[[transcripts generated automatically by WIPO speech-to-text]] ... Good afternoon, dear colleagues and friends, we may resume our work well it seems that have Farcially deterioration is not yet in the room, we may any house start, we have for the moment six speaks on the list, they are Niger, South Africa, Remote Argentina, India remotely taped about foundation and Japan, the floor is not closed those who are considering taking the floor advice you to make that request soon. I will give the floor now first to the Delegate of Niger. Je vous remercie de m'avoir donné la parole au qu'est tout d'abord je vais remercier donc le facilitateur Qui an essayé par ses efforts de refléter en tocal les discussions qui ont il lieu le dimanche dernier au niveau des experts pour pouvoir Enrichir nos débats au quai ensuite disons que je partage et je maligne sur les déclarations les points de vue Donc du coordonnateur du groupe africain par l'Algérie la voie de l'Algérie et la voie aussi de celle du coordinateur du groupe de À savoir l'indonésie. Je voudrais surtout insister sur le fait que L'exercice auxquels nous sommes en train actuellement de procéder en disant par les nouvelles additions au quai Nombreuses formulées normament par les différents délégations qui prennent la parole ok Je voudrais donc le souligner nos fonds qu'aggraver les divergences et en même temps nous éloignent davantage de l'objectif du mandat Qui nous a été à signé à savoir réduire les divergences et de finaliser un instrument pour la protection des ressources Génétique et de savoir traditionnel associé en nous inscrivant dans cette logique d'aggraver les divergences Nous ne respectons pas le mandat, il faut dire que nous ne respectons pas le mandat et en plus nous nous faisons je pense que de creuser le fossé qui existe Entre nous, entre nous et je pense que vraiment ce n'est pas dans l'intérêt en tout cas des négociations qui sont menées actuellement, au quai et C'est la raison pour laquelle le groupe africain déjà avait demandé au quai adopté pour donc le texte du président qui a réellement contribué En tout cas à réduire les divergences conformément au mandat qui nous a été prescrit bien que le texte soit encore perfectible et Disant le fait de continuer dans cet exercice ne fera que créer davantage en tout cas les oppositions, donc C'est le constat vraiment que la délégation du Niger fait, donc je vous remercie. Cinqui vraiment, Distinguished Représident You have Niger with the Opermission I now proceed to the closing of the list of speakers, we have the following delegations, South Africa, Argentina, India, Deaf Debba Houndation, Japan Russian Federation remotely Paraguay, Egypt, Pakistan, the list is closed by this statement, there is still Of Korea list is closed, South Africa remotely. Pre-empted by the intervention by Niger is what are actually wanted to say is The intervention by the US is now widening the gaps and does not agree our mandate, South Africa wants to now bracket all the interventions that made You very much South Africa, point taken Argentina is the next speaker. Muchas gracias señor Vicepresidente, por dánme la palabra, como es la primera vez que mi delegación interviene quisiera felicitar los Uds. Y a la presidenta por su nombramiento, por otro lado, quisiera agradecer los efectos. Versos del facilitador por traernos una versión uno de este texto y las explicaciones efectuadas el día de ayer Tenemos los siguientes comentarios que los vamos a limitar a los cambios introducidos en esta revisión en primer lugar como otras delegaciones que intervinieron anteriormente Quisiéramos plantear una preocupación con relación al nuevo término definido machirali ordairecli veist on que en el texto de la presidenta en su versión en español se traduce como Basado esencialmente directamente en del informe del presidente del Grupo de Expertos se explica que hubo un apoyo significativo an esta expresión, aunque también se planteó la cuestión Decía esta referencia incluiría también la información de la secuencia digital para la argentina la información del recurso genético es parte intrínsica del mismo Y por lo tanto debemos entender al recurso genético en cualquier formato digital escrito material etc el lumblar está abrecido para la implementación de El momento debería ser adecuado para fortalecer las herramientas existentes para la participación en beneficios, por ello entendemos que deberíamos ser muy cuidadosos en la definición de este término y agradeceríamos. Cualquiera aclaración en el texto sobre el tema para evitar interpretaciones contrarias, con el objetivo de reducir las brechas, preferiríamos usar basados en. Sin ningún calificativo que podría prejugar las discusiones que se están llevando en otros foros competentes, por otro lado agradecemos los esfuerzos para reducir las brechas en la cuestión de patentes O otros derechos de propia intelectual, la Argentinaún se encuentra realizando consultas internas sobre si es posible extender el alcance de este instrumento an otros derechos de propiedad intelectual distintos que las patentes. En particular los derechos del obtentor en línea con los comentarios expresados por otras delegaciones y coordinaciones regionales no nos encontramos en posición de aceptar levantar los cochetes del preámbulo Adicionalmente solicitamos que el nuevo párrafo equis se ponga en corchetes mientras continuamos la consulta estos son los comentarios que tenemos por ahora muchas gracias señor vicepresidente Thank you very much indeed, and your messages will be conveyed to our facilitator when he comes next ... ... ... India is the reconnection we may move to tebba foundation and then I would first like to request the textual change so make a request in pause and Would like to request that all references to indigenous and local communities to be converted to the phrase Indigenous Peoples and local communities throughout the document. We are confused by some member interventions to this phrase, which has been adopted in numerous international treaties that have been negotiated by the same countries that object to its use here, we ask for member support for this for West. Thank you, Debdaba, for your request to ... ... You, Mr. Chair as we said we had two parts and first we wanted as for support for textual change. We would also like to say we are concerned with the volume of textual additions made earlier into the rev 1 consolidated text. This amount of new text will take significant amount of time for this Committee to work through and it does not close gaps. Particularly disturbing to us is the introduction of an intention to make traditional knowledge as part of the public domain. This seems to directly contradict the remit of this Committee to protect traditional knowledge the western concept of knowledge is being imposed on indigenous peoples For whom their knowledge systems have preexisted the development of modern nation states, Indigenous Peoples' knowledge is deeply spiritual, cultural and inextricably linked to identity Lands, territories and waters, this knowledge is embedded within Indigenous Peoples' customary laws, protocols, technologies, or redditory materials and cultural and spiritual practices. Is not simply valuable for extractive economic values by those who are outside of Indigenous Peoples' laws and customary authority without our free, prior, and in One consent. It is deeply offensive to have our rights as contained in the United Nations Declaration and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples referred to as merely aspirational Carrying no legal way in international and perhaps by implication national law, we have stated repeatedly that references to our knowledge only in the context of the public domain and defence of protection Is a red line for us, the public domain is very negative for Indigenous Peoples, positive protections based on affirmation of our legal rights arising outside of the legal Intellectual Property system Must also be respected, we have not surrendered our knowledge to the public domain and if this languages insisted on it were resolved in an instrument that will be need nounced by indigenous peoples and our supporters We are willing to work with all members in this room, we are open to understanding their concerns and issues. We try to work constructively to find mutual accommodations and constructive relationships were possible, but effective listening and response has to be a two-way street, we have a mandate to close gap Not widen them, we have the mandate both from the General Assembly as well as our peoples and our creator and our ancestors to protect traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. It is true not all traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, we are, in fact, considering another instrument for that, it is also true that traditional knowledge associated with genetic Is not test with facilitating the death of our most sacred griefs and treasures to be harmed for the benefit. Of others who are foreign to our traditions and ways of life. Access must be based on our consent and must not harmiss or violate our indigenous peoples' rights. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much, Debabo foundation, Japan will be the next speaker. Thank you Vice-Chair, the delegation of Japan would like to express its appreciation to the facilitator Paul Cook for his hard work in preparing the relevant document, you would like to briefly comment on the document now. Regardingly under paragraph 15, while we acknowledge that there were fruitful discussions at ad hoc expert group, we would like to emphasize that no consensus has been reached with respect to the details of any text General modification on the text. Including the necessity of the review clause. Therefore, this paragraph and review growth itself should be bracketed at this stage. Also the preamble section should remain bracketed entirely. Regarding sanctions and remedies, Article 8, we would also like to point out that the feeling for non-compliance with disclosure requirements, namely a maximum standard for sanctions should be established not only for post - Grant sanctions like integrate points feed, but also for pregrant sanctions in order to reduce legal uncertainty and inconsistency among various jurisdictions. In this regard we would like to point out that The necessity of ensuring compliance with the WTO TRIPS Agreement, particularly with respect to Article 27.1 and 62.1. As we may know, Article 27.1 of the TRIPS Agreements That patents shall be available and patent rights enjoyable without discrimination as to the field of technology, also Article 62.1 says that members may require As the condition of the condition were maintenance of the Intellectual Property rights provided for under section 2 through 6 OPAT2 compliance with reasonable procedures and formalities. Such procedures and formality shall be consistent with the provisions of this agreement, therefore if additional new requirement impose, heavier and reasonable sanctions for patent applicants seeking protection for inventions in Specific technical fields that use GRs such as biotechnology, that is cast upon the consistency with the TRIPS Agreement. Therefore, lastly, we would like to propose as the flays in compliance with the TRIPS agreement at The end of the first sentence of 8.1 after Article 4. This approach gives enough policy space for each Member States while keeping in mind the necessity to keep it The next speaker will be Russian Federation remotely. ... Рф один ну ковытка по прям были у нас В принципе возражений нет просто отъявдием определения как мы уже сказали ранее предлагаем допомы статью определениями терминов истекста проседателя Заявитель заявка не контидоциальные информации данная терминология используем все что этот один является важно для понимая шути документа Кем того хотели уточить фровуровку термонно заявитель последнюю последи фразия и другим лицонку дающим заявку мы бы хотели стать Слова другим уполномоченным лексом подающем заявку по стате два цели взражении нет полстати три предмет документа Поддерживаем айтерносивный бариан первый вариант игловый бы обобщенном видеть до утратый определенность поразило первому расходят информации на своем деле документа по стате четыре Кроме у меня раскрытие информации поддерживаем перви вариант в функты четыре один четыре два и четыре атернативного варианта касающейся Отсутствие упательных дедруст обязанностей приверять полный страж крытия по статьей пять исключения не ограничения благодар корвоныров купиру абзац стати приемлемы Готовым принять участие в обсуждении айтерносинного варианта по стати восемь санкции следства по бову защите поддерживает кубки восемь один и восемь двадцати восемь Промеровки положений этих статьи оставляют на усмотрели потенциальных договорящихся сторон решением вопроса о том какие соответствующие неры ими должны быть приняты Готовы принять участие в обшержении отернатихнут рядом привесен появление статьи десять микс верней эффекс ну готово убердебных писем и предложений в случае необходимости Все преприятия спасибо Thank you very much, Russian Federation next. %lang=es Agradecemos también al señor facilitador por el trabajo en la redacción del documento denominado Red 1 en el cual trabajamos. No queremos referir al nivel de compromis al Al nivel de compromiso de establecido en el enunciado del artículo 4,1, el Shall o el Shut, entendemos que la divulgación de la fuente o en su defecto, la declaración por parte del solicitante. Sobre el desconocimiento de la existencia de algún recurso genético o conocimiento tradicional vinculado los recursos genéticos debería entrar como un requisito formal al tiempo de presentar la solicitud de una patente Por lo que estamos contestes con el chal y la eliminación de ese colchete. También en coincidencia con otros oradores que me han precedió en el uso de la palabra expresamos nuestra preocupación. Por las ciertas dudas que no genera la redacción del artículo ocho punto tres que hace referencia a la falta de divulgación como un arumento no idónio para la revocación de una concesión de patente Lo he de una examinación muy detallada con los expertos de la capitale paraguay entendemos que esta expresión falta de divulgación hace referencia a la declaración del solicitante de su desconocimiento sobre la existencia a un recurso genético O un conocimiento tradición al vinculado a un recurso genético pero siempre declarándose conoce o no su existencia como requisito formal para la alidez de su solicitud sin que exita la posibilidad de omitir pronunciarse al respecto Es por ello que nos permitimos sugerir que para mayor claridad en el referir artículo 8,3 se utiliza expresiones tales como. La Declaración jurada de desconocimiento sobre la existencia un recurso genético o un conocimiento tradicional víncula a un recurso genético o expresiones a fines en reemplazo de falta de divulgación. Recordando siempre la saledad del 8.4 con el que claramente estamos contestes. Muchas gracias señor Vicepresident. Tajes to best move of the belay, belfare, the Sabah, Mokerroron أننا بعيدون تماما عن ما توجبه الولاية المعقودة للأجنتنا والتي تتمثل في الوصول إلى سق قانوني يقيم حماية متوازنة للموضوعات الثلاثة والعمل على سد الفجوات والآن فإن ما يبدأ من بعض الوفوت وما يريدون إدخاله على بعض الصياغات يؤكد بالفعل صدق رؤيتنا وهي أن ما يحدث الآن. ليس العمل في إطار الولاية المعقودة لهذه اللجنة والتي تقترب من نهايتها بالنسبة لموضوع الموارد الوراسية ولكن ما يحدث يمكن أن نسميه حرق الأرض أمام هذه الولاية تماما بل أمام الشعوب الأصلية والجماعات المحلية من خلال. تفخيخ وتعقيد النصوص المعروضة وجرها في اتجاه أبعد ما يكون عن المصلحة المشتركة المتوازنة بين كافة اللاعبين أعضاء هذه اللجنة الموقر الموجودون في هذه القع وهذا يمثل أي للخروج عن حدود الولاية والذي يبدو الآن هو أن المطلوب فقط ساحة الفرصة أمام من يملكون للإستمرار في القرصنة والإستيلاء غير المشروع على الممتلكات الخاصة. بالشعوب الأصلية والجماعات المحلية والدول النامية بشكل عام فهل هذا حقيقة ما نرغب فيه شكرا سيد الرئيس? Thank you very much for your intervention, Egypt, Pakistan will have the role now remotely. Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, and please allow me to pay our regards and appreciation for the facilitator for Factfully reflecting the changes in rev 1. While my delegation is ready since this mandate to engage constructively in our onwing debate, but Our main worry is that this is I mean was the outcome of the process that we are currently engaged in while to be honest we like Number of changes that have been introduced in RAV 1 for instance, we welcome the general reference to intellectual property instead of patents in the preambler part That was discussed in the ad hoc expert group meeting we also welcome, the review clause, although we have some reservations on the term material or Directly, we understand it could be a middle way, but I think we my delegation agrees with the Swiss delegations viewed expressed only this morning that this time may Take into account the use of genetic resource, but may not be applicable to the situations where the associated ETK may be used. The problem here is that even if my delegation is willing to engage on Raven it appears that this way forward may not be acceptable to Some countries, it is unfortunate that, of course, every country has the right to propose amendment sisters, often right, but the question is where it is going to lead us. Delegation is of the view that if any document that has the chance to lead IGC to with logical conclusion is the Chair's text, of course it comes with a disclimer that The Chair's text is basically his own reflections and but it also text into account the policy trusts of Of all the Member States at least it claims to do that and Member States have every right to differ but at the same time I think the tiered text represents Of experience and it should be given due where it. So Mr. Vice President, we are fully sportive of the euro process, but we want to be sure that Does not lead to another 15 years of negotiations and not reaching to the logical conclusion that we should at the earliest. I thank you. Thank you, Mr. Vice Chair for giving me the floor. First of all, you would like to appreciate All facilitators hard work to prepare level 1 document. We want to start with mentioning to minor technical issues, first one is fortaining to the second line of the Article 8.1 a pages 13 of the clean version. We found that the world measures is duplicated. The second one is regarding Article 3 and 4 at page 9. This is relate to the terminology Of traditional knowledge associated with Genetic Resources in Article 3 and associated TK in Article 4.1 and B, we think that those two have the same meaning, so associated TK Would need to be unified as traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. As regards preamble, we note that patent with brackets was deleted, however, we have a preference For maintaining patent will bracket. Further, we continuously expressed concerns in the previous sessions on paragraph 14 of Friamble because it is not consistent with the Patent examination practice of the Republic of Korea and it is our understanding that there is currently no international consensus on paragraph 14. Thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair. The facilitator has the floor for your intervention Korea, just had a question you talk about patents and you would like you like that to be in brackets in the Friamble so you like us to reinset every Since where we had deleted patents, could submit clearly what we had done just to substitute Intellectual Property for previous preferences to patent where that the ... ... Thank you, we just wanted to clear our preference. Thank you very much for that. We have of the list that I quoted in the beginning still India, India is now online so that means that India will get the floor immediately. ... You the technical supporting of WIPO, I am able to take the floor now, the Indian delegation greatly appreciates the hard work by the facilitator in bringing out the rev 1 document. We also thank all the other Delegations for their valuable contribations in the expert group and in the plenary to take ahead the work of this Committee. The acknowledge Many changes that are proposed in rev 1 reflect the understanding on the consensus that have emerged in the discussions. Sharing with the preamble, we are happy to note that the The ideals of the preamble are preserved. We agree to the changes proposed to the preamble to cover all forms of IP, the commitment to expand this instrument to all at the relevant IP And de vision to evolve longue de issues de raising front new and emerging technologies and developments ininrelated international fora Coming to the definitions we support the change in definition of country of origin, we also support the definition of source of genetic resources as it is flexible to cover any source Where the applicant obtain the GIA, but we would also like to note that we did not have enough time to consult our experts so we wish that all the alternatives in the definitions Remain in the document. Regarding Article 4.1, we appreciate the efforts to meet the Article Mats simpler and to ensure that it serves the intended path. We wish to have some changes to the rev 1. In Article 4.1 of rev 1 we want to retain the words includes utilization of and also we want the words is materially Directly to be under bracket. In Article 4.1 of rev 1 in the starting line after disclosed the Of origin, we want the words and source to be aged. We wish to explain our position as to why we are requesting for addition of words in As far as the drafting suggestion is concerned we wish to point out that session option to include the source was available in the text before the revision And other intention could alternatively be achieved by removing the new deletion but we feel this will complicate the current draft Far as Article 4.1 B is concerned, we wish this whole article to be kept under bracket. These suggestions are made since we believe that the disclosure of source and origin are important for The focus of protection of genetic resources, the Indian delegation as such do not have concerns on in reducing Articles 4.3 for. And 4.5, but we also prefer that the alternative draft should remain in the document. To Article 8. Now the Article 8 does not have any minimum standard of sanctions as The current wording of the original article, this is a concern for us because there is no minimum standard of sanctions that is of Is offered by the new original text. We also prefer that the new Article 8 3 and 8.5 we kept on the bracket, we also wish that alternate text 8.2 shall continue to remain. Are the points we have noted regarding Rev 1. We have a question on the obligations and the proposed agreement. The consolidated text have all the options do in brackets now we have a cleaner text in respect of certain articles Bizards some interventions varyen there was reference to a minimum standard document en this context we wish two clarifications regarding obligations For example under article four that is veter article for allows Member States to ask for more information then that is now appearing in Article four in respect of disclosure Their national legislation under Article 8 we note that the current changes provide for maximum standards without providing for minimum standards Is the instrument of minimum standard document in view of Article 8. This is a clarification that we wish, we have some Suggestions should be wait for the clarification or can I make can continue with the suggestion I think we can attempt to give a response, I mean in terms of the question regarding Article 4 I think My understanding is your concern about whether there is any policy space for Member States to add other subject matter and I think the answer to that is in the affebative, it is quite Clear that in 4.2, we make references to national law and the possibility of Member States adding other material, including access beneficiaring Mutually agreed terms and so that should provide a degree of cofort and in Article 8. We note your Concerned that it does not provide for minimum standards, it is not really clear to us why if raised that concern because the very first sentence In 8.1 introduces the notion that Member States can put in place appropriate measures policy measures and that is really where we think the each Share about many from standards would come in, so whatever, the members it users to place on the record should reviewed as a minimum standard, we note that the previous Draft contained references to pregrant and also to post grant, but that is statement in a previous 8.1 was found to be a bit of it to Apology because if you had, as I have said 8.1 referring to measures that Member States would put in, that will certainly in the context of both people and in I posed grant, we have spent more time on that because of the issues about revocation so To address the need for the ceiling we crafted 8.4, so in Article 8, we are really more worried about the ceiling as opposed to the pread Grant which we did not think posed any problems, but to answer our question we think that the issue of the pregrant is properly addressed in 8.1 and if you fully so, language that we have in place. Thank you. You very much, if there is a connection still to India, but this satisfy the India delegation. Have some we have some comments on the clarification provided by the question. For thank you for the clarification, what we were concerned about 4.1 is that in 4.1, it is allowed a death, first to for the origin and if Origin is not known or not available or not applicable then the source. So our concern is whether we can have in our national laws, both source as well as origin A disclosure requirement, that is an example of the concern which we have raised and regarding the minimum standards under Article 8, Only says that Member States may have put in place some sanctions, but a minimum level of sanction is not assured so Will the disclosure requirement be obligatory for the applicant and all jurisdictions so that is one concern and regarding the risk In how we are moving forward, we have noted some possible suggestions, the first Is whether it is possible going forward can WIPO publish the rev 2 in attract change more as well along with the clean text of rev 2 That will actually provide most recallers with better clarification regarding the changes that are ongoing and another suggestion is can we have different Choosing each of the text by the citizens meant the different sentences that are possible using different bracketed text keeping in mind the different interest You understand correctly the Distinguished Delegate from Switzerland made a similar addition. For the sake of inclusiveness, I will now give the floor to four delegations in addition to the list originally. A declared and closed Nigeria South Africa, International Indian Treaty Council and Mexico, Nigeria asked the floor. Thank you, Chair, My delegation would like to lend the support to the proposal made by TBTV foundation on behalf of Indigenous Caucus to return indigenous peoples and local communities. The reason is if we are still talking about they are this stage in our negotiation, it confirms the fact that the consolidated document is leading us To know aware, and Nigeria identifies the intervention earlier by South Africa for putting some interventions in brackets and that will be all for Nigeria Thank you very much, Nigeria, South Africa again remotely. Once to echo Sentiment just expressed by Nigeria that South Africa would like to support the depth foundation in terms of the definition of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Chair, you will observe that the African Group we are not making any textual changes because we find that frivilous and now noncensical because we just any more Any more textual changes to the text, it is just going to widen the gaps, I would Want to indicate that whenever a country that is going to make any technical changes to any document South Africa is going to bracketed. Thank you very much, South Africa, now international India and Treaty Council. I say hope about the Wachdrawashop I am speaking on behalf of the Indigenous Caucus I would like to refer to Article 8.1 at IGC 42 the cocus introduced language which is now What is the second sentence part of the second sentence of Article 81 in our Rev 1, and in that article we were supported by a state, so that Ended up in Rev 2 at the end of IGC 42 and so we are put in the position because the facilitator change the language we are in the position of that Having to request that the language be restored to where it was that Rev 2 at IGC 42, to be clear we prefer that it be read as follows. Member States/ parties shall develop these measures in conjunction with the indigenous peoples and local communities subject to relevant national laws So our request is that we have maintain shall rather than endeavor too and we did consult with the state who supported us at IG 42 and believe that that state will support this proposal to maintain this language Thank you very much International Indian Treaty the Council speaking on behalf of the Caucus and after the next Intervention, I will hand over the meeting to our President old or Chairperson whose presence in the room I recognize Mexico has the floor. El Vicepresidente ser muy breve por razones que lleva usted an entregar la Presidencia a nuestra Chairperson, en realidad es una Solicitud adicional a las que había hecho en mi intervención previa, pero me llegó rita directamente desde la capital en la revisión que siguen haciendo y ahora con esta facilidad que hay que nos Muchen en todo el mundo a todas horas y que tómundo quiere intervenir, estoy apoyando, estamos apoyando en la solicitud que pidió depteba, además que se Que nos expresáramos sobre su solicitud, la delegación del México también sugiere eliminar los cochetes a pueblos indígenas Y comunidades locales. Por ser un término acordado a nivel internacional y en el caso particular de México por una solicitud directa de los Expertos en la ciudad del México respecto a pueblos indígenas y comunidades locales debe ser revisado y quitar los cochetes en cual parte que aparezcan en el texto muchas gracias. ... Is one more request for the floor, whether this is an intervention to support What was suggested earlier by and now repeated by the Caucus, yes, indeed Canada, you have the law. Thank you, Mr. Vice Chair and apologies to take the floor again, yes, Canada can sponsor as a matter of procedure and without prejudice the reintroduction of language as proposed by the International Indigenous Caucus. Thank you. Thank you to thank Thanks to all delegations should look the floor to the observers who took the law, we have now a rich basis for the preparation of revised version number 2. I guess that those interventions that were made during the present, the absence of our facilitator those Those the information of those interventions will be handed over to our facilitator in suitable technical form. Now it seems that the discussion feeds its We have an interest to come to to an end of this session, but we have also an interest to be inclusive, there are still to new requests for the floor, France, Merci Monsieur le Vice-Président, malheureusement la France ne peut pas soutenir la demande de suppression de crochets pour les raisons suivantes, il n'existe pas de définition Internationalement reconnus des populations autochtones l'emploi des termes peuples autochtones et la référence à des droits collectifs de ces peuples posent pour la france comme précédemment évoqués des difficultés d'ordre constitutionnels En effet les principes constitutionnels d'indisvisibilité de la république d'unicité du peuple français et d'égalité des citoyens devant la loi en pour conséquence que seul le peuple français dans son ensemble Peut se voir conférer des droits selon une décision du Conseil constitutionnel français la mention de peuples autochtones et de droits des peuples autochtones dans un accord juridiquement contraignant compromettrait l'adoption Et la ratification du fait de nos contraintes constitutionnelles, c'est pourquoi nous avons précédemment proposé un langage alternatif à savoir l'emploi des termes communautés autochtones et ou locales? Merci Monsieur le Vice - Thank you very much, I think that from your previous intervention it already became clear that you have this constitutional problem and that is certainly Going to be respected. Maloca has the floor and this is the last intervention definitely. I invite the Chairperson to come to the podium. Solo sobre los cochetes y la definición de que es un pelo indígena de una comía local es muy importante dejar pueblos, es necesario porque con el término pueblo está definiendo el sujeto de derecho. Es y el derecho a la irreterminación que tiene este sujeto y es a partir de ese derecho de la libre determinación que se da el derecho de tener una consultad previa libre e informada si juríicamente quita este el suelo En el derecho de la libre determinación como suelo que es de la consultad libre preda informal, ya no tiene el sentido el argumento de pedir que se respetes, de estas consultas para libreza. For us, since we establish a problem to expense case this problemático, in retirar, pueblo indicenal, protoct of indigenous peoples, this is the subject of rights, and Thank you very much and this intervention brought us to the end of this part of the session. ... ... ... I would like to put on record my thanks. So the Vice-Chairman for his work that he did in the previous session and also to acknowledge and thank the facilitator for his work and it The future or that he will take part in putting in the Rev 2 document which would reflect your comments and interventions. I wanted to As I indicated when I left in the session earlier that I was going to have in bilateral meetings with different groups and Member States which is why I was not in the room For the previous session, but for those who have been to IGC sessions before in a number of cases, the Vice-Chairman or vice or vice I would normally have custody of the discussion with it speaks to the Rev. I just wanted to use this opportunity to remain The membership that the next three sessions of the IGC will be focusing on traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions. I am also seeking to present to you a possibility of some other decisions that would emanate from this session of the IGC. So the fact that there would be sessions on TK and TCEs is information, those of you who have custody and have seen the mandate you would have seen the listing of The future meetings of the IGC. One of the first decisions from this session would be the transmission of Rev 2 to IGC 47, which would be The IGC that session that would be held prior to the General Assembly in 223 and the General Assembly that is going to be held in 23 would be focusing on the renewal of the mandate that would On the table at that time. I would also like to mention that I have been as I said at the start here, I have been have an informal come this Sessions with several of the Member States and it has been brought to my attention that a number of the Member States are basically looking forward to having some virtual expert Meetings on information systems and also on disclosure requirements and those would be virtual sessions that would virtual meetings, virtual expert meetings That would be held in between our meetings or formal face the face meetings and those would focus on information systems and disclosure requirements. And the information that gathered at those meetings on information systems and disclosure requirements would be transmitted to the IGC by the Secretariat so Basically, these would be Secretariat led activities, and they would be held virtually, it would not be a face the face, it would be all virtual meetings of experts on those of Have also received requests from a number of Member States for a revision of the Chair's text for presentation at the next IGCs Session on genetic resources so that would be IGC 47. So the other decision that could be contemplated by this session of the IGC Would be the preparation of a factual report to the Assembly that would include Rev 2 and the Chair's text which is 435. A very old fashion hence the sound of the paper apologies that it is not the screen. Okay. There's also been a request This has come from a number of groups for a decision from this IGC that would reflect the divergent views that the Committee has And these divergent views are as it relates to the Chair's text and the consolidated text and I do not think we need to rehurse that discussion because I think we have dealt with it ex Stensively and there are divergent views so there has been a request for that also to be reflected in the decisions of this IGC. I crever indulgence and requesting that you dis Goes these points that I have raised here this afternoon in your groups, as it is my intention to meet with the group coordinators tomorrow morning, It is my intention for us to be able to have a full some discussion on this matter with the group coordinators tomorrow, so I am going to invite you to meet in your groups and to discuss and fleshe told so that when we meet Tomorrow, myself, the Secretariat and the group coordinators we could have a full some discussion on it. So that is my recommendations for how we press Did for the rest of this afternoon and so I am going to know adjourn the plenary and we will resume tomorrow morning at 10. So thank you so much. Op I am guided, so I was just been guided that I should ask for comments, so I am ask it for comments. Are, it is there, keep forgetting, or is there any announcements from the group coordinators, the comments or announcements, please thank %lang=en ... Thank you, Madam Chair, you referred to a meeting that I plan to have with the regional coordinators I supposed in was the EU as easier and my question is what time do plan to have that meeting because we only heard that you that we will reopen in In plenary when Rev 2 would normally be introduced and then we could have some time to look into that, could you suggest the timing of this meeting between you and the Region coordinators so that I can plan with my colleagues at the group coordinators the timing of coordination meetings. Thank you so much my apologies, the group coordinators Meeting with the Chair would be at 10 marpology and then we would reconvene the plenary at 11. That is so. Thank you very much for the clarification, I am afraid I am lost as to if we have the Meeting with you and the group coordinators at 10, would it be to discuss what and how would I have the opportunity to previously consult my group, if you could please crime Okay. I am home into me with the group coordinators tomorrow morning at 10 to discuss the possible decisions that would emanate from this IGC. I recognize Slovakia on behalf of CEBS. Thank you, Madam Chair, just for the clarification and to when we can expect the Raw 2 of the document because we have to coordinate also on this second revisions, so please could you Just proposed the time shed you. Thank you. We hope to have the Rev 2 available by 11. So we would have the plenary opened to present Rev 2 at 11. I recognize Algeria on behalf of the Africa Group. Thank you, thank you, Madam Chair, for restating the outcome of the consultations with the different parties, I think that our understanding is that in the decision Paragraph there would be reference to the reviewing of the methodology at the next session, but also we think it is important to make The reference to the intersessional work on the Chair's text because we think that intersessional work on our information sessions on disclosure and information system It is with the perview of the common understanding that we are seeking, but there is also the need to move forward with the child text, so which is that we discuss The proposal from two groups on the need to have an intersessional work on the Chair's text as well as as well as the intersessional As we will as the work on the methodology and reviewing the methodology at the next sessions and to discuss this among our groups before taking a tomorrow to the plenary, I thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you for that intervention Algeria, just to say and I can be and I stand to be guided by the Secretariat, they work on the methodology can continue even the It is not a decision, a formal decision of the IGC at this time. Okay, I see in Oma request for the floor, so Germany, on behalf of Group B thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair, just I am trying to be brief just briefly like to clarify. The possible decisions, you are intending to discuss with group coordinators tomorrow at 10, I noted three possible decisions but just to enable me to properly coordinate with In the group it would be appreciated to clarity on this. Okay, thank you for the intervention, Okay, so the first we would transmit Rev 2 to the IGC We have also have a request for virtual expert meetings on information systems and the disclosure requirements. And I indicated that laws would be virtual and they would be Secretariat lead activities, also the revision of the Chair's Text for presentation at the next IGC's session on Genetic Resources, the preparation of a factual report to the Assembly with the Rev to and the Chair's text that will before to three Five and the recognition that there are divergent views of the IGC as a body as it relates to the Chair's text The consolidated text. Thank you. South Africa remotely. Trying to get a sense of what is going to be the purpose of Rev 2 because South Africa we have bracketed all the interventions made by the US And Japan. So we are just worried as to what is the purpose of Rev 2. Is Rev 2 can be transparent to the General Assembly because as You know from the African position, we are quite clear that the chistics is quite matchord and we can now move to a Diplomatic Conference and South Africa has consistently Indicated that it will set up a will host the Diplomatic Con, thank you Chair. Thanks for the intervention of South Africa, just to say that the Rev 2 is a reflection of the meeting and therefore will follow the establish methodology rules which is The Rev 1 Rev to and then the transmission, so it is just follow the establish rules. I now recognize the Dominican Republic representing GRULAC. Solo una solicitud, es si podía ponerse por escrito las propuestas de decisión para poder manejar las mejor en nuestra reunión con nuestra consulta Craces. Good this you with I can do, but I come at the promises on having them in writing, but when we meet tomorrow morning prior to a 10:00, I will do it then, okay? Thank you so much. ... Thank you, Madame Chair, this is just an announcement that there will be a EU coordination meeting, right after the closure of these In the room that will be announced shortly. Thank you so much. Chairman, on behalf of Group B. Thank you. Madam Chair, will be a Group B meeting as well, I intend to evited for 30, but we might need exchange if views with the colleagues from the European Union thank you. Algeria, behalf of the African Group, 30. Sorry. Africa Group will meet at 4:30 in Bomaru. Thank you. So Zakia on behalf of CEBS. Thank you, the CEBS Group will meet tomorrow in the morning, but it Time and the link will be sent by email to the group members. Thank you. There is a request for the floor, but I am not sure from whom is if From the Indigenous Caucus. Okay. Yes. Lukoko Kuiz, Erasyonia, Plapinaire, It domain matin. You so much, the meeting is now drawn outable tomorrow. ... [[powered by WIPO S2T]]