Farming is big business in Indonesia. Agriculture covers more than 42 million hectares – an area larger than Germany and Denmark combined – and employs more Indonesians than any other sector. However, the country’s physical and human geography, with populations scattered across thousands of islands, has resulted in a highly fragmented agricultural supply chain. As a result, it is often difficult for farmers and agribusinesses to get hold of equipment, fertilizers and pesticides. All too frequently, farmers are forced to rely on low-quality or counterfeit products which impact adversely on their productivity, incomes and livelihoods.
Bridging the Supply-chain Gaps
Gokomodo was created to address these longstanding problems. Founded in 2019 by agribusiness executive Samuel Tirtasaptura and tech entrepreneur William Pramana, Gokomodo combines digital services with physical stores to bridge the gaps in Indonesia’s agricultural supply chain and reach even remote farming communities. In addition to improving the livelihoods of farmers, Gokomodo’s streamlined procurement and sales services have greatly benefited farmers and agribusinesses throughout Indonesia.
An eloquent testament to Gokomodo’s popularity is the extraordinary growth the company has enjoyed in its first five years. The enterprise has expanded rapidly, launching a procurement service, an e-commerce storefront, physical GokoMart stores and, in 2023, a Gokomodo App. Today, Gokomodo is Indonesia’s leading agribusiness supply chain startup, with more than 3,000 agribusinesses using its services across 9 of the country’s 38 provinces.
Intellectual Property Infringements

government authorities at the opening of
Gokomart in Bodok, Indonesia.
(Image: Gokomodo)
However, as Gokomodo became a well-known name in Indonesia, copycats began exploiting its intellectual property (IP). For example, when the company began promoting GokoHub, one of its bricks-and-mortar stores for agricultural supplies, it discovered that an anonymous party had already registered the name ‘GokoHub’ on social media.
The Gokomodo team was aware of the critical importance of protecting IP for commercial success and had already trademarked the Gokomodo name and three brands: GokoMart, its physical store; GokoProcure, a SaaS for corporate use; and Stark, a type of handcart for farmers. Incidents like the GokoHub copycat, however, encouraged them to adopt a more thorough and strategic approach to IP.
Support for SMEs
Fortunately, it was at this time that the Indonesian Directorate General of Intellectual Property told Gokomodo about WIPO’s Intellectual Property Management Clinic (IPMC) for Indonesian SMEs and startups conducted jointly by the WIPO Singapore Office and the IP for Business Division. The IPMC is a four-month program supporting innovative small-and medium-sized enterprises to develop IP strategies that best showcase their own business plans and portfolios of intangible assets. The participating companies are shown how to better manage, utilize and leverage their IP through personalized, one-on-one mentorship, expert advice and training.
Three members of the Gokomodo team – including the Chief of Corporate Affairs, and the legal team – attended IPMC events in Bangkok, Jakarta and Manila. They gained valuable experience and knowledge about the role of IP in business development, especially for startups. They also learned how cultural norms, consumer preferences and social expectations influence the success of startups. “The IPMC is a useful and insightful event to attend – both to exchange knowledge and experiences with other businesses, and to build your own network,” says Witny Virgiany Tanod, Chief of Corporate Affairs at Gokomodo.

Strategic Focus on Intellectual Property
Thanks to its participation in the IPMC, Gokomodo has adopted a more strategic approach to IP. Its legal department now regularly checks and registers IP well in advance of new business model launches. The company also held an internal webinar on IP to ensure all its staff have a working knowledge of this important topic.
The renewed focus on IP is already paying dividends – since participating in the IPMC, Gokomodo has secured 17 registrations for IP protection, more than tripling its IP portfolio. Among its newly registered IP are trademarks for MitraGokomodo, a partnership business model, and GokoBiz, a service platform catering to the product needs of corporations. Two other brands have not yet been released to the public, however.
The much strengthened IP portfolio and strategy is helping Gokomodo fill in the gaps in Indonesia’s agricultural supply chain. By increasing access to affordable, authentic and high-quality farming inputs, the company is supporting agribusinesses throughout the country and helping Indonesia’s farmers adopt more sustainable farming practices. Both of these achievements have contributed significantly to Gokomodo’s ultimate aim: improving the welfare of the country’s agricultural workers, the backbone of Indonesia’s economy.