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WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3/2007 (May-June)
Publication year: 2007
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2/2007 (March-April)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6/2006 (December)
Publication year: 2006
The International Patent System in 2005
PCT Yearly Review
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5/2006 (October)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 04/2006 (August)
Included in this issue:
WIPO Magazine - Issue No. 03, 2006 (June)
WIPO Magazine - Issue No. 02, 2006 (April)
WIPO Magazine - Issue No. 06, 2005 (November-December)
Publication year: 2005
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2005 (September-October)