WIPO signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Baltic TTO Network
October 27, 2022
On October 27, the official launch of the Baltic TTO Network took place in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Mr. Marco Aleman, WIPO's Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector (IES), signed on behalf of WIPO the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Baltic TTO Network.
The representatives of the National TTO Networks – Mr. Tiit Land, Rector of Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia, Mr. Eugenius Valatka, Rector of the Kaunas University Technology in Lithuania, and Mr. Indrikis Muiznieks, Rector of the University of Latvia – signed the MOU on behalf of the Baltic TTO Network.
Signatories of the MOU confirmed their commitment to continue collaboration, and support Network’s inclusion in the regional innovation ecosystem. The acquired skills of the Baltic TTO Network members can be used to help spin-offs to develop innovative products based on academic research results.

Enhancement of innovation ecosystem in the Baltic Region was discussed at the High-level Session, attended by the Directors of the Patent Offices of the Baltic States, initiators and WIPO core partners in implementing the Project.