element  SPCBibliographicData 
childrenpat:SPCNumber  pat:RelatedSPCNumber  pat:SPCFilingDate  com:ProductDescriptionText  pat:ProductSearchTerm  pat:PatentNumber  pat:InventionTitle  pat:Claims  pat:GrantDate  com:ExaminationDate  com:FeeNotificationDate  com:FeeNotificationIssuedIndicator  com:PaymentDueDate  com:PaymentReminderDate  com:PaymentDate  pat:EnteredIntoForceDate  com:ReasonNotInForceCategory  com:NotInForceDate  com:ExpiryDate  com:LatestExpiryDate  pat:SPCTermExtensionBag  pat:SPCAuthorizationBag  pat:SPCCategory  pat:ApplicantBag  com:Representative
Name  Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:id xsd:ID        
com:officeCode com:ExtendedWIPOST3CodeType        
com:st96Version xsd:token required   V3_0  
com:ipoVersion xsd:token        
source<xsd:element  name="SPCBibliographicData"  type="pat:SPCBibliographicDataType">
An SPC is a Supplementary Protection Certificate. It must be based on a granted patent and a Marketing Authorisation must have been issued for it to be considered. If approved it provides an additional period of protection (for up to five years) of a medicinal or plant protection product containing an active ingredient covered by the patent on which it was based. This entity represents the application for and basic details of a supplementary protection certificate