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Règlement de 2015 sur l'enregistrement volontaire du droit d'auteur (S.I. n° 15 de 2015), Seychelles

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2015 Dates Lancé: 20 avril 2015 Publié: 20 avril 2015 Émis: 10 avril 2015 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Droit d'auteur Notes The Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015 (S.I 15 of 2015) were issued by the Minister for Tourism and Culture pursuant to sections 28(2) and 37 of the Copyright Act, 2014 (Act No. 5 of 2014).

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Anglais Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015 (S.I. No. 15 of 2015)        
 Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015

[20th April 2015] Supplement to Official Gazette

S.I. 15 of 201S


(Act 5 of2014)



I . Citation. 2. Interpretation. 3. Fees. 4. Application for registration ofcopyright. 5. Examination 6. Deposit as proof 7. Registration of the copyright and issuing ofcertificates 8. CopyrightRegister


9. Application for registration of agreement, contract, licence or assignment.

10. Request for search ofthe Copyright Register 11. Application for inspection ofCopyright Register



(20thApril 2015] Supplement lo Official Gazette

S.I. 15 of 2015


(A ct 5 of 2014)

Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015

In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 37 read with section 28(2) of the Copyright Act, 201 4, the Minister for Tourism and Culture hereby makes the fo llowing regulations -

1. These regulations may be cited as the Copyright Citni.10:1 (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015.


2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise 1n1crprc1otion requires -

"Act" means the Copyright Act, 2014 (Act 5 of 2014);

"Fonn" means a Form set out in Schedule l appended to these regulations;

"Registrar" means the Registrar of Copyrights appointed under section28(1 ) oftheAot.

3.( l) The fees to be paid under these regulations shall be Fees as provided under column (3) of Schedule 2 to these regulations for a service mentioned under column (2) of that Schedule.

(2) The fees specified in Schedule 2 shall be paid to the Registrar upon the filing of the application by such means and in such manner as the Registrar may direct.

(3) Any fees paid to the Registrar shall be non- refundable.


Applica1ion fo r rcgistrauon of


Supplement to Official Gazette [20th Apri l 2015]

4.( I) Any person who desires to register his or her works specicified in section 4 of the Act or derivative works specified in section 5 of the Act may apply to the Registrar in Form CR•I for registration ofthe copyright.

(2) The application shall be accompanied with the fee specified in Schedule 2.

(3) The Registrar shall on the receipt of the application cause the application entered in a register ofapplication kept for the purpose.

Exnmmat1on S.(1) The Registrar shall, within two weeks, on receipt of

Deposit as proof

the application for registration of the copyright, determine whether the work meets the requirements laid down in the Act and these Regulations for registering the copyright.

(2) The Registrar may by notice in writing require the applicant to furnish such evidence regarding the ownership of the copyright, within a period of one month from the date of such notice.

(3) Where no response is made by the applicant in pursuance to the notice under subregulation (2), the application shall· be treated as withdrawn.

(4) Where an application for registration ofcopyright is rejected by the Register, the Registrar shall communicate in writing to the appJicant the reasons therefor.

6.(1) An applicant for registration of copyright may submit to the Registrar a copy or a photograph canying a declaration made by the a-pplicant on the back as a proof of the items in the application tbat he or she is the author of the work shown.

(2) The Registrar i hall record the items ofproofwith the registration number, name ofthe authorand date.

[20th April 2015} Supplement to Official Gazette

7.(1) Where the Registrar determines that the work is a subject matter for registration ofcopyright, the Registrar shall register the applicant in the Copyright Register as the owner of the copyright in the works and issue the applicant a certificate ofregistration in Form CR-2.

(2) The registration of a copyright under these regulations shall take effect on the date of the certification of registration.


Registrat ion of I.be Copyright and tssumg of cert1ficalc

8,(1) The Registrar shall keep a Copyright Register for Copyri gJ, registering the registration ofcopyrights. Rcgcs1c:r

(2) Without prejudice to subregulation · ( 1), the Registrar shall cause the Copyright Register maintained in . electronic format, which is backed up and stored carefully all related materials with appropriate numbering.

9.( l ) The registered owner of a registered copyright may apply for registration in the Copyright Register any agreement, contract, assignment, licence or document relating to or dealing with the registered copyright.

(2) An application for registration under subregulation (1) shall be made in Form CR-3 accompanied with the fee specified in Schedule 2.

(3) The Registrar shall within one month from the receipt of the application under sub-regulation (2) determine the application and make entries in the Copyright Register accordingly.

10.( I) Any applicant or interested person may apply to the Registrar for a search ofthe Copyright Register.

(2) An application under subregulation (1) shall be

Application for registration of agreement, contract, ltcencc or 11Ss1 gnment

Request for ~iut:h of Copyright Register


Inspection of Copyrigh t Register

Supplement to Official Gazette [20th April 2015]

made in Form CR-4 accompanied with the fee specified in Schedule 2.

(3) The Registrar shall within one month from the receipt of the application give the applicant his or her findings in a report, which shall include the date, reference number and title.

11.( l) Any interested person may apply to the Registrar for inspection ofthe Copyright Register.

(2) An application Wlder subregulation (1) shall be made in Form CR-5 accompanjed with the fee specified in Schedule 12.


(Regulation 2)

FORMCR-1 [Regulation 4(1) ]

Copyright Act, 2014 (Act 5 of 2014) Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2014


Application is hereby made for registration of the accompanying work in the Copyright Register

Title ofWork: ·.......... ....... ..... ..... ....,........... .. ..... .. ... ........................ .

Literature Dramatic

•• Artistic Scientific


[20th April 2015] Supplement to Official Gazette

Group ofWork

1. .............. ... ................. .. ... ..

Date of Production:00000000 Publication: The Work is p ublished Yes D Date of firs t publication:OOOODDDD Place: City.......................... Province: Country:................. .... .......... .

(I ) Describe the relevant work


No O (date/month/year)

M.ateriaJ Support:..... .. ........ .................. ..... .... ........... .......... '

ISBN code: (for books only).............. .. ... .......................... ................... .. ......... ..

0 Claim of Priority filed outside Seychelles Pnority Date

I I I I I I I I I I I Application Nwnber (ifknown)



I I I I I I I I I I 1I I l I I I ! I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I

2. ln the name ............................ ...... .. ......................... .. .. ........................... ..... ..... ... ... .. ..

[Jnserl full name, descn'ption and nationafily if the individual, firm or body corporate making the application. The name ofallpartners infirm must be given and ifapplicant is a body corporate the kind and country ofincorporate shall bestoted}

ll2 Supplement to Official Gazette [20th April 2015]

3. \Vhose address is ....... .... .. ................... ....... ...................... ... ............. . [Insert address far all purpose connected with the application}

[Insert the mailing address ifdifferent to from paragraph 3}

4. Contact details: Phone Number ..... .... .... ... ...... ........ ..... ... ....... .. .... . Emai!Address .... .............. .. .. ... ..... .. ....... ...... .. .. .... Fax ...... ...... .... ... ..... .... .... ..... .... ... ............. .. .... .. ..... Seychelles ID Number . .. .:.. ....... ... .. ..... ........ .. ...... Passport Number ....... ............. ..... ............... ... ..... .



,_ Copyofthework _ Fee payment receipt shp _ CopyofIDdocument _ Registration certificate _ Powerofattorney

Other... ...................... .. ....... ............... .. ... .... .. .. ... .. ... ... .... .......... ... ... ............... ...... ... ..


I hereby certify that the information given to the best of my knowledge is true, complete and all signature in the attachments are made by the persons stated. I also understand that any false declaration may lead to prosecution.

Date:..... .. ..... .... ................. .

Applicant's Signature: .... ..... ... ...... ...... .................. ... .

FeeofRSJOOperitem is enclosed: .... .. ............ .. .......... ..


The Registrar ofCopyrights, Republic ofSeychelles

[20th April 2015] Supplement to Official Gazette


[Regulation 7(/) ]

Copyright Act, 2014 (Act S of 2014)

Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015


The following work, namely,


• • •. •• 0 O •• • O O O o 4 o • o o O 0 4 • • O • 4 •• O • •• • o oo • 0 0 •• 0 o O •·IO O o o O •• o O O O. 0 0 0 0 0 o O I O 00 0 00 o o o o O o oO o o o, o O o o , • • < o O o o , •~ o o o• o o, O 00 o O O O o o o 00 • o,, O o IO O O IO•• o O O O O

has been registered under section 28(3) of the Copyright Ac!, 2014 (Act 5 of2014) in the Copyright Register under Reference No:............. ........ .............. in the name of ....... .. ...................................... ............ ....... .. .................. .. ......

Residing at. .................. ..... ......... ... .......... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ..... ....... .. .... .. ................. .

on this. .......... ... ........... ... ...... .........dayof..............................20 ....................

sealed at my direction this ...... ....... ...............day of... ............20 ................... .

The Registrar ofCopyrights, National CulturaJ Centre Republic ofSeychelles .

Registrar ofCopyrights

NOTE: Upon any change of ownership of this copyright, or change in address, the Registrar should be advised at once.

ll4 Supplement to Official Gazette [20th April 2015]


[Regulation 9(2)]

Copyright Act, 2014 (Act 5 of 2014)

Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015


I/We ...... ... ......... .... ..... ... ..... .... .............. ... ....... ................. ...... .......................... ................. . [Name and address ofthe applicant}

hereby apply for registration ofthe accompanying document(s), namely, ............ ............. .

[specify the type ofdocument, i.e.• contract, agreement, licence, assignment, etc.]

wbichrelateto the copyright .. ........ .......... ........... ................ :.... :.... .......... ............ ... ......... .. [state here the reference number ofregisteredcopyright} ·

the purpose ofwhich is .... .. .......................... ........ ... .......... ... .......... .. .. ..... ..................... .... . [state briefly the purport ofthe documenl, including. the name ofany person authorised to use rite regisleredcopyright and the scope ofltis authority]

My/Our address for service in Seychelles is


- Copy ofthe work=Fee payment receipt slip _ Copy ofID document

Registration certHicate : Powerofattorney _ Other.......... .. .............. ... ..,......................... .. .. ... ........... ................... ................... .. ....


J hereby certify that the information given to the best or my knowledge is true, complete and all signatures in the attacltments are made by the persons stBted. I also W1derstand that any false declaration may lead 10 prosecution.

Date:.....~ ............... .......... ..

Applicant's Signature:........... ... ....... .... ..... ....... .... .... .

[20th April 2015] Supplement to Official Gazette

Fee ofSCRl 00 per item is enclosed: .......... ............. .........


The Registrar ofCopyright, Republic ofSeycbdles


[Regulation 10(2)]

Copyright Act, 2014 (Act S of 2014)

Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015



I/We ······· ·· ··· ·········.. ······· ··.............. .............:... ... .................... ......... ................................... [Name and address ofthe applicant}

request the Registrar to search in respect of ................................... ... .. .. ............ ... ...............

[describe the relevant workasfully asfar aspossible}

to ascertain whether any copyright or document relating thereto, meeting the above description/resembling the work sent herewith (delete whichever is not applicable) are on the record of the Copyright Register.

Applicant's signature ..... ... .......... ............... ........... .

Dated this.. ... ..... .... ...day oE.................. ...., 20 .... ... .

Fee ofRS 100 per item is enclosed: ......... ....... ...... .. ....... .


The Registrar ofCopyright, Republic of Seychelles

116 Supplement to Official Gazette [20th April 2015]


[Regulation 11(2)]

Copyright Act, 2014 (Act 5 of2014)

Copyright (Voluntary Registration) Regulations, 2015


I/We ················ ··· ····· ············· ··· ·· ··.. ·· ···· .......... ......... .... ........ .. ........ ................ .. ............ .. ..... [Name andaddress ofthe applicant}

apply to the Registrar ofCopyright to inspect the Copyright Register for the fol lowing

[describe here the workfully asfar aspossible]

I/We named above will attend in person on date ... .... ............. ....[mention here date] at ... ... .. ... [mention here the time] to inspect the register or mail to the requested information to my/our address ...... ............. .. .. ... .............. ....... ... ..................... .......... ............................ ..

Applicant 's signature .................. .. ...... ...................... .

.Dated this.............. ...day of... ..... ........ ...... ., 20 ...... ... ..

Fee ofRS50 per item is enclosed: .. ... ...................... .....


The Registrar ofCopyrights, Republic ofSeychelles

[20th April 2015] Supplement to Official Gazelle 117


()) l.




SCREDULE 2 [Regulations 3(1), 4(2) , 9(2), 10(2) and 11(2) ]


SERVICE Fees in Seychelles Rupees

(2) (3) Application for registration copyright 100 per item under regulation 4(1)

Application for registration of 100 per item agreement, contract, licence or assignment under regulation 9( l)

Request for a search of the copyright 50 per search Register under regulation I0(1)

Application to inspect the Copyright 50 per inspection Register under regulation 11 (1)

Made this 10th day ofApril, 2015.



Législation Met en application (1 texte(s)) Met en application (1 texte(s))
Versions historiques Abroge (1 texte(s)) Abroge (1 texte(s))
Aucune donnée disponible

N° WIPO Lex SC030