PCT in the Media
A link to the following article in the WIPO Magazine has been added to the “PCT in the Media” page of the PCT website at:
Mootral: Saving the climate, one cow at a time
Mootral produces a natural animal feed supplement that significantly reduces methane emissions from ruminants – animals that chew their cud, like sheep and cattle – and is the result of extensive research and development by the Swiss AgriTech startup.
The company has sought to protect its technology internationally through the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
The article explains that “a patented innovation is an attractive commercial proposition and with a patent a company can market its innovation more effectively. The 20-year term of exclusivity that a patent provides, gives companies like Mootral an opportunity to advance their work and come up with new patentable creations that further enrich existing platform technologies that seek to solve existing and future problems”.
Read the full article at:
The WIPO Magazine is available at: