Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions
WIPO's work on these issues lies at the nexus of intellectual property (IP) and biodiversity, cultural heritage, agriculture, trade, life sciences, human rights, health, climate change and sustainable development.
Many Indigenous Peoples, local communities and governments seek intellectual property (IP) protection for traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) as intangible assets. Such assets can range from traditional medicine and environmental knowledge to art, symbols and music.
Genetic resources (GRs) as such are not patentable but inventions based on them may be. Widespread use and the digital and technological transformation of GRs for innovation in the life sciences creates the need for a unique, cross-cutting approach to the interface between IP and GRs.

World Intellectual Property Day
IP and Music: Feel the beat of IP
Celebrate the power of music and the talented creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs around the world who invite us to feel its beat.
Celebrate the power of music and the talented creators, inventors, and entrepreneurs around the world who invite us to feel its beat.
WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge
In May 2024, WIPO member states adopted the first WIPO Treaty to address the interface between intellectual property, genetic resources and traditional knowledge which is also the first WIPO Treaty to include provisions specifically for Indigenous Peoples as well as local communities.
Disclaimer: The list of resources in the dropdown boxes is being updated continuously.
The Treaty was adopted during the WIPO Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge, held during May 13-24, 2024. Download the explainer on the Diplomatic Conference [PDF].
Explore relevant WIPO publications:
- Informal Summary of the Key Elements of the Treaty for Indigenous Peoples as well as Local Communities [PDF]
- Guide on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions
- Protect and Promote Your Culture: A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Explore WIPO-issued relevant resources:
- Key Questions on Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
- Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property (WIPO Background Brief 1)
- The WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore - IGC (WIPO Background Brief 2)
- Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources (WIPO Background Brief 10)
- Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements in Patent Systems Related to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge [PDF]
- Disclosure Requirements Table [PDF]
- Report on the Compilation of Materials on Disclosure Regimes relating to Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge [PDF]
WIPO Photography Prize for Indigenous Youth 2024
Through this activity, WIPO celebrates and makes widely known the creativity of young members of Indigenous Peoples and encourages them to convey an impactful message about their peoples, communities and culture through photographic storytelling.
This year’s theme is Indigenous Peoples’ Ways of Healing and Well-Being: Honoring Our Ancestors’ Wisdom and Knowledge.

Finalists unveiled for the WIPO Photography Prize for Indigenous Youth 2024
September 24, 2024
Service areas

Facilitation of international negotiations
Facilitation of the work of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on IP and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore.

Information and technical assistance to regional and national authorities interested in establishing policies, strategies, action plans and legislation.

Engagement with Indigenous Peoples and local communities
Information, services and programs to assist Indigenous Peoples as well as local communities to participate in WIPO’s activities.

Community Entrepreneurship Program
Supporting Indigenous and local community entrepreneurs to use IP in their businesses, for their and their communities’ benefit.

Documentation of TK and TCEs
Information, practical tools and training on the IP implications of the documentation, registration and digitization of TK and TCEs.

IP rights management in genetic resources and data
Information, practical tools and training related to the management of IP in genetic resources and genetic data.
Global Reference Point on IP and GRs, TK and TCEs
Repository of regional, national and community experiences: laws, case-studies, general publications, distance learning courses.
IP and Genetic Resources, TK and TCEs
General information on the interface between IP and GRs, TK and TCEs
Documenting TK – A Toolkit
A range of easy-to-use checklists and other resources to help anyone considering a documentation project
Key Questions on Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge - Second Edition
Overview of key legal and operational questions related to patent disclosure requirements
WIPO Virtual Exhibition on Traditional Knowledge: The Yakuanoi World
A 360 degree virtual exhibition about IP and Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources.
Archived version
Archived version