Vista de los detalles de la actividad

Título: Technical assistance, including among other topics , the extension of IPAS platform to address the automation of industrial designs
Descripción: The mission comes primarily in response to the note verbal received from the government of Algeria earlier this year requesting WIPO for technical assistance, including among other topics , the extension of IPAS platform to address the automation of industrial designs. The mission will also demonstrate the new WIPO publish to the office and discuss possible opportunities for deployment. This in addition to carrying out review of the utilization and impact of IPAS automation of Trademarks and Patents, an activity rescheduled with the INAPI from last year.
Tipo: Reunión
Ámbito temático de la P.I.: Industrial Property
Sector de la OMPI: IP Office Business Solutions Division
Fecha desde: 06/09/2015 - 17/09/2015
Ciudad en que se celebró la actividad: Algiers
Lugar/País anfitrión: Algeria
Actividad celebrada en el idioma: árabe

Países beneficiarios/participantes

Nombre del país Nº de miembros/participantes
Algeria 1
Número total de participantes:  1


Nombre del responsable/solicitante Tipo de responsable/solicitante
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO


Nombre del organizador Tipo de organizador
Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) Institution