Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: National Project on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Description: International Congress on Institutional Policies on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Technology Transfer
Type: Advice/ Legal Assistance
IP Subject Area: Patents
WIPO Sector: Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
Date From: 19/10/2010 - 20/10/2010
Venue City: Santiago
Venue/Host Country: Chile
Activity held in Language: English , Spanish

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Total Number of Participants:  0

Owner / Requester

Owner / Requester Name Owner / Requester Type
Government of Chile Country


Organizer Name Organizer Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO
Dirección General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (DIGERCON), Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile Country
Ministerio de Economía Y Fomento de Chile Country
Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial (INAPI) de Chile Member State / IP Office
Departamento de Derechos Intelectuales (DDI), Ministerio de Educación de Chile Country