WIPO for Creators Annual Reports 2021 and 2022

We are pleased to present you with the WIPO for Creators Annual Reports of 2021 and 2022.

In the course of 2022, WIPO for Creators achieved a number of milestones, with a major one being the selection of Manyone Ltd. Denmark to support the initiative as the project management and content delivery teams for the build of the Creators Platform. With Manyone, a strategy-design hybrid company, the foundations of the Creators Platform were well laid, allowing WIPO for Creators to sprint towards a projected launch of the platform planned in the fourth quarter of 2023. The work of the product design, tech, and content teams produced an early prototype, making way to achieve progress on the first release of the Creators Platform focused on creators in the music industry.

The WIPO for Creators Advisory Board held five meetings throughout the year, with the twelve members representing creative industry stakeholders, joined by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF). These members, along with our sponsors, members, and friends' engagement, provided valuable insights, feedback and support, which allowed us to make significant progress in our global outreach as we seek more WIPO for Creators partners. We are grateful to them all for their support.

With the sustained support of WIPO Director General Daren Tang and Björn Ulvaeus, co-founder of both the legendary ABBA band and the Music Rights Awareness Foundation (MRAF), WIPO for Creators held its second Annual Meeting on December 7, 2022. We continue to collaborate with a range of partners and stakeholders, including governments and creative industry organizations, to promote WIPO for Creators objectives and development of the Creators Platform.

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Contact us at wipoforcreators@wipo.int


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