Amended 29 of 1998 s. 105)
"street" (街道) includes a private street and any area of land declared to be a street by the Director of Highways. (Amended L.N. 76 of 1982; L.N. 127 of 1986)
Section: | 111B | Proposal of private street name | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person may propose
(a) a name of a private street that has not been named; or
- (b) a change of name of a private street that has been named, by notice in writing sent to the Authority.
- (2) No person other than the owner of the land that is held under or by virtue of a Government lease and on which the private street is situated may make a proposal under subsection (1) in connection with that private street. (Amended 29 of 1998 s. 105) (3) The Authority shall, after the receipt of a proposal under subsection (1), consider the application and shall
- (a) make a declaration under section 111C(1)(a) or (b), as the case may be; or
- (b) refuse to make a declaration.
- (4) Where the Authority under subsection (3) has refused to make a declaration, the Authority shall serve notice of its decision, setting out reasons for its decision, upon the person who made application under subsection (1).
- (5) A person on whom a notice under subsection (4) is served may, within 30 days of the date of the notice, appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board against the decision of the Authority. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7) (1) Notwithstanding section 111B, the Authority, by declaration in the Gazette, may
- (a) assign a name to a street that has not been named; or
- (b) change the name of a street that has been named.
- (2) The Authority shall, not less than 30 days prior to a declaration under subsection (1)(b), give notice of its intention to change the street name. (3) A notice under subsection (2) shall-
- (a) contain a brief description of the proposal to change the street name;
- (b) specify an address for service of objections to the proposal;
- (c) specify the time within which objections may be lodged; and
- (d) be published
- (i) in the Gazette; and
- (ii) by posting it in both the English and Chinese languages in a prominent place in or near the street or part of the street which will be affected by the proposed declaration.
- (4) A person may, within 30 days of the date of publication in the Gazette of the notice under subsection (2), object, in writing to the Authority, against the proposed declaration under subsection (1)(b).
- (5) The Authority shall consider an objection under subsection (4) and shall, before a declaration is made under subsection (1)(b), serve notice of its decision, setting out reasons for its decision, upon the person who made an objection.
- (6) A person on whom a notice under subsection (5) is served may, within 30 days of the date of the notice, appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board against the decision of the Authority. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 111C | Declaration of street name | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 111D | Penalty for marking or displaying other street name | 30/06/1997 |
Where the Authority has declared a street name under section 111C(1), any person who marks or displays any other street name other than that street name so declared on a building or erection in the street commits an offence. (Part XA added 40 of 1980 s. 2)
Section: | 112 | Restriction upon the keeping of dead bodies in domestic premises | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) Any person who keeps, or causes or permits to be kept, for a longer period than 48 hours the dead body of any person in premises used for the purpose of human habitation shall, unless such dead body is encoffined in a hermetically sealed coffin, be guilty of an offence.
- (2) Any person who, without the permission in writing of the Authority, keeps, or causes or permits to be kept, for a longer period than 7 days (inclusive of the period of 48 hours referred to in subsection (1)) any encoffined dead body, notwithstanding that the coffin be hermetically sealed, in any premises used for the purpose of human habitation shall be guilty of an offence. (1) The Authority may
- (a) subject to the provisions of section 16(1) of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance (Cap 174), cause a notice in the form of Form E specified in the Seventh Schedule to be served on a person who has the right to effect the disposal of any human remains, requiring him to cause them to be lawfully buried or cremated within such period as may be specified in the notice; and
- (b) if the human remains referred to in the notice are not lawfully buried or cremated within the period specified in the notice, take possession of the human remains and arrange for their disposal in any manner it may think fit.
- (2) The Authority may take possession of any human remains and arrange for their disposal in any manner it may think fit, if it is satisfied that-
- (a) no person who has the right to dispose of the human remains is in Hong Kong or can be readily ascertained or found; or (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (b) every person who has the right to dispose of the human remains is under disability.
(3) Any person who-
- (a) fails to comply with a notice served on him under subsection (1)(a); or
- (b) after the expiration of any period specified in a notice under subsection (1)(a), has in his possession
without the written permission of the Authority any human remains to which the notice relates, shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "human remains" (人類遺骸) does not include skeletal remains.
(5) Nothing in this section shall derogate from any provision in any enactment which permits the use of any human remains or the removal and use of part of any human remains for therapeutic purposes or for purposes of medical education or research.
(Added 48 of 1969 s. 7)
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1) The places specified in Parts I and III of the Fifth Schedule shall be places set apart for use as public cemeteries.
- (2) The places specified in Parts II and IV of the Fifth Schedule shall be places set apart for use as private cemeteries. (2A) The places specified in Part IVA of the Fifth Schedule shall be places set apart for use by The Commonwealth War Graves Commission as Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemeteries. (Added 69 of 1976 s. 2. Amended 12 of 1994 s. 3)
- (3) The Chief Executive in Council may by order amend, or add any cemetery to or delete any cemetery from, the Fifth Schedule. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
- (1)
- The Authority shall, as soon as practicable, prepare a plan of every cemetery and mark the boundaries thereof in such manner as it may think fit.
- (2)
- Subject to subsection (2A), where the boundaries of any cemetery are so varied, or any cemetery is otherwise so changed, as to render any plan deposited in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) no longer accurate, the Authority shall withdraw the plan so deposited and shall, as soon as practicable, prepare an amended plan or a new plan of such cemetery and, where necessary, further mark the boundaries thereof in such manner as it may think fit. (Amended 12 of 1994 s. 4) (2A) The Authority shall, before exercising any power conferred on it under subsection (2) in relation to a Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, consult with The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. (Added 12 of 1994 s. 4)
- (3)
- Every plan prepared in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) shall be deposited in the Land Registry. (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2; 20 of 2002 s. 5)
- (1)
- The general management and control of public cemeteries shall be vested in the Authority. (Amended 69 of 1976 s. 3; 12 of 1994 s. 5) (1A) The general management and control of Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemeteries shall be vested in The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. (Added 12 of 1994 s. 5)
- (2)
- The Authority may by notification in the Gazette declare any public cemetery, or any part of such a cemetery, to be closed. (Replaced 69 of 1976 s. 3. Amended 12 of 1994 s. 5)
- (3)
- Any person who buries, or causes or permits to be buried, any human remains, or deposits, or causes or permits to be deposited, any urn containing any human remains, in any cemetery or any part of any cemetery which has been declared to be closed under the provisions of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- Notwithstanding anything contained in any deed of appropriation, deed of grant or other instrument relating to any cemetery, the Authority may make regulations prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the marking or otherwise identifying of graves, vaults and urns, and the provision, custody, maintenance and inspection of registers of burials therein;
- (b)
- the control of the number of dead bodies which may be buried in any one grave or vault;
- (c)
- the interspace between graves and between vaults;
- (d)
- the manner of closing, turfing or covering of graves, the materials to be used therefor and the period within which any grave must be so closed, turfed or covered;
- (e)
- the re-opening of graves and vaults and the removal of human remains therefrom;
- (f)
- the prevention and abatement of nuisances in connection with any cemetery, grave, vault, urn or the burial of any human remains;
- (g)
- the entry and inspection of cemeteries and vaults;
- (h)
- the proper management of cemeteries;
- (i)
- the depth and size of graves and vaults;
- (j)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 28)
- (k)
- such other matters as, in the opinion of the Authority, are necessary for the proper regulation and control of cemeteries in the public interest.
- (2)
- In addition to the purposes specified in subsection (1), the Authority may in relation to any public cemetery make regulations prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the lay-out and use of any such cemetery or any part thereof and matters ancillary thereto;
- (b)
- the exhumation of human remains from any grave and the disposal of the same in a decent manner;
- (c)
- the size of any monument or enclosure over or round any grave, vault or urn;
- (d)
- the orderly and decent conduct of any burial, exhumation or removal of any human remains and the performance of any ceremony, rite, custom or religious practice connected therewith in any such cemetery or in any part of any such cemetery and the orderly and decent conduct of persons resorting to any such cemetery.
- (e)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 28)
Section: | 114 | Plans and demarcations of cemeteries | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
Section: | 115 | General management and closure of public cemeteries and Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemeteries | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 116 | Regulations relating to cemeteries | 30/06/1997 |
(3) Regulations made under subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to any Commonwealth War Graves
Commission Cemetery. (Added 12 of 1994 s. 6) (Amended 48 of 1969 s. 8; 49 of 1972 s. 2)
Section: | 116A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 117 | Public cemetery and Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery rules | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Authority may, in relation to a public cemetery or Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, make rules which are not inconsistent with regulations made under section 116 to provide for the better control of persons in connection with the use of the cemetery or Cemetery and to provide information relating to the use of the cemetery or Cemetery. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7) (2) Any person who fails to comply with any rule made under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (1)
- Any person who, without the permission in writing of the Authority, buries any human remains, or deposits any urn or other receptacle containing any human remains, or scatters the ashes of any human remains after cremation, otherwise than in a cemetery, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (2)
- Save in accordance with the provisions of this Part, any person who, without the permission in writing of the Authority, exhumes any human remains or any part of any human remains or any article interred therewith, or removes any human remains, or any part of any human remains, or any article from any urn or other receptacle, or removes or carries away any urn or other receptacle containing any human remains from any place, shall be guilty of an offence.
- (3)
- No permission under subsection (1) or (2) shall be granted to any person other than the legal personal representative or next of kin of the person whose remains are to be buried, deposited, exhumed or removed, its the case may be, or the duly authorized agent of such legal personal representative or next of kin, or failing any such legal personal representative or next of kin or any such agent thereof, a person who, in the opinion of the Authority, has a proper interest in the disposal of the human remains in respect of which such permission is granted: Provided that the Authority may permit the removal of any human remains from one part of a private cemetery to another part of such private cemetery at the request of the management of such cemetery.
- (4)
- Subject to subsection (4A), any human remains buried, or any urn or other receptacle containing any human remains deposited, otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) or of the provisions of section 119, outside a cemetery may be removed by the Authority and buried or deposited inside a cemetery or otherwise disposed of in such decent manner as the Authority may think fit: (Amended L.N. 18 of 1983; 12 of 1994 s. 7)
Section: | 118 | Prohibition of unauthorized burials and exhumations | 30/06/1997 |
Provided that the consent of the Secretary for Home Affairs shall be obtained before such remains are, or such urn or other receptacle is, removed. (Replaced L.N. 18 of 1983. Amended L.N. 262 of 1989)
(4A) The consent of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission shall be obtained before any remains are buried, or any urn or other receptacle is deposited, pursuant to subsection (4) inside a Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery. (Added 12 of 1994 s. 7)
(5) (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 30)
Section: | 118A | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 119 | Power of Chief Executive in Council to direct removal and disposal of human remains | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- Notwithstanding anything contained in the other provisions of this Part but subject to subsection (2), the Chief Executive in Council may by order direct the removal of any human remains from any grave, urn or other receptacle or of any urn or other receptacle containing any human remains, whether situated within or without a cemetery, and may direct the disposal thereof in such decent manner as he may think fit: (Amended 12 of 1994 s. 8) Provided that no such order shall be made until 1 month's notice of intention to make such order has been published in the Gazette.
- (2)
- No order shall be made under subsection (1) in relation to any Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery-
- (a)
- unless the removal or disposal referred to in that subsection is, in the opinion of the Chief Executive in Council, necessary in the public interest; and
- (b)
- until 6 months' notice of intention to make such order has been given in writing to The Commonwealth
War Graves Commission. (Added 12 of 1994 s. 8) (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 119A | Power of Authority to direct removal and disposal of human remains | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may by order direct the removal, from any grave situated within a public cemetery, of any human remains or any urn or other receptacle containing any human remains, which have been interred therein for a period of not less than 6 years, and may direct the disposal thereof in such decent manner as he may think fit:
Provided that no such order shall be made until 1 month's notice of intention to make such order has been published in the Gazette. (Added 9 of 1976 s. 11)
Section: | 120 | Removal of coffins, etc. | 30/06/1997 |
When any human remains are moved under the provisions of this Part, it shall be lawful to move also any coffin, urn or other receptacle in which such human remains are contained and any monument or enclosure over or surrounding the same.
Section: | 121 | Disposal of exhumed bodies | L.N. 211 of 1998 | 04/05/1998 |
- (1)
- Where any body, or part of any body, has been exhumed under section 7 of the Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504), the Authority shall provide for the reburial or other disposal of such body in such manner as it may think fit. (Amended 12 of 1994 s. 9; 27 of 1997 s. 64)
- (2)
- The consent of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission shall be obtained before any body, or any part of any body, is reburied or otherwise disposed of under subsection (1) inside a Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery. (Added 12 of 1994 s. 9)
(Replaced 57 of 1967 Schedule)
Section: | 122 | Defrayal of expenses of reburial, etc. | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
Whenever, pursuant to any powers conferred by this Part, the Chief Executive in Council, or the Authority, or a magistrate, has caused any human remains to be exhumed or removed, the expenses of exhumation or removal, and of reburial or disposal, shall be defrayed out of the general revenue.
(Replaced 9 of 1976 s. 12. Amended 10 of 1986 s. 16; 78 of 1999 s. 7; 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 123 | Regulations in relation to mortuaries | 30/06/1997 |
(1) The Authority may make regulations in relation to mortuaries prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- registration or licensing and inspection and control (including prohibition) of mortuaries;
- (b)
- the reception, treatment and custody of human remains;
- (c)
- the maintenance, inspection and custody of registers of human remains received into mortuaries;
- (d)
- the regulation and control of the transportation of human remains to or from any mortuary or to or from any other place.
- (e)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 32)
(2) Regulations made under subsection (1) may be of general application or limited to any class or type of mortuary or to any place, district or area.
Section: | 123A | Public funeral halls | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, designate any mortuary operated by the Authority as a public funeral hall. (Added 3 of 1978 s. 2)
Section: | 123AA | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 123B | Management of public funeral halls | 30/06/1997 |
The management and control of every public funeral hall shall be vested in the Authority.
(Added 3 of 1978 s. 2)
Section: | 123C | Regulations as to public funeral halls | 30/06/1997 |
The Authority may make regulations in relation to public funeral halls prescribing or providing for-
- (a)
- the reception, treatment and custody of human remains;
- (b)
- the management and operation of public funeral halls including the exclusion or removal of persons therefrom;
- (c)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 34)
- (d)
- the persons by whom and the conditions upon which the facilities of public funeral halls may be used;
- (e)
- the maintenance of good order in public funeral halls. (Added 3 of 1978 s. 2)
Section: | 123D | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 124 | Right of Authority to dispose of unclaimed dead bodies | 30/06/1997 |
(1) Where a person who has the right to effect the disposal of the human remains of any person-
- (a)
- within the period of 48 hours after the human remains are received into any mortuary-
- (i)
- has not made to the person having the management or control of the mortuary a claim to possession thereof; or
- (ii)
- abandons the right to effect the disposal thereof; or
- (b)
- having made a claim to possession of the human remains within such period of 48 hours, does not take possession of the human remains and remove them from the mortuary within 48 hours after he has made the claim,
the right to effect the disposal of the human remains shall vest in the Authority, and the Authority may arrange for the disposal of them in any manner it may think fit. (Replaced 48 of 1969 s. 9)
(2) Any person who knowingly disposes of the human remains, or any part of the human remains, of any person from any mortuary otherwise than in accordance with a claim made by a person having a right to make the same or in accordance with a direction, or with the consent, of the Authority shall be guilty of an offence:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall make it an offence to transfer the human remains of a person into a mortuary belonging to the Government from a mortuary not so belonging.
Section: | 124A | Government and private crematoria | 30/06/1997 |
Cremation and crematoria
- (1)
- The places specified in Part V of the Fifth Schedule shall be Government crematoria.
- (2)
- The places specified in Part VI of the Fifth Schedule shall be authorized private crematoria.
- (3)
- The places specified in Part VII of the Fifth Schedule shall be Gardens of Remembrance.
- (4)
- The Authority may, by order published in the Gazette, amend, add to or delete from Parts V, VI and VII of
the Fifth Schedule. (Amended 9 of 1976 s. 13) (Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
Section: | 124B | Management of Government crematoria and Gardens of Remembrance | 30/06/1997 |
The management and control of Government crematoria and Gardens of Remembrance shall be vested in the Authority. (Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
Section: | 124C | Use of crematoria | 30/06/1997 |
No building or place shall be used as a crematorium other than-
- (a)
- a Government crematorium;
- (b)
- an authorized private crematorium; or
- (c)
- a building or place in respect of which the Authority shall have granted special and written permission, upon such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, to some person, society or institution to use the same for the cremation of the human remains or class of human remains specified in such permit.
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
Section: | 124D | Provision for hearing objections where application for crematorium in certain locations or adding facilities in an existing crematorium | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- Where application is made under section 124C(c) for the permission of the Authority to use for the burning of human remains any building or place nearer to any dwelling house than 200 m or within 50 m of any public highway, or application is made for the permission of the Authority to add any facility which is directly related to the burning of human remains in a building or place referred to in section 124C(b) or (c) the Authority shall cause notice of the application specifying the site and facility to be published, at the expense of the applicant, in English and Chinese in 3 successive numbers of the Gazette. (Amended L.N. 89 of 1979) (1A) Where the Authority intends to add any facility which is directly related to the burning of human remains in an existing government crematorium, the Authority shall cause notice of such decision, specifying the site and facility to be added, to be published in English and Chinese in 3 successive numbers of the Gazette. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- If any person objects to the grant of permission or to the addition, in any case to which subsection (1) or (1A) is applicable, objection must be sent in writing to the Authority to reach its office not later than 1 week after the publication of the last of such notices.
- (3)
- Every such objection together with any evidence that may be tendered by the objector and the applicant or their representatives shall be considered by the Authority before deciding whether or not to grant the application or make the addition.
- (4)
- The Authority shall give notice in writing of its decision, together with reasons, to the applicant and any objector as soon as practicable after a decision is made. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (5)
- An applicant under subsection (1) or an objector under subsections (1) and (1A), may appeal to the Municipal Services Appeal Board against the decision of the Authority within 30 days of the date of the notice.
(Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 9. Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 124E | Regulations relating to cremation and crematoria | 30/06/1997 |
(1) The Authority may make regulations for any of the following matters-
- (a)
- the maintenance and inspection of crematoria;
- (b)
- the cases in which and conditions under which the burning of any human remains may take place;
- (c)
- the disposal or interment of the ashes resulting from any such burning;
- (d)
- the forms of the notices, certificates and declarations to be given or made before any such burning is permitted to take place, such declarations to be made under and by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap 11);
- (e)
- (Repealed 49 of 1994 s. 36)
- (f)
- the registration of the burnings;
- (g)
- closing of crematoria, other than Government crematoria, and delegation of authority to order such closure.
- (2)
- Any provisions relating to the destruction and falsification of registers of burials contained in any enactment, and the admissibility of extracts therefrom as evidence in courts and otherwise, shall apply to the registers of burnings directed by such regulations to be kept. (Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
- (1)
- Any person who knowingly carries out or procures or takes part in the burning of any human remains, except in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the regulations made hereunder, shall (in addition to any liability or penalty which he may otherwise incur) be guilty of an offence.
- (2)
- Any person who wilfully makes any false declaration or representation, or signs or utters any false certificate, with a view to procuring the burning of any human remains, shall (in addition to any penalty or liability which he may otherwise incur) be guilty of an offence.
- (3)
- Any person who, with intent to conceal the commission or impede the prosecution of any offence, procures or attempts to procure the cremation of any body, or, with such intent, makes any declaration or gives any certificate under this Part, shall be guilty of an offence.
Section: | 124EA | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 124F | Offences | 30/06/1997 |
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
Section: | 124G | Fees and charges to be part of funeral expenses | 30/06/1997 |
The prescribed fees, and charges and expenses properly incurred in or in connection with the cremation of a deceased person, shall be deemed to be part of the funeral expenses of the deceased. (Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
Section: | 124H | Saving for coroner | 30/06/1997 |
Nothing in this Part shall interfere with any jurisdiction or power of any coroner to order the cremation of a body, and nothing in this Part shall authorize any person to create or permit a nuisance. (Added 21 of 1973 s. 9)
Section: | 124I | Authority may prescribe fees and charges | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) The Authority may by regulation provide for the fees and charges payable in connection with the following-
- (a)
- scavenging or conservancy services;
- (b)
- the registration or licensing of latrines, bathhouses or the use of latrines or bathhouses;
- (c)
- the registration or licensing of offensive trades;
- (d)
- the registration or licensing of swimming pools;
- (e)
- in relation to food, which for the purposes of this paragraph includes live poultry, live reptiles and live fish, the registration or licensing of premises, businesses or persons engaged in or connected with-
- (i)
- the sale of food for human consumption;
- (ii)
- the manufacture, preparation, transport, storage, packaging, marking, exposure for sale, service or delivery of-
- (A)
- food intended for sale or sold for human consumption; or
- (B)
- ice; or
- (f)
- the services provided in or in connection with public slaughterhouses;
- (g)
- the registration or licensing of private slaughterhouses;
- (h)
- the inspection or examination of animals or carcasses and for anything done in connection with or consequent on any inspection or examination;
- (i)
- the licensing or registration of the operation of private markets;
- (j)
- the licensing of hawkers and the allocation and use of hawker pitches or stalls, the issue of a pitch card or a hawker's badge (including the issue of a duplicate of or any endorsement of or amendment to a pitch card or a hawker's badge) or the appointment of a hawker's deputy;
- (k)
- the licensing of any activity specified in Schedule 11A;
- (l)
- the burial of human remains;
- (m)
- in relation to a public cemetery, the setting up of monuments or enclosures over or around graves and construction of vaults or urns or for obtaining a copy of entry in a register of graves in a public cemetery;
- (n)
- the grant of permission to exhume human remains;
- (o)
- the registration or licensing of mortuaries;
- (p)
- the use of a public funeral hall or the use of services provided in or in connection with the use of a public funeral hall;
- (q)
- the cremation of human remains in any crematorium;
- (r)
- the disposal or interment of ashes resulting from the cremation of human remains in a crematorium;
- (s)
- the placing in a crematorium or garden of remembrance of any monument, tablet, inscription, receptacle for flowers or other ornament;
- (t)
- the insertion of an inscription in a book kept at a garden of remembrance for recording commemorative inscriptions;
- (u)
- the planting in a crematorium or garden of remembrance of any tree, shrub or plant.
(2) For the avoidance of doubt it is stated that a power under this section to provide for fees and charges payable in connection with registration, licensing, permission or a permit includes a power to provide for the fees and charges payable for the grant, renewal or transfer of a licence, temporary licence, permission or permit, and the issue of a duplicate of or any endorsement of or amendment to a licence, permission or permit or the renewal of a registration.
(3) In providing for fees and charges for any purpose under subsection (1) the Authority may prescribe
different fees and charges in relation to persons or cases of different classes or descriptions. (Part XIA added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(1) The Authority may by regulation provide for the fees and charges payable by an individual as a member of the public in connection with the matters specified in Schedule 16.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) the following is not included-
(a) fees and charges payable in connection with the admission to a venue or facility specified in Schedule 16
- (i)
- of members of a club, institution, association or other organization as members thereof; or
- (ii)
- for a commercial purpose; or
(b) fees and charges payable in connection with the use of a venue, service or facility specified in Schedule 16
- (i)
- by members of a club, institution, association or other organization as members thereof;
- (ii)
- for games, sports or other activity organized or arranged by or on behalf of a club, institution, association or other organization;
(iii) for trading or advertising; or
(iv) for a commercial purpose.
- (3)
- The Authority may prescribe different fees and charges for persons or cases of different classes or descriptions under subsection (1).
- (4)
- The Authority may by order published in the Gazette amend Schedule 16.
- (5)
- An order under subsection (4) is subject to the approval of the Legislative Council. (Part XIA added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (1)
- Subject to section 124J(1), any fee or charge payable in connection with the admission to or the use for any purpose of a venue, service or facility relating to a cultural or leisure activity provided by the Authority or which is under the control and management of the Authority may be determined by the Authority with the approval of the Financial Secretary.
- (2)
- Different fees or charges may be determined under this section for any purpose in relation to persons or cases of different classes or descriptions.
Section: | 124K | Authority may determine fees and charges with approval of Financial Secretary | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(3) The Authority may publish in any manner the Authority considers fit any fees or charges determined under
subsection (1), for information. (Part XIA added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 124L | Authority may prescribe fees and charges | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Authority may by regulation provide for the fees and charges payable in connection with the licensing of any activity specified in the Eleventh Schedule.
- (2)
- For the avoidance of doubt it is stated that a power under this section to provide for fees and charges payable in connection with licensing includes a power to provide for the fees and charges payable for the grant, renewal or transfer of a licence, temporary licence and the issue of a duplicate of or any endorsement of or amendment to a licence.
(3) The Authority may in relation to any activity referred to in subsection (1) prescribe different fees and
charges in relation to persons or cases of different classes or descriptions. (Part XIA added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 124M | Financial Secretary may reduce or waive fees or charges | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The Financial Secretary or any public officer under his delegated authority may generally or in a particular case reduce or waive a fee or charge prescribed under section 124I, 124J or 124L or determined under section 124K or refund, in whole or in part, any such fee or charge.
(Part XIA added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 124N | Interpretation of Part XIB | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires- "Board" (委員會) means the Licensing Appeals Board established under section 125A; "Chairman" (主席) means the person appointed to that office under section 125A(2); "secretary" (秘書) means the secretary to the Board appointed under section 125I(1); "Vice-Chairman" (副主席) means the person appointed to that office under section 125A(2).
(Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(1) Where, under the provisions of this Ordinance, any public officer (referred to in this section as the licensing authority) is empowered to require registration or to grant any licence or permit, such registration, licence or permit, as the case may be, shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and any regulations made thereunder- (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (a) be made, granted or renewed subject to such requirements, conditions or restrictions as the licensing authority may think fit to impose for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this Ordinance, and may, for the like purpose, include a declaration by the licensing authority waiving the application of any of the provisions of any regulation made under this Ordinance; (Amended 9 of 1976 s. 14; 69 of 1985 s. 2)
- (b) be refused, suspended or cancelled at the sole discretion of the licensing authority for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this Ordinance, but no registration, licence or permit shall be suspended or cancelled for any cause other than the contravention of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or of any requirement, condition or restriction to which such registration, licence or permit was subject. (Amended 69 of 1985 s. 2)
(1A) Subject to section 124M, subsection (1)(a) does not authorize a licensing authority to include in any registration, licence or permit a declaration waiving any provision relating to the payment of fees in a regulation made under this Ordinance. (Added 9 of 1976 s. 14. Amended 10 of 1986 s. 17; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(1B) (a) The renewal of any registration, licence or permit, if application therefor is made by the lawful holder on or before the date of expiry thereof accompanied by the fee or charge (if any) prescribed therefor, shall not be
- (i) refused unless notice in writing of its intention to refuse the same has been served by the licensing authority upon such holder not less than 90 days preceding the date of expiry of such registration, licence or permit, except where any of the requirements, conditions or restrictions to which such registration, licence or permit was subject has been contravened within the period of 90 days immediately preceding such date of expiry, in which case no such notice shall be required;
- (ii) subject to additional or alternative conditions to those imposed in the registration, licence or permit in respect of which the application for renewal is made unless notice in writing of its intention to impose additional or alternative conditions has been served by the licensing authority upon such holder not less than 90 days preceding the date of expiry of such registration, licence or permit.
(b) Where application for renewal of any registration, licence or permit is not made or any fee or charge prescribed in respect thereof is not paid on or before the date of expiry thereof, renewal of the same may be refused without notice. (Added 69 of 1985 s. 2)
- (2) Save where the licensing authority thinks fit, no registration, licence or permit shall be made or granted in the name or more than one person: Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the making of any registration or the granting of any licence or permit in the name of a corporation.
- (3) Subject to the provisions of any regulations made under this Ordinance, every registration, licence or permit shall be transferable.
- (4) On any transfer of a registration, licence or permit under the provisions of subsection (3), the person to whom the transfer is made shall, within 7 days after the transfer is effected, deliver to the licensing authority a notice, in such form (if any) as may be prescribed by the licensing authority signed by the transferor or by some person authorized in writing in that behalf by him and signed by the person to whom the transfer was made or by some person authorized in writing in that behalf by him.
- (5)
- If any person fails to give notice of the transfer of any registration, licence or permit as required by subsection (4)-
- (a)
- such person shall be guilty of an offence; and
- (b)
- the licensing authority may, without notice, cancel such registration, licence or permit.
- (6)
- Where any person who is registered, or who is the grantee of any licence or permit issued, under the provisions of this Ordinance absents himself from Hong Kong for a period exceeding 30 days without giving notice in writing to the licensing authority, or, in the opinion of the licensing authority, is not, or has ceased to be, ordinarily resident in Hong Kong, the licensing authority may, without notice, cancel such registration, licence or permit, and, in the case of a corporation which is registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32), the licensing authority may also cancel such registration, licence or permit if the corporation has ceased to be so registered. (Amended 10 of 1986
- s.
- 24) (6A) Where any person who is registered, or who is the grantee of any licence or permit issued, under the provisions of this Ordinance is not, in the opinion of the licensing authority, carrying on the business or activity to which such registration, licence or permit relates, the licensing authority may cancel the same without notice. (Added 57 of 1978 s. 4)
- (7)
- Where any person who is registered, or who is the grantee of any licence or permit issued, under the provisions of this Ordinance intends to absent himself from Hong Kong for a longer period than 30 days, the licensing authority may require him to appoint a delegate for such period not exceeding 6 months as the licensing authority may consider reasonable, and such delegate shall, during that period, be deemed for all purposes under this Ordinance to be the person in whose name such registration was made or to whom such licence or permit was granted, and failure to appoint such delegate if so required under this subsection shall be a ground for cancellation of such registration, licence or permit. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 24)
- (8)
- Where any registration, licence or permit is cancelled or suspended, or any application for the grant or renewal thereof is refused, by the licensing authority, the licensing authority shall forthwith serve a notice in writing upon the holder thereof or applicant therefor, as the case may be, declaring its decision.
- (9)
- A person dissatisfied with a decision referred to in subsection (8) may, within 14 days after the service on him of the notice declaring the decision, appeal to the Licensing Appeals Board established under section 125A against the decision. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (10)
- If an appeal is made under this section, the licensing authority may, in its discretion, suspend the operation of the decision to which the appeal relates, pending the determination of the appeal. (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (11)
- No registration, licence or permit granted under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be taken to exempt or excuse any person from compliance with any of the provisions of any other enactment.
- (1)
- There is established a board to be known as the Licensing Appeals Board.
- (2)
- The Board is to consist of
- (a)
- a Chairman;
- (b)
- a Vice-Chairman; and
- (c)
- not less than 13 other members, appointed by the Chief Executive in accordance with this section. (3) A public officer may not be appointed to the Board under subsection (2).
- (4)
- A person appointed as Chairman or Vice-Chairman or other member under subsection (2) is to hold and vacate office in accordance with the person's terms of appointment.
(5) A member may resign as member, Chairman or Vice-Chairman by giving written notice to the Chief
Executive. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(1) The function of the Board is to hear and determine any appeal which lies to the Board under section 125.
- (2)
- In determining an appeal, the Board may exercise all the powers and discretions that are conferred on the person who made the decision appealed from.
- (3)
- In determining an appeal, the Board may affirm, vary or set aside the decision and, where it sets aside the decision, it shall substitute its own decision. The Board may also extend the time specified, if any, for complying with the requirement of any notice issued, or an order made by the licensing authority referred to in section 125.
- (4)
- A person who appeals to the Board, if dissatisfied with the decision of the Board may appeal to the Municipal Services Appeals Board within 14 days after receiving notice of the decision.
(5) If an appeal is made under subsection (4), the Board may, in its discretion, suspend the operation of the
decision to which the appeal relates, pending the determination of the appeal. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125C | How the Board is to be constituted for the purposes of an appeal | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) For the purposes of hearing an appeal or making a decision for the purposes of section 125B(5), the Board is to consist of-
- (a)
- the Chairman or Vice-Chairman; and
- (b)
- 4 other members nominated under subsection (2).
- (2)
- The secretary must nominate 4 members for the purposes of subsection (1)(b).
- (3)
- In nominating members under subsection (2), the secretary is subject to the direction of the Chairman or
Vice-Chairman. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125D | Parties to an appeal | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
The parties to an appeal are the appellant and the licensing authority from whose decision the appeal is brought. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125E | Provisions applicable to a hearing | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Chairman or Vice-Chairman is to preside at the hearing of an appeal.
- (2)
- An appeal board decision shall be taken by a majority.
- (3)
- If after the commencement of the hearing of an appeal, one or more members (other than the person presiding) are unable to continue, the remaining members, so long as their number (including the person presiding) is not less than 3 may, with the consent of the parties, continue to hear and determine the appeal, and the Board remains duly constituted.
- (4)
- If the Board is constituted by an even number of members under subsection (3), the person presiding shall have a casting vote when there is an equality of votes.
(5) Subject to this section and rules made under section 125G the person presiding may determine the
procedure at the hearing of an appeal made to the Board. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125F | Board to give reasons for decision | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- The Board must give reasons for its decisions.
- (2)
- The secretary must serve a copy of the Board's decision and of the reasons for the decision on the parties to
an appeal. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125G | Board may make rules | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) The Board may make rules regulating the making of appeals to the Board, specifying the documents to be lodged or served in relation to an appeal and providing for the hearing and determining of those appeals and the enforcement of its decisions.
(2) The rules made under subsection (1) are subsidiary legislation. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125H | Meetings of the Board other than appeal hearings | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
At a meeting of the Board, other than an appeal hearing or a meeting for the purposes of section 125B(5)-
- (a)
- the quorum shall be not less than half the members of the Board for the time being;
- (b)
- the Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall preside;
- (c)
- decisions are to be made by a majority of the members present and voting; and
- (d)
- the person presiding has a casting vote. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 125I | Staff | L.N. 130 of 2007 | 01/07/2007 |
Remarks: For the saving and transitional provisions relating to the amendments made by the Resolution of the Legislative Council (L.N. 130 of 2007), see paragraph (12) of that Resolution.
(1) The Secretary for Food and Health may appoint- (Amended L.N. 106 of 2002)
- (a)
- a secretary to the Board; and
- (b)
- such other staff as the Secretary for Food and Health considers necessary.
(2) The Secretary for Food and Health may appoint a legal adviser to advise on legal matters relating to an appeal and the legal adviser may be present at any hearing before the Board or deliberations of the Board to so advise the Board.
(Added 78 of 1999 s. 7. Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; L.N. 130 of 2007)
Section: | 126 | General powers of entry | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
MISCELLANEOUS (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, any public officer authorized in writing by a public officer (referred to in this section as the authorizing authority), shall, on producing, if so required, some duly authenticated document showing his authority, have a right to enter any premises, vehicle, vessel or aircraft at any time between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., and, in the case of any workplace or any premises or vessel used for business purposes, at any time during which work or business is carried on- (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (a)
- for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is, or has been, on or in connection with the premises, vehicle, vessel or aircraft any contravention of the provisions of this Ordinance, being provisions which it is the duty of the authorizing authority to enforce;
- (b)
- for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not circumstance exist which would authorize or require the authorizing authority to take any action, or execute any work, under the provisions of this Ordinance, and for this purpose, such officer may take and carry away samples of any article or thing, including water, found there;
- (c)
- for the purpose of taking any action, or executing any work, authorized or required by the provisions of this Ordinance to be taken or executed by the authorizing authority;
- (d)
- for the purpose of carrying out any tests the carrying out of which is authorized under the provisions of this Ordinance;
- (e)
- generally, for the purpose of the performance by the authorizing authority of his functions under the provisions of this Ordinance: (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Provided that admission to any premises or vessel, not being premises or a vessel used for business purposes or as a workplace, shall not be demanded as of right unless not less than 2 hours' notice in writing of the intended entry has been given to the occupier of such premises or the person in charge of such vessel, or, in the absence of such person, posted in some conspicuous place on such premises or vessel, as the case may be.
(2) If it is shown to the satisfaction of a magistrate on sworn information in writing-
(a) that admission to any premises or vessel has been refused or that refusal is apprehended, or that such premises are unoccupied or such vessel unattended, as the case may be, or that the occupier or attendant is temporarily absent, or that the case is one of urgency, or that an application for admission would defeat the object of the entry, or that it is reasonable for the purposes of this Ordinance in the circumstances of the case that entry be effected between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.; and
- (b)
- that there is reasonable ground for entry into the premises or vessel for any such purpose as aforesaid, the magistrate may by warrant in the form of Form B prescribed in the Seventh Schedule authorize any public officer authorized in that behalf by the public officer for whose purposes such entry is necessary to effect entry, if need be by force: (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7) Provided that such warrant shall not be issued unless the magistrate is satisfied either that notice of the intention to apply for a warrant has been given to the occupier of the premises or to the person in charge of the vessel, as the case may be, or that the premises are unoccupied or the vessel unattended, or that the occupier or attendant is temporarily absent, or that the case is one of urgency, or that the giving of such notice would defeat the object of the entry, or that it is reasonable for the purposes of this Ordinance in the circumstances of the case that entry be effected between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. (Amended 47 of 1997 s. 10)
- (3)
- Any public officer entering any premises or vessel by virtue of the provisions of subsection (1) or of a warrant issued under subsection (2) may take with him such persons as may be necessary, and, on leaving any unoccupied premises or any unattended vessel which he has entered by virtue of such provisions or such warrant, shall leave such premises or vessel as effectually secured against trespassers as he found the same to be at the time of entry.
- (4)
- Every warrant granted under the provisions of subsection (2) shall continue in force until the purpose for which the entry is necessary has been satisfied.
- (1)
- The Authority, if satisfied of the existence of a nuisance to which this section applies, may cause a notice in the form of Form C specified in the Seventh Schedule (referred to in this section as a "nuisance notice") to be served on the person by reason of whose act, default or sufferance the nuisance arose or continues, or, if that person cannot be found, on the occupier or owner of the premises or vessel on which the nuisance exists, requiring him to abate the nuisance within the period specified in the notice, and to do such things as may be necessary for that purpose, and the notice may, if the Authority thinks fit, specify any works to be executed for the purpose aforesaid:
Provided that, where the nuisance arises from any want or defect in any premises or vessel of a structural character and where the premises or vessel are or is unoccupied, the nuisance notice shall be served on the owner thereof.
The Authority may also, by notice under the foregoing provisions of this subsection or by further notice, require the person on whom the notice is served to do what is necessary for preventing the recurrence of the nuisance to which the notice relates and, if the Authority thinks it desirable, specify any works to be executed for that purpose, and a notice containing such a requirement may, notwithstanding that the nuisance to which it relates may for the time being have been abated, be served if the Authority considers that the nuisance is likely to recur on the same premises or in the same vessel.
(2) Where-
(a) the person by reason of whose act, default or sufferance the nuisance arose or continues; and
(b) the owner and the occupier of the premises or vessel on which the nuisance exists, cannot be found or ascertained, the Authority may abate the nuisance and do what is necessary to prevent a recurrence thereof, and may recover the cost from any such person who may thereafter be found or ascertained. (Replaced 58 of 1973 s. 5)
(3) Where a nuisance notice is served on any person, then if either-
- (a)
- the nuisance to which the notice relates arose by reason of the wilful act or default of that person; or
- (b)
- that person fails to comply with any of the requirements of the notice within the period specified
therein, he shall (whether or not an order under the provisions of subsection (4) has been made in respect of him) be guilty of an offence.
(4) Where a nuisance notice is served on any person, then if-
- (a)
- that person fails to comply with any of the requirements of the notice within the period specified therein; or
- (b)
- the nuisance to which the order relates, although abated since the service of the notice, is, in the
opinion of the Authority, likely to recur on the same premises or vessel, the Authority may make a complaint to the court and the court hearing the complaint may make a summary order in the form of Form D prescribed in the Seventh Schedule (in this section referred to as a "nuisance order").
(5) A nuisance order may be an abatement order, prohibition order or a closing order or a combination of such orders.
An abatement order may require a person to comply with all or any of the requirements of a nuisance notice in connection with which the order is made, or otherwise to abate the nuisance or to do what may be necessary to prevent the recurrence of the nuisance within the period specified in the order.
A prohibition order may prohibit the recurrence of a nuisance.
A closing order may prohibit the use of any premises or vessel for human habitation, but shall only be made if it is proved to the satisfaction of the court that, by reason of a nuisance, the premises or vessel are or is unfit for human habitation.
(6) An abatement order or a prohibition order shall, if the person in respect of whom the order is made so requires or the court considers it desirable, specify the works to be executed by the said person for the purpose of abating, or preventing the recurrence of, the nuisance to which the order relates.
A court, if satisfied that any premises or vessel in respect of which a closing order is in force have or has been rendered fit for human habitation, may declare that it is so satisfied and revoke the closing order.
(7) (a) Any person who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with, or knowingly contravenes, a nuisance order shall be guilty of an offence.
(b) Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph (a), where a nuisance order has not been complied with, the Authority may abate the nuisance and may do whatever may be necessary in execution of the order, and may recover any expenses reasonably incurred thereby from the person against whom the order was made.
(8) The provisions of Part VII (Appeals) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) shall apply to proceedings under this section subject to the following provisions-
- (a)
- in the event of an appeal against a nuisance order which is or includes a prohibition order or a closing order or requires the execution of structural works, no person shall, by reason of any contravention of, or failure to comply with, the order, be liable to any penalty until after the determination or abandonment of the appeal: Provided that, if the appeal is dismissed or abandoned, the appellant shall be liable to the fine specified in the third column of the Ninth Schedule in respect of an offence under subsection (7) for every day during which he has contravened or failed to comply with such nuisance order, unless he satisfies the court before which proceedings are taken for the recovery of such fine that there was substantial ground for the appeal and that the appeal was not brought merely for the purpose of delay, and, if the appeal is dismissed, the court hearing the appeal may itself impose such fine as if it were a court before which proceedings could be taken for the recovery of such fine;
- (b)
- in the event of an appeal against a nuisance order which requires the execution of structural work, no work shall, save as hereinafter mentioned, be done under the order until after the determination or abandonment of the appeal:
Provided that, if the court by which the order was made is of opinion that the continuance of the nuisance to which it relates will be injurious or dangerous to health and that the immediate abatement thereof will not cause any injury which cannot be compensated by damages, the court may, notwithstanding that the appeal is pending, authorize the Authority immediately to abate the nuisance, so, however, that-
- (i)
- if the appeal is allowed, the Authority shall pay to the person against whom the order was made the amount of any damage sustained by him by reason of the abatement of the nuisance by the Authority; and
- (ii)
- if the appeal is dismissed or abandoned, the Authority may recover from the said person the expenses incurred by it in abating the nuisance.
- (9)
- Any matter or thing removed by the Authority in abating, or doing what is necessary to prevent the recurrence of, a nuisance to which this section applies may be sold by public auction, or, if the Authority thinks the circumstances of the case require it, may be otherwise sold, or may be disposed of without sale. The money arising from the sale of any matter or thing under this subsection may be retained by the Authority and applied in payment of the expenses incurred by it in connection with the nuisance and the surplus (if any) shall be paid, on demand, to the owner of the matter or thing.
- (1)
- Subject to subsection (1B), where under this Ordinance, the use of any premises or vessel are or is required to be registered, licensed or permitted, the court on application by the public officer authorized to register, license or permit such use and on proof that- (Amended 1 of 2002 s. 2)
- (a)
- the premises or vessel are or is used without registration, license or permit;
- (b)
- the premises or vessel have or has been used without registration, licence or permit and there is reasonable cause to believe that they or it will be so used again; or
- (c)
- the premises or vessel are or is used in contravention of a suspension of the registration, licence or
permit or any provision of this Ordinance, shall, subject to subsection (5), make an order in Form F in the Seventh Schedule ("Prohibition Order") prohibiting the use of the premises or vessel or a specified part of the premises or vessel ("specified part"), for all purposes or, for a purpose specified in the order, with effect from the 8th day after copies of the order have been served under subsection (6): (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Provided that, where, at the date of the issue of a summons in respect of an application under this subsection, the premises or vessel are or is used for the purpose of human habitation, no such order shall be made so as to prevent such habitation by reason only of the user being without registration, licence or permit or in contravention of any of the requirements thereof or any suspension thereof. (Amended 61 of 1974 s. 11)
(1A) (Repealed 1 of 2002 s. 2) (1B) This section does not apply to any premises to which sections 128A, 128B and 128C apply. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 2)
- (2)
- Any order made under the provisions of subsection (1) shall remain in force in respect of such premises or vessel until, on application by such public officer or by any person having an interest in such premises or vessel, the court is satisfied that either the use of such premises or vessel has been registered, licensed or permitted or such suspension has been cancelled or the provisions of this Ordinance have been complied with, as the case may be, or that such premises or vessel will be used in future for some other purpose.
- (3)
- Any person who contravenes any order of the court made under the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
- (4)
- Where a Prohibition Order in respect of premises, a vessel or a specified part to which regulations made under section 56 apply has been served under subsection (6) but has not been continuously complied with from the 8th day after such service, the court, upon application by the public officer upon whose application the order was made shall, without prejudice to any penalty which may be imposed under this section, but subject to subsection (5), make an order in Form G in the Seventh Schedule (in this section referred to as a "Closure Order"). (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3) (5) A court shall not make a Prohibition Order or a Closure Order unless satisfied-
- (a)
- that at least 14 days' notice of intention to apply for the order has been served under subsection (6);
- (b)
- that such notice stated the time and place set for the hearing of the application and advised that any person having reasonable cause to be heard upon the application might request to be so heard; and
- (c)
- that every person having reasonable cause to be heard upon the application and requesting to be so has had an opportunity to be heard. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (6)
- Notice of intention to apply for a Prohibition Order or Closure Order in respect of any premises, vessel or specified part, and a copy of every such order when made, shall be in both English and Chinese and shall be served by affixing it to a conspicuous part of those premises, that vessel or that specified part. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (7)
- A Closure Order made in respect of any premises, vessel or specified part shall come into force on the 8th day after it has been served under subsection (6) and shall remain in force for as long as the Prohibition Order made in respect of those premises, that vessel or that specified part remains in force. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (8)
- Upon the coming into force of a Closure Order in respect of any premises, vessel or specified part, the public officer upon whose application the order was made shall lock or seal, or cause to be locked or sealed, all or any of the entrances to or exits from the premises, vessel or specified part and may disconnect or cause to be disconnected all gas, water and electricity supplies thereto. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (9)
- While a Closure Order is in force in respect of any premises, vessel or specified part-
- (a)
- no person, except with the written permission of the public officer upon whose application the order was made, shall enter or remain in those premises, on that vessel or in or on that specified part;
- (b)
- a person carrying written authority from the public officer to whom the order was directed may remove from the premises, vessel or specified part any person who fails to comply with paragraph (a), and in doing so may, with such assistance from police officers as may be necessary, use such force as is reasonably necessary. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (10)
- Any person who, without lawful authority or excuse-
- (a)
- enters or remains in any premises, on any vessel or in or on any specified part in contravention of subsection (9)(a);
- (b)
- breaks or interferes with any lock or seal placed on any premises, vessel or specified part under subsection (8); or
- (c)
- removes or defaces a document affixed to any premises, vessel or specified part for the purposes of
this section, shall be guilty of an offence. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (11)
- Where, immediately before any premises, vessel or specified part are or is closed under subsection (8), there is found therein or thereon any food, or any article or thing likely to create a fire hazard or constitute a danger to life or health if left in or on the premises, vessel or specified part, the public officer upon whose application the Closure Order was made shall-
- (a)
- take possession of such food, article or thing;
- (b)
- dispose as he thinks fit of any perishable food and of any article or thing which requires to be immediately disposed of; and
- (c)
- affix a notice in both English and Chinese to a conspicuous part of the premises, vessel or specified part setting out details of any food, article or thing still in his possession and calling upon persons to submit any claim for the return of such food, article or thing within 7 days after the day on which the notice was posted. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (12)
- Where a claim is made under subsection (11)(c) for the return of any food, article or thing, the public officer in possession thereof may
- (a)
- refuse to return it unless satisfied that the claimant is the owner or otherwise entitled to possession of the food, article or thing; and
- (b)
- recover as a civil debt from a claimant to whom any food, article or thing is returned, any expenses incurred in the removal and storage of such food, article or thing. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (13)
- Any food, article or thing taken into the possession or a public officer under subsection (11)(a) and not claimed within the time referred to in subsection (11)(c), or which the public officer refuses to return in accordance with subsection (12)(a), may be sold by public auction or, upon the order of a magistrate, otherwise sold or disposed of as the court thinks fit, and the money arising from the sale thereof shall be retained by the public officer and applied in payment of expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of the Closure Order and the surplus (if any) paid, on demand, to the owner of the food, article or thing. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 3)
- (14)
- A public officer upon whose application a Closure Order is made in respect of any premises, vessel or specified part may recover as a civil debt from the occupier of the premises, master of the vessel, or occupier of the specified part the cost of any work carried out under subsection (8) and of taking possession of any food, article or thing under subsection (11) which is not met out of the proceeds of any sale under subsection (13). (Added 76 of 1988
- s.
- 3)
- (15)
- An order made under subsection (1) before 1 October 1988 and in force on that date shall remain in force after that date subject to subsection (2). (76 of 1988 s. 8(1) incorporated) (16) If an order made under subsection (1) before 1 October 1988
- (a)
- is in respect of premises, a vessel or a specified part to which regulations made under section 56 apply;
- (b)
- is served on or after 1 October 1988 under subsection (6) as added by the Public Health and Municipal Services (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 1988 (76 of 1988); and
- (c)
- has not been continuously complied with from the 8th day after such service, the public officer or public body upon whose application the order was made may apply for a Closure Order to be made in respect of those premises, that vessel or that specified part under subsection (4) as added by that Ordinance, whereupon the provisions of subsections (5) to (14) as so added shall apply. (76 of 1988 s. 8(2) incorporated)
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(1) This section and sections 128B, 128C and 128D apply to
- (a) any premises used as food premises that are required to be licensed under the Food Business Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. X);
- (b) any premises
- (i) on or from which any restricted food specified in Schedule 2 to the Food Business Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. X) is sold or offered or exposed for sale; or
- (ii) on which any such food is possessed for sale or for use in the preparation of any article of food for sale;
- (c) any premises used as a slaughterhouse that is required to be licensed under the Slaughterhouses Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. BU);
- (d) any premises on which there is carried on a business as a milk factory as mentioned in section 14(2) of the Milk Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. AQ);
- (e) any premises on which any frozen confection as defined in section 3 of the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. AC) is manufactured.
(2) For the purposes of this section and sections 128B, 128C and 128D, unless the context otherwise requires"Appeal Board" (上訴委員會) means the Appeal Board on Closure Orders (Immediate Health Hazard) established
under section 128D;
"Chairman" (主席) means the Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed under section 128D(3);
"closed premises" (已封處所) means any premises mentioned in subsection (1) in respect of which a closure order has come into force and remains in force;
"closure order" (封閉令) means an order made under section 128B(1) or 128C(1), as the case may be;
"Deputy Chairman" (副主席) means the First Deputy Chairman or the Second Deputy Chairman of the Appeal Board appointed under section 128D(3);
"immediate health hazard" (對健康的即時危害) means any circumstances that cause or are likely to cause any food supplied on or from, or handled or possessed on, any premises to be or to become a source of food-borne infection, contamination, intoxication or disease transmission;
"premises" (處所) includes any place, vessel and any part of a place or vessel; "use" (用、使用), in relation to any premises referred to in subsection (1)(c), includes occupy.
- (3) The circumstances referred to in the definition of "immediate health hazard" include the following-
- (a) because of the location, construction or state of the premises, the condition of the premises is such that it renders any food supplied on or from, or handled or possessed on, the premises to be so contaminated or tainted that it is unfit for human consumption;
- (b) the water used in preparing food or in washing utensils comes from an unapproved source or from a source that, as shown from inspection findings, data from epidemiological investigation or other laboratory evidence, is contaminated with pathogens, biotoxins, chemicals or other substances, rendering any food supplied on or from, or handled or possessed on, the premises to be unfit for human consumption;
- (c) as shown from inspection findings, data from epidemiological investigation or other laboratory evidence, any food supplied on or from, or handled or possessed on, the premises is contaminated with pathogens, biotoxins, chemicals or other substances rendering the food unfit for human consumption; and
- (d) the premises are infested with vermin to such extent that any food supplied on or from, or handled or possessed on, the premises is contaminated or tainted, and becomes unfit for human consumption.
- (4) In subsections (2) and (3)
- (a) a reference to food supplied on or from any premises includes food sold, or offered or exposed for sale, on or from the premises;
- (b) a reference to food handled on any premises includes food manufactured on the premises; and
- (c) a reference to food possessed on any premises means food possessed on the premises for sale or for
use in the preparation of any article of food for sale. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 3)
- (1)
- Where under the Food Business Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. X), the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. AC), the Milk Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. AQ) or the Slaughterhouses Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. BU) (a) the use of any premises to which this section applies; or
- (b)
- any activity mentioned in section 128A(1), is required to be licensed or permitted, a court on application by the Authority and on proof that the premises are so used or the activity is conducted on any premises (as the case may be) without the requisite licence, permit or permission shall, subject to subsections (2) and (3), make a closure order in Form H in the Seventh Schedule.
- (2)
- Subsection (1) does not apply if
- (a)
- the use or the activity is required under section 30(1) of the Food Business Regulation (Cap 132 sub. leg. X) to be permitted;
- (b)
- a food business within the meaning of that Regulation is carried on on or from the premises; and
- (c)
- the food business is required under that Regulation to be licensed and is licensed under that Regulation.
- (3)
- The court shall not make a closure order unless it is satisfied that-
- (a)
- at least 7 days before the date fixed for the hearing of the application, a copy of the notice of intention to apply for the closure order, in both English and Chinese
- (i)
- was affixed at a conspicuous place on the premises; and
- (ii)
- was served on the owner of the premises by sending the copy by registered post addressed to that owner's last known place of business or residence;
- (b)
- the notice stated the time and place set for the hearing of the application and advised that any person having a reasonable cause to be heard on the application was entitled to appear at the hearing and request to be heard; and
- (c)
- every person having a reasonable cause to be heard on the application and requesting to be heard has had an opportunity to be heard.
- (4)
- At the place and time set for the hearing of an application made under subsection (1) or such other time as soon as practicable thereafter, the court shall hear the applicant and every person who-
- (a)
- is present at the hearing;
- (b)
- has a reasonable cause to be heard; and
- (c)
- wishes to be heard, and then proceed to make a decision. (5) A closure order shall not operate
- (a)
- if, at the date of application for the order, the premises are used for human habitation, to prevent such habitation on the premises; or
- (b)
- to affect the use of any common area in any building or public place so as to cause obstruction to public passage or fire escape.
- (6)
- A closure order comes into force on the beginning of the 8th day after the day on which a copy of it is affixed at a conspicuous place on the premises in respect of which it is made.
- (7)
- A closure order shall remain in force until the court rescinds it on application by the Authority or any person having an interest in the premises in respect of which the order is made. (8) The court shall rescind a closure order if it is satisfied that-
- (a)
- the use of, or the activity to be conducted on, the premises in respect of which the order has been made has been licensed or permitted under any of the subsidiary legislation mentioned in subsection (1); or
- (b)
- the premises will not be used for any purpose mentioned in section 128A(1) and no activity mentioned in subsection (1) will be conducted on the premises in contravention of any of the subsidiary legislation mentioned in subsection (1).
- (9)
- Subject to subsection (5), when a closure order in respect of any premises comes into force, the Authority shall lock or seal, or cause to be locked or sealed, all or any of the entrances to or exits from the premises and may disconnect or cause to be disconnected all gas, water and electricity supplies to those premises.
- (10)
- Subject to subsection (11), no person, other than a public officer in the course of his duty, may enter or remain on any closed premises.
- (11)
- The Authority may
- (a)
- permit in writing any person to enter and remain on any closed premises for such purpose as is specified in the permission;
- (b)
- impose such conditions on the permission as he thinks fit;
- (c)
- revoke the permission if he thinks that the purpose for which the permission was granted no longer exists or any condition imposed under paragraph (b) has been breached;
- (d)
- request any person found on any closed premises to leave the premises, and if the person refuses to leave, remove the person from the premises with or without the assistance of police officers and use such force as is reasonably necessary.
- (12)
- Any person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse
- (a)
- removes or defaces any copy of a closure order affixed under subsection (6);
- (b)
- breaks or interferes with any lock or seal made under subsection (9) ; or
- (c)
- contravenes subsection (10), commits an offence.
- (13)
- The Authority may
- (a)
- dispose of-
- (i)
- any article or thing or any perishable food found on any closed premises that requires to be immediately disposed of as he thinks fit;
- (ii)
- any live bird, fish or animal that is found on the premises as he thinks fit;
- (b)
- remove
- (i)
- any article, thing or food found on any closed premises that is likely to create a fire hazard or constitute a danger to life or health if left on the premises;
- (ii)
- any live bird, fish or animal found on the premises;
- (c)
- make such arrangements with regard to any live bird, fish or animal removed under paragraph (b) as he thinks fit;
- (d)
- affix a notice in both English and Chinese at a conspicuous place on the closed premises
- (i)
- setting out the details of any article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal removed under paragraph (b) that he thinks can be returned; and
- (ii)
- calling for the submission to him of any claim for the return of such article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal within 7 days of the affixing of the notice.
- (14)
- Where a claim mentioned in subsection (13)(d)(ii) is made, the Authority
- (a)
- shall refuse to return the article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal if he is not satisfied that the claimant is either the owner or a person entitled to the possession of it or the live bird, fish or animal is dead; or
- (b)
- may return the article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal as claimed and recover as a civil debt from a claimant to whom it is returned any expenses incurred in the removal and storage of it or in any arrangement made in respect of it.
- (15)
- Any article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal removed by the Authority under subsection (13)(b) and not claimed within the time specified in subsection (13)(d)(ii), or which the Authority refuses to return in accordance with subsection (14)(a), may be sold by public auction or, upon the order of a court, otherwise sold or disposed of as the court directs, and any proceeds arising from the sale shall be retained by the Authority and applied in payment of any expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of the closure order and the surplus (if any) paid, on demand made within 90 days of the sale, to the owner of the article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal. (16) Any surplus not demanded in accordance with subsection (15) shall be paid into the general revenue.
- (17)
- The Authority may recover as a civil debt from the person having the management or control of any premises (or the master of the vessel if the premises are a vessel or any part of a vessel) immediately before the closure order in respect of the premises came into force the cost of-
- (a)
- any work carried out on the premises under subsection (9);
- (b)
- removing any article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal from the closed premises under subsection (13)(b); and
- (c)
- any arrangements made under subsection (13)(c),
which is not met out of the proceeds of any sale under subsection (15). (Added 1 of 2002 s. 3)
- (1)
- If the Authority has reasonable cause to believe that the use of any premises to which this section applies or any activity conducted on those premises poses an immediate health hazard, he may make a closure order in Form I in the Seventh Schedule to close the premises immediately.
- (2)
- A closure order shall not operate
- (a)
- if, at the date of making of the order, the premises are used for human habitation, to prevent such habitation on the premises; or
- (b)
- to affect the use of any common area in any building or public place so as to cause obstruction to public passage or fire escape.
- (3)
- A closure order comes into force immediately after a copy of it-
- (a)
- is affixed at a conspicuous place on the premises in respect of which the order is made; and
- (b)
- is served on the owner of those premises by sending the copy by registered post addressed to that owner's last known place of business or residence.
- (4)
- A closure order shall remain in force until a notice is issued by the Authority made under subsection (6).
- (5)
- Any person having an interest in any premises in respect of which a closure order has been made may apply in writing to the Authority to rescind the order.
(6) Whether or not an application has been made under subsection (5), if the Authority is satisfied that-
- (a)
- in respect of any premises in respect of which a closure order has been made, the immediate health hazard has been eliminated and the use of the premises or the activity to be conducted on the premises has been licensed or permitted under any of the subsidiary legislation mentioned in section 128B(1); or
- (b)
- the premises will not be used for any purpose mentioned in section 128A(1) and no activity mentioned in section 128A(1) will be conducted on the premises in contravention of any of the subsidiary legislation mentioned in section 128A(1),
the Authority shall issue a notice in Form J in the Seventh Schedule to rescind the closure order with immediate effect.
- (7)
- If the Authority refuses to issue a notice under subsection (6) as applied, he shall serve a notice of his refusal on the applicant and the applicant may, within 7 days of such service or such longer time as the Chairman may allow, appeal to the Appeal Board against the Authority's decision.
- (8)
- The making of an appeal under subsection (7) does not operate as a stay of execution of a closure order unless the Chairman otherwise orders.
- (9)
- Subject to subsection (2), when a closure order in respect of any premises comes into force, the Authority shall lock or seal, or cause to be locked or sealed, all or any of the entrances to or exits from the closed premises and may disconnect or cause to be disconnected all gas, water and electricity supplies to those premises.
- (10)
- Subject to subsection (11), no person, other than a public officer in the course of his duty, may enter or remain on any closed premises.
- (11)
- The Authority may
- (a)
- permit in writing any person to enter and remain on any closed premises for such purpose as is specified in the permission;
- (b)
- impose such conditions on the permission as he thinks fit;
- (c)
- revoke the permission if he thinks that the purpose for which the permission was granted no longer exists or any condition imposed under paragraph (b) has been breached;
- (d)
- request any person found on any closed premises to leave the premises, and if the person refuses to leave, remove the person from the premises with or without the assistance of police officers and use such force as is reasonably necessary.
- (12)
- Any person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse
- (a)
- removes or defaces any copy of a closure order affixed under subsection (3)(a);
- (b)
- breaks or interferes with any lock or seal made under subsection (9); or
- (c)
- contravenes subsection (10), commits an offence.
- (13)
- The Authority may
- (a)
- dispose of-
- (i)
- any article or thing or any perishable food found on any closed premises that requires to be immediately disposed of as he thinks fit;
- (ii)
- any live bird, fish or animal found on the premises as he thinks fit;
- (b)
- remove-
- (i)
- any article, thing or food, found on any closed premises that is likely to create a fire hazard or constitute a danger to life or health if left on them;
- (ii)
- any live bird, fish or animal found on the premises;
- (c)
- make such arrangements with regard to any live bird, fish or animal removed under paragraph (b) as he thinks fit;
- (d)
- affix a notice in both English and Chinese at a conspicuous place on the closed premises
- (i)
- setting out the details of any article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal removed under paragraph (b) that he thinks can be returned; and
- (ii)
- calling for the submission to him of any claim for the return of such article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal within 7 days of the affixing of the notice.
- (14)
- Where a claim mentioned in subsection (13)(d)(ii) is made, the Authority
- (a)
- shall refuse to return the article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal if he is not satisfied that the claimant is either the owner or a person entitled to the possession of it or the live bird, fish or animal is dead; or
- (b)
- may return the article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal as claimed and recover as a civil debt from a claimant to whom it is returned any expenses incurred in the removal or storage of it or in any arrangement.
- (15)
- Any article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal removed by the Authority under subsection (13)(b) and not claimed within the time specified in subsection (13)(d)(ii), or which the Authority refuses to return in accordance with subsection (14)(a), may be sold by public auction or, upon the order of a court, otherwise sold or disposed of as the court directs, and any proceeds arising from the sale shall be retained by the Authority and applied in payment of any expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement of the closure order and the surplus (if any) paid, on demand made within 90 days of the sale, to the owner of the article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal. (16) Any surplus not demanded in accordance with subsection (15) shall be paid into the general revenue.
- (17)
- The Authority may recover as a civil debt from the person having the management or control of any premises (or the master of the vessel if the premises are a vessel or any part of a vessel) immediately before the closure order in respect of the premises came into force the cost of-
- (a)
- any work carried out on the premises under subsection (9);
- (b)
- removing any article, thing, food, live bird, fish or animal from the closed premises under subsection (13)(b); and
- (c)
- any arrangements made under subsection (13)(c), which is not met out of the proceeds of any sale under subsection (15).
- (18)
- A person who is aggrieved by an order made under subsection (1) may, within 7 days after the day on which the order was made or such longer time as the Chairman may allow, appeal to the Appeal Board against the order.
(19) The making of an appeal under subsection (18) does not operate as a stay of execution of a closure order
unless the Chairman otherwise orders. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 3)
Remarks: For the saving and transitional provisions relating to the amendments made by the Resolution of the Legislative Council (L.N. 130 of 2007), see paragraph (12) of that Resolution.
- (1)
- There is established an appeal board to be known as the Appeal Board on Closure Orders (Immediate Health Hazard).
- (2)
- The functions of the Appeal Board are to hear and determine any appeal made to the Appeal Board under section 128C(7) or (18).
- (3)
- The Chief Executive shall appoint from among persons who are qualified for appointment as District Judges under section 5 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336)
- (a)
- a Chairman of the Appeal Board;
- (b)
- a First Deputy Chairman of the Appeal Board; and
- (c)
- a Second Deputy Chairman of the Appeal Board.
- (4)
- The Chief Executive shall appoint a panel of not less than 18 persons, not being public officers, whom he considers suitable for appointment under subsection (8)(b) as members of the Appeal Board to hear an appeal.
- (5)
- An appointment under subsection (3) or (4) shall be notified in the Gazette and shall be for a term of not more than 3 years. A person appointed under subsection (3) or (4) may be re-appointed, and may resign by notice in writing to the Chief Executive. (6) The Secretary for Food and Health may appoint- (Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; L.N. 130 of 2007)
- (a)
- a secretary to the Appeal Board; and
- (b)
- such other staff to assist the secretary as the Secretary considers necessary.
- (7)
- The parties to an appeal to the Appeal Board are the appellant and the Authority. A party to an appeal may be present at the hearing of the appeal and may
- (a)
- make representations in person; or
- (b)
- be represented by counsel or solicitor or, with the approval of the Chairman, by any other person
authorized by the party in writing. The Authority may also be represented by a legal officer within the meaning of the Legal Officers Ordinance (Cap 87).
(8) For the purposes of hearing an appeal, the members of the Appeal Board are-
- (a)
- the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman, who shall preside; and
- (b)
- 2 other persons, selected in rotation from the panel referred to in subsection (4), who are appointed by the Chairman to hear the appeal.
- (9)
- If, for any period, the Chairman is precluded by illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause from performing his functions, the First Deputy Chairman of the Appeal Board shall act as Chairman and as such perform all the functions of the Chairman during that period.
- (10)
- If, for any period, a Deputy Chairman is precluded by illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause from performing his functions, the other Deputy Chairman shall act in the place of the Deputy Chairman precluded from performing his functions and in so acting perform all the functions of that Deputy Chairman, including any functions that Deputy Chairman would have been required to perform under subsection (9), during that period.
- (11)
- If, for any period, a person appointed under subsection (8)(b) or this subsection to hear an appeal is precluded by illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause from performing his functions, the Chairman may appoint another person, selected in rotation from the panel referred to in subsection (4), to act in the place of the person precluded from performing his functions and in so acting, to perform all the functions of that person during that period.
- (12)
- The hearing of an appeal may, with the consent of the parties to the appeal, continue notwithstanding a change in the membership of the Appeal Board. (13) For the purposes of an appeal, the Appeal Board-
- (a)
- may receive and consider any material, whether by way of oral evidence, written statements, documents or otherwise, and whether or not it would be admissible in evidence in civil or criminal proceedings; and
- (b)
- may
- (i)
- on an appeal under section 128C(7), confirm the Authority's decision or order the Authority to issue a notice under section 128C(6); or
- (ii)
- on an appeal under section 128C(18), confirm, suspend or disallow the closure order.
- (14)
- The decision of the Appeal Board on an appeal shall be that of the majority of the members hearing the appeal.
- (15)
- The Appeal Board shall give reasons in writing for its decisions. The secretary to the Appeal Board shall serve a copy of the Appeal Board's decision and of the reasons for the decision on the parties to an appeal.
- (16)
- A person who appeals to the Appeal Board, if dissatisfied with the decision of the Appeal Board, may appeal to the Court of First Instance within 14 days after receiving a copy of the decision and the reasons for the decision. The Court of First Instance may confirm or reverse the decision appealed against. The decision of the Court of First Instance is final.
- (17)
- The making of an appeal under subsection (16) does not operate as a stay of execution of a closure order unless the Court of First Instance otherwise orders.
- (18)
- Subject to this section and to rules made under subsection (20), the person presiding may determine the procedure at the hearing of an appeal made to the Appeal Board.
- (19)
- The Chairman may, on application in writing by a person and if satisfied that there is good reason for doing so-
- (a)
- extend the time within which that person may appeal to the Appeal Board under section 128C(7) or (18); and
- (b)
- order a stay of execution of the closure order to which an appeal made by that person under section 128C(7) or (18) relates, pending the determination of the appeal.
- (20)
- The Chairman may, in consultation with the Secretary for Food and Health, make rules- (Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; L.N. 130 of 2007)
- (a)
- regulating the making of appeals to the Appeal Board;
- (b)
- specifying the documents to be lodged or served in relation to appeals; and
- (c)
- providing for the hearing and determining of those appeals and the enforcement of the decisions of the Appeal Board.
The rules so made are subsidiary legislation. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 3)
Save as otherwise expressly provided by this or some other enactment, where it appears to any public officer who is an Authority for the purposes of any of the provisions of this Ordinance expedient for carrying out the purposes of this Ordinance, such public officer may in his discretion and at the request of any person, undertake on behalf of such person any work or render any service, and may recover the cost thereof from such person in the manner provided by section 130.
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- In any case where under the provisions of this Ordinance any public officer is entitled to recover the cost of any works done or any fee or any charge for any service rendered, such officer may certify the sum which is due and the names of the persons liable therefor, and may by such certificate apportion such sum between such persons.
- (2)
- In the case of any works done or services rendered, such sum may include-
- (a)
- the cost of labour, transport or materials supplied by or at the request of such public officer for the purpose of carrying out such works or rendering such services; and
- (b)
- supervision and departmental charges.
- (3)
- A copy of any such certificate shall be served upon each person named therein.
- (4)
- Where the payment of any sum claimed is in default, such public officer may in his discretion order that the following amounts shall be added to the sum claimed and recovered therewith- (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 18)
- (a)
- in the case of default exceeding 30 days, 5% of the amount in default;
- (b)
- in the case of default exceeding 60 days, 10% of the amount in default.
- (5)
- The payment of such sum of any person shall be without prejudice to any right to recover the same, or any part thereof, from any person otherwise liable in respect of the matter in relation to which such certificate was issued.
- (6)
- Any sum which any public officer is entitled to recover under the provisions of this Ordinance may be recovered by such officer summarily as a civil debt due to the Government or as a simple contract debt due to the Government in any court of competent jurisdiction. (Amended 21 of 1973 s. 10; 59 of 2000 s. 3) (6A)-(6B) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (7)
- Any summons or writ issued in connection with the recovery of any such sum shall be taken to have been duly served if it appears, to the satisfaction of the court, that it was left at the defendant's last known address or place of business, or, if the same is unknown to the public officer concerned, that it was delivered to an adult occupier of the premises or place in relation to which such recovery is sought or was posted thereon in a conspicuous place.
- (8)
- A certificate purporting to be made in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) and setting forth that the amount claimed is due and that the person named therein is liable for the payment thereof, and specifying the nature and particulars of the claim, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein and of the correctness of the signature thereto.
(9) Where any sum the recovery of which is claimed under the provisions of this section arose in respect of any building works within the meaning of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123), the public officer concerned may, at any time before such sum has been wholly recovered, register in the Land Registry against the title of any property in respect of which such sum arose a memorial of the certificate issued under the provisions of subsection (1), and in such event such sum shall be a charge upon the land recoverable in accordance with the provisions of subsection (6) from any person who from the Land Registry register then or thereafter appears to be the owner thereof: (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2)
Provided that a charge shall not be deemed to arise solely by virtue of this subsection in respect of any person whose interest was registered before the registration of the memorial of such certificate.
- (10)
- Upon the recovery of any sum under the provisions of this section, the public officer concerned shall lodge in the Land Registry an appropriate memorial of satisfaction against any memorial lodged there under the provisions of subsection (9). (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 2)
- (11)
- Where 2 or more sums are claimed from any person as being due under the provisions of this Ordinance, any writ, complaint, summons or warrant issued for the purposes of the Ordinance in respect of that person may contain in the body thereof, or in a schedule thereto, all or any of the sums so claimed.
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 131 | Name in which certain proceedings may be brought | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Ordinance, or to the provisions of any other enactment, relating to the prosecution of criminal offences, prosecutions for an offence under the sections of this Ordinance specified in the first column of the Sixth Schedule may be brought in the name of the public officer specified opposite to them in the second column of that Schedule. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (2)
- Nothing in this section or in section 132 shall be deemed to derogate from the powers of the Secretary for Justice in relation to the prosecution of criminal offences. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
- (3)
- Every complaint made or information laid in respect of an offence under any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the regulations made thereunder shall be made or laid in the manner prescribed by the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227).
- (4)
- The Chief Executive in Council may by order amend, add to or delete from the Sixth Schedule. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 132 | Institution and conduct of certain proceedings | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Any public officer in whose name proceedings for an offence under any of the provisions of this Ordinance or any regulations made thereunder may be brought may authorize in writing, either generally or in any particular case, any public officer to institute on behalf of such public officer any such proceedings before any court or to conduct on behalf of such public officer any such proceedings before any court, and any public officer so authorized may institute such proceedings and may conduct them before any court notwithstanding the provisions of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159).
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 133 | Disposal of property coming into possession of certain public officers | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Where, under any of the provisions of this Ordinance, any public officer who is an Authority for the purposes of any of the provisions of this Ordinance comes into possession of any property, section 102 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) shall, unless the manner of disposal of the same is otherwise expressly provided, apply as if such public officer were the police within the meaning of that section and such property were property which had come into the possession of the police in connection with a criminal offence.
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 134 | Service of notices | 30/06/1997 |
Unless otherwise expressly provided, any order, notice, demand, certificate or other document required to be served under the provisions of this Ordinance may be served either-
- (a)
- by delivering it to the person on whom it is to be served;
- (b)
- by sending it by registered post addressed to the last known place of business or residence of the person to be served;
- (c)
- by leaving it with an adult occupier of the premises or place to which the notice relates or by posting it upon a conspicuous part of such premises or place:
Provided that, in addition to or in substitution for any such method of service, publication in the Gazette of any such order, notice, demand, certificate or other document, together with such particulars of the person to whom it is addressed as may be available, shall be deemed to be good service.
Section: | 135 | Authentication and production in evidence of documents | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- Save where otherwise expressly provided, any order, notice, demand, certificate or other document made by any public officer under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be signed by such public officer or by a public officer authorized in writing in that behalf by such public officer. (Amended 10 of 1986 s. 20)
- (2)
- Any document purporting to be an order, notice, demand, certificate or other document made under the provisions of this Ordinance by a public officer and signed in the manner provided in subsection (1) shall be received in evidence, and shall, unless the contrary is shown, be deemed to be such an order, notice, demand, certificate or other document without further proof.
- (3)
- Notwithstanding the amendments made to this section by the Provision of Municipal Services (Reorganization) Ordinance (Cap 552), on and after the commencement of those amendments, subsection (2) applies to any order, notice, demand, certificate or other document made and signed before that commencement and to which that subsection would have applied if not for such commencement, as if those amendments had not been made. (Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 136 | Presumption as to employment of servants | 30/06/1997 |
Any person who appears to be employed in or about any premises, or any part of any premises, in respect of which any licence or permit is granted under this Ordinance shall be deemed, until the contrary is shown, to be a servant of the person to whom such licence or permit was granted.
Section: | 137 | Offences by corporations | 30/06/1997 |
Where an offence under this Ordinance, or any regulations or order made under this Ordinance, which has been committed by a corporation is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the corporation, or of any person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, he, as well as the corporation, shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
Section: | 137A | Application of Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. 228) and Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245) | 30/06/1997 |
Any part of a stadium, museum, library or civic centre to which from time to time the public has access, whether on payment or otherwise, shall, during such time, be deemed to be a public place for the purposes of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228) and the Public Order Ordinance (Cap 245).
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 11)
Section: | 138 | Protection for public servants acting in good faith | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
A public officer shall not be personally liable in respect of any act done by him in the execution or purported execution of this Ordinance and within the scope of his employment, if he did that act in the honest belief that his duty under this Ordinance required or entitled him to do it:
Provided that nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving the Government from liability in respect of the acts of its servants. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 139 | Obstruction of officers in the exercise of their duty | 30/06/1997 |
Any person who wilfully obstructs, resists, or uses abusive language to, any person acting in the execution of his duties under this Ordinance, or under any order or warrant made or issued thereunder, shall, in any case for which no other provision is made by this Ordinance, be guilty of an offence.
Section: | 140 | Onus of proving vaccination or inoculation | 30/06/1997 |
Where, under the provisions of this Ordinance, any person is required to be vaccinated, inoculated or otherwise immunized against disease, the onus of proving that such vaccination, inoculation or immunization has been performed shall rest upon the person required to be so vaccinated, inoculated or immunized, as the case may be.
Section: | 141 | Proceedings against several persons | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1)
- Where proceedings under this Ordinance are competent against several persons in respect of the joint act or default of such persons, it shall be sufficient to proceed against one or more of them without proceeding against the others.
- (2)
- Where an offence consists of a failure to comply with any of the requirements of a notice served by any public officer who is an Authority for the purposes of any of the provisions of this Ordinance and a similar notice was served upon several persons in respect of such matter- (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- (a)
- it shall be sufficient to proceed against one or more of such persons without proceeding against the others; and
- (b)
- where more than one such person is proceeded against, the court may treat such persons for all purposes as though they were joint offenders.
Section: | 142 | Delegation of powers | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Any public officer may delegate any power, function, authority or discretion conferred upon him by the provisions of this Ordinance, other than a power to make regulations, to any public officer or class of public officers. (Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Section: | 143 | General powers relating to regulations | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
Regulations made under this Ordinance may provide
- (a)
- that contravention of any of the provisions of such regulations shall constitute an offence and may prescribe penalties therefor not exceeding a fine at level 6 and imprisonment for 6 months, and, in the case of a continuing offence, a daily penalty of $1500, and, in the case of an offence in respect of any premises, trade or business, for the closing of such premises or the discontinuance of such trade or business; (Amended 57 of 1978 s. 5; 37 of 1987 s. 3; L.N. 177 of 1996)
- (b)
- for the name in which proceedings for an offence against any of such regulations may be brought; and
- (c)
- for appeal by way of petition to the Chief Executive or to the Chief Executive in Council. (Amended 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 144 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 144A | Restriction on certain powers | 29 of 1998 s. 105 | 01/07/1997 |
Amendments retroactively made - see 29 of 1998 s. 105
The Authority shall not exercise the powers conferred by sections 42A(1), 76A(1), 79(3), 105A(1), 105G, 105K(1), 105M(1), 106(1), and 124A(4) in relation to any premises which are the subject of a Government lease without the consent of the lessee thereof.
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 12. Amended 70 of 1977 s. 3; 29 of 1998 s. 105)
Section: | 145 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 146 | Chief Executive in Council empowered in any appeal to state case for opinion of Court of Appeal on question of law | 25 of 1998; 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2; 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- In any appeal to him under the provisions of this Ordinance, the Chief Executive in Council may, at any time in his discretion, direct a case to be stated for the opinion of the Court of Appeal on any question of law involved in such appeal. The terms of such case shall be agreed upon by the parties concerned, or, in the event of their failure to agree, shall be settled by the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal shall hear and determine the question of law arising on any case stated as aforesaid, and shall remit the matter to the Chief Executive in Council who shall give effect by order to the finding of the court. The costs of such hearing shall be in the discretion of the court. (2) Any party to the appeal shall be entitled to be heard by counsel on the hearing of any case so stated.
- (3)
- The Clerk to the Executive Council shall give the appellant 7 days' notice of the hearing of the appeal, and shall, at the same time, furnish the appellant with a copy of the evidence and documents submitted by the respondent for the consideration of the Chief Executive in Council. (Amended 14 of 1994 s. 24)
- (4)
- The decision of the Chief Executive in Council upon any appeal under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be final and may be enforced by the Court of First Instance as if it had been an order of that court. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
- (5)
- Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be construed to prevent any person from applying to the Court of First Instance for a mandamus, injunction, prohibition or other order, should he elect so to do in lieu of appealing to the Chief Executive in Council. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(Amended 92 of 1975 s. 59; 59 of 2000 s. 3)
Section: | 147 | Forms | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 59 of 2000 s. 3
- (1)
- Wherever under the provisions of this Ordinance the use of a form prescribed in the Seventh Schedule is required, there shall be used the appropriate form prescribed in that Schedule or a form to the like effect subject to such variation as circumstances may require.
- (2)
- The Chief Executive in Council may by order amend any form for the time being prescribed in the Seventh Schedule and may, in like manner, add any form to that Schedule or delete any form therefrom. (Amended 59 of 2000
- s.
- 3)
- (1)
- Where an offence (being an offence for the continuance of which a penalty was provided) has been committed under any enactment revoked or cancelled and re-enacted, with or without amendment, by any regulations made under this Ordinance, proceedings may be taken under such regulations in respect of the continuance of the offence after the commencement of such regulations in the same manner as if the offence had been committed under the corresponding provisions of such regulations.
- (2)
- Where an enactment revoked or cancelled by any regulations made under this Ordinance relates to the giving of notices- (a) not less than a specified period before; or
- (b)
- within a specified period after, the doing of some act or the happening of some event, and the commencement of such regulations falls within the period applicable under that enactment to any particular act done or to any particular event, the revocation or cancellation and re-enactment shall be deemed to have taken effect in relation to that act or event, in the first mentioned case, at a date sufficiently early to enable the required notice to be given under the corresponding provisions of such regulations, and, in the secondly mentioned case, immediately before the doing of the act or the happening of the event in question.
- (3)
- Where, under any enactment revoked or cancelled and re-enacted, with or without amendment, by any regulations made under this Ordinance, any notice has been served relating to the doing of some act or the happening of some event, such notice shall be deemed to have been served under the corresponding provisions of such regulations.
Section: | 148 | Transitional provisions with respect to offences and certain notices | 30/06/1997 |
Section: | 149 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 150 | Penalties | 30/06/1997 |
Any person who is guilty of an offence under any of the provisions of this Ordinance specified in the first column of the Ninth Schedule shall be liable on summary conviction to the penalty specified in relation thereto in the second column of that Schedule, and, where the offence is a continuing offence, shall be liable, in addition, to the fine specified in relation thereto in the third column of that Schedule for each day during which it is proved to the satisfaction of the court that the offence has continued.
Section: | 151 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 152 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 153 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Section: | 154 | Transitional | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Any reference in subsidiary legislation made under this Ordinance to prescribed fee or fee determined under section 124K includes a reference to a fee continued in force under section 9(2) of the Provision of Municipal Services (Reorganization) Ordinance (Cap 552) as if prescribed under section 124I, 124J or 124L or determined under section 124K, as the case may be, until the relevant fee is replaced under section 124I, 124J, 124K or 124L.
(Added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Schedule: | 1 | SCHEDULED OFFENCES | 30/06/1997 |
[sections 2 & 84]
Section 51A(4) and (5)
Section 54(1)
Regulations made under section 55, 56, 80(1) or 83A
Section 83B
Section 128(3)
Section 128(10)(a)
Section 139
Sections 4A and 5 of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228) (Replaced L.N. 276 of 1978. Amended L.N. 264 of 1986; 76 of 1988 s. 4)
[sections 2, 93 & 102] | |
No. of cubic metres per hour | |
Class of premises | for each person who may be |
accommodated in the premises | |
Restaurants | 17 |
Dancing establishments | 17 |
Theatres | 13 |
Cinemas | 13 |
Funeral parlours | 17 |
Factory canteens | 17 |
(Amended 61 of 1974 s. 12; L.N. 89 of 1979; L.N. 366 of 1989) |
Remarks: For the saving and transitional provisions relating to the amendments made by the Resolution of the Legislative Council (L.N. 130 of 2007), see paragraph (12) of that Resolution.
[section 3]
Section Designated Authorities
4 Director of Drainage Services
5 Director of Drainage Services
6 Director of Drainage Services
7 Director of Drainage Services
9 Director of Drainage Services
10 Director of Drainage Services
13 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
14 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
15 Secretary for Food and Health
20 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
22 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
22A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
23 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
23A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
24 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
26 Secretary for Food and Health
27 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
28 Secretary for Food and Health
29 Secretary for Food and Health
30 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 32 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 33 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 34 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 35 Secretary for Food and Health 36 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 37 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 38 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 42 Secretary for Home Affairs in respect of public swimming pools and the Secretary for Food
and Health in respect of other swimming pools 42A Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 42B Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 43 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 44 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 46 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 47 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 48 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 49 Secretary for Food and Health 51A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 56 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 56A Director of Health 58 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 59 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 62 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 69 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 70 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 75 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, but in respect of drugs, Director of Health 76A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 76B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 77 Secretary for Food and Health 78 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78E Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78F Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78G Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78H Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78I Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78K Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 79(1), (3) and Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
(5) 79A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 80 Secretary for Food and Health 81 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 82 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 83A Secretary for Food and Health, but the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene for
section 83A(1)(g) and (i) 83B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 84 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 86 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 86B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 92A Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 92AA Secretary for Home Affairs 92AB Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 92B Secretary for Home Affairs in respect of any activity specified in the Eleventh Schedule and
the Secretary for Food and Health in respect of any activity specified in Schedule 11A 93 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 94 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 94A Secretary for Food and Health 100 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 101 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 104 Secretary for Food and Health 105 Director of Buildings 105A Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105B Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105C Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105D Secretary for Home Affairs 105E Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105G Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105H Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105I Secretary for Home Affairs 105K Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105L Secretary for Home Affairs 105M Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105N Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105O Secretary for Home Affairs 105P Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 105Q Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 106(1) and Director of Leisure and Cultural Services
- (6)
106(3) and Director of Lands - (4)
107 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services
108 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services
109 Secretary for Home Affairs
110 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services
111 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services
111B Director of Lands
111C Director of Lands
112 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
112A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
114 Director of Lands in respect of cemeteries specified in Parts I, II and IVA of the Fifth
Schedule 115 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene in respect of cemeteries specified in Part I of the Fifth Schedule 116 Secretary for Food and Health in respect of cemeteries specified in Parts I and II of the Fifth
Schedule 117 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 118(1) and Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
(4) 118(2) Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene in respect of cemeteries specified in Parts I, II and IVA of the Fifth Schedule 119A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene in respect of cemeteries specified in Part I of
the Fifth Schedule 121 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 123 Secretary for Food and Health 123A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 123B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 123C Secretary for Food and Health 124 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124C Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124D Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124E Secretary for Food and Health 124I Secretary for Food and Health 124J Secretary for Home Affairs 124K(1) Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 124K(3) Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 124L Secretary for Home Affairs
Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 128B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 128C Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 128D Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
(Schedule 3 replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7. Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; 1 of 2002 s. 4; L.N. 130 of 2007; 3 of 2009 s. 3)
[sections 2 & 106]
Public pleasure grounds (other than bathing beaches)
Hong Kong Island (Amended L.N. 177 of 2007)
Aberdeen Boulder's Corner Rest Garden Aberdeen Praya Road Sitting-out Area Aberdeen Promenade Aberdeen Reservoir Road Garden Aberdeen Reservoir Road Sitting-out Area Aberdeen Sports Centre Aberdeen Sports Ground Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre Aberdeen Waterfront Garden Admiralty Garden Aldrich Bay Children's Playground Aldrich Bay Playground Aldrich Bay Promenade Aldrich Street Playground Amoy Street Sitting-out Area Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road Playground Ap Lei Chau Main Street Temporary Sitting-out Area Ap Lei Chau Park Ap Lei Chau Service Reservoir Playground Ap Lei Chau Sports Centre Ap Lei Chau Waterfront Promenade Ap Lei Chau Wind Tower Park Apleichau Bridge (North) Children's Playground Basel Road Playground Belcher Bay Park Belcher's Street Sitting-out Area Big Wave Bay Picnic Area Bisney Road Children's Playground Blake Gardens Blue Pool Road Sitting-out Area Bonham Road Rest Garden Bowen Road Fitness Trail Bowen Road Garden
Bowen Road Lovers' Stone Garden
Bowen Road Park
Bowen Road Temporary Playground
Bowen Road Temporary Sitting-out Area
Bowen Road Tennis Courts
Bowrington Road Market Roof-top Children's Playground
Braemar Hill Road Playground
Braemar Hill Road Sitting-out Area
Brewin Path Temporary Playground
Bridges Street Market Children's Playground
Broadwood Road Rest Garden
Bullock Lane Sitting-out Area
Cadogan Street Temporary Garden
Caine Lane Garden
Caine Road Garden
Caine Road Sitting-out Area
Catchick Street Garden
Causeway Bay Sports Ground
Cenotaph, the
Central and Western District Promenade-Sheung Wan Section
Central Pier Waterfront Centre Street Sitting-out Area Chai Wan North Service Reservoir Playground Chai Wan Park Chai Wan Pool-side Garden Chai Wan Road Children's Playground Chai Wan Road Roundabout Garden Chai Wan Road Sitting-out Area No. 1 Chai Wan Road Sitting-out Area No. 2 Chai Wan Road Temporary Rest Garden Chai Wan Sports Centre Chater Garden Chater Road Sitting-out Area Cheung Man Road Rest Garden Ching Wah Street Sitting-out Area Choi Sai Woo Park Chung Hom Kok Beach Children's Playground Chung Hom Kok Park Chung Wo Lane Sitting-out Area Church Street Sitting-out Area Clarence Terrace Children's Playground Cleverly Street Sitting-out Area Cloud View Road Service Reservoir Playground Cochrane Street Sitting-out Area Comfort Terrace Rest Garden Conduit Road Children's Playground Conduit Road Rest Garden Conduit Road Service Reservoir Playground Connaught Garden Coombe Road Children's Playground Dragon Road Sitting-out Area Eastern Hospital Road Sitting-out Area Eastern Hospital Road Temporary Rest Garden Electric Road/Hing Fat Street Amenity Plot Electric Road Sitting-out Area Elgin Street Children's Playground Factory Street Playground Fat Hing Street Children's Playground Fei Tsui Road Sitting-out Area Finnie Street Sitting-out Area Fleming Road Garden Forbes Street Temporary Playground Fortress Hill Playground Fortress Hill Road Garden Fu Hong Street Sitting-out Area Fung Mat Road Sitting-out Area Gloucester Road/Cannon Street Sitting-out Area Gloucester Road Garden Gough Hill Path Children's Playground Graham Street Sitting-out Area Green Lane Service Reservoir Sitting-out Area Greig Road Sitting-out Area Guildford Road Rest Garden Hang Fa Chuen Playground Happy Valley Recreation Ground Harbour Road Garden Harbour Road Sports Centre Harcourt Garden Hatton Road Sitting-out Area Headland Road/Repulse Bay Road Garden Healthy Village Playground Hennessy Road/Johnston Road Sitting-out Area Hennessy Road Playground Heung Yip Road Sitting-out Area High West Picnic Area (temporary) Hill Road Garden Hill Road Rest Garden Hing Wah Estate Playground No. 1 Hoi Ning Street Sitting-out Area Hollywood Road Children's Playground Hollywood Road Park Hong Cheung Street Sitting-out Area Hong Fu Playground Hong Kong Park Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Hong Kong Squash Centre Hong Kong Tennis Centre Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens Hung Shing Street Rest Garden Island East Sports Centre Java Road Playground Java Road Sports Centre Ka Ning Path Garden Ka Wai Man Road Garden Ka Wai Man Road Sitting-out Area Kam Wah Street Rest Garden Kau U Fong Children's Playground Kennedy Road Playground Kennedy Street Sitting-out Area Kennedy Town Playground Kennedy Town Service Reservoir Playground Kennedy Town Temporary Recreation Ground Ki Ling Lane Children's Playground King George V Memorial Park, Hong Kong King's Road Amenity Plot King's Road Playground Kotewall Road Rest Garden Kotewall Road Sitting-out Area Kwai Fong Street Playground Kwong Hon Terrace Garden Kwong Ming Street Children's Playground Kwun Hoi Path Sitting-out Area Lambeth Walk Rest Garden Lan Kwai Fong Sitting-out Area Lau Sin Street Temporary Sitting-out Area Law Uk Folk Museum Rest Garden Lee Nam Road Sitting-out Area No. 1 Lee Nam Road Sitting-out Area No. 2 Lei King Wan Sitting-out Area Lei Yue Mun Park Li Sing Street Playground Lin Fa Kung Garden Lin Fa Kung Street East Sitting-out Area Lockhart Road Playground Lockhart Road Sports Centre Lok Hing Lane Temporary Sitting-out Area Lok Man Road Sitting-out Area Lower Albert Road Sitting-out Area Lun Fat Street Rest Garden Lun Fat Street Sitting-out Area Magazine Gap Road Garden Magazine Gap Service Reservoir Playground Man Hong Street Playground Miu Tung Street Sitting-out Area Mong Lung Street Sitting-out Area Monmouth Park Monmouth Terrace Playground Monmouth Terrace Sitting-out Area Moreton Terrace Temporary Playground Morrison Hill Road Playground Mount Austin Playground Mount Austin Road Rest Garden Mount Butler Sitting-out Area Mount Davis Playground Mount Davis Service Reservoir Sitting-out Area Mount Davis Sitting-out Area No. 1 Mount Davis Sitting-out Area No. 2 Mount Davis Sitting-out Area No. 3 Mount Davis Temporary Sitting-out Area Mount Parker Road Sitting-out Area Mui Fong Street Children's Playground Mui Fong Street Sitting-out Area Nam Fung Road Rest Garden Nam Long Shan Road Children's Playground and Rest Garden Nam Long Shan Road Rest Garden
Nam Long Shan Road Sitting-out Area
Nam Ning Street Sitting-out Area
Nam On Street Sitting-out Area
Nam On Street/Sun Sing Street Sitting-out Area
Ngoi Man Street Sitting-out Area
Ning Foo Street Amenity Area
North Point Ferry Concourse Promenade
North Point Market Roof-top Children's Playground
North Point Salt Water Service Reservoir Sitting-out Area
North Point Service Reservoir Playground
North Point Vehicular Ferry Pier Playground
Oaklands Avenue Sitting-out Area
Old Main Street Rest Garden
Old Peak Road Rest Garden
Pak Fuk Road Playground
Pak Fuk Road Safety Town
Peak Firing Range Picnic Area
Peak Road Garden
Peel Rise Rest Garden
Perkins Road Sitting-out Area
Pier 3 Garden
Pier Road Sitting-out Area
Plantation Road Garden
Pok Fu Lam Road Playground
Pok Fu Lam Road Sitting-out Area
Pok Fu Lam Village Sitting-out Area No. 1
Pok Fu Lam Village Sitting-out Area No. 2
Pokfield Road Sitting-out Area
Provident Garden
Quarry Bay Park
Quarry Bay Reservoir Garden
Quarry Bay Sports Centre
Quarry Bay Wilson Trail Sitting-out Area
Queen Street Rest Garden
Queen's Road East Garden
Queen's Road East/Hennessy Road Sitting-out Area
Repulse Bay Beach Children's Playground
Repulse Bay Gardens
Robinson Road/Seymour Road Sitting-out Area
Robinson Road Sitting-out Area
Rock Hill Street Sitting-out Area
Rose Lane Children's Playground
Sai On Lane Children's Playground
Sai On Lane Rest Garden
Sai Wan Ho Harbour Park
Sai Wan Ho Playground
Sai Wan Ho Sports Centre
Sai Woo Lane Playground
Sai Ying Pun Post Office Building Children's Playground
Sai Yuen Lane Sitting-out Area
Sam Ka Lane Children's Playground
San Ha Street Sitting-out Area
San Shi Street Sitting-out Area
Sassoon Road Rest Garden Shaukiwan Road Children's Playground Shaukiwan Road Sitting-out Area Shau Kei Wan Market Building Sitting-out Area Shau Kei Wan Market Roof-top Children's Playground Shau Kei Wan Service Reservoir Playground Shek O Beach Sitting-out Area Shek O Headland Picnic Area Shek O Road Lookout Shek O Village Children's Playground Shek O Village Sitting-out Area Shek Pai Wan Estate Playground No. 1 Shek Pai Wan Road Amenity Plot Shek Pai Wan Road Playground Shek Tong Tsui Sports Centre Sheung Fung Lane Sitting-out Area Sheung On Street Playground Sheung Wan Sports Centre Ship Street Playground Shum Wan Road Sitting-out Area Sing Woo Road Rest Garden Sitting-out Area at Aberdeen Main Road/Ap Lei Chau Bridge Flyover Sitting-out Area under Flyover in Bonham Road Sitting-out Area under Flyover in Hill Road Sitting-out Area under Flyover in Pok Fu Lam Road Siu Sai Wan Promenade Siu Sai Wan Road Garden Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground Smithfield Road Children's Playground Smithfield Sports Centre So Kon Po Recreation Ground South Bay Road Garden South Bay Road Rest Garden Southern District San Wai Village Sitting-out Area Southorn Playground Sports Road Garden Spring Garden Lane Sitting-out Area St. Stephen's Beach Water Sports Centre Stanley Beach Road Children's Playground Stanley Beach Road Sitting-out Area Stanley Link Road Sitting-out Area Stanley Main Beach Water Sports Centre Stanley Main Street Sea-front Sitting-out Area Stanley Market Road Sitting-out Area Stanley New Street/Stanley Village Road Sitting-out Area Stanley Promenade Stanley Sports Centre Stanley Village Road Garden Statue Square Gardens Stone Nullah Lane Garden Stubbs Road Children's Playground Stubbs Road Garden Stubbs Road Lookout Stubbs Road Sitting-out Area Sun Pat Kan Sitting-out Area Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park
Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Community Garden
Sung Hing Lane Children's playground
Tai Hang Drive Playground
Tai Hang Drive Sitting-out Area
Tai Hang Road/Blue Pool Road Children's Playground
Tai Hang Road Children's Playground
Tai Hang Road Rest Garden
Tai Lok Street Sitting-out Area
Tai Man Street Sitting-out Area
Tai Ping Shan Lions View Point Pavilion
Tai Tam Reservoir Road Sitting-out Area
Tai Tam Road/Chai Wan Road Amenity Plot
Tai Wo Street Playground
Tai Wong Street East Sitting-out Area
Tak Yan Street Children's Playground
Third Street Playground
Third Street Sitting-out Area
Tin Chiu Street Children's Playground
Tin Chiu Street Playground
Tin Hau Temple Garden
Tin Hau Temple Road Garden No. 1
Tin Hau Temple Road Garden No. 2
Tin Hau Temple Road Garden No. 3
Tin Hau Temple Road/Fortress Hill Road Garden
Tin Hau Temple Road Park
Tin Hau Temple Road Sitting-out Area
Tin Wan Estate Playground
Tin Wan Market Roof-top Children's Playground
Tong Shui Road Garden
Tung Hei Road Children's Playground
Tung Lo Wan Garden
Tung Lo Wan Road Sitting-out Area
Tung Wah Centenary Square Garden
Tunnel Approach Rest Garden
Upper Kai Lun Wan Temporary Sitting-out Area
Upper Station Street Sitting-out Area
Ventris Road Garden
Victoria Park
Victoria Park Tennis Court
Victoria Peak Garden
Wa On Lane Sitting-out Area
Wah Chui Street Sitting-out Area
Wah Lam Path Sitting-out Area
Wai Tsui Crescent Community Garden
Wan Chai Gap Park
Wan Chai Gap Road Playground
Wan Chai Park
Wan Chai Sports Ground
Wan Chai Temporary Promenade
Wan Tsui Road Amenity Plot
Waterfall Bay Park
Watson Road Rest Garden
West End Park
Western Park Sports Centre
Wharf Road Rest Garden Whitfield Road Rest Garden
Whitty Street Children's Playground
Wing Lee Street Rest Garden
Wing Lee Street Sitting-out Area
Wing Ning Street Sitting-out Area
Wing Tai Road Garden
Wong Chuk Hang Recreation Ground
Wong Chuk Hang Road Garden
Wong Chuk Hang Service Reservoir Rest Garden
Wong Chuk Hang Sports Centre
Wong Ma Kok Road Playground
Wong Ma Kok Road Temporary Sitting-out Area
Wong Nai Chung Gap Sitting-out Area
Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park
Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park Fitness Trail
Wong Nai Chung Road Crescent Garden
Wong Nai Chung Road Rest Garden
Wong Nai Chung Road Sitting-out Area
Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
Wun Sha Street Children's Playground
Yee Shing Lane Temporary Sitting-out Area
Yee Tai Street Sitting-out Area
Yip Kan Street Sitting-out Area
Yiu Hing Road Sitting-out Area
Yue Kwong Road Sports Centre
Yuk Kwai Shan Service Reservoir Sitting-out Area
Anchor Street Playground Argyle Street Playground Arran Street Sitting-out Area Arthur Street Temporary Playground Astor Plaza Garden Battery Street Sitting-out Area Beech Street Sitting-out Area Berwick Street Sitting-out Area Boundary Street Amenity Plot Boundary Street Recreation Ground Boundary Street Sports Centre No. 1 Boundary Street Sports Centre No. 2 Broadcast Drive Garden Broadcast Drive Playground Canton Road/Dundas Street Sitting-out Area Canton Road/Nelson Street Sitting-out Area Canton Road Playground Canton Road/Soy Street Sitting-out Area Carmel Village Street Garden Carpenter Road Park Castle Peak Road/Ching Cheung Road Rest Garden Castle Peak Road Sitting-out Area Changsha Street Sitting-out Area Chatham Road/Winslow Street Sitting-out Area Cherry Street Park Cherry Street Sitting-out Area Cheung Sha Wan Path Sitting-out Area
Cheung Sha Wan Playground
Cheung Sha Wan Road/Cheung Shun Street Playground
Cheung Sha Wan Road/Lai Chi Kok Road Flyover Amenity Plot
Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre
Ching Cheung Road Extension Amenity Plot
Choi Hei Road Park
Choi Hung Road Badminton Centre
Choi Hung Road Interchange Amenity Plot
Choi Hung Road Playground
Choi Hung Road Sports Centre
Choi Wan Road Sitting-out Area
Choi Wing Road Park
Chui Yu Road Rest Garden Chuk Yuen Sports Centre Chun Wah Road Sports Centre Clear Water Bay Road Central Strip Clear Water Bay Road Temporary Sitting-out Area Cornwall Street Children's Playground Cornwall Street/Ede Road Garden Cornwall Street Park Cornwall Street Squash and Table Tennis Centre Cox's Road Children's Playground Diocesan Boys' School Approach Road Sitting-out Area Dorset Crescent Rest Garden Dundas Street Sitting-out Area East Kowloon Way Flyover Rest Garden Ede Road Playground Elegance Road Garden Essex Crescent Rest Garden Fa Hui Park Fa Yuen Street Sports Centre Fan Wa Street Sitting-out Area Fan Wa Street Temporary Sitting-out Area Fat Kwong Street Garden No. 1 Fat Kwong Street Garden No. 2 Fat Kwong Street Playground Fat Kwong Street Sitting-out Area Fat Kwong Street Sports Centre Fei Fung Street Sitting-out Area Ferry Street Playground Fuk Wah Street Rest Garden Fuk Wing Street Rest Garden Fung Mo Interchange Amenity Plot Fung Tak Park Gascoigne Road/Nathan Road Rest Garden (Stage I) Hamilton Street Rest Garden Hammer Hill Park Hammer Hill Road Sports Ground Hau Wong Temple Rest Garden Heng Lam Street Sitting-out Area Hing Wah Street Playground Hip Wo Street/Mut Wah Street Sitting-out Area Hiu Kwong Street Children's Playground Hiu Kwong Street Park Strip Hiu Kwong Street Recreation Ground Hiu Kwong Street Rest Garden Hiu Kwong Street Sports Centre Hiu Ming Street Playground Ho Man Tin East Service Reservoir Playground Ho Man Tin High Level Service Reservoir Playground Ho Man Tin Hill Road Rest Garden Ho Man Tin Park Ho Man Tin Sports Centre Hoi Bun Road Park Hoi Bun Road Sitting-out Area Hoi Lai Temporary Garden Hoi Sham Park Hong Keung Street Rest Garden Hong Lee Road Rest Garden Hong Ning Road Children's Playground Hong Ning Road Garden No. 1 Hong Ning Road Garden No. 2 Hong Ning Road Park Hong Ning Road Recreation Ground Hong Ning Road Rest Garden Hong Tat Path Garden Hung Hom Municipal Services Building Sports Centre Hung Hom South Road Rest Garden Hung Ling Street Sitting-out Area Hutchison Park Inverness Road Garden Ivy Street Rest Garden Jordan Valley Park Jordan Valley Playground Junction Road/Fu Keung Street Sitting-out Area Junction Road Park Kai Cheung Road Sitting-out Area Kai Tak East Playground Kai Tak East Sports Centre Kai Tin Road Sitting-out Area Kam Fung Street Sitting-out Area Kam Shing Road Recreation Ground Kau Pui Lung Road Playground Kent Road Garden King Fuk Street Sitting-out Area King George V Memorial Park, Kowloon King Lam Street Sitting-out Area King Wan Street Playground King's Park High Level Service Reservoir Playground King's Park Hockey Ground King's Park Rest Garden King's Park Rise Garden King's Park Recreation Ground Ko Chiu Road Rest Garden Ko Shan Road Park Kowloon Bay Park Kowloon Bay Playground Kowloon Bay Sports Centre Kowloon Bay Sports Ground Kowloon City Road Flyover Sitting-out Area Kowloon City Sports Centre Kowloon Park Kowloon Park Drive Children's Playground Kowloon Park Drive Rest Garden Kowloon Park Sports Centre Kowloon Tsai Park Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground Kowloon Walled City Park Kung Lok Road Amenity Plot Kung Lok Road Playground Kwai Chung Road Flyover Amenity Plot Kwei Chow Street/Yuk Yat Street Sitting-out Area Kwong Lee Road Playground Kwun Chung Sports Centre Kwun Tong Ferry Pier Square Kwun Tong High Level Service Reservoir Garden Kwun Tong Promenade Kwun Tong Road Amenity Plot (outside Kai Yip Estate) Kwun Tong Road Children's Playground Kwun Tong Road/Hip Wo Street Rest Garden Kwun Tong Road/Ngau Tau Kok Road Amenity Plot Kwun Tong Road Rest Garden Kwun Tong Road Sitting-out Area Kwun Tong Road/Ting On Street Temporary Amenity Plot Laguna Park Lai Chi Kok Garden Lai Chi Kok Interchange Amenity Plot Lai Chi Kok Park Lai Chi Kok Park Sports Centre Lai Chi Kok Road/Canton Road Garden Lai Chi Kok Road Interchange Flyover Amenity Plot Lai Chi Kok Road/Tai Nam Street Sitting-out Area Lai Yip Street Sitting-out Area Lam Fook Street Sitting-out Area Lam Hing Street Sitting-out Area Lam Tin Bus Terminus Sitting-out Area Lam Tin Park Lam Tin Service Reservoir Playground Lam Tin South Sports Centre Lam Wah Street Playground Lei Cheng Uk Garden Lei Cheng Uk Playground Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pool Rest Garden Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pool Sitting-out Area (No. 2) Lei Yue Mun Rest Garden Lei Yue Mun Road Playground Lei Yue Mun Sports Centre Lei Yue Mun Typhoon Shelter Breakwater Sitting-out Area Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Sitting-out Area Lion Rock Park Lok Fu Park Lok Fu Recreation Ground Lok Fu Service Reservoir Rest Garden Lok Kwan Street Park Lok Shan Road Playground
Lok Sin Road/Choi Hung Road Sitting-out Area
Lok Wah Playground
Lok Wah Street Playground
Lomond Road Garden
Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate Playground No. 8
Luen Wan Street Sitting-out Area
Lung Cheung Road Bauhinia Garden
Lung Cheung Road Lookout
Lung Cheung Road North/Po Kong Village Road Sitting-out Area
Lung Cheung Road Park
Lung Cheung Road Playground
Lung Cheung Road Sitting-out Area
Ma Chai Hang Recreation Ground
Ma Tau Wai Road Playground
Ma Tau Wai Road/Ma Hang Chung Road Rest Garden
Ma Tau Wai Road/Sheung Heung Road Garden
Ma Tau Wai Road/Tai Wan Road Sitting-out Area
Ma Tau Wai Road/To Kwa Wan Road Garden
Ma Tau Wai Service Reservoir Playground
MacPherson Playground
Magnolia Road Rest Garden (inside Yau Yat Chuen Estate, N.K.I.L. 3594)
Man Cheong Street Community Garden
Man Cheong Street Rest Garden
Man Fuk Road Garden
Man Ming Lane Rest Garden
Maple Street Playground
Mei Foo Sun Chuen Bus Terminus Amenity Plot
Middle Road Children's Playground
Mody Road Garden
Mong Kok Market Children's Playground
Mong Kok Road Playground
Mongkok Civic Triangle
Moray Road Children's Playground
Morse Park
Morse Park Sports Centre
Muk Lun Street Playground
Nam Cheong Park
Nam Cheong Street Rest Garden
Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area
Nam Cheong Street/Tai Po Road Rest Garden
Nan Lian Garden
Nathan Road/Boundary Street Sitting-out Area
Nga Tsin Wai Road Sitting-out Area
Nga Tsin Wai Village Sitting-out Area
Ngau Chi Wan Market Roof Top Children's Playground
Ngau Chi Wan Park
Ngau Chi Wan Sports Centre
Ngau Chi Wan Street Temporary Sitting-out Area
Ngau Chi Wan Village Playground
Ngau Chi Wan Village Sitting-out Area
Ngau Tau Kok Road Children's Playground
Ngau Tau Kok Road Flyover Rest Garden
Ngau Tau Kok Road Rest Garden
Ngau Tau Kok Road Sports Centre Ning Po Street/Shanghai Street Rest Garden
Nullah Road Sitting-out Area
Olympic Garden
On Tak Road Playground
Osmanthus Road Rest Garden (inside Yau Yat Chuen Estate, N.K.I.L. 3594)
Oxford Road Playground
Pak Kung Street Garden
Peace Avenue Playground
Pei Ho Street Sports Centre
Peking Road Sitting-out Area
Pentland Street Garden
Perth Street Sports Ground
Pik Wan Road Rest Garden
Ping Shek Playground
Po Kong Interchange Rest Garden
Po Kong Village Road Park
Po Kong Village Road/Shung Wah Street Sitting-out Area
Po Kong Village Road Sports Centre
Po Leung Lane Sitting-out Area
Po On Road Playground
Po On Road Sports Centre
Poplar Street Children's Playground
Portland Street/Man Ming Lane Sitting-out Area
Portland Street Rest Garden
Portland Street Sitting-out Area
Prince Edward Road/Nullah Road Garden
Princess Margaret Road Children's Playground
Princess Margaret Road Garden
Public Square Street/Cliff Road Sitting-out Area
Public Square Street/Kansu Street Rest Garden
Public Square Street Rest Garden
Pui Ching Road Playground
Pui Ching Road Rest Garden
Reclamation Street/Nelson Street Sitting-out Area
Reclamation Street Sitting-out Area
Reclamation Street/Soy Street Sitting-out Area
Rutland Quadrant Children's Playground
Sai Tso Wan Recreation Ground
Sai Yee Street Children's Playground
Sai Yee Street Garden
Saigon Street Playground
Salisbury Road Garden
Sam Chuk Street Sitting-out Area
Sam Ka Tsuen Recreation Ground
San Po Kong Interchange Rest Garden
San Po Kong Sitting-out Area
Sau Mau Ping Bus Terminus Amenity Plot
Sau Mau Ping Estate (Stage I) Playground No. 3
Sau Mau Ping Memorial Park
Sau Mau Ping Road/Hiu Kwong Street Sitting-out Area
Sau Mau Ping Road Safety Town
Sau Ming Road Park
Sau Nga Road Playground
Sau Yan Path Amenity Plot
Sham Shui Po Park Sham Shui Po Sports Ground Shan Tung Street Sitting-out Area Shanghai Street/Dundas Street Sitting-out Area Shanghai Street/Market Street Playground Shanghai Street/Shangtung Street Sitting-out Area Shek Kip Mei Central Playground Shek Kip Mei Park Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre Shek Kip Mei Service Reservoir Playground Shek Kip Mei Street Rest Garden Shek Ku Lung Road Playground Shek Ku Lung Road Rest Garden Sheung Li Uk Garden Sheung Lok Street Garden Sheung Lok Street Garden (Stage II) Sheung Shing Street Park Sheung Wo Street Sitting-out Area Shing Tak Street Sitting-out Area Shing Yip Street Rest Garden Shui Wo Street Sports Centre Shun Lee Tsuen Park Shun Lee Tsuen Playground Shun Lee Tsuen Road Lookout Shun Lee Tsuen Sports Centre Shun Ning Road Recreation Ground Shung Ling Street Playground Shung Ling Street Sitting-out Area Signal Hill Garden Sin Fat Road Tennis Courts Star Ferry Concourse Fountain Station Lane Sitting-out Area Sung On Street Sitting-out Area Sung Wong Toi Garden Sung Wong Toi Playground Sycamore Playground Sycamore Street Playground Sycamore Street Rest Garden Sycamore Street Sitting-out Area Tai Hang Sai Street Sitting-out Area Tai Hang Tung Estate Playground No. 1 Tai Hang Tung Estate Playground No. 2 Tai Hang Tung Recreation Ground Tai Hang Tung Sitting-out Area Tai Kok Tsui Road/Cherry Street Amenity Plot Tai Kok Tsui Road/Larch Street Sitting-out Area Tai Kok Tsui Road/Maple Street Garden Tai Kok Tsui Sports Centre Tai Po Road/Castle Peak Road Amenity Plot Tai Po Road/Castle Peak Road Rest Garden Tai Po Road/Pak Tin Street Playground Tai Wan Shan Park Tai Wan Road Playground Tai Yip Street Sitting-out Area Tak Cheong Street Playground Tak Ku Ling Road Rest Garden
Temple Street/Kansu Street Temporary Rest Garden
Thistle Street Rest Garden
Tin Kwong Road Recreation Ground
Tin Kwong Road Tennis Court
Ting Fu Street Sitting-out Area
Ting On Street Playground
Ting Yu Square Temporary Sitting-out Area
To Kwa Wan Complex Indoor Games Room
To Kwa Wan Complex Playground
To Kwa Wan Recreation Ground
To Kwa Wan Sports Centre
To Yuen Street Playground
Tong Mei Road Children's Playground (part temporary)
Tong Mei Road Sitting-out Area
Tong Mei Road/Tung Chau Street Sitting-out Area
Tseuk Kiu Street Sitting-out Area
Tsing Chau Street Playground
Tsim Sha Tsui East Waterfront Podium Garden
Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade
Tsun Yip Cooked Food Market Roof Top Rest Garden
Tsun Yip Street Playground
Tsz Wan Shan Bus Terminus Sitting-out Area
Tsz Wan Shan Estate Central Playground
Tsz Wan Shan Estate Service Reservoir Playground
Tsz Wan Shan Road Playground
Tsz Wan Shan Road Rest Garden
Tsz Wan Shan Road Sitting-out Area
Tung Chau Street Park
Tung On Street Rest Garden
Urban Council Centenary Garden
Wa Shun Street Sitting-out Area
Wai Chi Street Playground
Wai Chi Street Rest Garden
Wai Lok Street Temporary Soccer Pitch
Wai Yip Street Flyover Amenity Plot
Wai Yip Street/Lai Yip Street Amenity Plot
Wai Yip Street/Sheung Yee Road Sitting-out Area
Wai Yip Street Sitting-out Area
Wan Fung Street Sitting-out Area
Wan Hon Street/Hip Wo Street Rest Garden
Wan Hon Street Rest Garden
Wang Tai Road Sitting-out Area
Waterloo Road/Canton Road Rest Garden
Waterloo Road/Wylie Road Sitting-out Area
West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade
Wing Hong Street Rest Garden
Winslow Street Playground
Wong Tai Street/Ivy Street Sitting-out Area
Wong Tai Sin Service Reservoir Playground
Wong Tai Sin Square
Wong Tai Street/Tai Tsun Street Sitting-out Area
Wuhu Street Temporary Playground
Wylie Road Temporary Sitting-out Area
Yan Fung Street Rest Garden
Yan Oi Court Garden
Yan Oi Street Playground
Yau Ma Tei Community Centre Rest Garden
Yau Ma Tei Service Reservoir Rest Garden
Yau Tong Centre Rest Garden
Yau Tong Road Playground
Yau Tong Service Reservoir Playground
Yau Tsim Mong Pet Garden
Yee On Street Market Rest Garden
Yin Hing Street Recreation Ground
Yue Man Square Rest Garden
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden
Yuet Wah Street Playground
The New Territories
A Kung Kok Playground A Kung Kok Street Garden Ap Chau Sitting-out Area Butterfly Beach Park Castle Peak Road Garden (6 M.S.) Castle Peak Road (San Hui) Park Central Kwai Chung Park Chai Kek Children's Playground Chai Wan Kok Playground Chai Wan Kok Rest Garden Che Kung Miu Road Playground Cheung Chau Park Cheung Chau Sports Centre Cheung Chau Sports Ground Cheung Fai Road Promenade Cheung Fat Sports Centre Cheung Hang Village Playground Cheung Po Chai Cave Picnic Area Cheung Po Tsuen Playground Cheung Shue Tan Children's Playground Cheung Tat Road Sitting-out Area Cheung Wan Street Rest Garden Chi Tong Tsuen Children's Playground Chi Tong Tsuen Sitting-out Area Chik Fu Street Rest Garden Chik Fuk Street Sitting-out Area Chim Uk Village Children's Playground Ching Hong Road Hill Top Sitting-out Area Ching Hong Road Playground Chiu Tam Path Garden Chong Hing Water Sports Centre Chow Tin Tsuen Children's Playground Chuen On Road Garden Chui Ling Lane Playground Chui Lok Street Garden Chui Tin Street Soccer Pitch Chuk Hang Playground Chun Yin Square Playground Chung Hing Pun Shan Road Sitting-out Area, Cheung Chau Chung Mei Road Sitting-out Area Chung Mei Road Temporary Playground
Chung Nga Road Children's Playground
Chung Shum Wai Children's Playground
Chung Sing Path Playground
Chung Uk Children's Playground
Chung Uk Tsuen Playground
Chung Yat Street Soccer Pitch
Circle Park
Deacon Chiu Park
Don Bosco Road Leisure Shelter, Cheung Chau
Dragon Park
Fa Sam Hang Pavilion
Fan Leng Lau Garden
Fan Leng Lau Pleasure Ground
Fan Leng Lau Road Playground
Fan Ling Wai Playground
Fan Tin Tsuen Sitting-out Area
Fanling Hong Lok Park
Fanling Recreation Ground (Stage I)
Fanling Station Playground
Fanling Station Sitting-out Area
Fanling Temporary Tennis Courts
Finger Hill Sitting-out Area, Peng Chau
Fong Ma Po Children's Playground
Fu Heng Sports Centre
Fu Pui Garden
Fu Shin Sports Centre
Fu Tei Chung Tsuen Children's Playground
Fu Uk Garden
Fu Uk Road Rest Garden
Fui Sha Wai Playground
Fuk Hang Playground
Fuk Hang Tsuen Road Garden
Fung Cheung Road Garden
Fung Heung Street Sitting-out Area
Fung Kam Street Sports Centre
Fung Kwan Street Garden
Fung Nam Road Garden
Fung On Street Children's Playground
Fung Shue Wo Resite Village Basketball Court
Fung Shue Wo Sports Centre
Fung Tei Garden
Fung Wong Wu Playground
Fung Yau Street North Sitting-out Area
Fung Yuen Playground
Ginza Square
Ha Chuk Yuen Sitting-out Area
Ha Fa Shan Children's Playground
Ha Fa Shan Garden
Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area
Ha Tam Shui Hang Sitting-out Area
Ha Wan Tsuen Basketball Court
Ha Wan Tsuen Garden
Hang Hau Basketball Court
Hang Hau Garden Hang Hau Tsuen Sitting-out Area Hang Hong Street Garden Hang Kwai Street Playground Hang Mei Tsuen Sitting-out Area Hang Ping Street Playground Hang Tak Pavilion Hang Tau Tsuen Playground Heng On Sports Centre Hin Keng Sports Centre Hin Tin Playground Hing Fong Road Garden Hing Fong Road Playground Hing Shing Road Playground Ho Chung Soccer Pitch Ho Pui Tsuen Playground Ho Sheung Heung Playground Hoi Chu Road Playground Hoi On Road Playground Hoi Shing Garden Hoi Wong Road Garden Hong Kin Road Garden Hung Cheung Road Playground Hung Leng Children's Playground Hung Mui Kuk Road Playground Hung Shing Temple Children's Playground, Cheung Chau Hung Uk Tsuen Playground Jockey Club Cheung Chau Tung Wan Children's Playground Jockey Club Hing Shing Road Playground Jockey Club Kwai Shing Circuit Sitting-out Area Jockey Club Tak Wah Park The Jockey Club Tuen Mun Butterfly Beach Sports Centre The Jockey Club Wong Shek Water Sports Centre Ka Loon Garden Kai Leng Playground Kak Tin Children's Playground Kak Tin Playground Kam Mun Hau Garden Kam Shek New Village Garden Kam Shek New Village Playground Kam Sheung Road Sitting-out Area Kam Tin Market Playground Kam Tin Po Tei Playground Kam Tin Shi Children's Playground Kam Tsin Village Children's Playground Kan Tau Wai Playground Kat Cheung Crescent Garden Kat Hing Wai Garden Kat Hing Wai Playground Kat O Fisherman Village Sitting-out Area Kat O Playground Kau Lung Hang Playground Kau Sai Sun Tsuen Garden Kau Wah Keng Village Playground Kei Lun Wai Children's Playground Keung Yip Street Rest Garden Ki Lun Kong Public Park
Kik Yeung Road 5-a-side Football Pitch
Kin Tak Street Playground
Kin Yip Street Playground
King Fung Children's Playground
Kiu Tau Rainshelter
Kong Pui Street Rest Garden
Kwai Chung Castle Peak Road Sitting-out Area
Kwai Chung San Kui Park
Kwai Chung Sports Ground
Kwai Hei Street Sitting-out Area
Kwai Hing Rest Garden
Kwai Hop Street Playground
Kwai Shing Circuit Garden
Kwai Shing Circuit Playground
Kwai Shing Playground
Kwai Shun Street Playground
Kwai Tak Street Rest Garden
Kwai Yi Road Playground
Kwan Mun Hau Tsuen Children's Playground
Kwan Tei Children's Playground
Kwan Tei Sitting-out Area
Kwei Tei Street Garden
Kwok Shui Road Park
Kwong Choi Market Roof-top Garden, Tuen Mun
Kwong Fai Circuit Playground
Kwong Fuk Bridge Garden
Kwong Fuk Football Ground
Kwong Fuk Park
Kwong Pan Tin Village Sitting-out Area
Kwu Tung Grass Soccer Pitch
Kwu Tung Playground
Kwun Yam Wan Road Seaview Shelter, Cheung Chau
Lady MacLehose Holiday Village
Lai King Hill Road Playground
Lai King Soccer Pitch
Lai King Sports Centre
Lau Fau Shan Playground
Lei Uk Tsuen Children's Playground
Lei Uk Tsuen Garden No. 1
Lei Uk Tsuen Garden No. 2
Lek Yuen Bridge Pavilion
Lek Yuen Street Rest Garden
Leng Pei Playground
Leung Tin Sports Centre
Leung Tin Tsuen Garden
Leung Uk Children's Playground, Tai O
Lin Ma Hang Playground
Lingnan Playground
Liu Pok Playground
Liu To Road Playground
Lo Wai Garden
Locwood Garden
Loi Tung Sitting-out Area
Lok Fung Path Rest Garden Lok Kwei Path Rest Garden Lok Lin Path Sitting-out Area Lok Ma Chau Garden Lok Shun Path Barbecue Area Lok Yuen Path Children's Playground Long Ping Sports Centre Lower Cheung Sha Village Children's Playground Luen Hing Street Sitting-out Area Luen Wo Hui Children's Playground Luen Wo Hui Playground Luen Wo Hui Sports Centre Luk Keng Sitting-out Area Luk Keng Village Playground Lung Fung Sitting-out Area Lung Mei Village Garden Lung Sum Avenue Sports Centre Lung Tsai Tsuen Sitting-out Area, Cheung Chau Lung Yeuk Tau, San Wai Children's Playground Lutheran Village Children's Playground, Cheung Chau Lynwood Sitting-out Area Ma Ling Path Rest Garden Ma Mei Ha Playground Ma On Kong Garden Ma On Shan Park Ma On Shan Pavilion Ma On Shan Recreation Ground Ma On Shan Sai Sha Road Pet Garden Ma On Shan Sports Centre Ma On Shan Sports Ground Ma Tin Road 5-a-side Football Pitch Ma Tseuk Leng Children's Playground Ma Wan Children's Playground Ma Wat Wai Children's Playground Ma Wo Pavilion Ma Wo Sitting-out Area Ma Yau Tong Rest Garden Ma Ying Path Rest Garden Man Kok Village Garden Man Mo Temple Garden Man Tung Road Park Man Uk Bin Children's Playground Man Yee Playground Mang Kung Uk Rest Garden Mau Tai Road Garden Mei King Playground Mei Lam Sports Centre Miu Kong Street Garden Miu Kong Street Sitting-out Area Mong Tseng Wai Basketball Court Mouse Island Children’s Playground Mui Shue Hang Playground Mui Tsz Lam Road Garden Mui Wo Ferry Concourse Rest Garden Mui Wo Ferry Pier Road Sitting-out Area Mui Wo Playground Mui Wo Sports Centre Muk Min Ha Garden Nai Wai Soccer Pitch Nam Chung Children's Playground Nam Shan Village Sitting-out Area Nam Wah Po Playground Nam Wan Road Sitting-out Area Nga Ying Chau Garden Nga Yiu Village Children's Playground Ngan Wai Rest Garden Ngau Pei Sha Street Playground Nim Wan Tsuen Children's Playground North District Park North District Sports Ground North Kwai Chung Market Roof-top Playground North Kwai Chung Tang Shiu Kin Sports Centre On Chit Street Playground On Chit Street Soccer Pitch On Hing Playground On King Street Park On Kwok Villa Sitting-out Area On Lok Tsuen Garden On Lok Tsuen (No. 1) Sitting-out Area On Lok Tsuen (No. 2) Sitting-out Area On Lok Tsuen (No. 3) Sitting-out Area On Lok Tsuen (No. 4) Sitting-out Area On Lok Tsuen (No. 5) Sitting-out Area On Lok Tsuen Playground On Luk Street Park On Pong Road Sitting-out Area On Shing Street Garden On Yuen Street Garden Osman Ramju Sadick Memorial Sports Centre Pai Cheong Road Sitting-out Area, Cheung Chau Pak Fuk Children's Playground Pak Fuk Tin Sum Playground Pak Kok Village Rain-shelter, North Lamma Pak Kong Garden Pak Kong Soccer Pitch Pak Lam Road Garden Pak Sha Wan Tsuen Garden Pak She Back Street Garden Pak She Cheung Lee Playground, Cheung Chau Pak She San Tsuen Garden Pak Shek Kok Promenade Pak Shek Terrace Garden Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau Pak Tin Pa Garden Pak Wo Road Playground Pak Wo Road Sitting-out Area Pat Heung Temple Sitting-out Area Pau Cheung Square Playground Pei Tau Village Playground Peng Chau Mini-soccer Pitch Peng Chau Playground Peng Chau Sitting-out Area Peng Chau Sports Centre Peng Chau Waterfront Playground Peninsula Lions Garden, Sha Tin Pass Pik Shui San Tsuen Rest Garden Pik Uk Garden Ping Che Children's Playground Ping Che Kat Tin Children's Playground Ping Che Mini-soccer Pitch Ping Che New Village Sitting-out Area Ping Ha Road Garden Ping Kong Children's Playground Ping Long Playground Ping Pak Lane Park Ping Shan Lane Garden Ping Wui Street Rest Garden Ping Yeung Village Garden Plover Cove Road Mini-soccer Pitch Plover Cove Villagers' Playground, Tai Po Po Heung Bridge Sitting-out Area Po Hong Park Po Kak Tsai Road Sitting-out Area Po Lam Sports Centre Po Lo Che Garden Po Tsui Park Po Wing Road Playground Po Wing Road Sitting-out Area Po Yip Street Sitting-out Area Praya Street Sports Centre Pui O Children's Playground Pui O Playground, Lantau Pui Shing Garden Pui To Road (South) Rest Garden Round Table Third Village Playground, Cheung Chau Sai Ching Street Children's Playground Sai Ching Street Tennis Court Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre Sai Kung Park Sai Kung Squash Courts Sai Kung Tang Shiu Kin Sports Ground Sai Kung Tennis Courts Sai Kung Waterfront Park Sai Lau Kok Garden Sai Lau Kok Tsuen Children's Playground Sam Mun Tsai Children's Playground Sam Pei Square Playground Sam Tung Uk Garden Sam Tung Uk Village Playground San Hei Pavilion San Hing Tsuen Children's Playground San Hui Playground San Hui Sitting-out Area San Hui Tsuen Rest Garden San Mei Street Basketball Court San Mei Street Children's Playground San Mei Street Playground
San Mei Street Sitting-out Area
San On Sitting-out Area
San Pak She Street Sitting-out Area No.1, Cheung Chau
San Pak She Street Sitting-out Area No.2, Cheung Chau
San Pak She Street Sitting-out Area No.3, Cheung Chau
San Pak She Street Sitting-out Area No.4, Cheung Chau
San Pak She Street Sitting-out Area No.5, Cheung Chau
San Pok Pavilion
San Sang Tsuen Sitting-out Area
San Tin Wai Garden
San Tsuen Children's Playground
San Uk Leng Playground
San Uk Ling Basketball Court
San Uk Tsai Children's Playground
San Uk Tsai Playground
San Uk Tsuen Sitting-out Area
San Wai Tsai Children's Playground
San Wan Road Garden
San Wan Road Sitting-out Area
San Wo Lane Playground
Sha Chau Lei Sitting-out Area
Sha Kok Mei Basketball Court
Sha Kok Mei Playground and Garden
Sha Ling Playground
Sha Lo Wan Playground, Lantau
Sha Tau Kok Children's Playground
Sha Tau Kok Promenade Sitting-out Area
Sha Tau Kok Recreation Ground
Sha Tau Kok Square
Sha Tin Jockey Club Public Squash Courts
Sha Tin North Fresh Water Services Reservoir Archery Ground
Sha Tin Park
Sha Tin Road Safety Park
Sha Tin Sports Ground
Sha Tin Wai Playground
Sha Tsui Playground
Sha Tsui Road Playground
Sham Tseng Resite Village Children's Playground
Sham Tseng Temporary Playground
Sham Tsz Street Playground
Shan Pui Chung Hau Sitting-out Area
Shan Tong New Village Garden
She Shan Sitting-out Area
She Shan Tsuen Children's Playground
Shek Lei Adventure Playground
Shek Lei Street Sitting-out Area
Shek Lei Street Tennis Courts
Shek Mun Playground
Shek Pai Street Park
Shek Pai Tau Playground
Shek Pik Reservoir Garden, Lantau
Shek Pik Resettlers' Playground, Tsuen Wan
Shek Po Tsuen Playground
Shek Pui Street Garden Shek Wu Hui Complex Podium Garden Shek Wu Hui Jockey Club Playground Shek Wu Hui Playground Shek Wu Hui Sitting-out Area Shek Yam Lei Muk Road Park Shek Yam Road Rest Garden Shek Yam Road Rest Garden No. 2 Shek Yam Road Rest Garden No. 3 Shek Yam Road Rest Garden No. 4 Sheun Wan Tung Tsz Children's Playground Sheung Ko Tan Street Sitting-out Area Sheung Kok Street Garden Sheung Kwai Chung Children's Playground Sheung Kwai Chung Garden Sheung Ning Playground Sheung Pai Nai Playground Sheung Shan Kai Wat Sitting-out Area Sheung Shui Garden No. 1 Sheung Shui Garden No. 2 Sheung Shui Garden No. 3 Sheung Shui Garden No. 4 Sheung Shui Heung Basketball Court Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 1 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 2 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 3 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 4 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 5 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 6 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 7 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 8 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 9 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 10 Sheung Shui Heung Sitting-out Area No. 11 Sheung Shui Playground Sheung Shui Wa Shan Sitting-out Area Sheung Sze Wan Sitting-out Area Sheung Tsuen Park Sheung Tsuen Sitting-out Area Sheung Wo Che Garden Sheung Wo Hang Children's Playground Sheung Wo Hang Sitting-out Area Shing Fong Street Rest Garden Shing Mun River Promenade Garden No. 1 Shing Mun River Promenade Garden No. 2 Shing Mun River Promenade Garden No. 3 Shing Mun Valley Park Shing Mun Valley Sports Ground Shui Che Kwun Street Playground Shui Mei Village Playground Shui Mun Tau Rest Garden Shui Pin Tsuen Playground Shui Wu Garden Sik Kong Tsuen Playground Silver Cape Road Sitting-out Area Sing Ping San Tsuen Children's Playground Sir Denys Roberts Squash Courts, Yuen Long Siu Hang Sitting-out Area Siu Hang Tsuen Sitting-out Area Siu Lek Yuen Road Playground Siu Lun Sports Ground So Kwun Wat Sitting-out Area Sok Kwu Wan Playground Sok Kwu Wan Sitting-out Area South Lantau Road/Tung Chung Road Pavilion Ta Ho Tun Garden Ta Kwu Ling Chuk Yuen Playground Ta Kwu Ling Playground Tai Choi Yuen Playground, Cheung Chau Tai Hang Fui Sha Wai Playground Tai Hing Sports Centre Tai Ho Road Sitting-out Area No. 1 Tai Ho Road Sitting-out Area No. 2 Tai Ho Road Sitting-out Area No. 3 Tai Kei Ling Sitting-out Area Tai Kiu Market Sitting-out Area Tai Kiu Market Squash Courts Tai Lam Chung Road Children's Playground Tai Lam Chung Tsuen Children's Playground Tai Lin Pai Road Playground Tai Loong Street Playground Tai Loong Street Rest Garden Tai Loong Street Sitting-out Area Tai Mei Tuk Barbecue Area Tai Mei Tuk Village Children's Playground Tai Mei Tuk Water Sports Centre Tai Ming Lane Square Tai Mong Tsai Picnic Area and Pavilion Tai O Recreation Ground, Lantau Tai O Road Playground No.1 Tai O Road Playground No.2 Tai O Road Playground No.3 Tai Om Children's Playground Tai Pei Square Playground Tai Pei Tau Rest Garden Tai Peng San Chuen Rainshelter, North Lamma Tai Peng San Chuen Sitting-out Area, North Lamma Tai Po Central Town Square Tai Po Contour Sitting-out Area Tai Po Hui Sports Centre Tai Po Kau Garden Tai Po Kau Park Tai Po Kau San Wai Playground Tai Po Market Rest Garden Tai Po Mei Children's Playground Tai Po Old Market Playground Tai Po Road Look-out Tai Po Road 10 M.S. Lookout No. 1 Tai Po Road 10 M.S. Lookout No. 2 Tai Po Sports Centre Tai Po Sports Ground Tai Po Tau Playground Tai Po Tsai Rest Garden Tai Po Waterfront Park Tai Sang Wai Playground Tai Shek Hau Tin Hau Temple Sitting-out Area, Cheung Chau Tai Shui Hang Shelter No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 Tai Tau Leng Playground Tai Tau Leng Sitting-out Area Tai Tong Wu Sitting-out Area Tai Tsoi Yuen Garden Tai Wai New Village Pavilion Tai Wai Playground Tai Wan Sitting-out Area, Po Toi Tai Wan Tau Garden Tai Wo Hau Road Playground Tai Wo Hau Road South Playground Tai Wo Hau Sports Centre Tai Wo Sports Centre Tai Wong Ha Playground Tai Yuen Street Cooked Food Market Sitting-out Area Tak Yip Street Playground Tan Chuk Hang Children's Playground Tan Kwai Tsuen Road Garden Tap Mun Playground Tap Mun Sitting-out Area Tat Tung Road Garden Tin Fuk Sitting-out Area, Cheung Chau Tin Ha Road Playground Tin Ha Wan Garden Tin Hau Temple Fung Shui Square Tin Ho Road Playground Tin Pak Road Park Tin Ping Road Garden Tin Ping Sports Centre Tin Sam Garden No. 1 Tin Sam Garden No. 2 Tin Sam Garden No. 3 Tin Sam Sitting-out Area Tin Sau Road Park Tin Shui Road Park Tin Shui Sports Centre Tin Shui Wai Park Tin Shui Wai Sports Centre Tin Shui Wai Sports Ground Ting Kau Garden Ting Kau Village Playground Ting Kok Village Children's Playground Ting Tai Road Children's Playground Tolo Harbour Garden Tong Fong Sitting-out Area Tong Fuk Playground, Lantau Tong Hang Playground Tong Ming Street Sitting-out Area Tong Min Tsuen Playground Tong Yan San Tsuen Garden Tong Yan San Tsuen Playground
Town Park North Children's Playground
Town Park South Playground
Trend Sitting-out Area
Tsang Tai Uk Recreation Ground
Tseng Tau Chung Tsuen Sitting-out Area
Tseng Tau Sheung Tsuen Sitting-out Area
Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre
Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground
Tsing Bik Sitting-out Area
Tsing Ho Rest Garden
Tsing Hoi Playground
Tsing Hung Road Playground
Tsing King Road Garden
Tsing Luk Street Garden
Tsing Lung Garden
Tsing Lung Tsuen Playground
Tsing Min Children's Playground
Tsing Shan Children's Playground
Tsing Shan Keuk Look-out
Tsing Shan Pavilion
Tsing Sin Garden
Tsing Sin Playground
Tsing Sin Street Basketball Court
Tsing Tin Garden
Tsing Tin Playground
Tsing Wah Garden
Tsing Wah Playground
Tsing Wah Soccer Pitch
Tsing Wu Sitting-out Area
Tsing Yeung Rest Garden, Tuen Mun
Tsing Yi Four Village Playground
Tsing Yi Northeast Park
Tsing Yi Park
Tsing Yi Promenade
Tsing Yi Road West Park
Tsing Yi Sports Centre
Tsing Yi Sports Ground
Tsing Yu Street Garden
Tsing Yuen Children's Playground
Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre
Tsuen Fu Street Garden
Tsuen King Circuit Children's Playground
Tsuen King Circuit Garden
Tsuen King Circuit Playground
Tsuen King Circuit Recreation Ground and Rest Garden
Tsuen King Circuit Sports Centre
Tsuen Kwai Street Sitting-out Area
Tsuen Wan Market Roof-top Playground
Tsuen Wan Park
Tsuen Wan Riviera Park
Tsuen Wan Tin Hau Temple Garden
Tsuen Wan West Sports Centre
Tsuen Wing Street Playground
Tsui Lam Sports Centre Tsung Pak Long Children's Playground
Tsung Yuen Ha Playground
Tuen Mun Cultural Square
Tuen Mun Hung Cheung Road Sitting-out Area
Tuen Mun Park
Tuen Mun Promenade
Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre
Tuen Mun Riverside Park
Tuen Mun Swimming Pool Squash Courts
Tuen Mun Tang Shiu Kin Sports Ground
Tui Min Hoi Garden
Tui Min Hoi Rest Garden
Tung Chan Wai Children's Playground
Tung Chung Fort Sitting-out Area
Tung Chung Man Tung Road Sports Centre
Tung Chung North Park
Tung Chung Playground
Tung Chung Road Soccer Pitch
Tung Fong Children's Playground
Tung Kok Wai Children's Playground
Tung Lo Wan Playground, Sha Tin
Tung Tai Street Rest Garden
Tung Tau Industrial Area Playground
Tung Tau Wai Children's Playground
Tung Tsz Nursery Community Garden
Tung Tsz Road Sitting-out Area
Tung Wan Barbecue Area, Peng Chau
Tung Wan Sitting-out Area, Peng Chau
Tung Wan Tau Road Rainshelter, Mui Wo
Wah Fat Playground
Wah Shing Tsuen Children's Playground
Wai Hon Road Garden
Wai Man Road Playground
Wai Ming Street Garden
Wai Tau Tsuen Playground
Wai Tau Tsuen Sitting-out Area
Wai Tsai Street Sitting-out Area, Peng Chau
Wai Tsuen Road Garden
Wai Tsuen Road Rest Garden
Wai Tsuen Sports Centre
Wan Tau Kok Playground
Wan Tau Kok Road Sitting-out Area
Wan Tau Street Sitting-out Area
Wang Toi Shan Playground
Wang Yip Street South Rest Garden
Windsurfing Memorial Garden
Wing Fong Street Market Roof-top Children's Playground
Wing Hing Wai Sitting-out Area
Wing Kei Road 5-a-side Soccer Pitch
Wing Ling Basketball Court
Wing Ling Tsuen Sitting-out Area
Wing Lung Street Sitting-out Area, Peng Chau
Wing Ping Tsuen Sitting-out Area
Wo Hing Playground
Wo Hing Sports Centre Wo Keng Shan Road Garden Wo Liu Hang Playground Wo Liu Hang Rest Garden Wo Mei Rest Garden Wo Muk Road Playground Wo Yi Hop Road Cooked Food Market Roof-top Sitting-out Area Wo Yi Hop Road Garden Wo Yi Hop Road Rest Garden Wo Yi Hop Road Sports Ground Wong Ka Wai Sitting-out Area, Tung Chung Wong Nai Tau Garden Wong Uk Garden Wong Yue Tan Children's Playground Wu Kai Sha Children's Playground Wu Kau Tang Playground Wu King Road Garden Wu Shan Bowling Green Wu Shan Garden Wu Shan Recreation Playground Wu Shan Riverside Park Wu Shan Tennis Courts Yan Oi Town Square Yau Ma Hom Garden Yau Oi Sitting-out Area Yau Oi Sports Centre Yau Yue Wan Children's Playground Yau Yue Wan Playground Yeung King Playground Yeung Siu Hang Garden Yeung Uk Road Sports Centre Yeung UK Tsuen Garden Yi Chun Street Playground Yi Pei Chun Children's Playground Yi Pei Square Playground Yim Tin Pok Temporary Playground Yim Tin Tsai Lookout Yin Kong Playground Yip Shing Street Playground Yuen Chau Kok Park Yuen Chau Tsai Park Yuen Kong Tsuen Playground Yuen Long Children's Playground Yuen Long Jockey Club Squash Courts Yuen Long Jockey Club Town Square Yuen Long Main Road Rest Garden Yuen Long Park Yuen Long Stadium Yuen Long Western Roundabout Amenity Plot Yuen Shin Park Yuen Tun Garden Yuen Wo Playground Yuen Wo Road Sports Centre Yung Shue Tsuen Children's Playground Yung Shue Wan Basketball Court, North Lamma Yung Shue Wan Playground
Yung Shue Wan Sitting-out Area
Yung Shue Wan/Sok Kwu Wan Rainshelter
Bathing beaches
Hong Kong Island (Amended L.N. 177 of 2007)
Big Wave Bay Beach
Chung Hom Kok Beach
Deep Water Bay Beach
Hairpin Beach
Middle Bay Beach
Repulse Bay Beach
Rocky Bay Beach
Shek O Beach
South Bay Beach
St. Stephen's Beach
Stanley Main Beach
Turtle Cove Beach
The New Territories
Anglers' Beach
Approach Beach
Butterfly Beach
Cafeteria New Beach
Cafeteria Old Beach
Casam Beach
Castle Peak Beach
Cheung Chau Tung Wan Beach
Clear Water Bay First Beach
Clear Water Bay Second Beach
Gemini Beaches
Golden Beach
Hap Mun Bay Beach
Hoi Mei Wan Beach
Hung Shing Yeh Beach
Kadoorie Beach
Kiu Tsui Beach
Kwun Yam Beach
Lido Beach
Lo So Shing Beach
Lower Cheung Sha Beach
Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach
Pui O Beach
Silver Mine Bay Beach
Silverstrand Beach
Ting Kau Beach
Tong Fuk Beach
Trio Beach
Upper Cheung Sha Beach
(Amended G.N.A. 135 of 1960; G.N.A. 114 of 1961; G.N.A. 4 of 1962; L.N. 27 of 1967; L.N. 155 of 1967;
- L.N.
- 121 of 1968; L.N. 38 of 1969; L.N. 38 of 1970; L.N. 179 of 1970; L.N. 38 of 1972; L.N. 84 of 1973; L.N. 1 of 1975; L.N. 67 of 1975; L.N. 10 of 1977; L.N. 50 of 1977; L.N. 226 of 1977; L.N. 283 of 1977; L.N. 24 of 1978; L.N. 110 of 1978; L.N. 143 of 1978; L.N. 221 of 1978; L.N. 261 of 1978; L.N. 267 of 1978; L.N. 142 of 1979; L.N. 162 of 1979; L.N. 206 of 1979; L.N. 302 of 1979; L.N. 303 of 1979; L.N. 50 of 1980; L.N. 88 of 1980; L.N. 162 of 1980; L.N. 193 of 1980; L.N. 382 of 1980; L.N. 180 of 1981; L.N. 265 of 1981; L.N. 399 of 1981; L.N. 23 of 1982; L.N. 38 of 1982; L.N. 84 of 1982; L.N. 95 of 1982; L.N. 96 of 1982; L.N. 138 of 1982; L N. 168 of 1982; L.N. 319 of 1982; L.N. 324 of 1982; L.N. 336 of 1982; L.N. 338 of 1982; L.N. 348 of 1982;
- L.N.
- 381 of 1982; L.N. 396 of 1982; L.N. 34 of 1983; L.N. 41 of 1983; L.N. 120 of 1983; L.N. 308 of 1983;
- L.N.
- 394 of 1983; L.N. 207 of 1984; L.N. 359 of 1984; L.N. 407 of 1984; L.N. 191 of 1985; L.N. 276 of 1985;
- L.N.
- 326 of 1985; L.N. 356 of 1985; L.N. 68 of 1986; L.N. 77 of 1986; 10 of 1986 s. 26; L.N. 164 of 1986; L.N. 279 of 1986; L.N. 321 of 1986; L.N. 109 of 1987; L.N. 212 of 1987; L.N. 244 of 1987; L.N. 283 of 1987; L.N. 352 of 1987; L.N. 410 of 1987; L.N. 425 of 1987; L.N. 91 of 1988; L.N. 120 of 1988; L.N. 170 of 1988; L.N. 180 of 1988; L.N. 271 of 1988; L.N. 277 of 1988; L.N. 359 of 1988; L.N. 52 of 1989; L.N. 108 of 1989; L.N. 147 of 1989; L.N. 229 of 1989; L.N. 324 of 1989; L.N. 332 of 1989; L.N. 408 of 1989; L.N. 3 of 1990; L.N. 89 of 1990; L.N. 114 of 1990; L.N. 197 of 1990; L.N. 228 of 1990; L.N. 308 of 1990; L.N. 326 of 1990; L.N. 1 of 1991; L.N. 20 of 1991; L.N. 145 of 1991; L.N. 146 of 1991; L.N. 260 of 1991; L.N. 274 of 1991; L.N. 372 of 1991; L.N. 382 of 1991; L.N. 461 of 1991; L.N. 13 of 1992; L.N. 52 of 1992; L.N. 95 of 1992; L.N. 109 of 1992; L.N. 229 of 1992; L.N. 260 of 1992; L.N. 322 of 1992; L.N. 336 of 1992; L.N. 4 of 1993; L.N. 98 of 1993; L.N. 161 of 1993; L.N. 264 of 1993; L.N. 369 of 1993; L.N. 395 of 1993; L.N. 468 of 1993; L.N. 494 of 1993; L.N. 71 of 1994; L.N. 206 of 1994; L.N. 231 of 1994; L.N. 424 of 1994; L.N. 445 of 1994; L.N. 536 of 1994; L.N. 628 of 1994; L.N. 16 of 1995; L.N. 108 of 1995; L.N. 149 of 1995; L.N. 342 of 1995; L.N. 343 of 1995; L.N. 460 of 1995; L.N. 535 of 1995; L.N. 26 of 1996; L.N. 181 of 1996; L.N. 216 of 1996; L.N. 334 of 1996; L.N. 390 of 1996; L.N. 424 of 1996; L.N. 488 of 1996; L.N. 560 of 1996; L.N. 134 of 1997; L.N. 156 of 1997; L.N. 389 of 1997; L.N. 444 of 1997; L.N. 460 of 1997; L.N. 616 of 1997; L.N. 626 of 1997; L.N. 225 of 1998; L.N. 273 of 1998; L.N. 316 of 1998; L.N. 326 of 1998; L.N. 355 of 1998; L.N. 9 of 1999; L.N. 48 of 1999; L.N. 49 of 1999; L.N. 94 of 1999; L.N. 170 of 1999; L.N. 255 of 1999; L.N. 260 of 1999; L.N. 303 of 1999; 78 of 1999 s. 7; L.N. 360 of 2000; L.N. 31 of 2002; L.N. 29 of 2003; L.N. 143 of 2003; L.N. 204 of 2003;
- L.N.
- 265 of 2003; L.N. 22 of 2004; L.N. 142 of 2004; L.N. 77 of 2005; L.N. 133 of 2005; L.N. 223 of 2005;
- L.N.
- 57 of 2006; L.N. 183 of 2006; L.N. 246 of 2006; L.N. 58 of 2007; L.N. 177 of 2007; L.N. 2 of 2008; L.N. 15 of 2008; L.N. 68 of 2008; L.N. 263 of 2008; L.N. 11 of 2009; L.N. 125 of 2009; L.N. 185 of 2009; L.N. 40 of 2010)
[sections 2, 113 & 124A] | |
PART I | |
Public cemeteries | |
Name of Cemetery | Location |
Cheung Chau Cemetery | Cheung Chau, New Territories |
Hong Kong Cemetery | Happy Valley |
Garden of Remembrance | Cape Collinson |
Lai Chi Yuen Cemetery | Lantau, New Territories |
*Mount Caroline Cemetery | So Kon Po |
*New Kowloon Cemetery No. 8 | Kowloon |
(Diamond Hill Urn Cemetery) | |
Prison Cemetery | Stanley |
Sandy Ridge Cemetery | Lo Wu, New Territories |
Sandy Ridge Urn Cemetery | Lo Wu, New Territories |
Tai O Cemetery | Lantau, New Territories |
Wo Hop Shek Cemetery | Fanling, New Territories |
(Amended G.N.A. 152 of 1960; 21 of 1973 s. 15; L.N. 269 of 1977; 78 of 1999 s. 7) PART II
Private cemeteries
Name of Cemetery Location
Buddhist Cemetery Cape Collinson
Carmelite Cemetery Stanley Chinese Permanent
Castle Peak Christian Cemetery Tuen Mun, New Territories
Cheung Chau Christian Cemetery Cheung Chau, New Territories
Cheung Chau Catholic Cemetery Cheung Chau, New Territories
Chinese Permanent Cemetery Aberdeen
Chinese Permanent Cemetery Cape Collinson
Chiu Yuen Cemetery Mount Davis
Christian Chinese Cemetery Pok Fu Lam Road
Chuen Yuen Church Cemetery Chuen Lung, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Gurkha Cemetery Cassino Lines, New Territories
Hindu Cemetery Happy Valley
Jewish Cemetery Happy Valley
Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery Junk Bay, New Territories
Military Cemetery Cape Collinson
Muslim Cemetery Cape Collinson
Muslim Cemetery Happy Valley
New Kowloon Cemetery No. 1 (Christian Chinese Grampian Road, Kowloon
New Kowloon Cemetery No. 2 (Little Sisters of the Clear Water Bay Road, Kowloon Poor Cemetery)
New Kowloon Inland Lot No. 2662 Cemetery (Roman Castle Peak Road, Kowloon
Catholic Cemetery)
Race Course Fire Memorial and Cemetery So Kon Po
Roman Catholic Cemetery Cape Collinson
Roman Catholic Cemetery Happy Valley
Sai Kung Catholic Cemetery Sai Kung, New Territories
Sung Him Tong Sung Chan Wui New Territories
Kei Tuk Kau Fan Cheung
Tao Fong Shan Christian Cemetery New Territories
Tsuen Wan Chinese Permanent Cemetery Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Zoroastrian Cemetery Happy Valley
(Amended 32 of 1963 s. 15; L.N. 61 of 1970; L.N. 193 of 1975; 69 of 1976 s. 6; L.N. 146 of 1983; 78 of 1999
s. 7)
(Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemeteries Cape Collinson Cheung Chau Diamond Hill Fu Shan Kwai Chung Wo Hop Shek
Name of Cemetery Sai Wan War Cemetery Stanley Military Cemetery | Cape Collinson Road Stanley | Location (Part IVA added 69 of 1976 s. 6) |
PART V | ||
Government crematoria |
(Part V replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Private crematoria
Chuk Lam Sim Yuen, Tsuen Wan Kwun Yam Temple, Keung Shan, Tai O, Lantau Ling Yan Monastery, Keung Shan, Lantau Po Lam Monastery, Lantau Po Lin Monastery, Ngong Ping, Lantau Sai Chuk Lam Temple, Tsuen Wan
(Part VI replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Gardens of remembrance
Cape Collinson Cheung Chau Diamond Hill Fu Shan Kwai Chung Lamma Peng Chau Wo Hop Shek
(Part VII replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7)
* Declared closed G.N.A. 18 of 1961.
Schedule: | 6 | NAMES IN WHICH PROCEEDINGS FOR OFFENCES MAY BE BROUGHT UNDER SECTION 131(1) | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
[section 131] | ||
Section | Name in which proceedings for offences may be brought | |
6 7 9 10 13 14 20 22 22A 24 25 | Director of Drainage Services Director of Drainage Services Director of Drainage Services Director of Drainage Services Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene |
27 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene or Director of Health 30 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 31 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 32 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 33 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 34 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 36 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 43 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 47 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 50 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the offence committed is in respect of
Director of Health where the offence committed is in respect of drugs. 51 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 51A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 52 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the offence committed is in respect of
Director of Health where the offence committed is in respect of drugs.
54 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the offence committed is in respect of food. Director of Health where the offence committed is in respect of drugs.
59 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the offence committed is in respect of food. Director of Health where the offence committed is in respect of drugs.
61 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the offence committed is in respect of food. Director of Health where the offence committed is in respect of drugs.
62 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the demand or requisition relates to food. Director of Health where the demand or requisition relates to drugs. 63 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the certificate relates to food.
Director of Health where the certificate relates to drugs. 68 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene or Director of Health 69 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the direction is given by him or a public
officer authorized by him and the notification is given in relation to food.
Director of Health where the direction is given by him or a public officer authorized by him
and the notification is given in relation to drugs.
72 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene where the offence committed is in respect of food. Director of Health where the offence committed is in respect of drugs.
78D Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78E Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78F Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 78I Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
81 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 83B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 92C Director of Leisure and Cultural Services in respect of section 92A and Director of Food and
Environmental Hygiene in respect of section 92AB 93 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 94 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 101 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 105 Director of Buildings 110 Director of Leisure and Cultural Services 111D Director of Lands 112 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 112A Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 115 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 117 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 118 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 124F Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 127 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 128 Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 128B Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene 128C Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
(Sixth schedule replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7. Amended 1 of 2002 s. 5; 3 of 2009 s. 4)
FORM A [sections 64(1) & 65(1)]
(Chapter 132)
Certificate of analysis
To .........................................
I, the undersigned, being a public analyst for the purposes of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, do hereby certify that I received on the ........................................................... day of ............., 19 ........... from ............... a sealed packed marked ................ said to contain a sample of ......................, that I found the seals intact and have analysed the contents of the said packet and declare the result of my analysis to be as follows.
I am of opinion that the same is a genuine sample of ........................................................
I am of opinion that the said sample contained the parts as under or the foreign ingredients as under ................................................................................................................................
As witness my hand this................................................. day of.........................., 19...............
Signature ............................................ Government Chemist. (or as case may be).
Note: All percentages given in definitions or standards prescribed are, unless otherwise specified, percentages by weight.
FORM B [section 126(2)]
Warrant to effect entry into premises
WHEREAS application has been made by A.B. to me, C.D., a magistrate of Hong Kong, to authorize the said
A.B. to enter certain premises ................................................................. (here insert description of premises), and whereas I, C.D., am satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable ground for entry to such premises and that ........................................... ..................................................................... (here insert ground on which warrant is issued).
Now, therefore, I, the said C.D., do hereby authorize the said A.B. to enter the said premises, if need be by force,
with such assistants as he may require, and there execute his duties under the said Ordinance. Dated this ...................... day of ......................, 19 ......... [L.S.]
(Signed) .............................................. Magistrate. (Amended 47 of 1997 s. 10)
FORM C [section 127(1)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 127(1))
Nuisance notice
To ............................................................ (person by reason of whose act, default or sufferance the nuisance arose or exists, or owner or occupier of the premises at which the nuisance exists, as the case may be).
- Take notice that under the provisions of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, the......................................................................................(specify the Authority), being satisfied of the existence at ........................................................................................... ......................................................................................... (describe premises where nuisance exists) of a nuisance, being ..................................................................................................... .............................................................................. ............ (describe the nuisance), do hereby require you, within ................................................... (specify the time) from the service of this notice, to abate the nuisance, and for that purpose to ................................................................ ........................................................................... (specify any works to be executed) [and the said ................................ (Authority) do hereby require you within the said period to do what is necessary for preventing the recurrence of the nuisance and for this purpose to ........................ ......................................................................(specify any works to be executed)].
- Where the nuisance has been abated but is likely to recur, say ......................................... ......................................................... being satisfied that at ................................................... (describe premises where nuisances existed) there existed recently, namely, on or about the .............................................................................. (specify the date), the following nuisance, namely, .............................................................................................................. (describe the nuisance), and that although the said nuisance has since the last mentioned day been abated, the nuisance is likely to recur at the said premises, do hereby require you, within ....................... (specify the time) from the service of this notice, to do what is necessary for preventing the recurrence of the nuisance, and for that purpose to .................................................................. ................................................................................................................ (specify any works to be executed).
- If you make default in complying with the requirements of this notice (or if the said nuisance, though abated, is likely to recur) application will be made to a Magistrate's Court for a summons to be issued requiring your attendance before such court to answer a complaint which will be made for the purpose of enforcing the abatement of the nuisance and/or prohibiting the recurrence thereof, or both, and for recovering the costs and penalities that may incurred thereby.
Dated this ................................. day of........................ , 19 .......
Signature ........................................
FORM D [section 127(4)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 127(4))
Nuisance Order
To A.B., of ................................................................................................................ (or to the owner or occupier of) (describe premises) situated (insert such description of the situation as may be sufficient to identify the premises), WHEREAS the said A.B. (or the owner or occupier, namely ............................................................................................................. of the said premises within the meaning of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance has this day appeared before me (or us, describing the court) to answer the matter of a complaint made by &c. that at &c. (follow the words of complaint in summons) (or in case the party charged do not appear, say WHEREAS it has been now proved to my (or our) satisfaction that a summons has been duly served according to the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, requiring the said A.B. (or the owner or occupier of the said premises) to appear this day before me (or us) to answer the matter of a complaint made by &c. that at &c.):
(Any of the following orders may be made or a combination of any of them, as the case seems to require).
Abatement order
Now on proof here had before me (or us) that the nuisance so complained of does exist at the said premises (add, where the order is made on the person causing the nuisance, and that the nuisance is caused by the act, default or suffering of A.B.), I (or we), in pursuance of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, do order the said
A.B. (or the said owner or occupier) within (specify the time) from the service of this order according to the said Ordinance to (here specify the nuisance to be abated).
Prohibition Order No. 1
And I (or we) being satisfied that, notwithstanding that the said nuisance may be temporarily abated under this order, the nuisance is likely to recur, do therefore prohibit the said A.B. (or the said owner or occupier) from allowing the recurrence of the said or like nuisance (and for that purpose I or we direct the said A.B. or the said owner or occupier [here specify any works to be executed]).
Prohibition Order No. 2
Now, on proof here had before me (or us) that at or recently before the time of making the said complaint, to wit, on ............................................................................................... the nuisance so complained of did exist at the said premises, but that the nuisance has since been abated (add where the order is made on the person causing the nuisance, and that the nuisance was caused by the act, default or sufference of A.B.), yet, notwithstanding the abatement, I (or we) being satisfied that it is likely that the same or the like nuisance will recur at the said premises, do therefore prohibit (continue as in Prohibition Order No. 1).
Closing order
Now, on proof here had before me (or us) that the nuisance is such as to render the dwelling-house (describe the house) situated at (insert such a description of the situation as may be sufficient to identify the dwelling-house) unfit in my (or our) judgment for human habitation, I (or we) in pursuance of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, do hereby prohibit the use of the said dwelling-house for human habitation.
Dated this ......................... day of ......................, 19 ............
(Signed) .............................................. Magistrate. (Amended 32 of 1963 s. 17; 47 of 1997 s. 10)
FORM E [section 112A(1)(a)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 112A(1))
Notice to bury or cremate human remains
To ........................................................................................................................................ (person who has the right to effect the disposal of the remains of the deceased).
WHEREAS .......................................................................................................................... (specify name of deceased),
hereinafter referred to as "the deceased", died
at................................................................................................................................... (specify place of
death............................................................................................ on or about .............................................. day
of ................................... 19 ................... (specify date of death):
- (a)
- a certificate of registration of such death was issued under section 17(1) of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance (Cap 174) on the ................................................ day of ........................................................ 19 ............... (specify date of issue); or
- (b)
- an order under section 17(1) of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance to bury or cremate the body of the deceased was obtained from ........................................... ......................................................................................................................... .... (specify name of person making order), a coroner, on the .......................................... day of ..................................................... 19 ................. (specify date of order); or
- (c)
- written sanction/direction* to bury the body of the deceased was given under section 16(1) of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance by ......................................... .............................................................................................................................. (specify name of person making order), Registrar of Births and Deaths/deputy registrar of births and deaths/district registrar of births and deaths*, on the .......................................................... day of ................................... 19................. (specify date of order); or
- (d)
- a permit to bury the body of deceased was issued under section 16(1) of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance by ..................................................................... .................................................................................................. ............................ (specify name of inspector or other officer in charge the issued permit) of the ............ .......................................................................................................... police station (specify name of police station at which the application for a permit was made) on the..................................................... day of ................................. 19.................... (specify date of issue):
(complete whichever of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) or (d) is applicable and delete other paragraphs)
NOW TAKE NOTICE that under the provisions of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, the ................................................................................................................. (specify the Authority) hereby requires you to cause the remains of the deceased to be lawfully buried or cremated within .................................................................................... (specify period) from the date of service of this notice on you.
IF you fail to comply with the requirements of this notice, the ................................................... ..................................................................................................... (specify the Authority) may take possession of such remains and arrange for their disposal in any manner it/he* may think fit. You will also be guilty of an offence.
THIS notice does not exempt you from any provision in any other enactment governing the burial or cremation of human remains. In particular, if you wish to cremate the remains of the deceased, you must comply with the provisions of sections 124C, 124D, 124E and 124F. Dated this............................................... day of............................, 19 ................
Signature ...........................................
Note: * Delete whichever is inapplicable.
(Added 48 of 1969 s. 12. Amended 21 of 1973 s. 17; 10 of 1986 s. 29)
FORM F [section 128(1)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 128(1))
Prohibition Order
CONCERNING the premises/vessel known as ...................................................................... situated
at....................................................................................................................... ...........................................................
TO the occupier of the said premises/master of the said vessel OR to the occupier of part thereof, namely............................................................................................................... .......................................................... ...........................................................................
(specify part the subject of the application).
WHEREAS application has been made to me by ............................................................. ........................................................................................................................... .................. (public officer making the application) for an order prohibiting the use of the above premises/vessel/specified part as .................................................................................. (specify use to be prohibited) on the grounds that the said premises are/vessel is/specified part is being used without registration/licence/permit OR in contravention of a suspension of registration/licence/permit OR in contravention of the provisions of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, namely ................................................................................... ............................................................................................. ...... (specify the contravention):
NOW on proof to my satisfaction of the said grounds and that at least 14 days' notice of intention to apply for this Order has been given as required by law, I DO, in exercise of my powers under section 128(1) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance-
- (a)
- order that a copy of this Order, in English and Chinese, be served by affixing it to a conspicuous part of the said premises/vessel/specified part;
- (b)
- prohibit the use of the said premises/vessel/specified part thereof as/for ..................... ..............................................................................(specify use prohibited) from the 8th day after copies of this Order have been so served until such time as this Order may be rescinded in accordance with section 128(2) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance.
Dated this ................................ day of ............................, 19 ................
(Signed) ................................................. Magistrate.
Note: 1. The penalties for a breach of this Order are a fine at level 6 and imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of $1750 for each day during which the offence continues.
- If this Order relates to premises, a vessel or a specified part to which regulations made under section 56 of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance apply, failure to comply with it continuously from the 8th day after service of this Order may result in a Closure Order being made in respect of the premises/vessel/specified part.
- The penalty for removing or defacing a copy of this Order affixed to any premises, vessel or
specified part is a fine at level 4 and imprisonment for 6 months. (Added 76 of 1988 s. 6. Amended L.N. 164 of 1996; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
FORM G [section 128(4)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 128(4))
Closure Order
TO ...................................................................................................................................... (public officer making the application). WHEREAS a Prohibition Order was made by
me ........................................................... ...................................................................... (OR specify the person who
made the order) on the .................... day of ................. 19 ............, in respect of the premises/vessel/specified part
known as ............................................................................................................................. situated
at ........................................................................................................... prohibiting the use of those premises/that
vessel/that part as ..................................................................... ..................................................... (specify use
AND WHEREAS application has been made to me for a Closure Order in respect of those premises/that vessel/that part, being premises/a vessel/a part to which regulations made under section 56 of the above Ordinance apply:
NOW on proof to my satisfaction that the Prohibition Order has not been continuously complied with from the 8th day after it was served and that at least 14 days' notice of intention to apply for this Order has been given as required by law, I DO, in exercise of my powers under section 128(4) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, authorize you, ....................................................................................................................................... (public officer applying for the Closure Order)-
- (a)
- to serve a copy of this Order by affixing it to a conspicuous part of the said premises/vessel/specified part;
- (b)
- on the 8th day thereafter to close the said premises/vessel/specified part in the manner prescribed by law.
Dated this ......................... day of ....................., 19 .........
(Signed) ...................................................... Magistrate.
Note: 1. It is an offence for any unauthorized person to enter or remain in or on the premises, vessel or specified part to which this Order relates after it has been served. The penalties are a fine at level 6 and imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of $1750 for each day during which the offence continues.
2. The penalty for removing or defacing a copy of this Order affixed to any premises, vessel or specified part or for breaking or interfering with any lock or seal placed on any premises, vessel or specified part is a fine at level 4 and imprisonment for 6 months.
(Added 76 of 1988 s. 6. Amended L.N. 164 of 1996; 78 of 1999 s. 7)
FORM H | [section 128B(1)] | ||||||||||||||
(Chapter 132) | |||||||||||||||
(section 128B(1)) | |||||||||||||||
Closure Order | |||||||||||||||
TO | the Director o | f Food and Environmental Hygiene. | |||||||||||||
You | have | applied | to | me | for | a | closure | order | in | respect | of | the | premises | situated |
at ...................................................................................................................../vessel ..............................................* on the ground that the premises are/vessel is* used or occupied/certain activity is conducted* on the premises/in the vessel* without a licence, permit or permission under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) ("the Ordinance");
NOW on proof to my satisfaction of this ground and that a copy of the notice of intention to apply for this order was affixed at a conspicuous place on the premises/vessel* and served on the owner of the premises/vessel* as required by section 128B(3) of the Ordinance, I DO, in exercise of my powers under section 128B(1) of the Ordinance, authorize you, subject to the requirement of section 128B(6) of the Ordinance, to close the premises/vessel* in the manner prescribed by the Ordinance.
Dated this ................. day of .......................... , .................
(Signed) ............................................................... Magistrate.
Note: 1. It is an offence for any unauthorized person to enter or remain on the premises/in the vessel* to which this
order relates after it has come into force. The penalties are a fine at level 6 and imprisonment for 12 months
and a fine of $1750 for each day during which the offence continues.
2. The penalties for removing or defacing a copy of this order affixed to any premises/vessel* or for breaking or interfering with any lock or seal made or caused to be made by the Director on the premises/in the vessel* without lawful authority or reasonable excuse are a fine at level 4 and imprisonment for 6 months.
* Delete as appropriate. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 6)
FORM I [section 128C(1)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 128C(1)) Closure Order
TO the owner and occupier of the premises situated at ................................................... .......................................................................... /owner and master of the vessel .............................................................................................................................. *
I now have reasonable cause to believe that an immediate health hazard exists on the premises/in the vessel/in ................................................... of the vessel*, I DO, in exercise of my powers under section 128C(1) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) ("the Ordinance"), order to close the premises/vessel/that part of the vessel* with immediate effect in the manner prescribed by the Ordinance.
The details of the immediate health hazard are:
This order remains in force until a notice to rescind it is issued by me upon proof to my satisfaction that-
- (a)
- the immediate health hazard on the premises/in the vessel/in that part of the vessel* has been eliminated and the use or occupation of/the activity to be conducted on or in* the premises/vessel/that part of the vessel* has been licensed or permitted; or
- (b)
- the premises/vessel/that part of the vessel* will not be used or occupied for a purpose that requires a licence, permit or permission under any subsidiary legislation mentioned in section 128A(1) of the Ordinance and no activity mentioned in that section will be conducted on the premises/in the vessel/in that part of the vessel*.
Any person who feels aggrieved by this order may, within 7 days after the day on which this order was made or such longer time as the Chairman of the Appeal Board on Closure Orders (Immediate Health Hazard) may allow, appeal to that Appeal Board against this order.
Dated this ................. day of .......................... , .................
(Signed) ............................................................................. Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene.
Note: 1. It is an offence for any unauthorized person to enter or remain on the premises/in the vessel* to which this order relates after it has come into force. The penalties are a fine at level 6 and imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of $1,750 for each day during which the offence continues.
2. The penalties for removing or defacing a copy of this order affixed to any premises/vessel* or for breaking or interfering with any lock or seal made or caused to be made by the Director on the premises/in the vessel* without lawful authority or reasonable excuse are a fine at level 4 and imprisonment for 6 months.
* Delete as appropriate. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 6)
FORM J [section 128C(6)]
(Chapter 132)
(section 128C(6)) Notice of Rescission of Closure Order
TO the owner and occupier of the premises situated at ......................................................................... /owner and
master of the vessel ...................................................*
NOW on proof to my satisfaction that-
- (a)
- the immediate health hazard on the premises/in the vessel/in the ....................... of the vessel* has been eliminated and the use or occupation of/the activity to be conducted on or in* the premises/vessel/that part of the vessel* has been licensed or permitted; or
- (b)
- the premises/vessel/that part of the vessel* will not be used or occupied for a purpose that requires a licence, permit or permission under any subsidiary legislation mentioned in section 128A(1) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) ("the Ordinance") and no activity mentioned in that section will be conducted on the premises/in the vessel/in that part of the vessel*.
I DO, in exercise of my powers under section 128C(6) of the Ordinance, rescind the closure order in respect of the premises/vessel/that part of the vessel* with immediate effect.
Dated this ................. day of .......................... , .................
(Signed) ............................................................................. Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene.
* Delete as appropriate. (Added 1 of 2002 s. 6)
Schedule: | 8 | (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
Schedule: | 9 | PENALTIES | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
[section 150] | |||
Section | Penalty | Daily penalty | |
6(1)(a), (b) or (c) | level 5 | -- | |
6(1)(d) or (e) | level 5 | -- | |
7(2) | level 5 | -- | |
9(a) | level 2 | -- | |
9(b) | level 4 | -- | |
10(3) | level 2 | -- | |
13(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 100 fine | |
13(5) | level 1 | $ 50 fine | |
14(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 50 fine | |
20(3)(b) | level 2 | $ 300 fine | |
22(1)(a) | level 2 | $ 50 fine | |
22A(1)(b) | level 2 | $ 100 fine | |
24(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 50 fine | |
25(a) | level 1 | -- | |
25(b) | level 2 | -- | |
27(2), (3) or (3A) | level 4 | $ 450 fine | |
30(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 100 fine | |
31 | level 1 | -- | |
32(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 100 fine | |
33(3)(a) | level 2 | $ 100 fine |
34(a) or (b) | level 1 | -- |
36(2) | level 2 | $ 100 fine |
43(2) | level 1 | -- |
47(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 100 fine |
47(5) | level 1 | -- |
50(4) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
51(5) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
51A(4) or (5) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
52(1) or (2) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
54(1) or (2) | level 5 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
58(4) or (5) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
59(1A) or (3) | level 5 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
61(1) or (2) | level 5 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
62(4) | level 2 | -- |
63(9) | level 2 | -- |
68(3) | level 1 | -- |
69(2) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
72(1) or (2) | level 5 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
78D(1) | level 6 and 12 months imprisonment | -- |
78E(3) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
78F(2) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
78I(3) | level 5 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
81(2) | level 1 | -- |
83B(3) | level 2 and 1 month imprisonment (first conviction) | $ 300 fine |
level 3 and 6 months imprisonment (second or subsequent | $ 300 fine | |
conviction) | ||
92C(1) | level 2 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
92C(2) | level 4 and 6 months imprisonment | $ 450 fine |
93(4) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | $ 450 fine |
94(3) | level 2 | -- |
94(3A) or (3B) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
101(3) | level 3 and 3 months imprisonment | -- |
104A(2) | level 3 | $ 300 fine |
104B(2) | level 3 | $ 300 fine |
105(2)(a) | level 2 | $ 100 fine |
110(2) | level 1 | -- |
111D | level 3 | -- |
112(1) or (2) | level 1 | $ 50 fine |
112A(3)(a) | level 2 | -- |
112A(3)(b) | level 2 | $ 100 fine |
115(3) | level 2 | -- |
117(2) | level 1 | -- |
118(1) or (2) | level 2 and 6 months imprisonment | -- |
124(2) | level 2 | -- |
124F(1) | level 2 and 6 months imprisonment | ─ |
124F(2) | 2 years imprisonment | ─ |
124F(3) | 5 years imprisonment | ─ |
125(5) | level 2 | ─ |
127(3)(a) or (b) | level 3 | $ 200 fine |
127(7)(a) | level 4 | $ 450 fine |
128(3) | level 6 and 12 months imprisonment | $1750 fine |
128(10)(a) | level 6 and 12 months imprisonment | $1750 fine |
128(10)(b) or (c) | level 4 and 6 months imprisonment | ─ |
128B(12)(c)and | level 6 and 12 months imprisonment | $1750 fine |
128C(12)(c) | ||
128B(12)(a)and (b) and | level 4 and 6 months imprisonment | ─ |
128C(12)(a) and (b) | ||
139 | level 4 and 6 months imprisonment | ─ |
(Replaced 177 of 1996. Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7; 1 of 2002 s. 7; 9 of 2006 s. 3; 3 of 2009 s. 5)
[section 79]
Name of Market | Name in Chinese |
Aberdeen Market | 香港仔街市 |
Aldrich Bay Market | 愛秩序灣街市 |
Ap Lei Chau Market, | 鴨脷洲街市,鴨脷洲市政大廈 |
Ap Lei Chau Complex | |
Bowrington Road Market | 鵝頸街市 |
Bridges Street Market | 必列啫士街街市 |
Causeway Bay Market | 銅鑼灣街市 |
Centre Street Market | 正街街市 |
Chai Wan Market | 柴灣街市 |
Electric Road Market | 電氣道街市 |
Java Road Market | 渣華道街市 |
Kut Shing Street Cooked Food Market | 吉勝街熟食市場 |
Lockhart Road Market | 駱克道街市 |
Nam Long Shan Road Cooked Food Market | 南朗山道熟食市場 |
North Point Market | 北角街市 |
Quarry Bay Market | 鰂魚涌街市 |
Queen Street Cooked Food Market | 皇后街熟食市場 |
Sai Wan Ho Market | 西灣河街市 |
Sai Ying Pun Market | 西營盤街市 |
Shau Kei Wan Market | 筲箕灣街市 |
Shek Tong Tsui Market, Shek Tong Tsui Complex | 石塘咀街市 |
Sheung Wan Market | 上環街市 |
Smithfield Market | 士美菲路臨時街市 |
Stanley Waterfront Mart | 赤柱海濱小賣亭 |
Tang Lung Chau Market | 燈籠洲街市 |
Tin Wan Market | 田灣街市 |
Wan Chai Market* | 灣仔街市 |
Wong Nai Chung Market | 黃泥涌街市 |
Yue Kwong Road Market | 漁光道街市 |
Yue Wan Market | 漁灣街市 |
Cheung Sha Wan Cooked Food Market | 長沙灣熟食市場 |
Choi Hung Road Market | 彩虹道街市 |
Fa Yuen Street Market | 花園街街市 |
Haiphong Road Temporary Market | 海防道臨時街市 |
Hung Hom Market, Hung Hom Complex | 紅磡街市 |
Kowloon City Market九龍城街市 Kwun Chung Market, Kwun Chung Complex官涌街市 Kwun Tong Ferry Concourse Cooked Food Market觀塘碼頭熟食市場 Lai Wan Market荔灣街市 Lei Yue Mun Market鯉魚門街市 Mong Kok Market旺角街市 Mong Kok Cooked Food Market 旺角熟食市場 Ngau Chi Wan Market牛池灣街市 Ngau Tau Kok Market牛頭角街市 On Ching Road Flower Market安靜道生花市場 Pei Ho Street Market北河街街市 Po On Road Market保安道街市 Sheung Fung Street Market雙鳳街街市 Shui Wo Street Market瑞和街街市 Sze Shan Street Cooked Food Market四山街熟食市場 Tai Kok Tsui Market大角咀街市 Tai Shing Street Market大成街街市 To Kwa Wan Market土瓜灣街市 Tsun Yip Cooked Food Market駿業熟食市場 Tung Chau Street Temporary Market通州街臨時街市 Tung Yuen Street Cooked Food Market東源街熟食市場 Yau Ma Tei Market油蔴地街市 Yee On Street Market宜安街街市 Chai Wan Kok Cooked Food Market柴灣角熟食市場 Cheung Chau Cooked Food Market長洲熟食市場 Cheung Chau Market長洲街市 Cheung Tat Road Cooked Food Market長達路熟食市場 Fo Tan Cooked Food Market (East)火炭東熟食市場 Fo Tan Cooked Food Market (West)火炭西熟食市場 Heung Che Street Market香車街街市 Hung Cheung Cooked Food Market洪祥熟食市場 Hung Shui Kiu Temporary Market洪水橋臨時街市 Ka Ting Cooked Food Market 嘉定熟食市場 Kam Tin Market錦田街市 Kik Yeung Road Cooked Food Market擊壤路熟食市場 Kin Wing Cooked Food Market建榮熟食市場 Kin Yip Street Cooked Food Market建業街熟食市場 Kwai Shun Street Cooked Food Market葵順街熟食市場 Kwong Choi Market廣財街市 Kwu Tung Market Shopping Centre古洞街市購物中心 Lam Tei Market藍地街市 Lau Fau Shan Market流浮山街市 Luen Wo Hui Market聯和墟街市 Mui Wo Cooked Food Market梅窩熟食市場
Mui Wo Market | 梅窩街市 |
North Kwai Chung Market | 北葵涌街市 |
Peng Chau Market | 坪洲街市 |
Plover Cove Road Market | 寶湖道街市 |
Sai Kung Market | 西貢街市 |
San Hui Market | 新墟街市 |
Sha Tau Kok Market | 沙頭角街市 |
Sha Tin Market | 沙田街市 |
Sham Tseng Temporary Market | 深井臨時街市 |
Shek Wu Hui Market | 石湖墟街市 |
Tai Kiu Market | 大橋街市 |
Tai O (Lantau) Market | 大澳街市 |
Tai Po Hui Market | 大埔墟街市 |
Tai Tong Road Cooked Food Market | 大棠道熟食市場 |
Tai Wai Market | 大圍街市 |
Tai Yuen Street Cooked Food Market | 大圓街熟食市場 |
Tsing Yeung Cooked Food Market | 青楊熟食市場 |
Tsing Yi Market | 青衣街市 |
Tsuen King Circuit Market | 荃景圍街市 |
Tsuen Wan Market | 荃灣街市 |
Tui Min Hoi Market | 對面海街市 |
Tung Yick Market | 同益街市 |
Wing Fong Street Market | 榮芳街街市 |
Wo Yi Hop Road Cooked Food Market | 和宜合道熟食市場 |
Yan Oi Market | 仁愛街市 |
Yeung Uk Road Market | 楊屋道街市 |
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 19. Amended L.N. 179 of 1973; L.N. 181 of 1973; L.N. 258 of 1973; L.N. 206 of 1974;
- L.N. 198 of 1975; L.N. 213 of 1975; L.N. 132 of 1976; L.N. 103 of 1979; L.N. 141 of 1979; L.N. 179 of 1979;
- L.N. 241 of 1979; L.N. 301 of 1979; L.N. 31 of 1980; L.N. 49 of 1980; L.N. 60 of 1980; L.N. 117 of 1980; L.N. 138 of 1980; L.N. 183 of 1980; L.N. 206 of 1980; L.N. 155 of 1981; L.N. 167 of 1981; L.N. 186 of 1981; L.N. 205 of 1981; L.N. 338 of 1981; L.N. 346 of 1981; L.N. 63 of 1982; L.N. 93 of 1982; L.N. 94 of 1982; L.N. 125 of 1982; L.N. 212 of 1982; L.N. 280 of 1982; L.N. 382 of 1982; L.N. 389 of 1982; L.N. 398 of 1982; L.N. 399 of 1982; L.N. 45 of 1983; L.N. 62 of 1983; L.N. 91 of 1983; L.N. 151 of 1983; L.N. 169 of 1983; L.N. 347 of 1983; L.N. 48 of 1984; L.N. 61 of 1984; L.N. 111 of 1984; L.N. 159 of 1984; L.N. 287 of 1984; L.N. 351 of 1984; L.N. 396 of 1984; L.N. 421 of 1984; L.N. 30 of 1985; L.N. 54 of 1985; L.N. 149 of 1985; L.N. 204 of 1985; L.N. 275 of 1985; L.N. 355 of 1985; L.N. 10 of 1986; 10 of 1986 s. 30; L.N. 103 of 1986; L.N. 289 of 1986; L.N. 314 of 1986; L.N. 94 of 1987; L.N. 169 of 1987; L.N. 372 of 1987; L.N. 387 of 1987; L.N. 197 of 1988; L.N. 342 of 1988; L.N. 343 of 1988; L.N. 258 of 1989; L.N. 395 of 1989; L.N. 52 of 1990; L.N. 325 of 1990; L.N. 399 of 1990; L.N. 400 of 1990; L.N. 43 of 1991; L.N. 104 of 1991; L.N. 124 of 1991; L.N. 437 of 1991; L.N. 259 of 1992; L.N. 34 of 1993; L.N. 109 of 1993; L.N. 224 of 1993; L.N. 444 of 1994; L.N. 479 of 1994; L.N. 15 of 1995; L.N. 42 of 1995; L.N. 176 of 1995; L.N. 588 of 1995; L.N. 44 of 1996; L.N. 164 of 1996; L.N. 215 of 1996; L.N. 423 of 1996; L.N. 155 of 1997; L.N. 190 of 1998; L.N. 387 of 1998; L.N. 11 of 1999; L.N. 126 of 1999; L.N. 154 of 1999; L.N. 184 of 1999; L.N. 233 of 1999; L.N. 293 of 1999; 78 of 1999 s. 7; L.N. 262 of 2000; L.N. 43 of 2001; L.N. 139 of 2001; L.N. 95 of 2002; L.N. 194 of 2002; L.N. 197 of 2003;
- L.N. 117 of 2004; L.N. 143 of 2004; L.N. 167 of 2004; L.N. 19 of 2005; L.N. 126 of 2005; L.N. 127 of 2005;
- L.N. 151 of 2005; L.N. 152 of 2005; L.N. 40 of 2006; L.N. 41 of 2006; L.N. 259 of 2006; L.N. 260 of 2006;
- L.N. 12 of 2007; L.N. 182 of 2008; L.N. 193 of 2008; L.N. 194 of 2008; L.N. 207 of 2009)
* 1. The Wan Chai Market (at 264 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) ceases, immediately before the commencement of 1 September 2008, to be designated as a public market - see L.N. 181 of 2008.
2. The Wan Chai Market (on the Ground Floor, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong), being a market to which the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) applies, is designated as a public market with effect from 1 September 2008 - see L.N. 192 of 2008.
Schedule: | 11 | LICENSED ACTIVITIES | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
[sections 92A & 124L] | |
(Amended 78 of 1999 s. 7) | |
Billiard establishment | |
Public bowling-alley | |
Public skating rink | |
(Added 21 of 1973 s. 19. Amended 53 of 1988 s. 6; 78 of 1999 s. 7) |
Schedule: | 11A | LICENSED ACTIVITY | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
[sections 92AB, 92B & 124I]
Undertakers of burials (Schedule 11A added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
Schedule: | 12 | STADIA | 30/06/1997 |
[section 105A]
Hong Kong Stadium Mong Kok Stadium (Added 2l of 1973 s. 19. Amended L.N. 19 of 1974; L.N. 195 of 1974; L.N. 190 of 1985;
L.N. 353 of 1987: L.N. 72 of 1994)
Schedule: | 13 | CIVIC CENTRES | L.N. 6 of 2007 | 16/03/2007 |
[section 105M]
The Cinema and the Exhibition Hall of Hong Kong Film Archive, 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho
The City Hall at Connaught Road Central
The Hong Kong Coliseum at Cheong Wan Road, Hung Hom
The Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Salisbury Garden appurtenant thereto (excluding the marriage registry and any building or part of a building designated under section 105G as a museum or under section 105K as a library) at Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
The Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre at 7A Kennedy Road inside Hong Kong Park
The Ko Shan Theatre at the Ko Shan Road Park, Hung Hom
The Kwai Tsing Theatre at Hing Ning Road, Kwai Chung
The Lecture Hall and Special Exhibition Hall of the Hong Kong Science Museum at 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
The Lecture Hall in the extension block connecting Blocks S61 and S62, the Activity Room in Block S62, and the Courtyard and Cafeteria between Blocks S61 and S62, of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre, Kowloon Park, Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
The Lecture Hall, the Activity Rooms 1 and 2, the Special Exhibition Gallery and the Courtyard of the Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui
The Lecture Hall, the Ceramic Studio, the Painting Studio, the Printmaking Studio, the Lobby and the Podium on 1/F
of the Hong Kong Museum of Art at 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.
The Lecture Theatre, the Exhibition Gallery, Activity Room 1 and Activity Room 2 of the building known as the Hong Kong Central Library at 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and any other part of that building that is not designated as a library under section 105K.
The Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre (牛池灣文娛中心) at the junction of Clear Water Bay Road and Lung Cheung Road, Kowloon
The North District Town Hall at the North District Community Centre, Sheung Shui
The Queen Elizabeth Stadium at Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai
The Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre at 111 Shau Kei Wan Road, Sai Wan Ho
The Sha Tin Town Hall at Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin
The Sheung Wan Civic Centre at Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
The Tai Po Civic Centre at the Tai Po Government Secondary School at On Pong Road, Tai Po
The Tea Room, Galleries 1, 2 and 3 and the North Lawn of the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central
The Theatre, the Seminar Room, the Education Studio, the Function Place, the Courtyard and the Main Foyer (including the Grand Staircase) of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 1 Man Lam Road, Sha Tin
The Tsuen Wan Town Han at Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan
The Tuen Mun Town Hall at Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun
The Yuen Long Theatre at Tai Yuk Road, Yuen Long (Added 21 of 1973 s. 19. Amended L.N. 30 of 1980; L.N. 87 of 1980; L.N. 203 of 1981; L.N. 223 of 1981;
L.N. 53 of 1982; L.N. 194 of 1982; L.N. 46 of 1983; L.N. 90 of 1983; L.N. 74 of 1985; L.N. 126 of 1986; L.N. 272 of 1986; L.N. 139 of 1987; L.N. 89 of 1988; L.N. 90 of 1988; L.N. 119 of 1988; L.N. 240 of 1990; L.N. 51 of 1991; L.N. 417 of 1991; L.N. 66 of 1992; L.N. 214 of 1996; L.N. 445 of 1997; L.N. 241 of 1999; L.N. 40 of 2000; L.N. 256 of 2000; L.N. 63 of 2001; L.N. 246 of 2002; L.N. 6 of 2007)
[section 42A(2)]
The Island of Hong Kong Chai Wan Swimming Pool Island East Swimming Pool Kennedy Town Swimming Pool Morrison Hill Swimming Pool Pao Yue Kong Swimming Pool Victoria Park Swimming Pool Wan Chai Swimming Pool
Kowloon Hammer Hill Road Swimming Pool Ho Man Tin Swimming Pool Jordan Valley Swimming Pool Kowloon Park Swimming Pool Kowloon Tsai Swimming Pool Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Lai Chi Kok Park Swimming Pool Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pool Morse Park Swimming Pool Sham Shui Po Park Swimming Pool Tai Kok Tsui Swimming Pool Tai Wan Shan Swimming Pool
The New Territories Fanling Swimming Pool Hin Tin Swimming Pool
The Jockey Club Yan Oi Tong Swimming Pool
Kwai Shing Swimming Pool
Ma On Shan Swimming Pool
Mui Wo Swimming Pool
North Kwai Chung Jockey Club Swimming Pool
Sai Kung Swimming Pool
Sha Tin Jockey Club Swimming Pool
Sheung Shui Swimming Pool
Shing Mun Valley Swimming Pool
Tai Po Swimming Pool
Tin Shui Wai Swimming Pool
Tseung Kwan O Swimming Pool
Tsing Yi Swimming Pool
Tsuen King Circuit Wu Chung Swimming Pool
Tuen Mun Swimming Pool
Yuen Long Swimming Pool (Added 21 of 1973 s. 19; L.N. 199 of 1975. Amended L.N. 199 of 1975; L.N. 129 of 1977; L.N. 248 of 1977;
- L.N.
- 25 of 1978; L.N. 285 of 1978; L.N. 255 of 1980; L.N. 179 of 1981; L.N. 40 of 1983; L.N. 208 of 1984;
- L.N.
- 239 of 1984; L.N. 360 of 1984; L.N. 277 of 1985; L.N. 328 of 1985; 10 of 1986 s. 31; L.N. 322 of 1986;
- L.N.
- 360 of 1988; L.N. 53 of 1989; L.N. 115 of 1990; L.N. 147 of 1991; L.N. 262 of 1991; L.N. 373 of 1991;
- L.N.
- 396 of 1993; L.N. 536 of 1995; L.N. 335 of 1996; L.N. 425 of 1996; L.N. 461 of 1997; L.N. 10 of 1999;
- L.N.
- 261 of 1999; 78 of 1999 s. 7; L.N. 361 of 2000; L.N. 32 of 2002; L.N. 78 of 2005; L.N. 79 of 2005)
[section 124J]
- Public swimming pools Admission
- Museums Admission
- Libraries Admission
- Public pleasure grounds
- Hire of tennis courts
- Hire of basketball courts
- Hire of squash courts
- Hire of football pitches
- Hire of table tennis tables
- Hire of badminton courts
- Holiday camps
Camp fees (Schedule 16 added 78 of 1999 s. 7)
- 章: 132 公眾衞生及市政條例
- 第I部 導言
- 第II部 下水道及排水渠
- 第III部 一般衞生及清潔
- 第IV部 厭惡性行業
- 第V部 食物及藥物
- 第VA部 關於食物的增補權力
- 第VI部 街市及小販
- 第VII部 物業單位、酒店及旅館
- 第VIIA部 對某些活動的發牌
- 第VIII部 某些處所的通風狀況
- 第IX部 宣傳品、裝飾及標誌
- 第IXA部 體育場
- 第IXB部 博物館、圖書館及文娛中心
- 第X部 公眾遊樂場地
- 第XA部 街道名稱
- 第XI部 屍體的處置
- 第XIA部 費用
- 第XIB部 牌照上訴委員會
- 第XII部 雜項
- 附表: 1 附表所列罪行
- 附表: 2 附表所列處所
- 附表: 3 指定主管當局
- 附表: 4 公眾遊樂場地
- 附表: 5 墳場、火葬場及紀念花園
- 附表: 6 根據第131(1)條就罪行提出法律程序時可用的名義
- 附表: 7 表格
- 附表: 8 (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
- 附表: 9 罰則
- 附表: 10 公眾街市
- 附表: 11 須領牌的活動
- 附表: 11A 須領牌的活動
- 附表: 12 體育場
- 附表: 13 文娛中心
- 附表: 14 公眾泳池
- 附表: 15 (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
- 附表: 16 民政事務局局長可藉規例規定費用的項目
章: | 132 | 公眾衞生及市政條例 | 憲報編號 | 版本日期 |
詳題 | 30/06/1997 |
本條例旨在就公眾衞生及市政事務訂定條文。 | |
(由1986年第10號第2條修訂) | |
[1960年11月11日] 1960年A132號政府公告 | |
(本為1960年第30號,1935年第15號) |
條: | 1 | 簡稱 | 30/06/1997 |
第I部 導言 本條例可引稱為《公眾衞生及市政條例》。
條: | 2 | 釋義 | L.N. 194 of 2003 | 01/01/2004 |
(1) 在本條例中,除文意另有所指外─
“下水道”(sewer)除不包括本條所界定的排水渠外,包括所有供建築物及建築物附屬庭院排水用的下水道及排水渠;而“公共下水道”(public sewer) 一詞,指歸屬政府並由其保養的下水道,且就本條例而言,包括由隔氣彎管的去水口伸延至其與公共下水道或排水渠接合處的一段下水道,而該段下水道是敷設在有關地段界線以外的;“私家下水道”(private sewer) 一詞,則指任何其他下水道; (由1969年第48號第2條修訂)
“小販”(hawker) 指─
- (a) 在公眾地方以下列方式作商業活動的人─
- (i) 將貨品、貨物或銷售品售賣或為出售而將其展出;或
- (ii) 展出貨品、貨物或銷售品的樣本或式樣,以於較後時間將其交付;或
- (iii) 將其手工藝技能或其個人服務出租或要約出租;及
- (b) 為下列目的而往來流動的人─
(i) 將貨品、貨物或銷售品售賣或為出售而將其展出;或
(ii) 將其手工藝技能或其個人服務出租或要約出租:
- (i) 向購入任何上述貨品、貨物或銷售品以作轉售的商人作售賣或覓取定單的人;或
- (ii)應邀而前往任何地方探訪邀請人的任何人,而其探訪的目的是向邀請人售賣或交付貨品、貨物或銷售品,或為出售貨品、貨物或銷售品而就此向邀請人要約,或從邀請人獲取有關貨品、貨物或銷售品的定單,或將其手工藝技能或其個人服務出租予邀請人;或
- (iii) 新聞界代表或攝影師;
“工場”(workplace) 指將物品製造、更改、潔淨、修理、裝飾、精加工、進行出售前改裝、搗碎或拆除,或作物料改變(包括造船)所在的任何處所、船隻或地方,但不包括《工廠及工業經營條例》(第59章)第9條所指的應呈報工場; (由1985年第50號第9條修訂;由1986年第10號第4條修
訂) “分析”(analysis, analyse) 不論是否作為名詞,包括微生物化驗,但不包括其他形式的生物化驗; “文娛中心”(civic centre) 指根據第105M條撥作文娛中心的處所及其附屬場地; (由1973年第21號第
2條增補) “公眾泳池”(public swimming pool) 指根據第42A條指定為公眾泳池的泳池; (由1973年第21號第2條修訂) “公眾保齡球場”(public bowling-alley) 指為進行滾球撞瓶遊戲而開設、經營或使用的地方,而不論
是否收取入場費,公眾是獲准入場的; (由1973年第21號第2條增補) “公眾街市”(public market) 指根據第79(3)條指定為公眾街市的街市; (由1973年第21號第2條修訂) “公眾溜冰場”(public skating rink) 指為進行溜冰而開設、經營或使用的地方,而不論是否收取入場
費,公眾是獲准入場的;但如該地方為公眾娛樂場所,並已根據《公眾娛樂場所條例》(第172章)領牌為公眾娛樂場所的,則不在此定義範圍內; (由1973年第21號第2條增補) “公眾遊樂場地”(public pleasure ground) 指附表4當其時所指明的地方,而其界限並已於當其時按照第106(5)條條文存放的有關圖則上繪明;上述地方如屬沙灘,並包括沙灘範圍內的海域及海床; “火葬場”(crematorium) 指設計或修改作焚化人類遺骸用途的建築物或地方; (由1973年第21號第2條增補) “火警危險”(fire hazard) 指─
- (a)-(b) (由1985年第5號第2條廢除)
- (c)從任何建築物移去消防裝設或設備,而該等消防裝設或設備是按照消防處處長為施行《建築物條例》(第123章)第16條所核證的圖則而在該建築物內提供的;
- (d)在任何建築物內有任何因缺乏適當保養或因其他理由而致運作失效的消防裝設或設備;
- (e) (由1985年第5號第2條廢除)
- (f) 實質上增加發生火警或其他災難的可能性的其他事物或情況、實質上增加會因發生火警或其他災難而對生命或財產造成的危險性的其他事物或情況,或在發生火警或其他災難時實質上會阻礙消防處執行其職務的其他事物或情況; (由1974年第61號第2條增補)
“石油”(petroleum) 指原油,或從石油、煤、頁岩、泥煤或其他瀝青物質提煉所得的油類; “加封”(sealed) 包括以塞子或螺旋蓋封蓋; (由1986年第26號第2條增補) “市政服務上訴委員會”(Municipal Services Appeals Board)指根據《市政服務上訴委員會條例》(第
220章)第3條設立的市政服務上訴委員會; (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
“民政事務局局長”(Secretary for Home Affairs) 包括民政事務總署署長及任何一名民政事務專員; (由1986年第10號第4條代替。由1989年第262號法律公告修訂;由1994年第621號法律公告修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第242號法律公告修訂)
“扔棄物”(litter) 包括─
- (a) 土壤、污物、泥土、塵埃、灰燼、紙張或垃圾;
- (b) 玻璃器皿、瓷器、陶器或金屬罐;
- (c)泥漿、黏土、磚、石、灰泥、沙、水泥、混凝土、灰漿、木、木材、木屑、塑膠、建築材料或挖掘出來的物料;
- (d) 碎石、廢棄物或碎片;
- (e) 髒物、肥料、牲畜糞便、排泄物及其他具厭惡性、有害或令人討厭的物體或液體;及
(f) 相當可能構成妨擾的物質; (由1981年第72號第2條增補) “包裝”(package, packing) 包括將任何供運送、出售或存放的貨品裝箱、遮蓋、裝封、裝載或包裹的
各種方法; “主管當局”(Authority) 指獲第3條條文指定為主管當局的公職人員; (由1999年第78號第7條修訂) “奶類”(milk)指牛奶、水牛奶及山羊奶,並包括忌廉及離脂奶,但不包括奶粉、煉奶或再造奶;
(由1963年第32號第2條修訂) “行業廢物”(trade waste) 指來自任何行業、製造業或業務的廢物,或任何建築業或土木工程業的廢料; (由1980年第8號第37條代替) “住戶廢物”(household waste) 指來自住戶並且是住宅被佔用作住宅用途時通常會產生的一類廢物;
(由1980年第8號第37條代替) “汽車”(motor vehicle) 指由機械驅動的車輛; (由1981年第72號第2條增補) “忌廉”(cream) 指藉撇取法或其他方法分隔所得的奶類中含有豐富脂肪的部分; “私營街市”(private market) 指除公眾街市之外的任何街市; “附表所列處所”(scheduled premises) 指附表2第1欄所指明的其中任何類別的處所; “附表所列罪行”(scheduled offence) 指附表1所指明的其中任何成文法則所訂的罪行; “法庭”(court) 指裁判法院; “法團”(corporation) 指憑藉香港任何條例成立為法團的人士或團體,同時亦指根據《公司條例》(第
32章)註冊的任何公司; (由1986年第10號第24條修訂) “爬蟲”(reptiles) 指所有通常用作供人食用的爬蟲,以及其他出售或要約出售供人食用的爬蟲; (由1976年第9號第2條增補) “食物”(food) 包括─
- (a) 飲品;
- (b) 香口膠及其他具同類性質及用途的產品;
- (c) 無煙煙草產品;及
(d) 配製食物、飲品或該等產品時用作配料的物品及物質,
- (i) 活的動物、活的禽鳥或活魚(介貝類水產動物除外);
- (ii) 不屬於下列類別的水─
- (A) 汽水;
- (B) 蒸餾水;
- (C) 不論有否加入礦物質的天然泉水;及
- (D) 裝載於加封容器內以出售供人飲用的水; (由1987年第3號第2條代替)
- (iii) 飼養動物、禽鳥或魚的草料或飼料;或
(iv) 只用作藥物的物品或物質; (由1986年第62號第2條代替) “政府分析員”(public analyst) 指政府化驗師、政府病理學家及行政長官為施行本條例所委任的任何分析員; (由2000年第59號第3條修訂) “訂明費用”(prescribed fee)就本條例所訂或根據本條例所訂的任何目的而言,指根據第124I、124J
或124L條(視情況適當而定)為該目的而訂明的費用; (由1999年第78號第7條增補) “持牌人”(licensee) 包括依據第125(7)條條文所訂規定而委任的受委人; “宣傳”、“宣傳品”(advertisement)包括純粹為展示宣傳品而豎設、使用或擬使用的構築物或器
“英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會”(The Commonwealth War Graves Commission)指藉註明日期為1917年5月21日且經不時修訂的憲章(與註明日期為1964年6月8日的補充憲章一併參閱和解釋)而設立的英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會; (由1994年第12號第2條增補)
“浴”、“沐浴”(bath) 包括淋浴及土耳其浴;
“消防裝設或設備”(fire service installation or equipment) 指製造或使用作下列用途或設計以供使用作
- (a) 滅火、救火、防火或阻止火勢蔓延;
- (b) 發出火警警報;
- (c) 提供可通往任何處所的途徑,以便滅火、救火、防火或阻止火勢蔓延; (由1974年第61號第2條增補)
- (d) 在火警發生時利便自任何處所或地方疏散; (由2003年第7號第21條增補)
(e)在沒有正常動力供應時向作(a)至(d)段所述用途的裝置及設備提供後備動力供應; (由2003年第7號第21條增補) “展品”(exhibit) 指擬供在博物館內展示的物品,不論該物品在任何特定時間是否向公眾展示; (由1973年第21號第2條增補) “桌球場所”(billiard establishment)指為進行桌球、英式桌球、美式桌球或類似活動而開設、經營或使用的地方; (由1988年第53號第3條增補)
“流動圖書館”(mobile library)指任何《道路交通條例》(第374章)第2條所指的車輛以及任何船隻,而該車輛或船隻是由主管當局保養並用作運載圖書館藏件以供公眾使用的; (由1973年第21號第2條增補。由1979年第50號第2條修訂)
“家禽”(poultry) 指通常用作供人食用的禽鳥,以及其他出售或要約出售供人食用的禽鳥;
“書籍”(book) 包括文件、期刊、雜誌、報紙、冊子、樂譜、圖畫、印刷品、雕刻版書畫、蝕刻書畫、契據、照片、地圖、圖表、圖則或手稿,及在任何圖書館內供公眾使用的其他同類性質的物品或東西; (由1979年第50號第2條代替)
“魚”(fish) 指所有通常用作供人食用的魚,同時亦指其他出售或要約出售供人食用的魚;
“售”、“售賣”、“出售”(sale, sell) 包括藉以物相易或抽籤的方式處置;
“排水渠”(drain)指用作供一座建築物或在同一園地內任何建築物或多座建築物的附屬庭院排水用的排水渠;而“公共排水渠”(public drain) 一詞,指歸屬政府並由其保養的排水渠,且就本條例而言,包括由隔氣彎管的去水口伸延至其與公共排水渠或下水道接合處的一段排水渠;而“私家排水渠”(private drain) 一詞,則指除公共排水渠之外的任何排水渠;
“排泄物”(excretal matter) 指人類的排泄物;
“貨車”(goods vehicle) 的涵義與《道路交通條例》(第374章)中該詞所具有的涵義相同; (由1981年第72號第2條增補)
“動物”(animal) 包括爬蟲,但不包括禽鳥或魚;
“處所”(premises) 包括土地、建築物、構築物及地窖;且就建築物而言,包括其園地,而就建築物內部而言,則包括任何獨立分租的床位、小間、房間、地面或地面的一部分; (由1963年第32號第2條修訂)
“通風系統”(ventilating system) 指抽入或排出空氣的機械、電動或機械兼電動系統,同時亦指空氣調節機,而該機本身並設有裝置以降低或提高建築物或其任何部分內的氣溫至低於或高於室外氣溫; (由1974年第61號第2條代替)
“船隻”(vessel)指香港水域內的船舶、中式帆船、舢舨、小艇或其他種類的船艇,但不包括註冊遠洋輪船及屬於香港特別行政區政府以外的任何政府的船舶或船隻; (由1986年第10號第24條修訂;由1998年第23號第2條修訂)
“街市”(market) 指憑藉主管當局根據第79(1)條所作宣布而屬本條例適用的街市; (由1978年第57號第2條修訂) “街道廢物”(street waste) 指塵埃、污物、廢棄物、泥漿、路面碎屑或髒物,但不包括排泄物; (由1980年第8號第37條修訂) “註冊專門承建商(通風系統工程類別)”(registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category)) 指當其時名列根據《建築物條例》(第123章)第8A條備存的專門承建商名冊的通風系統工程類別分冊
的人; (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
“場所”(establishment) 包括處所;
“廁所”(latrine) 包括水廁、尿廁及旱廁,以及其他設計供作、擬供作或用作盛載排泄物的衞生設備或裝設;
“屠房”(slaughterhouse) 及“屠場”(abattoir) 指慣常用作屠宰動物以供人食用的處所或地方;而“公營屠房”(public slaughterhouse) 一詞指根據第76A(1)條指定為公營屠房的屠房;至於“私營屠房”(private slaughterhouse) 一詞則指任何其他屠房; (由1973年第21號第2條代替)
“博物館”(museum) 指根據第105G條指定為博物館的建築物、建築物一部分或任何範圍; (由1973年第21號第2條增補)
“棄置”(deposit) 就扔棄物或廢物而言,包括拋棄、拋擲、噴灑、掃去、擺放、丟掉、排放、溢出、傾卸、倒出、撒布或吹噴該等扔棄物或廢物; (由1981年第72號第2條增補)
“無煙煙草產品”(smokeless tobacco product) 指含有煙草或以煙草為主要成分並擬供人口服的產品,並包括嚼煙(不論是散煙葉、硬煙餅、濕煙餅、口嚼搓煙或口嚼捲煙)及濕鼻煙,但不包括用鼻吸入的乾鼻煙; (由1986年第62號第2條增補)
“飲品”(drink) 不包括不屬於下列類別的水─
- (a) 汽水;
- (b) 蒸餾水;
- (c) 不論有否加入礦物質的天然泉水;及
(d) 裝載於加封容器內以出售供人飲用的水; (由1986年第26號第2條代替) “跳舞場所”(dancing establishment)指根據《雜類牌照條例》(第114章)或《公眾娛樂場所條例》(第
“墓穴”(vault) 包括除墳墓之外的各類地下埋葬地方;
“圖書館”(library) 指根據第105K條指定為圖書館的任何建築物或建築物的一部分;(由1973年第21號第2條增補)
“圖書館長”(librarian) 指圖書館總館長; (由1973年第21號第2條增補。由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
“圖書館藏件”(library material)指書籍、影片、唱片、錄音帶及其他在其上或在其內記載、記錄、貯存或重複產生資料或影像的東西; (由1979年第50號第2條增補)
“厭惡性行業”(offensive trade)指根據第48條條文宣布為厭惡性行業的行業、業務、加工業或製造
業; “廢物”(waste) 指任何被扔棄的物質或物品; (由1980年第8號第37條增補) “衞生主任”(health officer) 指─
(a) 衞生署署長、衞生署副署長或衞生署助理署長;或
(b) 食物環境衞生署署長、食物環境衞生署副署長或食物環境衞生署助理署長, 並包括獲衞生署署長或食物環境衞生署署長授權執行衞生主任的職能的人; (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
“衞生設施”(sanitary convenience) 包括廁所、洗滌盆、浴缸、洗手盆、污水間及類似的設施;
“衞生督察”(health inspector) 指獲行政長官委任為衞生督察的人,以及當其時執行衞生督察職務的人; (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
“擁有人”(owner)包括根據租契、特許或其他方式直接從政府名下持有處所的人、管有承按人、單獨地或與他人共同地為其本人或為他人收取任何處所租金的人,以及在假設該處所租給租客的情況下任何收取該處所租金的人; (由1969年第48號第2條增補。由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
“墳場”(cemetery) 指附表5當其時所指明的地方;
“墳墓”(grave) 指挖掘地下而成,而並無磚砌或石砌內牆或其他人造內壁的埋葬地方;
“殮房”(mortuary) 指撥作或慣常用作接收、貯存或處理人類遺骸的處所或地方;
卵、幼蟲、若蟲或蛹; “藥物”(drug) 包括供人內服或外用的任何藥物、中藥材或中成藥; (由1999年第47號第162條代替) “簷篷”(canopy) 指屬下列情況的簾幕、遮蔽物或其他不負荷樓面重量的構築物─
- (a) 自建築物的牆壁伸出,並以托架、支柱或其他方式承托或支撐的;或
- (b)在建築物之上豎設,或在建築物上面或毗鄰空地之內或之上豎設,並以支柱或其他方式支撐的; (由1972年第43號第2條增補)
“體育場”(stadium)指附表12當其時所指明的體育場,而其界限並已在按照第105A(4)條存放的有關圖則上繪明。 (由1973年第21號第2條增補)
(2)為施行本條例,任何作廢物拋棄或以其他方式作廢物處理的物質或物品,均須推定為廢物,直至相反證明成立為止。 (由1980年第8號第37條增補)
扔棄物,直至相反證明成立為止。 (由1981年第72號第2條增補) (由1988年第53號第3條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 3 | 主管當局的指定 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 在不抵觸第(2)款的規定下,為施行附表3第1欄所指明的本條例各條條文,主管當局為該附表第2欄與該等條文相對之處所指明的公職人員。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- 為施行本條例的任何一條條文,行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令,指定任何公職人員為主管當局,以取代在附表3中為施行該條條文而指明為主管當局的公職人員。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
(3) 行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令,將附表3修訂、增補或刪減。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
條: | 4 | 公共下水道及排水渠的建造和保養 | 30/06/1997 |
第II部 下水道及排水渠 主管當局須負責安排建造、修理和保養所有公共下水道、排水渠或排水設施,並可更改或切斷其與私家下水道、排水渠或排水設施之間的接駁。
條: | 5 | 公共下水道的潔淨 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 6 | 對公共下水道及排水渠的保護 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) 任何人─
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
- (a) 如將固體、泥漿或廢物(一般住宅污水中所含有者除外)放入或拋入公共下水道或排水渠內,或放入或拋入與公共下水道或排水渠相通的下水道、排水渠、入水口或其他排水設施內,或放在或拋在與公共下水道及排水渠相通的格柵上;
- (b)如導致或明知而准許上述固體、泥漿或廢物被放入或拋入、掉入或被帶入公共下水道或排水渠內,或被放在或拋在、掉在或被帶到上述格柵上;
- (c)如導致或明知而准許上述固體、泥漿或廢物被放在某位置上,以致其有可能如上所述掉入或被帶入下水道或排水渠內,或有可能如上所述掉在或被帶到格柵上;
- (d)如將化學品、油類、石油、石油精、行業廢物(不包括在前四者範圍內者)、廢氣或加熱液體排放入公共下水道或排水渠內,或與公共下水道或排水渠相通而並非屬於公共下水道或排水渠的任何下水道或排水渠內,而所排放的物體本身或在與下水道或排水渠內的其他物體相結合時,對進入、身處或接近公共下水道或排水渠的人造成或可能造成妨擾或危險,或對公共下水道或排水渠本身造成或可能造成危險;或
- (e) 如故意(除獲主管當局書面准許外)或因疏忽而損壞、更改、切斷或以其他方式干擾公共
下水道或排水渠或其接駁物, 即屬犯罪。 (由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
- 主管當局可就第(1)款條文所訂罪行提出檢控,但如主管當局認為有關公共下水道或排水渠可容納該等固體或其他物體而不致有損壞本身結構的危險性,亦不致有危害受僱於上述下水道或排水渠工作或接近上述下水道或排水渠的人的健康的危險性,則無須予以檢控: (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- 但本款條文不得當作減損律政司司長就刑事罪行提出檢控的權力。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
- 如與土地毗連的街道或地方設有公共下水道、排水渠或排水設施,主管當局可安排向土地擁有人或佔用人送達通知,規定該人在通知所指明的時間內,在土地設置柵欄、開闢水道或築堤隔開土地,以防止泥土或廢物被帶入上述公共下水道、排水渠或排水設施內。 (由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
- 任何人沒有在根據第(1)款條文送達的通知所指明的時間內,遵從通知書的規定,即屬犯罪。
條: | 7 | 防止泥土或廢物堵塞下水道及排水渠 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 8 | 有關某些條例的保留條文 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 9 | 對干擾公共下水道或排水渠的人施加懲罰 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 進入或企圖進入公共下水道;或
- (b)揭起或遮蓋格柵、臭氣隔或沙井封蓋,或以其他方式干擾與公共下水道或排水渠接駁的裝置,或將金屬線、網或藉其他手段穿過洞孔,插入上述格柵、臭氣隔或沙井封蓋內,或穿過其他洞孔或通風孔,插入公共下水道或排水渠內,
條: | 10 | 關於有棄用的排水渠存在的通知 | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) 任何處所的擁有人或佔用人(如擁有人失責時),在獲悉該處所之內、下面或上面有任何棄用的下水道或排水渠後,須隨即將上述棄用的下水道或排水渠存在一事以書面向主管當局發出通知。
- (2) 任何處所的擁有人或佔用人(視屬何情況而定),如擬停止使用該處所之內、下面或上面的下水道或排水渠,須立即將該意向以書面向主管當局發出通知。
(3) 任何人沒有遵從第(1)或(2)款的條文,即屬犯罪:
- (a)如屬擁有人被起訴時,該擁有人有合理因由相信佔用人或以往的擁有人或以往的佔用人已向主管當局發出上述通知;及
- (b)如屬佔用人被起訴時,該佔用人有合理因由相信擁有人或以往的擁有人或以往的佔用人已向主管當局發出上述通知。
條: | 11 | 保護下水道及排水渠,並防止其引起妨擾的規例 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
行政長官會同行政會議可訂立規例,就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─ (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
- (a) 對公共下水道、排水渠或排水設施給予一般保護或特定保護;及
- (b) 防止公共或私家下水道、排水渠或排水設施引起妨擾。
條: | 12 | 可循簡易程序處理的妨擾 | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) 除下文另有規定外,下列事項屬可根據第127條循簡易程序處理的妨擾─
- (a) 任何處所(包括墳場)或船隻,其狀況足以構成妨擾,或足以損害或危害健康;
- (b)任何水池、水井、溝渠、雨水渠、水道、排水渠、下水道、水箱或貯水器、污水池、池塘、地坑、衞生設施、糞渠、廢水管或雨水管、垃圾桶或垃圾箱,或其他同類的地方或東西,其污穢程度或其狀況足以構成妨擾,或足以損害或危害健康;
- (c) 任何構成妨擾或損害或危害健康的積聚物或棄置物(包括任何屍體);
- (d) 任何動物或禽鳥,其飼養的地方或方式足以構成妨擾,或足以損害或危害健康;
- (e) 從任何處所發出塵埃、煙霧或臭氣,其方式足以構成妨擾;
- (f) 從任何建造中或拆卸中的建築物發出塵埃,其方式足以構成妨擾;
- (g)從任何處所內的通風系統發出高於或低於室外氣溫的空氣,或排放廢水或其他類別的水,其方式足以構成妨擾。 (由1974年第61號第3條增補)
- (h) (由1988年第75號第40條廢除)
- 如為有效進行任何業務或製造而需有任何積聚物或棄置物,而法庭信納該等積聚物或棄置
(3) 第(1)款的條文,不得視為或解釋為對《工廠及工業經營條例》(第59章)或《空氣污染管制條例》(第311章)的條文有所規限。 (由1983年第17號第50條修訂)
- (1) 主管當局─
- (a)可將或安排將含有或用作收集具厭惡性或相當可能損害健康的排水、髒物、水、物體或東西的池塘、水池、明渠、排水渠、水道、污水池、水井或地方潔淨、排水、圍封、遮蓋或填塞;或
- (b)可安排向造成或相當可能造成上述妨擾的人,或有上述妨擾存在的處所的擁有人或佔用人送達通知,規定其於通知所指明的時間內,將有關池塘、水池、溝渠、排水渠、水道、污水池、水井或地方(視屬何情況而定)排水、潔淨、圍封、遮蓋或填塞,或建造適當的排水渠、溝渠或其他設施,以排放上述髒物、水、物體或東西,或按情況所需進行其他工作。
- (2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行減除上述妨擾所需的工作,並可向有關處所的擁有人追討
- 如任何處所內有棄用而沒有經永久遮蓋或填塞的污水池或水井,則該處所的擁有人或佔用人(如擁有人失責時),在獲悉上述污水池或水井存在後,須隨即將此事以書面向主管當局發出通知。
- (4) 任何處所的擁有人或佔用人(視屬何情況而定),如擬停止使用位於該處所的污水池或水井,須立即將該意向以書面向主管當局發出通知。
(5) 任何人沒有遵從第(3)或(4)款的條文,即屬犯罪:
- (a)如屬擁有人被起訴時,該擁有人有合理因由相信佔用人或以往的擁有人或以往的佔用人已向主管當局發出上述通知;及
- (b)如屬佔用人被起訴時,該佔用人有合理因由相信擁有人或以往的擁有人或以往的佔用人已向主管當局發出上述通知。
- (6) 本條的條文不得視為或解釋為對《建築物條例》(第123章)的條文有所規限。
- (1) 如主管當局認為任何處所或處所的任何部分的狀況足以─
(a) 構成妨擾;或
(b) 損害或危害健康, 或足以破壞任何地方或地區的宜人之處或足以有損其形貌,主管當局可安排向該處所的擁有人或佔用人送達通知,規定其於通知所指明的期限內,對該處所或其任何部分加以髹掃灰水、油漆、潔淨、消毒或除蟲滅鼠,以達主管當局滿意的程度。 (由1973年第58號第2條代替)
(2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以符合通知的規定,並可向該人追討因此而
條: | 15 | 有關潔淨和防止妨擾的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 主管當局可訂立規例,就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a)防止鹽、臭氣、什臟、魚、扔棄物、廢物或其他物體或東西對健康或人類造成妨擾或危害,包括規定任何處所的擁有人或佔用人,或任何汽車的司機、登記車主或租用人對防止出現上述妨擾或危害須負的法律責任; (由1981年第72號第3條代替)
- (b)防止、管制及收集扔棄物或廢物,包括規定任何處所的擁有人或佔用人,或任何汽車的司機、登記車主或租用人對防止、管制和收集扔棄物或廢物須負的法律責任; (由1981年第72號第3條修訂)
- (c) 處所或地方須由何人潔淨;
- (d) 垃圾清掃及廢物揀拾的防止或限制;
- (e)可將排泄物或具厭惡性或有害的東西在任何區域或地方或經任何區域或地方,以陸路或水路方式移走或運送的時間,以及用作上述用途的車輛、容器或船隻的構造,以防止上述物體或東西漏出以及防止因此而引起妨擾;
- (f)街道廢物、住戶廢物或排泄物的移走或處置,並且為防止住戶廢物或排泄物引起妨擾以及為便利將住戶廢物或排泄物經由合法的垃圾清掃或清糞服務移走或處置而在住戶廢物或排泄物方面須由處所擁有人或佔用人所負的責任;
- (g) 用作收集和貯存住戶廢物的容器的提供、設計及構造; (由1980年第8號第37條代替)
- (h) (由1994年第49號第2條廢除)
- (i) 根據第22(3)條條文領回根據該條第(2)款條文而檢取的物品或東西時所須繳付的額外款項;
- (j) 規管或禁止僱用兒童移走或處置廢物。 (由1972年第46號第2條修訂;由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
(1A) 凡處所的擁有人不能尋獲、或處所的擁有人身分不能確定、不在香港或無行為能力,根據本條訂立的規例可規定該等規例適用於該擁有人的代理人。 (由1969年第48號第3條增補。由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
(1B) 如因沒有遵從在根據本條訂立的規例下所發出的通知而構成罪行,且有任何人因此而被定罪,則根據本條訂立的規例,可規定作出定罪判決的法庭,除可判處其他刑罰外,並可命令該人向主管當局繳付主管當局因進行符合通知的規定所需的工作而招致的全部或部分開支。 (由1973年第58號第3條增補)
(1C) (由1987年第37號第2條廢除)
(2) (由1980年第8號第37條廢除) 附註:
條: | 15A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 16 | (由1980年第8號第37條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 17 | (由1980年第8號第37條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 18 | (由1980年第8號第37條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 19 | (由1980年第8號第37條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 20 | 移走扔棄物或廢物和清潔有關範圍 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
(1) 如主管當局覺得應從任何地方移走扔棄物或廢物,可按照第(2)款將通知送達其覺得是─
- (a) 扔棄物或廢物的擁有人;
- (b) 將扔棄物或廢物棄置於該地方的人;或
- (c) 發現扔棄物或廢物所在的地方的佔用人。
(3) 如按照第(2)款送達的通知內有任何規定在通知所指明的期限內沒有獲遵從─
- (a)通知所提述的扔棄物或廢物即成為政府財產,可由主管當局移走和銷毀或以其他方式處置,而主管當局亦可清潔發現扔棄物或廢物所在的範圍;及 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
- (b)獲送達通知的人即屬犯罪,一經定罪,除可被判處其他刑罰外,亦可被法庭命令繳付主管當局因移走和銷毀或處置有關扔棄物或廢物,以及因清潔發現有關扔棄物或廢物所在的範圍而招致的全部或部分開支。
條: | 21 | (由1980年第8號第37條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 22 | 防止妨礙垃圾清掃或清糞工作 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
- 任何人如妨礙垃圾清掃或清糞工作,或妨礙清道夫執行職務,或導致或准許任何物品或東西擺放於任何地方,以致妨礙或相當可能妨礙上述工作或上述清道夫執行職務─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b) 法庭除可判處其他刑罰外,亦可命令將該物品或東西沒收。
- 儘管第(1)(b)款條文另有規定,主管當局凡認為任何物品或東西的擺放方式會對或相當可能對垃圾清掃工作或清道夫執行職務造成妨礙─
- (a)可安排向該物品或東西的擁有人送達通知,但如該擁有人不在香港或主管當局不能將其尋獲或確定其身分,則可安排將通知附於該物品或東西上,而該通知則規定該擁有人或代表他的人─
- (i) 在通知附於該物品或東西上或如此送達之後的4小時內,將該物品或東西移走;及(由1996年第34號第2條代替)
- (ii) 在通知所指明的期限內,防止該物品或東西再次造成妨礙;及 (由1972年第46號第4條代替)
- (b)而該物品或東西在(a)(i)或(a)(ii)段所提述的通知所指明的期限內沒有被移走,或被發現造成妨礙,可將其檢取、帶走和扣留。 (由1972年第46號第4條代替)
- 凡任何物品或東西根據第(2)(b)款條文被檢取,其擁有人在向主管當局繳付因檢取、帶走和扣留該物品或東西而招致的開支(如有的話),以及根據第15條訂立的規例所訂明的額外款項後,可於檢取後7天內領回該物品或東西:
- (a)如根據本條檢取的任何物品或東西,是或相當可能是須在根據本條例提出的法律程序中出示作為證據,則儘管本款另有規定,主管當局仍可保留該物品或東西,直至法律程序已被放棄或獲得裁定為止;及
- (b)如在物品或東西被檢取後14天內並無提出上述法律程序,則就本款而言,上述法律程序須當作已被放棄。
- 根據第(2)(b)款條文檢取的物品或東西,如在檢取後7天內仍沒有按第(3)款所訂定的方式被領回,則該物品或東西即成為政府財產,不受任何留置權、申索權或產權負擔所約束,主管當局並可將它售賣或以其認為適當的方式處置。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
- 任何人均無權就真誠地根據本條條文將物品或東西檢取、帶走或扣留而引致或造成的損失或損害,向主管當局或政府或向為或代表主管當局或政府行事的人,提出訴訟、追究法律責任、提出申索或提出任何要求。
(1) 如在任何簷篷之上或之內發現任何種類的扔棄物或廢物─
- (a)而該簷篷是為某處所或某處所的一部分而豎設的,則主管當局可安排向該處所或該處所有關部分的佔用人送達通知,規定佔用人在通知所指明的時間內移走扔棄物或廢物;及
- (b) 倘佔用人沒有按照根據(a)段所送達的通知移走扔棄物或廢物,即屬犯罪。 (由1980年第8號第37條修訂;由1981年第72號第5條修訂)
- 如主管當局認為在任何簷篷之上或之內發現的扔棄物或廢物─ (由1980年第8號第37條修訂;由1981年第72號第5條修訂)
- (a) 損害或危害健康,或可能會變為損害或危害健康;
- (b) 對任何人有危險,或可能會變為對任何人有危險;
- (c) 構成妨擾;或
- (d) 有礙觀瞻, 而該簷篷是為某處所或某處所的一部分而豎設的,則主管當局可安排向該處所或該處所有關部分的佔用人送達通知,但如不能尋獲該佔用人或並無該佔用人,則可向處所的擁有人送達通知,並規定上述獲送達通知的人在通知所指明的時間內拆除該簷篷。
- 如根據第(2)款送達的通知內有任何規定在通知所指明的時間內沒有獲遵從,主管當局可將簷篷拆除,並採取作出簷篷拆除所需的任何行動。
- 直至通知送達當日起計的14天為止,或如有根據第(7)款向行政長官提出的上訴,則直至上訴獲得裁定為止,主管當局不得根據第(3)款拆除簷篷。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
- (5) 如根據第(3)款拆除簷篷,主管當局可─
- (a) 向獲送達拆除通知的人追討因拆除簷篷而招致的開支;及
- (b) 移走簷篷並將簷篷扣留,直至根據(a)段可予追討的開支已繳付為止。
- 如根據第(3)款拆除簷篷,而被如此拆除的簷篷是為某處所而豎設、保養或使用的,則該處所的擁有人或佔用人均無權因簷篷或處所受損壞或因拆除簷篷而引致或造成的損害或損失,藉作出起訴而向主管當局或政府或向為或代表主管當局或政府行事的人,提出訴訟、追究法律責任、提出申索或提出要求。
- 根據第(2)款獲送達拆除簷篷通知的人,如認為通知的規定令其感到受屈,可於通知送達後14天內向行政長官提出上訴。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
最終決定。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂) (由1972年第43號第3條增補)
條: | 23 | 在某些情況下逮捕的權力 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員─
- (a)如合理地懷疑任何人已違反根據第15條訂立的規例,可規定該人向其報上正確的姓名或名稱及地址,並出示其姓名或名稱及地址的證據;
- (b) 可逮捕任何無合理辯解而拒絕遵從(a)段所訂規定的人;及
- (c)可在公眾地方逮捕任何違反《簡易程序治罪條例》(第228章)第4(2)或(3)條條文的人。(由1972年第46號第5條代替)
- 如無警務人員在場,則任何受政府僱用在政府管轄下的廢物堆填區工作的看守員,倘發現任何人在沒有合法權限或辯解的情況下,翻耙、揀拾或挖掘棄置於該堆填區之內或之上的廢物,或將該等廢物的任何部分移走或撒布,可將該人逮捕。 (由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
- 任何公職人員或看守員,如根據第(1)或(2)款的條文將任何人逮捕,須隨即將其帶往最近的警署或交由警務人員羈押,而《警隊條例》(第232章)第52條的條文或該條例第51及52條的條文(視屬何情況而定),亦即告適用。
條: | 23A | 在報章公布定罪判決 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a)被裁定犯了本部所訂的罪行的人的姓名或名稱,或被裁定犯了根據第15條訂立的規例所訂的罪行的人的姓名或名稱;
- (b) 罪行的性質;及
- (c) 所判處的罰款、沒收或其他刑罰。 (由1972年第46號第6條增補)
條: | 24 | 封閉受污染水井等的權力及其他權力 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 凡主管當局覺得在任何水泉、水井、水池、池塘、水道、泳池或其他來源的水─
- (a)是或相當可能是用作供人飲用或供住宅使用,或用作製造供人食用的食物或飲用的飲品;及
- (b)其受污染的程度、或相當可能受污染的程度,足以損害或危害健康,或因其他原因而
致不宜供人飲用或損害或危害健康, 主管當局可安排向該水泉、水井、水池、池塘、水道、泳池或其他來源所在處所的擁有人送達通知,但如該擁有人不在香港、主管當局不能輕易尋獲該擁有人或確定該擁有人身分,或該擁有人無行為能力,則可安排向該處所的佔用人送達通知,並規定上述獲送達通知的人於通知所指明的時間內,將該水泉、水井、水池、池塘、水道、泳池或其他來源永久或暫時封閉,或採取主管當局覺得所需的其他步驟,以防止損害或危害飲用或使用上述的水的人的健康。 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
(2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以防止損害或危害健康,並可向有關處所的擁有人追討因此而招致的開支,但如該擁有人不在香港、主管當局不能輕易尋獲該擁有人或確定該擁有人身分,或該擁有人無行為能力,則可向有關處所的佔用人追討上述開支。 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
條: | 25 | 對噴泉、水井及水泵的保護 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 作出故意作為,致令任何噴泉、水井或水泵受到損壞;或
- (b)因任何作為或疏忽而導致或准許任何噴泉、水井或水泵的水受到污染或變成污濁,而這些水是或相當可能是用作供人飲用或供住宅使用的,或是用作製造供人食用的食物或飲用的飲品的,
條: | 26 | 有關使用水泉及水井等的水的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 主管當局可訂立規例,就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a)禁止或管制使用相當可能因使用而損害或危害健康的、取自任何水泉、水井、水池、池塘、水道、泳池或其他來源的水;
- (b)將取自上述水泉、水井、水池、池塘、水道、泳池或其他來源的水消毒或淨化,並保持其衞生質量。
條: | 27 | 對相當可能導致蚊子滋生的水及物品的管制 | 9 of 2006 | 12/05/2006 |
(1AA) 就本條而言— “有關處所的負責人”(the person responsible for the premises) 就某處所而言—
(a) 指任何一名或多於一名下述人士—
- (i) 該處所的佔用人;
- (ii) 該處所的擁有人;
- (iii) 負責管理該處所的人;或
(b) 在該處所由任何建築地盤組成的情況下,指該地盤的獲委任承建商; “蚊致健康危害”(mosquito-related health hazard) 指任何符合以下說明的情況—
- (a) 為由蚊傳播的對人類健康構成危險的疾病的傳播營造有利條件的;或
- (b) 如不即時採取補救行動即相當可能造成上述條件的;
“獲委任承建商”(the appointed contractor) 就某地盤而言—
- (a) 指屬按照《建築物條例》(第123章)就該地盤獲委任的註冊承建商的人;或
- (b)在該地盤為政府所擁有,而已就該地盤獲委任為承建商的人在有關時間已進入該地盤的情況下,指該人; (由2006年第9號第2條增補)
(1)如主管當局覺得任何處所內有或相當可能有積水,而積水相當可能含有蚊幼蟲或蚊蛹,則不論積水是否屬於廢水,亦不論積水是否現時已經發現存在,主管當局均可藉送達有關處所的負責人的通知,規定該人於通知所指明的時間內─ (由2006年第9號第2條修訂)
- (a) 將存在的積水清除;或
- (b)採取通知所指明的其他步驟,防止在該處所內出現積水;或 (由2006年第9號第2條修訂)
- (c) 採取通知所指明的其他步驟,防止在該處所內有蚊幼蟲或蚊蛹存在。(由1963年第32號第3條修訂;由1976年第9號第3條修訂;由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
(1A)如主管當局覺得任何處所內有任何可導致積水的物品,而積水能讓蚊子滋生,主管當局可藉送達有關處所的負責人的通知,規定該人於該通知所指明的時間內,採取該通知所指明的步驟,防止蚊子在該處所內滋生。 (由2006年第9號第2條增補)
- (a) 採取他認為需要的行動—
- (i) 清除積水或該物品;或
- (ii) 防止蚊子在該處所內滋生;及
- (b) (如該危害可歸因於某人的任何作為、失責或容受)向該人追討主管當局在採取該行動中招致的任何費用。 (由2006年第9號第2條增補)
(2) 任何人無合理辯解而—
(a) 沒有遵從根據第(1)款送達予他的通知的規定;或
(b) 沒有遵從根據第(1A)款送達予他的通知的規定, 即屬犯罪。 (由2006年第9號第2條代替)
(2A)如任何人因沒有遵從根據第(1)款就第(1)(a)款所提述的規定向他送達的通知而被控以第(2)款所訂罪行,則如他證明他已採取一切合理步驟以遵從該規定,即為免責辯護。 (由2006年第9號第2條增補)
(2B) 就任何處所而言,如—
- (a) 根據第(1)款向某人送達的通知的任何規定沒有獲遵從,主管當局可—
- (i) 清除在該處所內的任何積水;
- (ii) 採取他認為需要的其他行動,防止在該處所內出現任何積水;
- (iii) 採取他認為需要的其他行動,防止蚊幼蟲或蚊蛹存在於該處所內;及
- (iv) 向該人追討主管當局在根據第(i)、(ii)或(iii)節採取行動中招致的任何費用;或
- (b) 根據第(1A)款向某人送達的通知的任何規定沒有獲遵從,主管當局可—
- (i) 採取他認為需要的行動,防止蚊子在該處所內滋生;及
- (ii) 向該人追討主管當局在根據第(i)節採取行動中招致的任何費用。 (由2006年第9號第2條增補)
地盤的獲委任承建商即屬犯罪。 (由2006年第9號第2條代替) (3A) 如—
- (a) 在任何處所(第(3)款所述的處所除外)內發現任何蚊幼蟲或蚊蛹;及
- (b) 該等幼蟲或蛹存在於該處所內是可歸因於某人的任何作為、失責或容受,
則該人即屬犯罪。 (由2006年第9號第2條增補)
- 除主管當局外,衞生署署長及就此獲其授權的公職人員,均可行使本條條文賦予主管當局的權力。 (由1989年第76號法律公告修訂;由2006年第9號第2條修訂)
- (5) (由2006年第9號第2條廢除)
- (6) 任何文件─
- (a)如看來是由建築事務監督授權的人簽署,並看來是核證文件所指明的人在文件所指明的時間是已按照《建築物條例》(第123章)就文件所指明建築地盤獲委任的註冊承建商;或
- (b)如看來是由房屋署署長或地政總署署長授權的人簽署,並看來是核證在文件所指明的時間─ (由1982年第76號法律公告修訂;由1986年第94號法律公告修訂;由1993年第291號法律公告修訂)
- (i) 文件所指明的建築地盤為政府所擁有;及 (由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
- (ii) 文件所指明的人已就該建築地盤獲委任為承建商, 則在就本條所訂罪行而提起的法律程序中,如在法庭上將該文件出示,即須接納為證據,無須再加證明。 (由1976年第9號第3條增補。由2006年第9號第2條修訂)
- (7) 根據第(6)款出示文件時─
- (a) 直至相反證明成立為止,出示文件所在法庭須推定─
- (i) 文件的簽署是真確的;
- (ii) 簽署的人在簽署時是獲妥為授權而簽署的;及
- (b) 該文件即為其內所載事項的表面證據。 (由1976年第9號第3條增補)
- (1) 主管當局可訂立規例,促進滅蚊或防止蚊子滋生的工作。
- 根據第(1)款訂立的規例,可適用於一般情況,或只局限適用於特定地區、範圍、處所或特定類型或類別的處所。
條: | 28 | 防蚊規例 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 29 | 有關廁所設施的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a)為處所提供和經辦適當及充足的廁所設施,不論該處所是在本條例生效日期之前或之後建造的;
- (b) 提供有充足沖廁用水以供其有效操作的水廁及尿廁;
- (c)保持廁所、污水池及化糞池操作正常、修理妥善及狀況清潔,並為該等設施提供適當配件;
- (d) 合乎衞生條件的房間或隔室的建造方式,令該等房間或隔室內可設置廁所。
條: | 30 | 提供廁所的義務 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1)凡主管當局覺得任何處所或處所的任何部分(不論該處所是在《建築物條例》(第123章)或本條例生效日期之前或之後建造的),並無廁所設施或並無充足的廁所設施,或覺得其內所提供的廁所設施效用欠佳或其類型在顧及個案情況下並不適當,主管當局可安排向該處所的擁有人送達通知,但如該擁有人不在香港、主管當局不能輕易尋獲該擁有人或確定該擁有人身分,或該擁有人無行為能力,則可安排向該處所的佔用人送達通知,並規定上述獲送達通知的人於通知所指明的時間內,提供通知所指明數目的廁所或指明類型的廁所,或作出通知所指明的其他事情以提供有效及充足的廁所設施: (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
(2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以符合通知的規定,並可向該人追討因此而招致的開支。
- 任何人如認為根據第(1)款條文向其送達的通知,或主管當局或其代表根據本條所作的作為令其感到受屈,可於通知送達後或該項作為作出後30天內(視屬何情況而定),向市政服務上訴委員會提出上訴,而在該項上訴被放棄或駁回之前,任何人均不得當作犯了第(2)款所訂的罪行。 (由1990年第58號第22條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- 本條條文不適用於根據《教育條例》(第279章)註冊的學校,亦不適用於《工廠及工業經營條例》(第59章)所指的應呈報工場。 (由1985年第50號第9條修訂)
- 任何人如因故意銷毀或損壞,或以其他方式干擾,或不適當地使用化糞池、污水池、臭氣隔、虹吸管或任何衞生設施,或其接駁供水系統、器具、喉管或設施,而導致上述化糞池、污水池、臭氣隔、虹吸管或任何衞生設施構成妨擾或損害或危害健康,又或容受或准許他人因作出上述故意銷毀或損壞或上述干擾或使用行為而導致上述情況出現,即屬犯罪。
- 如化糞池、污水池、臭氣隔、虹吸管或衞生設施的現有或一向的構造或現有位置是或相當可能構成妨擾或令公眾覺得不雅,則不論其在《建築物條例》(第123章)或本條例生效日期之前或之後建造,主管當局均可安排向有關處所的擁有人送達通知,但如該擁有人不在香港、主管當局不能輕易尋獲該擁有人或確定該擁有人身分,或該擁有人無行為能力,則可安排向有關處所的佔用人送達通知,並規定上述獲送達通知的人於通知所指明的時間內,採用足以減除妨擾或除去令公眾覺得不雅的情況或該情況出現的可能性的方式,拆除、重建、遮蔽或以其他方法更改上述化糞池、污水池、臭氣隔、虹吸管或衞生設施(視屬何情況而定)。 (由1974年第61號第4條修訂;由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- (2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以符合通知的規定,並可向該人追討因此而招致的開支。
- 任何人如認為根據第(1)款條文向其送達的通知,或主管當局或其代表根據本條所作的作為令其感到受屈,可於通知送達後或該項作為作出後30天內(視屬何情況而定),向法庭提出上訴,而法庭可作出其覺得在顧及一切有關情況下屬公正的命令。
- 主管當局可檢驗在任何處所內的下列設施,即化糞池、污水池、臭氣隔、虹吸管或衞生設施,或其接駁供水系統、器具、喉管或設施,並可為該目的而在按其覺得有需要的情況下,安排掘
條: | 31 | 防止廁所及衞生設施構成妨擾 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 32 | 衞生設施的拆除或更改 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 33 | 主管當局檢驗衞生設施 | 30/06/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
(2)如第(1)款所提述的設施在檢驗時發現狀況妥善,主管當局須盡快安排將其復原和修復妥當,並須支付檢驗、復原和修復工作的開支,但如上述設施在檢驗時發現狀況有欠妥善,主管當局 ─
- (a)可向該處所的擁有人追討該項檢驗的開支,但如該擁有人不在香港、主管當局不能輕易尋獲該擁有人或確定該擁有人身分,或該擁有人無行為能力,則可向該處所的佔用人追討該項檢驗的開支;及 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- (b)可安排向該處所的擁有人送達通知,但如屬(a)段所指明的情況,則可安排向該處所的佔用人送達通知,並規定上述獲送達通知的人於通知所指明的時間內,將上述設施修理或以其他方式修妥,或盡量遵從《建築物條例》(第123章)的條文:
(3) 根據第(2)(b)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以符合通知的規定,並可向該人追討因此而招致的開支。
- 任何人如認為根據第(2)(b)款條文向其送達的通知,或主管當局或其代表根據本條條文所作的作為令其感到受屈,可於通知送達後或該項作為作出後14天內(視屬何情況而定),向法庭提出上訴,而法庭可作出其覺得在顧及一切有關情況下屬公正的命令。
- 即使有根據第(4)款條文提出的上訴,主管當局仍可著手和繼續進行其認為應根據本條進行的工作,但在該宗上訴被放棄或獲得裁定之前,不得向作為上訴一方的人追討有關任何上述工作的款項。
- (a)任何人如損毀或不當地弄污該等衞生設施或與該等衞生設施相關而使用的任何東西,即屬犯罪;
- (b)如主管當局認為該等衞生設施,或其進路、牆壁、地面、座位或裝置,因缺乏適當潔淨而致其狀況足以構成妨擾,則共用該等衞生設施而又失責的人即屬犯罪,但如無法庭信納的證據,證明共用該等衞生設施的人之中何人失責,則每一名共用該等衞生設施的人均屬犯罪。
公共廁所及浴室 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (a)公眾以繳費或其他方式使用或擬供公眾以繳費或其他方式使用的廁所或浴室的經辦、管理和管制(包括禁止);
- (b) 該等廁所或浴室的登記或發牌,
而該等規例亦可規定規例只適用於不時藉憲報刊登的命令而指明的廁所或浴室。 (由1969年第48號第4條修訂;由1994年第49號第4條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 35A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 36 | 公共廁所及浴室的提供和經辦 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
眾使用的廁所或浴室,即屬犯罪。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 37 | 將公眾人士逐出公共浴室的權力 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
主管當局或根據第36(1)條獲發給牌照的人,或獲主管當局或上述獲發給牌照的人妥為授權的人,均可將違反根據第35條條文訂立的規例的人,逐出由其經辦以供公眾使用的廁所或浴室。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 38 | 拒絕某些公眾人士進入公共浴室的權力 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (a) 被裁定犯了根據第35條條文訂立的有關廁所或浴室的規例所訂罪行的人;或
- (b) 因在上述廁所或浴室作出令公眾覺得不雅的行為而被裁定犯罪的人。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 39 | 針對根據第 37或38條所採取的行動而提出上訴 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
任何人如認為根據第37或38條而將其逐出或拒絕其進入廁所或浴室令其感到受屈,可向法庭提出上訴,而法庭則可就上訴人使用該廁所或浴室一事,作出其覺得在有關情況下屬公正的指示。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 40 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 40A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 41 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 42 | 有關泳池的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 主管當局可訂立有關泳池(包括其場地範圍)的規例,以就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a) 泳池水質的純淨程度以及在泳池所提供設施的足夠程度及清潔狀況;
- (b) 意外的防止;
- (c)前往泳池的人的行為及合乎體統標準,包括將患有傳染病的人逐出泳池或不准其入場;而就公眾泳池而言,則包括將不良分子逐出泳池或不准其入場;
- (d) 適當的設計及裝飾標準;
- (e) 泳池的妥善管理和管制,包括發牌或登記。 (由1994年第49號第8條修訂)
- (f) (由1994年第49號第8條廢除)
條: | 42AA | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 42A | 公眾泳池 | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將任何處所及其附屬場地指定為公眾泳池。
- (2) 附表14所指明的泳池,須當作已被指定為公眾泳池。
- (3) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將附表14修訂、增補或刪減。 (由1973年第21號第3條增補。由1976年第9號第5條修訂)
條: | 42B | 公眾泳池的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 43 | 有關公眾泳池的規則 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 主管當局可就任何公眾泳池訂立並不抵觸根據第42條訂立的規例的規則,以為在該等泳池的使用方面更佳地管制民眾作出規定,以及提供關於使用該等泳池的資料。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- (2) 任何人沒有遵從根據第(1)款條文訂立的規則,即屬犯罪。
- (1) 主管當局可暫時關閉公眾泳池或公眾泳池的任何部分,不許公眾使用,並可─
- (a)在免費或收費的情況下,准許公眾泳池或公眾泳池的任何部分由學校、會社或籌辦習泳班、泳賽、水上運動或類似娛樂活動的人專用;或
- (b)自行使用公眾泳池或公眾泳池的任何部分,以舉辦上述習泳班、泳賽、水上運動或娛樂活動。
- 在公眾泳池根據第(1)款條文關閉不許公眾使用期間,主管當局可徵收或授權他人徵收進入或使用泳池的費用。
條: | 44 | 公眾泳池用作泳賽等活動或供學校或會社使用 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 45 | 公眾泳池為某些目的須當作為公眾地方 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 46 | 潔淨和銷毀骯髒或受蟲鼠為患的物品 | L.N. 202 of 2008 | 14/07/2008 |
(1) 凡主管當局覺得─
- (a) 任何物品或東西的骯髒、危險或不合衞生程度,會或相當可能損害健康;或
- (b) 為防止有損健康的危險,將任何上述物品或東西潔淨、消毒或銷毀乃屬需要的;或
- (c)任何上述物品或東西已受蟲鼠侵擾,或因曾被受蟲鼠侵擾的人使用而相當可能受蟲鼠
侵擾, 主管當局可安排將該物品潔淨、消毒、銷毀或除蟲滅鼠(視屬何情況而定),而主管當局如認為適當,亦可安排為上述目的而將該物品移走。
(2) 就本條而言,任何物品或東西的包裹物或覆蓋物須當作為該物品或東西的一部分。
- 本條條文不得視為或解釋為對《預防及控制疾病條例》(第599章)的條文有所規限。 (由2008年第14號第18條修訂)
- 凡主管當局覺得任何處所或船隻或任何處所或船隻的任何部分受蟲鼠侵擾,可安排向該處所或船隻或該處所或船隻該部分的擁有人或佔用人送達通知,規定其於通知所指明的時間內,將通知所指明的該處所或船隻或該處所或船隻該部分潔淨,並按照主管當局在通知內的指示,採取其他步驟,以消滅和除去蟲鼠。
- (2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以符合通知的規定,而除第(3)款條文另有規定外,主管當局並可向該人追討因此而招致的開支。
- 在根據第(2)款條文所提起的法律程序中,法庭可查究主管當局根據本條條文送達的通知所載的規定或根據本條條文進行的工作是否合理,以及主管當局因進行有關工作所招致的開支或部分開支是否應由獲送達通知的人完全或部分負擔。法庭並可就該等開支或開支的分攤,作出其覺得在顧及一切有關情況下屬公正的命令。
- 儘管本條另有規定,凡主管當局覺得任何處所或船隻或任何處所或船隻的任何部分受蟲鼠侵擾,可無須根據第(1)款條文送達通知,而隨即採取所需的合理步驟,將該處所或船隻或該處所或船隻該部分的蟲鼠消滅或除去:
- 但主管當局在依據本款條文進行任何行動時,不得更改該處所或船隻或該處所或船隻該部分的結構,或移動任何固定附著物或重大的裝置、家具或設備,或以其他方式而致對佔用該處所或船隻或該處所或船隻該部分的人造成不合理的不便。
- 凡主管當局已依據第(4)款條文,在任何處所或船隻放置捕捉器、藏餌容器、餌物或其他物質,任何人如在沒有合法權限或辯解下,明知而將該等捕捉器、藏餌容器、餌物或物質移走、銷毀或以其他方式予以干擾,或明知而導致、容受或准許他人或受飼養的動物或禽鳥移走、銷毀或干擾該等捕捉器、藏餌容器、餌物或物質,即屬犯罪。
條: | 47 | 潔淨受蟲鼠為患的處所 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 48 | 宣布厭惡性行業 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 49 | 有關厭惡性行業的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 登記或發牌事宜; (由1994年第49號第10條修訂)
- (b) 防止出現妨擾事故;
- (c)限制只准在某些範圍或地區內或限制不准在某些範圍或地區內進行厭惡性行業或某等組別或類別的厭惡性行業;
- (d)進行厭惡性行業所在的建築物、庭院、圍欄或其他地方的構造、大小、通風狀況、排水狀況、潔淨、修葺或保養;
- (e) 就涉及屠宰動物或禽鳥的厭惡性行業而言─
- (i) 進行屠宰的方式,與管制(包括禁止)使用指明的工具或用具;及
- (ii) 在與上述厭惡性行業有關的情況下將動物或禽鳥的屠體由某一地方運送或移往任何其他地方的方式。
條: | 49A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 50 | 有關配製和出售攙雜食物或藥物的罪行 | 30/06/1997 |
- 任何人不得在食物中添加任何物質,或在配製食物時使用任何物質作配料,或從食物中抽取任何成分,或對食物進行任何其他加工或處理,以致在任何上述情況下令食物損害健康,而意圖將食物在此狀況下售賣供人食用。
- 任何人不得在藥物中添加任何物質,或從藥物中抽取任何成分,致令藥物的品質、成分或效力受損,而意圖將藥物在此狀況下售賣。
- (3) 除本條條文另有規定外,任何人不得─
- (a)將任何因經過第(1)款所述程序而致損害健康的食物售賣或要約出售供人食用,或為將該等食物出售供人食用而將其展出、宣傳或管有;或
- (b)將任何因經過第(2)款所述程序而致品質、成分或效力受損的藥物售賣或要約出售,或為將該等藥物出售而將其展出、宣傳或管有。
- (4) 任何人違反第(1)、(2)或(3)款的條文,即屬犯罪。
- 為施行本部條文,在斷定某一款食物是否損害健康時,除顧及該款食物頗有可能對食用的人的健康造成的影響外,亦須顧及以普通分量食用成分組合與該款食物實質上相同的食物後,頗有可能對人體健康造成的累積影響。
- 如為出售食物或藥物而將其宣傳並因此而構成第(4)款條文所訂的任何罪行,則在就該罪行而提起的法律程序中,被控人如證明其本人的業務是發布或安排發布宣傳品,而有關的宣傳品是其本人在通常業務運作中收受以作發布的,即為免責辯護。
- 任何人不得在擬出售供人飲用的奶類中,添加水分或染色料、奶粉或煉奶,或以奶粉或煉奶再造而成的液體。
- (2) 任何人不得在擬出售供人飲用的非離脂奶中,添加離脂奶或忌廉與離脂奶的混合物。
- 任何人不得將在違反第(1)或(2)款條文下添加有其他物質的奶類售賣或要約出售供人飲用,或為將該等奶類出售供人飲用而將其展出或管有。
- 任何人不得以奶類名稱售賣或要約出售任何使用離脂奶、奶粉或煉奶造成的液體,或為將該等液體出售而以奶類名稱將其展出或宣傳。
- (5) 任何人違反第(1)、(2)、(3)或(4)款的條文,即屬犯罪。
- 就第(3)款而言,任何人如將奶類放置於任何地方待人收取,則在奶類被實際收取前,該人須當作仍然保留管有該等奶類。
- 任何人不得採用注射或其他方法,在動物、禽鳥或爬蟲的屠體、肉或什臟的組織內,注入或導致注入水分或其他液體,而該等屠體、肉或什臟是出售或要約出售供人食用者,或是為將其出售供人食用而展出者,或是擬出售供人食用者。
- 如任何動物、禽鳥或爬蟲的屠體、肉或什臟,曾被人採用注射或其他方法,在其組織內注入第(1)款所指明的東西,則任何人不得將其售賣或要約出售供人食用,或為將其出售供人食用而將其展出或管有。
- 如在任何處所內存有、貯存、售賣或要約出售擬供人食用的動物、禽鳥或爬蟲的屠體、肉或什臟,或在任何處所內為將該等屠體、肉或什臟出售而將其展出,則任何人不得在該處所內管有任何設計或修改為可在動物、禽鳥或爬蟲的屠體、肉或什臟的組織內注入第(1)款所指明的東西的工具,或將該等工具帶進該處所內,或准許將該等工具帶進該處所內。
- (4) 任何人違反第(1)、(2)或(3)款的條文,即屬犯罪。
- (5) 凡在任何進行業務所在的處所內─
- (a) 有人犯第(4)款所訂的罪行;或
- (b) 發現第(3)款所指明的工具, 而在有關業務運作中存有、貯存、售賣或要約出售擬供人食用的動物、禽鳥或爬蟲的屠體、肉或什臟,或為將該等屠體、肉或什臟出售而將其展出,則除可能犯了第(4)款所訂罪行的其他人外,進行有關業務的人及有關業務的管理人,不論是否知悉有人在該處所犯了第(4)款所訂的罪行,或是否知悉該處所內有第(3)款所指明的工具,亦不論是否有其他人因該罪行而被定罪,均各屬犯罪。
- 獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員,可檢取和移走在第(3)款所指明的處所內發現並屬該款所指明的工具,或在該處所內受僱的人(即由該處所的擁有人僱用在處所內工作的人,或由在處所內以存有、貯存、售賣或要約出售擬供人食用動物、禽鳥或爬蟲的屠體、肉或什臟或以為將該等屠體、肉或什臟出售而將其展出的性質進行業務的人僱用在處所內工作的人)所管有並屬第(3)款所指明的工具。
- (7) 除第(8)款另有規定外,根據第(6)款被檢取的工具,在檢取後7天屆滿時,可予以銷毀或以主管當局認為適當的其他方式處置。
- 任何人如認為根據第(6)款檢取任何工具令其感到受屈,可於該工具被檢取起計3天內向法庭提出上訴,而法庭在有人提出上訴時,於聆聽上訴人及主管當局的陳詞後,可命令將該工具沒收或以其認為適當的其他方式處理。
- (由1976年第61號第3條增補)
- 除第53條條文另有規定外,任何人如售賣食物或藥物,而其性質、物質或品質與購買人所要求的食物或藥物所具有者不符,以致對購買人不利,即屬犯罪。
- 在不損害第(1)款條文的原則下,任何人如以容器存盛液體作出售用途,而該液體的性質、物質或品質與該液體因容器上標籤或其他標記而看似所屬的酒類所具有者不符,即屬犯罪。
- 凡根據第55條訂立的規例載有條文訂明食物或藥物的成分組合,或禁止或限制在食物或藥物中添加任何物質,則除非相反證明成立,否則為施行第(1)款條文,該等食物或藥物的購買人須當作曾要求獲提供符合該等規例條文的食物或藥物。
- 在就第(1)款條文所訂罪行而提起的法律程序中,任何指購買人購買食物或藥物是作分析或檢驗之用,因而並無對其不利的指稱,均不能成為免責辯護。
- (5) 在本條中,除與藥物有關外,凡提述出售之處,均須解釋為出售供人食用。
- (6) 就第(2)款而言,“酒類”(alcoholic liquor) 一詞指烈酒、甜酒、葡萄酒及中國酒。
- 如因出售曾添加有任何物質的食物、曾使用任何物質作配料配製而成的食物、曾自其中抽取任何成分的食物,或曾經過任何其他加工或處理的食物而構成罪行,而食物並沒有因此而致損害健康,則在根據第52條就該等罪行提起的法律程序中,被控人如證明進行有關程序不存有欺詐成分,以及在售賣此物品時亦在其上附有大小合適、印製清晰可閱且明顯易見的告示以清楚述明有關程序的性質,或售賣此物品時其包裹物或容器已有展示此項告示,即為免責辯護。
- 如因出售曾添加有任何物質的藥物,或曾自其中抽取任何成分的藥物而構成罪行,而藥物的品質、成分或效力並沒有因此而受損,則第(1)款的條文亦適用於該罪行,一如其適用於該款所述的罪行一樣。
- 在根據第52條就食物或藥物含有外來物質所提起的法律程序中,被告人如證明該物質的存在是收集或配製過程中無可避免的後果,即為免責辯護。
- (1) 除本條條文另有規定外,任何人如─
- (a)售賣或要約出售食物或藥物,或為將食物或藥物出售而將其展出,或為將食物或藥物出售或配製以供出售而將其管有;或
- (b) 為將食物或藥物出售或配製以供出售而將其交付某人存放或向某人託付, 而該食物是擬供人食用但卻是不宜供人食用的,或該藥物是擬供人使用但卻是不宜作該用途的,即屬犯罪。
- 除上文另有規定外,凡有人就任何食物或藥物而犯了第(1)(a)款所訂的罪行,而有關食物或藥物是由另一人售予該罪犯的,則該另一人亦屬犯罪。
條: | 52 | 對食物及藥物購買人的一般保障 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 53 | 在根據第52條提起的法律程序中可用的免責辯護 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 54 | 與不宜食用的食物或不宜使用的藥物出售等事宜相關的罪行 | 30/06/1997 |
(3) 被控以第(1)(b)款或第(2)款所訂罪行的人,如證明下列其中一項,即為免責辯護─
- (a)他曾向獲其將有關食物或藥物存放、託付或出售的人發出通知,表示該等食物或藥物並非擬供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定);或
- (b)在將該等食物或藥物交付或發送予該人時,該等食物或藥物是適宜供人食用或供人使用的(視屬何情況而定),或其本人當時不知且即使已盡合理的努力仍不能確定該等食物或藥物是不宜作上述用途的。
- (a)規定、禁止或規管對擬出售供人食用的食物,或擬出售供人使用的藥物,或該等食物或藥物的任何類別,添加或抽取指明的物質或指明類別的物質,或規定、禁止或規管在配製或保存該等食物或藥物時,使用任何物質作配料,以及概括地規管或訂明該等食物或藥物的成分組合或其細菌標準或化學標準;
- (b) (由1997年第80號第2條廢除)
- (c)禁止、限制或規管輸入或使用指明的物料或指明類別的物料,以製造任何設計用作配製或保存供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物的器具或器皿,以及禁止、限制或規管將任何設計作上述用途、並含有指明物料或指明類別物料的器具或器皿出售或輸入以供出售;
- (d)對擬出售供人食用的食物或擬出售供人使用的藥物的標籤、標記或宣傳,以及可能應用於該等食物或藥物上的說明,施加規定及以其他方式予以規管;
- (e)訂明或訂定分析方法,以確定食物或藥物內是否含有或缺乏任何指明物質,或其內所含該等物質的分量。
- (f) (由1997年第80號第2條廢除)
(1A)有關當局如覺得對公眾衞生利益屬有需要或有利,或因其他情況而可保障公眾,均可訂立規例,以禁止、限制或規管輸入或製造、出售、要約出售、託付或交付下列物品,或為將下列物品出售而管有或展出該物品─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
- (a)不符合根據第(1)(a)款訂立的規例的食物或藥物或其配料;在有關作為或不作為於香港發生即屬或會屬就某些食物、藥物或其配料犯該等規例所訂罪行的情況下,則為該等食物、藥物或配料;或
- (b)有關當局認為有損或可能有損公眾衞生的食物或藥物(包括(a)段所提述的食物或藥物)。(由1997年第80號第2條增補。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(1B)有關當局可為須就政府分析員進行食物或藥物分析、細茵化驗或其他檢驗繳付的費用訂立規例。 (由1997年第80號第2條增補)
- 有關當局在根據第(1)款行使與食物成分組合有關的職能時,須顧及是否適宜在切實可行範圍內盡量限制使用無營養價值的物質作為食物。
- 根據第(1A)或(1B)款訂立的規例,可就其中的任何條文,規定有關當局可藉憲報刊登的公告,將該條文修訂。 (由1982年第70號第2條增補。由1985年第67號法律公告修訂;由1990年第85號法律公告修訂)
- (4) 根據第(1A)款訂立的規例可─
- (a) 授權衞生主任─
- (i) 准許在符合其本人所指明的條件下,輸入訂明的食物;
- (ii) 規定須將訂明的輸入食物呈上或交出,以供衞生督察檢查;
- (iii) 就該等輸入食物施加其本人覺得適宜的條件或發出其本人覺得適宜的指示,以確保該等食物狀況良好、合乎衞生或適宜供人食用;及
- (b) 禁止有違反或不遵從(a)段所提述的條件、規定或指示的情況發生。 (由1989年第7號第2條增補)
- (5) 在本條中,凡提述“有關當局”之處,均須按照第(6)款解釋。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (6) 有關當局─
- (a) 就第(1)款而言─
- (i) 凡關乎食物者,即指食物環境衞生署署長;及
- (ii) 凡關乎藥物者,即指衞生署署長;
- (b) 就第(1A)及(1B)款而言─
- (i) 凡關乎食物者,即指食物及衞生局局長;及
- (ii) 凡關乎藥物者,即指食物及衞生局局長; (由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂)
- (c) 就第(2)款而言,指食物環境衞生署署長;及
- (d) 就第(3)款而言─
- (i) 凡關乎食物及衞生局局長所訂立的規例者,即指食物環境衞生署署長;及
- (ii) 凡關乎食物及衞生局局長所訂立的規例者,即指衞生署署長。 (由1999年第78號第
7條增補。由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂) (由1997年第80號第2條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (a) 供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物的出售;
- (b)任何擬出售或任何出售供人食用的食物、任何擬出售或任何出售供人使用的藥物及任何冰塊的製造、配製、運輸、貯存、包裝、標記、送達或交付或其他方面的事宜,或為將其出售而將其展出的事宜,以保障與該等事宜相關的公眾衞生。
- (2) 在不損害第(1)款條文的概括性的原則下,根據本條訂立的規例可就下列事項訂定條文─
- (a)禁止、限制或規管將指明的食物或藥物在一般情況下,或在指明的地區、範圍或地方,或由指明的人或指明類別的人出售,或為將其出售而貯存、管有或展出;
- (b)如有在處所內或自處所售賣或要約出售供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物,或為將該等食物或藥物出售而將其展出、貯存、配製或製造,則對該等處所的構造、布局設計、排水狀況、設備、保養、清潔狀況、通風及抽煙或抽熱狀況、照明狀況、供水狀況及用途施加規定(包括在處所內潔淨器具及器皿或處置或貯存廢物所在的部分); (由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
- (ba) 施加有關在上述處所採取的防火措施的規定; (由1982年第20號第2條增補)
- (c)對與上述處所相關的衞生及清洗設施的提供、保養及清潔狀況、廢物的處置、在該等處所內所使用的器具、設備、裝設及器皿的保養及清潔狀況施加規定,並特別規定位於該等處所內的各項衞生設備均須藉適當的抽水沖洗用具獲得供水;(由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
- (d)如有在處所售賣或要約出售供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物,或為將該等食物或藥
- 物出售而將其展出、貯存、配製或製造,則禁止或限制在該等處所內(包括在處所內潔淨器具及器皿所在的部分)吐痰;
- (e) 對受聘在上述處所內工作的人所穿着的衣物施加規定;
- (f) 規定受聘在上述處所或任何類別處所內(包括在處所內潔淨器具或器皿所在的部分)工作的人,均須接受身體檢驗及預防指明疾病的防疫,並禁止僱用被發現患有指明疾病的人;
- (g) 規定對擬供人食用的肉類作出標記、染色或處理;
- (h)對處理和處置不宜供人食用的食物、不宜供人使用的藥物或不符合根據第55條訂立的有關食物及藥物成分組合或品質標準的規例條文的食物或藥物,作概括性的規管;
- (i) 禁止或規管將介貝類水產動物出售或要約出售供人食用,或為將介貝類水產動物出售供人食用而將其管有、展出、分銷或收集。
- 根據本條訂立的規例,可規定從事第(1)(a)或(b)款所指明事宜或與該等事宜有關的任何人、
處所或業務須經登記或領牌或就此訂定條文。 (由1994年第49號第12條修訂) (3A) 如根據本條訂立的規例載有條文─
(a) 規定任何人、處所或業務須經登記或領牌;或
- (b) 限制出售、管有或使用指明的食物, 則該等規例可藉憲報刊登的公告,授權指明的公職人員,可就該等條文或其中任何一項條文,授予豁免。 (由1978年第57號第3條增補。由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (4)
- 根據本條訂立的規例,可就不同類別的業務訂立不同的條文,而在不損害本條其他條文的原則下,該等就處所而施加規定的規例,可對該等規例適用的處所的佔用人施加須遵從該等規例的責任。
- (5)
- 主管當局可不時採取其認為適當的步驟,就屬於根據本條所訂規例的標的之事宜發布實務守則,以向負責遵從該等規例的人提供意見及指引。
- (6)
- 任何人沒有遵守根據第(5)款發布的守則的任何條文,不會僅因此而遭受任何種類的刑事起訴,但在民事或刑事法律程序(包括就本條例所訂罪行而提起的法律程序)中,法律程序的任何一方均可以該項沒有遵守守則行為是可能會確定或否定法律程序中所爭議的法律責任,而依賴其作為論據。
- (7) 在本條及在第56A及56B條中,“處所”(premises) 包括攤檔或船隻,而就船隻而言,“佔用人”(occupier) 指船長。 (由1988年第76號第2條增補。由1994年第49號第12條修訂)
條: | 56A | 訂明有關藥物的費用 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 供人使用的藥物的出售;
- (b)任何擬出售或任何售賣供人使用的藥物的製造、配製、運輸、貯存、包裝、標記、送
達或交付,或為將該等藥物出售而將其展出。 (由1994年第49號第13條增補)
條: | 56B | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 57 | 施行規例時活的家禽、活的爬蟲及活魚須當作為食物 | 30/06/1997 |
或要約出售,或為將該等活的家禽、活的爬蟲及活魚出售而將其管有或展出或託付他人或交付他人,其方式猶如該等活的家禽、活的爬蟲及活魚是食物一樣。 (由1976年第9號第6條修訂;由1985年第68號第2條修訂)
條: | 58 | 要求提供配製食物及藥物所使用物質的成分組合資料的權力 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 為行使第55及56條授予有關當局的權力,有關當局可藉命令規定在命令的日期或其後所進行業務包括生產、輸入或使用命令所指明類別物質的人,在命令所指明的時間內,向命令所指明的公職人員,就該項業務運作中售賣用作配製出售供人食用的食物或配製出售供人使用的藥物的該等物質的成分組合及用途,或就該項業務運作中作上述用途的該等物質的成分組合及用途,提供命令所指明的詳情。 (由1997年第80號第3條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- 在不損害第(1)款條文的概括性的原則下,根據第(1)款所作出的命令,可規定須就任何物質提供下列詳情,即─
- (a) 該物質的成分組合及化學性質的詳情;
- (b) 使用或擬使用該物質配製食物或藥物的方式的詳情;
- (c)為斷定該物質或為斷定以上述方式使用該物質製成的產品是否損害健康或對健康有任何方面的影響,以及該等損害或影響的程度,而由進行有關業務的人作出或在其知悉下作出的調查的詳情;
- (d)為斷定以普通分量食用或使用該物質後對人體健康的累積影響,而由進行有關業務的人作出或在其知悉下作出的調查或查究的詳情。
- 按照根據第(1)款條文所作出的命令而提供的詳情以及透過該等詳情而取得有關個別業務的資料,如沒有進行有關業務的人的事先書面同意,不得披露,除非披露是─
- (a) 按照有關當局發出的指示而作出的;及 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- (b) 為進行就違反該命令的罪行而提起的法律程序或是為報導該等法律程序而作出的。
- (4) 任何人在違反第(3)款條文下披露任何詳情或資料,即屬犯罪。
- (5) 任何人沒有遵從根據第(1)款條文所作出的命令的規定,即屬犯罪。
- (6) 在本條中,凡提述“有關當局”之處,均須按照第(7)款解釋。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (7) 有關當局─
- (a) 在第(1)款中─
- (i) 就第55及56條所授予關乎食物的權力而言,指食物環境衞生署署長;及
- (ii) 就第55及56條所授予關乎藥物的權力而言,指衞生署署長;及
- (b) 在第(3)款中─
- (i) 就關乎食物的詳情及資料而言,指食物環境衞生署署長;及
- (ii) 就關乎藥物的詳情及資料而言,指衞生署署長。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (1) 獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員─
- (a)可檢驗擬供人食用或其覺得是擬供人食用的食物,或擬供人使用或其覺得是擬供人使用的藥物;及
- (b)如覺得該等食物不宜供人食用或該等藥物不宜供人使用(視屬何情況而定),或覺得有人已就該等食物或藥物違反根據第55或56條訂立的規例條文,可將該等食物或藥物或裝載該等食物或藥物的包裝檢取和移走;及
- (c)凡認為就任何輸入的上述食物的檢驗需採取特別程序,或凡在進口商要求下採取上述
條: | 59 | 食物或藥物的檢驗、檢取和標記或銷毀 | 30/06/1997 |
- 獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員,如覺得任何食物不宜供人食用或任何藥物不宜供人使用,或覺得有人已就該等食物或藥物違反根據第55或56條訂立的規例條文,則不論該等食物或藥物是否根據第(1)款條文被檢取,該公職人員均可─
- (a) 在該等食物或藥物加上標記、印記或其他名稱;或
- (b)銷毀或以其他方式處置該等食物或藥物,或安排將該等食物或藥物銷毀或以其他方式處置。
- 任何人如在違反根據第(2)款條文加在食物或藥物上的標記、印記或其他名稱所宣稱事項下,將該等食物或藥物售賣或要約出售,或為將該等食物或藥物出售而將其展出,或為將該等食物或藥物出售或配製以供出售而將其交付某人存放或向某人託付,或以其他方式使用該等食物或藥物,或意圖欺騙他人而將該等標記、印記或名稱除去、更改或塗去,即屬犯罪。
- 在根據第(2)款條文將食物或藥物銷毀或以其他方式處置前,須有一項說明及其他足可識別該等食物或藥物的資料記錄在案,而主管當局須將該紀錄保管,為期不少於12個月。
- 任何人如認為根據第(1)或(2)款條文將任何食物或藥物檢取和移走,或加上標記、印記或其他名稱,或予以銷毀或以其他方式處置,令其感到受屈,可於有關作為作出後72小時內向法庭提出申訴,而法庭則可完全或部分確認或拒准有關作為;如任何作為被拒准或被部分拒准,法庭須命令將全部或與被拒准作為有關部分的標記、印記或其他名稱除去,或將被檢取和移走的全部食物或藥物或與被拒准作為有關部分的食物或藥物歸還,而有關食物或藥物或其任何部分如已遭銷毀或已以其他方式處置,或不再適宜供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定),或在命令作出時已因有關作為而致貶值,則法庭須命令主管當局付出一筆法庭在顧及個案情況下認為公正的款項以作補償,但以不超過該等食物或藥物在有關作為作出時的市值為限。
- 如就第54(1)或(2)條所訂罪行或根據第55條訂立的規例條文所訂罪行而定罪,法庭可發出命令,將定罪所關乎的食物或藥物,以及在被告人處所發現或在犯罪時或有關食物或藥物被檢取時由被告人管有的相類食物或藥物,連同所有裝載該等食物或藥物的包裝沒收。
- (7) 根據第(6)款條文沒收的食物或藥物及將其裝載的包裝,均須按主管當局指示的方式處置。
- (1) 第54及59條適用於─
- (a)在公眾獲准免費或繳費入場的娛樂節目的有關事宜上,提供作為獎品或酬賞的擬供人食用食物或擬供人使用藥物,猶如該等食物或藥物是由或曾由每位與籌辦娛樂節目有關的人為將其出售而展出一樣;
- (b)提供作為獎品或酬賞,或為宣傳或促進任何商業活動或業務而送出的擬供人食用食物或擬供人使用藥物,猶如該等食物或藥物是由或曾由將其提供或送出的人為將其出售而展出一樣;
- (c)展出或存放於任何處所內,以按上述方式提供或送出的擬供人食用食物或擬供人使用藥物,猶如該等食物或藥物是由或曾由該處所的佔用人為將其出售而展出一樣。
- 在本條中,“娛樂節目”(entertainment)一詞包括社交聚會、遊樂節目、展覽、表演、遊戲、運動或競技。
- 任何人如與其出售的食物或藥物一併給予下列標籤,或在其為出售而展出的食物或藥物上一併展示下列標籤─
- (a) 對食物或藥物作出虛假說明的標籤;或
- (b) 預計會在食物或藥物的性質、物質或品質方面誤導他人的標籤, 則不論該標籤是否附於或印於包裹物或容器上,該人即屬犯罪,除非該人能證明其本人不知且即使已盡合理的努力仍不能確定該標籤具上述的性質。
- 除第(3)款條文另有規定外,任何人如發布或參與發布並非第(1)款條文適用的標籤的宣傳品,而該宣傳品─
- (a) 對食物或藥物作出虛假的說明;或
- (b) 相當可能在食物或藥物的性質、物質或品質方面誤導他人, 該人即屬犯罪,而在對該等食物或藥物的製造商、生產商或進口商提起的法律程序中,被告人須負責證明其本人並無發布並且沒有參與發布有關宣傳品。
- (3) 在就第(2)款所訂罪行而提起的法律程序中,被告人如證明下列其中一項,即為免責辯護─
- (a) 其本人不知且即使已盡合理的努力仍不能確定該宣傳品具該款所述的性質;或
- (b)其本人的業務是發布或安排發布宣傳品,而該宣傳品是其本人在通常業務運作中收受的。
- 就本條而言,預計會在食物的營養或飲食價值方面誤導他人的標籤或宣傳品,均屬預計會在食物的品質方面誤導他人。
- 在根據本條提起的法律程序中,即使任何指稱為犯罪所關乎的標籤或宣傳品載有有關食物或藥物成分組合的準確陳述,亦不阻止法庭作出犯了該罪行的裁定。
- (6) 在本條中,除與藥物有關外,凡提述出售之處,均須解釋為出售供人食用。
- 獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員,如覺得任何食物或藥物或任何可用作配製食物或藥物的物質,是擬出售或已經出售供人食用或供人使用的(視屬何情況而定),或在他因施行本條例而獲授權進入的處所、攤檔、車輛、船隻、飛機或地方內發現任何食物或藥物或任何可用作配製食物或藥物的物質,均可抽取其樣本以作分析、細菌化驗或其他檢驗:
條: | 61 | 食物或藥物的虛假標籤及宣傳品 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 62 | 抽取樣本的權力 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a)上述公職人員須向看似是合法保管該等食物、藥物或物質的人,繳付上述樣本的市價或提供該市價的付款,但如不知有關市價或並非可輕易確定有關市價,則須向該人繳付合理的價錢或提供該價錢的付款;及
- (b)凡該等食物、藥物或物質是存盛於未開啟的包裝內以供零售的,則上述樣本不得少於任何個別包裝內的全部分量。
- 在根據本條抽取樣本時,上述公職人員須採取所需的步驟,以令其本人信納所抽取的樣本可公正地作為大部分有關食物、藥物或其他物質的樣本。
- (3) 本條條文不得解釋為授權在違反《危險藥物條例》(第134章)條文下購買或出售藥物。
- (4) 任何人沒有遵從根據本條條文所作的要求或請求,即屬犯罪。
- 根據第62條條文抽取任何食物、藥物或物質樣本以作分析的人員,須立即將有關樣本分為3份,並按樣本性質所許可的方式,將各份加上標記和加封或包紮,並須─
條: | 63 | 有關抽取樣本以作分析的條文 | 30/06/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
(a) 依照第(2)款條文處理其中一份樣本;及
- (b) 依照第(3)款條文處理餘下的各份樣本:
但本款不適用於抽取作細菌化驗的樣本。 (由1970年第59號第3條修訂)
- (2) (a)如樣本是向有關食物、藥物或物質的商人購得,則有關人員須將其中一份樣本給予賣主,而賣主則可獲准在3份中選擇其一。
- (b) 如樣本是從自動售貨機購得─
- (i) 如該機上有註明為該機東主的人的姓名或名稱及地址(須為香港地址),則有關人員須將其中一份樣本給予該人;
- (ii) 在其他情況下,則有關人員須將其中一份樣本給予該機所在或所附的處所的佔用人。
- (c)如樣本屬由香港以外地區託付運來的食物、藥物或物質的樣本,並於交付收貨人之前為有關人員所抽取,則有關人員須將其中一份樣本給予收貨人。
- (d)如樣本屬由在香港以內地區的託貨人運送予收貨人(不論是在香港以內或以外地區)途中的食物、藥物或物質的樣本,則有關人員須將其中一份樣本給予託貨人。
- (e)如本款上述各段均不適用,則有關人員須將其中一份樣本給予其覺得是所抽取樣本食物、藥物或物質的擁有人。 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- 有關人員除非決定不進行分析,否則須將餘下2份樣本其中一份親自送交政府分析員,並將另外一份保留,以供將來比較之用。
- 在第(2)款條文適用的各情況下,有關人員須告知獲給予其中一份樣本的人,謂抽取樣本是供政府分析員作分析之用的。
- 如抽取作分析之用的樣本包括未開啟包裝內的物品,有關人員須保留包裝物料。如他決定進行分析,則須將樣本連同該等包裝物料及於抽取樣本時已附在該等包裝物料上的任何標籤,以及按照第(3)款條文所須送交的其中一份樣本,一併交付政府分析員。
- 如根據本條條文須向任何人給予一份樣本,則可將該份樣本交付其本人或其代理人,或以掛號包裹郵遞方式送交其本人:
- 但如有關人員經合理查詢後,仍不能尋獲應獲給予該份樣本的人,或不能確定該人的姓名或名稱及地址,可將該份樣本保留而不給予該人。
- 如有關人員已從任何食物、藥物或物質抽取樣本以作分析,而他覺得該等食物、藥物或物質是由一名本身姓名或名稱及在香港的地址已展示於包裹物或容器之上的人所製造或放入包裹物或容器之內的,但該人並非憑藉第(2)款條文須獲給予其中一份樣本的人,則有關人員除非決定不進行分析,否則須於抽取樣本後3天內,向該人送交通知,告知該人他已抽取樣本及樣本於何處抽取或向何人購買(視屬何情況而定)。(由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- 凡根據第62條條文抽取的樣本已由政府分析員分析,按照第(2)款條文獲給予其中一份樣本的人,於繳付費用$1後,有權獲得提供一份政府分析員根據第64條發出的證明書的副本。
- (9) 任何人使用根據第(8)款條文取得的分析證明書作宣傳用途,即屬犯罪。
- 凡有作分析之用的樣本根據第63條條文交付政府分析員,該分析員須在切實可行範圍內盡快安排將樣本分析,並須按照附表7所訂明表格A的格式,向要求分析的人員發給一份列明分析結果的證明書。
- 由政府分析員依據第(1)款條文發出的分析結果證明書,須由該分析員簽署,但有關分析可由在其指示下行事的人作出。
- 在根據本部提起的法律程序中,如其中一方出示一份看來是政府分析員按照附表7所訂明表格A的格式發出的證明書的文件,或出示一份由另一方向他提供作為上述證明書副本的文件,即為該文件所述事實的表面證據,但如在首述的情況下,另一方要求傳召政府分析員作證人,則屬例外。
- 在任何上述法律程序中,如被告人擬出示由政府分析員所發出的證明書,或擬根據第(1)款條文要求傳召有關的政府分析員作證人,則須在傳票作傳訊的日期前3整天或之前,向另一方發出意向通知,並在首述的情況下,附上有關證明書的副本。如被告人沒有遵從本規定,法庭可按其認為適當的條款將聆訊押後。
- 凡根據第55(1)(e)條訂立的規例已訂明有關分析的方法,則採用以訂明方法進行的分析所得的證據,須較採用其他分析或測試所得的證據獲優先接受。
- 在根據本部就經取樣物品或物質提起的法律程序中,傳票作傳訊的日期自傳票送達日期起計不得少於14天,而代表檢控員取得的分析證明書副本,須連同傳票送達。
- 在根據本部提起的法律程序中,凡因取得樣本的情況而致須按本條例規定將樣本分為若干份,則由抽取樣本的人所保留的其中一份樣本須於聆訊時出示。
- (1) 就本部而言─
- (a)如有售賣或要約出售通常用作供人食用的物品或通常用作供人使用的藥物,或為將其出售而展出或存有該等物品或藥物,則該等物品或藥物均須推定為已經出售或曾擬出售或擬出售供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定),直至相反證明成立為止;
- (b)如通常用作供人食用的物品或通常用作供人使用的藥物,被發現在用作配製、貯存、運送或出售該等物品或藥物的處所、船隻、車輛或飛機內,又如通常用作製造供人食用產品或供人使用藥物的物品,被發現在用作配製、貯存、運送或出售該等產品或藥物的處所、船隻、車輛或飛機內,則該等物品或藥物均須推定為擬出售供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定),或擬供作製造產品以供出售供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定),直至相反證明成立為止;
- (c)如有任何可用作組合或配製通常用作供人食用物品或通常用作供人使用藥物的物質,被發現在配製該等物品或藥物所在的處所或船隻內,則該等物質均須推定為擬作上述用途,直至相反證明成立為止。
- 凡有售賣供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物,或為將該等食物或藥物出售供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定)而將其交付某人存放或向某人託付,而該等食物或藥物是裝載於未開啟的包裝內的,則憑包裝上或附於包裝上的陳述看似曾輸入、製造或配製該等食物或藥物或曾將其放入包裝內的人,均須當作曾將該等食物或藥物輸入、製造、配製或包裝,直至相反證明成立為止。
- (3) 就本部而言,“供人使用”(for useby man) 一詞指供人食用或供人體外敷用。
- 除第(2)款條文另有規定外,根據第59(1)條條文獲授權的公職人員,如有理由懷疑任何車輛、船隻或容器內載有擬供人食用的食物或擬供人使用的藥物,或載有已經出售供人食用或供人使
條: | 65 | 有關分析的證據 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 66 | 與經取樣物品或物質有關的法律程序 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 67 | 推定 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 68 | 檢驗運送途中食物或藥物等權力 | 30/06/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
(2) 本條條文並不授權將貨物承運人在其有關行業上所使用的車輛、船隻或容器扣留。
- 如掌管根據第(1)款條文被要求停駛的車輛或船隻的人,沒有應要求而將該車輛或船隻停駛,即屬犯罪。
- 在不損害本部所授予的檢驗食物或藥物的權力的原則下,主管當局或獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員,可向管有輸入食物或藥物並有意將其出售供人食用或供人使用(視屬何情況而定)的人發出指示,禁止或限制在下述期間內移走或交付該等食物或藥物─ (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (a) 檢驗該等食物或藥物所需的合理期間,以不超過6天為限(星期六、星期日及公眾假期不包括在內);及 (由1976年第29號第4條代替)
- (b)如在上述期間內,主管當局或有關人員規定該人向其通知該人擬將該等食物或藥物送交或交付的人的姓名或名稱及送交或交付的地址,則直至該人已通知主管當局或有關人員為止。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- 任何人沒有遵從根據第(1)款條文發出的指示,或於根據該條文所作的通知中,明知而作出虛假的陳述,即屬犯罪。
- 根據本部被起訴的人,如指稱違反有關條文是由於另一人的作為或失責所致,則在向法庭妥為提出告發,並向控方發出不少於3整天通知期的意向通知後,有權令該另一人在有關法律程序中被帶到法庭席前應訊,而違例經證明屬實後,如原來的被告人證明違例是由於該另一人的作為或失責所致,則該另一人可被定罪,而原來的被告人如進一步證明其本人已盡一切應盡的努力,以確保有關條文獲得遵從,即獲判無罪釋放。
- (2) 凡被告人尋求引用第(1)款條文─
- (a) 則控方及遭被告人指控犯罪的人,均有權盤問被告人(如被告人作證)及被告人為支持其申辯而傳召的證人,並有權提出反駁證據;
- (b) 法庭可作出其認為適當的命令,規定法律程序中任何一方向另一方繳付訟費。
- 凡主管當局覺得已發生一項罪行,並可根據本部就該罪行起訴某人,而主管當局亦合理地信納申訴所關乎的罪行是由於另一人的作為或失責所致及首述的人根據第(1)款提出的免責辯護成立,則主管當局可安排起訴該另一人而無須先行安排起訴首述的人;在有關法律程序中,被告人可被控以首述的人本可被控的罪行,而一經證明違例是由於被告人的作為或失責所致,則可裁定其犯了該罪行。
- 在根據第(3)款條文提起的法律程序中,告發或申訴須列出事實,並述明有關主管當局合理地信納申訴所關乎的罪行是由於被起訴人的作為或失責所致的。
- 除本條條文另有規定外,在就本部所訂罪行而提起的法律程序中,如因將物品或物質售賣或要約出售,或因將物品或物質出售而將其展出、宣傳或管有而構成罪行,則被告人如證明下列事項,即為免責辯護─
條: | 69 | 對移動輸入食物或藥物的限制 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 70 | 因其他人而致違例 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 71 | 以保證書作為申辯中的免責辯護的條件 | 30/06/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
- (b) 被告人在犯所指控的罪行時,並無理由相信該物品或物質是有別於上述情況的;及
- (c)該物品或物質的狀況,在被告人犯所指控的罪行時,與在被告人購買該物品或物質時相同。
(2) 在根據本部提起的法律程序中,保證書只有在下列情況方可作為免責辯護─
- (a) 被告人─
- (i) 在聆訊日期不少於3整天之前,曾將保證書副本連同通知送交檢控員,而通知是述明其本人擬依賴該保證書作辯,並指明向他給予保證書的人的姓名或名稱及地址;及
- (ii) 亦曾將同樣的通知送交該人;及
- (b)如給予保證書的人居住於香港以外地區,則被告人須證明其本人已採取合理步驟以確定保證書所載陳述乃屬準確,而其本人事實上亦相信保證書所載陳述乃屬準確。 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- 凡被告人是購買該附有保證書物品或物質的人的受僱人或代理人,其本人亦有權依賴本條條文,猶如其僱主或委託人假若是被告人時本會有權依賴本條條文一樣。
- 被指稱給予保證書的人,有權出席聆訊和作證,而法庭如認為適當,可將聆訊押後,以使該人得以出席聆訊和作證。
- 為施行本條及第72條,發票上所記有的名稱或說明,須當作為書面保證,指任何人均可將該記項上所提述的物品或物質按該名稱或該說明售賣或以其他方式處理,而不違反本部條文。
- 在根據本部提起的法律程序中,被告人故意以就其他物品或物質所發出的保證書或分析證明書應用於某一物品或物質上,即屬犯罪。
- 任何人就其售賣的物品或物質向購買人發出虛假的書面保證,而根據第71條可藉保證書就該物品或物質作出申辯,該人即屬犯罪,除非他證明其本人在發出保證書時,有理由相信該保證書所載的陳述或說明乃屬準確。
- 就本部而言,任何人如將供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物售賣或要約出售,或為將該等食物或藥物出售而將其展出、宣傳或管有,則不論該人是以其個人身分或以他人的受僱人或代理人身分行事,該人亦須當作將該等食物或藥物售賣或要約出售,或為將該等食物或藥物出售而將其展出、宣傳或管有。如該人是他人的受僱人或代理人,則除本部條文另有規定外,該他人亦須負上相同的法律責任,猶如其本人曾將該等食物或藥物售賣,或為將該等食物或藥物出售而將其展出、宣傳或管有一樣。
- 凡任何人因犯了本部所訂罪行而被定罪,法庭可命令,為該項定罪中所關乎的任何食物或藥物的樣本抽取、分析、細菌化驗或其他檢驗所附帶引起的全部開支,由該名已被定罪的人繳付。(由1970年第59號第4條修訂)
條: | 72 | 與保證書或分析證明書有關的罪行 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 73 | 由受僱人或代理人出售等 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 74 | 追討因抽取樣本附帶引起的開支 | 30/06/1997 |
(2) 所有上述開支均須按照討罰款的相同方式追討。
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
條: | 75 | 定罪可在報章公布 | 30/06/1997 |
如任何人因犯了本部所訂罪行而被定罪,而所犯罪行與將供人食用的食物或供人使用的藥物出售或配製以供出售有關,則主管當局可安排在行銷於香港的報章發布─ (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- (a) 罪犯的姓名或名稱;
- (b) 犯罪所在地方的地址(如有的話);
- (c) 罪行的性質;及
- (d) 所判處的罰款、沒收或其他刑罰。
條: | 76 | 對舉報人的保護 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 76A | 公營屠房 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將任何處所指定為公營屠房。 (由1976年第9號第7條修訂)
- (2) 《屠場規例》(第132章,附屬法例)附表1所指明的屠場,須當作已被指定為公營屠房。 (由
1999年第78號第7條修訂) (由1973年第21號第4條增補)
條: | 76B | 公營屠房的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 77 | 有關屠宰及屠房的規例 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 主管當局可訂立有關屠宰動物或禽鳥作食物供人食用的規例,以就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a) 規管或管制(包括禁止)在屠房以外地方進行屠宰;
- (b) 屠房的保養及清潔狀況;
- (c) 屠房的管理和運作,包括不准任何人進入屠房或將其逐出屠房;
- (d) 動物運入屠房的管制;
- (e) 屠房內動物的控制;
- (f) 對擬供屠宰的動物加以檢驗、檢查與加上標記;
- (g) 進行屠宰時可使用的方法、工具及用具;
- (h)對在屠房被屠宰動物的屠體及什臟加以檢查與加上適宜供人食用的標記,並限制該等標記的使用;
- (i) 屠房內屠宰動物或禽鳥所產生的廢物及副產品的處置、處理和加工; (由1980年第8號第37條修訂)
- (j) 管制將屠體、屠體的任何部分及什臟由屠房運往其他地方;
- (k)授予公職人員權力,以扣留和處置動物、動物的屠體及其他部分,並就動物的屠宰作出指示; (由1971年第16號第2條增補。由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (l) 就公營屠房而言─
- (i) (由1994年第49號第14條廢除)
- (ii) 可進行屠房的全部或任何事務的人;
- (iii) 待屠宰動物的擁有人的登記;
- (iv) 屠宰動物的時間;
- (v) 保持屠房內秩序良好; (由1971年第16號第2條修訂)
- (m) 就私營屠房而言─
- (i) 登記、發牌或禁止登記或發牌; (由1994年第49號第14條修訂)
- (ii) 有關處所或其任何部分的構造、照明狀況、通風狀況、排水狀況、定期油漆或髹掃灰水的規定;
- (iii) 對使用該等屠房或使用其內所提供設施所徵收費用的管制。 (由1994年第49號第14條修訂)
- (iv) (由1994年第49號第14條廢除) (由1968年第17號第2條代替)
- 根據本條訂立有關公營屠房的規例,不得擬具為或解釋為拒絕給予宗教團體合理設施,以取得按其宗教特別規定的方法屠宰的動物或禽鳥的肉作為食物。
- 如公營屠房接收以屠宰作食物供人食用的動物,於檢驗時發現染病或不宜供人食用,則主管當局可將其屠體或其屠體的任何部分檢取,並按其認為適當的方式處置,而上述屠體或上述屠體有關部分的擁有人將不獲付給任何補償。
- 凡主管當局依據第(1)款條文檢取屠體或屠體的任何部分,在處置該屠體或該屠體有關部分前,須安排記錄下列資料─
- (a) 足可識別該屠體或該屠體有關部分的說明或其他詳情;及
- (b) 作出檢取的理由。
- 任何人如認為根據第(1)款條文將屠體或屠體的任何部分檢取令其感到受屈,可於檢取作出後72小時內向法庭提出申訴,而法庭則可完全或部分確認或拒准該項檢取;如檢取被拒准或被部分拒准,法庭須命令主管當局歸還已檢取的有關屠體或屠體有關部分的全部,或與被拒准檢取有關的部分,而有關屠體或屠體有關部分如已被處置或不再適宜供人食用(視屬何情況而定),或因檢取而致貶值,則法庭須命令主管當局付出一筆法庭在顧及有關情況下認為公正的款項以作補償,但以不超過有關屠體或屠體有關部分被檢取時的市值為限。
“危害”(hazard) 指食物中可能對健康導致不良影響的某種生物、化學或物理因素,或可能對健康導致不良影響的某種食物狀況;
“供應”(supply) 就任何食物而言,指—
- (a) 售賣該食物;
- (b) 要約售賣該食物,或為售賣而保存或展示該食物;
- (c) 交換或處置該食物,並為此收取代價;
- (d) 依據以下活動而傳交、傳遞或送交該食物—
- (i) 售賣;或
- (ii) 交換或處置,並為此收取代價;或
(e) 為商業目的而送出該食物,作為獎品或贈品; “食物”(food) 具有第2(1)條給予該詞的涵義,但包括活家禽、活爬蟲類動物及活魚; “第78B條命令”(section 78B order) 指根據第78B(1)條作出的命令,而在文意有需要的情況下,亦包
括根據第78B(5)條不時更改的上述命令。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
(1) 主管當局可作出命令,飭令作出任何一項或多於一項以下事項—
- (a) 禁止在該命令指明的期間內輸入任何食物;
- (b) 禁止在該命令指明的期間內供應任何食物;
- (c) 指示將任何已供應的食物收回,並指明收回的方式及限期;
- (d)指示將任何食物查封、隔離、銷毀或以其他方式處置,並指明查封、隔離、銷毀或處置的方式及限期;
- (e)禁止在該命令指明的期間內進行關於任何食物的活動,或准許在該期間內按照該命令指明的條件,進行該等活動。
- 凡主管當局在作出第78B條命令時,有合理理由相信有需要作出該命令,以防止對公眾衞生造成危險,或減少對公眾衞生造成危險的可能性,或緩解任何對公眾衞生造成危險的不良後果,該命令方可作出。
- 在斷定是否有第(2)款所指的合理理由時,主管當局可在切實可行和合理的範圍內,盡量考慮所有主管當局認為適當的及攸關該個案的情況的因素,包括(但不限於)—
- (a) 從有關食物的任何進口商或供應商取得的資料;
- (b) 從政府分析員取得的資料、報告或測試結果;
- (c)從任何國際食物或衞生主管當局或任何地方的食物或衞生主管當局取得的資料(包括報告、警報、警告及諮詢意見);
- (d) 從政府分析員取得報告或測試結果所需的時間;
- (e)有關食物的任何危害的特徵、有關食物的危害的水平、有關食物的食用模式,及一般公眾和易受傷害組別人士接觸有關食物的情況;
- (f) 任何關乎有關食物的法例規定;
- (g)關於上述危害的來源及範圍的資料,尤其是上述危害是否存在於整個生產或供應程序或其任何部分,或局限於某一批食物。
- (4) 第78B條命令必須指明—
- (a) 該命令擬約束的人士或人士類別;
- (b) 該命令所針對的食物的詳情;
- (c) 作出該命令的原因,及引致作出該命令的主要因素;
- (d) 禁令或所需行動(視屬何情況而定),及在該命令下的條件(如有的話);
- (e) 第(1)(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)或(e)款(視屬何情況而定)所提述的期間或限期;及
- (f) 該命令所根據的條文,及違反該命令任何條款的後果。
- 主管當局可沿用作出第78B條命令的相同方式,更改或撤銷該命令,而第78C條經必要的變通後,就根據本款更改或撤銷第78B條命令而適用,猶如該條就第78B條命令而適用。
- (6) 第78B條命令不是附屬法例。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
- (1) 第78B條命令必須以書面作出,並可致予—
- (a) 某一或某些特定人士;
- (b) 某類別人士;或
- (c) 所有人。
- 如第(1)(a)款所提述般致予某一或某些人士的第78B條命令,必須送達該人或他們中的每一人。
- (3) 如第(1)(b)或(c)款所提述般致予某類別人士或所有人的第78B條命令,必須在憲報刊登。
- (4) 第78B條命令一經生效,即對該命令所致予的人具約束力。
- (5) 凡第78B條命令送達任何人,該命令在送達時即就該人而生效。
- 如第(1)(b)或(c)款所提述般致予某類別人士或所有人的第78B條命令,於該命令指明的時間
條: | 78C | 作出第78B條命令的方式、送達及刊登 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
生效。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
條: | 78D | 違反第78B條命令 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
(1) 受第78B條命令約束的人違反該命令任何條款,即屬犯罪。
- (3) 被控犯違反第(1)款的罪行的僱員如證明以下情況,即可以此作為免責辯護—
- (a)他是在其受僱期間,在違反第78B條命令的條款的情況下,作出有關作為或沒有作出有關作為,而且他是按其僱主在其受僱期間向他發出的指示,而作出或沒有作出該作為;及
- (b) 在有關時間,他所處的崗位,並非可作出或影響關乎該作為或不作為的決定。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
- 主管當局可向受第78B條命令約束的人送達通知,要求該人(在該通知指明的時間或限期內)
條: | 78E | 就第78B條命令採取的行動,以及提供樣本 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
- (a) 將他就該命令採取的行動,告知主管當局;或
- (b)向主管當局提供該命令所針對的食物的樣本,以供進行化驗或細菌檢測,或其他檢驗,樣本數量須符合該通知指明者。
(3) 獲送達第(1)款所指通知的人如—
- (a) 沒有遵從該通知;或
- (b) 作出以下作為,充作遵從該通知—
- (i) 提供他知道在要項上失實的資料;或
- (ii) 罔顧實情地提供在要項上失實的資料,
即屬犯罪。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
條: | 78F | 獲取資料或文件副本的權力 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- (a) 在該通知指明的限期內,提供該通知指明的資料;或
- (b)在該通知指明的時間及地點,出示該通知指明的文件,並准許獲主管當局為此以書面授權的公職人員,在該時間及地點,製備該等文件的副本。
(2) 獲送達第(1)款所指通知的人如—
- (a) 沒有遵從該通知;或
- (b) 作出以下作為,充作遵從該通知—
- (i) 提供他知道在要項上失實的資料,或出示他知道在要項上失實的文件;或
- (ii) 罔顧實情地提供在要項上失實的資料,或罔顧實情地出示在要項上失實的文件,
即屬犯罪。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
條: | 78G | 向市政服務上訴委員會提出的上訴 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- 任何受第78B條命令約束的人,如因該命令而感到受屈,可在開始受該命令約束後28天內,針對原先作出的該命令,向市政服務上訴委員會提出上訴。
- 任何受第78B條命令約束的人,如因該命令根據第78B(5)條更改而感到受屈,可在開始受該項更改約束後28天內,針對經如此更改的該命令,向市政服務上訴委員會提出上訴。
- 凡第78B條命令是如第78C(1)(b)或(c)條所提述般致予某類別人士或所有人,而有人針對該命令提出上訴,則如《市政服務上訴委員會條例》(第220章)授權或規定送達任何文件或發出任何通知予受該命令約束的人,該文件或該通知可按以下方式送達或發出—
- (a) 在憲報刊登;或
- (b) 市政服務上訴委員會主席藉他簽署的書面通知指明的任何其他方法。
- (4) 除非主管當局另有決定,否則根據本條提出的上訴,並不令有關的第78B條命令暫緩執行。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
- (1) 受第78B條命令約束的人可就第(3)款所列種類的損失申請補償,該項補償可作為政府所欠的
條: | 78H | 補償 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
(2) 有關的人必須證明以下情況,方有權獲得補償—
- (a) 主管當局在作出或更改有關命令時,沒有合理理由如此行事;及
- (b) 該人蒙受有關損失。
- (3) 第(1)款所提述的損失,為屬遵從有關的第78B條命令的直接後果所引致的以下損失,或屬根據第78I(1)條就有關的第78B條命令行使權力的直接後果所引致的以下損失—
- (a) 該命令所針對的食物的全部或部分損失,而該食物—
- (i) 已遭銷毀或已以其他方式處置;
- (ii) 不再適宜供人食用;或
- (iii) 已貶值;
- (b) 實際和直接招致的費用或開支。
- (4) 可追討的補償款額—
- (a) 就第(3)(a)款所列種類的損失而言,不得超過有關食物在緊接有關的第78B條命令作出或更改(視屬何情況而定)前的市值;及
- (b) 就第(3)(b)款所列種類的損失而言,不得超過所招致的費用或開支的實際款額。
- (5) 第(1)款所指申請—
- (a) 的申索數額如不超過小額錢債審裁處的最高司法管轄權,可向該審裁處提出;或
- (b) 不論申索數額為何,均可向區域法院提出。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
- 如獲主管當局為此以書面授權的公職人員覺得,任何受第78B條命令約束的人就任何食物而違反該命令的條款,該人員可—
- (a) 將該等食物或裝載該等食物的包裝,從該人處檢取和移走;
- (b) 在該人管有的該等食物加上標記、印記或其他稱述;或
- (c)銷毀或以其他方式處置該人管有的該等食物,或安排將該等食物銷毀或以其他方式處置。
- 主管當局可在具有司法管轄權的法庭,向第(1)款所提述的人追討根據第(1)(a)、(b)或(c)款招致的任何合理費用,猶如該等費用為該人欠主管當局的債項。
- 如任何人意圖欺騙他人而移去、更改或塗掉任何根據第(1)(b)款加上的標記、印記或其他稱述,即屬犯罪。
- 任何公職人員在根據第(1)(c)款銷毀或以其他方式處置食物或安排銷毀或以其他方式處置食物前,必須將一項說明及其他足可識別該等食物的其他詳情記錄在案,而主管當局必須保管該紀錄,為期不少於12個月。
- 如被告人被裁定犯本部所訂罪行,法庭可命令將定罪所關乎的食物,以及在被告人處所發現的相類食物,或在犯罪時或有關食物被檢取時由被告人管有的相類食物,連同所有裝載該等食物的包裝一併沒收。
- (6) 根據第(5)款沒收的食物及裝載該等食物的包裝,均可按主管當局指明的方式處置。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
- 就本部而言,任何僱員在其受僱期間作出的或沒有作出的任何作為,須視為既是他亦是其僱主所作出或沒有作出的。
- 就本部而言,任何作為另一人的代理人並獲該另一人授權(不論是明示或默示,亦不論是事前或事後授權)的人所作出的或沒有作出的任何作為,須視為既是該另一人亦是該代理人所作出或沒有作出的。
- 在就本部所訂罪行而針對某人就其僱員或代理人被指稱作出的或沒有作出的作為而提起的法律程序中,除非該人確立第(4)款描述的免責辯護,否則該人可被裁定犯該罪行,和因犯該罪行而受處罰。
- 如有法律程序憑藉本條針對某人而提起,而該人證明他已作出一切應有的努力以防止有以下情況,該人即可以此作為免責辯護—
- (a) 有關的僱員或代理人,作出有關作為或沒有作出有關作為;或
- (b)有關的僱員在其受僱期間,或有關的代理人在其獲授權期間,作出有關類別的作為或
沒有作出有關類別的作為。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
條: | 78K | 實務守則 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
- (1) 主管當局可發出主管當局認為適合就本部提供實務指引的實務守則。
- (2) 主管當局如根據第(1)款發出實務守則,必須藉憲報刊登的公告—
- (a) 指出該守則;
- (b) 指明該守則的生效日期;及
- (c) 指明是為本部哪些條文而發出該守則的。
- (3) 主管當局可不時修訂根據第(1)款發出的實務守則的全部或任何部分。
- 第(2)款經必要的變通後,適用於根據第(3)款作出的任何修訂,一如第(2)款適用於實務守則的發出一樣。
- (5) 主管當局可隨時撤銷根據第(1)款發出的實務守則。
- (6) 主管當局如根據第(5)款撤銷實務守則,必須藉憲報刊登的公告—
- (a) 指出該守則;及
- (b) 指明撤銷的生效日期。 (第VA部由2009年第3號第2條增補)
- (1) 任何人不得僅因沒有遵守實務守則的任何條文,而被人循任何民事或刑事途徑起訴。
- 然而,如在法律程序中,法院信納實務守則的條文攸關該程序中受爭議的事宜的裁斷,則 —
- (a) 該實務守則可在該程序中獲接納為證據;及
- (b)關於有關的人違反或沒有違反該條文的證明,可被該程序中的任何一方援引用於確立或否定該事宜。
- 在法律程序中,在沒有相反證據的情況下,法院覺得屬第78K條所指公告的標的之實務守則,須視為該公告的標的。
- (4) 在本條中— “法律程序”(legal proceedings) 包括就根據第78G條提出的上訴而進行的市政服務上訴委員會的訴訟及程序; “法院”(court) 具有《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條給予該詞的涵義,並包括裁判官及市政服務上
條: | 78L | 在法律程序中使用實務守則 | 3 of 2009 | 08/05/2009 |
訴委員會; “實務守則”(code of practice) 指根據第78K(1)條發出、並根據第78K(3)條不時修訂的實務守則。
條: | 79 | 本條例適用的街市等 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 本條例適用於主管當局宣布為本條例所適用的街市,而該等街市乃售賣食物者。
- (2) (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
- (3) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將本條例適用的街市指定為公眾街市。
- (4) 附表10所指明的街市,須當作已被指定為公眾街市。
- (5) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將附表10修訂、增補或刪減。 (由1973年第21號第5條修訂;由1976年第9號第8條修訂)
條: | 79A | 公眾街市的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 80 | 有關街市的規例 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 主管當局可訂立有關公眾街市及私營街市的規例,以就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a)以租契、牌照或許可證的方式,向任何人或任何組別或類別的人批給管有或使用街市內店鋪、攤檔、棚檻、圍欄或檔位的權利;
- (aa)就(a)段所提述的店鋪、攤檔、棚檻、圍欄或檔位,就終止租契、牌照或許可證的決定,或就調整租金的決定,向市政上訴委員會提出上訴; (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (b)對可在街市內出售、要約出售或為將其出售而展出的商品的種類或類別,以及可在街市內進行的牟利業務或職業的種類的管制(包括禁止);
- (c)街市的妥善管理與合乎衞生的經辦,包括在街市內出售各類商品的方式或為將其出售而在街市內將其展出的方式,或在街市內運送該等商品或將該等商品運往或運離街市的方式;
- (d)禁止曾被裁定犯了任何該等規例所指明罪行的人,在街市內進行任何業務、受僱於任何業務或參與任何業務;
- (e)主管當局認為為妥善規管和管轄該等街市,以符合公眾利益而需訂明或訂定條文的其他事宜。
- (2) 主管當局可訂立有關私營街市的規例,以就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a) 就營辦該等街市而領牌或登記的事宜; (由1994年第49號第16條修訂)
- (b) 該等街市的管理,以及對來自或有關該等街市的款項的控制和撥用;
- (c) 該等街市內店鋪、攤檔、棚檻、圍欄或檔位的類型及建造方式。
條: | 80A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 81 | 街市規則 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1)主管當局可就任何街市訂立並不抵觸根據第80條訂立的規例的規則,以為在該等街市的使用方面更佳地管制民眾作出規定,以及提供關於使用該等街市的資料。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
(2) 任何人沒有遵從根據本條條文訂立的規則,即屬犯罪。
條: | 82 | 在街市內檢取和沒收物品等 | 29 of 1998 s. 105 | 01/07/1997 |
- 在不損害第59條條文的原則下,如任何警務人員或任何獲主管當局就此授權的公職人員,覺得就任何街市內所售賣的物品或東西,或就該街市內所使用的家具或生財工具,有違反根據第80條所訂規例的條文的情況,則不論是否知悉其擁有人身分或能否將其擁有人尋獲,均可將該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具檢取、帶走和扣留,而任何因此行動而引致的損失概由該擁有人自負:
- 但任何上述物品或東西如屬易毀消者,則警務處處長或主管當局(視屬何情況而定)可安排將其立即出售或以其他方式將其立即處置。
- 凡任何物品、東西、家具或生財工具根據第(1)款條文被檢取,須將一份宣布所作檢取的中文告示張貼於街市的顯眼地方。
- 如在該告示張貼起計48小時內,上述物品、東西、家具或生財工具的擁有人向主管當局提出申索,要求將其發還,則主管當局如信納申索人為其擁有人,而該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具並沒有根據其他成文法則條文被扣留或以其他方式處理,或無須在法律程序中用作證物,須將該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具發還申索人,但如該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具已根據第(1)款但書的條文出售或以其他方式處置,則須向申索人付給一筆主管當局認為公正的款項以作補償。
- 如在該告示張貼起計48小時內,並沒有任何申索向主管當局提出,要求發還上述物品、東西、家具或生財工具,則該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具即成為政府財產,並可予出售或按警務處處長或主管當局(視屬何情況而定)所指示的方式予以處置: (由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
- (a) 本款條文不得解釋為阻止根據第(1)款但書的條文將易毀消的物品或東西立刻處置;及
- (b)任何人如認為上述所作檢取令其感到受屈,可於檢取後7天內向法庭提出申訴,而法庭如信納─
- (i) 申訴人的所有權;及
- (ii) 提出申訴所關乎的物品、東西、家具或生財工具並沒有發生違反規例條文的情況,則須發出指示,將該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具發還申訴人,或在該等物品、東西、家具或生財工具已出售或以其他方式處置的情況下,向申訴人付給一筆法庭認為公正的款項以作補償。
條: | 83 | 就第83A至86D條訂定的釋義 | 30/06/1997 |
詳列交互參照: 第83A、83AA、83B、84、85、86、86A、86B、86C、86D條
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
就第83A至86D條而言─ 〈*註─詳列交互參照:第83A、83AA、83B、84、85、86、86A、
86B、86C、86D條 *〉
“小販罪行”(hawker offence) 指違反第83B條或違反根據第83A條所訂規例的罪行;
品的樣本; “設備”(equipment)包括與販賣相關使用的攤檔、檯、凳、椅、器皿、容器、箱或其他家具或生財工具,但不包括小販售賣或要約出售的商品,或小販為將其出售而展出的商品; “攤檔”(stall) 包括豎設物、構築物、盒、獨輪、雙輪或多輪推車或拖車、單車、三輪車、客貨車或《道路交通條例》(第374章)所指的其他車輛。 (由1995年第10號第2條修訂) (由1972年第60號第2條代替)
條: | 83A | 有關小販的規例 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 主管當局可為達致下列各項目的或其中任何目的而訂立規例─
- (a) 就小販的發牌訂定條文;
- (b) 就小販的分類訂定條文;
- (c)限制小販不得在任何特別地方或範圍內或在指明地方或範圍外進行業務,或禁止小販在任何特別地方或範圍內或在指明地方或範圍外進行業務;
- (d) 規管或禁止販賣任何指明的商品或服務;
- (e) 訂明持牌小販須符合的營辦條件;
- (f) 就持牌小販僱用替手及助手的事宜訂定條文;
- (g)就向持牌小販編配攤位及由持牌小販在攤位上豎設攤檔(在加以主管當局於一般或特別情況所指明的條件下)的事宜訂定條文;
- (h) 就驅逐小販及移走其設備及商品的事宜訂定條文;
- (i) 就法庭在裁定小販犯了小販罪行後,向主管當局建議取消或暫時吊銷該小販的牌照(如有的話)的事宜訂定條文;
- (j) (由1994年第49號第18條廢除)
- (k) 就妥善規管和管制小販所需的其他事宜訂定條文。
- (2) 根據第(1)(c)款訂立的規例,可─
- (a)訂定可由指明公職人員藉憲報刊登的命令指明該等限制或禁止所適用的地方或範圍;及
- (b) 訂定除在憲報刊登命令外,其他向公眾公布有關地方或範圍的方法。 (由1999年第78號
第7條代替) (由1972年第60號第2條增補)
條: | 83AA | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 83B | 運輸署署長可將街道撥作販賣用途 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
- (1) 除非按照在根據第83A條所訂規例下發出的牌照的規定,否則任何人均不得在街道上販賣。(由1973年第28號第2條代替)
- (2) (由1973年第28號第2條廢除)
- (3) 任何人違反第(1)款,即屬犯罪。 (由1973年第28號第2條修訂)
- 運輸署署長在諮詢主管當局及警務處處長後,可不時以書面宣布將街道的全部或任何部分撥作販賣用途,並須以下列方式公告所作的該項宣布─
- (a) 將該項宣布在憲報刊登1期;
- (b) 將該項宣布最少在中英文報章各1份連續刊登3期;
- (c) 安排將該項宣布的副本在該街道或其毗鄰地方的1個或多於1個顯眼地方展示。
- (5) 在遵照第(4)款的規定行事後─
- (a)主管當局可在加以其指明的條件下,將有關街道上的攤位編配予在根據第83A條所訂規例下領有牌照的小販(流動小販除外);
- (b)運輸署署長如認為需要,可進一步在憲報刊登公告,命令在所有時間或在他於公告內所指明的時間─
- (i) 禁止車輛在該街道行駛;或
- (ii) 禁止車輛在該街道向他於公告內所指明的方向行駛。
- 在根據第(5)(b)款作出命令後,運輸署署長須依據《道路交通條例》(第374章)安排在有關街道各入口豎設適當標誌,顯示已按照該項命令而禁止車輛行駛。
- 任何人不得僅因本條所授權力的行使,而向政府、運輸署署長、主管當局或任何公職人員提出訴訟。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
解釋為指如此撥出的該街道部分。 (由1972年第60號第3條增補)
- 獲主管當局就此以書面授權的公職人員,可無須手令而將其合理地懷疑犯了附表所列罪行的人逮捕。
- 如任何人對上述人員將他逮捕的行動強行作出反抗,或企圖逃避逮捕,上述人員可使用一切所需的方法執行逮捕。
- 如上述人員在追捕所擬逮捕的人時,有理由相信該人已進入或正身處某地方,則居住於該地方或掌管該地方的人,須應上述人員的要求,准其自由進入該地方,並提供在該地方內搜尋該人的合理方便。
(4)行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令將附表1條訂,或在附表1增補或刪減任何成文法則。 (由
2000年第59號第3條修訂) (由1963年第32號第4條修訂)
(1) 凡公職人員根據第84(1)條逮捕任何人(以下稱為被逮捕的人),該人須隨即被帶往最近的警署或交由警務人員羈押。 (由1979年第77號第2條修訂)
- (2) 凡有任何被逮捕的人被帶往警署,《警隊條例》(第232章)第52條的條文即告適用。
- (3) (由1979年第77號第2條廢除)
- 凡有任何被逮捕的人交由警務人員羈押,《警隊條例》(第232章)第51及52條的條文即告適
用。 (由1963年第32號第5條代替)
- 任何獲主管當局為施行本條而以書面授權的公職人員或任何警務人員,如有理由相信就任何設備或商品有任何小販罪行已經發生,可檢取該等設備或商品,並可安排將該等設備或商品移往和存放於政府倉庫、警署或其他主管當局認可的地方,以待根據本部處置,而任何因此行動而引致的損失概由該等設備或商品的擁有人自負。 (由1973年第28號第3條修訂)
- 根據第(1)款檢取的商品如屬易毀消性質,可由警務處處長或主管當局(視屬何情況而定)立刻處置。
- 如有任何設備或商品根據第(1)款被檢取,並於檢取日期後48小時內有任何申索就該等設備或商品提出,則除非在檢取日期後72小時內亦有任何告發就關乎該等設備或商品的小販罪行提出,否則警務處處長或主管當局(視屬何情況而定)如信納在檢取時申索人有權管有該等設備或商品─
- (a) 須將該等設備或商品發還申索人;或
- (b)如該等商品屬易毀消者並已根據第(2)款處置,則須評定其價值,並向申索人付給一筆相等於該價值的款額。
- (4) 凡根據第(3)款提出的申索遭拒准,申索人須獲告知根據第86C條他所享有的權利。
- 凡在檢取日期後72小時內有任何告發就關乎根據第(1)款所檢取的設備或商品的罪行提出,則該等設備或商品須予保留,以待根據第86A條處置,而商品如屬易毀消者並已根據第(2)款以出售方式處置,則售賣所得收益亦須予保留,以待根據第86A條處置。
- (由1972年第60號第4條代替)
- 凡任何人就根據第86(1)條檢取的設備或商品被裁定犯了小販罪行,告發人須將上述所作檢取告知法庭,而法庭除可判處其他刑罰外─
- (a)如罪行屬一項為施行本款而由根據第83A條所訂規例指定的罪行,須即時命令沒收該等設備或商品,而商品如屬易毀消者並已根據第86(2)條以出售方式處置,則須即時命令沒收售賣所得收益;或 (由1972年第244號法律公告修訂)
- (b)須即時就其他小販罪行作出上述命令,但如法庭發現有特別理由並予指明,而該等理由是特別適用於有關案情及有關罪行,而非特別適用於有關罪犯者,則不在此限。
- (2) 如─
- (a) 就根據第86(1)條檢取的設備或商品被控犯了小販罪行的人被判無罪釋放;或
- (b) 法庭在聆訊上述控罪後,發現有本條第(1)(b)款所指的特別理由, 則法庭如信納在檢取時該人依法有權管有該等設備或商品,須命令將其發還該人,而商品如屬易毀消者並已根據第86(2)條處置,則須評定其價值,並命令向該人付給一筆相等於該價值的款額。
- 法庭如不信納上述情況,可應任何聲稱對該等設備或商品擁有權利的人所提出的申請或主動作出其認為適當的命令,處置該等設備或商品,而商品如屬易毀消者並已以出售方式處置,則可以同樣方式處置售賣所得收益。
- (由1972年第60號第4條增補)
- 任何獲主管當局為施行本條而以書面授權的公職人員或任何警務人員,均可檢取於公眾地方發現,且他有理由相信是在他並不覺得涉及犯了小販罪行的情況下由小販所扔棄的設備或商品,並可安排將該等設備或商品移往和存放於政府倉庫、警署或其他主管當局認可的地方,以待根據本部處置,而任何因此行動而引致的損失概由該等設備或商品的擁有人自負。 (由1973年第28號第4條修訂)
- 根據第(1)款檢取的商品如屬易毀消性質,可由警務處處長或主管當局(視屬何情況而定)立刻處置。
- 如有任何設備或商品根據第(1)款被檢取,並於檢取日期後48小時內有任何申索就該等設備或商品提出,則警務處處長或主管當局(視屬何情況而定)如信納在檢取時申索人有權管有該等設備或商品,並信納申索人並沒有就該等設備或商品犯罪─
- (a) 須將該等設備或商品發還申索人;或
- (b)如該等商品屬易毀消者並已根據第(2)款處置,則須評定其價值,並向申索人付給一筆相等於該價值的款額。
條: | 86B | 檢取扔棄的小販設備及商品 | 30/06/1997 |
(4) 凡根據第(3)款提出的申索遭拒准,申索人須獲告知根據第86C條他所享有的權利。 (由1972年第60號第4條增補)
條: | 86C | 向法庭申請發還已被檢取的小販設備或商品 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
(1) 如有任何申索根據第86或86B條在許可的時間內就任何設備或商品提出,而─
(a) 該項申索遭拒准;或
- (b) 申索人對根據上述任何一條條文獲支付的款額感到不滿, 則於該項申索遭拒准或付款起計14天內,申索人可向法庭申請命令發還有關設備或商品,而商品如已根據第86(2)或86B(2)條處置,則可向法庭申請評定其價值,以及申請命令付給一筆相等於該價值的款額,或該款額與已付款額的差額(視屬何情況而定)。
- (2)
- 如有任何申請根據第(1)款提出,法庭須先將陳詞機會給予根據第86或86B條拒准申索的人,然後法庭如信納在檢取時申請人─ (a) 有權管有該等設備或商品;及
- (b) 擬使用該等設備或商品作合法用途, 則可作出申請人所尋求的命令。
- (3)
- 法庭如作出申請人所尋求的命令,可判令政府付給申請人一筆法庭認為公平合理的款項,作為訟費。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
品,而商品如屬易毀消者並已以出售方式處置,則可以同樣方式處置售賣所得收益。 (由1972年第60號第4條增補)
條: | 86D | 藉法律的施行而進行沒收 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
- (a)在檢取日期後48小時內,並沒有根據第86或86B條就根據上述任何一條條文檢取的設備或商品提出的申索;或
- (b)在上述申索被提出但遭拒准後,在拒准日期後14天內並沒有根據第86C(1)條就該等設備
或商品提出的申請, 則除非事先已將該等設備或商品發還予依法有權管有該等設備或商品的人,或已予保留以待法庭根據第86A條處置,否則該等設備或商品,或商品如屬易毀消者並已根據第86(2)或86B(2)條以出售方式處置時有關的售賣所得收益,在上述的48小時或14天(視屬何情況而定)期間屆滿時,須當作沒收並歸予政府。
條: | 87 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
第VII部 物業單位、酒店及旅館 (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
條: | 88 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 89 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 90 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 90A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 91 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 92 | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 92A | 禁止無牌進行某些活動 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1)除非根據並按照主管當局或獲主管當局為施行本條而授權的公職人員所發牌照的規定,否則任何人不得舉辦附表11所指明的任何活動,亦不得為配合該等活動而開放任何地方或保持任何地方開放。 (由1988年第53號第4條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
(2)如任何處所完全用作居住用途,並構成一個獨立住戶單位,只准許居住於該處所的人及其賓客進入,且在其內進行桌球、英式桌球、美式桌球或類似遊戲亦不收費,則為施行第(1)款,“地方”(place) 就桌球場所而言,不包括該等處所。 (由1988年第53號第4條增補)
條: | 92AA | 就豁免第92A條規定而訂立的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
主管當局可藉規例豁免任何類別或種類的桌球場所使其免受第92A條的規管。 (由1988年第53號第5條增補)
條: | 92AB | 禁止無牌進行附表 11A所指明的活動 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
任何人除非根據並按照主管當局所發牌照的規定,否則不得舉辦附表11A所指明的任何活動,亦不得為配合該等活動而開放任何地方或保持任何地方開放。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 92B | 有關獲發牌活動的規例 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (a)對任何活動,或對可舉辦附表11或附表11A所指明的任何活動的地方的規管和管制;(由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (b) 為施行(a)段而將可獲發給牌照的地方或活動分類;
- (c) 申請根據本部批給牌照的人須提供的詳情;
- (d)根據本部所批出牌照的格式及條件,以及可舉辦獲發牌活動的時間及所發出的上述牌照的有效期; (由1994年第49號第22條修訂)
- (e)在根據本部獲發牌的地方內所須使用的照明設備,及該等照明設備所須符合的一般規格及規定,或賦權任何指明人員在發出牌照或將牌照續期時,決定在該等牌照所關乎的地方內的照明設備所須符合的特定規格及規定;
- (f) 在根據本部獲發牌的地方內須採取的防火措施;
- (g) 在根據本部獲發牌的地方內保持安寧及秩序良好;
- (h) 在根據本部獲發牌的地方內確保衞生的方法,及保持衞生狀況的規定;
- (i) 獲主管當局就此授權的人員進入和視察根據本部獲發牌的地方。
條: | 92BA | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 92C | 罪行 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) 任何人如─
- (a) 沒有遵從牌照內的任何條件;或
- (b)在牌照申請中,提供任何其本人知道或有理由相信在要項上屬虛假的資料,提供任何其本人知道或有理由相信因任何要項被遺漏而屬虛假的資料,或提供其本人毫不相信是真實或準確的資料,
即屬犯罪。 (由1976年第9號第9條修訂)
(2)任何人違反第92A或92AB條,即屬犯罪。 (由1976年第9號第9條增補。由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 92D | 代理人及受僱人的法律責任 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 92E | 保留條文 | 30/06/1997 |
本部條文只會對任何關乎或影響本部適用的地方、行業、業務或職業的其他成文法則條文加以增補,而非對其有所減損。 (第VIIA部由1973年第21號第7條增補)
條: | 93 | 主管當局規定在附表所列處所內提供通風系統的權力 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 除第(2)款及第101條另有規定外,主管當局如認為任何附表所列處所的天然通風不足,可藉送達該附表所列處所的擁有人或持牌人的書面通知,規定為該處所提供通風系統,令該處所容納的每一人均獲供應室外空氣,且其分量不得少於附表2第2欄就該處所所屬類別所指明者。 (由1963年第32號第7條修訂)
- 如主管當局認為任何通風系統所提供的空氣分量雖少於第(1)款所訂明者,但若加上有關的附表所列處所內現有的天然通風,亦可令該處所通風充足,則主管當局可藉送達該附表所列處所的擁有人或持牌人的書面通知,規定為該處所提供通風系統,令該處所容納的每一人均獲供應室外空氣,且其分量為通知所指明者。 (由1963年第32號第7條修訂)
- 即使附表所列處所獲發牌所根據的成文法則條文有任何規定,發牌當局亦可在下述情況下,將其就該處所發出或批出的牌照暫時或永久撤銷─
- (a) 凡有根據第(1)或(2)款條文發出關乎該處所的通知,但在通知發出日期起計6個月內或在主管當局容許的較長期限內,通知的規定沒有獲得遵從;
- (b) 根據第101條條文施加的條件沒有獲得遵從。 (由1974年第61號第5條增補)
- (4) 附表所列處所的持牌人或擁有人沒有在根據第(1)或(2)款發出通知的日期起計6個月內,或在主管當局容許的較長期限內,遵從通知的規定,即屬犯罪。 (由1974年第61號第5條增補)
- 就本部而言,“發牌當局”(licensing authority)一詞指向在當其時根據任何成文法則條文獲發牌的附表所列處所,發出有關牌照的公職人員。 (由1974年第61號第5條增補。由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- 在附表所列處所內安裝新的通風系統前,該處所的持牌人須將一份由通風系統供應商發出的證明書送交主管當局,證明書內須載有下述有關該系統的詳情─
條: | 94 | 就新的通風系統向主管當局交付證明書;禁止未經准許而更改通風系統 | 30/06/1997 |
(a) 風扇的噴風量,以每分鐘若干立方米計算;
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
- (b) 風扇的排氣速度,以每分鐘若干米計算;
- (c) 風扇的預定操作靜壓力,以帕斯卡壓力單位計算;
- (d) 風扇滑輪的速度,以每分鐘若干轉數計算;
- (e) 入氣口面積淨額;
- (f) 排氣面積淨額,以平方米計算,但有正壓力空氣調節的處所除外;及(由1969年第48號第6條增補)
- (g) 會使用的冷凍劑(如有的話)類型。 (由1974年第61號第6條增補) (由1979年第89號法律公告修訂)
- (2) 除非獲得主管當局書面准許,否則不得更改附表所列處所內的任何通風系統。
- 任何供應商就本條而言向任何上述處所的持牌人提供任何虛假或具誤導性的證明書,即屬
犯罪。 (由1963年第32號第8條代替)
(3A) 附表所列處所的持牌人違反第(1)款條文,即屬犯罪。 (由1974年第61號第6條增補)
(3B) 附表所列處所的持牌人或擁有人違反第(2)款條文,即屬犯罪。 (由1974年第61號第6條增
補) (3C) 就第(3B)款而言,“擁有人”(owner) 包括以附表所列處所租客身分或根據該處所租客所發給的特許而控制該處所的任何人。 (由1974年第61號第6條增補)
- 在本條中,“供應商”(supplier)指通風裝置系統的進口商或製造商及其授權的代理人。(由1963年第32號第8條增補)
- (1) 主管當局可就下列各事項或其中任何事項訂立規例─
- (a) 對附表所列處所內的通風系統的規管和管制;
- (b) 在附表所列處所內所設通風系統的設計、構造、操作、保養和檢查方面施加規定。
- 即使上述處所獲發牌所根據的成文法則條文有任何規定,根據本條訂立的規例可訂定條文,在下述情況下撤銷發牌當局就附表所列處所發出或批出的牌照─
- (a) 違反任何上述規例或根據該等規例所施加的條件的情況;
- (b) 沒有維持根據該等規例所施加或規定的安全或效率標準的情況。 (由1974年第61號第7條增補)
條: | 94A | 有關附表所列處所通風系統的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 95 | (由1974年第61號第8條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 96 | (由1974年第61號第8條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 97 | (由1974年第61號第8條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 98 | (由1974年第61號第8條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 99 | (由1974年第61號第8條廢除) | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 100 | 獲授權人員進行測試的權力 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 101 | 第VIII部對在本條例生效日期時設有通風系統的處所的適用範圍等事項 | 30/06/1997 |
- 凡附表所列處所在本條例生效日期時已設有通風系統,第93條及根據第94A條所訂規例的條文,均不適用於該處所,除非與直至─
- (a) 該處所可容納的人數已有所增加;
- (b) 該通風系統已被移走或已作任何更改;或
- (c)主管當局認為該通風系統對健康構成危險,或消防處處長認為該通風系統構成火警危險。 (由1974年第61號第9條修訂)
- 在第93條及根據第94A條訂立的規例適用於任何上述處所時,主管當局可在加以其指明的條件下,就本部條文授予其認為適當的豁免或變通。 (由1974年第61號第9條修訂)
- 附表所列處所的持牌人或擁有人沒有遵從根據第(2)款指明的條件,即屬犯罪。(由1974年第61號第9條增補)
條: | 102 | 附表2的修訂 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令,在附表2增補或刪減任何處所類別,亦可以同樣方式修訂該附表。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
條: | 103 | 有關《建築物條例》的保留條文 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 104 | 管制宣傳品的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- 在不損害與宣傳品、裝飾或標誌有關的其他成文法則的原則下,主管當局可訂立規例,對任何種類的宣傳品、裝飾或標誌的展示加以限制、規管或禁止,並特別可在其認為有關展示所在的地方或所採用的方式或方法會破壞下列事物或有損其形貌時,訂立對有關展示加以限制、規管或禁止的規例─
- (a) 任何地方或地區的宜人之處;
- (b) 天然美麗景緻;
- (c) 任何公路、鐵路、電車或纜車軌道、渡輪或任何公眾地方或水域上的可覽觀景;
- (d) 鄉村的宜人之處;或
- (e)具歷史意義的或公共的建築物或古蹟,或公眾純粹或主要因其美景或歷史意義而常到的地方的宜人之處。
- 根據本條訂立的規例,除訂明罰則外,亦可訂定條文,規定將違反根據第(1)款所訂規例而展示的宣傳品、裝飾或標誌移走和處置,並追討因此而招致的開支。
- 根據本條訂立的規例,可適用於一般情況,或只局限適用於某些範圍,或某些類型或類別的宣傳品、裝飾或標誌:
條: | 104A | 禁止未經准許而展示招貼或海報 | 29 of 1998 s. 105 | 01/07/1997 |
- (1) 在下列地方不得展示或張貼招貼或海報─
- (a) 私人土地,除非獲得該土地的擁有人或佔用人書面准許;
- (b) 政府土地,除非獲得主管當局書面准許。 (由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
- (2) 任何人在違反第(1)款下展示或張貼招貼或海報,即屬犯罪。 (由1980年第7號第2條代替)
條: | 104B | 保持招貼或海報清潔整齊的責任 | 29 of 1998 s. 105 | 01/07/1997 |
- 凡在私人土地上或政府土地上展示任何招貼或海報,該招貼或海報須保持清潔整齊,以達主管當局合理滿意的程度。 (由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
- (2) 任何人在違反第(1)款下展示招貼或海報,即屬犯罪。
- 如任何人就本條所訂罪行而被檢控,除非主管當局在展開檢控前已向該人送達書面通知,告知他有關的招貼或海報的狀況,並警告他如該招貼或海報沒有在通知所指明的期限(不少於24小時)內移走,則他可能遭受檢控,否則他不得就該罪行而被定罪。
- (由1980年第7號第3條增補)
- 凡屬下述情況,主管當局可將招貼或海報移走,並以追討民事債項的方式向展示招貼或海報的人追討移走費用─
- (a) 有關的招貼或海報是在違反第104A(1)條下展示的;或
- (b) 有關的招貼或海報並不符合第104B(1)條的規定保持清潔整齊。
條: | 104C | 將招貼及海報移走的權力 | 30/06/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
擁有人或佔用人可針對展示該招貼或海報的人而強制執行的訴因或補救方法。 (由1980年第7號第3條增補)
- (a) 利用首述的人展示或張貼招貼或海報的人;及
- (b) 其貨品、行業、業務或其他事務乃由有關招貼或海報所推廣的人:
(2) 就第104B及104C條而言,任何人在下述情況下均須當作展示招貼或海報─
- (a) 該招貼或海報展示於其身為擁有人或佔用人的土地上;或
- (b) 該招貼或海報對其貨品、行業、業務或其他事務予以推廣:
- (1) 在第104A、104B及104C條中,“主管當局”(Authority) 的涵義如下─
- (a) (由2002年第23號第86條廢除)
- (b)在《香港鐵路條例》(第556章)第2(1)條所指的經營權有效期內,如有關的土地屬於九廣鐵路公司,並屬香港鐵路有限公司在經營權有效期內有權接觸、使用或管有的土地,“主管當局”指香港鐵路有限公司; (由2007年第11號第36條代替)
- (ba) 在(b)段提述的經營權有效期以外任何時間,如有關的土地屬於九廣鐵路公司,“主管當局”指九廣鐵路公司; (由2007年第11號第36條增補)
- (c)如有關的土地由《房屋條例》(第283章)所設立的房屋委員會管理或管轄,“主管當局”指該委員會;
- (d)如有關的土地是在《郊野公園條例》(第208章)所界定的郊野公園或特別地區內,“主管當局”指漁農自然護理署署長; (由1999年第331號法律公告修訂)
- (e)如有關的土地屬《港口管制(公眾貨物裝卸區)(綜合)令》(第81章,附屬法例B)所界定的公眾貨物裝卸區,或是在《船舶及港口管制(渡輪終點碼頭)規例》(第313章,附屬法例
- H)第3條所宣布的客運碼頭界線內,“主管當局”指海事處處長; (由1986年第10號第10條代替。由1998年第315號法律公告修訂;由1999年第64號第3條修訂)
- (f)如有關的土地不屬(b)、(c)、(d)或(e)段所提述的土地,則不論其為私人土地或政府土地,“主管當局”指食物環境衞生署署長。(由1999年第78號第7條代替。由2002年第23號第86條修訂)
- (g) (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
- (2) 在第104A、104B、104C、104D條及本條中,“土地”(land) 包括─
- (a) 土地上的建築物或其他豎設物,不論該等豎設物是否固定附著物;
- (b) 任何樹木、石頭或屬土地一部分的其他天然物體;及
- (c) 被水淹蓋的土地。
- 在第104A、104C及104D條中,“佔用人”(occupier) 指任何承租人、主租客或其他直接控制有關土地的人。
- 在本部中,“招貼或海報”(bill or poster)包括任何字、字母、模型、標誌、標語牌、板塊、告示、器件或陳述,亦包括任何塗在牆壁、柵欄、欄杆、支柱、石頭、路塹或樹木上的宣傳,但不包括任何用作展示招貼或海報的構築物、器具或廣告板。
報的展示所施加或招致的義務或法律責任。 (由1980年第7號第3條增補)
(1)凡主管當局認為任何純粹為展示宣傳品而豎設的廣告板、棚架或其他構築物,因其構造或因風、雨、破舊、時日久遠或其他因由而構成危險或相當可能構成危險,主管當局須安排將通知送達該等廣告板、棚架或其他構築物的擁有人,或其受僱人或代理人,規定其在通知所指明的合理期限內,將該等廣告板、棚架或其他構築物移走,或進行通知所指明的工作以使其安全。 (由1989年第11號第2條代替)
- (2) 根據第(1)款條文獲送達通知的人,如沒有在通知所指明的時間內遵從通知的任何規定─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b)主管當局可進行或安排進行所需的工作,以符合通知的規定,以及將進行工作時所移走的物料處置,並可向該人追討因此而招致的開支。 (由1989年第11號第2條修訂)
- (3) 如─
- (a)並不知何人為任何上述廣告板、棚架或構築物的擁有人或該等擁有人的受僱人或代理人,或不能輕易將他們尋獲;或
- (b)主管當局認為因上述廣告板、棚架或構築物的狀況而應立刻將其移走或應立刻使其安
全, 則不論是否已根據第(1)款送達通知,主管當局亦可立即將該等廣告板、棚架或構築物移走或使其安全。 (由1989年第11號第2條代替)
- (4) 凡主管當局根據第(3)款條文移走任何廣告板、棚架或構築物,主管當局可將已移走的任何物料處置,並可向該等廣告板、棚架或構築物的擁有人追討移走該等廣告板、棚架或構築物和處置該等物料所招致的開支,但如主管當局不知何人為有關的擁有人、不能輕易尋獲該擁有人或確定該擁有人身分,或該擁有人不在香港,則主管當局可將該等物料售賣,而在售賣所得收益中扣除上述開支後,須將餘款(如有的話)撥交庫務署。 (由1971年第71號第3條修訂;由1986年第10號第24條修訂;由1989年第11號第2條修訂)
- (5) 依據第(4)款撥交庫務署的款項,如在5年期間內無人申索,須撥歸香港政府一般收入。 (由1971年第71號第3條增補。由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- (1) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將任何處所撥作體育場用途。
- (2) 附表12所指明的處所,須當作已根據第(1)款撥作體育場用途。
- 主管當局須在切實可行範圍內,盡快安排由屋宇地政署署長為各體育場擬備圖則一份。(由1982年第76號法律公告修訂;由1986年第94號法律公告修訂)
- (4) 按照第(3)款擬備的各份圖則,均須存放在土地註冊處。 (由1993年第8號第2條修訂;由2002年第20號第5條修訂)
- (5) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將附表12修訂、增補或刪減。 (第IXA部由1973年第21號第8條增補。由1976年第9號第10條修訂)
- (1) 除第105F條另有規定外,任何體育場均歸主管當局管理和管轄,而主管當局亦獲賦予在體育場提供任何種類設施的權利。
- (2) 主管當局可為管理體育場以及在體育場內提供設施而訂立合約。
- (3) 主管當局可指明任何體育場或其任何部分可作的用途。 (第IXA部由1973年第21號第8條增補)
- 主管當局可准許任何人為主管當局按個別情況所批准的用途,以及在主管當局按個別情況所批准的時間,專用任何體育場或其任何部分。
條: | 105B | 體育場的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 105C | 編配和准許使用體育場或其任何部分 | 30/06/1997 |
(2) 根據第(1)款獲准許專用任何體育場的人─
- (a) 須決定在上述專用期間內,是否准許公眾進入該體育場;及
- (b) 須釐定在上述期間內公眾人士所須繳付的入場費(如有的話)。 (第IXA部由1973年第21號第8條增補)
條: | 105D | 有關體育場的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 對任何體育場的管理和管轄,包括任何體育場的關閉或局部關閉;
- (b) 訂定任何體育場或其任何部分可向公眾人士開放的時間;
- (c) 在任何體育場內保持秩序及紀律良好,以及防止在任何體育場內出現妨擾事故;
- (d)對在任何體育場內進行商業活動或宣傳,或豎設構築物的管制(包括禁止);在違反根據本條訂立的規例下帶進或留在體育場以作商業活動、宣傳或建築用途的物料的移走、貯存和出售;因將上述物料移走、貯存和出售所招致費用的追討;售賣所得收益的沒收。 (由1981年第45號第2條代替)
條: | 105E | 主管當局可指明使用體育場等的條件 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (a) 任何體育場;
- (b) 任何體育場的任何部分;或
- (c) 在任何體育場內或在任何體育場的任何部分內所提供的任何設施。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
條: | 105F | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 105G | 博物館的提供 | 30/06/1997 |
第IXB部 博物館、圖書館及文娛中心 博物館
條: | 105H | 博物館的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
- (2) 主管當局可為管理博物館以及在博物館內提供設施而訂立合約。
- (3) 主管當局可指明任何博物館或其任何部分可作的用途。 (由1982年第66號第2條代替)
條: | 105I | 有關博物館的規例 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (a) 訂定可准許公眾進入博物館或其任何部分的日子及時間;
- (b) 博物館的關閉或局部關閉;
- (c) 對准許任何人、動物、禽鳥、魚或東西進入或被帶入博物館或其任何部分的規管; (由1982年第66號第3條修訂)
- (d) 對展品的借出、抄錄或臨摹、攝影或複製的規管; (由1982年第66號第3條修訂)
- (e) 對使用博物館內展品或設施的規管;
- (f) 對博物館內的人的行為的規管,以及防止博物館內出現妨擾事故; (由1982年第66號第3條修訂)
- (g) 保護博物館及其內的展品、裝置、家具及其他物品,以免其遭損壞、銷毀或遺失; (ga) 下列款額的評估和追討─
- (i) 凡政府因博物館的任何部分,或其內的任何裝置、家具或其他東西,或任何展品有所損壞、銷毀或遺失而蒙受損害或損失時,須繳付以作補償的款額;及 (由1986年第10號第12條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (ii) 不超過上述款額20%的附加費; (由1982年第66號第3條增補)
- (h) 可拒絕任何人使用博物館內任何設施的情況; (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (i) 可拒絕任何人進入博物館或其任何部分的情況,或可指示任何人離開博物館或其任何部分的情況; (由1982年第66號第3條修訂)
- (j) 可將任何物品帶進博物館或在博物館內使用任何物品所須遵守的條款及條件; (ja) 任何人在博物館時可將物品存放於該博物館以作妥善保存的條款及條件; (由1982年第66號第3條增補)
- (k) 對博物館內車輛的行駛和停泊的管制; (ka)對在任何博物館內進行商業活動或宣傳、攜帶供展示物品,或豎設構築物的管制(包括禁止);在違反根據本條訂立的規例下帶進或留在博物館以作商業活動、宣傳、展示或建築用途的物料的移走、貯存和出售;因將上述物料移走、貯存和出售所招致費用的追討;售賣所得收益的沒收; (由1982年第66號第3條增補)
- (l) 防止博物館職員在執行職責時遭受妨礙;
- (m) 因反對公職人員按照根據本條所訂的規例所作出的決定、指示或規定而提出的上訴;
- (n) 博物館的一般規管和管理。
條: | 105J | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 105K | 圖書館的提供和管理 | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將任何建築物或建築物的任何部分指定為圖書館。 (由1976年第9號第10條修訂)
- (2) 各圖書館均歸主管當局管理和管轄。
- (3) 主管當局可設立和經辦流動圖書館以供公眾使用。
- 主管當局可將圖書館的任何部分撥作溫習或研究、開辦課程或展覽、閱覽或聆聽圖書館藏件,或其他同類的教育或文化用途,並可使用該等地方作上述用途,而主管當局亦可就上述用途提供所需的設備及設施。 (由1979年第50號第3條增補)
條: | 105L | 有關圖書館的規例 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 主管當局可為達致下述任何目的而訂立規例─
- (a) 訂明圖書館長的權力、職責及職能;
- (b) 訂定任何圖書館向公眾開放的時間;
- (c)對准許進入任何圖書館或其任何部分,使用任何圖書館或其任何部分,或使用任何圖書館內所提供的設備、設施或圖書館藏件,加以規管;
- (d) 對在任何圖書館借出和借入圖書館藏件的規管;
- (e) 規定任何由圖書館借出圖書館藏件的人作出擔保或保證;
- (f) 對任何圖書館內的人的行為的規管;
- (g)保護任何圖書館及其內的裝置、家具、設備、圖書館藏件及其他物品,以免其遭損壞;
- (h) 就評估和追討下列款額,訂定條文─
- (i) 凡政府因任何裝置、家具、設備或圖書館藏件有所遺失、損壞或銷毀而蒙受損失或損害時,須繳付以作補償的款額;及 (由1986年第10號第13條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (ii) 不超過上述款額20%的附加費;
- (i) 令任何人可被拒使用任何圖書館或圖書館內任何設備、設施或圖書館藏件,並令任何
- 人可被逐出圖書館;
- (j) 規定任何人在某圖書館時可將物品存放於該圖書館以作妥善保存的條款;
- (k)就任何人由任何圖書館借出圖書館藏件,在任何圖書館使用或預留圖書館藏件,將物品存放於圖書館以作妥善保存,以及使用在圖書館任何部分內所提供的房間、設備或設施所須繳付的罰款,訂定條文; (由1994年第49號第24條修訂)
- (l) 就任何圖書館的一般規管和管理,訂定條文。
- (2) (由1999年第78號第7條廢除)
- (3) 本條條文不得視為授權侵犯任何圖書館藏件的版權。
- (4) 除文意另有所指外,就本條及根據本條訂立的規例而言,“圖書館”(library) 一詞包括流動
圖書館。 (由1979年第50號第4條代替)
條: | 105LA | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 105M | 文娛中心的提供 | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
- (1) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將任何處所及其附屬場地撥作文娛中心用途。
- (2) 附表13所指明的處所,須當作已根據第(1)款撥作文娛中心用途。
- 主管當局須在切實可行範圍內,盡快安排由屋宇地政署署長為各文娛中心及其附屬場地擬備圖則一份。 (由1982年第76號法律公告修訂;由1986年第94號法律公告修訂)
- (4) 按照第(3)款擬備的各份圖則,均須存放在土地註冊處。 (由1993年第8號第2條修訂;由2002年第20號第5條修訂)
- (5) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將附表13條訂、增補或刪減。 (第IXB部由1973年第21號第8條增補。由1976年第9號第10條修訂)
- 各文娛中心均歸主管當局管理和管轄,而主管當局亦獲賦予在文娛中心提供任何種類設施的權利。
- (2) 主管當局可為管理文娛中心以及在文娛中心內提供設施而訂立合約。
- (3) 主管當局可指明任何文娛中心或其任何部分可作的用途。 (由1981年第45號第3條代替)
條: | 105N | 文娛中心的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 105O | 有關文娛中心的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a)訂定任何文娛中心或其任何部分每星期可向公眾人士開放的日子,以及每天可向公眾人士開放的時間;
- (b)對獲准進入任何文娛中心或其任何部分的人的行為的規管,以及將違反依據本條所訂規例的條文的人逐出任何文娛中心或其任何部分;
(ba)對在任何文娛中心內進行商業活動或宣傳,或豎設構築物的管制(包括禁止);在違反根據本條訂立的規例下帶進或留在文娛中心以作商業活動、宣傳或建築用途的物料的移走、貯存和出售;因將上述物料移走、貯存和出售所招致費用的追討;售賣所得收益的沒收; (由1981年第45號第4條增補)
(c) 文娛中心及其內所提供的設施的一般規管和管理。 (第IXB部由1973年第21號第8條增補)
條: | 105P | 主管當局可指明使用文娛中心等的條件 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (a) 任何文娛中心;
- (b) 任何文娛中心的任何部分;或
- (c) 在任何文娛中心內或在任何文娛中心的任何部分內所提供的任何設施。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
條: | 105Q | 准許使用文娛中心 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 105R | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 105S | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 105T | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 106 | 公眾遊樂場地的提供 | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
- 主管當局可不時藉命令將任何地方撥作公眾遊樂場地用途,亦可藉同一項命令或其後的命令而指明該等場地或其任何部分須作的用途。
- (2) 附表4所指明的地方,須當作已根據第(1)款條文撥作公眾遊樂場地用途。
- (3) 主管當局須在切實可行範圍內,盡快為各公眾遊樂場地擬備圖則一份。
- 凡因公眾遊樂場地的界線有所更改,或因該遊樂場地在其他方面有所變化,以致按照第(5)款條文存放的圖則不再準確,則主管當局須撤回該等如此存放的圖則,並須在切實可行範圍內,盡快為該遊樂場地擬備一份修訂圖則或新圖則。
- 按照第(3)或(4)款條文擬備的各份圖則,均須存放在土地註冊處。 (由1993年第8號第2條修訂;由2002年第20號第5條修訂)
(6) 主管當局可藉命令,將附表4修訂、增補或刪減。
條: | 107 | 公眾遊樂場地的管理和管轄 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) 公眾遊樂場地歸主管當局作一般管理和管轄(包括提供任何種類適意設備的專有權利)。
- 主管當局可提供和劃出公眾遊樂場地,以供舉辦遊戲、運動項目及消閑活動,亦可按其認為適當而提供其他體育康樂活動及其他康樂活動的設施。 (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- 在符合第106(1)條及第(4)款條文的規定下,主管當局可不時指明任何公眾遊樂場地或其任何部分可作的用途,不論是屬提供體育康樂活動或其他康樂活動設施的用途或其他的用途。
眾遊樂場地的任何部分,作主管當局根據第(3)款條文所指明的用途。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂) (由1963年第32號第13條代替)
條: | 108 | 暫時關閉公眾遊樂場地等事項 | 30/06/1997 |
- 主管當局可為任何目的而不時將任何公眾遊樂場地的全部或任何部分暫時關閉,不許公眾使用。
- 主管當局可應任何學校、會社或組織,或任何個人的申請,將下列場地在免費或收費的情況下,編配予他們在指明的日子或期間專用─
- (a) 根據第107條條文劃出以供舉辦有組織的遊戲及運動項目的遊玩場地或球場;
- (b)任何公眾遊樂場地內的網球場,根據第107條條文提供的體育康樂活動或其他康樂活動設施,或公眾遊樂場地的任何其他部分,但不包括根據該條條文劃出以供舉辦有組織的遊戲及運動項目的遊玩場地或球場。
條: | 109 | 有關公眾遊樂場地的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 妥善的管理和管轄(包括關閉或局部關閉);
- (b) 保持秩序良好,並防止發生濫用情況及出現妨擾事故;
- (c) 對進行建造、商業活動或宣傳的管制(包括禁止);
- (d) 對在任何沙灘捕魚的管制(包括禁止);
- (e)對在任何沙灘使用船隻、小艇或其他水上運輸工具(包括滑水板及模型)的管制(包括禁止);
- (f) (由1994年第49號第26條廢除)
- (g)任何違反根據本條訂立的規例所關乎的車輛、船隻、動物或其他物品或東西的檢取和處置。
條: | 109A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 110 | 公眾遊樂場地規則 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 主管當局可就任何公眾遊樂場地訂立並不抵觸根據第109條訂立的規例的規則,以為在該等公眾遊樂場地的使用方面更佳地管制民眾作出規定,以及提供關於使用該等遊樂場地的資料。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- (2) 任何人沒有遵從根據第(1)款條文訂立的規則,即屬犯罪。
- (1) 主管當局可委任公眾遊樂場地的管理人員。
- 公眾遊樂場地的管理人員如發現任何人違反與該公眾遊樂場地有關的規例、規則或命令的條文,即可將該人逮捕,並將其交由警務人員羈押或帶往最近的警署,而《警隊條例》(第232章)第51及52條的條文或該條例第52條的條文(視屬何情況而定),亦即告適用。
條: | 111 | 管理人員的委任及權力 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 111A | 本部的釋義 | 29 of 1998 | 01/07/1997 |
“私家街道”(private street)指位於任何根據政府租契、特許或其他方式從政府名下持有的土地上的街道,或位於政府已就其批出或保留通行權的土地上的街道; (由1998年第29號第105條修訂) “街道”(street) 包括私家街道及任何經由路政署署長宣布為街道的土地範圍。 (由1982年第76號法律
條: | 111B | 私家街道名稱建議 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,任何人均可藉送交主管當局的書面通知而提出─
- (a) 任何未命名的私家街道的名稱建議;或
- (b) 任何已命名的私家街道的更改名稱建議。
- (2) 如任何私家街道所在的土地是根據政府租契或憑藉政府租契而持有,則除該土地的擁有人外,不得由其他人根據第(1)款就該私家街道提出建議。 (由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
- (3) 主管當局在接獲根據第(1)款提出的建議後,須考慮有關的申請,並須─
- (a) 根據第111C(1)(a)或(b)條(視屬何情況而定)作出宣布;或
- (b) 拒絕作出宣布。
- 主管當局如根據第(3)款拒絕作出宣布,須將列明其決定理由的決定通知送達根據第(1)款提出申請的人。
- 根據第(4)款獲送達通知的人,可在自該通知的日期起計的30天內,就主管當局的決定向市政服務上訴委員會提出上訴。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- (1) 儘管第111B條另有規定,主管當局仍可藉憲報內所作的宣布─
- (a) 為任何未命名的街道命名;或
- (b) 更改任何已命名的街道的名稱。
- 主管當局須在根據第(1)(b)款作出宣布前30天或之前,發出其更改有關街道名稱意向的公告。
- (3) 根據第(2)款發出的公告─
- (a) 須載有更改有關街道名稱建議的簡述;
- (b) 須指明地址以供送達就該建議所提出的反對;
- (c) 須指明可提出反對的時間;及
- (d) 須按下述方式發布─
- (i) 將公告在憲報刊登;及
- (ii) 將公告的中英文版本張貼於會受建議的宣布影響的街道或部分街道上的顯眼地方或該街道附近的顯眼地方。
- 任何人可於根據第(2)款發出的公告在憲報刊登的日期起計30天內,以書面向主管當局反對建議根據第(1)(b)款作出的宣布。
- 主管當局須考慮根據第(4)款提出的反對,並須在根據第(1)(b)款作出宣布前,將列明其決定理由的決定通知送達提出反對的人。
- 根據第(5)款獲送達通知的人,可在自該通知的日期起計的30天內,就主管當局的決定向市政服務上訴委員會提出上訴。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
條: | 111C | 宣布街道名稱 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 111D | 標示或展示其他街道名稱的罰則 | 30/06/1997 |
主管當局如已根據第111C(1)條宣布任何街道名稱,則任何人在該街道上的建築物或豎設物上標示或展示所宣布的街道名稱以外的其他街道名稱,即屬犯罪。 (第XA部由1980年第40號第2條增補)
條: | 112 | 在住用處所存有屍體的限制 | 30/06/1997 |
- 任何人如在用作供人居住的處所內存有人類屍體,或導致或准許在用作供人居住的處所內存有人類屍體,為期超過48小時,則除非該屍體是放置於經緊密加封的棺木內,否則該人即屬犯罪。
- 任何人在沒有主管當局書面准許下,在用作供人居住的處所內存有任何放置於棺木內的屍體,或導致或准許在用作供人居住的處所內存有上述屍體,為期超過7天(包括第(1)款所提述的48小時的時段),則即使棺木已經緊密加封,該人仍屬犯罪。
- (1) 主管當局可─
- (a)在符合《生死登記條例》(第174章)第16(1)條條文的規定下,安排將一份符合附表7表格E格式的通知送達具有處置任何人類遺骸權利的人,規定該人安排將該等遺骸在通知所指明的期限內依法埋葬或火葬;及
- (b)在通知所提述的人類遺骸並沒有在通知所指明的期限內依法埋葬或火葬的情況下,將該等人類遺骸管有,並安排按其認為適當的方式予以處置。
- 主管當局如信納下列事項,可將任何人類遺骸管有,並安排按其認為適當的方式予以處置 ─
- (a)具有處置該人類遺骸的權利的人不在香港或不能輕易尋獲,而其身分亦不能輕易確定;或 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- (b) 每一名具有處置該人類遺骸的權利的人均無行為能力。
條: | 112A | 主管當局可命令將人類遺骸埋葬或火葬 | 30/06/1997 |
(3) 任何人─
- (a) 沒有遵從根據第(1)(a)款向他送達的通知的規定;或
- (b)在根據第(1)(a)款送達的通知所指明的期限屆滿後,在沒有主管當局書面准許下管有通
知所關乎的人類遺骸, 即屬犯罪。
- (4) 就本條而言,“人類遺骸”(human remains) 不包括骸骨。
- 本條條文對任何成文法則中准許使用人類遺骸或准許切除並使用人類遺骸一部分,以作治
療用途或作醫學教育或研究用途的條文,並無減損。 (由1969年第48號第7條增補)
條: | 113 | 公眾及私營墳場 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
- (1) 附表5第I及III部所指明的地方,均撥作公眾墳場用途。
- (2) 附表5第II及IV部所指明的地方,均撥作私營墳場用途。
(2A)附表5第IVA部所指明的地方,均撥作供英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會用作英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場的用途。 (由1976年第69號第2條增補。由1994年第12號第3條修訂)
- (3) 行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令將附表5修訂,或在附表5增補或刪減任何墳場。 (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
- 主管當局須在切實可行範圍內,盡快為各墳場擬備圖則一份,並按其認為適當的方式標明該等墳場的界線。
- 除第(2A)款另有規定外,凡因墳場的界線有所更改,或因墳場在其他方面有所變化,以致按照第(3)款條文存放的圖則不再準確,主管當局須撤回該等如此存放的圖則,並須在切實可行範圍內,盡快為該墳場擬備一份修訂圖則或新圖則,以及在有需要時按其認為適當的方式進一步標明該墳場的界線。 (由1994年第12號第4條修訂)
- (2A) 主管當局在就英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場行使根據第(2)款所授予的權力前,須與英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會商議。 (由1994年第12號第4條增補)
- 按照第(1)或(2)款條文擬備的各份圖則,均須存放在土地註冊處。(由1993年第8號第2條修訂;由2002年第20號第5條修訂)
- (1) 公眾墳場歸主管當局作一般管理和管轄。 (由1976年第69號第3條修訂;由1994年第12號第5條修訂)
- (1A)英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場歸英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會作一般管理和管轄。 (由1994年第12號第5條增補)
- (2) 主管當局可藉憲報公告,宣布關閉任何公眾墳場或其任何部分。 (由1976年第69號第3條代替。由1994年第12號第5條修訂)
- 如任何墳場或墳場的任何部分已根據第(2)款條文宣布被關閉,而任何人在其內埋葬人類遺骸或導致或准許在其內埋葬人類遺骸,或在其內存放載有人類遺骸的甕盎或導致或准許在其內存放該等甕盎,該人即屬犯罪。
- 即使關於任何墳場的任何撥地契據、批地契據或其他文書另有規定,主管當局仍可就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a)對墳墓、墓穴及甕盎加以標明或以其他方式識別,以及有關其內所作埋葬的登記冊的提供、保管、備存和查閱;
- (b) 對可在任何一個墳墓或墓穴埋葬屍體的數目的管制;
- (c) 墳墓間及墓穴間相隔的空間;
- (d)將墳墓封閉、鋪上泥草或加上蓋頂的方式及所使用的物料,以及必須將墳墓如此封閉、鋪上泥草或加上蓋頂的期限;
- (e) 將墳墓及墓穴重開,並將人類遺骸自其內移走;
- (f) 防止出現和減除與墳場、墳墓、墓穴、甕盎或人類遺骸埋葬相關的妨擾事故;
- (g) 進入和視察墳場及墓穴;
- (h) 墳場的妥善管理;
- (i) 墳墓及墓穴的深度及大小;
- (j) (由1994年第49號第28條廢除)
- (k)主管當局認為為妥善規管和管轄墳場以符合公眾利益而需訂明或訂定條文的其他事宜。
- 除第(1)款所指明之目的外,主管當局亦可訂立有關公眾墳場的規例,以就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a) 任何上述墳場或其任何部分的布局設計及用途,及其附帶的事宜;
- (b) 在任何墳墓撿掘人類遺骸以及以合乎體統的方式將之處置;
- (c) 墳墓、墓穴或甕盎上方或週圍的紀念碑像或圍繞物的大小;
- (d)在任何上述墳場或其任何部分將人類遺骸埋葬、撿掘或移走時所採用的合乎規矩及合乎體統的方式,在其內作與此相關的儀式、典禮、習俗或宗教禮儀的方式,以及前往任何上述墳場的人的合乎規矩及合乎體統的行為。 (由1994年第49號第28條修訂)
- (e) (由1994年第49號第28條廢除)
條: | 114 | 墳場的圖則及劃界 | L.N. 197 of 2004 | 12/02/2005 |
條: | 115 | 公眾墳場及英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場的一般管理和關閉 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 116 | 有關墳場的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
第12號第6條增補) (由1969年第48號第8條修訂;由1972年第49號第2條修訂)
條: | 116A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 117 | 公眾墳場及英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場的規則 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 主管當局可就任何公眾墳場或英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場訂立並不抵觸根據第116條訂立的規例的規則,以為在該等公眾墳場或英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場的使用方面更佳地管制民眾作出規定,以及提供關於使用該等公眾墳場或英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場的資料。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- (2) 任何人沒有遵從根據第(1)款訂立的規則,即屬犯罪。
- 任何人在沒有主管當局書面准許下,在並非墳場的地方埋葬人類遺骸、存放載有人類遺骸的甕盎或其他盛器,或散播經火化後的人類遺骸骨灰,即屬犯罪。
- 除按照本部條文規定外,任何人在沒有主管當局書面准許下,撿掘人類遺骸、人類遺骸的任何部分或任何陪葬物品,從甕盎或其他盛器移走人類遺骸、人類遺骸的任何部分或任何物品,或從任何地方移走或帶走載有人類遺骸的甕盎或其他盛器,即屬犯罪。
- 除下述的人外,第(1)或(2)款所指的准許不得授予任何其他人:遺骸將被埋葬、存放、撿掘或移走(視屬何情況而定)的人的合法遺產代理人或最近親、獲該遺產代理人或該最近親妥為授權的代理人,或在無上述合法遺產代理人或最近親或其代理人時,主管當局認為對處置在授予上述准許時有關的人類遺骸具有適當權益的人:
- 但主管當局可應任何私營墳場管理當局的要求,准許將任何人類遺骸從該墳場的某一處移往該墳場的另一處。
- 除第(4A)款另有規定外,任何在不按照第(1)款條文或第119條條文下埋葬於墳場以外地方的人類遺骸,或存放於墳場以外地方的載有人類遺骸的甕盎或其他盛器,均可由主管當局移走,並埋葬或存放於任何墳場內,或以主管當局認為適當而合乎體統的其他方式予以處置: (由1983年第18號法律公告修訂;由1994年第12號第7條修訂)
條: | 118 | 禁止作未經批准的埋葬或遺骸撿掘 | L.N. 362 of 1997 | 01/07/1997 |
但在移走上述遺骸、甕盎或其他盛器前,須取得民政事務局局長的同意。 (由1983年第18號法律公告代替。由1989年第262號法律公告修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂) (4A)在依據第(4)款於英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場埋葬任何遺骸,或存放任何甕盎或其他盛器之前,須取得英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會的同意。 (由1994年第12號第7條增補)
(5) (由1994年第49號第30條廢除)
條: | 118A | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 119 | 行政長官會同行政會議指示移走和處置人類遺骸的權力 | 59 of 2000 | 01/07/1997 |
第 132章 -公眾衞生及市政條例
(1)儘管本部的其他條文另有規定,除第(2)款另有規定外,行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令,指示將人類遺骸從位於任何墳場內或任何墳場外的任何墳墓、甕盎或其他盛器移走,或將位於任何墳場內或任何墳場外的任何載有人類遺骸的甕盎或其他盛器移走,並可指示按其認為適當而合乎體統的方式予以處置: (由1994年第12號第8條修訂)
(2) 據第(1)款作出的命令,不得就任何英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場作出─
- (a)除非行政長官會同行政會議認為該款所提述的移走或處置,因公眾利益而言是屬需要的;及
- (b)除非已就作出上述命令的意向以書面向英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會發出6個月通知
期的通知。 (由1994年第12號第8條增補) (由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
條: | 119A | 主管當局指示移走和處置人類遺骸的權力 | 30/06/1997 |
但除非已就作出上述命令的意向在憲報刊登一項1個月通知期的公告,否則不得作出上述命令。 (由1976年第9號第11條增補)
條: | 120 | 移走棺木等 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 121 | 已被撿掘的屍體的處置 | L.N. 211 of 1998 | 04/05/1998 |
- 凡已根據《死因裁判官條例》(第504章)第7條撿掘任何屍體或屍體的任何部分,主管當局須按其認為適當的方式,為將該屍體重新埋葬或以其他方式處置作出安排。 (由1994年第12號第9條修訂;由1997年第27號第64條修訂)
- 在任何屍體或屍體的任何部分根據第(1)款於英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會墳場內重新埋葬或以其他方式處置之前,須取得英聯邦國殤紀念墳場管理委員會的同意。 (由1994年第12號第9條增補)
條: | 122 | 支付重新埋葬等的開支 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
撿掘或移走,則撿掘或移走和重新埋葬或處置該遺骸的開支,須由政府一般收入撥款支付。 (由1976年第9號第12條代替。由1986年第10號第16條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂;由2000年第59號第3條修訂)
條: | 123 | 有關殮房的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 主管當局可訂立有關殮房的規例,以就下列各方面訂明或訂定條文─
- (a) 對殮房登記或發牌,以及視察和管制(包括禁止)殮房;
- (b) 人類遺骸的接收、處理和保管;
- (c) 有關殮房所接收的人類遺骸的登記冊的備存、查閱和保管;
- (d) 對人類遺骸運送來往殮房或其他地方的規管和管制。 (由1994年第49號第32條修訂)
- (e) (由1994年第49號第32條廢除)
條: | 123A | 公眾殯儀廳 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 123AA | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 123B | 公眾殯儀廳的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 123C | 有關公眾殯儀廳的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 人類遺骸的接收、處理和保管;
- (b) 公眾殯儀廳的管理和運作,包括不准任何人進入公眾殯儀廳或將其逐出公眾殯儀廳;
- (c) (由1994年第49號第34條廢除)
- (d) 可使用公眾殯儀廳設施的人,以及使用時所須遵守的條件;
- (e) 保持公眾殯儀廳內秩序良好。 (由1978年第3號第2條增補)
條: | 123D | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 124 | 主管當局處置無人申索管有的屍體的權利 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 如具有處置任何人類遺骸的權利的人─
- (a) 在殮房接收該遺骸後48小時的期限內─
- (i) 沒有向管理或管轄該殮房的人提出申索管有該遺骸;或
- (ii) 放棄處置該遺骸的權利;或
- (b) 雖然曾在上述48小時期限內提出申索管有該遺骸,但在提出申索後48小時內沒有將該遺
骸管有以及將其從殮房移走, 則處置該遺骸的權利即歸屬主管當局,而主管當局可按其認為適當的方式,安排將該遺骸處置。 (由1969年第48號第9條代替)
條: | 124A | 政府及私營火葬場 | 30/06/1997 |
- (1) 附表5第V部所指明的地方,均為政府火葬場。
- (2) 附表5第VI部所指明的地方,均為認可私營火葬場。
- (3) 附表5第VII部所指明的地方,均為紀念花園。
- (4) 主管當局可藉憲報刊登的命令,將附表5第V、VI及VII部修訂、增補或刪減。 (由1976年第9
號第13條修訂) (由1973年第21號第9條增補)
條: | 124B | 政府火葬場及紀念花園的管理 | 30/06/1997 |
條: | 124C | 用作火葬場的地方 | 30/06/1997 |
- (a) 政府火葬場;
- (b) 認可私營火葬場;或
- (c)主管當局在其認為適當的條款及條件下,已向任何人、社團或機構授予特別書面准
許,以用作火葬人類遺骸或許可證所指明類別的人類遺骸的有關建築物或地方。 (由1973年第21號第9條增補)
條: | 124D | 申請在某些地點設置火葬場或在現有的火葬場加入設施時就任何反對作聆訊的條文 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 如有根據第124C(c)條向主管當局提出申請,以取得准許,將任何距離住宅不足200米,或在距離公路50米範圍內的建築物或地方,用作焚化人類遺骸,或向主管當局申請在第124C(b)或(c)條提述的建築物或地方加入與焚化人類遺骸直接有關的設施,則主管當局須安排將指明有關場地所在及設施的關於申請的公告,在憲報連續3期以中英文刊登,費用由申請人支付。 (由1979年第89號法律公告修訂)
- (1A) 如主管當局決定在任何現有的政府火葬場加入與焚化人類遺骸直接有關的設施,則須安排將指明有關場地所在及須加設施的公告,在憲報連續3期以中英文刊登。(由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- 如任何人在第(1)及(1A)款適用的情況下反對授予准許或加入設施,則反對必須以書面向主管當局提出,並在最後一次刊登上述公告後1個星期內,送抵主管當局辦事處。
- 主管當局在決定是否批准每項申請或決定是否加入設施前,須考慮上述各項反對,以及反對人和申請人或其代表所提出的任何證據。
- 作出決定後,主管當局須在切實可行的時間內將決定及作出該決定的理由,以書面通知申請人及反對人。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
上訴委員會作出上訴。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補) (由1973年第21號第9條增補。由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
條: | 124E | 有關火葬及火葬場的規例 | 30/06/1997 |
(1) 主管當局可就下列任何事項訂立規例─
- (a) 火葬場的保養和視察;
- (b) 人類遺骸可予焚化的情況,以及焚化人類遺骸時所須遵守的條件;
- (c) 人類遺骸經上述焚化後所餘骨灰的處置或安葬;
- (d)在獲准焚化人類遺骸前,所須發出或作出的通知、證明書及聲明的格式,而該等聲明須根據和憑藉《宣誓及聲明條例》(第11章)作出;
- (e) (由1994年第49號第36條廢除)
- (f) 有關焚化人類遺骸的登記;
- (g) 將並非政府火葬場的火葬場關閉,以及授權發出關閉該等火葬場的命令。
- 任何成文法則所載有關銷毀和揑改埋葬事宜登記冊,以及有關該等登記冊的節錄本在法庭或在其他情況作為證據的可接納性的條文,均適用於按上述規例指示須予備存的焚化人類遺骸事宜登記冊。
- (由1973年第21號第9條增補)
- 除非按照本部條文及根據本部訂立的規例的規定,否則任何人明知而進行或促致或參與任何人類遺骸的焚化,則除在其他方面所招致的法律責任或刑罰外,該人亦屬犯罪。
- 任何人故意作出任何虛假聲明或陳述,或簽署或行使任何虛假證明書,目的在促致任何人類遺骸的焚化,則除在其他方面所招致的法律責任或刑罰外,該人亦屬犯罪。
條: | 124EA | (由1999年第78號第7條廢除) | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 124F | 罪行 | 30/06/1997 |
在上述意圖下根據本部作出任何聲明或發出任何證明書,均屬犯罪。 (由1973年第21號第9條增補)
條: | 124G | 費用屬殯殮費的一部分 | 30/06/1997 |
本部條文並不干預死因裁判官命令將軀體火化的司法管轄權或權力,亦不授權任何人製造妨擾事故或准許出現妨擾事故。 (由1973年第21號第9條增補)
(1) 主管當局可藉規例規定就下列項目而應付的費用─
- (a) 垃圾清掃或清糞服務;
- (b) 廁所、浴室的登記或發牌,或廁所或浴室的使用;
- (c) 厭惡性行業的登記或發牌;
- (d) 泳池的登記或發牌;
- (e) 在關乎食物方面(就本段而言,食物包括活的家禽、活的爬蟲及活魚)從事下列項目或與下列項目相關的處所、業務或人的登記或發牌─
- (i) 出售供人食用的食物;
- (ii) 製造、配製、運輸、貯存、包裝、標記、端送或交付以下項目,或為將以下項目出售而將其展出─
- (A) 擬出售或出售供人食用的食物;或
- (B) 冰塊;或
- (iii) 食物環境衞生署署長可根據第56條就之而訂立規例的任何事項;
- (f) 公營屠房所提供或與公營屠房相關而提供的服務;
- (g) 私營屠房的登記或發牌;
- (h)動物或屠體的檢查或檢驗,以及與任何檢查或檢驗相關而作出或因任何檢查或檢驗而作出的任何事情;
- (i) 營辦私營街市的登記或發牌;
- (j) 小販的發牌以及小販攤位或攤檔的編配及使用,攤位證或小販證章的發出(包括攤位證或小販證章複本的發出或攤位證或小販證章的批註或修訂)或小販替手的委任;
- (k) 附表11A所指明的活動的發牌;
- (l) 埋葬人類遺骸;
- (m)在關乎公眾墳場方面,在墳墓上方或週圍設置紀念碑像或圍繞物,以及建造墓穴或甕盎,或索取公眾墳場墳墓登記冊記項的副本;
- (n) 授予撿掘人類遺骸的准許;
- (o) 殮房的登記或發牌;
- (p)使用公眾殯儀廳,或使用公眾殯儀廳所提供或與公眾殯儀廳的使用相關而提供的服務;
- (q) 在任何火葬場內將人類遺骸火化;
- (r) 人類遺骸在火葬場火化後所餘骨灰的處置或安葬;
- (s) 在火葬場或紀念花園內置放任何紀念碑像、石碑、銘文、插花盛器或其他裝飾物;
- (t) 在為記錄屬悼念性質的題字而備存於紀念花園內的紀念冊上作出題字;
- (u) 在火葬場或紀念花園內種植任何樹木、灌木或植物。
同的費用。 (第XIA部由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 124J | 主管當局可就附表 16所指明的項目訂明費用 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 主管當局可藉規例規定作為公眾人士的個人就附表16所指明的項目而應付的費用。
- (2) 就第(1)款而言,以下項目並不包括在內─
- (a) (i) 會社、機構、協會或其他組織的成員以其成員身分進入附表16所指明的場地或設施而應付的費用;或
- (ii) 為商業目的而進入附表16所指明的場地或設施而應付的費用;或
- (b) (i) 會社、機構、協會或其他組織的成員以其成員身分使用附表16所指明的場地、服務或設施而應付的費用;
- (ii) 為參加由會社、機構、協會或其他組織籌辦或安排或由他人代會社、機構、協會或其他組織籌辦或安排的遊戲、運動或其他活動而使用附表16所指明的場地、服務或設施而應付的費用;
- (iii) 為進行宣傳或商業活動而使用附表16所指明的場地、服務或設施而應付的費用;或
- (iv) 為商業目的而使用附表16所指明的場地、服務或設施而應付的費用。
- (3) 主管當局可根據第(1)款就不同界別或類別的人或情況,訂明不同的費用。
- (4) 主管當局可藉在憲報刊登的命令修訂附表16。
- (5) 第(4)款所指的命令須經立法會批准。
條: | 124K | 主管當局可在財政司司長的批准下釐定費用 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 除第124J(1)條另有規定外,主管當局可在財政司司長的批准下,釐定為任何與文化或消閑活動有關的目的進入或使用由主管當局提供或由主管當局管轄和管理的場地、服務或設施而應付的費用。
- (2) 根據本條為任何項目而釐定的費用,可因應不同界別或類別的人或情況而有所不同。
- (3) 主管當局可以其認為合適的方式將根據第(1)款釐定的費用發布週知。 (第XIA部由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (1) 主管當局可藉規例訂定為附表11所指明的活動領牌應付的費用。
- 為免生疑問,現述明本條所訂的就發牌規定應付的費用的權力,包括就牌照、臨時牌照的批出、續期或轉讓,以及就牌照複本的發出、就牌照的批註或修訂規定應付的費用的權力。
條: | 124L | 主管當局可訂明費用 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
用。 (第XIA部由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 124M | 財政司司長可調低或免除費用 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
財政司司長或任何獲其轉授權限的公職人員可就一般情況或特定情況調低或免除根據第124I、124J或124L條訂明或根據第124K條釐定的費用,或將該等費用的全部或部分退還。 (第XIA部由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 124N | 第XIB部的釋義 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
第XIB部 | |
牌照上訴委員會 | (由1999年第78號第7條代替) |
在本部中,除文意另有所指外─ “主席”(Chairman) 指根據第125A(2)條獲委擔任該職位的人; “委員會”(Board) 指根據第125A條設立的牌照上訴委員會; “秘書”(secretary) 指根據第125I(1)條委任的委員會秘書; “副主席”(Vice-Chairman) 指根據第125A(2)條獲委擔任該職位的人。 | (由1999年第78號第7條增補) |
條: | 125 | 有關牌照等事項的一般條文 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(1) 如任何公職人員(在本條中稱為發牌當局)根據本條例條文獲賦權規定他人取得登記或獲賦權批出牌照或許可證,則在符合本條例條文及根據本條例訂立的規例的情況下,該等登記、牌照或許可證(視屬何情況而定)─ (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (a)均須在發牌當局為達致本條例的目的而認為適宜施加的規定、條件或限制下作出、批出或續期;並可為同樣目的而載有發牌當局的一項聲明,免去根據本條例所訂規例任何條文的適用; (由1976年第9號第14條修訂;由1985年第69號第2條修訂)
- (b)可由發牌當局為達致本條例的目的而運用全權酌情決定權拒絕作出或批出、暫時吊銷或取消,但任何登記、牌照或許可證不得因違反本條例條文以外的其他因由或因違反適用於該等登記、牌照或許可證的規定、條件或限制以外的其他因由,而被暫時吊銷或取消。 (由1985年第69號第2條修訂)
(1A) 在不抵觸第124M條的規定下,第(1)(a)款並不授權發牌當局在任何登記、牌照或許可證內載有聲明,免去根據本條例所訂立的規例中有關繳付費用的條文的規定。 (由1976年第9號第14條增補。由1986年第10號第17條修訂;由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (i) 除非在上述登記、牌照或許可證期滿日期前90天或之前,發牌當局已將其拒絕續期的意向書面通知送達上述持有人,否則不得拒絕作上述續期;但如在緊接上述期滿日期前的90天期間內,有違反適用於上述登記、牌照或許可證的規定、條件或限制,則無須送達上述通知;
- (ii) 不得規定上述續期須符合任何在續期申請所關乎的登記、牌照或許可證方面所施加條件以外的附加條件,或任何替代在該等登記、牌照或許可證方面所施加條件的其他條件;但如在上述登記、牌照或許可證期滿日期前90天或之前,發牌當局
(b)凡沒有在任何登記、牌照或許可證期滿日期或之前,提出該等登記、牌照或許可證的續期申請,或繳付為此所訂明的費用,發牌當局可無須通知而拒絕作有關續期。 (由1985年第69號第2條增補)
- (2) 除發牌當局認為適當外,任何人不得以多於一人的名義獲得登記或獲批給牌照或許可證: 但本款條文不得解釋為阻止以法團名義獲得登記或獲批給牌照或許可證。
- (3) 除根據本條例訂立的規例條文另有規定外,所有登記、牌照或許可證均可轉讓。
- 如任何登記、牌照或許可證根據第(3)款條文而轉讓,則在轉讓作出後7天內,獲予轉讓的人須向發牌當局交付通知,而通知須符合發牌當局所訂明的格式(如有的話),並由轉讓人或其就此以書面授權的人簽署以及由獲予轉讓的人或其就此以書面授權的人簽署。
- (5) 任何人沒有按第(4)款規定發出關於將任何登記、牌照或許可證轉讓的通知,則─
- (a) 該人即屬犯罪;及
- (b) 發牌當局可無須通知而取消該登記、牌照或許可證。
- 如根據本條例條文獲登記的人或獲批給根據本條例條文發出的牌照或許可證的人,離開香港為期超過30天而不向發牌當局發出書面通知,或發牌當局認為上述的人並非通常在香港居住或已不再通常在香港居住,則發牌當局可無須通知而取消該登記、牌照或許可證;而根據《公司條例》(第32章)註冊的法團,如已不再獲如此註冊,則發牌當局亦可取消該登記、牌照或許可證。 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- (6A) 如發牌當局認為根據本條例條文獲登記的人或認為獲批給根據本條例條文發出的牌照或許可證的人,並沒有進行該登記、牌照或許可證所關乎的業務或活動,則可無須通知而取消該登記、牌照或許可證。 (由1978年第57號第4條增補)
- 如根據本條例條文獲登記的人或獲批給根據本條例條文發出的牌照或許可證的人,擬離開香港為期超過30天,則發牌當局可規定該人委任一名受委人,為期以發牌當局認為合理而不超過6個月的期間為限,而就本條例各方面而言,該名受委人在該段期間內須當作為以其本人名義獲有關登記或獲批給該牌照或許可證的人;如沒有按本款所作規定委任上述受委人,即為取消該登記、牌照或許可證的理由。 (由1986年第10號第24條修訂)
- 如發牌當局取消或暫時吊銷登記、牌照或許可證,或拒絕有關授予登記或批出牌照或許可證的申請或其續期申請,則發牌當局須隨即將書面通知送達有關的持有人或申請人(視屬何情況而定)以宣布其決定。
- 任何人不滿第(8)款所提述的決定,可於宣布該項決定的通知向其送達後14天內,就該項決定向根據第125A條設立的牌照上訴委員會提出上訴。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- 如有上訴根據本條提出,發牌當局可在該項上訴等候裁定期間,運用其酌情決定權,規定該項被上訴的決定暫停執行。 (由1999年第78號第7條代替)
- 根據本條例條文所授予的登記或批出的牌照或許可證,均不得視為豁免或免除任何人遵從任何其他成文法則條文的規定。
- (1) 現設立一個名為“牌照上訴委員會”的委員會。
- (2) 委員會由以下人士組成─
- (a) 一名主席;
- (b) 一名副主席;及
- (c) 不少於13名其他成員, 該等人士須由行政長官按照本條委任。
- (3) 公職人員不得根據第(2)款獲委任為委員會成員。
- (4) 根據第(2)款獲委任為主席、副主席或其他成員的人,須按照其委任條款任職及離職。
- (5) 任何成員可向行政長官發出書面通知而辭去其成員、主席或副主席的職位。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (1) 委員會的職能是就任何根據第125條向委員會提出的上訴,進行聆訊並作出裁定。
- 就上訴作出裁定時,委員會可行使作出該項被上訴的決定的人獲授予的所有權力及酌情決定權。
- 就上訴作出裁定時,委員會可維持或更改該項決定或宣告該項決定無效,如委員會宣告該項決定無效,則須以其本身的決定取代該項決定。委員會亦可延展遵從第125條所提述的發牌當局所發通知或所作命令的規定的指明時限(如有的話)。
- 任何向委員會提出上訴的人,如不滿委員會的決定,可於收到關於該項決定的通知後14天內,向市政服務上訴委員會提出上訴。
條: | 125B | 委員會的職能及權力以及就其決定提出上訴 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
上訴等候裁定期間暫停執行。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 125C | 委員會須如何組成以處理上訴 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 委員會須由以下人士組成,以聆訊上訴或根據第125B(5)條作出決定─
- (a) 主席或副主席;及
- (b) 4名根據第(2)款指定的其他成員。
- (2) 秘書必須為施行第(1)(b)款而指定4名成員。
- (3) 秘書在根據第(2)款指定成員時,須接受主席或副主席的指示。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- 有關上訴的各方當事人為上訴人及作出該項被上訴的決定的發牌當局。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
- (1) 主席或副主席須主持上訴的聆訊。
- (2) 上訴委員會的決定須取決於多數成員的決定。
條: | 125D | 上訴當事人 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
條: | 125E | 適用於聆訊的條文 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- 如在上訴聆訊開始後,一名或多於一名並非主持聆訊者的成員不能繼續聆訊該上訴,則只要餘下成員(包括主持聆訊者在內)的人數不少於3人並得到上訴各方當事人的同意,餘下的成員可繼續聆訊該上訴並作出裁定,而該委員會仍屬妥為組成。
- 如在第(3)款所指的情況下委員會由雙數數目的成員組成,則主持聆訊者在票數相等時有權投決定票。
- (5) 在不抵觸本條及根據第125G條訂立的規則的規定下,主持聆訊者可決定聆訊向委員會提出的上訴的程序。
條: | 125F | 委員會須說明作出決定的理由 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (1) 委員會必須說明作出決定的理由。
- (2) 秘書必須將委員會的決定及作出該決定的理由的文本送達上訴各方當事人。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 125G | 委員會可訂立規則 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
(2) 根據第(1)款訂立的規則是附屬法例。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 125H | 上訴聆訊以外的委員會會議 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
- (a) 會議的法定人數不得少於委員會當其時的成員人數的一半;
- (b) 主席或副主席須主持會議;
- (c) 問題由出席並有投票的成員的多數票決定;及
- (d) 主持會議者有權投決定票。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
條: | 125I | 職員 | L.N. 130 of 2007 | 01/07/2007 |
(1) 食物及衞生局局長可委任─ (由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂)
- (a) 一名委員會秘書;及
- (b) 食物及衞生局局長認為需要的其他職員。
出席任何在委員會席前進行的聆訊,亦可在委員會商議事宜時出席,以就此向委員會提供意見。 (由1999年第78號第7條增補。由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂)
條: | 126 | 進入有關地方的一般權力 | L.N. 320 of 1999 | 01/01/2000 |
第XII部 雜項 (由1999年第78號第7條增補)
(1) 除本條條文另有規定外,獲任何公職人員(在本條中稱為授權當局)以書面授權的公職人員,在應要求(如有的話)時已出示妥為認證並顯示其權限的文件後,均具有權利在上午7時至下午7時的時段內隨時進入任何處所、車輛、船隻或飛機;如屬工場或作業務用途的處所或船隻,則具有權利在進行工作或業務時隨時進入該等工場、處所或船隻,以─ (由1999年第78號第7條修訂)
- (a)確定在該等處所、車輛、船隻或飛機上或在與其相關的情況下,是否或曾否有任何本條例條文遭違反,而該等條文是由授權當局負責強制執行的;
- (b)確定是否有任何情況存在以致會授權或規定授權當局根據本條例條文採取行動或進行工作;而為此目的,有關人員並可抽取和帶走在有關的地方所發現的物品或東西(包括水)的樣本;
- (c) 採取或進行任何本條例條文授權或規定授權當局採取的行動或進行的工作;
- (d) 進行任何根據本條例條文而獲授權進行的測試;
- (e) 概括而言由授權當局履行其根據本條例條文而具有的職能:
(2) 如以經宣誓而作的書面告發向裁判官提出證明使其信納─
- (b) 為達致任何上述目的,進入該等處所或船隻是有合理理由的, 該名裁判官可藉符合附表7表格B格式的手令,授權任何已獲公職人員授權的公職人員進入該等地方,以及在有需要時使用武力進入該等地方;而上述作出授權的公職人員為達致其目的是有需要進入該等地方的: (由1999年第78號第7條修訂) 但除非該名裁判官信納申請手令的意向通知已向該等處所的佔用人或掌管該等船隻的人(視屬何情況而定)發出,或信納該等處所無人佔用或該等船隻無人看顧,或信納佔用人或看顧人暫不在場,或信納情況緊急,或信納發出上述通知會破壞進入該等地方的目的,或信納在該個案情況下,在下午7時至上午7時的時段內進入該等地方就施行本條例而言是合理的,否則不得發出上述手令。 (由1997年第47號第10條修訂)
- (3)
- 任何公職人員如憑藉第(1)款條文,或憑藉根據第(2)款發出的手令進入任何處所或船隻,可帶同所需的人,而在離開他憑藉上述條文或上述手令所進入的任何無人佔用的處所或任何無人看顧的船隻時,須令該等處所或船隻所處狀況能有效防禦侵入者,一如他在進入時發現其所處的狀況一樣。
- (4)
- 每份根據第(2)款條文批出的手令,均保持有效,直至引致需要進入有關地方的目的已經達致為止。
- (1)
- 主管當局如信納有任何本條適用的妨擾事故存在,可安排將一份符合附表7表格C格式的通知(在本條中稱為“妨擾事故通知”),送達因其作為、失責或容受而令妨擾事故產生或繼續存在的人,但如不能尋獲該人,則可安排將上述通知送達有妨擾事故存在的處所或船隻的佔用人或擁有人,並規定上述獲送達通知的人在通知所指明的期限內減除妨擾事故,並為達致該目的而作所需事情;主管當局如認為適當,通知亦可指明為達致上述目的而須進行的工作:
- 如下述的人不能尋獲或其身分不能確定,則主管當局可減除有關的妨擾事故,以及作所需事情以防止其再次出現,並可向在此後被尋獲或身分被確定的下述的人追討有關費用─
- (a) 因其作為、失責或容受而令妨擾事故產生或繼續存在的人;及
- (b) 有妨擾事故存在的處所或船隻的擁有人及佔用人。 (由1973年第58號第5條代替)
- 凡妨擾事故通知已向任何人送達,在下述其中一種情況下,該人即屬犯罪(不論是否已有就該人作出第(4)款條文所指的命令)─
- (a) 上述通知所關乎的妨擾事故,是因該人故意的作為或失責而產生的;或
- (b) 該人沒有在上述通知所指明的期限內,遵從該通知的任何規定。
- 凡妨擾事故通知已向任何人送達,則在下述情況下,主管當局可向法庭提出申訴,而聆訊該項申訴的法庭則可作出一項符合附表7表格D格式的循簡易程序作出命令(在本條中稱為“妨擾事故命令”)─
- (a) 該人沒有在上述通知所指明的期限內,遵從該通知的任何規定;或
- (b)上述命令所關乎的妨擾事故,雖已在該通知送達後被減除,但主管當局仍認為該等妨擾事故相當可能在同一處所或船隻再次出現。
(5) 妨擾事故命令可屬減除令、禁止令或封閉令,亦可由該等命令組合而成。 減除令可規定任何人遵從該命令所關乎的妨擾事故通知的各項或其中任何一項規定,或在該命
令所指明的期限內,減除妨擾事故或作所需事情以防止其再次出現。 禁止令可禁止妨擾事故再次出現。 封閉令可禁止將任何處所或船隻用作供人居住,但只有在向法庭提出證明使其信納該等處所或
(7) (a) 任何人如無合理辯解而沒有遵從妨擾事故命令,或明知而違反該命令,即屬犯罪。
- (a)如上訴所反對的妨擾事故命令屬禁止令或封閉令,或包含任何禁止令或封閉令,或規定須進行結構工程,則在該項有關上訴獲裁定前或被放棄前,任何人均不得因違反該命令或沒有遵從該命令而被處任何刑罰: 但如該項上訴遭駁回或被放棄,則上訴人可就其違反或沒有遵從上述妨擾事故命令期間的日數,按日被處以附表9第3欄就第(7)款所訂罪行而指明的罰款,除非上訴人能令因追討該項罰款而在其席前進行法律程序的法庭信納上訴是基於實質理由而並非僅為拖延時間而提出的;如上訴遭駁回,聆訊上訴的法庭可自行施加罰款,猶如該法庭是任何可在其席前進行法律程序以追討該等罰款的法庭一樣;
- (b)如上訴所反對的妨擾事故命令規定須進行結構工程,則除下述情況外,在該項上訴獲
- (i) 如該項上訴獲判得直,主管當局須向該命令所針對的人付給該人因主管當局減除該等妨擾事故而蒙受的損害的款額;及
- (ii) 如該項上訴遭駁回或被放棄,主管當局則可向上述的人追討主管當局因減除該等妨擾事故所招致的開支。
- 如主管當局在減除本條適用的妨擾事故時,或為防止該等妨擾事故再次出現而作出所需事情時,移去任何物件或東西,該等物件或東西均可藉公開拍賣方式售賣,或在主管當局認為個案情況有所需要下以其他方式售賣,或不作出售而另予處置。
- 根據本款出售任何物件或東西所得的款項,可由主管當局保留,並用以支付其就上述妨擾事故所招致的開支,而餘款(如有的話)則須應要求而付給該等物件或東西的擁有人。
- 除第(1B)款另有規定外,凡根據本條例任何處所或船隻的使用須經登記、發牌或許可,而獲授權為該等使用登記、發牌或給予許可的公職人員提出申請,且有關事項獲得證明,則除第(5)款另有規定外,法庭須作出一項符合附表7表格F格式的命令(“禁止令”),自該命令的副本根據第(6)款送達後第8天起禁止將該等處所或船隻,或該等處所或船隻的任何指明部分(“指明部分”)用作任何用途或用作該命令所指明的用途,在本款中,“有關事項”指─ (由2002年第1號第2條修訂)
- (a) 該等處所或船隻在並無登記、牌照或許可證的情況下使用;
- (b)該等處所或船隻曾在無登記、牌照或許可證的情況下使用,而現有合理因由相信該等處所或船隻會再度如此使用;或
- (c)該等處所或船隻的登記、牌照或許可證被暫時吊銷,而該等處所或船隻在違反該暫時吊銷的規定的情況下使用;或該等處所或船隻在違反本條例任何條文的情況下使用:(由1999年第78號第7條代替)
但如在發出與根據本款所提出的申請有關的傳票當日,該等處所或船隻是用作供人居住的,則法庭不得僅因在有關用途方面並無登記、牌照或許可證,或僅因有關用途違反登記、牌照或許可證的任何規定或任何暫時吊銷規定,而作出上述命令以防止作上述居住用途。 (由1974年第61號第11條修訂)
(1A) (由2002年第1號第2條廢除)
(1B) 本條不適用於第128A、128B及128C條適用的處所。(由2002年第1號第2條增補)
- 根據第(1)款條文作出的命令,就上述處所或船隻而言,仍具有效力,直至法庭應上述公職人員,或應任何對該等處所或船隻享有權益的人所提出的申請,而信納該等處所或船隻的使用已經登記、領牌或已取得許可,或信納有關的暫時吊銷規定已予取消,或信納本條例的條文已獲遵從(視屬何情況而定),或信納該等處所或船隻將在日後用作其他用途。
- (3) 任何人違反法庭根據第(1)款條文所作出的命令,即屬犯罪。
- 如針對根據第56條訂立的規例所適用的處所、船隻或指明部分的禁止令,已根據第(6)款送達,但卻沒有自其送達後第8天起獲持續遵從,則曾提出申請而致有作出該禁止令的公職人員如再提出申請,法庭在不規限根據本條可施加的刑罰但在符合第(5)款的規定下,須應其申請而作出一項符合附表7表格G格式的命令(在本條中稱為“封閉令”)。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- (5) 除非法庭信納下述事項,否則不得作出禁止令或封閉令─
- (a) 已根據第(6)款送達最少14天通知期的申請命令意向通知;
- (b)該通知已述明就聆訊有關的申請所訂定的時間及地點,並指出任何人如有合理因由就
- 該項申請陳詞,亦可就此提出要求;及
- (c)每一名有合理因由就該項申請陳詞並已就此提出要求的人,均已獲給予陳詞的機會。(由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 就任何處所、船隻或指明部分申請禁止令或封閉令的意向通知,以及上述各項命令的副本,均須以中英文發出,並須藉將其張貼於該等處所、船隻或指明部分的顯眼處的方式送達。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 就任何處所、船隻或指明部分所作出的封閉令,須於其根據第(6)款送達後第8天生效,而只要就該等處所、船隻或指明部分所作出的禁止令仍具有效力,該封閉令亦仍具有效力。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 針對任何處所、船隻或指明部分的封閉令一經生效,曾提出申請而致有作出該命令的公職人員,須將該等處所、船隻或指明部分的全部或其中任何出入口上鎖或加封或安排將其上銷或加封,並可將提供予該等處所、船隻或指明部分的燃料氣體、用水及電力供應截斷。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- (9) 在針對任何處所、船隻或指明部分的封閉令有效的期間─
- (a)除非取得曾提出申請而致有作出該命令的公職人員的書面准許,否則任何人均不得進入或停留在該等處所、船隻或指明部分;
- (b)任何人如持有由獲發給上述命令的公職人員所給予的授權書,均可將沒有遵從(a)段規定的人逐出該等處所、船隻或指明部分,而在行事時,並可在警務人員給予所需協助下,使用合理所需的武力。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 任何人在沒有合法權限或辯解下作出下述作為,即屬犯罪─
- (a) 在違反第(9)(a)款下進入或停留在任何處所、船隻或指明部分;
- (b) 破開或干擾根據第(8)款而置於任何處所、船隻或指明部分的鎖或封條;或
- (c) 移去或污損任何為施行本條而張貼於任何處所、船隻或指明部分的文件。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補。由2002年第1號第2條修訂)
- 如在緊接將任何處所、船隻或指明部分根據第(8)款封閉前,在其內發現任何食物或任何物品或東西,而該等食物、物品或東西如留在該等處所、船隻或指明部分,是相當可能引起火警危險,或對生命或健康構成危險的,則曾提出申請而致有作出該封閉令的公職人員,須─
- (a) 將該等食物、物品或東西管有;
- (b) 按其認為適當的方式將易毀消的食物及須予立刻處置的物品或東西處置;及
- (c)在該等處所、船隻或指明部分的顯眼處,張貼一份中英文告示,列明仍由該公職人員管有的食物、物品或東西的詳情,並籲請有關的人在該告示張貼當日後7天內,提出發還該等食物、物品或東西的申索。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 如有任何申索根據第(11)(c)款提出,要求發還任何食物、物品或東西,則管有該等食物、物品或東西的公職人員,可─
- (a)拒絕將其發還,除非該公職人員信納申索人為該等食物、物品或東西的擁有人,或信納申索人因其他原因而有權管有該等食物、物品或東西;及
- (b)以追討民事債項的方式,向已獲發還任何食物、物品或東西的申索人追討因移走和貯存該等食物、物品或東西所招致的開支。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 如公職人員根據第(11)(a)款將任何食物、物品或東西管有,而在第(11)(c)款所提述的時間內並沒有任何申索就該等食物、物品或東西提出,或有關公職人員按照第(12)(a)款而拒絕將其發還,則該等食物、物品或東西可藉公開拍賣方式售賣,或應裁判官作出的命令,以法庭認為適當的其他方式售賣或處置;出售所得的款項,均由有關的公職人員保留,並用以支付就強制執行有關的封閉令所招致的開支,而餘款(如有的話)則須應要求而付給該等食物、物品或東西的擁有人。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 根據第(8)款進行工作的費用,以及根據第(11)款將任何食物、物品或東西管有的費用,如在根據第(13)款作出售所獲的收益中不敷支付,則任何曾提出申請而致有就任何處所、船隻或指明部分作出封閉令的公職人員,可以追討民事債項的方式,向該處所的佔用人、船隻的船長或指明部分的佔用人,追討該等不敷支付的費用。 (由1988年第76號第3條增補)
- 除第(2)款另有規定外,在1988年10月1日前根據第(1)款作出並在該日期仍然有效的命令,在該日期後仍具有效力。 (將1988年第76號第8(1)條編入)
- (16) 如在1988年10月1日前根據第(1)款作出的命令─
- (a) 是針對根據第56條訂立的規例所適用的處所、船隻或指明部分的;
- (b)已在1988年10月1日或之後,根據由《1988年公眾衞生及市政(修訂)(第2號)條例》*(1988年第76號)所增補的第(6)款送達;及
- (c) 並沒有自上述送達後第8天起獲持續遵從, 則曾提出申請而致有作出該項命令的公職人員或公共機構,可根據經由該條例所增補的第(4)款再提出申請,要求就該等處所、船隻或指明部分作出封閉令,而經同樣方式增補的第(5)至(14)款條文,亦即告適用。 (將1988年第76號第8(2)條編入)
*“《1988年公眾衞生及市政(修訂)(第2號)條例》”乃“Public Health and MunicipalServices (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 1988”之譯名。
條: | 128A | 本條及第128B、128C與128D條的應用及釋義 | L.N. 193 of 2002 | 14/02/2003 |
(1) 本條及第128B、128C及128D條適用於—
- (a) 用作根據《食物業規例》(第132章,附屬法例X)須領牌照的食物業處所的處所;
- (b) 任何有—
(i) 《食物業規例》(第132章,附屬法例X)附表2所指明的限制出售的食物售賣、要約出售或展示以供出售的處所;或
(ii) 任何該等食物被管有以供出售或以供配製成供出售用的食品的處所;
- (c) 用作根據《屠房規例》(第132章,附屬法例BU)須領牌照的屠房的處所;
- (d) 任何有《奶業規例》(第132章,附屬法例AQ)第14(2)條所述奶品廠業務在經營的處所;
- (e)任何有《冰凍甜點規例》(第132章,附屬法例AC)第3條所界定的冰凍甜點在製造的處所。
(2) 就本條及第128B、128C及128D條而言,除文意另有所指外— “已封處所”(closed premises)指第(1)款所述的任何處所,並已有一項封閉令就其生效及仍然有效
者; “上訴委員會”(Appeal Board) 指根據第128D條設立的封閉令(對健康的即時危害)上訴委員會; “用”、“使用”(use) 就第(1)(c)款所提述的處所而言,包括佔用; “主席”(Chairman) 指根據第128D(3)條委任的上訴委員會主席; “封閉令”(closure order) 指根據第128B(1)或128C(1)條(視屬何情況而定)作出的命令; “副主席”(Deputy Chairman) 指根據第128D(3)條委任的上訴委員會第一副主席或第二副主席; “處所”(premises) 包括任何地方、船隻及地方或船隻的一部分; “對健康的即時危害”(immediate health hazard) 指導致或相當可能導致任何處所所供應、或在任何處
- (3) “對健康的即時危害”的定義所提述的情況,包括下述各種情況—
- (a)任何處所因為其位置、結構或狀況,以致該處所的情況使該處所所供應、或在該處所
- 內供應、處理或被管有的食物遭污染或弄髒,以致不適合供人食用;
- (b)製備食物或洗滌器皿所用的水來自未獲批准的來源,或來自經檢查結果、流行病學研究所得數據或其他化驗證據顯示為遭病原體、生物毒素、化學物品或其他物質污染的來源,以致處所所供應、或在該處所內供應、處理或被管有的食物不適合供人食用;
- (c)檢查結果、流行病學研究所得數據或其他化驗證據顯示,處所所供應、或在該處所內供應、處理或被管有的食物,遭病原體、生物毒素、化學物品或其他物質污染,以致不適合供人食用;及
- (d)該處所受蟲鼠所侵擾的程度,已至於使該處所所供應、或在該處所內供應、處理或被管有的食物遭污染或弄髒,以致不適合供人食用。
- (4) 在第(2)及(3)款中—
- (a)凡提述處所所供應、或在處所內供應的食物,即包括該處所所售賣、要約出售或展示以供出售的食物,或在該處所內售賣、要約出售或展示以供出售的食物;
- (b) 凡提述在處所內處理的食物,即包括在該處所內製造的食物;及
- (c)凡提述在處所內被管有的食物,即指在該處所內被管有以供出售或以供配製成供出售
用的食品的食物。 (由2002年第1號第3條增補)
- 凡根據《食物業規例》(第132章,附屬法例X)、《冰凍甜點規例》(第132章,附屬法例AC)、《奶業規例》(第132章,附屬法例AQ)或《屠房規例》(第132章,附屬法例BU)—
- (a) 使用本條適用的處所;或
- (b) 進行第128A(1)條所述的任何活動, 是須領牌照或須獲准許或許可的,則在主管當局提出申請並證明該處所並無所需牌照、准許或許可而如此使用,或該種活動並無所需牌照、准許或許可而在任何處所進行(視屬何情況而定)時,在符合第(2)及(3)款的規定下,法庭須使用附表7表格H作出封閉令。
- (2) 在符合以下條件的情況下,第(1)款不適用—
- (a) 根據《食物業規例》(第132章,附屬法例X)第30(1)條有關的使用或有關的活動是須獲准許的;
- (b) 該規例所指的食物業在有關處所內或從該處所內經營;及
- (c) 該食物業根據該規例是須領牌照的並根據該規例領有牌照。
- (3) 法庭除非信納有下述情況,否則不得作出封閉令—
- (a)在就有關申請訂定的聆訊日期之前7天或更早的時間,一份關於申請封閉令的意向的中英文通知的文本—
- (i) 已張貼於有關處所的顯眼處;及
- (ii) 已送達有關處所的擁有人,而送達的方式是以掛號郵遞方式將該文本寄往該擁有人最後為人所知的營業或居住地點;
- (b)該通知述明就該項申請訂定的聆訊時間及地點,並指出任何人如有合理因由就該項申請獲聆聽,則有權出席聆訊並要求獲聆聽;及
- (c) 每名有合理因由就該項申請獲聆聽並已提出要求的人,均已有機會獲聆聽。
- 在就根據第(1)款提出的申請訂定的聆訊地點及時間,或於切實可行範圍內的最早的其後時間,法庭須聆聽申請人,亦須聆聽每個符合下述全部條件的人—
- (a) 正出席聆訊;
- (b) 有合理因由獲聆聽;及
- (c) 希望獲聆聽,
(5) 封閉令的實施—
- (a) (如在申請該命令當日,有關處所是用作供人居住的)不得阻止上述居住;或
- (b)不得影響任何建築物內的任何公用地方或任何公眾地方的使用而致於阻塞公眾通道或走火通道。
- 封閉令在一份該命令的文本張貼於該命令所關乎的處所的顯眼處當日之後的第8天開始時開始生效。
- 封閉令一直有效,直至法庭應主管當局或對該命令所關乎的處所有權益的人的申請而予以撤銷為止。
- (8) 法庭如信納有下述情況,須撤銷封閉令—
- (a)有關的封閉令所關乎的處所的使用或擬在處所內進行的活動,已根據第(1)款所述的任何附屬法例獲發牌照或獲得准許或許可;或
- (b)該處所不會用作第128A(1)條所述的任何用途,而第(1)款所述的任何活動均不會在違反第(1)款所述的任何附屬法例的情況下在該處所內進行。
- 在符合第(5)款的規定下,關乎某處所的封閉令開始生效時,主管當局須將或安排他人將該處所的任何或所有出入口上鎖或加封,並可將或安排他人將該處所的燃氣及水電供應截斷。
- 除第(11)款另有規定外,任何人不得進入或停留在任何已封處所中,但正在執行其職務的公職人員不在此限。
- 主管當局—
- (a) 可藉書面准許任何人為准許書所指明的目的而進入及停留在某已封處所內;
- (b) 可就該項准許施加其認為適合的條件;
- (c)如認為准許書所指明的目的不再存在或任何根據(b)段就某項准許施加的條件已遭違反,則可撤銷該項准許;
- (d)要求任何被發現處身於任何已封處所的人離開該處所,如該人拒絕離開,則主管當局可在有警務人員或無警務人員的協助下將該人從該處所移走,並可為此而使用合理所需的武力。
- 任何人無合法權限亦無合理辯解—
- (a) 移去或污損任何根據第(6)款張貼的封閉令文本;
- (b) 破開或干擾根據第(9)款加上的鎖或封條;或
- (c) 違反第(10)款, 即屬犯罪。
(13) 主管當局可—
- (a) 按其認為適合的方式處置—
- (i) 在任何已封處所內發現並須立即處置的任何物品、東西或易毀消食物;
- (ii) 在該處所內發現的任何活生的禽鳥、魚或動物;
- (b) 移走—
- (i) 在任何已封處所內發現而留在該處所內則相當可能會引起火警危險或危害生命或健康的任何物品、東西或食物;
- (ii) 在該處所內發現的任何活生的禽鳥、魚或動物;
- (c) 就根據(b)段移走的活生的禽鳥、魚或動物作出其認為適合的安排;
- (d) 在有關的已封處所的顯眼處,張貼一份中英文告示—
- (i) 列出他認為可予退還的根據(b)段移走的物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物的詳情;及
- (ii) 呼籲在該告示張貼當日之後的7天內向他提出退還該等物品、東西、食物、活生的
- 如有第(13)(d)(ii)款所述的申索提出,主管當局—
- (a)如不信納申索人有權管有有關物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物,亦不信納申索人是其擁有人,或該禽鳥、魚或動物已死亡,則須拒絕將其退還申索人;或
- (b)可應申索而將該物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物退還申索人,並將將之移走和貯存或為之作出安排而招致的開支,作為民事債項向該申索人追討。
- 凡主管當局根據第(13)(b)款移走任何物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物,而在第
- (d)(ii)款所指明的限期內並沒有任何申索提出,或主管當局按照第(14)(a)款拒絕將其退還,則可藉公開拍賣方式將該物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物出售,或按法庭命令以法庭所指示的其他方式出售或處置;出售所得的收益,則由主管當局保留,並用以支付與強制執行封閉令相關而招致的開支,餘款(如有的話)則須按在出售當日之後90天內提出的要求而付給該物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物的擁有人。
- 如無人按照第(15)款提出要求,則餘款須付入政府一般收入。
- 如根據第(15)款出售所得的收益不敷支付主管當局—
- (a) 根據第(9)款在任何已封處所進行的工程的費用;
- (b)根據第(13)(b)款將任何物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物從該已封處所移走的費用;及
- (c) 根據第(13)(c)款作出安排的費用, 則主管當局可將該不敷之數,作為民事債項向緊接在有關的封閉令開始生效之前管理或控制該處所的人(如該處所為船隻或船隻的一部分則向該船隻的船長)追討。
- (由2002年第1號第3條增補)
- 如主管當局有合理因由相信本條適用的某處所的使用或在該處所內進行的任何活動構成對健康的即時危害,主管當局可使用附表7表格I作出封閉令,立即封閉該處所。
- (2) 封閉令的實施—
- (a) (如在作出該命令當日,有關處所是用作供人居住的)不得阻止上述居住;或
- (b)不得影響任何建築物內的任何公用地方或任何公眾地方的使用而致於阻塞公眾通道或走火通道。
- (3) 封閉令的一份文本一經—
- (a) 張貼於該命令所關乎的處所的顯眼處;及
- (b)送達該處所的擁有人,而送達的方式是以掛號郵遞方式將該文本寄往該擁有人最後為
人所知的營業或居住地點, 封閉令即開始生效。
- (4) 封閉令一直有效,直至主管當局根據第(6)款發出通知為止。
- (5) 如有封閉令就任何處所作出,任何對該處所有權益的人可向主管當局申請撤銷該命令。
- (a)就有關的封閉令所關乎的處所而言,有關的對健康的即時危害已消除,而該處所的使用或擬在該處所內進行的活動,已根據第128B(1)條所述的任何附屬法例獲發牌照、獲得准許或許可;或
- (b)該處所不會用作第128A(1)條所述的任何用途,而第128A(1)條所述的任何活動均不會在違反第128A(1)條所述的任何附屬法例的情況下在該處所內進行。
(8) 除非主席另有命令,否則根據第(7)款提出的上訴,並不具有暫緩執行封閉令的效力。
- 在符合第(2)款的規定下,關乎某處所的封閉令開始生效時,主管當局須將或安排他人將該已封處所的任何或所有出入口上鎖或加封,並可將或安排他人將該處所的燃氣及水電供應截斷。
- 除第(11)款另有規定外,任何人不得進入或停留在任何已封處所中,但正在執行其職務的公職人員不在此限。
- 主管當局—
- (a) 可藉書面准許任何人為准許書所指明的目的而進入及停留在某已封處所內;
- (b) 可就該項准許施加其認為適合的條件;
- (c)如認為准許書所指明的目的不再存在或任何根據(b)段就某項准許施加的條件已遭違反,則可撤銷該項准許;
- (d)要求任何被發現處身於任何已封處所的人離開該處所,如該人拒絕離開,則主管當局可在有警務人員或無警務人員的協助下將該人從該處所移走,並可為此而使用合理所需的武力。
- 任何人無合法權限亦無合理辯解—
- (a) 移去或污損任何根據第(3)(a)款張貼的封閉令文本;
- (b) 破開或干擾根據第(9)款加上的鎖或封條;或
- (c) 違反第(10)款, 即屬犯罪。
- 主管當局可—
- (a) 按其認為適合的方式處置—
- (i) 在任何已封處所內發現並須立即處置的任何物品、東西或易毀消食物;
- (ii) 在該處所內發現的任何活生的禽鳥、魚或動物;
- (b) 移走—
- (i) 在任何已封處所內發現而留在該處所內則相當可能會引起火警危險或危害生命或健康的任何物品、東西或食物;
- (ii) 在該處所內發現的任何活生的禽鳥、魚或動物;
- (c) 就根據(b)段移走的活生的禽鳥、魚或動物作出其認為適合的安排;
- (d) 在有關的已封處所的顯眼處,張貼一份中英文告示—
- (i) 列出他認為可予退還的根據(b)段移走的物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物的詳情;及
- (ii) 呼籲在該告示張貼當日之後的7天內向他提出退還該等物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物的申索。
- 如有第(13)(d)(ii)款所述的申索提出,主管當局—
- (a)如不信納申索人有權管有有關物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物,亦不信納申索人是其擁有人,或該禽鳥、魚或動物已死亡,則須拒絕將其退還申索人;或
- (b)可應申索而將該物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物退還申索人,並將將之移走和貯存或為之作出安排而招致的開支,作為民事債項向該申索人追討。
- 凡主管當局根據第(13)(b)款移走任何物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物,而在第
- (d)(ii)款所指明的限期內並沒有任何申索提出,或主管當局按照第(14)(a)款拒絕將其退還,則可藉公開拍賣方式將該物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物出售,或按法庭命令以法庭所指示的其他方式出售或處置;出售所得的收益,則由主管當局保留,並用以支付與強制執行封閉令相關而招致的開支,餘款(如有的話)則須按在出售當日之後90天內提出的要求而付給該物品、東西、食物、
- 如無人按照第(15)款提出要求,則餘款須付入政府一般收入。
- 如根據第(15)款出售所得的收益不敷支付主管當局—
- (a) 根據第(9)款在任何已封處所進行的工程的費用;
- (b)根據第(13)(b)款將任何物品、東西、食物、活生的禽鳥、魚或動物從該已封處所移走的費用;及
- (c) 根據第(13)(c)款作出安排的費用, 則主管當局可將該不敷之數,作為民事債項向緊接在有關的封閉令開始生效之前管理或控制該處所的人(如該處所為船隻或船隻的一部分則向該船隻的船長)追討。
- (18)
- 任何人因任何根據第(1)款作出的封閉令而感到受屈,可在該命令作出當日之後的7天內或主席所容許的較長期間內,針對該命令向上訴委員會提出上訴。
(19) 除非主席另有命令,否則根據第(18)款提出的上訴,並不具有暫緩執行封閉令的效力。 (由2002年第1號第3條增補)
(1) 現設立一個名為“封閉令(對健康的即時危害)上訴委員會”的上訴委員會。
- (2) 上訴委員會的職能是就任何根據第128C(7)或(18)條向上訴委員會提出的上訴,進行聆訊並作出裁定。
- 行政長官須從根據《區域法院條例》(第336章)第5條有資格獲委任為區域法院法官的人中委任—
- (a) 一名上訴委員會主席;
- (b) 一名上訴委員會第一副主席;及
- (c) 一名上訴委員會第二副主席。
- 行政長官須委任一個由不少於18名並非公職人員的人組成的小組,他們均須是行政長官認為適合根據第(8)(b)款被任命為上訴委員會的成員以聆訊上訴的。
- 第(3)或(4)款所指的委任須在憲報公布,任期均不得超過3年。任何根據第(3)或(4)款獲委任的人,可再獲委任,並可藉向行政長官發出書面通知而辭職。
- (6) 食物及衞生局局長可委任— (由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂)
- (a) 一名上訴委員會秘書;及
- (b) 該局長認為需要的其他職員以協助該秘書。
- 向上訴委員會提出的上訴的各方當事人是上訴人及主管當局。上訴當事人可出席上訴聆訊,並可—
- (a) 親自陳詞;或
- (b)由大律師或律師代表,如獲得主席的批准,亦可由該當事人以書面授權的任何其他人
代表。 主管當局亦可由《律政人員條例》(第87章)所指的律政人員代表。
(8) 為聆訊上訴的目的,上訴委員會的成員是—
- (a) 主席或副主席,負責主持聆訊;及
- (b) 2名從第(4)款所提述的小組中輪流挑選、並由主席任命以聆訊上訴的其他人。
- 如主席在任何期間內因生病、不在香港或任何其他因由而不能執行其職能,上訴委員會第一副主席須在該段期間內署理主席一職,並以署理主席身分執行主席的所有職能。
- 如副主席在任何期間內因生病、不在香港或任何其他因由而不能執行其職能,另一名副主席須在該段期間內暫代該不能執行職能的副主席,並在暫代該副主席期間執行該副主席的所有職能(包括根據第(9)款該副主席本須執行的職能)。
- 如根據第(8)(b)款或本款獲任命以聆訊上訴的人,在任何期間內因生病、不在香港或任何其他因由而不能執行其職能,主席可任命從第(4)款所提述的小組中輪流挑選的另一人,在該段期間內暫代該不能執行職能的人,並在暫代該人期間執行該人的所有職能。
- 儘管上訴委員會的成員有所變動,上訴聆訊在上訴的各方當事人的同意下仍可繼續進行。
- 為上訴的目的,上訴委員會—
- (a)可接受和考慮任何資料,不論是口頭證據、書面陳述、文件或其他形式的資料,亦不論該等資料可否在民事或刑事訴訟中接納為證據;及
- (b) 可應—
- (i) 根據第128C(7)條提出的上訴,確認主管當局的決定或命令主管當局根據第128C(6)條發出通知;或
- (ii) 根據第128C(18)條提出的上訴,確認、暫緩執行或推翻有關封閉令。
- 上訴委員會就上訴作出的決定,須是過半數聆訊上訴的成員的決定。
- 上訴委員會須以書面說明作出決定的理由。上訴委員會秘書須將上訴委員會的決定及作出該項決定的理由的文本送達上訴的各方當事人。
- 任何向上訴委員會上訴的人如不滿上訴委員會的決定,可於收到該項決定及作出該項決定的理由的文本後14天內,向原訟法庭上訴。原訟法庭可確認或推翻上訴所針對的決定。原訟法庭作出的決定是最終決定。
- (17) 除非原訟法庭另有命令,否則根據第(16)款提出的上訴,並不具有暫緩執行封閉令的效力。
- 在不抵觸本條及根據第(20)款訂立的規則的規定下,主持聆訊的人可決定聆訊向上訴委員會提出的上訴的程序。
- (19) 如有人以書面提出申請,而主席信納該人有充分理由提出該項申請,則主席可—
- (a) 將該人可根據第128C(7)或(18)條向上訴委員會上訴的時限延長;及
- (b)命令該人根據第128C(7)或(18)條提出的上訴所關乎的封閉令在上訴等候裁定期間暫緩執行。
- 主席於諮詢食物及衞生局局長後,可訂立規則— (由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂)
- (a) 規管向上訴委員會提出上訴的事宜;
- (b) 指明須就上訴提交或送達的文件;及
- (c) 就聆訊該等上訴及予以裁定以及強制執行上訴委員會的決定作出規定。
如此訂立的規則是附屬法例。 (由2002年第1號第3條增補)
(由1999年第78號第7條修訂) 附註:
- 凡任何公職人員根據本條例條文有權追討已進行工作或已提供服務的費用,則該公職人員可核證有關的欠款及須對該等欠款負法律責任的人的姓名或名稱,並可藉有關的證明書而在上述的人之間分攤上述款項。
- (2) 如屬已進行工作或已提供服務的情況,上述款項可包括─
- (a)該公職人員為進行該等工作或為提供該等服務而供應或要求他人供應勞工、運輸或物料的費用;及
- (b) 監督費用及政府部門的費用。
- (3) 上述證明書副本須向名列證明書的每一人送達。
- 凡有關的人欠繳被申索的款項,則上述公職人員可運用其酌情決定權,命令在所申索的款項上附加下列款額並一併予以追討─ (由1986年第10號第18條修訂)