Vista de los detalles de la actividad

Título: Extend IPAS automation platform established at the office in 2011 and 2012 with the deployment and automation of Patents and support the patents data exchange with international publication platforms. The mission would also carry out review of the office experience in using IPAS / EDMS for Trademarks and its impact on office business operations and services. Supporting documents: Exchange of messages with INAPI, confirming mission and dates in addition to my travel itinerary and security clearance.
Descripción: Extend IPAS automation platform established at the office in 2011 and 2012 with the deployment and automation of Patents and support the patents data exchange with international publication platforms. The mission would also carry out review of the office experience in using IPAS / EDMS for Trademarks and its impact on office business operations and services. Supporting documents: Exchange of messages with INAPI, confirming mission and dates in addition to my travel itinerary and security clearance.
Tipo: Reunión
Ámbito temático de la P.I.: Multiple IP Fields
Sector de la OMPI: IP Office Business Solutions Division
Fecha desde: 09/08/2014 - 22/08/2014
Ciudad en que se celebró la actividad: Algiers
Lugar/País anfitrión: Algeria
Actividad celebrada en el idioma: inglés