Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Launching of CDIP/7/4 on IP and Brain Drain - WIPO Experts' Meeting
Description: WIPO’s Economics and Statistics Division has been tasked to implement Development Agenda Recommendation 39 on Intellectual Property and Brain Drain. In September 2011, the Committee on IP and Development (CDIP) approved the project on IP and Brain Drain (see the attached project document CDIP/7/4). The project seeks to better understand the IP-migration linkages by undertaking two main activities. The first consists of mapping the international mobility of knowledge workers using patent statistics. The second task is the convening of an international workshop to discuss the main findings of the mapping exercise and to develop a future research agenda on the potential relationships between knowledge workers migration and the associated brain drain, on the one hand, and IP protection, international diffusion of knowledge, innovation and development, on the other.
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Economics and Statistics Division
Date From: 29/04/2013 - 30/04/2013
Venue City: Geneva
Venue/Host Country: Switzerland
Activity held in Language: English

Owner / Requester

Owner / Requester Name Owner / Requester Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO


Organizer Name Organizer Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO