The WIPO Build Back Fund
WIPO’s new Build Back Fund was introduced as part of WIPO’s Program of Work and Budget 2024/25 to deliver targeted and impact-driven support upon request of member states, promoting the effective use of intellectual property (IP) to positively impact the lives and livelihoods of individuals, communities and societies.
The Build Back Fund ensures the seamless continuation of projects launched under WIPO’s COVID-19 Response Package along with new projects, for example:
- 18+ projects for local communities from indigenous peoples, to associations and producers;
- 15+ projects for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and key domestic sectors such as the tourism, technology and creative industries; and
- 4+ projects for government officials, public servants and intermediary institutions in areas including access to IP-backed finance, accelerating life sciences innovation, patent examination and analytics.
Explore the projects under the WIPO Build Back Fund:
WIPO is open to receive new requests from member states for projects addressing national priorities, needs and challenges. Priority will be given to projects that reach those who are typically underserved by the IP system, including SMEs, women, youth, local communities, and indigenous peoples.
WIPO Member States are encouraged to submit requests under the Build Back Fund to Mr. Sherif Saadallah, Executive Director of the WIPO Academy.