ASEAN-WIPO Scaled-up IP Management Clinic (IPMC): Kick Off with Great Success in Sabah, Malaysia
October 25, 2024
The above Clinic, was successfully launched for the first time in Sabah, Malaysia, during October 21-25, 2024. Convened at the Promenade Hotel in collaboration with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO), the first day of event attracted 109 participants which ranged from micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to institutions and agencies across the private and public sectors.
The IPMC, a 4-month program to support innovative companies in formulating their IP strategies based on their respective business goals and intangible assets portfolios, is led by the IP for Business Division (IPBD) of WIPO and the WIPO Singapore Office (WSO), with valuable assistance from the Japan Patent Office (JPO).
As intangible assets grow exponentially alongside the speed of innovation, businesses will need to generate and shield their IP and other intangible assets to stay ahead of the curve, and to remain an attractive target for venture capital and investors both at home and abroad. Having a robust IP strategy as well as a well-conceived IP management process are an imperative for businesses under the digital economy. This is more so for MSMEs as they try to fully leverage their own market opportunities while competing globally to sustain or expand their market presence amidst a complex and rapidly changing environment of risks and challenges.
The food and beverage (F&B) and hospitality sectors have been chosen to be the focus of the IPMC in Sabah as these two sectors are among the key drivers in Malaysia’s development. F&B contributes 2% to GDP and 5% to total exports while employing some 1.5 million persons or about 12% of the formal-sector workforce. It also has an important impact on Malaysia’s supply chain and logistics, given the country’s strategic location as an attractive hub for regional innovation and trade. On the other hand, tourism has been a major activity through the production, processing and provision goods and services. Indeed, the rapid growth of tourism has transformed Kota Kinabalu International Airport into the second busiest airport in Malaysia. With significant push from the government and favorable external factors, hospitality will continue to play a key role in high-impact tourism in the long term.

Seventeen enterprises from Sabah have now started on their own journeys under the Program to leverage IP for their respective business expansions and value creations. The opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Marco Aleman, Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector, WIPO; Ms. Sachiyo Yoshino, Director of the International Cooperation Division at the JPO; Ms. Thitapha Wattanapruttipaisan, Director, WIPO Singapore Office; and YB Datuk Armizan bin Mohd Ali, Minister of Domestic Trade and Costs of Living (KPDN), who was represented by Dato’ Seri Mohd Sayuthi bin Bakar, Secretary General at KPDN.
ADG Marco Aleman highlighted the importance of MSMEs in today’s economies and WIPO’s commitment in making IP work for MSMEs. He introduced the IPMC Program and emphasized its wide-ranging, positive impact and outcomes with over 700 MSMEs participating in 21 Clinics since the program inception in 2021.
JPO Director, Ms Sachio Yoshino, made an introduction to the FIT Japan IP Global and its solid contribution in strengthening the IP infrastructure worldwide. Furthermore, she highlighted the importance of supporting IP-driven MSMEs and startups to promote innovation which will not only confer business advantage but also lead ultimately to sustainable growth.
WSO Director, Ms Thitapha Wattanapruttipaisan, raised several useful impacts and outcomes from companies participating in the past IPMCs in Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Lao PDR. These companies have leveraged knowledge from the IPMC program to transform their respective businesses, including the registration of their own trademarks to enhance their brand values and mitigate their market risks.
H.E. YB Datuk Armizan bin Mohd Ali emphasized the pivotal role of F&B and hospitality industries in Malaysia’s economy, stating that these two sectors are not only essential in generating employment opportunities but also in driving economic growth. He went on to indicate, based on Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), that a total of 136,453 F&B service establishments were operating in 2022, generating a gross output value of RM 99 billion, compared to 167,490 establishments with output valued at RM 66.4 billion in 2015. This showcased the importance of the F&B industry to Malaysia’s growth and development.
The event continued with several engaging panel presentations and insightful discussions on how IP can protect and enhance success in the F&B and hospitality industries. The panel was moderated by Ms Mathilde Tachon, Program Officer, IPBD, WIPO with speakers being Mr Winston Chan, CEO, FT Consulting; Datuk Roger Chin, Managing Partner, Chin Lau Wong & Foo; and Ms Yusnieza Syarmila binti Yusoff, Deputy Director General (Strategic & Technical), MyIPO.
Through a practical and business-focused presentation, Mr Winston Chan explained how businesses can unlock the potential of their IP by focusing on three key pillars: "Create, Capture, and Commercialize." He highlighted that true value is extracted when the right assets are developed, properly valued, and effectively leveraged through the right channels.

Ms Mathilde Tachon delivered a presentation on the role of trademarks as a key enabler for brands and business success - With the support of and Mr. Roger Chin, she illustrated how solid trademark foundations enable businesses to leverage their IP through licensing, creating new revenue streams while effectively mitigating risks.

The seventeen selected enterprises then participated in one-on-one mentoring sessions with the IP and business experts. The focus was on identifying their respective IP assets and building up IP strategies which are well aligned to their own business visions and operational strategies.
The remainder of the program will take place online, featuring two additional mentoring sessions, expanded training opportunities, and continuous access to valuable WIPO resources.