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Disclaimer These transcripts are generated automatically by WIPO Speech-to-Text© from the audiovisual recording. All non-English language versions of the transcripts are generated automatically from the English text by WIPO Translate©. The accuracy of the transcripts and their translations cannot therefore be guaranteed. Only the original speech of the audiovisual recording constitutes the official record of the meeting proceedings.
Powered by WIPO Speech-to-Text© Artificial Intelligence
Disclaimer These transcripts are generated automatically by WIPO Speech-to-Text© from the audiovisual recording. All non-English language versions of the transcripts are generated automatically from the English text by WIPO Translate©. The accuracy of the transcripts and their translations cannot therefore be guaranteed. Only the original speech of the audiovisual recording constitutes the official record of the meeting proceedings.
Powered by WIPO Speech-to-Text© Artificial Intelligence