Superior Court of Justice, Special Appeal n. 642213, Rapporteur Judge: João Otavio Noronha, Second Division, decided on April 28, 2010
Date of JudgmentApril 28, 2010Issuing AuthoritySuperior Court of Justice (STJ)Level of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterPatents (Inventions)Plaintiff/AppellantE I DU PONT DE MEMOURS AND COMPANYDefendant/RespondentINSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PROPRIEDADE INDUSTRIAL INPI Keywords
Expiration date
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseSTJ. REsp 642.213/RJ, Rel. Ministro JOÃO OTÁVIO DE NORONHA, SEGUNDA SEÇÃO, julgado em 28/04/2010, DJe 02/08/2010 HTMLSummaryPortugueseSTJ. REsp 642.213/RJ, Rel. Ministro JOÃO OTÁVIO DE NORONHA, SEGUNDA SEÇÃO, julgado em 28/04/2010, DJe 02/08/2010 HTMLRelevant Legislation