Outcome Ninth Session Lisbon Working Group (June 23-27, 2014)

July 14, 2014

Preparation of the Final Stages of the Negotiation of a Revised Lisbon Agreement

The purpose of this meeting was to identify which provisions of the draft Revised Lisbon Agreement (document LI/WG/DEV/9/2 ) and the draft Regulations (document LI/WG/DEV/9/3 ) were ready for being taken up in the Basic Proposal for a Revised Lisbon Agreement that would be submitted to the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Revised Lisbon Agreement, in 2015. 

To that end, the member States and observer delegations participating in the meeting examined all the provisions contained in these drafts in detail and, as a result of the constructive debate, an exhaustive list could be drawn up of the 21 issues that will require further discussion at the tenth session of the Working Group. That session will be the last session of the Working Group and is scheduled to take place from October 27 to 31, 2014, in combination with the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference, which will draw up the draft Rules of Procedure for the Diplomatic Conference. 

The pending issues are listed in paragraph 13 of the Summary by the Chair that was adopted at the end of the ninth session.  At the tenth session, discussions will be limited to these pending issues, with a view to further reducing their number prior to the Diplomatic Conference, and resolved issues will not be re-opened. 

The Working Group also considered a draft proposal to update the fee schedule under Rule 23 of the current Regulations under the Lisbon Agreement (document LI/WG/DEV/9/6 ). Delegations indicated that they needed more time to further consider the proposal and also requested WIPO to provide additional information in the proposal that would be submitted to the Assembly. 

Outcome Ninth Session Lisbon Working Group (June 23-27, 2014)

July 14, 2014

Preparation of the Final Stages of the Negotiation of a Revised Lisbon Agreement

The purpose of this meeting was to identify which provisions of the draft Revised Lisbon Agreement (document LI/WG/DEV/9/2 ) and the draft Regulations (document LI/WG/DEV/9/3 ) were ready for being taken up in the Basic Proposal for a Revised Lisbon Agreement that would be submitted to the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Revised Lisbon Agreement, in 2015. 

To that end, the member States and observer delegations participating in the meeting examined all the provisions contained in these drafts in detail and, as a result of the constructive debate, an exhaustive list could be drawn up of the 21 issues that will require further discussion at the tenth session of the Working Group. That session will be the last session of the Working Group and is scheduled to take place from October 27 to 31, 2014, in combination with the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference, which will draw up the draft Rules of Procedure for the Diplomatic Conference. 

The pending issues are listed in paragraph 13 of the Summary by the Chair that was adopted at the end of the ninth session.  At the tenth session, discussions will be limited to these pending issues, with a view to further reducing their number prior to the Diplomatic Conference, and resolved issues will not be re-opened. 

The Working Group also considered a draft proposal to update the fee schedule under Rule 23 of the current Regulations under the Lisbon Agreement (document LI/WG/DEV/9/6 ). Delegations indicated that they needed more time to further consider the proposal and also requested WIPO to provide additional information in the proposal that would be submitted to the Assembly. 

About the Geneva Act

The Geneva Act helps producers of quality products, linked to origin, to protect the distinctive designations of their products in multiple jurisdictions, either as appellations of origin or geographical indications, through a single application filed with WIPO, and the payment of one set of fees.

About the Lisbon System

The Lisbon System provides protection for names that identify the geographic origin of products such as coffee, tea, fruits, cheese, wine, pottery, glass and cloth.

Examples of appellations of origin and geographical indications

  • Kampot Pepper (Cambodia)
  • Comté (France)
  • Tokaj (Hungary)
  • Sarough Handmade Carpet (Iran)
  • Tequila (Mexico)
  • Porto (Portugal)

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