Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Represent WIPO in Forum Institut for Management GmbH seminar.
Description: Mr. Qiangqiang Li, Examiner, Team 1, Operations Service, International Registries of Madrid and Lisbon, Brands and Designs Sector, participated in a similar seminar for the Institute (in Heidelberg, at the time) on March, 2012.
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Operations Service
Date From: 22/11/2012 - 23/11/2012
Venue City: Stuttgart
Venue/Host Country: Germany
Activity held in Language: English

Owner / Requester

Owner / Requester Name Owner / Requester Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO


Organizer Name Organizer Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO