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WIPO-WTO Joint Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Transfer of Technology

(Geneva, November 17, 2003)


The objective of this Workshop is to examine in depth, with a range of experts, evidence regarding the relation between intellectual property rights and the transfer of technology.  It would be an opportunity for outside experts to contribute to the further understanding of the delegates to WIPO and the WTO on this issue.

The Workshop is open to all Member States of WIPO and Members of and observer governments to the WTO. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish.  Any inquiry concerning the Workshop may be addressed to:

Inquiries concerning entry passes to the WTO, Centre William Rappard, should be sent to Ms. Fiona Dickson or Ms. Patricia Curran, tel: +41 22 7739 5572, fax: +41 22 739 5790.


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