Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: WIPO National workshop on the establishment of TISCs and searching patent and scientific information
Description: Ghana: The objective of the Workshop will be to: (a) introduce the TISC project to the multi-stakeholders from Ministries, R&D Institutions, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, private sector and other relevant IP stakeholders; and (b) introduce the participants on searching patent and scientific and technical journal databases. Burkina Faso: The ojective of the Workshop will be to: Present the new approach on the TISC Project, discuss the TISC project planning, provide in-depth training of trainers’ seminar and launch the TISC network
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Patents
WIPO Sector: Innovation Economics Section
Date From: 13/11/2013 - 14/11/2013
Venue City: Accra
Venue/Host Country: Ghana
Activity held in Language: English (Primary)

Owner / Requester

Owner / Requester Name Owner / Requester Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO


Organizer Name Organizer Type
Ghana Country
MInistry of Trade, Industry & Handicraft of Burkina Faso Member State / IP Office