DATE: September 15, 1998





Twenty-Sixth (15th Extraordinary) Session

Geneva, September 7 to 15, 1998


adopted by the Assembly

1. The Assembly was concerned with the following items of the Consolidated Agenda (document A/33/1 Prov.2): 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 20 and 21.

2. The report on the said items, with the exception of item 15, is contained in the General Report (document A/33/8).

3. The report on item 15 is contained in the present document.

4. In the absence of its Chair and two Vice-Chairs, the Assembly unanimously elected Mrs. América Néstar Santos Riveras (Cuba) as Acting Chair.


5. Discussions were based on document PCT/A/26/1.

6. The Secretariat introduced the proposals set out in document PCT/A/26/1 and proposed a minor amendment to item 4 of the proposed amended Schedule of Fees set out in Annex 1 to document PCT/A/26/1, whereby the words "in accordance with and to the extent provided for in the Administrative Instructions" would be placed before, rather than after, the word "filed." This would make it clear that both the international application on paper and the copy thereof in electronic form would have to be filed in accordance with and to the extent provided for in the Administrative Instructions in order to qualify for the proposed fee reduction.

7. The Secretariat also proposed a further minor drafting change to the French text of item 4 of the proposed amended Schedule of Fees, namely, to replace the words "en même temps qu'" by the word "avec."

8. With regard to the proposed modifications of the Administrative Instructions implementing Rule 89ter to the extent provided for in those modifications, as set out in Annex 2 to document PCT/A/26/1, which had been issued for the purposes of consultation under Rule 89.2(b), the International Bureau asked that any comments by delegations be communicated to the International Bureau during the session of the Assembly. Further guidance with regard to the application of the proposed fee reductions, including information on the equivalent amounts of the 200 Swiss franc fee reduction in currencies other than Swiss francs, would be provided by the International Bureau to receiving Offices when promulgating the modifications of the Administrative Instructions.

9. The Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking on behalf of Group B, expressed its support for the proposed amendments of the Schedule of Fees and noted the intentions of the Director General as regards the proposed modifications of the Administrative Instructions.

10. The Delegation of Mexico expressed its support for the measures proposed in paragraph 16(a) and (b) of document PCT/A/26/1, which would promote greater use of the PCT system. With respect to the reduction of PCT fees, the delegation requested that the Secretariat carry out a study of whether the 75% fee reduction presently applicable to natural persons who were nationals and residents of certain States (now appearing as item 5 of the proposed amended Schedule of Fees) could be extended to certain entities such as universities and research institutions. Such an extension would encourage countries such as Mexico to strengthen the use of the PCT.

11. The Delegation of Cuba expressed its support for the proposed fee reductions, agreeing with the Delegation of the Netherlands, and for the study requested by the Delegation of Mexico.

12. The Director General stated that, if it was the wish of the Assembly, the Secretariat was prepared to carry out such a study.

14. The Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking on behalf of Group B, made the following statement:

15. The Director General stated that the Secretariat had noted the statement made by the Delegation of the Netherlands on behalf of Group B and that, if it was the wish of the Assembly, the requested projections would be prepared by the Secretariat and provided to Contracting States.

16. Speaking later in the General Assembly, the Delegation of Mexico made, on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean countries, the following statement:

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