Eleven Academic Institutions developed IP Institutional Policies as a Result of the WIPO National Project in Jordan
June 27, 2022
On June 20, 2022, WIPO in collaboration with the Industrial Property Protection Directorate (IPPD) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan celebrated finalization of the WIPO National Project on Institutional Intellectual Property (IP) Policies for Universities and Research Institutions, which resulted in development of eleven Institutional IP Policies in the following academic institutions:
- The University of Jordan,
- Jordan University of Science and Technology,
- The Hashemite University,
- Mutah University,
- Al-Balqa’ Applied University,
- German Jordanian University,
- Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan,
- University of Petra,
- Al Hussein Technical University,
- Applied Science Private University,
- American University of Madaba.

The project was initiated and further elaborated by WIPO as a two-year national project with specific objectives and outputs. It was implemented in the period of August 2020 – June 2022, on the basis of the WIPO IP Policy Toolkit.
As a direct outcome of the project, institutional IP policies developed by all participating beneficiary institutions are formally approved and adopted or are in the final stage of formal adoption. In addition, in close collaboration between the beneficiary institutions and with the participation of engaged by WIPO experts - Dr. Pierre El Khoury and Mohammad Saleem Diab, - the National IP Policy Model was developed and subsequently approved. In November 2021, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research circulated the National IP Policy Model to all academic institutions in Jordan.
The strong commitment and exceptional collaboration of all parties involved helped to influence the change of culture in academic institutions in Jordan and to establish a dialogue between top management, researchers and technology managers on creation of technology transfer enabling institutional ecosystem.
The project contributed to the development of human capital with new skills, and laid the groundwork for the creation of the National TTO Network of Jordan, with ultimate goal to promote technology transfer and academic IP commercialization in institutions with a harmonized legal framework, common challenges and needs – at the national level and in the Arab region.