Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Visit to offshore development centers
Description: Part of the regular control points for the PCT IS'external contractors.
-The two colleagues in question would be visiting the software development teams that perform (under our supervision and collaboration) the development and testing of software for the PCT, this mission does not entail a so-called national or regional event it is serving a purely operational need.
-A number of missions in the past have been made similar to this one, and with 2 participants. As in this case, we often send two because the subject matter may require different colleagues, for some parts of the agenda the colleagues will split but other times they work together, in addition much of the supplier time is billable to us so logistically it makes sense to reduce any possible duplication of this (e.g. over 2 separate missions) so as to keep costs down.
-In this particular mission there is also a transfer of knowledge involved.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: PCT Information Systems Division
Date From: 31/03/2014 - 04/04/2014
Venue City: Noida
Venue/Host Country: India
Activity held in Language: English