Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Follow up the move of the EO to Skolkovo, discussions with the Office of the First Deputy Prime Minister, Council of Federation, preparation of the input for the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Rospatent including coordination of the contribution by foreign delegations and preparation of the relevant WIPO/ROSPATENT conference, launching of the preparatory activities for the Conference in PetroPavlovsk, other bilateral issues.
Description: Follow up the move of the EO to Skolkovo, discussions with the Office of the First Deputy Prime Minister, Council of Federation, preparation of the input for the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Rospatent including coordination of the contribution by foreign delegations and preparation of the relevant WIPO/ROSPATENT conference, launching of the preparatory activities for the Conference in PetroPavlovsk, other bilateral issues.
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Division for Transition and Developed Countries
Date From: 02/07/2015 - 12/07/2015
Venue City: Moscow
Venue/Host Country: Russian Federation
Activity held in Language: English