Saudi Arabia Joins the Hague System

January 20, 2025

Saudi Arabia has joined the Hague System, expanding the geographical scope of WIPO’s international design system to 99 countries. As the largest economy in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s membership reflects the country’s commitment to innovation and strengthens the Hague System’s status as a global solution for securing design rights, paving the way for broader adoption in the region.

The Government of Saudi Arabia deposited its instrument of accession to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement on January 7, 2025. Saudi Arabia becomes the 76th Contracting Party to the Geneva Act and the 82nd member of the Hague Union.

The Geneva Act will enter into force in Saudi Arabia on April 7, 2025.

What does this mean for you?

Starting April 7, 2025…

  • If you are a designer or business owner in Saudi Arabia, you will be able to seek protection of your designs in any of the 99 countries of the Hague System, by filing just one international application.
  • If you are a non-resident, you will be able to secure international design protection in Saudi Arabia through WIPO’s Hague System, facilitating expansion of your business into the Middle East.


To ensure that the international procedural mechanism of the Hague System accommodates their own domestic requirements, Hague System contracting parties can make certain declarations.

For full details of declarations, download Information Notice HAGUE/2025/2.

Stay tuned for more information!

You will soon be able to find out all about Saudi Arabia’s domestic laws, procedures and requirements for international design protection in our Hague System Member Profiles. Check back soon!

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WIPO Hague System – The International Design System

WIPO's Hague System provides a unique international mechanism for securing and managing design rights simultaneously in more than 90 countries through one application, in one language with one set of fees.