[[transcripts generated automatically by WIPO speech-to-text]] ... Good morning, Distinguished Delegates, Good mind everyone, I am happy to be back in the plenary and I have to see everyone. I trust everybody had a good evening yesterday before we get into the formal aspects of the meeting, I would like to place on record my apology for the delay. I not getting back to you yesterday in the plenary. As a former delegate and I will just share this with you, I could never understand why the meeting would break. And I travelled all the way to come to the meeting and I was doing absolutely nothing because I did not know what was happening and so an apologize for not letting you know yesterday what I happened. We had it The session in the plenary, we broke early so the Secretariat I myself we had meetings with the group coordinators and you would have had meetings, I think most Regional groups had meetings this morning. Most regional groups would have had meetings this wording and we just had a meeting with the group coordinators Who reported on the outcome of the meeting with you as delegate. Before we get aim to what was discussed. Before we get into what was discussed with the group coordinators this meeting I will know invite you to cast their means back to agenda item 4 and that is related to the Voluntary Fund, so I am pleased to use this Opportunity know to announce the nominies for the Advisory Board of the Voluntary Fund and they are as followed. Mr. Dela Cruz, call of the Earth, Mr. The Hamans to lelip tribes, Mr. Medicus from Germany, Mr. Malina from Chile, Mr. Nkabbani from South Africa, my apologies if I have not pronostic proper Mr. Nor from any Aref, Ms. Paul from India and Mr. Zatuk Liak from the Slope that Republic, I apologize Because I am sure I have crucified everybody's names. The Vice-Chair of the Committee would be Mr. Jun Solity from South Africa, he will chair the Advisory Board. The members of the board will be kept informed of the practicalities by the Secretariat, so and just to remain everyone the work of the voluntary On is really important and critical to the operations of this Committee. Al go back in time to when I first came to an IGC meeting and that was when we were in the that was before this building Came into existence and we were meeting in the former conference sought and it was fascinating because the entire like about two rose at the back of that meeting would be filled with Persons representing indigenous peoples and it was quite viable to you had an opportunity to discuss with persons on the margins of the meetings. So we look forward to have in that level of Participation again and that would all be dependent on money in the voluntary fund, so I encourage you if you are able and if it is possible to contribute to the Vountry Fund and I thank Vice-Chairs I am going to invite us all to come back to agenda item 6. As I mentioned before I am sorry that we want in plenary, but we had to discuss the matters that are rules arising from yesterday. So we met and your group coordinators Reported on the discussions with the respective groups. So in terms of the next steps will be used in the consolidated text that is document 43/4. The facilitator who is also here besides me in Paukeruk, he will prepare the Rev 1 and then on his conclusion of the Rev 1 later this after To know at our own 5 pm, we will recondlee in the plenary where we will present the rev 1 to the membership. You will have an opportunity then to look The Rev 1 to meeting your respective groups, and it is our intention to reconvene to most Thursday, on first them morning at 10, and the days are This is a first of June yes. So we will reconvene in the plenary this afternoon at 5 pm and at that time Mr. Paulka will present. Rev 1. I open the floor know for any question. Juns our comments. ... I recognize the Distinguished Delegate from South Africa, remotely, South Africa, you have the floor, I just need some clarity We can respond to the rev 1 on the consolidated text, with the Rapporteur getting his information from because the other Committee responded You give us some clarity on that and I will come back on to that question, thank you, Chair. I recognize. Algeria for the African Group. Thank you, Madam Chair, just for the sake of clarity, you would like to know if the deliberations We will be only on the considered text or also on the Chair's text because in your intervention you mentioned that we will be discussing the consolidated text while our understanding is the discussion will also be on the Chairs I give the floor to fall the facilitator good morning, distinguished delegates In approaching the task that has been assigned to me, I will be taken on board the discussions that we had the on Sunday that is the expert Group and it is recalled that when we had the discussion we took into account the provisions in the consolidated text as well as the Chairs Text and I would like to note that the Chair's text, the provisions found a large degree of support during our consultations so therefore when it comes to Working on the consolidated text are clearly would be incorporating the essential parts of the provisions currently found in the gest text so that is my Understanding of what has been assigned to me, of course, I am open to take on board any deferring opinions, but clearly there was support for the Chair's text, thank you. ... The Distinguished Delegate from Mexico has requested the floor, Mexico. Muchas gracias, you have one of the Está muy claro lo que acaba explicar el señor Paul, está extraordinalmente claro con hacer el proceso y este yo no abundaría sobre algo que Se ha venido consensando los últimos 48 horas, yo me pondría ya an esperar el trabajo del señor Paul y ya dedicarnos a lo que venimos. Thank you, Mexico, I invite the Distinguished Delegate from Nigeria. Thank you, Madam Chair, my delegation would like clarification for Mr. Facilitator in terms of the report you presented to us at the first day. And how much you convinced us that most of the discussions you had are the expert Committee when inspired largely by the Chair's text and this morning seem to have suggest That again, that there was from the consolidated text, so one gets lost in terms of your report as presented and your most recent interpretation of that experience. Thank you, Distinguished Delegate from Nigeria, let me just restate the manner which I will be up of Ching this exercise. Clearly we have a text that I would be working on which is the consolidated text, but as much as possible, I would like to ensure that that consolidated text Reflects what was discussed last Sunday to the extent that there were references made to the Chair's text should therefore expect that some of those references would find here we Into the consolidated text, I also can recall that there are some provisions that were mentioned which are currently found in the consolidated text I am quite mindful of the opinion that was expressed that we should be aiming for some type of minimum standards instrument and therefore to that extent I would Be carefully considering deleting some of those provisions which are found in the Council this text which did not or which express found not to be quite appropriate The current circumstances. Yes, would have to produce a text, but then one conceptly summarize that has been an appropriate merging of Two text that we currently have on the one hand, the consolidated text and on the other, the Chair's text, although the final work product will be described as the consolidated text, I would clarifies the Delegate from the issues for the Delegate from Nigeria. Thank you very much for that poor and just to remind the meeting that Rev 1 will be made available. So we hope to reconvene this afternoon in Plenary at 5 where Rev 1 would be made available and the members will have the opportunity to look at the document and to comment on C. I recognize South Africa remotely? Thank you, Chair, I think the response from the rapporteur is very nebulness, I am not getting a sense of we is going with the documents. If you can be very clear, whether it is going the chasics or the consolidate take, if you going to have an a joint text Think we going back to the process as in IGC 20. Thank you, Chair. I recognize that the Distinguished Delegate from Nigeria, thank you, Chair, I would drop my intervention to back up the Obsp. Advision just made by South Africa. We just want to be clear probably not from the facilitator more like pointedly on the Chair, what do you intend and what is the status Of the Chair's text going forward, how does that actually coming to play in terms of the methodology were presently adopting. Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you for the questions In terms of the work of the facilitator, we had a plenary sessions that were open, there were not meaning interventions at the plenary, however, the expert group had a number of interventions. On the basis of the interventions that took place in the expert group, which is what the coordinators reported by this morning, it is on that basis and other information that is available that Facilitator will prepare and present to the plenary this afternoon at 5, the Rev 1 document, when the Rev 1 document is presented at 5 everyone will have the opportunities Look at that document to make comments and to come back. So I would ask persons to wait until this afternoon at 5 when the document is presented and you would have an opportunity to review To note the comments and recommendations of the facilitator so I thank you for your patience with regard to that. Okay. Close the meeting, I encourage everyone to enjoy your launch and I will see you back here at five or cuts, you will thank you so much. ... [[powered by WIPO S2T]]