Save the Date: We are launching CLIP! November 17, 2023

We are sprinting to the finish line to get you the creators platform we promised. The platform now has a name – CLIP. It has been an exciting journey getting CLIP ready to go live and we are pleased to announce the CLIP launch event.


Save the date: Join us on November 17, 2023 at 5pm CET in Geneva or online for a special event hosted by WIPO Director General Daren Tang and Music Rights Awareness Foundation co-founder and legendary ABBA star Björn Ulvaeus and Niclas Molinder, where we will unveil CLIP to creators around the world.

The first release of CLIP will focus on the music industry. You will learn about the industry’s ecosystem, all the people involved in getting a song to market, the various music creator rights and how they are managed, and much more, so that you get credited and paid when your songs are used.

More information on how to register will follow shortly. Stay tuned to this space!

For more information on CLIP, drop us a line at

Image by WIPO for Creators


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