Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Mission to China for reduction of costs regarding annual expenditure on Chinese to English (ZH-EN) translations and to Korea and Japan to ensure data security compliance.
Description: Mission to China for reduction of costs regarding annual expenditure on Chinese to English (ZH-EN) translation and to Korea and Japan to ensure data security compliance.
The purpose of this mission is to try to reduce the unit cost of this translation and to expand the network of suppliers who can provide the requisite quality. But also, to carry out PR activities to raise awareness of opportunities to work with PCT translation prior to the launch of a new public tender for (ZH-EN) translation towards the end of this year.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: PCT Translation Division
Date From: 21/11/2015 - 05/12/2015
Venue City: Beijing
Venue/Host Country: China
Activity held in Language: English , Chinese