WIPO China:Digital Innovation as a Catalyst for Green Development

November 8, 2023

Wuzhen, November 8th: The 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit was held in Zhejiang province from November 8-10. Co-hosted by the World Internet Conference, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the Global System for Mobile Communications Association, the summit marked a significant gathering of global digital economy leaders.

(Image: WIPO)

WIPO Director General Daren Tang, via a video message, congratulated the Wuzhen Summit on its 10th anniversary. He emphasized the transformative impact of frontier technologies like AI, stressing the need for global collaboration in addressing emerging challenges and fostering a fair, sustainable digital world. Ms. Liu Hua, Director of WIPO Office in China, attended the opening ceremony.

(Image: WIPO)

Celebrating its decade-long journey, the summit acknowledged organizations and individuals for their substantial contributions to the digital realm. WIPO was honored as an "Outstanding Partner," recognized for its role in facilitating knowledge sharing in the age of rapid digital information exchange.

The theme of the summit, "Creating an Inclusive and Resilient Digital World Beneficial to All - Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace," highlighted the summit's commitment to fostering an equitable and prosperous digital future. Chinese President Xi Jinping, in a video address, outlined the new challenges and requirements in global internet governance, advocating for a more inclusive, secure, and equitable cyberspace.

Key figures, including Mr. Li Shulei of the CPC Central Committee and representatives from the United Nations, ITU, and GSMA, delivered keynote speeches. The summit featured 20 sub-forums, addressing crucial digital economy topics like AI, cybersecurity, digital governance, and the future of e-commerce.

Over 1800 guests from 126 countries participated in the summit, with notable tech leaders like Baidu’s Robin Li, Alibaba’s Wu Yongming, and IBM’s Arvind Krishna in attendance, underlining the summit's role as a hub for global digital innovation and collaboration.

The 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit not only celebrated past achievements but also set the stage for future digital advancements, emphasizing collaboration and innovation for a better digital world.