[[transcripts generated automatically by WIPO speech-to-text]] ... The English Boost to the intention of the AI media. ... ... Good afternoon, I hope everyone had a great launch, I had a fantastic launch, so I am happy and all and hoping for now is that I do not follow sleep, so if I sleep in your can just bring it to my attention await meal. Okay. Because my story and I am stick into it is that I have get lack, okay. I so when agenda item 5 and we are going to be dealing with the report on the ad hoc expert. On genetic resources which met yesterday afternoon, and you will recall that it was agreed by IGC 42 that an ad hop expert group on genetic resources would meet on the sonday We usually do, Mr. Paul Koruk from Ghano was the Chair of the ad hoc expert group on Genetic Resources and he in his capacity as the Chair of the ad hoc X. Group on genetic resources will report on the outcomes and results of the ad hoc expert groups work. I know invite him to report on the outcomes and results of the ad hoc expert groups work. All all, all years, thank you, Chair and then good afternoon, distinguished delegates, and I have the pleasure to present the report of the meeting yesterday of the Expert Group On genetic resources, we met at the headquarters of WIPO, of course, the meeting was organized as the hybrid meeting with about 21 Experts physically present and then 12 experts participating online the meeting started at 9 am an endedpt for for the pm Would a launch break at 12 to 14 pm the objective of the meeting was to address specific legal and policy issues And to report to the IGC the results of the work of the experts the group discussed two broad issues namely one information systems and two The disclosure requirement with reference to subject matter, trigger, content and sanctions and remedies, I would like to begin with a reference to the disclosure requirement. Consensus was developed that the instrument should apply to genetic resources, GR and traditional knowledge associated with genetic Resources, TK, even though it was recognized that traditional knowledge may not always be associated with a genetic resource. A proposal was made to provide A definition of traditional knowledge to remedy anomation in the relevant part of the Chair's text, text which I would note many of the experts found to be Useful, while the group agreed that the instrument should apply to patents, a strong case was made for its application to other intellectual property rights Such as trademarks and plant varieties it was also pointed out that the earliest reference to the disclosure requirement was in the context of copyright law Reference to the use of folklore as provided for in the model law and draft text proposed by WIPO in the 1980s a compromise Was developed around the suggestion to proceed on a basis of the application of the disclosure requirement to patents but to include a provision for review To allow for continuing discussions with a view to amending the instrument to incorporate other Intellectual Property rights to as which the concerns That a view clause may not be effective and in this context we recall the fits of the chifts agreement Article Delegations stated that a preambler reference to other intellectual properties rights would provide to them a degree of comfort they cited to provisions In the preamble of the updated Chair's text as of May 1422 where IP is subsitured for patents While consensus was developed about including derivatives in the definition of genetic resources, it also considered necessary to define the term derivatives to avoid external The disclosure requirement to many common types of derivatives that clearly fall outside the scope of the disclosure requirement and I am move on to address the issue about content. As to what should be disclosed, there was consensus to include the country of origin, providing country, indigenous people And local communities, research institutions and in C2 locations. One expert made a suggestion which was not supported by others That the word source be defined to refer to replace where an applicant receive the gerity resource in which case the word source does not have to mean Country of origin or indigenous peoples but could refer even to a chemical store while there was not my support for making references in the context of the disclosure Requirement to prior informed consent that is PIC mutually agreed terms that is MT and access and benefit sharing that is ABS There was some support for including any disclosures that may be required under contracts which could include PIC, MT and ABS. General, it was felt that any references to PIC, MT and ABS should not be too prescriptive but should leave some policy space for these matters to be taken up under National legislation in this context some experts recommended including language in the instrument identifying PIC MT and ABS As options parties may consider for possible adoption as part of their domestic laws according to the proponents this would ensure a balance between the interests of users And supplies of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources allow move to the issue of the trigger There were support for providing for utilization of as a trigger that could also be used in relation to normally patents but would include other intellectual property rights. It was pointed out that early draft international intellectual property instruments used this term with reference to folk law and copyright law As some experts noted any use of genetic resources or associated traditional knowledge in a ninvention should be et chega fort de disclosure requirement Also significant support for materially based as a trigger and which was determined to be broader than directly based, the latter term described as Being to restrictive and a recipe for litigation, however, questions were raised whether the reference to materially based would also include Digital sequence information that is deSI one expert or point that the reference would cover DSI and a consensus was reached That the relation between material based and digital sequence information merited further examination some experts suggested leaving up all together The references to either materially based or directly based and recommended focusing on utilization of us the main trigger for Disclosure requirement move now to the section on sanctions and remedies, the last of the components on the disclosure requirement that we considered On the question of sanctions there were support for the application of several and administrative measures for failure to comply with the disclosure requirement However, some experts were of the opinion that an applicant should be allowed to rectify an unintational failure to disclose information before the implementation of Any pregrant sanctions, there was an extended discussion on the subject of revocation as a sanction which some experts suggesting that Should not be applicable in the context of the disclosure requirement while some experts proposed that revocation should not be referred to affirmatively in the instrument Others were comfortable with a provision that would preclude revocation as essential except in the case of a wellful or fraudland failure to comply with a disclosure requirement under National law so experts noted that to the extent revocation was already part of the laws of some countries they could support language on sanctions that did not Referred to revocation but preserved and therefore did not limit the policy space of countries to revoke patents on grounds of a failure to disclose however Other experts called for further deliberations at the IGC to affirmatively exclude revocation from sanctions and remedies and thereby create a ceiling In raising concerns about revocation as a sanction, one expect noted that revocation would be relevant only to patents and could not be applied to other intellectual property. Rights. There were support for putting in place adequate dispute mechanisms to allow parties, including indigenous and local communities, to reach timely Mutually satisfactory solutions in accordance with national law and moved to the next part on information systems Due to time constraints, not much discussion was had on this agenda item, the suggestion was made to discuss this at a future date and For this purpose, the WIPO Secretariat could collect background information on the relevant issues and provide to the IGC for further consideration. Thank you, the year of My report. And so much for your contribution and for your valuable summary. I know you did not have much time. So We appreciated. I know call for any comments or questions. ... I know invite ACP, Mr. Chairman, I would like you very much, Chair, it is a pleasure. To see you again and to participate in this meeting now, it is a good thing that were all here and after an years of covered. ... And we as Indigenous persons, our peoples who are in Africa. In our country, our continent of origin, need to make their voices in the Bidarlier Professical Work has shed a great deal of light on progress here, we think that Dispute settlement, should always take place with the mutual consentement of parties. Thank you. Thank you, HP. I know invite The Distinguished Delegate from Mexico to make our intervention. Thank you, Chair, I would like to thank the representative of Ghana and the representative of the ad hoc expert group that made yesterday, let me take This opportunity, Chair, I may to extend my gratitude to the Chair of the expert group that was a very efficient. Summary of the work that was carried out yesterday. That is my impression that on this top, we could probably come up with The methodology for discussion here, which will be quite simplified because we in fact an excellent report on what happened in the expert group, now Before we go point through point through the issue here issues raised by the representative of Ghana on behalf of the group. I would just like to emphasize this. It was a very good idea to separate the subjects just today And not really get into the question of data and rights and storage because that might be quite. Complicated, I think does a lot of methodology that will have to be drawn up to deal with that in the substantive way as was pointed out by the head of the expert, the rapporteur of the expert group ... The we work on those areas where we really have a clear idea and where we just need to make political decisions on the part of governments and that the technical side. For example, a common platform that this be entrusted to a group of experts who could work on this without any political considerations making the work more difficult. I would be my suggestion that we need to be very diligent and this week in separating these two topics during our discussions We had near a very near consensus that one point The other side, the technical issues how we going to have a harmonized IT platform for all participants Well, that this is a way of protecting the traditional knowledge and the rights of indigenous peoples and having them participate in the benefits. Thank you. I thank you for your intervention, I would for your recommendation, I see no more requests for the floor, well in the absence South Africa, I see a request for South Africa for the floor, firstly, you You have you from South Africa congratulations to you and to the Vice-Chair It is good to have now agenda-based a pro-Chair, thank you so much for that, I just want to thank pool for his very comprehensive Report, but I just wonder at if you if you issues sorry it is not issues, just a few on missions in his report In the expert group meeting is the in our personal capacity, we mentioned that it is not only about plan varieties, it is also about Law and geographical indications and copyright, so if we can include that into the report, secondly in terms of the triggers we did indicate that beside in terms of this Triggers we in terms of the information beside the information on prior informed consent and benefit sharing, we also included that Information that if the material is accessed illegally that that should be a trigger for a cause for revocation and lastly the On information system, we stress the point that we should not have any clauses that would put an extra burden on developing countries so that they develop information systems, thank you chief. Thank you, South Africa for your intervention. We see no other requests for the floor. The United States of America, so with the Distinguished Delegate from the United States of America make your intervention. Thank you, Madam Chair, we would also like to Thank the delegate of Ghana for his able chairmanship of the ad hoc expert group, we think that it was a productive discussion with I would like to just note a few additional Matters with respect to the limitations of Intellectual Property or patents, it was discussed that The term Intellectual Property is actually quite broaden in light of forms of Intellectual Property like integrated circus for layout designs and trade secrets which seem to have no rolevance to patent disclosure requirements Furthermore, there is some discussion of the use of maximum exploring the use of maximum standards in the text and it was suggested that A maximum standards might be a means to make the text more desirable to users of genetic resources with the respect to the trigger there is a suggestion And that directly based on could be a trigger that would make the text more simple and more easy to use and then in there is a suggestion that Currently many the disclosure requirements better in place are not being fully used and I think a focus on making a system designing a text that would be I thank the Distinguished Delegate from the United States of America for your intervention. The idea see that there are no more requests for the floor, there are no more requests for the floor So we close that I think so much ball. Okay. We are until Agenda Item 6. Just before we brought for launch, you were shared with document, of or Document on genetic resources and as I indicated then I am inviting all our participants to have an open, transparent and an inclusive dis Discussion on the future work in methodology of the IGC, noting that no decisions would be expected on it at this session, but it would give us an opportunity Look at all your comments, so if I could open the floor now. Can we put up about this slide? Pleison. ... Okay, so the document is now on the screen, so you have an opportunity It is basically just extracts taken from the mandate, it is nothing new. ... And in case anyone is concerned or there's a question, I see a floor request, but before a get to the floor request, the Discussion on the methodology is for the next session, not the one that were presently, okay, I acknowledge and recognize the European Union. Thank you, Chair, and also thank you for clarifying that we are actually going to talk about the upcoming sessions and not this one, this is also our understanding. I would like to comment on the GR works trend because this is a GR session actually I realize that the upcoming session is not focus on GRs but when it comes to methodology on the GR work strength, it is our understanding that A creating Reb 1 in Rev 2 version is not the desirable way to go in the future, so we have stated several times that we find that the Chair's text is a better. The basis for continued discussions, of course we also added that there are still points for us for further substantive discussions to address, as Such in general, we would far prefer that to be the basis for further negotiation on GRs and NATK, and when it comes to the TK TCs works from, I think this Situation is slightly different there because the Rev 1 Rev 2 methodology and facilitators they may be working towards progress, we have an had The same situation as on DRs, but we are definitely of the view that on on DRs we should try to focus on a text which which really focuses and common The nominators and narrows down certain discussions to a framework which does not inspire so much circular and very well heard I thank the Distinguished Delegate from the EU for that intervention. I see no other requests, yes, well, I am sitting here but trackly representing Ghana and those just Is said that we are to go to my seat to make this intervention, but since I am already here, well, I will need to state that I am speaking in my capacity as the representative of Ghana and Pointing to the methodology, I would like to state that when it comes to age and probably one of the holders in this room when it comes to participation in the IGC process have been here I would like to note that I mean the process of negotiating is quite unique is not one that Is encountered in other negotiating fora in the world what seems to apply in a time we come is that we have Member States given the opportunity To make adjustments to the working draft text now we see adjustments we mean literally that I mean you could put in commerce full stops based on The request of any interested Member State, I am leave that has contributed significantly to the delay that has characterized this negotiating process was very happy. When the new Chair in her wisdom talked about given space this afternoon for us to discuss the methodology, I thought it would provide the opportunity for everything. Of the manner in which we procedure to discuss issues in this forum and perhaps inject new thoughts as to how to guide our future work, I noted The most recent intervention by the representative from the EU shall quite diplomatic and expressed a bit of frustration about What you refer to us secular presentations each and we come and building on that I would like to note that is really very secular because each time we come here we Given very significant useful proposals, we always expect to move forward, we make step backwards, but then out the very next IGC will brought backwards, we step to steps back And we never seem to make progress, and that is because well established positions, improvements that they have been made in text are suddenly throughing of a board and we have to approach The issues affresh that to me in my personal capacity and also speaking as a representative of Ghana is just not sustainable economic progress What we see happening in fora where there is really very serious interest in advancing the negotiations is that we usually would have a very core small team that is The outsay mandate to draw proposals that take into account all the views that I expressed at the meeting would have for or So no Member States' provision is left out, indeed the constant positions are put together In a manner that allow participants at the meeting to advocate both in plenary and on a side lines for support of their respective positions and further is what Face to face meetings in settings like this Assembly all about and, of course, it speaks to why trying to conduct negotiations in the COVID area online did not prove Very useful, each time we come here we able to during the coffee break move to certain Delegations and now to get a better understanding of their positions to advance the negotiations. We think that in addressing the methodology, they can I thank the new Chair for the fresh approaches you are bringing into this process. Is that we really think how we receive the inputs of Member States and especially how those inputs are captured and In the working documents for ease of reference and use by delegates when the come, I just presented a report as the Chair of the Expert Group I mean was quite an interest in challenge putting together the text spent much of denied getting that work done but in Going through this task my goal was to cover to the best of my ability all the differentiates of views that I had and I do believe that that is what I tried to do in my report That I just delivered. Now, I think that it would be useful when we talk about groups that we put together Be they referred to in this instance as the expert group on genetic resources or what we have done in previous IG settings and which to me were also useful Would be the informals well we have small groups established to analyse specific issues that those steps of settings are setting useful but then we should give them A certain measure of wait we should not ask people to come to meetings to discuss it just for discussing seek if it is a small committee that is set up the report Of the results of the discussions of that Working Group must be brought to the IGC and worked on, it is not like you just here and true away the report. I referring to, getting back to the working text, if we had a small committee, I mean an over work to facilitators, but I think we need something more and just the facilitate To give them that authority to take on board all the different opinions and then have that mandate to draft the language, so when it comes to particular words that should be used It should be the remit of that Committee to produce the draft and we should also understand that when the draft is brought to the IGC it should not Be just trumpled out put it greater on kindly by any delegation yes we know that Member States have their sovereign right to express their views But those views could be summarized along thematic lines that would take on board by the small Committee so that when in it time we meet We are building on what that small Committee would have produced and then which would have gone at some consensus in a prior IGC so we are making progress so it would never be the case that we come proper Causes are made and in next time we made we revert to ground zero, so I would say that we have not participated in many different negotiating context, I am frankly Surprise about this process, and I would like to know that more very phase, experience really helping to craft and national instrument with respect to traditional knowledge was in 2003. Where we produce the conventional intangible culture, heritage under the auspices of UNESCO, we did not go through this process, when who is here can testify to the process that worked was to get Team of experts from the different regions chaired by the former President of the World Court at the time and then to produce it Text so you have a small Committee in charge of in setting the different language, the discussion was robust fight frank, but we ultimately crafted something that was submitted to members this for adoption. Same process could work here, it and a micro and experience as several as achieved trade negotiator for Ghana and we are in the process of negotiated protocols on investment, intellectual property rights, trade in services goods and so on. We do not go to this process so by recommendation would be to then have the Committee similar to what we had yesterday And then to recognize that they have the mandate to produce not only discuss but come up with language that do present to the IGC, we have an understanding that language we not just Necessary change at will by any member state and that when people want to make changes, well they should also tractive six some support from other Delegations that is what Gives us that benefit each time we meet looking at what has been presented the summary of the mandate, I do not see anywhere in that Document, a reference to the fact that when a text is produced, each Member State can simply get up and require changes to be made to the text or two Quest that proposals that are made should be inserted based strictly on the requirement of the particular member State, so these are the Concerns that I would like to express as the representative of Ghana in this forum and I just believe that so mean this support for it, we can Work on a way to bring about the much desired reforms and even though it may be premature I do believe strongly That this might be a time for us to pay close attention to the rules of procedure that would guide the work Of WIPO and also the United Nations institutions we note that it always useful to ghana consensus In our work especially when it comes to discussion of substantive matters however that is not a case when it comes to maths of procedure It comes to matters of procedure at certain times it my Minister to call for a vote so have discussed this with my counterparts in the African Group And we really quite open to considering where necessary placing this question about how we approach our work in terms of soliciting Inputs and reflecting the suggestions made in the working text given I believe that it relates to matters of procedure we certainly Are looking quite carefully at possibly presenting that to a vote in a very near future, so thank you, Chair, for listing, but you have my comments as the representative of Ghana, thank you. I thank the next Was Delegate from Ghana for his intervention and some really interesting points were raised and articulated, which I think we can all consider, I know invite the Distinguished Delegate from South Forcoa, who is the removed South Africa, first is a fund, probably the bad language of apologies, but South Africa who is not in the role. I am listing to the Distinguished Delegate from Ghana, we fully endorse the approach that that is bringing The table, it is basically a Nagoya type of a methodology because in Nagoya, what the methodology that was approach, that Article was taken into separate small groups and regional and regional participants deliberated and discussed and debated each article and Consensus of that article came back to plenary and it was binding on the text, so what the distinguished delegate from Ghanais? Putting on place is a Nagoya type of a situation and unfully support of the type of approach that we break up into smaller groups. Discuss these issues debate it and that is final but the point that I actually want to make a Chair is that when are we bringing this To finality, it is now become a generation, it is now almost 25 years, so you are in can we have a sense of the finality of the process. I am saying this on the basis that the Beijing and the Marrakech documents that was food to the Diplomatic Conference was more soiled then then the The document has presented by the outgoing Chair, and as you would have notice that the African Group is more in line with the Chash text. You know, all what we are asking is when is this finality of this process going to happen thank you, I thank the distinguished Delegate from South Africa for his intervention and I invite the Distinguished Delegate from Nigeria to speak. Thank you, Madam Chair, Since this is our first time I will speaking, we wish to congratulate you on your new role and to also congratulate your Vice-Chairs and to thank the Secretariat Madam Chair, delegation strongly identifies with a remark made by EU, Ghana and South Africa, I We have a slightly different take to the extent that we want to build upon the report of the ad hoc technical expert group of yesterday. Madam Chair, if you would notice part of a broader mandate is to finalize and to narrow gaps to address on resolved issues It would then appear that the ad hoc technical expert group report with the very active support of the Secretariat has actually helped us To identify the areas that need narrowing of gaps and those were laid before us here today and what the Chair of the group did not seem You have mentioned in his report is that the deliberations were reasonably energized by the Chair's text and it is becoming pretty clear that our walk is Really cut out for us and consequently it would appear then that we may need to begin to look in the direction of how to now I tri and utilize what appears to be the gave anizing trend toward a clearly defined narrowed areas, that the technical expert report has Helped us to see clearly to see what other method that we can use to be able to advance our deliberations being inspired strongly by that Chair's text and the EU Delegation has made reference to the more abund, Rev 1 and Rev 2, I think we have come beyond that, and whatever met out including the one put on the table by Ghana, South Africa And we are open to it and I think we have found a very clear part forward and any attempt to overemphasize our differences when they are completely NAO and before us would be count out productive. Thank you, Madam Chair. I thank the Distinguished Delegate from Nigeria for that intervention and I now invite Algeria represent In the African Group to make their intervention. Thank you, Madam Chair for giving me the floor, I am speaking on behalf of Africa Group. We welcome your intention to review the methodology of IGC in order to make progress as outlined in our statement this morning, our group emphasized the need Or the Committee to review its working methodology, with a view to strengthen intersessional work, including but not limited to the creation of limited member ship Intersessional working groups on Genetic Resources with stronger and broader mandate to consider key outstanding issues and make recommendations to the Committee for possible approval We acknowledge that the ad hot experts group has been very instrumental in addressing some specific legal policy and technical issues that we still think that the negotiations in IGC have reached sufficient Level of maturity and it is time to cross the finish line, we think that in our view the evidence-based approach was useful but it has been exhausted, we cannot keep I am doing business as usual and expect different results, we think it is time to work differently and we suggest that we Work on a new methodology, we have heard some views very interesting views on the way forward, especially with regard the establishment of small groups or working groups, And strengthening the intersessional work and to give strong mandate to these working groups to make proposals and suggestions and to take advantage of the momentum That has been created by the Chair's text, which presents a lot of merits and we need to continue our discussion on this base, thank you very much Madam Chair. I thank the distinguished delegate from all. On behalf of the African Group and I invite the Distinguished Delegate from Venezuela to take the floor. I greatly appreciate the summary given by the Working Group Experts Working Group It was a very good as summary regarding methodology regarding groups we think that it is very interesting but what I am concerned about is the idea of studies because I think that would further delay our work But the idea of Working Group is a good one, we think that we should include the idea that all of the differences that we have and that are do the identified have Two or three associated positions, this is for every single point be at the dissemination requirement the disclosure requirement or about derivatives and so the group Have to focus on those differences, it can just be expert groups they have to have a political focus because their groups of countries that agree with this position or that one And when we look close the added, there really are that many differences, so we could come to a consensus on each of the topics so the suggestion would be for these groups to Focus on these specific issues which give rise to divergency so that we can come to a consensus thank you very much. I thank the Distinguished Delegate from Venezuela. I invite the Distinguished Delegate from the United States of America to take the floor. Thank you, Madam Chair, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your new role, we preach Hidge the opportunity to comment on the future work of this Committee, the US delegation has a long history of actively participating in the IGC's text-based discussions. We recognize that many delegations have made viable contributions to the discussions over the years, we also recognize that facilitators constructive work The Committee's ongoing contributions have looved our work forward in a gradual and deliberate manner. These contributions Have been captured in the consolidated document which has been discussed in plenary at in informals, while heavily bracketed this document contains the collective views And insights of delegations and observers to the IGC discussions, we also recognize the value of the Chair's text which was developed at the former IGC The Chair. We recall, however, a paragraph 4 of paragraph 4 of the introductory remarks of the document stating that the Chair's text was developed Under the former Chair's own authority as a contribution to the IGC. The Chair's text, therefore reflects the former Chair's own position And perspectives on our discussions, the Chair's text was not the direct product of the Committee's exchanges and as such, it does not represent The views of all Member States. We believe this document the Chair's text has value to the US delegation and to other members as a source of inspiration And ideas, however, it should not be used as the basis for our ongoing discussions, for these reasons, it is this delegations Preference that the consolidated document and not the Chair's text continue to be used as the basis for the Committee's work, in summary, Madam Chair, we support the current pros Including the use of revised text with an opportunity for review by Member States and the inclusiveness of this process, thank you, Madam Chair. Thank the Distinguished Delegate from the United States of America and I invite the Distinguished Delegate from Saudi Arabia to make your intervention. I should like to thank the very good afternoon, thank you very much, Madam Chairman, since it is my first time on behalf of the Delegation of Saudi Arabia would like to congratulate you for the election as President of Of this of the Intergovernmental Committee, the IGC, we also thank the Secretariat for the great work for preparing for this session and all the arrangements have been taken Madam Chair, The South Saudi Reiman Delegation is in line of finding a compromise that would help us to work together and to look into these The GR and TK in this respect and we also have to take into account the positions of oldly member countries as well, our delegation supports to work on the text of Mr. Ayan Gross. Who was our former President in order to find an in order to come up with an international legal instrument relating to the intellectual property since this is our last meeting in order to look into the out Sending issues regarding the GR and the TK flow side Arabia looks through this session to come up with palpable tangible objectives that would be reflected. The negotiations in order to take into account all the points of view and from this position would like we believe that the proposal made from Ghana would be one of the good ways out in order to expedite our work and to finalize this international legal instrument which would be binding to all of us thank you very much, Madam Chair. Distinguished Delegate from Saudi Arabia and now ask the Distinguished Delegate from Indonesia to take the floor. Thank you, Madam Chair. At the outset, Indonesia aligns itself with the general statement made on behalf of the APG and the LMCs. Since the first time Indonesia is taking the floor on its National capacity, we would like to echo others in congratulating you for assuming the role of Chairs in this important Committee. We are related in a confident that out Your experience and able leadership will guide this meeting towards a success 1. Madam Chair, with regard to this agenda item 6 in general Indonesia would like to underline the importance of the continuity of work by building on previous progress achieved. We welcome and support your intention, Madam Chair, To continue to use the Chair's text as contained in document WPO/GRTKF/IC/43/5 and in Tend to hold the pan in relation to set document moving forward. Indonesia stands ready to engage constructively within the tax-based negotiation processed This week. Based on documents IC/43/4, IC 443/5 and IC43/19 paper. We believe that the negotiations should focus on the core issues, namely the disclosure requirement, including its trigger and contain, as well as subject matter of the provisions. And the issues on sanctions and remedies. Indonesia continues to subcrats in the belief that the main objective of the draft instrument Is to prevent the misappropriation of genetic resources and their derivatives through the IP or patent system by applying disclosure requirement. Madam Chair, in terms of working methodology, Indonesia looks forward to actively contributing in the open Transparent and inclusive discussion on future working methodology that you intend to conduct within this session of the IGC. We can find a working methodology that allows us to reflect and build on the progress met without the course of the negotiations, Indonesia believes the working methodology that has already been in practice This in other substantive Committee of WIPO could be considered to be applied for the IGC where Chair's text with US depend holder would reflect Progress of negotiations. We stand ready to work constructively with other Member States under your guidance, Madam Chair, To be able to agree on a positive decision with regard to future working methodology with this I thank you, Madam Chair. I thank you Indonesia, I now hand the floor to that the Distinguished Delegate from Mexico. As I said earlier, I was going to set aside a few points for later the interventions and that We were going to have a clear separation of information systems now in the substantive part of the text here having listened to the other Delegations. I think That we have seen very good ideas expressed, but our concerns and Mexico is that were not making progress, not even a working methods. Goet documents we have got the possibility of creating groups, including intercessional groups and so on. I do not really think we need more groups or we need more time to resolve issues for relocate things from the In overall standpoint we consider there have been substantive discussions undergoing a finite number of themes 45 very specific Upon which we really should go on discussing or not doing full us of here we are trying to create an international legal instrument we are trying to narrow differences On again finate group of topics 45 only, So I would appeal to your wisdom to come up with the method that would allow us to attain this international agreement without working ... I think that we have identified a specific number of topics that need to be defined now. And this is our substantive work now if we distribute these to a series of working groups with attendant to lack of Transparency if we work this way we are going to be losing time, I think that today the different Delegations that have spoken on these topics, I have shown that there is a consensus. ... ... The European Union through its representative and other representatives have talked about the need to Put in end to the circular movement this endless process that we need to find her manhology There allows to clean up the text and the text with the consolidated text or it Previous Chairman's text, not really important what we need to do is highly define the points that we have to work on to reach an agreement and side to have taken The floor are second time, but I really wanted to say that if we You give us, for example, some homework to do during the lunch break and I have looking at the screen now, I would say that bullet 3. A primary focus on narrowing existing gaps and reaching a common understanding on core issues that should be the guiding point for our work. I thank the Distinguished Delegate from Mexico, I know invite the Distinguished Delegate from the United Kingdom. Thank you, Chair. I would like to begin by congratulating the on your election on behalf of the UK delegation we are confident in your leadership of this Committee to support our discussions on genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions going forward, sub - Orted by your esteemed Vice-Chairs. For the last 20 years, this Committee spent many hours producing the consolidated text on genetic resources. This consolidated document represents the views and positions distilled over the years Into a comprehensive reflection of our work to date the UK supports a continuation of negotiations on the consolidated text as not to do so would overlook match of the valuable work this Committee had achieved over the last 20 years We also recognize, however, that the Chair's text is a valuable reference document that sets alongside many other documents this Committee has produced over time the UK remains committed to working towards an outcome that is mutual Thank you and I invite the distinguished and get from Japan to take the floor. We would like to join other in welcoming you on your election at the Chair of this important Committee. Our appreciation also goes to the Vice-Chairs and ad hoc expertive Chairs, distinguished Delegates From Canada for their continued contributions. Also this delegation would like to send the Secretariat for its hard work in alonging this meeting. Turning to the methodology, Japan associated itself with the state Amendment made by the US delegation. Japan appreciates former Chair's personal initiative in preparing the Chair's text of the draft international legal instrument, creating to IP, GL and associated TK. While the Chair's text could be an useful reference for our discussion, Japan believes that the best approach at this stay is the continual discussion on the consolidated document relating to IP and GRs, which act We reflect developments made by the IGC. Therefore, we are not in favor of conducting a text-based negotiation called by close on the Chair's text. Lastly, we would like to point out that our discussions should be Member States Reven and thus we cannot support the creation of small Committee for drafting the text by small group of Member States. Thank you. I thank the Distinguished Delegate from Japan I invite the Distinguished Delegate from Canada to me, their intervention and thank you, Madam Chair and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on assuming the Chairpersonhip and look forward to working with you on this important A document or file anyway. At this point I Canada would like to take this opportunity to communicate a previously held but still outstanding concern which has been reflected a bit in the comments today. We have stated at previous IGC meetings Canada believes that as we continue to advance these negotiations, it is important to create a space for building and mutual understanding on core issues and to explore opportunities for bridging gaps through meaningful dialogue. So while it may be useful in some respects to reduce the number of alternative proposals with the goal of streamlining text, this approach should not be done at the expense of substantive discussion on the content and at this point I want to say also with reference to the To the mandate document it is very clear that developing a common understanding is important but developing an understanding, a common understanding is an incremental process that must be inclusive and in this sense I am making use of the consolidated document which reflects years of work of the members of the Committee which includes work towards that common understanding, it would be wrong we think to simple We cast that aside in the interest of what might be an attractive short, because we may find that as discussions continue we make come back to some of those same issues then if we ignore them so I do not know if it would actually Expedite the process at all because some of that the work in the consolidate document has been very important to help deepen understanding and to work towards a A common understanding of where the resulting issues are, so while we think that the Chair's text also represents important work that reflects again the work towards of the Committee members towards common understanding The consolidate document is also essential for that and we think that is continuing to be the basis for the discussion. Thank you. I thank the Distinguished Delegate from Canada and I think it is now convenient time for us to have a formal coffer Break, so we will break for coffee and we will resume in 15 minutes, so we can go for coffee and come back in 15 minutes, thank you so much. ... ... The test. ... Okay, good afternoon and thanks for coming that. I sincere apologies that 15 minutes was 15 minutes Jamaica time. We will not do it again though, a number of persons have raised questions about missing Delegates and I know that since we last mid in person, some of the persons who usually attend the IGC have passed or deide, some as a result of the coron of Irish spent I just start if we could have a moment of silent in recognition of those who served on our Committee but I know longer with us physical. ... ... Okay, there is solds rest in peace, thank you so much for that. I am now going to give the floor to Pakistan, Pakistan is in present, they will be speaking remotely Pakistan. Thank you very much, Madam Chair, since I since my delegation takes of For the first time, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your election with the permission I would also like to commend the efforts of the distinguished delegate of Canada who chair the meeting a The an August group yesterday to which I had the honor to be a part of very briefly, Madam Chair, we would like to side with those Delegations and those views which have expressed the need for further focused efforts to logically conclude this IGC work that Has been going on for some time now. I think the views expressed by in terms of the working methodology, the views expressed by the Delegate of the They made attention and the creation of focus working groups with some sort of wait it, at least in terms of the contribution at least in the form of a report could be one of One of the best to go forward. I think the Indonesian delegation has also raised one very pertinent way forward that is to, you know, Adopt the working methodology of some of the other committees within WIPO doing the normative work. So as a delegation we are convinced and we will support any To the working methodology which actually try to expedite and seek to expedite and conclude the ICD work as well as possible, I will support that thank you. Thank the Distinguished Delegate from Pakistan for their intervention and I invite the distinguished Delegate from Switzerland. Thank you, Madam Chair, let me first congratulate you for your election as a Chair, we are looking forward to make progress under your leadership, as mentioned by Group B this morning in our view the working methodology of the IGS C should be transparent and inclusive of all member States' views and positions and it should be efficient and allow for real negotiations of textual proposals. Therefore, I would like to mention two points that are important To our delegation. First, when it comes to the establishment of small working groups as proposed by the distinguished delegate of Ghana, we are ready to explore such an approach However, the establishment of such groups would need to have the support of all members and they would need to be transparent and inclusive; second, along the lines expressed by the EU, we are of the view that In the GR context, the production of Rev 1 and Rev 2 based on what facilitators take up from the discussions in the plenary or in informals is not very efficient, as others we believe that The Chair's text would be a better basis for further negotiations on GRs and TK associated with GRs; it contains carefully drafted provisions which allowed to have focused discussions on core issues. I also, Madam Chair, for those delegations that express concerns of using the Chair's text on GRs as a basis, we would like to draw the attention to the Chair's non-paper, including to the addendum, we believe that based on feedbacks That the former Chair received the non-paper and the addendum pretty much reflects those issues where we still have divergent views and their further efforts are needed by all delegations. Finally, Madam Chair, as also Stated by the EU, the situation may be different when it comes to TK and TCEs in our view that work is less advanced in particular also on the conceptual level. Therefore, In our view, there is a need to use, there is no need to use exactly the same working methodologies in all IGC sessions, we trust that you together with your Vice-Chairs and the Secretariat will find the appropriate way to proceed them. Thank you for that interventions, Switzerland, I now turn to any IF. Think you, Madam Chair, I wanted to highlight that whatever methodologies are utilized it is critically important to ensure the full and effective participation Of Indigenous Peoples and also sufficient funding for that participation and in this regard I would recall for Member States the 2019 recommendation of the UN Permanent Forum On Indigenous issues that WIPO utilize funding from its core budget for this purpose and not just rely on the voluntary fund, we look forward to discussing this further with Member States in conjunction with agenda item number 7. Thank you. I thank the Indigenous Calcus for the intervention, I invite so Africa remotely. Expent to respond to the UN is and the Japanese intervention I find it ill areas that they are now putting the consolidated text on the table when at the eight session of the IGC The US supported by Japan, presented that document, but that is not my mamma issue, I just want to give some clarity in terms The small working groups as I mentioned in early intervention is set the small working groups should be in the form of the Nagoya protocol types scenario, we We had more working groups with the existing gaps and regional representatives with part of the small working groups and the decisions of the small working groups. Binding on the final plenary sessions thank you Chair thank you South Africa invite the distinguished delegate from Thank you very much, Madam Chair, since it is the first time that we are taking the floor We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and great you and congratulate you with the Vice Director for this new tenure, I would like to thank the Secretariat for all the work that has Been done. I would also like to specifically greet our outgoing Director Chair who is not with us in a more and if it is possible to transmit Our greetings to him that would be great because we are extremely happy and thankful to his work as to the item of the The methodology of IGC, IFG, specifically between the sessions from 44 to 49 there are six sessions apparently between so from the session 44 For to those 46, I would like to add my voice to my colleague from Ghala, Nigeria, Algeria has said and I would like to support the intervention And from many participating Delegations, however, what I would like to say is that we take a look back to the past with regard to the IGC and to the GR specifically we only sorted out our outstanding issues only through focus groups and I think we need to Take we go back to this procedure and for the 4456 we should have a focused groups set up, however prior to that the Secretariat should Do some work the Secretariat has got all the documents regarding the two topics that are at stakes which are the TK and the TCEs or the documents All the results of the consultations that have been carried out are available to the Secretariat and therefore the Secretariat should review the outcomes and determine the conflicting points To be raised to the general general session and we refer that to the focus groups, the Working Groups who would like to find means and ways to bridge the gaps And to compromise and this would be in the first 444446 sections, it is my proposal and we should, and again, the mandate Should be clear to these focus groups with that would refer their report to the IGC and the mandate should be Given properly to this focus groups and I would like to say I am against any other new surveys and studies because that are that does not expedite work but rather make it even delay it It would be some kind of backdor to provide new proposals I am against to approve a text as such whether it is the Chair's text or the consolidated text And I think it is very important to have a different approach in order to finalize our work thank you very much for the opportunity. Egypt. I invite the days Thank you, Madam Chair. For giving Kenya this opportunity. Since it is the first time, we would like to congratulate you, Madam Chair, for election as the Chair, As well as the Vice Chair, we also like to congratulate you for being the first as it was said this morning. The through the history of IGC is the first time, we are having a Chiley and by that it means that this 43 The past 42 is or we have expectation that it can move us forward I would also like to thank the Secretariat, Madam Chair, for the good organization of this particular meeting as well as the presentation done by the Chair of the Experts group We are very useful for this process in Kenya's few, Madam Chair, Canada would like to remind itself that And listens to all delegations whether fiscal or Has got her on eyes and years as is despite the five-year as we are as several members from the Secretariat Therefore, Madam Chair, when the JIA makes concluding remarks for this session and goes to an extent of even coming up with a text Kenya Text that one to be a balanced few in the Chair's opinion of the discussions of the process. Therefore, that is Kind of conclusions, or documents register from the Chair are very use for the process, can now have reminded itself that that, Madam Chair, it would like to remind the Committee That and in particular of the Chair's text which has been shared here is a good reflection of the Process so far in the observations of the year, even if Kenya's opinion is not taken only board that particular text can respect it and expect other delegations To respected in the direction. Madam Chair, Kenya is reached in one life and If I am thrown into a forest of such one live including liance I must look for away of survival so that they come out of That one life, which are likely to be dangerous on my sign, and if I find a way out of that then or forest of one living included Lines, and even if there is aligned understands on the way, so long as I know is only way to get me out of to get my life safe, I would not like to go back to the forest. I will follow that way, whichever this circumstances, what are my saying, Madam Chair, in our context, that in Kenya's few the consolidated text is that Forest of one life, including hainers, lions and so forth, and the Chair's text is the way out to get me out of that Lion while live, then or forest. Therefore, I would like to invite other delegations to look at the year's text as such and therefore Kenya looks forward to a time as ment delegations are proposed here that this text becomes the basis for us moving forward. And in particular, Kenya we not like look at it as the basis, Madam Chair, only, but looks forward becoming the text that we will use for text-miped negotiations for this IGC. For the three. Madame Chair, may I finish up by thanking and associating myself with the statements made this morning by the The representative of the African Group, the Distinguished Delegate of Nigeria and also the representative of the light-minded group, the distinguished delegate of the Republic of Indonesia. Thank you. Thank you for that intervention, I know invite the Distinguished Delegate from Australia to make an intervention. Thank you, Chair and I would also like to take this up To congratulate you on your election and we look forward to your leadership from the Committee. It is the view of this delegation that the Chair's text is a good basis to move forward in reading the addendum attach to the nonpaper developed by the Madam Chair, there has been significant consideration and consultation in developing that text, keeping in mind all of the views have been shared variously in this Committee and the work also highlights some of the key issues for us to focus on as we move In attempting to capture a possible middle ground, it is our view that the Chair's text is not only an useful document but provides a better basis than the consolidated document for the future work of the Committee. On the issue of methodology, our Delegation is flexible to consider some of the approaches that have been raised by other Delegations and it does appear that further informal work could be helpful to support progress, how it remains important that this Is done in an inclusive and transparent way and also in a manner that consider the perspectives of indigenous peoples and local communities. Thank you. Thank you, Australia, I know invite the Distinguished Delegate from Iran. Will be presenting remotely. Iran. Gation take the floor, I would like to congratulate you for your election and we are hopeful that the Session under the mandate can provide positive moment and towards finalizing the agreement on legally binding instrument or instrument for a balance and effective protection of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and treaty On cultural expression, it may assure you of our constructive engagement and cooperation during the Committee proceeding, regarding the working methodology, my delegation of the view that we should build up on Successful experience in other for and in particular, I refer to the Nagoya of Portugal negotiation process in which a small working group were set up for development of a specific article which was Mention by distinguished delegation of South Africa, therefore we support the proposal raised by the distinguished representative of Abana on having intersessional working group meeting in order to accelerate the text-based negotiation GRTK and TK associated to Gentic Resources, Madam President, we believe that the Chairs takes of the draft international legal instrument relating to intellectual property Resources and traditional knowledge associated with the Gentic Resources that cantain document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/43/4 is Appropriate text for negotiation and moving forward and going out of the status could take you. Thank the Distinguished Delegate from the Islami Republic of Iran, I know invite the Distinguished Delegate From the Republic of Korea. Thank you, Madam Chair, first, we would like to congratulations, Chair and Vice-Chair for your election and would also like to thank the Secretariat for excellent preparation Of this meeting. Regarding methodology, we would like to continue to discussion with a consolidated document containing the diverse views of all Member States. Further, for the proposed of clarity and inclusive Siveness, we have some concern having on having to many small working groups for this IGC session, we will be constructively engaged in imputral discussion, thank you Madam Chair. Thank you Republic of I invite the Distinguished Delegate from India who will be participating remotely to take the floor. You, Madam Chair, as the ending delegation is taking the floor for the first time, we take this opportunity to congratulate you on your election A confrented and your leadership, the Committee will be able to make Cuca progress we also take this opportunity to congratulate the Vice-Chairs. As far as the gia text Concerned we feel that the suggestion to form the working groups merit further consideration, however, we would like to stress that there shall be clear timelines for the working of such teams. A procedure shall not addressly affect the progress that is achieved by the Committee so far regarding following a different methodology for TK and Are open to considering different procedures for different discussions. Thanks for your intervention, India, I know and the floor to the Distinguished Delegate for From you Canada. Madam Chair, thank you for giving Uganda the floor, we would like to congratulate you up Assending to this position of childing IGC, I would also like to congratulate the Vice-Chairs and appreciate the work done by the Secretariat University Setting IGC meetings. Regarding the Chair's text. Our consideration is that for Looking at the previous discussions, the reason why the Chair's text exists is because some positions are being put together to arrive at Narrowing the gaps and we believe that this text are forms a good foundation for further discussion on how we can conclusively Arrive at an agreeable text that can form an international legal instrument and therefore it is important that we adjust on our But not relegating our interests as far as genetic resources and associated TK are concerned, it is important that we At the context rather than our positions because we have work to do and we should do it to the best that we can To safeguard our heritage and our knowledge because this continuation of discussing without end is not helping the people Are using the resources. Thank you, Madame Chair. I know, hand the floor to the Distinguished Delegate from the Lebanon. Thank you, Madam Chair for the floor to begin with, I would like to extend my congratulations to you for your elections, I am completely confident that a lot of had Why will be made in the future thanks to your leadership, specifically if we adopt a new approach and new methodology that we take into account the reason of this And of this deadlock, the previous methodology, unfortunately was based on finding Compromises and procedures that would be agreed upon by all parties and also to find means and ways to find to Bridge gaps between conflicting interests, the new, unfortunately this approach has been counterproductive and did not managed to break the gaps between the different interests that were expressed We are supporting the creation of a focus group or small Working Group, who is aim would be to Find common denominators between all the interests or at least to mitigate the conflicts of the differences between the different interests the work All the mandate of this new focus group would be to carry out studies that would take into account that in Address are based on the economic interest for mostly for the different countries and once we meet those interests and those needs it would Be then easier to come up with a consolidated document that would be acceptable to all party. Thank you, Madam Chair. I now have the Or to the Distinguished Delegate from Singapore. Thank you, Madam Chair, is we are taking the floor for the first time we would like to congratulate you on your appointment. Singapore is keen to see progress on The text, we have heard the interventions from various distinguished delegates and not interventions that remind us that there is collective wisdom that has been built over time in this process, we observe that ideas when revisited might all To hold the key to unvoking solutions and we believe that a methodology that would allow us to reach a common understanding would be one that is flexible, inclusive, in transparent to ensure that every parties' interests are taken into Account without forgoing the wisdom collected over time. Thank you, Singapore, further intervention, I know hand the floor to the distinguished delegate from the TEB Foundation, I hope I did in killed any. Very close, Madam Chair, I make this intervention on behalf of TEBTA. And TEPTEB and line with Switzerland we congratulate you on your election to the Chair, we think it is reflecting the confidence placed in new by the members of this room who put to there and we look To the next biennium on this, in your leadership, so TEPTEB in line with Switzerland Kenya, you gone in other members and we are sorry, we did not mention and may seem to be numerous, we support the working from the former Text in the addendum as the basis for our work. We hope that this methodology of developing a Chair's text based on the balance of discussions at a meeting rather than life text drafting can be continued by yourself Chair, at least through the next meeting on GRs in TK, we believe this method has reflected the views of all in the room fairly attempting to clarify and highlight areas of broad consensus, we can Continue to develop text that tries to reflect all views regardless at the level of support in the room, this is not moving us on our positions and not working towards the convergence we need to conclude decent Method has resulted in a document that can mature to the point that we can have disciplined text-based negotiations but we think we heard that some part members think that we can start on the text-based this TEPTEBS of the mind that that really should be put off to the next meeting of GRs in TK to see how this is maturing. We do support the idea of technical working groups and focus groups On outstanding gaps on disclosure and information systems and we want to ensure that those are fair and equitable and inclusive, thank you, Madam Chair. Thanks for that intervention, I know turn the floor to that Distinguished Delegate from China who will be presented remotely. Thank you, Madam Chair, the Chinese delegation welcomes the Chairperson's methodology discussion, the Chinese delegation Thinks, the IGC should be a should build on the current accumulation and continue the text so that we can come up with A binding legal document to bridge the gap and so that all parties can view their opinings and with efficiency we propose that IGC can ... The Chair's text is a very good foundation to start with, we hope more discussions can be started around that Janice delegation would like to listen to Or openings and push you forward the negotiations to much for more fruition. Thank you. Thank you. I know and the floor to the Russian Federal Delegation I would like to thank the Chair and all of the participants who worked yesterday on important issues within the ad hoc expert group Now, the report from its Chair was presented earlier, we fail that this kind of work could be very constructive with an eight of the future, we would also like to thank Mr. Rik Your Goss for the preparation of the nonpaper concerning GR and TK linked to that document we have To say that document could represent a step forward bringing together all of the different points of view on the different articles which has already taken so many years This draft document we feel would also allow us to take note of new ideas, new variance and lead it To progress being made by the Committee. It is crucial to balance the interest of everyone here users and providers and this The text has had merit, it specifies the different articles of a document makes important statements which I think could lead to a very good working document The kind of document which could later be translated international legislations, we feel that this assume the best document It has a rational structure, it goes into depth only different themes and could constitute a basis for renew version of the document That would cover the desiderata of all of the stakeholders and could be concerned to be a good compromise. So let me thank Yan Gus for preparing the document It is an inclusive document has all of the different points of view, product of consultations and we fully Concur with the observations that it makes and we are ready to work actively in constructively in this Committee in a spirit of cooperation. Thank you. Thank you, Russian Federation, I know turn to the Distinguished Delegate from New Zealand, who will be presenting remotely. Thank you, Madam Chair, our terror New Zealand would like Congratulate you and the Vice Chairs on the election. Madam Chair, Arter on New Zealand endorses the interventions by the distinguished delegations who support of the text prepared by the previous Chair. We consider the text a well thought out attempt to reconcile a different positions held by WIPO means on this issue and we hope that all members will engage constructively on this text. I know and the floor to the Distinguished Delegate from Paraguay. Thank you, Madam Chair, this is the first time I take the floor, so first of all, let me express my congratulations to you on your election and wish you all success in leading this Committee. Also would like to congratulate the Secretariat for the excellent preparation, Batuguay, please It has always supported the efforts to come up with an international instrument on Intellectual Property Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folkter to protect the Indigenous communities and we are very pleased to see that we are trying to seek the best method our For this Committee. We feel that it is very important in making decisions to have everyone's full cooperation, we must define criteria Which will be in the interest of all, and especially for Paraguay, for example, whose national plan for Intellectual Property in 2030, it takes full cognizance of Intellectual Apply internet, Greece, Society, knowledge and full clore with the participation of over 30 representatives among these in public institutions, civil society, cooperation agencies and representatives of indigenous peoples Thanks Paraguay, I know as the Distinguished Delegate from the International India on Treaty Council To take the floor. I say hope that the lot to draw ushrab. Thank you, Madam Chair, I am speaking on behalf of the International ADE and Treaty Council which has affiliates in North Central South America and the Pacific, I wish to address two issues regarding the methodology and just Want to congratulate you and the Vice-Chair since my very time to speak. I want to focus on the language regarding inclusive working methods, although the Treaty Council has not been in this process since the ins Exception, the Treaty Council has engaged in negotiating processes before the United Nations and other and the organization of American States for at least 4, five decades and I would be remissed not to raise the Issue that when we first began participating, we were a bit taken a back by the methodology, which is not written down, at least not where we have seen it that require Iers that before the Indigenous Caucus which would have spent hours deliberating on a proposal must then before it gets any proposal to the text tabled must have at least One state agree to that and so after we have then all these hours among a pretty diverse group of Indigenous representatives from numerous regions then we have to come up with a proposal that we all agree on and then we have to take the additional step Having a state agree before it is tabled in often times that does not happ in other we were very hard to gain support, so it has been in process for a long time, but we just one is That back and ask if we can reconsider that because we do not believe we should have to do that, we work very hard to put our positions together among a diverse group of people and at its very worst, it is A part of the legacy of paternalism that we have to deal with constantly in a role that still has colonialism all over and so we just would ask that big reconsidered that we think That there is a new way forward without having to do that, and that we have I think that Caucus is proven in number years that they have well thought out legitimate proposals that always look to Move the process forward to reaching legally binding instrument and also that very much we are more than stakeholders or rights holders and the negotiations affect are very lives or lands are territory Or is our resources of traditional knowledge and so the fact that we have to have a state say that our proposal is OK is increasingly difficult to swallow in these negotiations and then along the same Lines of inclusive working methods, if we have intersessional as my colleague from the Native of Pcamerican rights have mentioned whatever methodology is used whether it be intersessional group and Whatever we feel that it is really important to have indigenous people be there and if their intersessional, there is not funding, so again and one to reiterate the request to consider permanent fund Think so that our participation is not left up to states and whether you know, they want to fund the Foluntary Fund or not, so thank you very much. Thanks for intervention. I know if I Mexico to take the floor. Thank you very much, Madam Chair. If you allow me I would like to ask you a question, I do not know if I understood China's position. And properly. But I would like to know if Chinese position consists in this If you agree with what you circulated during lunchtime, which says undertake negotiations, and the last bullet point with the focus on addressing unresolved issues and Considering options for a draft legal instrument, the question to China then would be Is if the proposal that they could accept from the methodology would be from the bullet that you distributed that is important for Our delegation because China in our view has a great wealth of Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources and In my delegation's view, it could be a way forward a methodology would be very practical very transparent very inclusive and very straightforward. So the question Agenda that I would ask via the Chair of China is a pay would agree with the approach reflected in the last bullet point that was Submitted to this Conference. Thank you. Thank the Distinguished Delegate on Mexico for that intervention. The last speaker In terms of request for the floor is India remotely, then Cadempty, and Saudi Have taken the word once again. We have taken a floor because many Delegations have expressed their preferences on which text should be the base document whether it should be the consolidated text. The Chair's text, so in that context we would like to state that we prefer the consolidated state text to continue as the base document, we also Find many valuable inputs in the Chair's text which may be incorporated in the consolidated document, but we would like to state that we prefer to continue to have the Council To the text as the base document for the negotiations. Thank you, Madam Chair. I thank you, India for your intervention and I see the Distinguished Delegate from to make Thank you Chair for given me the floor, as is the first time I am taking the floor allow me to express congratulations you on your assumption as Chair of the Committee. My delegation hopes that under able leadership we be able to achieve significant progress in this body. I also wish to extend congratulations to device chairs and thank the Secretariat for their judicious efforts in making Necessary preparation for this meeting. I have listened to the perspectives and ideas been put forward by the various Delegations and it is evident that there is a desire for us to further work in this Committee. Allow me to focus on point 4 which is projected on the slide on this The rein with states that a call for a primary focus on narrowing existing gaps and regional common understanding on core issues. In this regard supports can be given to animatedology that is able to achieve the subjective. Will require a high level of pragmatism from members, while ensuring inclusion and transparency, going forward it will be useful to establish a working program that will allow for sustainable momentum in the work of this Committee while achieving I know hand the floor to the Distinguished Delegate from Peru. Thank you very much, Madam Chair. This is the first time that my country is taken in floor and we would like to congratulate you for your election and we expect to make substantive progress under your leadership we would also like to thank the ad hoc group for their group Forth regarding the text, even though we are flexible, we think that the Chair's text is the most inclusive one that bears in mind the diversity of opinions and in my country's view offers the Broadest basis of consensus regarding methodology, Peru supports the idea of negotiations continuing in the plenary so that it will guarantee inclusion and transparency. Finally, you can count on my country's active and And I know hand the floor to the Distinguished Delegate from China, who will be presented in remotely China. 嗯谢谢主席呃我想简单回应一下呃谢谢刚才某些歌 Thank you, Madam Chair, and thanks for the question put by the Mexican delegation, I what I wanted to say was that what the Chair just said in the last polio point the eight EC work should focus on the answer of issues through negotiation and then we do have quite a number of issues and resolved and Them we should select the substantive issues and important ones to conduct further discussion and to seek options Ons or solutions. Thank you, Chair. Feed and Gang, Shei Dong, Funta Dalifying. Okay. I see no more request For the floor. So all that is left know is for me to thank each and every one of you for your intervention, you are useful initial comments On the future methodology, all your interventions will be taken into consideration, we will end to this session a bit early tomorrow we will I will resume at 10:00 and we will deal with the substances discussion tomorrow, so I look forward to scenar with what it tomorrow morning at 10 have a great evening, thanks everybody. The ... On my sincere apologies, this is because I am brand you, I am suppose to get the comments from the group coordinators, my apologies, may I call, so I am going to start with Algeria for the African Group apologies, please just take a seats so that the Coordinators, Committee interventions. Thank you, you, thank you, Madam Chair, Africa group shall have its coordination meeting tomorrow at 9 at Bomer room and remotely. Thank you. Anyone any other group coordinator any more announcements? Okay, I see no other requests for the floor, going ones going twise, okay, that is it, no, no, there is no, that is it at There are no more requests for the floor, banks everybody how are great evening. ... [[powered by WIPO S2T]]