What Took Place This Fall In Our Patent Drafting Programs?
December 4, 2024
As we approach the end of the year, here is a glimpse into the most recent activities in WIPO´s patent drafting programs:
International Patent Drafting Training Program
In November 2024 the 37 participants in the third edition of the International Patent Drafting Training Program completed this 8-month training, consisting of three phases (Phase 1: Drafting Basics; Phase 2: Geneva Workshop; Phase 3: Mentoring) and a Final Evaluation. The curriculum enables professionals to develop their patent drafting skills while offering them network opportunities with other patent professionals with a common goal: boosting the growth of their countries’ innovation.
You can now apply to the 2025 edition of the IPDTP, which will run from April to November 2025. Registration closes on January 12, 2025. Visit our website for further information and registration. Upon the successful completion of the program, participants will be awarded a WIPO certificate.

Candidates to the IPDTP can also apply for a scholarship to cover the costs associated to participate in the Program. Thanks to our sponsors, such as the Fund in Trust Japan IP Global, more than 20 participants from developing and least developed countries have been able to attend the IPDTP since 2022.

Please contact the program administrator if you need more information or have further enquiries about the program.
Virtual Patent Drafting Workshop in Honduras
A Virtual Patent Drafting Workshop took place from October 28 to 31, 2024. WIPO in cooperation with the Honduras General Direction for Intellectual Property (DIGEPIH) organized this 4-day training which was attended by 49 local participants coming from leading universities and Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) in the country as well as a national chamber of commerce and industry.
The Workshop had a program consisting of webinars and drafting exercises for the participants to put their skills into practice and receive the feedback of the regional experts who delivered the Workshop. It provided a dynamic and accessible opportunity for those who support local innovation in Honduras to improve their skills in drafting patent applications.

National Patent Drafting Workshop in Kenya
To support professional volunteers in the Inventor´s Assistance Program (IAP) in Kenya, WIPO in cooperation with the Kenya IP Institute (KIPI) organized an in-person National Patent Drafting Workshop in Nairobi from November 18 to 21, 2024.
The IAP supports local inventors to obtain patents for their inventions by matching selected beneficiaries with local experts who provide pro-bono advice. Over four full days of training 30 local patent professionals who either volunteer in the IAP or have interest in becoming volunteers, worked on drafting exercises for inventions in the mechanical and chemistry field using different types of claims.
The National Workshop in Kenya contributed to the growth of the IAP and the development of the drafting profession in general to the benefit of local creators.