Technical Assistance Database: Search Results

Beneficiary country: Angola,

198 record(s) found.

Activity Date Venue Country Venue City Summary
04-Mar-2024 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    WIPO National Workshop on Examination for Patent Examiners of the Angolan Institute of Industrial Property (IAPI) and a side event for private sector IP users
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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29-Mar-2023 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on the Importance of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for Universities and Research Institutions
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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02-Jun-2021 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    Training on Trademark Substantive Examination for Trademark Examiners of the Industrial Property Institute of Angola (IAPI)
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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01-Jan-2020 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    WIPO Connect implementation and setup
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Management Division
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28-Sep-2016 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    WIPO National Conference on Copyright and Related Rights for Policy Makers
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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28-Jan-2016 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    WIPO Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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02-Nov-2015 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    Mise en oeuvre du projet de renforcement du système de PI de l'Angola-Formation du personnel de l'IAPI
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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14-Sep-2011 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    National Forum on the importance of IP for Economic Development
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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18-Jul-2011 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    Modernization of IP Office of Angola
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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14-Jul-2010 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    National Intellectual Property Policy Forum
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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01-Jun-2010 Angola Luanda

Type:    Project
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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18-Mar-2009 Angola Luanda

Activity Title:    Cooperation Meeting INPI PT / WIPO / IAPI, Luanda
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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10-Jul-2017 Botswana Gaborone

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Training Workshop on IPAS for Trademark Examiners
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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10-Jul-2017 Botswana Gaborone

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Training Workshop on IPAS for Trademark Examiners
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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02-May-2018 Brazil Rio de Janeiro

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for Afro-Lusophone Countries, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2 to 4, 2018
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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13-Feb-2017 Brazil Sao Paulo

Activity Title:    Regional Training Course on Trademark for Examiners from Lusophone Countries in Africa
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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13-Feb-2017 Brazil Rio de Janeiro

Activity Title:    Regional Training Course on Trademark for Examiners from Lusophone Countries in Africa
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Professional Development Program
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01-Mar-2016 Brazil Brasilia

Activity Title:    a) Inter-regional Meeting for Heads of Copyright Offices in Lusophone Developing Countries and b) Information Meeting on the Copyright Regime in Brazil
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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01-Mar-2016 Brazil Brasilia

Activity Title:    a) Inter-regional Meeting for Heads of Copyright Offices in Lusophone Developing Countries and b) Information Meeting on the Copyright Regime in Brazil
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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04-Jun-2012 Brazil Rio De Janeiro

Activity Title:    Inter-Regional Meeting on IP Office Automation
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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19-Aug-2010 Brazil Salvador

Activity Title:    Inter-Regional Meeting Brazil-Africa on IP for Economic Development
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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18-Feb-2019 Cabo Verde Praia

Activity Title:    WIPO Inter-regional meeting for Heads of Copyright Offices in Lusophone Countries + WIPO Inter-regional Meeting for Lusophones Countries on Collective Management and Infrastructure
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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15-Jun-2015 Cabo Verde Praia

Activity Title:    Inter-Regional Meeting for Portuguese-Speaking Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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15-Jun-2015 Cabo Verde Praia

Activity Title:    Inter-Regional Meeting for Portuguese-Speaking Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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06-Aug-2013 Cameroon Douala

Activity Title:    Atelier régional OMPI/OIF sur le commerce des services
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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20-Jun-2012 China Beijing

Activity Title:    Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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14-Nov-2011 China Beijing & Qingdao

Activity Title:    Inter regional seminar for Heads and Senior Officials of Industrial Property Offices from ARIPO Member States
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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07-May-2021 Croatia Zagreb

Activity Title:    [DL101E21S3] DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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07-May-2021 Croatia Zagreb

Activity Title:    [DL101E21S3] DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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02-Nov-2020 Egypt Cairo

Activity Title:    WIPO-ASRT Training Course on Patent Search and Examination for African Countries
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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26-Oct-2015 Ethiopia Addis Ababa

Activity Title:    Towards Sustainable Development: Partnership for Innovation and Technological Capacity Building in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Africa
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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01-Mar-2021 Gabon Mutare

Activity Title:    DL-302 Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications - Phase I of the WIPO-SAKPATENTI-CNIPA Advanced Training Course on Geographical Indications [DL302EPDP02S21]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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03-Jun-2021 Ghana Accra

Activity Title:    Annual WIPO-ARIPO-JPO Regional Workshop 2021: From University Research to IP Commercialization and Entrepreneurship – Opportunities and Challenges
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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28-Nov-2011 Ghana Accra

Activity Title:    WIPO ARIPO Round Table on Topical Intellectual Property Issues + ARIPO Administrative Council + ARIPO Council of Ministers
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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13-Nov-2012 Israel Rehovot

Activity Title:    Seminar on Leveraging Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for local development for Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) participants
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Arab Countries
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10-Jun-2019 Kenya Nairobi

Activity Title:    a) Regional Meeting for African Heads of Copyright Offices b) Regional Seminar for the African Group on Libraries, Archives, Museums, Educat.&Reserach Institutions c) Intnl Conf for LDCs/Developing Cs on Public Sector Information
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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21-Sep-2015 Kenya Nairobi

Activity Title:    Study Visit to the Kenya Copyright Board for Officials from Angola, Botswana
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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21-Sep-2015 Kenya Nairobi

Activity Title:    Study Visit to the Kenya Copyright Board for Officials from Angola, Botswana
Type:    Visit
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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30-Mar-2009 Kenya Nairobi

Activity Title:    Regional Forum on the Role of Patents and the PCT in Research in Developing Countries, Kenya
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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15-Nov-2017 Morocco Casablanca

Activity Title:    Innovation and IP as Engines for Competitive Agribusiness: Empowering Women Researchers and Entrepreneurs in Africa
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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11-May-2021 Mozambique Maputo

Activity Title:    Regional Webinar on the Lisbon System (GI) for African Lusophone Countries
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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11-Jul-2016 Mozambique Maputo

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Training Workshop on Data Quality Management, Exchange and Online Services
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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11-Jul-2016 Mozambique Maputo

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Training Workshop on Data Quality Management, Exchange and Online Services
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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18-Apr-2016 Mozambique Beira & Maputo

Activity Title:    WIPO Roving Seminars on the PCT
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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18-Apr-2016 Mozambique Beira

Activity Title:    WIPO Roving Seminars on the PCT
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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04-Apr-2016 Mozambique Maputo, Pretoria, Luanda, Blantyre

Activity Title:    Office Automation and Deployment Mission
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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30-Oct-2013 Namibia Windhoek

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Workshop on Building Respect for IP
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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25-Jun-2013 Namibia Windhoek

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT Services Department
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04-Oct-2010 Namibia Windhoek

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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29-May-2023 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    International Conference on the Importance of IP for the Sustainability of the Planet
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Assistant Director General (GCPS)
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23-Jun-2022 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Lusophone IP Heads Conference
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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23-Jun-2022 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Lusophone IP Heads Conference
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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12-Sep-2016 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Atelier sous-régional sur la formulation et la mise en œuvre des plans et stratégies de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle par les structures nationales, selon le concept de la gestion axée sur les résultats à l’intention des pays africains de la
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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12-Sep-2016 Portugal Lisbonne

Activity Title:    Atelier sous-régional sur la formulation et la mise en œuvre des plans et stratégies de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle par les structures nationales, selon le concept de la gestion axée sur les résultats à l’intention des pays africains de la
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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23-Mar-2015 Portugal Lisbonne

Activity Title:    Mise en œuvre du projet de renforcement du système de PI de l'Angola : Voyage d’études de la nouvelle Directrice générale de l’IAPI auprès de l’INPI Portugal
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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17-Dec-2012 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Meeting for the Creation of the Lusophone Trademark
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Brazil Office
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25-Jun-2012 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Interregional Intermediate Seminar on Industrial Property (Practical Training)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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19-Feb-2010 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Presentation on Mediation and Arbitration- (Cooperation Agreement between WIPO, INPI Portugal and Lisbon School of Economics and Management)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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04-Jan-2010 Portugal Lisbon

Type:    Fellowships
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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04-Jan-2010 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Joint Coop. Agree bet. Wipo-inpir Port & the Tech. Uni. of Lisbon
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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17-Apr-2009 Portugal Lisbon

Activity Title:    Phase II - Technical Meeting for PALOPS Heads of Offices, Lisbon
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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30-Oct-2017 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    Study Visit to the Copyright Related Organizations in Korea
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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21-Mar-2016 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    Inter-Regional Workshop on Copyright Capacity Building
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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21-Mar-2016 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    Inter-Regional Workshop on Copyright Capacity Building
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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15-May-2023 Rwanda Kigali

Activity Title:    Regional Conference on Intellectual Property (IP) for Women in Agribusiness
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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10-Dec-2018 Rwanda Kigali

Activity Title:    Regional Seminal on the Patent Cooperation Treaty and PATENTSCOPE for African Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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30-Nov-2017 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé

Activity Title:    WIPO Meeting on Recent Developments in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights for Lusophone Countries in Africa
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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06-Oct-2014 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomé

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty for Lusophone African Countries
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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06-Oct-2014 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty for Lusophone African Countries
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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17-Apr-2012 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome

Activity Title:    F orum de propriété intellectuelle à l’intention des pays africains de langue officielle portugaise (PALOPS)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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21-Feb-2017 Senegal Dakar

Activity Title:    African Union of Broadcating (AUB) Annual Board Meeting and Semina for Broadcasters
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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03-Nov-2015 Senegal Dakar

Activity Title:    The African Ministerial Conference 2015: Intellectual Property (IP) for an Emerging Africa
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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28-Jun-2021 South Africa Cape Town

Activity Title:    WIPO-CEIPI-INPI Advanced Course on Intellectual Property (IP), Transfer of Technology and Licensing, online, June 28 to July 9, 2021
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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17-Nov-2009 South Africa Pretoria

Activity Title:    Enforcement Workshop on Combating Counterfeiting within Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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13-May-2009 South Africa Cape Town

Activity Title:    Regional IP Enforcement: The Border and Beyond
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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26-Apr-2009 South Africa Pretoria

Activity Title:    Seminar on Successful Experiences Linking IP and Business, Pretoria
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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08-Nov-2009 Sweden Stockholm

Activity Title:    Joint WIPO-Sida Training and Advisory Program on Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy for the Least Developed Countries, Stockholm, Sweden
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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09-Jul-2024 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Assemblies of the member States of WIPO – Sixty Fifth Series of Meetings (PCT Union)
Type:    Assemblies
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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27-Nov-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP): Thirty-first session
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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06-Jul-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Assemblies of the member States of WIPO – Sixty Fourth Series of Meetings (PCT Union).
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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27-Jun-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Expert-level briefing session for the LDCs Group
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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19-Jun-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Program and Budget Committee (36th session)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Administration, Finance and Management Sector
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01-Jun-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Information Sessions on DLT
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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15-May-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Roundtable on Fostering South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Intellectual Property and Innovation
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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15-Nov-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Webinar - Building Respect for IP for Law Enforcement Officials and Members of the Judiciary, Republic of Angola
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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27-Jun-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Program and Budget Committee (34th Session)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Controller
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27-Jun-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IAOC Chair and Vice-Chair at the PBC 34th Session
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Independent Advisory Oversight Committee
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20-Jun-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Expert-level briefing session for LDCs Group in Geneva
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Least Developed Countries
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13-Jun-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Training on the Lisbon System in the margins of the fourth session of the Lisbon Working Group
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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23-May-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Finance and Budget Network - 38th session
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Controller
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16-May-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Twenty-eighth session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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21-Apr-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Photography Prize for Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Youth 2021-2022: the Photography Prize Physical Exhibition, April 21 to May 6, 2022, WIPO Headquarters
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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28-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications: Forty-Fifth Session (SCT/45)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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22-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Intellectual Property (IP) and Innovation: Boosting Business Competitiveness in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA)
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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22-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Intellectual Property (IP) and Innovation: Boosting Business Competitiveness in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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08-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online Regional Conference on “Women: Innovating for a Better World
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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03-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    On-line Training on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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29-Nov-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Global TISC Network Conference (China)
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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28-Oct-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    High-level Virtual Meeting on Copyright in Africa
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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14-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Fourteenth Session of the PCT Working Group
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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03-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Annual WIPO-ARIPO-JPO Regional Workshop 2021
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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02-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Training on Trademark Substantive Examination for Trademark Examiners of the Industrial Property Institute of Angola (IAPI)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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17-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL701E21S2] DL-701 Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation - a WHO, WIPO, WTO Executive Course on the intersections between public health, intellectual property and trade
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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17-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    SCT/44 + related Information Meetings
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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17-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL701E21S2] DL-701 Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation - a WHO, WIPO, WTO Executive Course on the intersections between public health, intellectual property and trade
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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14-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Patent Information Search & Uses : Introduction
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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14-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Patent Information Search & Uses : Introduction
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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10-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    “Software licensing: traditional and open source”
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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10-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    “Software licensing: traditional and open source”
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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05-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IP and Exports -What types of IP can be embedded in my exported products and services?
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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05-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IP and Exports -What types of IP can be embedded in my exported products and services?
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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05-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Introduction to Traditional Knowledge and Traditonal Cultural Expressions
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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05-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Introduction to Traditional Knowledge and Traditonal Cultural Expressions
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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04-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL303E21S1] DL-303 Specialized Course on the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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04-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL303E21S1] DL-303 Specialized Course on the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
View Activity Details

03-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    “IP Regimes for Software”
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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03-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    “IP Regimes for Software”
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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28-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:     IP and Exports -Key issues in IP Licensing Agreement
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
View Activity Details

28-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:     IP and Exports -Key issues in IP Licensing Agreement
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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22-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    PHASE 1 Techn Assistance ASPAC LDCs: High-level Virtual Meeting on Copyright as a Key Player for Promoting Creativity and Creative Economy for Policy Makers of ASPAC LDCs
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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21-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IP and Exports -Main Issues for Exporters: How Do I Deal with My Own IP?
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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21-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual - Standing Committee on Law of Trademarks SCT/44 informal consultations
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Lisbon Registry
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19-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL101E21S2] DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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15-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Patents within the framework of the WIPO-KIPO Advanced Training Course for Patent Examiners: Introductory Live Lecture
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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14-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IP and Exports -Problem Setting: IP & Trade - Case Examples and Issues
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL503E21S1] DL-503 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Collective Management Organizations (CMOs)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL511E21S1] DL-511 Software Licensing Including Open Source
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL506E21S1] DL-506 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Policy Makers
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL317E21S1] DL-317 Arbitration and Mediation Procedure under the WIPO Rules
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL320E21S1] DL-320 Basics of Patent Drafting
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL450E21S1] DL-450 Intellectual Property Management
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL318E21S1] DL-318 Patent Information Search
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL302E21S1] DL-302 Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL203E21S1] DL-203 Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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22-Mar-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual Regional Training Workshop on the Madrid System for Selected African Madrid Members
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Madrid Information and Promotion Division
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04-Mar-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual meeting - Informal Consultations on DLT with the African Group
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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22-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    FRAND Disputes: Court Jurisdiction vs ADR
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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08-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2) [DL101E21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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08-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2) [DL101E21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2) [DL101E21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

08-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-101 General Course on Intellectual Property (version 2) [DL101E21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

08-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL101
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
View Activity Details

02-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation & Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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26-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Afro-Lusophone Regional Seminar rab Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)-Angola, Cabo Verde, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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14-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Webinar on Intellectual Property Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in Africa
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
View Activity Details

08-Jul-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Identifying and Using Inventions in the Public Domain
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Technology and Innovation Support Division
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18-Jun-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Les services d'appui de l'OMPI pour les CATIs
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Technology and Innovation Support Division
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26-May-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Support Services for TISCs, Reviewing Capacity Development Activities and Resources and in Particular Looking at New Services Available for TISCs
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Technology and Innovation Support Division
View Activity Details

07-May-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    How WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Can Help You Resolve Your Licensing Disputes
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
View Activity Details

31-Mar-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO Mediation and Arbitration for FinTech Disputes
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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10-Feb-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO / ARIPO / OAPI Round Table and the Regional Economic Communities: the Contribution of a Balanced and Efficient Intellectual Property System in the Implementation of the Objectives of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAF) Geneva, Switzerland February 10-12, 2020 (WAO Conference)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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30-Sep-2019 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    59th Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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19-Nov-2018 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Twenty-second session
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Arab Countries
View Activity Details

27-Nov-2017 Switzerland Headquarters of WIPO, Geneva,

Activity Title:    Twentieth Session of CDIP
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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02-Oct-2017 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    57th Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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31-Oct-2016 Switzerland Headquarters of WIPO, Geneva,

Activity Title:    Eighteenth Session of CDIP
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
View Activity Details

03-Oct-2016 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    56th Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
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03-Oct-2016 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    56th Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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27-Jun-2016 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on Patent Law (SCP) - 2
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    PCT Operations Section 1
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27-Jun-2016 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on Patent Law (SCP) - 2
Type:    Committees
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patent and Technology Law Division
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18-Mar-2016 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Draft Industrial Design Law and Explanatory Notes
Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Law and Legislative Advice Division
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03-Feb-2016 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Luncheon Briefing on WIPO Re:Search for selected Member States Representatives
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Traditional Knowledge and Global Challenges
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05-Oct-2015 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    55th Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT Services Department
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05-Oct-2015 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    55th Series of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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10-Nov-2014 Switzerland Headquarters of WIPO, Geneva

Activity Title:    Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), Fourteenth Session
Type:    Mission
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
View Activity Details

22-Sep-2014 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    54th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
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22-Sep-2014 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    54th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    PCT Translation Division
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10-Dec-2013 Switzerland GENEVA

Activity Title:    Fifty-Second series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO (PCT Union)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
View Activity Details

23-Sep-2013 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, the PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
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25-Feb-2013 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, 19th session
Type:    Committees
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Technology Sector
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01-Oct-2012 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, Fiftieh Series of meeting, PCT Union
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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14-Feb-2012 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Twentieth session of the Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GRs, TK and Folklore (IGC)
Type:    Committees
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Department for Traditional Knowledge and Global Challenges
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13-Oct-2011 Switzerland Geneva

Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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05-Nov-2010 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    African gr workshop in prep of the standing comittee (SCCR)
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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08-May-2010 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:     African Union Workkshop on the Protection of Traditionnal Knowledge, Genetic Resources & Folklore, Geneva
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
View Activity Details

16-Nov-2009 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP)
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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01-May-2009 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Acting as administering authority and assisting in the design of appropriate domain name dispute resolution policies in relation to registrations in the country code top level domain for Angola.
Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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01-Jan-2009 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Acting as administering authority and assisting in the design of appropriate domain name dispute resolution policies in relation to registrations in the country code top level domain.
Type:    Advice/ Legal Assistance
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
View Activity Details

17-Oct-2016 United Kingdom London

Activity Title:    WIPO-BCC Advanced Training Course on Copyright and Related Rights
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Professional Development Program
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12-Mar-2013 United Republic of Tanzania Dar-Es-Salaam

Activity Title:    African Conference on the Strategic Importance of IP Policies to foster Innovation, Value Creation and Competitiveness and ECOSOC Regional Preparatory Meeting
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
View Activity Details

26-Sep-2022 United States of America Washington

Activity Title:    2022 USCO-WIPO International Copyright Institute (ICI)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
View Activity Details

26-Sep-2022 United States of America Washington

Activity Title:    2022 USCO-WIPO International Copyright Institute (ICI)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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04-Jun-2018 United States of America Washington

Activity Title:    International Symposium on Copyright in a Global Network: Copyright and Cross-Border Issues for Developing Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Development Division
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01-Feb-2021 Zambia Kitwe

Activity Title:    General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for Copperbelt University) [DL101ESPE21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Feb-2021 Zambia Kitwe

Activity Title:    General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for Copperbelt Uni versity) [DL101ESPE21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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01-Feb-2021 Zambia Kitwe

Activity Title:    General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for Copperbelt University) [DL101ESPE21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

01-Feb-2021 Zambia Kitwe

Activity Title:    General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for Copperbelt University) [DL101ESPE21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

01-Feb-2021 Zambia Kitwe

Activity Title:    DL101_SPECIAL
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
View Activity Details

01-Feb-2021 Zambia Kitwe

Activity Title:    General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for Copperbelt University) [DL101ESPE21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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26-Jul-2012 Zambia Lusaka

Activity Title:    Regional Workshop on Enforcement of IPRs for Judiciary & Law Enforcement Officials
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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13-May-2021 Zimbabwe Harare

Activity Title:    [DL101EZW21S1] General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for HIT)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
View Activity Details

13-May-2021 Zimbabwe Harare

Activity Title:    [DL101EZW21S1] General Course on Intellectual Property (Special Session for HIT)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
View Activity Details

05-Nov-2019 Zimbabwe Harare

Activity Title:    Young African Entrepreneurs Workshop and Regional Conference on IP, Innovation and Value Addition for Business Competitiveness and Sustainable Development in Africa
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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22-Nov-2010 Zimbabwe Harare

Activity Title:    Round Table for Heads of IP offices on Topical IP Policy issues
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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03-May-2010 Zimbabwe Mutare

Activity Title:    Masters Degree in Intellectual Property offered by WIPO, ARIPO and Africa University
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

26-Oct-2009 Zimbabwe Harare

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Seminar on the Implementation of the WIPO Development Agenda
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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14-Oct-2009 Zimbabwe Harare

Activity Title:    WIPO-ARIPO Regional Workshop on Patent Drafting, Harare, Zimbabwe
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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04-May-2009 Zimbabwe Africa University

Activity Title:    Masters Degree in Intellectual Property offered by WIPO, ARIPO and Africa University
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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