Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Continuation of the Development of National IP Strategy of Latvia – follow-up mission to Riga
Description: In response to the request received from Mr. Sandris Laganovskis, Director, Latvian Patent Office (LPO), for WIPO’s assistance regarding the Development of the first national IP Strategy of Latvia, a two and a half day fact finding mission was carried out
from February 9 to 12, 2016, by myself, and by Mr. Ron Marchant, Consultant on IP Strategies to Riga .
Following the mission and based on the discussion a preliminary outline document for the strategy was developed by Mr. Ron Marchant.
According to the current plans of the LPO, after the strategy outline has been discussed in the month of April with involved stakeholders and the necessary comments are received, the revised strategy document should be developed.
Following this process, it was considered beneficial to undertake a follow up mission by WIPO and the international consultant with the objective to meet with the remaining important stakeholders in the enforcement and copyright field and incorporate their input into the strategy, as well as to closely assist in the revision of the strategy document and set up the process leading to the finalization of the document, as well as the related action plan. The meeting would also give an opportunity for the international consultant to make an in depth presentation on the structure and the reasoning behind the first outline document.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Division for Transition and Developed Countries
Date From: 24/05/2016 - 26/05/2016
Venue City: Riga
Venue/Host Country: Latvia
Activity held in Language: English