Technical Assistance Database (TAD)

The WIPO Intellectual Property Technical Assistance Database (IP-TAD) contains information on technical assistance activities undertaken by the Organization where one or more of the beneficiary countries were either developing or a least developed country or a country in transition.

The database was developed within the framework of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) in response to Development Agenda Recommendation No. 5.

Reports on Technical Assistance Activities earlier than year 2009

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    Afghanistan (1)

    Albania (6)

    Algeria (15)

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    Argentina (11)

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    Bahrain (6)

    Bangladesh (9)

    Barbados (4)

    Belize (7)

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    Bhutan (6)

    Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (7)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina (4)

    Botswana (7)

    Brazil (18)

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    Costa Rica (11)

    Croatia (5)

    Cuba (15)

    Côte d'Ivoire (7)

    Democratic Republic of the Congo (4)

    Djibouti (7)

    Dominica (2)

    Dominican Republic (14)

    Ecuador (9)

    Egypt (17)

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    Guinea-Bissau (5)

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    Iraq (3)

    Jamaica (5)

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    Kazakhstan (21)

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    Kuwait (4)

    Kyrgyzstan (17)

    Lao People''s Democratic Republic (11)

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    Maldives (1)

    Mali (2)

    Mauritania (7)

    Mauritius (3)

    Mexico (14)

    Mongolia (6)

    Montenegro (3)

    Morocco (11)

    Mozambique (5)

    Myanmar (1)

    Namibia (2)

    Nepal (4)

    Nicaragua (9)

    Niger (3)

    Nigeria (12)

    North Macedonia (1)

    Oman (8)

    Pakistan (7)

    Palestine (2)

    Panama (9)

    Paraguay (8)

    Peru (13)

    Philippines (20)

    Poland (11)

    Qatar (3)

    Republic of Korea (14)

    Republic of Moldova (4)

    Romania (5)

    Russian Federation (18)

    Rwanda (3)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis (3)

    Saint Lucia (3)

    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (3)

    Samoa (4)

    Sao Tome and Principe (2)

    Saudi Arabia (9)

    Senegal (1)

    Serbia (8)

    Seychelles (1)

    Sierra Leone (3)

    Singapore (14)

    Slovenia (6)

    Somalia (2)

    South Africa (8)

    Sri Lanka (3)

    Sudan (2)

    Syrian Arab Republic (7)

    Tajikistan (15)

    Thailand (15)

    Timor-Leste (1)

    Togo (2)

    Tonga (1)

    Trinidad and Tobago (11)

    Tunisia (11)

    Turkmenistan (5)

    Uganda (11)

    Ukraine (17)

    United Arab Emirates (10)

    United Republic of Tanzania (2)

    Uruguay (7)

    Uzbekistan (15)

    Vanuatu (3)

    Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (5)

    Viet Nam (9)

    Yemen (2)

    Zambia (6)

    Zimbabwe (7)